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Measurements of velocity and density profiles were used to describe the tidal and mean flow structure across and along a sill in Refugio Channel, a fjord-like inlet in Southern Chile (43.9°S). These are the first oceanographic measurements of any kind effected in Refugio Channel. Current profiles were obtained with a 307.2-kHz acoustic Doppler current profiler during two semidiurnal cycles along a repeated triangular circuit. Two along-channel transects formed the sides of the triangle that crossed the sill and were identified as the western and eastern transects. One cross-channel transect, the base of the triangle, was located on the seaward side of the sill. Density profiles were obtained at the corners of the triangle. The longitudinal mean flow in the western transect showed a two-layer exchange structure over the landward side of the sill. The structure of net seaward flow at the surface and landward flow at depth was disrupted by the sill in such a way that over the seaward side of the sill, only seaward flow was observed throughout the water column. This likely resulted from the blocking of landward net flow by the sill. In the eastern transect, two-layer exchange dominated over most of the transect and was consistent with the observed density profiles. Over the seaward side of the sill, a surface layer, ∼10m deep, flowed landward as a third layer. This feature should have been caused by river input further seaward (to the north) and produced a surface convergence region over the sill. In terms of tidal flows, the greatest tidal current amplitudes were 40cm s−1 over the sill as the flow accelerated through the reduced cross-sectional area of the channel. Near-surface flow convergences were identified over both along-channel transects.  相似文献   

Conditions for the arrest of a vertical propagating dyke   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Magma ascent towards the Earth’s surface occurs through dyke propagation in the vast majority of cases. We investigate two purely mechanical effects unrelated to cooling or solidification that lead to the arrest of propagation, so that no eruption occurs. The first is that the input of magma from the source is not maintained continuously, such that a fixed volume of magma is released. Laboratory experiments show that, in this case, the dyke stops at a finite distance from the source. This behaviour is specific to the fracturing process in 3-D. We derive a relationship for the minimum magma volume required for an eruption as a function of magma buoyancy and source depth. When large magma volumes are available, eruption may also be prevented by a thick low density layer in the upper crust. Numerical studies of dyke propagation show that the dyke continues to rise even though it is negatively buoyant. Magma accumulates in a swollen nose region at the interface between the low density layer and the dense basement. Magma overpressure is largest at this interface and increases with increasing penetration into the upper layer. It may become large enough to induce horizontal fractures in the dyke walls and lateral intrusion of a sill, which prevents eruption. This requires that the thickness of the low density layer exceeds a threshold value that depends on the density contrast between magma and host rock. If the magma volume is smaller than a threshold value, neither sill intrusion nor eruption are possible and magma gets stored in a horizontal blade-shaped dyke straddling the interface. Scaling laws for variations of ascent rate and for the minimum magma volume allow diagnosis of a failed eruption.  相似文献   

