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为解决地震台光记录倾斜仪灯光系统故障率高的问题 ,研制了一种时号·光源灯控器。采用了数字钟报时及定闹信号对直接延时时号灯进行控制的措施 ,使仪器的无故障运行期及蓄电池的使用寿命得以延长 ,明显提高了观测质量。 相似文献
广泛应用于我国地震台网上的 DJ-1型地震记录仪是一种交直流两用仪器 ,其外接直流电源普遍采用可以多次充放电的蓄电池。由于该仪器不具备自动充电功能 ,蓄电池的能量损耗需要根据实际使用情况不定期地进行人工补充。由于市电供、停的不规律 ,使蓄电池放电深度差异较大 ,补充电量不易掌握 ,从而导致充电不足或充电不及时引起蓄电池极板硫酸化、或因过充电造成蓄电池极板活性物质脱落而缩短其使用寿命。为了避免上述问题的发生 ,我们于 1 994年设计了一种 DJ-1型地震记录仪浮充电源。经河北电磁台网和地震台网等近 2 0台仪器长达几年时间的… 相似文献
SHZ18-12型高频自动浮充电源,是根据“九五”数字化测震台站实际需要设计研制的一种延时、高效率、自动浮充式的具有保护电瓶的自我保护功能的高电源效率。 1 电源的研制背景 “九五”数字化测震项目实施过程中,由于电源问题造成地震信号断记现象时有发生,也给仪器的维护带来很大的麻烦,主要是现有的电源不能满足仪器工作要求。因为,测震台站的位置一般在农网电覆盖的最边沿,尤其在北方的一些山区,经济比较落后,供电能力较弱,电压波动范围大、稳定性差、经常停电等。我们仪器要求的电源稳压范围要强,而且由电瓶供电时,充电器… 相似文献
针对石英丝倾斜仪原配新式时号—光源灯控制器在工作中的缺陷 ,提出了对特效时号—光源灯控仪的技术改进方案。改进后的仪器具有电路设计简单、抗干扰能力强 ,有自动恢复和自律自保等功能 ,实验表明改进后的仪器当全部使用甲电池时 ,综合效率比原仪器提高了 2 0倍 相似文献
<正>富蕴台金属水平摆倾斜仪从1976年开始投入观测,在没有提高周期的情况下,1985年光杆距由1 m增加到2.5 m,1994年又增加到4 m。格值也由最初的0.017″/mm变为0.004 16″/ 相似文献
以太湖微囊藻群体为研究对象,研究低频超声作用下,4种超声强度和不同处理时间对微囊藻群体的抑制效应,试图得出最优超声参数,同时探讨超声处理后的微囊藻群体对光照和温度的响应.结果表明,当超声强度为0.0353 W/cm~3、处理时间为60 s时,藻细胞沉降量高达80%,且此时藻细胞浓度和叶绿素a浓度均保持不变,表明超声未破碎藻细胞,细胞内含物不会泄漏污染水质,因此作为最优超声参数.随后,对超声处理后的微囊藻群体在不同光照和温度条件下进行恢复培养,结果表明光照和温度均能影响微囊藻群体的浮力恢复,但光照的影响更明显,当光照度为2000 lx时,藻细胞在培养120 h后漂浮率恢复至对照组水平.超声后的藻细胞在较低温度(≤20℃)下漂浮率无显著变化,而在较高温度(25℃)下,培养72 h后漂浮率迅速升高,至120 h能恢复至对照组水平的80%左右.因此,野外超声控藻应选择低光强、低温的时段,采用间歇式多次处理,抑制微囊藻群体上浮,使其彻底沉降. 相似文献
局部Slepian函数是将局部区域内的地球物理信号转化为空间谱的一种方法,其可以保证在球面上局部范围内获得最优谱平滑解,非常适用于局部范围地球物理信号的研究.本文利用中国陆态网西南地区72个测站的连续GPS观测资料分析川云渝地区陆地水负荷形变特征,并基于Slepian函数方法解算60阶的空间谱基函数,结合弹性质量负荷理论研究了川云渝地区2011年至2015年陆地水储量变化的时空分布模式.针对Slepian函数的边界效应问题,本文使用GLDAS格网数据计算得到站点处垂直负荷位移时间序列,然后利用该位移数据来进行水储量变化恢复实验,结果表明当边界扩充为3°时能较好地恢复GLDAS模型输出的陆地水储量变化.通过对比区域内GPS、GRACE、GLDAS得到的等效水高以及降雨数据,发现季节性降水是陆地水变化的一个重要驱动因子,GPS反演结果与GRACE和GLDAS数据具有较强的空间一致性.云南地区周年变化要强于川渝地区,其中云南西部的山区陆地水变化最大,约为30 cm,最小为川北以及重庆地区仅为7 cm.相较于GPS反演结果,GRACE与GLDAS明显低估了陆地水储量的季节性变化,分别达到24%和47%.比较分析地区内平均等效水高时间序列的相位发现,GPS得到的陆地水变化与降雨数据一致性较好,而GRACE与GLDAS存在一到两个月左右的时延.同时GPS能较好的探测出2015年1月左右南方地区大范围的强降水,而GRACE与GLDAS并没有体现出该现象,说明GPS能更为灵敏地探测到局部地区陆地水的变化.在站点等效水高时间序列上,GPS与GRACE的相关性总体上要优于GPS与GLDAS,陆地水周年变化较大的云南和四川西部地区站点三种数据间相关性较好,而其他季节性信号不明显的地区则相关性较差.本文的研究表明运用GPS-Slepian方法能够独立地监测高时空分辨率的陆地水储量变化,是作为当前补充GRACE观测资料空缺期的有益尝试. 相似文献
本文分析了静校正中不同浮动基准面的特点及确定方法。通过理论模型试验对平滑地表、平均静校正量与最小静校正误差等浮动基准面的静校正效果进行比较,验证了在最小静校正误差基准面上得到的叠加速度仅取决于低速带底界下伏地层的速度,而与地形起伏、低速带结构无关,得到的叠加剖面具有较好的同相叠加效果。另外为了更加符合实际资料处理情况,本文中采用波动方程模拟数据进行理论模型试验,并由此给出了一种新的基于波形的目标函数计算方法。同时修改了最小静校正误差计算公式,使其适用于起伏底界非均匀速度模型的实际资料静校正处理。最后部分对实际资料的处理进一步证明了该方法的优越性。 相似文献
We analyze the characteristics of different floating datums for static corrections and discuss the methods for determining them. The effect of different floating datum corrections was studied using theoretical model experiments, resulting in the conclusion that the velocity obtained after the floating datum correction with the minimum static correction errors depends on the velocity of the layer below the low velocity layer (LVL) lower boundary and is not related to topographic relief and LVL structure. For the real data processing case, wave equation numerical model experiments were conducted which resulted in a new method for calculating objective functions based on the waveform and modifications to the calculation equation for minimum static correction errors to make the method suitable for real data static correction processing using inhomogeneous velocity models with lower velocity boundary relief. Real data processing results demonstrate the method's superiority. 相似文献
