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Conclusion L'évolution de la lithosphère ressortit de phénomènes cosmiques, les uns liés au système solaire dans son ensemble, d'autres spécifiques à la Terre (l'atmosphère, l'eau, p.e.). Elle appartient au règne minéral et progresse souvent par cycles. L'évolution de la biosphère est liée à celles des sphères externes de la Terre, mais l'instabilité de la matière vivante et de la vie qui la constituent lui confère une polarité, celle de l'Evolution organique, laquelle procède dans un sens progressif, en laissant de coté les Êtres remplacés par de plus performants. L'évolution de la lithosphère a influé sur celle de la biosphère parce qu'elle lui fournit ses milieux de vie favorables à certains progrès ou hâtant les éliminations. L'évolution synchrone de la biosphère, en influant sur la composition de l'atmosphère et de l'hydrosphère, a joué un rÔle important dans la composition des sédiments et de la surface de la lithosphère. 相似文献
Jean-Franois Parrot 《Tectonophysics》1977,41(4):251-268
The Baër-Bassit area of northwestern Syria is composed of an ophiolite suite and a Triassic to Lower Cretaceous volcano-sedimentary formation. This area is believed to represent the front of sheets overthrust in the Maestrichtian on the Arabian Platform. The roots of the sheets are found to the north, in Turkey. The Baër-Bassit area could thus correspond to the southern margin of the northern part of the obducted Tethyan oceanic crust. Formation of the ocean started in the Late Triassic or at the beginning of the Jurassic.The subduction of Tethyan crust under the northern oceanic margin would have led to a change in the magmatic processes which would have produced the upper levels of hypertholeiitic pillow lavas on the southern rim of the northern district. In fact, those lavas are present all around the Arabian Platform, in the most ‘meridional’ ophiolitic complexes: Cyprus, Baër-Bassit and Oman.The change in magmatism would by definition occur in a relatively narrow zone; this would explain the differences observed when comparing the lavas and the sheeted intrusive complex on both the ‘meridional’ ophiolites and the more ‘internal’ Turkish massifs. Although belonging to the same oceanic crust, the differences in the ophiolitic assemblages would correspond to a different stage of its formation; the Turkish one would probably be a portion of oceanic crust formed at an earlier stage.Moreover, the volcano-sedimentary series associated with the ophiolites of Cyprus and Baër-Bassit would have been formed at the southern margin of the Tethyan region. A part of the volcano-sedimentary sequence has been subducted and metamorphosed. Amphibolites formed in this way would have been extracted from the subduction zone during the last movements when oceanic crust overthrust the Arabian—African Platform. The unmetamorphosed volcano-sedimentary series would have been folded and thrust towards the obducted oceanic crust during the same period. However, whereas the volcano-sedimentary formation of Syria is tectonically overthrust by the ophiolite, it is possible that the similar formation in Cyprus has been deposited from the south over the Troodos Massif. 相似文献
E. F. Suszczynski 《International Journal of Earth Sciences》1970,59(3):1232-1253
Résumé Le travail met au point pour la première fois dans la Géologie brésilienne, une synthèse tectonique et géologique de la Plateforme amazonienne. Trois phases géologiques et tectoniques principales ont été considérées: le socle cristallin (d'âge précambrien); la couverture sédimentaire plissée ou phase géologique intermédiaire (developpée du Précambrien supérieur au Silurien) et la converture sédimentaire non-plissée (du Dévoniem inférieur au Tertiaire).Dans le socle cristallin, deux noyaux cratoniques ont été individualisés: le noyau cratonique Brésil-Central et le noyau cratonique guyannais.Dans le socle cristallin les zones tectoniques ou phases orogéniques suivantes ont été décrites: pour le noyau cratonique Brésil-Central: le Rondonide, et le Sud-Amazonide (ou phase orogénique Curua-Xingu); pour le noyau cratonique guyannais, du coté brésilien: l'Amapaïde, le Paruïde et le Negroïde (ou phase orogénique Rio Negro).La couverture sédimentaire plissée a été divisée en trois régions, chacune avec ses propres caractéristiques: Cachimbo-Cubencranquém (sur le noyau cratonique Brésil-Central), Uatumã-Trombetas (dans la partie moyenne et basse de la depression amazonique — la plus jeune) et Roraima (sur le noyau cratonique guyannais — la plus ancienne).La couverture sédimentaire non-plissée a été divisée dans deux sous-phases: péricratonique et intracratonique. Le Bassin amazonique a été divisé à son tour en 5 (cinq) petits bassins internes dénommés: Acre, Haut-Amazone, Moyen Amazone, Bas-Amazone et Marajó.
