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Time Scales in the Unstable Atmospheric Surface Layer   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Calculation of eddy covariances in the atmospheric surface layer (ASL) requires separating the instantaneous signal into mean and fluctuating components. Since the ASL is not statistically stationary, an inherent ambiguity exists in defining the mean quantities. The present study compares four methods of calculating physically relevant time scales in the unstable ASL that may be used to remove the unsteady mean components of instantaneous time signals, in order to yield local turbulent fluxes that appear to be statistically stationary. The four mean-removal time scales are: (t c ) based on the location of the maximum in the ogive of the heat flux cospectra, () the location of the zero crossing in the multiresolution decomposition of the heat flux, (t *) the ratio of the mixed-layer depth over the convective velocity, and () the convergence time of the vertical velocity and temperature variances. The four time scales are evaluated using high quality, three-dimensional sonic anemometry data acquired at the Surface Layer Turbulence and Environmental Science Test (SLTEST) facility located on the salt flats of Utah’s western desert. Results indicate that and , with t c achieving values about 2–3 times greater than t *. The sensitivity of the eddy covariances to the mean-removal time scale (given a fixed 4-h averaging period during midday) is also demonstrated.  相似文献   

Large-eddy simulation (LES) of a stable atmospheric boundary layer is performed using recently developed dynamic subgrid-scale (SGS) models. These models not only calculate the Smagorinsky coefficient and SGS Prandtl number dynamically based on the smallest resolved motions in the flow, they also allow for scale dependence of those coefficients. This dynamic calculation requires statistical averaging for numerical stability. Here, we evaluate three commonly used averaging schemes in stable atmospheric boundary-layer simulations: averaging over horizontal planes, over adjacent grid points, and following fluid particle trajectories. Particular attention is focused on assessing the effect of the different averaging methods on resolved flow statistics and SGS model coefficients. Our results indicate that averaging schemes that allow the coefficients to fluctuate locally give results that are in better agreement with boundary-layer similarity theory and previous LES studies. Even among models that are local, the averaging method is found to affect model coefficient probability density function distributions and turbulent spectra of the resolved velocity and temperature fields. Overall, averaging along fluid pathlines is found to produce the best combination of self consistent model coefficients, first- and second-order flow statistics and insensitivity to grid resolution.  相似文献   

水、陆不均匀条件下大气边界层结构的模拟研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用2004年白洋淀野外观测实验资料,对白洋淀地区水、陆不均匀分布条件下的大气边界层开展了数值模拟试验,结果表明:由于下垫面的热力差异,在360多km2的白洋淀地区,地表特征分布的不均匀可以引发弱的局地环流,影响大气边界层内温度和湿度的空间分布;在500m高度以下,下垫面不均匀分布对湍流动能有明显影响.最后将模拟结果与观测资料进行了对比检验.  相似文献   

一种单层城市冠层模式的建立及数值试验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文在引进先进的城市地表能量平衡方案 (Town Energy Balance, 简称TEB) 的基础上建立了一个单层城市冠层模式, 并对南京市典型居民区1 km2范围内的局地尺度地表能量平衡各分量进行离线模拟, 将模拟结果与同期观测值作了比对, 发现: TEB方案对城市地表能量平衡各分量的模拟效果良好, 而该方案的模拟性能受建筑物表面材料反照率取值的影响较大。在离线研究的基础上, 本文又将TEB方案成功耦合到南京大学区域边界层模式 (NJU-RBLM) 中, 作为该模式的地表能量平衡参数化方案之一, 分别选取该边界层模式中原有的地表能量平衡参数化方案SVAT (Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere-Transfer model) 和新引入的TEB方案对冬夏两季不同个例进行模拟, 以常规近地面气温观测资料和Landsat卫星观测的地表反照率资料对模拟结果进行比较, 结果表明: TEB方案对原大气边界层模式的模拟效果有明显改善, 对近地面热力场的改善效果尤为明显, 可以很好地模拟出城市冠层中的“陷阱效应”。  相似文献   