The liquid being sampled from a draining reservoir of density-stratified fluid, such as an erupting zoned magma chamber, is derived from a relatively thin withdrawal layer adjacent to the level of the chamber outlet. This is a consequence of the buoyancy force associated with the density gradient inhibiting vertical motion so that the opportunity for widely separated density levels (compositions) to be tapped and mingled syneruptively is suppressed.Density gradients in zoned chambers of 0.02 – 10 kgm−3/m are suggested by data from caldera-forming eruptions. Viscosity gradients can be specified for a given density gradient using calculated relationships between viscosity and density. Published compositional and geothermometric data are used to show that zoned high-silica rhyolites decrease in viscosity upward because of the roofward concentration of dissolved volatiles. Other zoned calc-alkaline magmas increase in viscosity upward because of decreasing temperature and concentration of network modifying cations.A method is developed of calculating the scale of the withdrawal layer thickness, δ, for given kinematic viscosity, eruption rate, and density and viscosity gradients. The method is systematized by the identification of specific flow regimes describing the action of either viscous or inertial forces in balancing the buoyancy force. Thin withdrawal layers are favoured by small eruption rates, small viscosity, and by large density gradients. For particularly steep density gradients, however, the consequently large viscosity gradient plays a role in determining the withdrawal layer thickness. Withdrawal layer thicknesses of the order of 100 m are calculated for typical pyroclastic eruptions of zoned acid magma, and are mostly independent of the viscosity gradient.The vertical scale at which a zoned chamber is instantaneously being tapped during an eruption is equal to the scale of the withdrawal layer thickness. Thus, an eruption that causes collapse of a caldera block through a height that is less than that of the withdrawal layer scale will produce magmas from deeper levels than that to which the chamber roof sinks. In this case the eruption is said to oversample the chamber with respect to the amount of caldera collapse and will produce an essentially constant range of compositions throughout. Alternatively, if the caldera collapse distance is much greater than δ then the selective withdrawal process leads to successive levels of the chamber being “skimmed off” (on a scale δ). This allows the compositional stratigraphy of the chamber to be inverted by the eruptive process, with little opportunity for syneruptive mixing between diverse magma compositions. The geological record shows that most calderas associated with zoned magmas collapsed through vertical distances in excess of 100 m (the characteristic estimate for δ) and, in agreement with our modelling of selective withdrawal, show smooth correlations between composition, or temperature, and the order of eruption.  相似文献   

A 150-m-long, wedge-shaped unit of folded and faulted marly siltstone crops out between undeformed sedimentary rocks on the north flank of the Coso Range, California. The several-meter-thick blunt end of this wedge abuts the north margin of a basaltic sill of comparable thickness. Chaotically deformed siltstone crops out locally at the margin of this sill, and at one locality breccia pipes about one meter in diameter crosscut the sill. The sill extends about 1 km south up the paleoslope, where it merges through continuous outcrop with a lava flow that in turn extends 1.4 km to a vent area marked by more than 100 m of agglutinate and scoria. Apparently, lava extruded at this vent flowed onto unconsolidated sediments, burrowed into them, and fed a sill at about 40 m depth within the sedimentary sequence. The sill initially propagated by wedging between sedimentary beds, but eventually began to push some beds ahead of itself, forming a remarkable train of folds in the process. The sediments apparently were wet at the time of sill emplacement, because hydrothermal alteration is common near the contact between the two rock types and because the breccia pipes that crosscut the sill apparently resulted from phreatic explosions of pore water heated at the base of the cooling sill. Comparison of deformation of the host material at the Coso locality with that reportedly caused by emplacement of sills elsewhere indicates that the character of deformation differs greatly among the various localities. The specific response of host material depends upon such parameters as initial properties of magma and host material, rate of sill growth and attendant rate of strain of host material, and depth of sill emplacement. Some properties may change considerably during an intrusive-deformational episode, thus complicating accurate reconstruction of such an event.  相似文献   

Salt sills have been observed in the Gulf Coast. The contrast in the thermal conductivity between salt and detrital sediments means that a salt sill focuses heat around its leading edge, resulting in the devlopment of an anomalous temperature pattern in the vicinity of the salt sill. The consequent anomaly in thermal maturity pattern for hydrocarbons is related to four parameters: the salt sill thickness; the subsurface depth of the sill; the inclination of the sill; and the salt speed through the sediments. The excess maturity in the vicinity of the salt sill is shown to be dominantly dependent on the velocity of the salt sill. The positional influence of the hydrocarbon maturity relative to the salt is also examined and it is shown that the alteration of sedimentary burial paths by the inserted salt also causes a thermal anomaly. Both thermal focusing of heat by salt and sediment burial to a different thermal regime caused by passage of inserted salt produce thermal maturity effects comparable in magnitude, and neither may be ignored.The work here was supported by the Industrial Associates of the Basin Analysis Group at the University of South Carolina.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional nonhydrostatic model using idealized sill topography is used to examine the influence of bottom friction upon unsteady lee wave generation and flow in the region of a sill. The implications of changes in shear and lee wave intensity in terms of local mixing are also considered. Motion is induced by a barotropic tidal flow which produces a hydraulic transition, associated with which are convective overturning cells, wave breaking, and unsteady lee waves that give rise to mixing on the lee side of the sill. Calculations show that, as bottom friction is increased, current profiles on the shallow sill crest develop a highly sheared bottom boundary layer. This enhanced current shear changes the downwelling of isotherms downstream of the sill with an associated increase in the hydraulic transition, wave breaking, and convective mixing in the upper part of the water column. Both short and longer time calculations with wide and narrow sills for a number of sill depths and buoyancy frequencies confirm that increasing bottom friction modifies the flow and unsteady lee wave distribution on the downstream side of a sill. Associated with this increase in bottom friction coefficient, there is increased mixing in the upper part of the water column with an associated decrease in the vertical temperature gradient. However, this increase in mixing and decrease in temperature gradient in the upper part of the water column is very different from the conventional change in near-bed temperature gradient produced by increased bottom mixing that occurs in shallow sea regions as the bottom drag coefficient is increased.  相似文献   