In this article a synthesis of the geologic and tectonic history of the Amazonian Platform was made for the first time. Three principal geologic and tectonic phases were considered: the crystalline basement (of Precambrian age); the folded sedimentary cover (of late Precambrian to Silurian age), and the non-folded sedimentary cover (of Devonian to Tertiary age).In the crystalline basement, there are two cratonic nuclei separated by the Amazonian Depression: the Central-Brazil cratonic nucleus and the Guyannian cratonic nucleus.Also, in this crystalline basement the following tectonic zones or orogenic phases were described and separated: Rondonides and South-Amazonides in the cratonic nucleus of Central-Brazil; Amapaides, Paruides and Negroïdes, in the Guyannian cratonic nucleus.The folded sedimentary cover was characterized by different regions: Cachimbo-Cubencranquém (on the Central-Brazil nucleus); Uatumã-Trombetas (in the middle and low Amazonic Depression — the younger region considered) and Roraima, (on the Guyannian cratonic nucleus the older region).The non-folded sedimentary cover was divided into two (2) principal subphases: pericratonic and intracratonic. The Amazonian Basin was studied separately, and five (5) small tectonic basins were established: Acre, High-Amazonas, Middle Amazonas Low-Amazonas and Marajó basins.
Zusammenfassung In dieser Arbeit wird zum ersten Mal eine Synthese der geologischen und tektonischen Geschichte der Amazonas-Plattform vorgelegt. Drei geologische und tektonische Hauptphasen werden untersucht: das kristalline Basement (Präkambrium), die gefaltete Sedimentdecke (jüngeres Präkambrium bis Silur) und die ungefaltete Sedimentdecke (Devon bis Tertiär).Im Basement werden zwei kratonische Kerne unterschieden, zwischen denen die Amazonas-Depression liegt: der zentralbrasilianische Kern und der guyannische Kern.Weiterhin werden im Basement die folgenden tektonischen Zonen oder orogenen Phasen beschrieben und unterschieden: Rondonides und Süd-Amazonides (im zentralbrasilianischen Kern); Amapaides, Paruides und Negroides (im guyannischen Kern).Die gefaltete Sedimentdecke ist in folgenden Gebieten anzutreffen: Cachimbo-Cubencranquém (auf dem zentralbrasilianischen Kratonkern); Uatumã-Trombetas (in der mittleren und unteren Amazonas-Depression: die jüngeren Schichten) und Roraima (auf dem guyannischen Kratonkern: die älteren Schichten).Die ungefaltete Sedimentdecke ist in zwei Phasen unterteilt: eine perikratonische und eine intrakratonische. Das Amazonasbecken wurde für sich untersucht; es ist in fünf kleinere tektonische Becken unterteilt: Acre-, Hochamazonas-, Mittelamazonas-, Unteramazonas- und Marajó-Becken.
