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We describe the new Nançay Radioheliograph (version II) which is a multicorrelator system. The main characteristics of this instrument are high space and time resolutions and flexible on-line data processing. At present it produces one-dimensional images at 169 MHz. This instrument is mainly intended for solar observations.An accurate calibration of the instrument has been carried out leading to a precise fringe stopping and to a proper knowledge of the grating response. Preliminary solar results are presented: existence of apparent motions in noise storms with a velocity of the order of 5000 km s–1; observations of radiobursts as narrow as 0.7 (Kerdraon, 1977); observations of spikeburst activity.Presently in Sydney, Australia.  相似文献   

We present and discuss two-dimensional maps of the Sun at 169 MHz, obtained with the Nançay radioheliograph used as an Earth rotation aperture synthesis instrument. The maps have been computed on the basis of about 6 hr of one-dimensional observations by the east-west and the north-south arrays of the radioheliograph and have a resolution of 1.5 by 4.2 for a solar declination near 23°. In addition to a broad background component, the maps show several features both brighter and darker than the background. Some of the bright features are sources of noise storm continua, as evidenced by their positions relative to active regions and by the occurrence of type I bursts. Weaker emission regions are apparently associated with neutral lines of the photospheric magnetic field. We found no sources associated with extended quiescent filaments. Some of the depressions on the maps correspond to coronal holes both in the equatorial region and near the poles, while the more shallow ones may be arch regions with low electron temperature and/or emission measure. The distribution of brightness temperature at a height of 0.15 solar radii above the photospheric limb shows a gross similarity with coronal green line observations. The present results indicate that the notion of the slowly varying component at metric wavelengths may have to be reexamined, since sources of different nature may have been grouped in this component in the past.On leave from the section of Astrophysics, Astronomy and Mechanics, Department of Physics, University of Athens.  相似文献   

We describe the new Solar Radio Spectrograph which has been operated at the Nançay Radio Astronomy Station since December 1978 for the analog part (which uses photographic film data acquisition) and since July 1979 using digital magnetic recording. This instrument was designed and built by the Space Research Department of the Paris Observatory and covers the range 469–110 MHz.The multichannel receiver yields a high sensitivity, as compared to a sweep-frequency receiver and the frequency windows where external interference is present can be eliminated from the data acquisition.The digital recording leads to convenient intensity calibration procedures and allows a modern data-handling over a large dynamic range: 50 dB with a 11 bit resolution.Intermodulation effects due to non linearities have been kept to a minimum by building the multiplexer as a tree and distributing the amplification along.The time resolution allows the data to be acquired at a rate of 100 samples per second per frequency channel. The frequency resolution can take two values: 120 channels 1 MHz-wide and 100 channels 200 kHz-wide can be positioned anywhere in the range 110–469 MHz.Some observations are shown including type V and type II-like bursts and harmonically related emission in hook structures. Some future plans are briefly mentioned aiming to perform circular polarization measurements in 120 frequency channels and real time data compression.Also at Department of Physics and Electronics, University of Athens, Greece.  相似文献   

Maia  D.  Pick  M.  Kerdraon  A.  Howard  R.  Brueckner  G. E.  Michels  D. J.  Paswaters  S.  Schwenn  R.  Lamy  P.  Llebaria  A.  Simnett  G.  Aurass  H. 《Solar physics》1998,181(1):121-132
The development of a coronal mass ejection on 1 July 1996 has been analyzed by comparing the observations of the LASCO/SOHO coronagraph with those of the Nançay radioheliograph. This comparison brings new insight and very useful diagnosis for the study of CME events. It is shown that the initial instability took place in a small volume located above an active region and that the occurrence of short radio type III bursts implies a triggering process due to magnetic field interactions. The subsequent spatial and temporal evolution of the radio emission strongly suggests that the large scale structure becomes unstable within the first minute of the event.  相似文献   

We aim to providea quasar sample that is more complete than any previous surveys by using a combined selection technique to reduce the selection effects. Here we present the observational results for the X-ray candidates in the field of the Leo Cluster. We found 33 X-ray AGNs in this field of which 10 are new discoveries. The X-ray data and optical spectra of these AGNs are given. We also study the near-IR properties of the X-ray-selected AGNs by using the data from 2MASS. Most of the AGNs in our sample span the color range 0.0 < B-J < 2.5, 1.0 < J-Ks < 2.0 and 0.5 < H-Ks < 1.2.  相似文献   