Field observations of tidally driven stratified flow in the sill area of Knight Inlet (British Columbia) revealed a very complicated structure, which includes solitary waves, upstream bifurcation, hydraulic jump and mixing processes. Recent observations suggest that the flow instabilities on the plunging pycnocline at the lee side of the sill may contribute to solitary wave generation through a subharmonic interaction. The present study reports on a series of numerical experiments of stratified tidal flow in Knight Inlet performed with the help of a fine resolution fully non-linear non-hydrostatic numerical model. The model reproduces all important stages of the baroclinic tidal dynamics observed in Knight Inlet. Results demonstrate that solitary waves are generated apart from the area of hydrodynamic instability. Accelerating tidal flux forms a baroclinic hydraulic jump just above the top of the sill, whereas the bifurcations and zones of shear instabilities are formed downstream of the sill. The first baroclinic mode having the largest velocity escapes from the generation area and propagates upstream, disintegrating further into a packet of solitary waves reviling the classical “non-subharmonic” mechanism of generation. The remaining part of the disturbance (slow baroclinic modes) is arrested by tidal flow and carried away to the lee side of the obstacle, where shear instability, billows and mixing processes are developed. Some sensitivity runs were performed for different value of tidal velocity.  相似文献   


The hydraulic flow of a reduced-gravity fluid of non-negative potential vorticity through a sill is considered. It is shown that for any flow with a reversal of current, another, physically realisable, flow exists which is unidirectional and/or resting, and carries more flux than the original flow. Thus only non-negative flows need be considered when examining maximal hydraulic fluxes. Then, for a simple sill (one which slopes downward on the left and upward on the right, looking downstream), it is shown that zero potential vorticity flow, possibly modified by having a region of motionless fluid at its right, carries the maximum flux possible for that sill shape. This makes the calculation of maximal fluxes for a given sill considerably simpler, and examples of parabolic and V-shaped sills are computed.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional model of an idealised constant depth gulf with a sill at its entrance, connected to a deep ocean, is used to examine the barotropic and baroclinic response of the region to wind forcing. The role of the oceanic boundary condition is also considered. Calculations show that in the case of a tall sill, where the pycnocline intersects the sill, the baroclinic response of the gulf is similar to that of a lake, and internal waves cannot radiate energy out of the gulf. The barotropic response shows free surface oscillations, with nodes located close to the centre of the oceanic basin and entrance to the gulf, with associated barotropic resonant periods. As the sill height is reduced, baroclinic wave energy is radiated from the gulf into the ocean, and the form of the baroclinic response changes from a standing wave (tall sill) as in a lake to a progressive wave (no sill). The location of sea surface elevation nodes and resonant periods changes as the sill height is reduced. Calculations of the barotropic resonant periods with and without stratification could not determine if they were influenced by the presence of stratification, although published analytical theory suggests that they should be able to when energy is lost from the gulf by internal wave radiation. This inability to detect changes in barotropic resonant period due to stratification effects is due to the small change in resonant frequency produced by baroclinic effects, as shown by analytical results, and the broad peak nature of the computed resonant frequency. In the case of a closed offshore boundary (an offshore island), there is a stronger and narrower energy peak at the resonant frequency than when a barotropic radiation condition is applied. However, the influence of stratification upon the resonant frequency could not be accurately determined. Although the offshore boundary was well removed from the gulf to such an extent that any baroclinic waves reflected from it could not reach the gulf within the integration period, it did, however, slightly influence the gulf baroclinic response due to its influence on the barotropic response.  相似文献   

