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Qihao Weng 《GeoJournal》2000,51(3):191-202
The formation and evolution of agricultural land uses in the Zhujiang Delta of South China are examined in the light of the dynamics of people and the environment and their interplay. The origin and propagation of agriculture are found to have a close relationship with the climate and sea level changes in the Holocene era. The development of rice cultivation, horticulture, and dike-pond system exemplifies human-environment interactions in a specified geographical and social context, which are manifested by the impact of environmental changes and population growth on agricultural innovations. The technologies of dike building and land reclamation, which represent local farmers effort to build a new and harmonious relationship with the changed environment, were critical to the agricultural success and sustainability. Imprudent use of a new agricultural technology could damage the environment, as evidenced by a frequent flooding that followed inappropriate dike building and premature reclamation. Diverse agricultural land uses are as a result of the adaptation of agricultural technology innovations to the environmental conditions.  相似文献   

珠江三角洲年际潮差长期变化趋势   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
对20世纪50年代以来珠江三角洲网河内17个主要控制水文站的年际潮差变化趋势进行了显著性检验和突变点分析.通过Trend Free Pre-Whitening方法削除了水文时间序列中的自相关成分,利用非参数的Mann-Kendall检验研究了珠江三角洲年均潮差的变化趋势,指出潮差在珠江三角洲的变化趋势存在着空间变异性.在网河内的中、上游河段,潮差呈现明显的增大趋势,且越往上游,潮差的增大趋势越为显著;而在下游的口门区,由于受到围垦等人类活动影响,大部分站点的潮差表现为显著的下降趋势.Pettitt检验的结果表明,珠江三角洲潮差发生突变的时间段主要在20世纪80年代,这基本与河网内大规模的无序采沙开始的时间是同步的,表明挖沙是引起珠江三角洲内潮差变异的主导因素.潮差显著增大的趋势表明航道网内潮流动力明显增强,这亦是近年来珠江三角洲咸潮频发的机理原因之一.  相似文献   

在综合分析区域构造、地层岩性与岩溶发育关系的基础上,结合钻探资料,系统总结出珠三角地区的岩溶分布特征和发育规律。结果表明:珠三角地区的岩溶分布可分为3个条带,形成发育分为3个阶段,分别受地质构造、古水文网和地下水控制。岩溶横向发育规律受地质构造和岩石化学性质综合控制,岩石化学性质为内在因素,起决定性作用,地质构造为地下水提供通道,起主导作用;区内强岩溶发育带集中分布在石炭系的壶天组和石磴子组中,国土空间规划布局和工程建设选址应重点评价。岩溶纵向发育分为4层,最深可达标高400 m以下,其中标高-35~-80 m为岩溶极强发育带,地下空间开发利用应尽量避让,而标高-35 m以上和-100 m以下岩溶发育较弱,在适当采取工程措施后,较适宜开发利用。   相似文献   

Ireland's soil regions consist largely of Luvisols, Cambisols, and Gleysols. Approximately 60% of Ireland's land area is subject to varying degrees of soil limitations. Twenty-five percent of the land area comprises wet lowland mineral soils. Ninety percent of Ireland's agricultural area comprises pasture, hay, and silage. Approximately 30% of the agricultural area is devoted to dairying, and 55% to cattle production. is devoted to dairying, and 55% to cattle production. Trends in agricultural land use indicate that tillage declined substantially while livestock showed a substantial increase particularly in the decade 1965–1975. Research concludes that over 2.8 million ha has a capacity to carry at least 100 LU/40 ha (100 acres). Levels of fertilizer use in Ireland are below EEC levels. The highest fertilizer use levels are associated with the eastern and southern areas of Ireland. Tillage crops occupy only 10% of the agricultural area, while they account for 26% of tertilizer and lime use.  相似文献   

珠江三角洲地区地下水污染调查内容综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姚普  刘华  支兵发 《地下水》2009,31(4):74-75,84
地下水污染问题得到我国政府的高度重视,珠江三角洲地区地下水污染调查评价于2005年展开实施,简要综述该区地下水污染调查内容,主要包括:污染源调查、地下水污染现状调查、水土测试指标的选取以及采样点的控制等。  相似文献   