An important challenge in large-eddy simulationsof the atmospheric boundarylayer is the specification of the subgrid-scale(SGS) model coefficient(s)and, in particular, how to account for factorssuch as position in the flow,grid/filter scale and atmospheric stability.A dynamic SGS model (thatassumes scale invariance of the coefficients)is implemented in simulationsof a neutral boundary layer with a constantand uniform surface flux of apassive scalar. Results from our simulationsshow evidence that the lumpedcoefficient in the eddy-diffusion modelcomputed with the dynamic proceduredepends on scale. This scale dependence isstronger near the surface, and itis more important for the scalar than for thevelocity field (Smagorinskycoefficient) due to the stronger anisotropicbehaviour of scalars. Based onthese results, a new scale-dependent dynamicmodel is developed for theeddy-diffusion lumped coefficient. The newmodel, which is similar to theone proposed earlierfor the Smagorinsky coefficient,is fully dynamic, thus not requiring anyparameter specification or tuning.Simulations with the scale-dependent dynamicmodel yield the expected trendsof the coefficients as functions of positionand filter/grid scale.Furthermore, in the surface layer the newmodel gives improved predictionsof mean profiles and turbulence spectra ascompared with the traditionalscale-invariant dynamic model.  相似文献   

In recent years field experiments have been undertaken in the lower atmosphere to perform a priori tests of subgrid-scale (SGS) models for large-eddy simulations (LES). The experimental arrangements and data collected have facilitated studies of variables such as the filtered strain rate, SGS stress and dissipation, and the eddy viscosity coefficient. However, the experimental set-ups did not permit analysis of the divergence of the SGS stress (the SGS force vector), which is the term that enters directly in the LES momentum balance equations. Data from a field experiment (SGS2002) in the west desert of Utah, allows the calculation of the SGS force due to the unique 4 × 4 sonic anemometer array. The vector alignment of the SGS force is investigated under a range of atmospheric stabilities. The eddy viscosity model is likely aligned with the measured SGS force under near-neutral and unstable conditions, while its performance is unsatisfactory under stable conditions.  相似文献   

The near-surface flow of a well-resolved large-eddy simulation of the neutrally-stratified planetary boundary layer is used to explore the relationships between coherent structures and the vertical momentum flux. The near-surface flow is characterized by transient streaks, which are alternating bands of relatively higher and lower speed flow that form parallel to the mean shear direction in the lower part of the boundary layer. Although individual streaks are transient, the overall flow is in a quasi-equilibrium state in which the streaks form, grow, decay and regenerate over lifetimes on the order of tens of minutes. Coupled with the streaky flow is an overturning circulation with alternating bands of updrafts and downdrafts approximately centered on the streaks. The surface stress is dominated by upward ejections of slower moving near-surface air and downward sweeps of higher speed air from higher in the boundary layer. Conditional sampling of the ejection and sweep events shows that they are compact, coherent structures and are intimately related to the streaks: ejections (sweeps) preferentially form in the updrafts (downdrafts) of the three-dimensional streak flow. Hence, consistent with other recent studies, we propose that the streak motion plays an important role in the maintenance of the surface stress by establishing the preferential conditions for the ejections and sweeps that dominate the surface stress. The velocity fluctuation spectra in the model near the surface have a k −1 spectral slope over an intermediate range of wavenumbers. This behaviour is consistent with recent theoretical predictions that attempt to evaluate the effects of organized flow, such as near-surface streaks, on the variance spectra.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the behaviour of moments, up to order 6, of longitudinal and vertical velocity increments, measured in the atmospheric surface layer, at a height of 1.7 m. The local derivatives of these moments with respect to the spatial separation between two points indicate that inertial range power-law exponents cannot be determined unambiguously. This is supported by the local slopes of moments of the locally averaged energy dissipation rate but contrasts with the extensive power-law ranges indicated by spectra of longitudinal and vertical velocity fluctuations. The third-order longitudinal velocity structure function provides stronger evidence of anisotropy in the inertial range than either the second-order velocity structure functions or the velocity spectra.  相似文献   