Resumo O presente artigo mostra pela primeira vez na geologia brasileira, uma síntese da tectônica e da geologia, do que se resolveu denominar Plataforma Amazônica. Três fases Geológicas e Tectônicas principais foram consideradas: a do Embasamento Cristalino (do Pré-Cambriano); a da cobertura Sedimentar Dobrada — ou Fase Geológica Intermediária — (do Pré-Cambriano Superior ao Siluriano) e a da Cobertura Sedimentar Não Dobrada (do Devoniano ao Terciário).No Embasamento Cristalino, dois Núcleos cratonicos foram individualizados, separados que estão, pela grande Depressão, Amazônica, de direção geral ENEOSO: o Núcleo cratónico Brasil-Central e o Núcleo cratônico Guianês. Neste Embasamento Cristalino as seguintes Zonas Tectônicas ou Fases orogênicas foram descritas e saparadas. Para o Núcleo Brasil-Central: o Rondonides e o Sul-Amazonides (ou Fase orogênica Curua-Xingu); para o Núcleo Guianês: o Amapaides, o Paruides e o Negroïdes (ou Fase orogênica Rio Negro).Quanto à cobertura Sedimentar Dobrada, às seguintes regiões foram caracterizadas: Cachimbo-Cubencranquém (sôbre o Núcleo Brasil-Central); Uatumã-Trombetas (no média e baixa Depressão Amazônica), a mais jovem, e o Roraima (sôbre o Núcleo Guianês), a mais antiga.A cobertura Sedimentar Não-Dobrada foi dividida em 2 (duas) Sub-Fases principais: a Pericratônica e a Intracratônica. A Bacia Amazônica, estudada também em separado, foi dividida em 5 (cinco) pequenas bacias internas: a do Acre, a do Alto-Amazônas a do Médio-Amazônas, a do Baixo-Amazônas e a. do Marajó.
( , , ). , , - . - - , — , . Cachimbo-Cubencranquem, Uatuma-Trombetas Roraima . : perikratonische intrakratonische. : Acre, , , Marajó.相似文献
Andre Guillaume 《Tectonophysics》1978,48(1-2)
This work discusses the state of knowledge (mainly tectonic and geophysical data) about the Tonale line and other “peri-Adriatic” lines in the Central and Eastern Alps. The chain is here cut into a mosaic of independent blocs, separated by faults with basic injections in some places. The Tonale fault had a dextral movement in Oligo-Miocene times; it is connected with the Austrian “Thermenlinie”, and not to the Pusteria—Gail line. An attempt at chronology is presented.
Ce travail fait le point des connassiances, principalement tectoniques et géophysiques, sur la linge du Tonale et les accidents “péri-adriatiques” récents des Alpes centrales et Orientales. Dans cette région, la chaine est découpée en une mosaïque de blocs indépendants, séparés par des accidents injectés ça et là de masses basiques. L'accident du Tonale, Qui a joué en décrochement dextre à l'Oligo-Miocéne, est relié à la Thermenlinie d'Autriche Et non à la linge Pusteria—Gail. Un essai de chronologie est présenté. 相似文献5.
Alain Thomas 《Engineering Geology》1971,5(4):313-329
Can we justifiably use a special drying process for measuring water content and dry density on marls containing gypsum so as to avoid errors due to the thermal dehydration of gypsum? In order to give an answer to this question, the author studied the variation of the systematic errors in the measures with measurable parameters such as temperature, length of drying time, gypsum content and water content. He also examined the incertitude due to the non-numerical parameters of dispersion, such as the nature of the tested marls and the size of the gypsum inclusions.
