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Summary The propagation of waves of small amplitude in an elastic medium, with a particular form of strain-energy function, and subjected to a large homogeneous uniaxial stress, is considered in detail. The main characteristics, including speed and polarisation, of these waves in an unbounded medium are calculated numerically, and the existence and general properties of Rayleigh waves on the surface of a semi-infinite medium are investigated.  相似文献   

Summary The propagation of waves of small amplitude in an incompressible elastic medium subjected to a large homogeneous equibiaxial stress is investigated. The dispersion equation for surface waves on a semi-infinite medium is obtained explicitly, and the dispersion equation for waves in a slab of finite depth. In the latter case, approximate values, valid for waves whose lengths are much greater than the slab thickness, are determined for the phase-velocities of the different modes.  相似文献   

Summary Disturbances generated by pressure on the surface of a spherical cavity inside (i) a dispersive medium, (ii) a medium having transverse isotropy about the radius vector have been considered. Finally, a brief discussion of the propagation of waves in visco-elastic media has been added.I wish to express my gratefulness to Professor B. B.Sen, for his kind help in the preparation of the paper.  相似文献   

裂缝发育导致的地震波场各向异性,是裂缝型油气藏的一个重要特征.然而针对该类油气藏的叠前弹性阻抗技术,一直没有通过各向异性弹性阻抗公式建立与裂缝参数的直接关系.本文在回顾封闭平行硬币状裂缝模型和线性滑动模型的基础上,将裂缝填充物性质、分布密度与围岩的横纵波速度比,引入裂缝型HTI介质弹性阻抗公式,并对相应的归一化弹性阻抗响应特征进行模拟分析.分析表明,弹性阻抗受以上三参数的影响规律存在明显差异,其中含气裂隙介质随裂缝密度的变化要明显高于对应的流体裂隙介质,流体填充裂隙介质随横、纵波速度比的变化幅度要高于对应的含气裂隙介.该结论初步为裂缝型油气藏流体识别工作提供了依据.  相似文献   

The accuracy of finite-difference schemes of the 2nd and 4th order in 2-D and 3-D regular rectangular grids is studied. The method of designing the schemes and estimating their accuracy is proposed. The paper is devoted to the point schemes, expressed in terms of the discretized (point) values of the wave field and material parameters. Only the common schemes applicable in smooth parts of seismic models, outside structural interfaces, are taken into account. Finite differences at structural interfaces are studied elsewhere.The inaccuracy of finite-difference schemes is governed, above all, by the error in the phase velocity, caused by discretization. This error is estimated for several finite-difference schemes. It is explicitly dependent on the direction of propagation and on wave polarization. The maximum phase-velocity error over all directions of propagation enables the accuracy of the individual schemes to be appreciated in order to select the best one. The proposed approach is general and applicable to other finite-difference schemes, for example, of the 6th and higher orders.  相似文献   

We prove that rays in linearly elastic anisotropic nonuniform media obey Fermat's principle of stationary traveltime. First, we formulate the concept of rays, which emerges from the Hamilton equations. Then, we show that these rays are solutions of the variational problem stated by Fermat's principle. This proof is valid for all rays except the ones associated with infection points on the phase-slowness surface.  相似文献   

The singular integral equations method makes it possible to determine a general analytical solution to the problem of a crack subjected to any stresses, including singular ones. The singularity of stresses means that they tend to infinity in the concentration point. In exponential functions describing this relationship, the exponent characterizes the stress curvature growth. Also the energy released by crack opening can be described by a simple analytical formula. The problem is solvable for an exponent greater than −1. The class of all the cracks subject to stresses that exponentially grow to one of the crack ends is divided into three sub-classes. One of these embraces most of crack types, also Griffith’s. The remaining two are a source of microcracks in an elastic medium. The onset of such a stress concentration gives rise to a microcrack which cancels the stress singularity up to that with the exponent of −1/2, ensuring a strong stability of the medium. An analysis of the nucleation of such cracks brought about a concept of elastic field rupture without destruction of interatomic bonds, which has implications relating to the conductivity of metals. A general formula for the crack energy singles out a special crack of unit length, whose energy is constant and independent of stress concentration.  相似文献   