使用湍流和SO2通量梯度测试资料,对植被冠层内物质交换特征进行了详细研究,揭示了一些有意义的结果: 植物的生物过程对物质的吸收作用非常明显; 在冠层内物质通量是随冠层深度加大而明显减小;对高的植被,上层沉积速度(Vgu)大于下层 (Vgd); 冠层内的沉积速度(Vg) 表现出明显的日变化,冠层内物质的生物吸收作用与太阳总辐射量有直接联系;冠层的Vg与速度尺度V*和平均风成正变关系;森林的Vg比麦地小;新的Vg理论公式能更好地预测重庆森林和麦地的结果。  相似文献   

The adaptation of the atmospheric boundary layer to a change in the underlying surface roughness is an interesting problem and hence much research, theoretical, experimental, and numerical, has been undertaken. Within the atmospheric boundary layer an accurate numerical model for the turbulent properties of the atmospheric boundary layer needs to be implemented if physically realistic results are to be obtained. Here, the adaptation of the atmospheric boundary layer to a change in surface roughness is investigated using a first-order turbulence closure model, a one-and-a-half-order turbulence closure model and a second-order turbulence closure model. Perturbations to the geostrophic wind and the pressure gradients are included and it is shown that the second-order turbulence closure model, namely the standard k - model, is inferior to a lower-order closure model if a modification to limit the turbulent eddy size within the atmospheric boundary layer is not included within the model.  相似文献   

We present surface-layer measurements of temperature fluctuation variance from a site characterized by small-scale inhomogeneities. Periods of marked radiative forcing are selected. The data characterized by diabatic conditions and vertical heat flux larger than some threshold (here, chosen to be 0.01 K ms−1) agree quite well with the convective scaling in unstable cases, and with the z-less parameterisation (with a large scatter) in stable cases. For near-neutral cases, the similarity function diverges because of the loss of significance of the temperature scale. Departures from similarity are highlighted in cases with smaller thermal fluxes, because horizontal heterogeneity and unsteadiness become important as production terms.  相似文献   

Interaction between wind and temperature fields in the planetary boundary layerfor a spatially heterogeneous surface heat flux has been investigated using large-eddysimulation. It is shown that a substantial difference exists in the wind and temperaturefields, depending on whether the directions of the background wind and the surfaceheat flux variation are parallel or perpendicular.When they are parallel to each other, two-dimensional plumes induced by theheterogeneous surface heat flux are easily destroyed by the background wind,and the velocity field is strongly modified by convective eddies compared tothe case when they are perpendicular to each other. This leads to a substantialdifference in the profiles of turbulent kinetic energy and its flux.It also results in a difference between the two cases in the bulk properties of theplanetary boundary layer, such as the entrainment at the top of the planetary boundarylayer and the drag at the bottom, which have important implications for boundary-layermodelling. The difference between the two cases exists even when the background windspeed is as large as 15.0 m s-1. Meanwhile, the contrast between two cases is weakened by the Coriolis force.  相似文献   