These investigations allowed the author, within the numerical parameters studied, to determine the regions where the precision of the corrections possible justifies the use of special methods of testing. He also shows that the usual way of desiccation below 55°C, is reliable only within a very limited range of water content. 相似文献
《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2003,335(6-7):545-549
The anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases should result in a marked warming of the Planet. Although quantitatively uncertain, this message is well apprehended by the society. Development of more investigations upon future climate and sources of energy should help to limit the extensiveness of this risk. To cite this article: C. Lorius, C. R. Geoscience 335 (2003). 相似文献
Marcel Volfinger 《Geochimica et cosmochimica acta》1976,40(3):267-282
The distribution of trace amounts of Na, Rb and Cs, between muscovite, phlogopite, sanidine and hydrothermal solution have been studied by ion exchange in a temperature range from 400 to 800°C.These distributions have been expressed with a partition ratio Paq?mx = (where X is Na, Rb or Cs).In the case of Na and Cs in muscovite, even for the dilute solutions, the ratio Paq?mx is not the equilibrium constant kx of exchange reactions. In other cases, Paq?mx does not depend on the trace alkali ion concentration in silicates (X) and is equal to kx. Variations of Px or kx with T are greater for Na and Cs than for Rb. Generally, kx decreases with increase in T. The function log is not linear for Na or Cs, but in the case of Rb, is linear and the standard enthalpy and entropy of exchange reactions have been estimated by applying the Arrhenius relation.The distribution relations obtained between silicate and vapour phase permit the determination of distributions of Na, Rb and Cs between two minerals mI and mII, relative to K. These have been expressed with the partition ratio Qx =. Variations of Qx with T are not remarkable, and even for Rb between phlogopite and feldspar are negligible. Nevertheless, one may use the distributions of Rb and Cs between muscovite and feldspar for geothermometry. Experimental results have been applied to some rocks by effecting corrections from the major element composition of the natural minerals. Estimated temperatures are near to 400°C in the granites and pegmatite studied here. 相似文献
The fluid inclusions occurring in quartz of cassiterite-bearing quartz veins from two localities of Southern Brittany have been studied (microthermometry and chemical analysis). In both localities, two sorts of fluids have been recognized: 1. Early fluids, related to the precipitation of cassiterite. Those fluids are closed to a chloride-bearing aqueous solution, with very little CO2 and hydrocarbons. The salinity is rather low (6 to 9 wt % eq. NaCl). The inclusions homogenize between 150 à 300 °C. The K/Na atomic ratio is about 0,1. From these data and the mineralogical associations (muscovite + kaolinite), the physical and chemical properties of the solution at the time of cassiterite crystallization have been calculated: temperature 350°C, pressure 800 bars; molalities of NaCl, KCl and HCl are, respectively about 1, 0.1 and 0.01 (pH at 25 °C, 1 bar 2, lower than 3 in any case). 2. Late fluids, related to an important kaolinization. They are generally colder, and have a either lower or higher salinity, than the early fluids. 相似文献
The drilling of new cores performed for ANDRA in eastern France allowed us to compare palynological data between central and eastern parts of the Paris Basin. Such a comparison, which was also motivated by the existence of a set of geochemical data in contradiction with the first palynological results, showed a spatial differentiation in palynological record from the Oxfordian. Such a palynological signal could result from overlapping of both local and global signals, the latter being in connection with the contemporaneous opening of proto-Atlantic Ocean. It could also be of major palaeogeographic and palaeoclimatic interest. To cite this article: V. Huault et al., C. R. Geoscience 335 (2003). 相似文献
Francis Amédro Hugues Accarie et Francis Robaszynski 《Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae》2005,98(2):151-167
Resume. Deux coupes de la Formation Bahloul en Tunisie centrale ont livré plus de 250 ammonites qui fondent une zonation en quatre
termes allant du Cénomanien terminal (Zones à Metoicoceras geslinianum et à Pseudaspidoceras pseudonodosoides) au Turonien basal (Zones à Watinoceras spp et à Pseudaspidoceras flexuosum). La position de la limite Cénomanien-Turonien (C-T) étant définie par l’apparition de Watinoceras spp, cette limite est placée à 0,60m près dans la localité-type de la Formation à l’Oued Bahloul. Sur les deux coupes étudiées
des mesures du carbone isotopique ont mis en évidence quatre événements – ou pics en δ13C – formant des lignes temporelles considérées comme synchrones dans la région considérée. L’événement δ13C indexé III, d’age encore cénomanien, est le plus proche de la limite C-T. Un événement biologique relatif à l’apparition
de ?filaments? – ou microlamellibranches pélagiques – toujours cénomanien, est encore plus proche de la limite C-T. Enfin,
une comparaison est tentée avec les Marnes à Plenus d’Eastbourne (UK) et avec le stratotype de la limite C-T à Pueblo (USA).
Manuscrit re?u le 15 octobre, 2004 Révision acceptée le 2 février, 2005 相似文献
MARIE-THÉRÈSE MORZADEC-KERFOURN 《Boreas: An International Journal of Quaternary Research》1977,6(3):275-283
The end of the Pliocene transgression is represented in Brittany, above sands and gravels, by clay or sandy clay containing an estuarian plankton and sometimes shells of molluses.
