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On the basis of the conceptual model,the development of wintertime stratocumulus cloud has been sim-ulated by using a planetary boundary layer/cloud physics model.The main characteristics of the cloud struc-ture and evolution obtained from the simulation are consistent with those from observations.By analyzingthe modeled results,some details of the cloud structures and microphysics processes are discussed.  相似文献   

In order to study mechanisms of hailstone formation and hail suppression with seeding and to obtain optimum seeding technique for hail cloud,a 3-D compressive numerical seeding model for hail cloud is developed.The water substance in hail cloud is divided into 8 categories,i.e.,water vapor,cloud droplet,raindrop,ice crystal,snow.graupel,frozen drop and hail,and the detailed microphysical processes are described in a spectrum with two variable parameters and more reasonable particle number/size distributions.Then,the model is able to predict concentration and water content of various particles.Especially.it can calculate the number of hailstones whose cores are graupel or frozen drop and apply to study mechanism of hailstone formation.Additionally,a conservative equation of AgI as seeding or glacigenous agent is found and nucleation by condensation of artificial nucleus,and nucleation by freezing of cloud droplet or rain drop which contact with AgI particle are considered.The dynamic energy flux of hail shooting on ground is used to verify seeding effect.Therefore the model is also used to study mechanism of hail suppression with seeding and the seeding technique.  相似文献   

In order to study mechanisms of hailstone formation and hail suppression with seeding and toobtain optimum seeding technique for hail cloud,a 3-D compressive numerical seeding model forhail cloud is developed.The water substance in hail cloud is divided into 8 categories,i.e.,watervapor,cloud droplet,raindrop,ice crystal,snow.graupel,frozen drop and hail,and the detailedmicrophysical processes are described in a spectrum with two variable parameters and morereasonable particle number/size distributions.Then,the model is able to predict concentration andwater content of various particles.Especially.it can calculate the number of hailstones whosecores are graupel or frozen drop and apply to study mechanism of hailstone formation.Additionally,a conservative equation of AgI as seeding or glacigenous agent is found andnucleation by condensation of artificial nucleus,and nucleation by freezing of cloud droplet or raindrop which contact with AgI particle are considered.The dynamic energy flux of hail shooting onground is used to verify seeding effect.Therefore the model is also used to study mechanism of hailsuppression with seeding and the seeding technique,  相似文献   

By employing the T42L9 spectral model introduced from ECMWF and utilizing the FGGE-III_b datacovering the period from 14 June to 19 June 1979,the effects of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau on the medium-range weather processes of the rain during the onset period of the summer monsoon in Eastern Asia in1979 were studied numerically.According to the initial field of 12GMT 14 June 1979,five-day numericalexperiments with or without the orographic effects were carried out respectively.The results show that thePlateau can influence the precipitation significantly during the summer monsoon season.Although the summermonsoon is the result of the seasonal variations of the global circulation and the heating difference betweenland and sea,it is influenced evidently by the Plateau in medium-range processes.There are very complexinteractions between the mountain and diabatic heating effects so that both of them should be consideredcorrectly in the general circulation models in order to describe the nature of the atmosphere reliably.  相似文献   

By employing the improved T42L5 spectral model and utilizing the ECMWF data covering the period from 1 Julyto 7 July 1982,a numerical research on the formation of the Ural blocking system has been made.The results show thatthe model forecasts for the upstream U ral area turn out to be worse if the dynamic effect of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateauis not considered.The correlation coefficient between the model forecasts and observed 500 hPa geopotential heightanomaly decreases by 9% for the 5-day mean,and their averaged root mean square (RMS) error increases 15 m.Due tothe dynamic effect of the Plateau,the trough being on the northwest of the Plateau is barricaded and turns to be atransversal trough.Consequently southwest flow occurs along the northwest of the Plateau in front of the trough,whilenortheast flow prevails over the west of the trough,causing the formation of the blocking high over the Ural area.Whenthe dynamic effect of the Plateau is not taken into consideration,the trough develops and moves southeastward and theUral blocking high changes into a migratory high.All these result in the failure of the simulation.The dynamic effect ofthe Plateau helps to increase the negative vorticities over the Plateau and its north periphery as well as the Ural area,andalso helps to increase the positive vorticities over the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea area.On the other hand,thethermodynamic effect mainly influences the Plateau and its downstream area and plays an less important role in theformation of the blocking high over the upstream Ural area.  相似文献   