The importance of using a non-hydrostatic model to compute tidally induced mixing and flow in the region of a sill is examined using idealized topography representing the sill at the entrance to Loch Etive. This site is chosen since detailed measurements were recently made there. Calculations are performed with and without the inclusion of non-hydrostatic dynamics using a vertical slice model for a range of sill widths corresponding to typical sill regions. Initial non-hydrostatic calculations showed that the model could reproduce the observed flow characteristics in the region. However, when calculations were performed using the model in hydrostatic form, the significant artificial convective mixing that occurred in order to remove density inversions led to excessively high vertical mixing. This influenced the computed temperature field and the intensity of the current jet that separated from the sill on its lee side. In addition it affected the magnitude and spatial characteristics of the lee waves generated on the lee side of the sill. Calculations with a range of sill widths, showed that as the sill width decreased the difference between the solution computed with the non-hydrostatic and hydrostatic model increased.  相似文献   

The near-surface layer is modelled as a constant-velocity layer with varying thickness. The base of the layer is described by a B-spline curve. The optimum model is calculated by minimizing, with respect to the model parameters, the difference between traveltimes predicted by the model and those observed in the data. Once a model has been produced, corrections that are dependent on the raypath geometry through the near-surface layer can be calculated. The effect of the near-surface layer is normally considered to be consistent at each shot or geophone station for all traveltimes arriving at that location (the surface-consistent approximation). This assumption linearizes the problem, allowing timeshifts to be calculated and the traveltimes corrected to a chosen datum, representing static corrections. The single correction at each point is an averaged correction, based on an assumption that is particularly inaccurate in the presence of lateral variations of velocity or thickness of the surface layer, in the presence of large surface layer velocities or in the presence of a thick surface layer. The method presented considers the non-linear relationship between data and model explicitly, hence the correction that is dependent on the raypath. Linearization removes this dependence and reduces the problem to a surface-consistent approximation. The method is applied to synthetic data calculated from a model with surface layer variations. Comparisons are made between the corrected data resulting from the method described here and the conventional surface-consistent approach. From these results it becomes apparent that the near-surface layer inversion method presented here can reproduce accurate models and correct for near-surface layer effects in cases where conventional methods encounter difficulties. Additionally the method can be readily extended to 3D.  相似文献   