We present a new model of the structure of turbulence in the unstable atmospheric surface layer, and of the structural transition between this and the outer layer. The archetypal element of wall-bounded shear turbulence is the Theodorsen ejection amplifier (TEA) structure, in which an initial ejection of air from near the ground into an ideal laminar and logarithmic flow induces vortical motion about a hairpin-shaped core, which then creates a second ejection that is similar to, but larger than, the first. A series of TEA structures form a TEA cascade. In real turbulent flows TEA structures occur in distorted forms as TEA-like (TEAL) structures. Distortion terminates many TEAL cascades and only the best-formed TEAL structures initiate new cycles. In an extended log layer the resulting shear turbulence is a complex, self-organizing, dissipative system exhibiting self-similar behaviour under inner scaling. Spectral results show that this structure is insensitive to instability. This is contrary to the fundamental hypothesis of Monin--Obukhov similarity theory. All TEAL cascades terminate at the top of the surface layer where they encounter, and are severely distorted by, powerful eddies of similar size from the outer layer. These eddies are products of the breakdown of the large eddies produced by buoyancy in the outer layer. When the outer layer is much deeper than the surface layer the interacting eddies are from the inertial subrange of the outer Richardson cascade. The scale height of the surface layer, z s, is then found by matching the powers delivered to the creation of emerging TEAL structures to the power passing down the Richardson cascade in the outer layer. It is z s = u * 3 /ks, where u * is friction velocity, k is the von Kármán constant and s is the rate of dissipation of turbulence kinetic energy in the outer layer immediately above the surface layer. This height is comparable to the Obukhov length in the fully convective boundary layer. Aircraft and tower observations confirm a strong qualitative change in the structure of the turbulence at about that height. The tallest eddies within the surface layer have height z s, so z s is a new basis parameter for similarity models of the surface layer.  相似文献   

Convection in a quasi-steady, cloud-free, shear-free atmospheric boundary layer is investigated based on a large-eddy simulation model. The performed tests indicate that the characteristic (peak) values of statistical moments at the top of the mixed layer are proportional to the interfacial scales (from gradients of scalars in the interfacial layer). Based on this finding a parameterization is proposed for profiles of scalar variances. The parameterization employs two, semi-empirical similarity functions Fm(z/zi) andFi(z/zi), multiplied by a combination of the mixed-layer scales and the interfacial scales.  相似文献   

An urban canopy model is incorporated into the Nanjing University Regional Boundary Layer Model. Temperature simulated by the urban canopy model is in better agreement with the observation, especially in the night time, than that simulated by the traditional slab model. The coupled model is used to study the effects of building morphology on urban boundary layer and meteorological environment by changing urban area, building height, and building density. It is found that when the urban area is expanded, the urban boundary layer heat flux, thermal turbu- lence, and the turbulent momentum flux and kinetic energy all increase or enhance, causing the surface air temperature to rise up. The stability of urban atmospheric stratiˉcation is a?ected to diffierent extent at diffierent times of the day. When the building height goes up, the aerodynamic roughness height, zero plane displacement height of urban area, and ratio of building height to street width all increase. Therefore, the increase in building height results in the decrease of the surface heat flux, urban surface temperature, mean wind speed, and turbulent kinetic energy in daytime. While at night, as more heat storage is released by higher buildings,thermal turbulence is more active and surface heat flux increases, leading to a higher urban temperature. As the building density increases, the aerodynamic roughness height of urban area decreases, and the effect of urban canopy on radiation strengthens. The increase of building density results in the decrease in urban surface heat flux, momentum flux, and air temperature, the increase in mean wind speed, and the weakening of turbulence in the daytime. While at night, the urban temperature increases due to the release of more heat storage.  相似文献   

An urban canopy model is incorporated into the Nanjing University Regional Boundary Layer Model. Temperature simulated by the urban canopy model is in better agreement with the observation, especially in the night time, than that simulated by the traditional slab model. The coupled model is used to study the effects of building morphology on urban boundary layer and meteorological environment by changing urban area, building height, and building density.It is found that when the urban area is expanded, the urban boundary layer heat flux, thermal turbulence, and the turbulent momentum flux and kinetic energy all increase or enhance, causing the surface air temperature to rise up. The stability of urban atmospheric stratification is affected to different extent at different times of the day.When the building height goes up, the aerodynamic roughness height, zero plane displacement height of urban area, and ratio of building height to street width all increase. Therefore, the increase in building height results in the decrease of the surface heat flux, urban surface temperature, mean wind speed, and turbulent kinetic energy in daytime. While at night, as more heat storage is released by higher buildings, thermal turbulence is more active and surface heat flux increases, leading to a higher urban temperature.As the building density increases, the aerodynamic roughness height of urban area decreases, and the effect of urban canopy on radiation strengthens. The increase of building density results in the decrease in urban surface heat flux, momentum flux, and air temperature, the increase in mean wind speed, and the weakening of turbulence in the daytime. While at night, the urban temperature increases due to the release of more heat storage.  相似文献   