On the basis of the conceptual model,the development of wintertime stratocumulus cloud has been simulated by using a planetary boundary layer/cloud physics model.The main characteristics of the cloud structure and evolution obtained from the simulation are consistent with those from observations.By analyzing the modeled results,some details of the cloud structures and microphysics processes are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper,the impact of the Taiwan Island topography on the structure change and motion ofTyphoon Dot(9017)during its crossing the Taiwan Island is studied with a modified version of aJMA operational regional model(Japan spectral model,JSM).A series of sensitivity experiments areconducted to detect the forming and developing mechanism of an island-induced cyclone.Results showthat lee side low pressure center plays a very important role in the formation of the induced-cyclonewhile a typhoon is approaching a large island with high mountains.The position and intensity of theinduced cyclone is sensitive to the height and location of island mountain,intensity of TC and under-lying surface topography distribution as well.A preliminary formation criterion of the island-inducedcyclone is obtained.  相似文献   

By employing a five-layer seasonal numerical weather prediction model and utilizing the National MeteorologicalCenter (NMC) objective analysis data on May 10,1991 as the initial field,three numerical experiments——diabatic withorography,adiabatic with orography and adiabatic without orography——have been carried out to investigate the dy-namic and thermodynamic effects of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau (hereafter the Plateau) on the seasonal transition inthe early summer in East Asia.The results show that the typical seasonal transition features such as the northward shiftof the subtropical westerly jet stream,the adjustment of the long-wave in middle and high latitudes and the changes ofthe circulation in the lower troposphere can be well simulated,if the dynamic and thermodynamic effects of the Plateauare both considered in the model as in the experiment adiabatic with orography.In other two experiments,it is failed tosimulate out the seasonal transition features.The results also show that the thermodynamic effect of the Plateau acts on the atmosphere as a gradually enhancedheating source in the early summer,which makes the air temperature in 500 hPa over the Plateau increase by nearly 10℃in a month and accelerates the northward shift of the subtropical westerly jet stream about seven latitudes more north-ward in twenty days and helps the shifted jet maintain at the northern periphery of the Plateau.It is also helpful to theformation and maintenance of the Lake Balchas trough and the northward and westward extension of the Pacificsubtropical high.On the other hand,the dynamic effect of the Plateau weakens the northward shift of the subtropicalwesterly jet stream and barricades the westward extension of the Pacific subtropical high.If only the dynamic effect ofthe Plateau is considered in the model without consideration of the thermodynamic effect of the Plateau,not only theshifted jet withdraws southward but also the simulated Lake Balchas trough is 10 longitudes more eastward than that inthe diabatic experiment,and the simulated Pacific subtropical high is more eastward and northward.However,the dy-namic effect of the Plateau strengthens the vertical movements in the west and east of the Plateau and makes thelow-level jet maintain in the southeast of the Plateau.The path of the cold air and the tunnel of the water vapor in thelower troposphere during the seasonal transition period in the early summer in East Asia are determined by the couplingof the dynamic and thermodynamic effects of the Plateau.  相似文献   