The existing expressions of elastic impedance,as the generalized form of acoustic impedance,represent the resistance of subsurface media to seismic waves of non-normal incidence,and thus include information on the shear-wave velocity.In this sense,conventional elastic impedance is an attribute of the seismic reflection and not an intrinsic physical property of the subsurface media.The derivation of these expressions shares the approximations made for reflectivity,such as weak impedance contrast andisotropic or weakly anisotropic media,which limits the accuracy of reflectivity reconstruction and seismic inversion.In this paper,we derive exact elastic impedance tensors of seismic P-and S-waves for isotropic media based on the stress-velocity law.Each componentof the impedance tensor represents a unique mechanical property of the medium.Approximations of P-wave elastic impedance tensor components are discussed for seismic inversion and interpretation.Application to synthetic data and real data shows the accuracy and robust interpretation capability of the derived elastic impedance in lithology characterizations.  相似文献   

弹性介质中瑞雷面波有限差分法正演模拟   总被引:29,自引:9,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
为研究瑞雷面波的形成机理及传播规律,促进瑞雷面波资料处理方法的发展,本文根据弹性波方程,采用交错网格有限差分数值求解算法,对浅层各向同性弹性介质进行了包括瑞雷面波和体波在内的全波场模拟. 提出了变系数吸收边界条件并将之应用于正演模拟,使边界条件的处理简单而高效,同时给出了角点的处理方法. 对工程勘察中常见的连续和层状介质模型进行了模拟,获得了更加接近实际情况的地震记录. 结合模拟记录,探讨了瑞雷面波的形成条件,同时讨论了震源埋深对面波能量的影响.  相似文献   

In seismic exploration, elastic waves are sent to investigate subsurface geology. However, the transmission and interpretation of the elastic wave propagation is complicated by various factors. One major reason is that the earth can be a very complex medium. Nevertheless, in this paper, we model some terrestrial material as an elastic medium consisting of randomly distributed inclusions with a considerable concentration. The waves incident on such an inhomogeneous medium undergo multiple scattering due to the presence of inclusions. Consequently, the wave energy is redistributed thereby reducing the amplitude of the coherent wave.The coherent or average wave is assumed to be propagating in a homogeneous continuum characterized by a bulk complex wavenumber. This wavenumber depends on the frequency of the probing waves; and on the physical properties and the concentration of discrete scatterers, causing the effective medium to be dispersive. With the help of multiple scattering theory, we are able to analytically predict the attenuation of the transmitted wave intensity as well as the dispersion of the phase velocity. These two sets of data are valuable to the study of the inverse scattering problems in seismology. Some numerical results are presented and also compared, if possible, with experimental measurements.  相似文献   

Summary The present paper is concerned with the transmission of elastic waves through a second-order fluid layer sandwiched between homogeneous elastic media having identical properties. It is concluded that the transmission ratio increases with the increasing absolute values of visco-elastic co-efficient and also with the wavelength of the wave transmitted.  相似文献   

A comprehensive analytical solution is developed to examine the torsional vibration of an elastic foundation on a semi-infinite saturated elastic medium for the first time. First, the governing equations of saturated media are solved by use of Hankel transform techniques. Then, based on the assumption that the contact between the foundation and the half-space is perfectly bonded, this dynamic mixed boundary-value problem can lead to dual integral equations, which are further reduced to the standard Fredholm integral equations of the second kind and solved by numerical procedures. Numerical examples are given at the end of the paper. The numerical results indicate that the response of the elastic foundation strongly depends on the material and geometrical properties of both the saturated soil-foundation system and the load acting on the foundation. In most of the cases, the dynamic behavior of an elastic foundation on saturated media significantly differs from that of a rigid plate bearing on the elastic half-space.  相似文献   

二维弹性随机介质中的波场特征   总被引:12,自引:6,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
通过波动方程的交错网格有限差分正演,模拟了地震波在二维弹性随机介质中的传播及其自激自收时间记录.本文将理论记录剖面分割成三个不同的时间区段,在三个时间区段上分别计算并提取剖面的统计特征.运用正交试验设计和分析方法,本文全面研究了混合型弹性随机介质的五个统计特征(自相关长度、粗糙度因子、扰动标准差、纵波背景速度、纵横波速度比)及其交互作用与各种波场特征之间的关联,并得出了若干结论.  相似文献   