Matrix-valued radially symmetric covariance functions (also called radial basis functions in the numerical analysis literature) are crucial for the analysis, inference and prediction of Gaussian vector-valued random fields. This paper provides different methodologies for the construction of matrix-valued mappings that are positive definite and compactly supported over the sphere of a d-dimensional space, of a given radius. In particular, we offer a representation based on scaled mixtures of Askey functions; we also suggest a method of construction based on B-splines. Finally, we show that the very appealing convolution arguments are indeed effective when working in one dimension, prohibitive in two and feasible, but substantially useless, when working in three dimensions. We exhibit the statistical performance of the proposed models through simulation study and then discuss the computational gains that come from our constructions when the parameters are estimated via maximum likelihood. We finally apply our constructions to a North American Pacific Northwest temperatures dataset. 相似文献
In this paper we discuss a fast Bayesian extension to kriging algorithms which has been used successfully for fast, automatic
mapping in emergency conditions in the Spatial Interpolation Comparison 2004 (SIC2004) exercise. The application of kriging
to automatic mapping raises several issues such as robustness, scalability, speed and parameter estimation. Various ad-hoc
solutions have been proposed and used extensively but they lack a sound theoretical basis. In this paper we show how observations
can be projected onto a representative subset of the data, without losing significant information. This allows the complexity
of the algorithm to grow as O( n
2), where n is the total number of observations and m is the size of the subset of the observations retained for prediction. The main contribution of this paper is to further
extend this projective method through the application of space-limited covariance functions, which can be used as an alternative
to the commonly used covariance models. In many real world applications the correlation between observations essentially vanishes
beyond a certain separation distance. Thus it makes sense to use a covariance model that encompasses this belief since this
leads to sparse covariance matrices for which optimised sparse matrix techniques can be used. In the presence of extreme values
we show that space-limited covariance functions offer an additional benefit, they maintain the smoothness locally but at the
same time lead to a more robust, and compact, global model. We show the performance of this technique coupled with the sparse
extension to the kriging algorithm on synthetic data and outline a number of computational benefits such an approach brings.