New borings at Pont-Rouz in Quemperven (Brittany) permit a biostratigraphical study, by means of pollen analysis, of the period corresponding to the Pliocene-Pleistocene transition. In the lower part of the deposit, rich in Ostrea shells, many floral element characteristics of the Reuver-clay are present: Sequoia, Taxodium, Sciadopitys , in relatively high percentages, Nyssa, Symplocos, Liquidambar , sporadically. The 'Tertiary' elements disappear in the upper part of the clay when other relicts like Tsuga, Pterocarya , and Carya are still present. Thus the Reuverian-Praetiglian boundary can be traced in the littoral sequence of Pont-Rouz. As in the Netherlands, the deterioration of the climate is clearly indicated by a sudden increase of Graminaceae pollen. A same evolution of the flora can be noticed at Mernel and Saint-Jean-la-Poterie, also in grey clay, along the river system of the Vilaine.
The Upper-Pliocene transgression has followed the same river system as the present one. The estuarian sediments lie in Brittany between 55 and 30 metres above zero NGF. The maximum of the transgression is situated in the Reuverian at La Salle, near Pont-Rouz, at 55 m (NGF). The post-Pliocene regression begins with the Praetiglian and continues in the Lower Pleistocene. 相似文献
New borings at Pont-Rouz in Quemperven (Brittany) permit a biostratigraphical study, by means of pollen analysis, of the period corresponding to the Pliocene-Pleistocene transition. In the lower part of the deposit, rich in Ostrea shells, many floral element characteristics of the Reuver-clay are present: Sequoia, Taxodium, Sciadopitys , in relatively high percentages, Nyssa, Symplocos, Liquidambar , sporadically. The 'Tertiary' elements disappear in the upper part of the clay when other relicts like Tsuga, Pterocarya , and Carya are still present. Thus the Reuverian-Praetiglian boundary can be traced in the littoral sequence of Pont-Rouz. As in the Netherlands, the deterioration of the climate is clearly indicated by a sudden increase of Graminaceae pollen. A same evolution of the flora can be noticed at Mernel and Saint-Jean-la-Poterie, also in grey clay, along the river system of the Vilaine.
The Upper-Pliocene transgression has followed the same river system as the present one. The estuarian sediments lie in Brittany between 55 and 30 metres above zero NGF. The maximum of the transgression is situated in the Reuverian at La Salle, near Pont-Rouz, at 55 m (NGF). The post-Pliocene regression begins with the Praetiglian and continues in the Lower Pleistocene. 相似文献
Philippe Favre 《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(2):59-81
RésuménUn résumé de la cinématique du Rif externe central et occidental, de la période de rifting aux événements tectoniques récents, est proposé. L’évolution du Rif externe est abordée sur le plan quantitatif par le biais des principaux mécanismes physiques qui ont pu affecter cette partie de la marge nord-africaine durant le Jurassique, le Crétacé et le Paléocène (processus de dilatation thermique lors du rifting et de contraction thermique lors du refroidissement de la lithosphère, effondrement par flexure de la marge nord-africaine lors de la collision). Les géométries et densités obtenues sont comparées avec les données gravimétriques et de sismique réfraction.Un des aspects du modèle de Wernicke (1985), la dissymétrie du rifting de la marge africaine, semble se vérifier par l’analyse et à la modélisation de la subsidence. Mais celle-ci montre l’existence d’une fusion adiabatique tardive du manteau supérieur dont le modèle de cisaillement simple ne tient pas compte. Le soulèvement de la marge à la fin du rifting ne serait pas dû uniquement à une dilatation thermique car les données de terrain montrent des discordances angulaires importantes sur la marge africaine. Ce soulèvement est attribué localement à la poussée des rides médio-océaniques naissantes de l’Atlantique et du sillon transformant nord-africain.La modélisation de la subsidence tectonique permet d’expliquer l’absence d’intumescence sous le Rif. Elle est attribuée aux taux d’amincissement crustaux élevés durant les phases d’extension triasico-jurassiques. Cette approche quantitative confirme l’existence d’un bassin intra-continental avorté au sud-ouest et d’une marge continentale sensu stricto au nord-est. Si l’océanisation paraît plus tardive dans la partie rifaine du sillon transformant nord-africain (Callovien) que dans l’Atlantique Central (Bajocien), la subsidence post-rift ne se distingue pas de celle d’une marge passive classique. 相似文献