植物冠层动量交换特征的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
使用湍流梯度测试资料,对植物冠层动量交换特征进行了详细研究,结果表明:森林冠层内惯性副区能谱曲线仍可用幂指数描述,但斜率比-2/3更负;森林冠层内湍流尺度有变小的趋势;森林上层的耗散系数比下层大;由植被吸收引起动量及动量通量随冠层深度增加而明显减小;冠层下层的动量通量和耗散系数分别与上层的量有好的正相关;森林冠层内耗散系数和动量通量随大气稳定度有明显变化。  相似文献   

Simultaneous measurements of the instantaneous values of absolute temperatureat seven heights within the lower 36 m of the atmospheric boundary layer underdifferent stability conditions were carried out, accompanied by measurements ofthe wind velocity components at two levels and of solar radiation flux at the surface.The data obtained allow one to investigate individual convective cells known ascoherent structures (CS). Outside the CS, i.e., during quiet periods, an instanttemperature profile is in close agreement with the dry-adiabatic lapse rate, butwithin CS the temperature changes much faster with height, and the shape ofthe profile varies significantly.A method was developed to transform temperature records from sensors atseveral heights into an other form, namely, into temporal variations of theheights of isothermal surfaces. Since coherent structures were found to advectwith the mean wind velocity, these temporal height variations may be transformedinto the spatial ones, i.e., into the xoz-plane section of the temperature field.In such a pictorial presentation coherent structures look like asymmetric columnsof heat, penetrating the whole atmospheric surface layer.Coherent structures also exist in the stable stratified surface layer, but they have aninverse asymmetry and occupy only the lower several metres. Wavelike activitydominates in the upper part of the stable surface layer.The characteristic time of surface-layer adjustment to the rapid changes of solarradiation (due to cloud shadows or cloud gaps) was found to be on the order ofone minute. Such a time interval is required for coherent structure to reach the topof surface layer.  相似文献   

The structure of the turbulence in the atmospheric surface layer over a monsoon trough region has been studied using structural analysis based on wavelet transform. The observational site is located at the eastern (wet) end of the monsoon trough region, characterized by high moisture in the atmospheric surface layer. On the average relative humidity varied from 70% to 100% during the experiment. The wind and temperature data, collected at Kharagpur (22°25' N, 87°18' E) at six observational hours of a day in June 1990 during the Monsoon Trough Boundary Layer Experiment (MONTBLEX), have been utilized in the study. The wind and instantaneous momentum flux time series were decomposed into 12 scales using the Haar wavelet transform. The eddies exhibited a large temporal variability generating intermittency in the energy and flux distributions. A criterion based on the isotropy has been suggested for separating the large eddies from the small eddies. At the separation scale the isotropy coefficient drops sharply. It is shown that the intermittency in the small eddies resulted from the spatial variation of energy, and deviation of velocity statistics from the Gaussian distribution known as flatness. The deviation from the -5/3 power law has been attributed to the increased mean values of, (i) the coefficient of variation of energy, and (ii) the flatness factor, in the inertial subrange. The decomposition of the instantaneous momentum flux time series reveals that the major contribution to the total flux arises from the large eddies. The quadrant analysis of the momentum flux shows that ejections and sweeps account for a substantial part of the total flux, and quantifies the relative importance of the various spatial scales that contribute to the transport of momentum.  相似文献   

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