To test the relevance to automatic mapping we apply the method to the data used in a recent comparison of interpolation techniques
(SIC2004) to map the levels of background ambient gamma radiation.
为了促进适合我国国情的轻型木结构发展,介绍了一种自主开发的轻型定向秸秆板-榫卯连接木骨架剪力墙,该剪力墙由墙体模块、顶梁板、底梁板三部分组成,墙体模块的木骨架间采用榫卯连接,面板采用定向秸秆板.通过12片分别由3个剪力墙模块组成的剪力墙的水平单向加载和低周反复加载试验研究,得到了剪力墙的破坏特征、抗剪强度、滞回性能、延性及耗能等性能指标,分析了洞口大小、洞口位置及竖向荷载对剪力墙抗震性能的影响以及剪力墙与单个墙体模块抗震性能的区别.结果表明:剪力墙的破坏主要是面板破坏及面板与钉的连接破坏,剪力墙的抗剪强度比墙体模块的要低约10%,滞回曲线呈明显的反S型并有明显滑移,等效粘滞阻尼系数约为0.13. 相似文献
The atmospheric influence on the Earths, rotation can be described by the effective atmospheric angular momentum (EAAM) functions. In this study we focus on the analysis of short period variations of the equatorial components of the zonal EAAM excitation functions 1 and 2 and their influence on similar variations of polar motion. The global objective analysis data of the Japanese Meteorological Agency for the period 1986–1992 were used to compute the EAAM excitation functions in different latitude belts. Time- and latitude-variable amplitude spectra of variations of these functions with periods shorter than 150 days, containing pressure, pressure with the inverted barometric correction, and wind terms were computed. The spectra show distinct latitude and time variations of the prograde and retrograde oscillations which reach their maxima mainly in mid-latitudes. Prograde and retrograde oscillations with periods of about 40–60 days and about 110–120 days are seen in the spectra of pressure terms of the equatorial components of the zonal EAAM excitation functions. Additionally, correlation coefficients and cross-spectra between variations of the geodetic polar motion and equatorial components of the zonal EAAM excitation functions were computed to identify the latitude belts of the globe over which atmospheric circulation changes are correlated mostly with short period variations of the polar motion excitation functions. The correlation coefficients vary in time and latitude and reach maximum values in the northern latitudes from 50°N to 60°N. In the cross-spectra between the polar motion excitation functions and pressure terms of the zonal EAAM excitation functions there are peaks of common prograde oscillations with the periods around 20, 30, 40–50, 60 and 80–150 days and of common retrograde oscillations around 20, 30, 40 and 50–70 days.Paper presented at the IERS Workshop in Paris, March 1994 相似文献
Ocean Dynamics - Fatigue damage of offshore floating structures is a long-term cumulative process, which is mainly attributed to ocean waves. The natural variability and human-induced climate... 相似文献
本文改进了传统基于近震波形数据的点源震源参数反演的Cut And Paste(CAP)方法,实现了近震Pnl波、面波和远震P波、SH波的联合反演的CAPjoint算法.对2010年3月高雄地震,分别进行单独反演以及联合反演,获得各自的震源机制解及深度,其中联合反演所得的最佳双力偶机制解参数为,节面1:走向317°,倾角36°,滑移角52°,节面2:走向181°,倾角62°,滑移角114°,深度为21 km.并对不同震中距波形对本次地震以及几种典型机制解断层几何参数的敏感性进行测试.为验证联合反演方法的可靠性,本文采用重抽样思想发展而来的Bootstrap方法,对近震数据的子集及其与远震数据的联合反演所得的参数进行统计,验证了在稀疏近台条件下联合反演中添加远震数据对地震震源参数约束的作用. 相似文献