Doleritic sill complexes, which are an important component of volcanic continental margins, can be imaged using 3D seismic reflection data. This allows unprecedented access to the complete 3D geometry of the bodies and an opportunity to test classic sill emplacement models. The doleritic sills associated with basaltic volcanism in the North Rockall Trough occur in two forms. Radially symmetrical sill complexes consist of a saucer-like inner sill at the base with an arcuate inclined sheet connecting it to a gently inclined, commonly ragged, outer rim. Bilaterally symmetrical sill complexes are sourced by magma diverted from a magma conduit feeding an overlying volcano. With an elongate, concave upwards, trough-like geometry bilaterally symmetrical sills climb away from the magma source from which they originate. Both sill complex types can appear as isolated bodies but commonly occur in close proximity and consequently merge, producing hybrid sill complexes. Radial sill complexes consist of a series of radiating primary flow units. With dimensions up to 3 km, each primary flow unit rises from the inner saucer and is fed by primary magma tube. Primary flow units contain secondary flow units with dimensions up to 2 km, each being fed by a secondary magma tube branching from the primary magma tube. Secondary flow units in turn are composed of 100-m scale tertiary flow units. A similar branching hierarchy of flow units can also be seen in bilaterally symmetrical sill complexes, with their internal architecture resembling an enlarged version of a primary flow unit from a radial sill complex. This branching flow pattern, as well as the interaction between flow units of varying orders, provides new insights into the origin of the structures commonly seen within sill complexes and the hybrid sill bodies produced by their merger. The data demonstrate that each radially symmetrical sill complex is independently fed from a source located beneath the centre of the inner saucer, grows by climbing from the centre outwards and that peripheral dyking from the upper surface is a common feature. These features suggest a laccolith emplacement style involving peripheral fracturing and dyking during inner saucer growth and thickening. The branching hierarchy of flow units within bilaterally symmetrical sill complexes is broadly similar to that of primary flow units within a radially symmetrical sill complex, suggesting that the general features of the laccolith emplacement model also apply.Editorial responsibility: J. Stix  相似文献   

Current velocity and hydrographic profiles obtained for the first time in a Chilean glacial fjord were combined with under-way surface temperature and salinity measurements to describe the formation of tidal intrusion fronts and plume-like fronts. These fronts formed within several hundred meters from each other in the vicinity of a shallow sill, maximum depth of approximately 3 m, in a glacial fjord off the Strait of Magellan in the Chilean Patagonia. Measurements were obtained in mid-December of 2003 and 2004, during late austral spring, under active glacier melting and calving. The glacial fjord is approximately 18 km long from the face of the glacier to the connection with the Strait of Magellan and typically less than 1 km wide throughout the system. Between the glacier face and the 3-m sill, depths are typically less than 100 m, and seaward of the sill, depths increase to more than 200 m. Velocity and salinity data obtained during flood periods revealed that water with oceanic salinity was aspirated to near-surface levels from depths of approximately 30 m as flood flows accelerated from approximately 10 cm s−1, seaward of the sill, to approximately 60 cm s−1 at the sill crest. The upwelled water was then slightly diluted by mixing at the sill crest before plunging down to the basin between the glacier and the sill. The plunging of salty water over the sill created dramatic tidal intrusion fronts only a few tens of meters from the sill crest and pumping of salt with every flood period. During ebb periods, the low salinity waters derived from the glacier and a small river near the glacier converged at the sill crest. After some mixing, the buoyant waters were released within a thin layer (∼3 m deep) lead by a plume-like front that remained coherent for a few hundred meters seaward of the sill. The main findings of this study were that tidal intrusion and plume fronts were observed within 2 km from each other, and that tidal pumping was the predominant mechanism for salt fluxes into the system.  相似文献   

Sheet flow hydrodynamics over a non-uniform sand bed channel   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The current study experimentally investigates the flow characteristics and temporal variations in the sheet flow profile of a non-uniform sand bed channel. Experiments were done to explore turbulent structures in the presence of a sheet flow layer with and without seepage. The turbulent events, such as stream wise velocity, Reynolds shear stresses, and turbulence intensities were found to be increasing and vertical velocity was found decreasing with a sheet layer. The presence of a sheet layer also effects the turbulent energy production and energy dissipation. All the turbulence parameters with and without a sheet layer have also been influenced by the presence of downward seepage. The rate of sheet flow movement is increased with seepage, owing to increased turbulence with seepage. The current study used wavelet analysis on temporally lagged spatial bed elevation profiles obtained from a set of laboratory experiments and synchronized the wavelet coefficients with bed elevation fluctuation at different spatial scales. A spatial cross correlation analysis at multiple scales, based on the wavelet coefficients, has been done on these bed elevation datasets to observe the effect of downward seepage on the dynamic behavior of sheet flow at different length scales. It is found that seepage increases average bed celerity and also increases the celerity of sheet flow of similar length scales. This increase in the celerity has been hypothesized as the increase of sheet flow movement as well as the increase in turbulent parameters with seepage, which destabilizes the bed particles resulting in a disruption in the continuous propagation pattern of the sheet flow. The increase of sheet flow celerity with seepage is confirmed from the saturation level of the wavelet power spectra of the bed elevation series. The presence of seepage also affects the non-uniformity of collective sheet material.  相似文献   