分析了VLBIMark5磁盘记录系统的硬件结构和软件结构。对其软件实现做了设计层面上的分析。给出了乌鲁木齐天文站Mark5系统实施后的操作流程图。分析了Haystack天文台e VLBI软件的结构。  相似文献   

从硬件实现和软件实现的角度介绍了如何利用计算机技术实现Mark Ⅳ解码。利用它可对Mark Ⅳ记录设备输出的数据进行质量分析并提取相位校正信号,检测VLBI观测设备的工作状态,消除设备对Mark Ⅳ记录数据的影响。  相似文献   

基于对数抛物线型电子分布,用单区、均匀同步自康普顿(Synchrotron Self-Compton,SSC)辐射模型计算BL Lac天体S5 0716+714的多波段能谱,并与Paggi等人的结果进行了比较.模型的计算结果与Paggi等人直接用δ函数近似得到的结果不同,导致该差异的主要原因可能是由于单电子同步辐射的δ函数近似丢失了电子的部分能量而影响逆康普顿散射结果.把该模型分别应用于Mark 421天体的高、中、低3种不同状态下的多波段观测结果,理论计算结果能与不同状态下的观测结果符合得很好.分析认为,观测到的Mark 421天体的不同状态可能是由于喷流内电子分布变化引起的.  相似文献   

云南天文台40m射电望远镜进行的脉冲星观测数据量巨大,必须实现数据的实时处理,否则将会产生海量的数据积压.为实现这一目标,采用图形处理器架构,对Mark5B数据进行解码、消色散、折叠等处理.实验结果表明,对以1s8MB的实时采样,可以在0.51s内处理完成,从而实现了实时处理的要求.首先介绍这一观测系统各部分的图形处理器实现,然后相对于传统中央处理器构架,对各部分的运算速度进行了详细的对比.针对时间开销最大的消色散部分,分析了单次傅里叶变换的数据量大小对执行效率的影响.从系统最终的输出轮廓和柱状图上可以看到实时处理的结果符合要求.最后对存在的问题和未来的工作进行了讨论.  相似文献   

We report on studies of the 1393 line of Si iv, formed in the transition region at about 80 000 K, made using the Colorado experiment on OSO-8. Results indicate that the line width is somewhat greater in coronal holes compared to the quiet Sun, implying a difference in the broadening mechanism. There is no evidence that the line is Doppler shifted in coronal holes relative to the quiet Sun implying there is no mass flow in holes, at the 80 000 K level, greater than 4.3 km s–1. Within the uncertainty of our experiment the integrated line intensities are the same in a coronal hole as in the quiet Sun.  相似文献   

T. Gold 《Icarus》1975,24(1):134-135
The paper by Reid suggests that masses may be stored in circumlunar orbits for long periods of time, limited only by tidal dissipation. The real loss may, however, be much faster, due to large changes in the orbit caused by the disturbing field of the Earth. It is shown that the example quoted of Jupiter's satellites is inadequate to make the case for stability of such orbits.  相似文献   

2009年11月,云南天文台射电天文研究团组采用40m射电望远镜以及基于DBBC(Digital Base Band Conveter)和Mark5B的VLBI记录系统对PSRJ08354510和PSRJ0332+5434进行了观测。观测选用S波段右旋圆极化信号,起始频率为2206.99MHz,总带宽为32MHz。对数据进行相干消色散和平均后,得到PSRJ0332+5434的单脉冲图像和两颗脉冲星的平均脉冲轮廓。由平均轮廓的展宽随时间的变化关系,对脉冲星的视周期作了一定修正后,得到信噪比更高的平均轮廓图。最后对轮廓的信噪比随时间的变化作了初步分析,由此可了解整个系统在观测时的稳定性。  相似文献   

射电Ⅳ型运动爆发同日冕物质抛射(CMEs)关系极为密切。本文基于对Ⅳ型运动爆发的研究以及CMEs开放场的物理条件,探讨了CMEs形成及抛射的物理条件。由于磁通量突然喷发,能量大量释放,在CME闭合场中的等离子体被加速,导致高能质子和高能电子被大磁环捕获。随着磁环内的热压P和磁压Pm的升高,当β〉βT时磁环将炸裂,从而产生CMEs。抛射出的未离化的等离子体团将产生等离子体基波与谐波辐射。随着等离子体  相似文献   