C. Derré 《Mineralium Deposita》1982,17(1):55-77
Résumé L'analyse de la distribution des gisements et indices à Sn-W de la province ouesteuropéenne permet de constater une organisation en bandes parallèles, alternativement à Sn et à W dominant. Leur orientation relativement constante, N 110 dans le Massif Central français et E-W dans le Nw de l'Ibérie, et leur indépendance par rapport aux axes structuraux de l'orogène varisque, suggèrent l'existence d'anisotropies crustales antérieures aux granitisations varisques. En effet, le comportement géochimique de Sn-W dans les processus de différenciation magmatique, et une polarité éventuelle du magmatisme dans l'orogène varisque, ne suffisent pas seuls à expliquer une telle distribution. Il faut rechercher ces anisotropies géochimiques bien avant la mise en place des granites peu différenciés subautochtones tardi-dévoniens qui sont déjà spécialisés en Sn. Depuis le Cadomien même, les granitoïdes qui ont concentré Sn-W par cristallisation fractionnée et fusion répétées ont été des révélateurs de plus en plus efficaces pour Sn, un peu moins pour W qui est surtout concentré par une phase hydrothermale. Deux grandes époques de mise en place des minéralisations en Sn-W peuvent être ainsi attribuées à deux lignées différenciées de granitoïdes: 1) namurienne et westphalienne dans le Massif Central; 2) westphalienne et autunienne dans le NW de la péninsule ibérique. Les gisements s'ordonnent suivant deux directions. Les unes N 110/N 90 sont les structures plicatives qui guident la mise en place des granites namuriens à westphaliens. Les autres sont N 20/N160 et guident les différenciations du toit des granites.
The Sn-W spatial distribution (deposits and occurrences) in the west-european province emphazises an alternating W and Sn rich banded pattern. The bands have a fairly constant trend (N 110 in the french Massif Central, E-W in the northwestern Iberia) and are generally independant of that of the variscan orogenic domains. This supports the idea of crustal anisotropies previous to late paleozoïc granite emplacement. The banded organization is not readily explained by the geochemical behaviour of Sn-W during the magmatic evolution and the possible magmatic polarity of the orogen. So, geochemical anisotropies must be sought in rocks older than the late devonian poorly differentiated subautochtonous granites which were already anomalous in Sn. Since cadomian time, the granites which have concentrated Sn and W through repeated fractionate crystallization and remelting have been more and more effective revealers for Sn, a little less for W, which especially concentrates through hydrothermal processes. So, two main periods of Sn-W mineralization can be bound to two differentiated suites of granites: 1) Namurian-Westphalian in the french Massif Central; 2) Westphalian-Autunian in the north-western Iberia. The ore deposits occur along two directions: N 110/N 90 which are the trends of late fold axis and the guide of the setting of namurian granites and N 20/N 160 the trends of zones of differentiation in the roofs of the granites.相似文献
H. G. Carrat 《Mineralium Deposita》1971,6(1):1-22
Résumé L'objet principal de cette note est l'étude des manifestations précoces, mais déjà décisives de la concentration de l'uranium au sein des roches ignées. Le comportement de cet élément s'y montre distinct de ceux du thorium et de l'étain. Le style de variation de l'uranium proche de celui du thorium dans les roches volcaniques et les granites à évolution calme, se trouve modifié dès les premières manifestations tectoniques cassantes des massifs granitiques, avec une mobilité brutalement accure. L'uranium se fixe alors dans les zones précocement fracturées et consolidées de la partie haute des massifs de granite à biotite. Il y forme des enrichissements faits pour l'essentiel d'une cristallisation très fine de minéraux de type uraninite, largement disséminée dans la roche, constituant une véritable préconcentration (âge présumé 280–300 M.A.). A une date plus tardive, soit à partir de la phase tectonique saalienne (250 M. A.), a eu lieu la concentration principale sous forme de pechblende filonienne. Il est alors formulé une opinion génétique selon laquelle l'uranium des filons proviendrait de celui des uraninites, préalablement lessivé, puis redéposé, sous l'influence de processus supergènes et hydrothermaux profonds.