The comparison analyses between two tropical depressions in the South China Sea are completed by numerical ex-periments with a limited area model developed in Guangzhou Institute of Tropical and Oceanic Meteorology. One of thedepressions develops and finally becomes a typhoon within 24 hours of the analyzing period (defined as DVD hereafter),and the other not (defined as UNDVD) The analyses show that their initial structures of temperature, humidity, pres-sure. wind and stability are obviously different from each other. There are a very deep wet layer and a clear warm-coredstructure in the mid-lower troposphere in the depression area in the DVD case, but with the warm core in the upperrather than lower troposphere arid a very shallow wet layer in the lower troposphere in the depression area in theUNDVD case. The developing and non-developing processes are successfully simulated by the model, showing that theCISK mechanism plays the most important role in the development of SCSDs (Tropical Depressions in the South ChinaSea). Several numerical experiments show that the structures of humidity and temperature in the depression area haveimportant effect on the development of SCSDs. It is favourable to the development of SCSDs when a very deep wet layerexists in the mid-lower troposphere or a warm-cored structure exists in the mid-lower troposphere instead of in uppertroposphere, and conversely, it is unfavourable to the development of SCSDs when the wet layer is very shallow in thelower troposphere or the warm-cored structure is in the upper troposphere rather than in mid-lower troposphere. Thestructures of stability for each case are also analysed, which shows evident differences between the two cases, with adeeper instability layer in the DVD case and a shallower one in the UNDVD case. Finally, the sensitivity of the devel-opment of the SCSDs to the vertical structures of humidity and temperature in the depression area is discussed.  相似文献   

The equivalent operator equation is derived from the full primitive nonlinear equations of theatmospheric motion and the properties and physical senses of the operators are studied.In theinfinite dimensional Hilbert space,the global asymptotic behavior of the atmosphere system withthe non-stationary external forcing is studied under the assumption of the bounded externalforcing.The existence theorems of the global absorbing set and the global attractor are obtained.Thus,the conclusions deduced from the large-scale atmosphere(Li and Chou 1996 a;1996 b)areextended to the general atmosphere.  相似文献   

A time-dependent linear model on the equatorial beta plane is developed in this paper.Its verticalstructure consists of two active layers with equal density and temperature above the thermocline and aquasi-stationary layer with constant density below the thermocline.The results of nurnericat experiments show that the direct influence of heat on the equatorial ocean ismuch smaller than that of wind stress.Nevertheless,through the tropical ocean-atmosphere interaction,the change of wind stress resulting from the thermal forcing may set a determinant effect on the equilibriumand anomalous development of the ocean-almosphere circulation.  相似文献   

On the basis of theoretical and experimental results of study of planetary boundary layer (PBL), the physical parameters describing the structure of PBL are calculated by using the data obtained from a meteorological tower and the effects of PBL and the surface on pollutant concentrations are numerically simulated with a time-dependent two-dimensional advection and diffusion equation.It is shown that the diurnal variation of PBL results in that of concentration. The height of mixing layer is an important factor to determine the ground-level concentration. As for an elevated point source, the height of mixing layer, growing from lower to higher than the releasing height is a necessary condition for the phenomenon of fumigation. It is also shown that the surface may be considered as a boundary with perfect reflection when Vd ≤0.001 m s-1, but has an important effect on concentration and must be carefully dealt with when Vd≥0.01 m s-1.  相似文献   

To improve the simulating ability of a model,this paper presents a scheme of calculatingdirect radiation at land surface with topography in the model.A numerical study is conducted forthe topographic effects of the Tibetan Plateau on the direct radiation using NCEP terrain data.Results show that,after taking account into the topographic radiation effect,the regional averageof the radiation over the Plateau obviously increases in the local early morning and late afternoon,but changes less around noon.The effect is stronger in winter than that in summer.Andheterogeneous topography has also affected the distribution of the radiation in this area.A simplenumerical experiment shows that considering the effect will lead ground temperature to increase onthe slope having more sunshine,and vice versa.  相似文献   