A non-hydrostatic model in cross-sectional form with an idealized sill is used to examine the influence of sill depth (h s) and aspect ratio upon internal motion. The model is forced with a barotropic tide and internal waves and mixing occurs at the sill. Calculations using a wide sill and quantifying the response using power spectra show that for a given tidal forcing namely Froude number F r as the sill depth (h s) increases the lee wave response and vertical mixing decrease. This is because of a reduction in across sill velocity U s due to increased depth. Calculations show that the sill Froude number F s based on sill depth and across sill velocity is one parameter that controls the response at the sill. At low F s (namely F s ≪ 1) in the wide sill case, there is little lee wave production, and the response is in terms of internal tides. At high F s, calculations with a narrow sill show that for a given F s value, the lee wave response and internal mixing increase with increasing aspect ratio. Calculations using a narrow sill with constant U s show that for small values of h s, a near surface mixed layer can occur on the downstream side of the sill. For large values of h s, a thick well-mixed bottom boundary layer occurs due to turbulence produced by the lee waves at the seabed. For intermediate values of h s, “internal mixing” dominates the solution and controls across thermocline mixing.  相似文献   

We study the relationships between the seafloor structures and the axial magma chamber geometry in the 9°N overlapping spreading center (OSC) area on the fast spreading East Pacific Rise (EPR). Our observations are based on a new high resolution bathymetric map of the 9°N OSC area derived from picks of the seafloor arrival on 3D seismic data, and on previously published data that constrain the presence and distribution of melt below the 9°N OSC. Differences in the orientation of structures between the seafloor and the magma chamber indicate a sharp change in principal stress directions with depth, suggesting that the brittle crust above the melt sill is decoupled from the melt sill itself and the ductile crust underlying it. The stress-field within the brittle upper crust results from a local interaction of the two overlapping spreading centers, whereas the stress-field in the crust below the melt sill corresponds to the regional stress-field imposed by plate separation. Given this mechanical structure of the crust, the melt sill shape and location appear to be controlled by the following factors: the location of the deep melt source below the melt sill, the ambient stress-field at the depth of the melt sill, and the stress-field in the brittle upper crust above the melt sill, which thermally shapes the roof of the melt sill through repeated eruptions.  相似文献   

In this study, we examine the development of topography on a thin dense layer at the base of the lower mantle. The effect of the convecting mantle above is represented as a traction acting on the upper surface of the layer. Topography on the layer boundaries is predicted by a balance of dynamic flow stress and external traction. The nature of boundary topography depends on the magnitude of the driving tractions and the density variation within the layer. If we assume that the layer density is greatest beneath areas of mantle downwelling and decreases to a minimum beneath areas of mantle upwelling (the layer is thermally coupled to the convection in the overlying mantle) then its upper boundary develops a cusp-like peak beneath the upwelling mantle. The height of this peak is potentially much greater than the layer thickness. If, however, the layers are effectively coupled by viscous shear then internal density gradients of the opposite sign may be established. In this case, we observe solutions where the layer is completely swept away beneath areas of mantle downwelling leaving steep-sided ‘islands’ of dense material. This mechanism therefore provides a possible explanation for steep-sided anomalously slow regions at the base of the mantle observed by seismic methods (e.g. beneath south Africa) or for discrete ultralow velocity zones detected at the core-mantle boundary beneath locations of surface hotspots. The magnitude of the upper boundary driving tractions compared to the density gradient within the layer is the key parameter that determines the nature of flow in, and consequently boundary topography of, the layer. The deflection of the core-mantle boundary is small compared with that of the top of the dense layer, but a change in sign of the ratio of these deflections is observed as the magnitude of the driving tractions changes relative to the magnitude of the internal density gradient. We compare seismic measurements of core-mantle boundary topography and D′′ topography with the predictions of this model in an attempt to constrain model parameters, but no clear correlation seems to exist between D′′ thickness and CMB topography.  相似文献   