在地质环境变迁迅速的现代珠江三角洲地区,对于第四纪沉积的年代存在多种认识。结合南中国海的海平面变化记录,通过AMS14C和光释光测年发现,珠江三角洲腹地QZK4孔第四纪岩心底部最老年龄约为43.71ka BP。岩心记录的第四纪环境对南中国海海平面变化有着良好的响应:岩心下部陆相河流沉积和暴露风化层发育于末次冰期至早全新世的低海平面时期,上部滨海—河口湾沉积发育于早中全新世以来的高海平面时期。根据钻孔岩心的环境分析,推测现代珠江三角洲地区第四纪的底界可能较本钻孔记录的更老。  相似文献   

珠江三角洲台山地区硒的地球化学特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘子宁  窦磊  游远航 《现代地质》2014,28(5):928-934
通过对台山地区岩石、土壤、农作物等样品的系统采集,准确测定了它们的硒含量,研究该地区硒的地球化学特征,探讨土壤富硒来源,查明当地富硒农产品的开发利用前景。结果表明,台山地区岩石均含有硒,但含硒量与岩石的岩性及形成的时代密切相关,而在各时代形成的岩石中,上寒武统浅变质水石组岩石含硒量最高。不同岩性含硒量的分布规律为浅变质泥岩→泥质粉砂岩→凝灰岩→花岗岩。台山地区表层土壤硒含量较高,但不同成土母质土壤剖面的硒含量分布存在明显差异,浅变质泥岩母质类剖面硒分布以底部聚积形式显现,砂岩母质类呈表聚现象,花岗岩母质类则以中部淀积层富集为特征。岩浆活动的硒源提供、区域浅变质作用的活化富集及粘土矿物的吸附保留,它们共同作用造成了台山地区土壤丰富的硒含量。在不加入外源硒及未经土壤改良的情况下,台山地区超过40%的农作物硒含量已达到现有的富硒农产品含量标准要求,具有广阔的开发富硒农产品前景。  相似文献   

This paper presents a case study of the Yellow River Delta in China, to trace land use and land cover changes during the past 20 years, with an emphasis on land quality changes. Three sets of data are used in this case study: remote sensing data derived from satellite images; crop yield data from statistics; and soil data collected by the researchers in the field. Our study reveals that at the regional scale, LUCC has taken place in a positive direction: vegetation cover has been expanding and crop yields per hectare have been on rise. However, while the overall eco-environment has improved, the improvement is uneven across the Delta region. At local levels, some areas show signs of increased salinization and declining organic content. Both natural forces and human activities are responsible for the LUCC, but human activities play a more important role. While some impacts of human activities are positive, the damages are often long-lasting and irreversible. We also conclude that it is necessary to use both macro data (such as remote sensing data) and micro data (data collected in the field) to study land quality change. The former are efficient in examining land quality changes at the regional scale, the latter can serve to verify ground patterns revealed from macro data and help to identify local variations, so as to get a comprehensive understanding of LUCC and promote sustainable land use and land management. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2001,16(4):409-417
The study of the Pb isotopic and elemental composition of eolian dusts, aerosols and soils collected from urban areas in the Pearl River Delta, China, indicates that the atmospheric Pb pollution originates from automobile exhausts and industry. The Pb isotopes allow distinguishing between Pb from the natural background, automobile exhausts, and industrial pollution. The Pb isotopes show that the air-carried Pb pollution in Guangzhou and Foshan is a mixture of industrial Pb from the Fankou Pb-Zn giant deposit and automobile exhaust, whereas the pollution in Foshan is mainly from industry. The chemical compositions show that aerosols possess features of volcanic ash, and eolian dusts are mixtures of aluminosilicates-sulfides.  相似文献   