The impacts of the enhanced model's moist physics and horizontal resolution upon the QPFs(quantitative precipitation forecasts)are investigated by applying the HIRLAM(high resolutionlimited area model)to the summer heavy-rain cases in China.The performance of the control run,for which a 0.5°×0.5°grid spacing and a traditional“grid-box supersaturation removal+Kuo typeconvective paramerization”are used as the moist physics,is compared with that of the sensitivityruns with an enhanced model's moist physics(Sundqvist scheme)and an increased horizontalresolution(0.25°×0.25°),respectively.The results show:(1)The enhanced moist physics scheme(Sundqvist scheme),by introducing the cloud watercontent as an additional prognostic variable and taking into account briefly of the microphysicsinvolved in the cloud-rain conversion,does bring improvements in the model's QPFs.Althoughthe deteriorated QPFs also occur occasionally,the improvements are found in the majority of thecases,indicating the great potential for the improvement of QPFs by enhancing the model's moistphysics.(2)By increasing the model's horizontal resolution from 0.5°×0.5°,which is already quitehigh compared with that of the conventional atmospheric soundings,to 0.25°×0.25°without thesimultaneous enhancement in model physics and objective analysis,the improvements in QPFs arevery limited.With higher resolution,although slight amelioration in locating the rainfall centersand in resolving some finer structures of precipitation pattern are made,the number of the mis-predicted fine structures in rainfall field increases with the enhanced model resolution as well.  相似文献   

ON THE MODELLING STUDY OF MONSOON   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The major advances and achievements of recent studies on monsoon simulation are reviewed.Four aspects are included in the paper and they are simulation of general feature and seasonal tointerannual variation of monsoon.simulation of monsoon and ENSO relations,paleo-monsoonsimulation,and the predictability study of monsoon and monsoon climate.Concluding remarks aremade in the last section.  相似文献   


Transfer of radiation through cirrus consistingofnon-sphericalice crystals randomly oriented in a plane (2D model) is solved by using the discrete-ordinates method. The model is employed to determine the radiative flux properties and the intensity distribution of cirrus for both solar and thermal infrared radiation. Comparison of the 2D cloud model with the conventional 3D cloud model, i.e., randomly oriented in a three-dimensional space, shows that the preferential orientation of ice crystals has a substantial effect on the cloud solar albedo. The difference in the cloud albedo computed from the two models can be as large as 8% for a cirrus of 2 km chicknss. On the thermal infrared side, although the flux emission for cirrus is less affected by the orientation of ice crystals, the difference in the upward radiance using 2D and 3D models is also significant.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the effect of the factors in tower latitudes on Meiyu/Baiu front,adiagnostic analysis for the two cases during June to July of 1985 and 1986 was examined.We foundthat (1)when the tropical convective activity moves westward to 10.5-15.5′N/140°E from eastside of 10.5-15.5°N/160°E,the northward shifts of the Meiyu/Baiu rain belt occurs;(2)themain factor which results in the northward and southward shifts of Meiyu/Baiu rain belt is thoughtas the 8,18 and 30 day oscillations of the tropical convective activity around West Pacific.Meanwhile,the wave train propagating from Lake Baikal via Okhotsk Sea to the tropics couldsometimes shift Baiu rain belt southward;(3)the onsets of Meiyu in China of both cases tend totake place just when the convective activity around lower latitudes moves westward through about140°E with the 8,18 and 30 day oscillation periods firstly coming to June.  相似文献   

In this paper,the processes of the occurrence and development of a mid-tropospheric cyclone (MTC hereinafter)over the South China Sea are successfully simulated,adopting the convective heating profile calculated from the ana-lysed data.And a series of numerical experiments show that the convective heating rate, especially its vertical profile,plays a key role in the occurrence,development and maintenance of the MTC.When there is highly concentratedconvective heating in middle layer(400—450hPa),the MTC could occur and maintain for longer time.And the key tosuccessfully predict the MTC by numerical model is to correctly specify the convective heating profile in the model.  相似文献   

In this paper, some 2-D features of the down- and up-slope winds and sea-land-breeze generated over the com-plex terrain of the Qingdao area and the interaction between them are numerically analysed by use of a 2-Dnon-hydrostatic mesoscale model. The simulated results in the west-east vertical cross-section show that (1) when thelarge-scale wind is a southerly gentle one, the generated easterly down-slope wind is much stronger than with an oppo-site background wind, and the down-slope wind can trigger and intensify the land breeze corresponding to the easterncoast of Jiaozhou Bay; (2) a gentle westerly background wind will reduce the eastward sea breeze and up-slope windduring the daytime due to a cold advection, but shows a little effect on the mesoscale circulation formed in the nighttime.  相似文献   

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