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313 orientated samples were collected from Drilling Core ZK1 in southern Leizhou Peninsula for the study of Quaternary paleomagnetic strato-chronology.Te polarity measurement results indicate that the core recorded paleomagnetic information in three main parts:the upper one of the core,from the ground surface to the depth of 39m ,is normally magnetized in polarity,the middle one,from 39m 59 210m in depth,mainly shows reversed polarity and the lower one recorded normal polarity again.They correspond to the Brunhes normal chron,the Matuyama reversed chron and the Guass normal chron in the geomagnetic polarity time scale,respectively.The age of he core could be over 3.4Ma.Meanwhile,the magnetic susceptibility was measured and its result is significant for stratigraphic division and paleoclimatic research.  相似文献   

徐立明 《福建地质》2014,(3):197-206
前人区调资料将福清黄塘地区发育的硅质岩划分为晚侏罗世长林组,但没有确切的时代证据。经调查研究,从岩石面貌、岩性组合、地球化学特征及沉积背景等方面进行区域对比,将该套硅质岩划为早三叠世溪口组角岩段。该地区早三叠世地层的发现对重新认识福建沿海乃至台湾海峡地区古生代一早三叠世的地质构造背景意义重大。  相似文献   

New drill core data are provided which support earlier interpretations that the Kalkkop structure, a 600–630 m wide, near-circular feature south-southwest of Graaff-Reinet in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, is a meteorite impact crater. Shock metamorphosed clasts in suevitic crater fill and Re---Os isotope data of this breccia indicate the presence of a minor (0.05%) meteoritic component in the suevite. The new data come from a 1992 borehole, which transected the complete crater fill and extended from about 160 to 380 m depth into the sedimentary basement belonging to the Koonap Formation of the Beaufort Group (Karoo Supergroup). Dyke breccias were found in the otherwise coherent Beaufort Group sediments forming the floor to the Kalkkop Crater. Mostly narrow zones of different breccia types, including injections of lithic impact breccia, a possible pseudotachylite veinlet and cataclasite occur predominantly in an approximately 65 m wide zone below the crater floor, with a few other cataclasite occurrences found lower down in the basement. Stratigraphical crater constraints provide information for the depth-diameter scaling and breccia volumes associated with such small, bowl-shaped impact craters formed in sedimentary targets.U---Th series dating of limestone samples from near the top and the bottom of the crater sediment fill constraints the age of the Kalkkop impact event to about 250 ± 50 ka, similar to the age of the Pretoria Saltpan impact crater, also located in South Africa. The variety of different breccia types (polymict and monomict impact breccias; local formations of pseudotachylitic and cataclastic breccias) observed in the crater fill of the Kalkkop Crater indicates the need to carefully distinguish different breccia types in order to assess the respective importance of each formation.  相似文献   

山西榆社地区新近纪地层时代讨论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
通过对山西榆社地区新近纪地层的野外地质调查和实测剖面,对分布于该区的新近纪地层进行了详细的研究和划分,提供了新的ESR测年数据,并结合古地磁年龄、生物地层序列确定了该区新近纪地层顺序为:新近系上新统上部麻则沟组(Naa m)、新近系上新统下部高庄组(N12 g)和中新统马会组(N1m).根据实测剖面,可将这3个组的河湖相地层划分为37层,总厚度达446.5 m.ESR测年结果表明,麻则沟组的形成时间为2.50~3.04 Ma,属新近纪上新世晚期;高庄组形成时间为3.25~5.25 Ma,属新近纪上新世早期;马会组形成时间为5.30~13.10 Ma,属新近纪中新世晚期.  相似文献   

新寮岽铜多金属矿是近年来在粤东地区新发现的一个铜矿床。对该矿床中与成矿关系密切的石英闪长岩进行了锆石U-Pb年龄、地球化学、Hf同位素研究,以约束其形成时代和岩石成因。测得石英闪长岩LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄为161±1Ma(n=25,MSWD=0.57),被解释为岩体的成岩年龄。地球化学数据显示,石英闪长岩具有碱含量中等(Na2O+K2O=3.99%~5.05%),高镁(Mg O=4.53%~4.91%)的特征,属准铝质钙碱性系列。稀土和微量元素特征表明,其富集轻稀土元素和大离子亲石元素(K、Rb、Ba、Th、U),亏损重稀土元素和高场强元素(Nb、Ta、Ti、P),具弱负Eu异常(δEu=0.68~0.76)。电子探针分析结果表明,石英闪长岩中黑云母为镁质黑云母,具环带结构,斜长石为拉长石。锆石Hf同位素分析结果表明,石英闪长岩εHf(t)为-5.8~2.7,tDM2=1.03~1.58Ga。岩石地球化学和锆石Hf同位素组成特征表明,石英闪长岩源区较复杂,为壳幔混合源,可能为俯冲板片部分熔融并与楔形地幔橄榄岩相互作用形成,且岩浆上侵过程中有古老地壳物质的混染。综合岩石地球化学、矿物化学及Hf同位素特征,结合区域构造演化史和前人研究成果,推测岩体形成于俯冲背景下的活动大陆边缘环境。  相似文献   