垂直地震剖面法可以通过认识反射和透射过程,深入了解地震波传播特性,又可以改善地表地震资料关于构造、地层和岩性的解释.本文是在基于垂直地震剖面的基本原理基础上,采用高阶交错网格有限差分数值求解二维弹性波方程,然后对常见的层状介质和岩溶介质模型分别进行模拟,根据模型合成了相关的垂直地震剖面记录,期间采用的是完全匹配层法吸收...  相似文献   

黏弹性与弹性介质中Rayleigh面波特性对比研究   总被引:1,自引:7,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Rayleigh面波的频散特性可以用来研究地表浅层结构. 本文使用时域有限差分法来模拟复杂黏弹性介质中的Rayleigh面波,研究了Q值对面波频散特性的影响.文中采用旋转交错网格有限差分,以非分裂卷积形式的完全匹配层为吸收边界,推出了求解二阶位移-应力各向同性黏弹性波动方程的数值方法.为了检验数值解的精度,首先将简单模型的正演结果与解析解对比,验证了方法的正确性;然后模拟了横向缓变层状介质和含有洞穴的介质中的面波,对弹性和黏弹性介质中的面波的频散特性进行对比分析.模拟结果表明浅层Q值对面波的频散特性有显著的影响;强吸收情况下,高阶面波的能量相对低阶面波能量显著增强.  相似文献   

The plane-wave reflection and transmission coefficients at a plane interface between two anisotropic media constitute the elements of the elastic scattering matrix. For a 1-D anisotropic medium the eigenvector decomposition of the system matrix of the transformed elasto-dynamic equations is used to derive a general expression for the scattering matrix. Depending on the normalization of the eigenvectors, the expressions give scattering coefficients for amplitudes or for vertical energy flux.Computing the vertical slownesses and the corresponding polarizations, the eigenvector matrix and its inverse can be found. We give a simple formula for the inverse, regardless of the normalization of the eigenvectors. When the eigenvectors are normalized with respect to amplitudes of displacement (or velocity), the calculation of the scattering matrix for amplitudes is simplified.When the relative changes in all parameters are small, a weak-contrast approximation of the scattering matrix, based on the exactly determined polarization vectors in an average medium, is obtained. The same approximation is also derived directly from the transformed elasto-dynamic equations for a smooth vertically inhomogeneous medium, proving the consistency of the approximation.For monoclinic media, with the mirror symmetry plane parallel to the interface, the approximative scattering matrix is given in terms of analytic expressions for the non-normalized eigenvectors and vertical slownesses. For transversely isotropic media with a vertical axis of symmetry (VTI) and isotropic media, explicit solutions for the weak-contrast approximations of the scattering matrices have been obtained. The scattering matrix for amplitudes for isotropic media is well known. The scattering matrix for vertical energy flux may have applications in AVO analysis and inversion due to the reciprocity of the reflection coefficients for converted waves.Numerical examples for monoclinic and VTI media provide good agreement between the approximative and the exact reflection matrices. It is, however, expected that the approximations cannot be used when the symmetry properties of the two media are very different. This is because the approximation relies on a small relative contrast between the eigenvectors in the two media.Presented at the Workshop Meeting on Seismic Waves in Laterally Inhomogeneous Media, Castle of Trest, Czech Republic, May 22–27, 1995.  相似文献   

薄互层弹性波反演面临的困境   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
王赟  杨春  芦俊 《地球物理学报》2018,61(3):1118-1135




借助Christoffel方程可求解出各向异性介质弹性波精确频散关系.利用近似方法进行处理,再通过傅里叶逆变换将频率波数域算子变换为时空域算子,可导出解耦的qP波或qS波波动方程.本文在TTI介质弹性波精确频散关系的基础上,利用近似配方法推导了qP波和qSV波近似频散关系,通过傅里叶逆变换推导了TTI介质qP波和qSV波解耦的波动方程.为了验证近似频散关系的有效性,利用两组模型参数对其进行数值计算,分析了相对误差在不同传播方向上的分布.随后使用有限差分方法分别对均匀、层状及复杂TTI介质弹性波近似解耦波动方程进行数值模拟,结果显示qP波和qSV波完全解耦,并且在各向异性参数η < 0以及介质对称轴倾角变化较大的情况下,纯qP波和纯qSV波近似波动方程依然可以保持稳定.


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