The main subject of this note is the study of the early but already decisive occurrences of uranium concentration within igneous rocks. The behaviour of this element seems to be different from that of thorium and tin. The mode of uranium variation, similar to that of thorium in volcanic rocks and in quietly evolving granites, is modified by the first fracturing of the granitic systems, with an abruptly increased mobility.Then uranium becomes fixed in early broken and reconsolidated zones in the higher parts of biotite granite systems. It is mainly enriched as a very fine crystallisation of uraninite type minerals, widely scattered in the rock, making up a real preconcentration (presumed age 280–300 M.Y.). At a later date, i. e., since the saalian phase (250 M.Y.), the main concentration of pitchblende veins took place. Thus one is lead to the genetic conclusion that the uranium of the veins could proceed from uraninite previously leached, and then redeposited under the control of both supergene processes and hydrothermal processes of deep seated origin.相似文献
A paleomagnetic study has been made about the calc-alkaline lavas (Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene age) and the Plio-Quaternary basaltic alkaline lavas of the Logudoro and Bosano (North West Sardinia). This study is based on the chronological scale of the volcanic phases of this part of Sardinia; this scale was established on field observations and K/Ar datings. Hence, the authors propose a sketch of paleomagnetic stratigraphy and discuss the problem of the drifting of Sardinia in the course of Cenozoic time. They are lead to the conclusion that the move of Sardinia terminated at the moment when the calcalkaline lavas flowed into the Logudoro and the Bosano.
Une étude paléomagnétique a été réalisée sur les laves calco-alcalines (âge Oligocène terminal-Miocène moyen) et les laves alcalines basaltiques plio—quaternaires du Logudoro et du Bosano (Sardaigne nord-occidentale). Cette étude repose sur l'échelle chronologique des phases volcaniques de cette région de la Sardaigne établie à partir d'observations de terrain et de datations K/Ar. Les auteurs proposent ainsi une ébauche de stratigraphie paléomagnétique et discutent du problème de la dérive de la Sardaigne au cours des temps cénozoïques. Ils sont amenés à conclure que la rotation de la Sardaigne était achevée au moment où les laves calco-alcalines se sont mises en place dans le Logudoro et le Bosano, car le paléomagnétisme de ces laves ne permet pas de mettre en évidence une telle rotation. 相似文献19.
Four hundred inoceramids have been collected in the geological site at Tercis, where the Campanian–Maastrichtian boundary has been recently defined. At Tercis, a distinct drop of the adult size of inoceramids is observed between levels 111 and 117 and two turnovers of faunal composition were documented between levels 94 and 96 and between levels 111 and 117; the latter interval encompasses the stage boundary. The recognised inoceramid assemblages are very close to those known from North America, allowing better correlation than before between the two domains in the interval 77–70 Ma. The presence of these faunas perfectly located in the section leads to consider the Tercis section as the best known reference for this fossil group, the surprisingly good correlative potential of which has still to be considered in many areas. 相似文献
The study area is located in the north of the Hoggar Basement. It is bounded to the east by the Idjerane-Azaz north-south-trending structural system, the Azzel-Matti Ridge to the south and to the north by the Timimoun Basin. Distribution of the structural elements and the determination of deviatoric stress tensors indicate two main directions for major stress (σ1), one striking northeast-southwest and the other west-northwest-east-southeast. Structural evolution during the Hercynian Orogeny can be considered as a continuous strain rather than as two contrasting tectonic events. The structural features can be attributed to the association of wrench faulting and thrusting, which is compatible with a strain regime of combined pure and simple shear. The basement fabric features exerted a very strong control on the structural evolution during the Hercynian deformation. 相似文献