基于珠江三角洲地区1980~2010年0.5°×0.5°经纬度网格的逐月降水资料,利用Mann-Kendall秩次相关法,对珠江三角洲地区近30年的降雨趋势特征进行了分析。研究表明:珠三角地区2~4月降雨量存在显著下降趋势,而6~9月降雨量有显著的上升趋势。从气溶胶的角度对这种趋势产生的原因进行了分析,针对珠三角地区2~4月和6~9月不同的降雨类型,提出气溶胶物质的增多在一定程度上抑制了2~4月锋面雨的形成,而对6~9月台风雨的产生也存在可能影响的假设,并从降雨机制上进行了解释。  相似文献   

C.P. Lo 《Geoforum》1977,8(2):79-87
The usefulness of LANDSAT imagery as a tool in regional analysis is examined with reference to the Chu Chiang Delta of South China. The false colour composite image obtained by superimposing scenes of different spectral bands through a multispectral viewer provides an efficient basis for interpretation. As a result, both the structural features and the land use characteristics can be mapped. The utilisation of these data in solving problems of agricultural development on a region-wide basis for the Chu Chiang Delta is discussed, and regional subdivisions are drawn up. It is concluded that the synoptic view afforded by satellite images such as LANDSAT has great practical value to a large country such as China and could well stimulate new interest in regional geography.  相似文献   

珠江三角洲是一个复杂的网状河三角洲沉积体系,目前对其第四纪环境演化的历史仍存在多种认识。为进一步查清珠江三角洲地区第四纪环境演化的过程,对位于珠江口西岸的QZK6孔,在沉积结构、构造等研究的基础上,利用AMS14C和光释光(OSL)测年、有机碳同位素、粒度等对第四纪地层的形成年代和沉积特征进行了详细分析。结果显示,该孔39.40~27.38m发育晚更新世风化层、河流等陆相沉积体系,27.38~2.00m发育全新世三角洲沉积体系。其中全新世三角洲沉积又可分为27.38~5.30m由三角洲平原、三角洲前缘和前三角洲组成的退积式三角洲沉积体系,以及5.30~2.00m的河口湾-三角洲前缘进积式三角洲沉积体系。该孔第四纪沉积特征揭示的环境变化,是对末次冰期低海面、早中全新世海面升高及晚全新世下降的响应。  相似文献   

珠江三角洲地区水文站网布设及水文测验的分析研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
姚章民  谢志强  沈鸿金 《水文》2003,23(5):20-23,27
水系复杂的珠江三角洲河网地区具有独特的水文站网布设及水文测验方法。在分析研究目前站网及测验存在的主要问题的同时,对今后的站网建设及测验工作提出了几点有益的建议,将为研究该区的水文规律和特性,为防汛抗旱、治理和开发提供科学依据。  相似文献   

长江三角洲南部地面沉降与地裂缝   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
过量开采地下水导致长江三角洲南部产生严重的地面沉降和地裂缝,造成巨大的经济损失.地面沉降和地裂缝的发生和发展在时空上与地下水开采具有密切联系,在地下水开采高峰期,地面沉降速率明显增加,在地下水位稳定期和回升期,地面沉降速率显著减小,甚至出现少量回弹.平面上,地面沉降分布形态与主采层地下水位分布形态具有很强的关联性;垂向上,地面沉降分布形态与沉降层、主采层及土层的厚度、压缩性等有关,弱透水层和含水层都可能成为主要沉降层.开采地下水条件下土层的变形与其经历的地下水位变化过程有关,不仅弱透水层存在塑性和粘塑性变形,在一定水位变化条件下含水砂层也存在塑性和粘塑性变形.地面沉降是地表下所有受影响土层的变形之和,为了控制地面沉降和地裂缝的发展,应限制地下水的开采量,尤其是避免出现地下水位低于土层历史上曾经达到的最低水位.  相似文献   