广东南雄盆地白垩系—古近系界线   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
童永生  李曼英 《地质通报》2002,21(10):668-674
在过去的30年中有数支考察队在广东南雄盆地进行了白垩纪和古近纪地层多学科的系统研究。本文综合了南雄盆地近年的岩石地层学、磁性地层学、地球化学、古生物学方面的研究成果和湖北新洲盆地时代相当于浓山组的地层中得到的同位素年龄,认为上湖组时代大体上与Danian期相当,或相当于北美哺乳动物分期Puercan和Torrejo-nian期,其底界接近于白垩系—古近系界线。  相似文献   

目前关于南华系底界年代存在早(780 Ma或760 Ma)、晚(725 Ma或720 Ma)两种不同观点。本文对萍乡东桥板溪期晚期岩门寨组顶部的凝灰岩进行了28颗锆石的LA-ICP-MS U-Pb年龄分析,由早至晚获得5组主要年龄,并分析探讨了各组年龄锆石形成的地质背景。第1组和第2组锆石均为继承性岩浆锆石,平均年龄分别为805.5±10.6 Ma和767.6±7.7Ma,分别与扬子东南缘810~800Ma期间的岛弧岩浆活动和板溪期中期760Ma前后的岩浆活动有关。第4组和第5组锆石为变质成因锆石,平均年龄分别为390.8±2.8 Ma和211.2±1.5 Ma,分别与加里东晚期和印支晚期的构造-热事件有关。第3组共11颗岩浆锆石的平均年龄为717.2±8.9 Ma,为凝灰岩的成岩年龄。该年龄为南华冰期底界720 Ma的年龄提供了约束。此外,本文讨论并提出前人在湘中碧溪获得的长安组下部760 Ma左右U-Pb年龄为继承性锆石年龄,且发现在误差范围内有50%锆石的年龄上限也为720 Ma左右,暗示成岩年龄实为720 Ma而非760 Ma。  相似文献   

桂西田阳堆积型铝土矿矿物学及地球化学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蔡书慧 《地质与勘探》2012,48(3):460-470
[摘 要]桂西田阳堆积型铝土矿产于第四纪红土层中。本文通过对桂西田阳第四系堆积型铝土矿进行一系列矿物学与地球化学研究,探索铝土矿的物质来源。矿物学分析显示铝土矿石中主要矿物为硬水铝石、赤铁矿和锐钛矿,含有少量高岭石、鲕绿泥石、三水铝石、针铁矿、金红石、伊利石、蒙脱石和石英等。地球化学分析显示,组成铝土矿石的主要化学组分有Al2O3、Fe2O3、SiO2、TiO2、FeO 和H2O+;微量元素分析显示,铝土矿石相对地壳和原始地幔富集B、Li、Ga、Zr、Hf、Nb、Ta、W、Th、U 等元素,而亏损Ni、Cr 等元素。矿石中明显富集稀土元素,稀土总量变化大,轻重稀土分异明显,轻稀土元素富集明显;矿石具有明显的铈异常和铕异常,且铕异常相对稳定,为一致的负异常。元素相关性分析显示常量元素间相关性较差;部分微量元素如Zr、Hf、Nb 和Ta 间呈现出较高的正相关性。通过Zr/ Hf、Nb/ Ta 图解、Eu/ Eu* - TiO2/ Al2O3图解和Zr-Cr-Ga 图解综合分析显示铝土矿物质来源复杂,底板碳酸盐岩和周围火成岩都为铝土矿提供物源。  相似文献   

阿羌火山岩作为一个独立的地质构造单元在西昆仑的地质演化中扮演着重要的角色。为了调查阿羌火山岩的年龄,在阿羌火山岩的不同部位中采集了5件样品,进行LA-MC-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年。其中2件样品没有获得有效年龄,另外3件样品得到4个年龄数据:485Ma、461Ma、432Ma、145Ma,反映该带经历了加里东、华力西、燕山等运动。该结果对重新认识和研究西昆仑的地质演化历史具有重要的地质意义。  相似文献   

The Maoming Basin is one amongst a group of Cretaceous-Tertiary basins in South China-347 samples were collected from drill cores MR and MB and section MS (110° 54′ E. 21° 45′ N). Most of the lithological units are of Tertiary age. The cores include the Laohuling. Shangcun, Huangniuling and Youganwo formations. The MR core (874m in length) has recorded the polarity history from Normal Zone 18 to Normal Zone 11 on the Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale (GPTS). The strata were formed from about 42Ma to 32Ma, that is from Late Eocene to Early Oligocene. A mean sedimentation rate of this stratigraphic column is 8.1 cm/ka.  相似文献   

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