An ~22-m-thick saucer-shaped sill occurs near Mahad and is exposed as a curvilinear, miniature ridge within the Deccan Traps. The sill has variable dips (42–55°). It has a 7.1-km long axis and 5.3 km short axis (aspect ratio of 1.4) and is larger than the MV sill of the Golden Valley sill complex, South Africa and the Panton sill, Australia. The sill has distinct glassy upper and lower chilled margins with a coarse-grained highly jointed core. The samples from the margin are invariably fractured and iron stained because of deuteric alteration. The rock from the sill is plagioclase-phyric basalt. At least three thick sill-like apophyses emanate from the base of the main sill. The apophyses change direction because of bending and thinning from a horizontal concordant sheet at the top to a discordant inclined form that bends again to pass into a lower horizontal concordant sheet. We interpret such features as ‘nascent saucer-shaped sills’ that did not inflate to form nested sills. Geochemically, the sill consists of poorly differentiated tholeiitic basalt that has a restricted geochemical range. Critical trace element ratios and primitive mantle normalised trace and REE patterns indicate that the sills have geochemical affinities to the Poladpur chemical type and that the pahoehoe flow they intrude belongs to the Bushe Formation. Calculated magmatic overpressures during sill emplacement range from 8.4 to 11.3 MPa (for Young’s modulus E?=?5 GPa) and 16.7 to 22.5 MPa (for E=10 GPa) and depth to magma chamber ranges from 8.5 to 11.5 km (E?=?5 GPa) and 17.1 to 22.9 km (E?=?10 GPa), consistent with petrological and gravity modelling. The volume of the Mahad sill is approximately 276 km3 and is constant irrespective of the variations in the values of host-rock Young’s modulus. In 1980, Cox (J Petrol 21:629–650, 1980) proposed a conceptual model of the crust–mantle section beneath the Karoo CFB which is considered as the fundamental model for flood basalt volcanism. Our paper confirms the presence of a sill plus the inferred substructure beneath Mahad that are compatible with predictions of that model. In LIPS, saucer-shaped sills are formed in areas experiencing extensional tectonics where processes such as the Cook–Gordon delamination and Dundurs elastic extensional mismatch between layered sedimentary rocks or lava flows are responsible for the deflection of dykes into sills. A similar process is envisaged for the formation of the Mahad sill.  相似文献   

The role of water depth and bottom boundary layer turbulence upon lee-wave generation in sill regions is examined. Their effect upon vertical mixing is also considered. Calculations are performed using a non-hydrostatic model in cross-section form with a specified tidal forcing. Initial calculations in deeper water and a sill height such that the sill top is well removed from the surrounding bed region showed that downstream lee-wave generation and associated mixing increased as bottom friction coefficient k increased. This was associated with an increase in current shear across the sill. However, for a given k, increasing vertical eddy viscosity A v reduced vertical shear in the across sill velocity, leading to a reduction in lee-wave amplitude and associated mixing. Subsequent calculations using shallower water showed that for a given k and A v, lee-wave generation was reduced due to the shallower water depth and changes in the bottom boundary layer. However, in this case (unlike in the deepwater case), there is an appreciable bottom current. This gives rise to bottom mixing which in shallow water extends to mid-depth and enhances the mid-water mixing that is found on the lee side of the sill. Final calculations with deeper water but small sill height showed that lee waves could propagate over the sill, thereby reducing their contribution to mixing. In this case, bottom mixing was the major source of mixing which was mainly confined to the near bed region, with little mid-water mixing.  相似文献   

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