The aim of the present work is to investigate the distribution of arsenic(As) in sewage ir-rigation area,to deduce the migration and transformation mechanism of As in soil and groundwater,and to infer the source of As in soil and groundwater.This study is carried out in a sewage irrigation area of the Pearl River Delta,China.Surface water samples,soil samples,and groundwater samples from sewage irrigation area were analyzed for As and other elements.As contents in water samples were analyzed by hydride gene...  相似文献   

珠江三角洲地区在经济高速发展的同时,面临的问题也是严峻的,空间规划对社会经济发展和城市建设的综合调控作用得不到有效的发挥是其中一个至关重要的因素。为此,突破传统城镇体系规划的内容束缚,从切实为省政府提供促进区域协调发展的“抓手”的角度出发,研究编制一个高水平的区域规划,建立健全区域协调发展的机制,成为确保珠江三角洲城镇群协调发展的刻不容缓的重要任务。  相似文献   

刘勇健 《岩土力学》2006,27(1):73-76
混沌是非线性系统较普遍存在的一种现象,本文以混沌理论为基础,对珠江三角洲软土地基的变形特性进行了研究。从软土的工程特性和微观结构出发,分析了软土地基变形混沌性的根本原因,并对软土变形混沌性进行了定性判别和基于Lyapunov指数的定量判别。研究结果表明,珠江三角洲地区的天然地基及处理后的复合地基的最大Lyapunov指数 均大于0,软土地基的变形具有明显的混沌性。混沌理论为软基变形研究提供了一种新的途径,在工程领域具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

Intensive agricultural development in the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia, has been achieved at a high cost to the natural environment. This paper assess the hydrological, water quality and ecological changes which have occurred as a result of agricultural land use and particularly, cotton production, in major tributaries of the upper Darling River, using the Namoi Valley, the cradle of the Australian cotton industry, as a case study. Three aspects of cotton production have had detrimental effects in these catchments — extensive vegetation clearing on floodplains and in the riparian zone, water abstraction from regulated and unregulated river flows and intensive chemical use for pest control. The paper outlines the new initiatives in progress to improve the condition of these rivers, including management of pesticide runoff from cotton farms, nutrient reductions in surface waters and restoration of natural patterns of river flow. Constraints on water use off-stream and restrained regional development appear to be inevitable if river health is to be improved.  相似文献   

珠江三角洲经济区河水中微量元素的空间分布   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在珠江三角洲经济区采集了29个河水样品,利用高分辨率仪器ICP MS测量了河水中微量元素的含量。结果表明,河水中稀土元素的平均含量按西江、北江、珠三角河、深圳河、东江的顺序呈增加趋势;珠三角河及深圳河具有较高重金属含量,西江和北江中重金属含量相对较低,东江居中。经分析发现,珠江三角洲经济区河水中微量元素的空间分布特征是自然条件和人类活动共同作用的结果;自然环境对稀土元素的空间分布起主要作用;人类活动是影响重金属分布特征不可忽视的重要因素。  相似文献   

依据珠江三角洲QZK6钻孔孢粉组合特征及AMS14C测年结果,基于CONISS软件对剖面孢粉组合进行分带分析,其结果分为A、B、C和D四个孢粉带。根据10981a cal BP以来的孢粉组合特点,结合东亚孢粉数据库中位于广东的122个天然植被下的表层土壤样点的孢粉组成特征,利用软件Polygon 1.5定量重建了QZK6孔的全新世古气候参数。结果显示,全新世气候基本以暖湿为主,总体趋势为凉干—热湿—温凉;D带(10981~8500a cal BP)年均温度为21.7~22.1°C,年降水量1778~1888mm,年均温度和年降水量均比较高;C带(8500~8105a cal BP)年均温度为21.9~22.3°C,年降水量为1845~1929mm,达到各带中最高值;B带(8105~4343a cal BP)年均温度和年降水量开始降低,年均温度为20.8~21.7°C,年降水量为1595~1806mm。人类活动从B带开始增强(在A带达到最强);A带(4343a cal BP至今)年均温度为20.3~21.5°C,年降水量为1587~1765 mm,为各带中年均温度最低、年降水量最少的阶段。  相似文献   

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