王德焴 《天文学报》2004,45(2):168-175
为解释太阳运动IV型射电爆发的相干辐射机制提出一个理论模型.从耀斑中产生的高能电子,可以被扩展上升的太阳磁流管俘获.在磁流管顶部,这些高能电子的速度分布形成为类束流速度分布,激发束流等离子体的不稳定性,并且主要直接放大O模电磁波.不稳定性增长率敏锐地依赖了日冕等离子体参数,fpe/fce和射束温度Tb,这能定性解释在太阳运动IV型射电爆发中观测到的高亮温度和高偏振度,以及宽频谱的特性.  相似文献   

太阳射电IV型爆发U形谱的产生机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文提出了质子耀斑爆发相期间太阳射电Ⅳ型爆发U形谱的形成机制:U形谱系由Ⅳ_μ塑爆发频谱和Ⅳ_dm型爆发频谱两部分组成,舞一爆发的频谱是由非热电子(l00keV2McV)的迥转-同步加速辐射和热电子的迥转共振吸收所产生;这种非热电子,与质子是在爆发相期间同时受到加速的。在取爆发源体积为圆柱体的近似下,对1972年8月7日的Ⅳ_μ型爆发和Ⅳ_dm型爆发的射电流量密度进行了数值计算,计算结果同观测结果比较符合。从Ⅳ_μ型爆发到Ⅳ_dm型爆发的偏振旋向反转是由于两个源中磁力线的反向平行所引起的。文中还讨论子Ⅳ型爆发U形谱同质子事件之间的关系。  相似文献   

The Imaging Vector Magnetograph (IVM) at the Mees Solar Observatory, Haleakalā, Maui, Hawai’i, obtained many years of vector magnetic-field data in the photospheric Fe i 630.25 nm line. In the latter period of its operation, the IVM was modified to allow routine observations in the chromospheric Na i D1 line, as well as the Fe i line. We describe the sodium observational data in detail, including the data-reduction steps that differ from those employed for the Fe i 630.25 nm line, to obtain calibrated Stokes polarization spectra. We have performed a systematic comparison between the observational data and synthetic NLTE Na i D1 Stokes spectra derived for a variety of solar-appropriate atmospheric and magnetic configurations. While the Na i D1 Stokes polarization signals from the solar atmosphere are expected to be weak, they should generally be within the IVM capability. A comparison between synthetic spectra and observational data indicates that this is indeed the case.  相似文献   

本文提议了太阳IV_(dm)型爆发的波-波非线性相互作用机制及其频谱的数值计算方法.假设Iv_(dm)型爆发源位在太阳日冕0.6 R_⊙地方,磁场强度为4G—23G的一个磁瓶.它捕获在爆炸相期间受到加速的非热电子(E_0=100keV).这些各向异性的非热电子同时激发朗谬尔波和哨声波.这两种波的非线性结合过程产生了lV_(dm)型爆发的横波.数值计算1972,8,2,0330的频谱与观测符合较好.两者比较得到非热电子数密度随频率(高度)的分布,还得到IV_(dm)型爆发源中的平均电子数密度为372/cm~3,源中的总的非热电子数为10~(32).这比迥旋-同步加速机制所需的非热电子数少1—2量级.文中还谈到了哨声波调制朗谬尔波导致分米波爆随时间振荡的可能性.  相似文献   

由于磁带回放的不稳定性及磁带与处理机的不匹配 ,导致由磁带导入硬盘的数据误码率很高 ,影响了送入处理机的数据可用率。结果显示 ,采用核对软件能将数据可用率提高一个数量级  相似文献   

The European Space Agency (ESA) launched its science programme Horizon 2000 in themid eighties.this programme encompasses four big missions, the cornerstones,in addition tosmaller missions. The four cornerstones are:SOHO/Cluster a solary observatory and in situmeasurements of the Earth magnetosphere,XMM and X-ray observatory,Rosetta a comet ren-dezvous mission,and FIRST a far infrared observatory.SOHO was successfully launched in  相似文献   

通过1991年6月6日共生太阳白光耀斑(WLF)的射电运动IV型发及其伴随现象(包括耀斑后环、爆发衰减相的射电脉动、多波段电辐身和太阳物质抛射等)瓣分析,定笥地探讨了WLF的起源、加热机制和发射地点的问题,假设了WLF和射电运动IV型射电爆发可能有共同起源的低日晚电子加速区,讨论了WLF的能量传输可能是通过二步加速过程,即来自低日冕的非热降能量于色球层,产生色球层的压缩波或向下的辐身场进而使上光球  相似文献   

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