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韧性剪切带是造山带中一种普遍发育的构造形迹,它一般呈线性展布于不同构造单元之间。近年来的研究表明,许多超大型、大型金矿床均受韧性剪切带控制,多产于陆台边缘或动力变质带中。本专著对产于该带的锑矿床,首次提出也受控于韧性剪切带。这个认识能否成立?尚待今后...  相似文献   

我国目前所使用的煤田测井仪大体分为两类,即补偿式和非补偿式,其中多数是照相式和部分推笔式记录仪。由于煤田测井,在同一个钻孔中同一种参数有几种不同深度比例尺;再加之,目前测井参数不断增加。因此,测井工作量不断增加,占用井场的时间也不断增加,随之增加了发生测井事故的可能性。再者由于幅度的不合适,深度记号的漏记都可能发生,这都直接影响了测井曲线的记录质量。基于以上原因,我们试制了JMC-4-4型数率式磁带测井仪。将测井参数记录在磁带上,在磁带上以单位时间记录脉冲信号的多少表示所测参数数值的大小。为了使磁带记录减少干扰、必须将所测各种参数的幅度大小转变成脉冲信号,因此输给记录磁头的是电脉冲而在运动着的磁带上留下磁脉冲。因此,此仪器的记录原理不同于目前国外使用的二进制数字磁带测井仪,也不同于目前所使用的其他模拟磁带仪。故称之为数率式磁带测井仪。   相似文献   

一、怀来台概况怀来形变综合台位于河北省怀来县沙城北约7km,地处燕山折断带李信屯断褶处,延庆山字型前弧西翼与新华夏构造体系大海坨构造带的复合部位,延怀断陷盆地中部,黑山寺狼山断裂的北端,海拔628m(见图1)。 1988年4月中国地震局地壳应力研究所为我台安装了TJ-1A型钻孔式体应变仪,2000年11月地面仪器更换为TJ-1C型仪器。我台目前还有SQ-70型石英摆倾斜仪(二分量),  相似文献   

4PNL立式泥浆泵4PNL型泵是无锡钻探工具厂最新生产的一种立式单级单吸泥浆泵,流量大,扬程高,可供工程勘探打井、矿山输送泥浆、矿砂混合体之用。4PNL型泵体用球磨铸铁制造,叶轮、护板等采用精密耐磨铸钢制造,轴用优质合金钢制造,使用寿命长,并配备防反...  相似文献   

SG-4塞曼测汞仪是地质部物探实验站测汞组继七六年研制成功XG-3测汞仪(已由北京地质仪器厂投入生产)后,在七八年制成原理型塞曼测汞装置(与地科院测试所协作)的基础上,于七九年与物探所实验工厂协作研制的新型产品。  相似文献   

甲烷(CH4)是一种重要的温室气体,工业革命以来,大气中CH4浓度已增长了2~3倍。北冰洋沿岸冻土地带和冰川地质区域下埋藏了巨量的CH4储量,在全球气候变化背景下,北冰洋快速增长的CH4释放通量和可能产生的后果引起了人们的广泛关注。综述了北冰洋CH4的研究现状,着重介绍了北冰洋CH4的分布特征、通量及其生物地球化学行为,最后探讨了该研究领域中存在的问题。  相似文献   

Tooeleite, nominally Fe63+(As3+O3)4(SO4)(OH)4·4H2O, is a relatively uncommon mineral of some acid-mine drainage systems. Yet, if it does occur, it does so in large quantities, indicating that some specific conditions favor the formation of this mineral in the system Fe-As-S-O-H. In this contribution, we report the thermodynamic properties of synthetic tooeleite. The sample was characterized by powder X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, extended X-ray absorption fine-structure spectroscopy, and Mössbauer spectroscopy. These methods confirmed that the sample is pure, devoid of amorphous impurities of iron oxides, and that the oxidation state of arsenic is 3+. Using acid-solution calorimetry, the enthalpy of formation of this mineral from the elements at the standard conditions was determined as −6196.6 ± 8.6 kJ mol−1. The entropy of tooeleite, calculated from low-temperature heat capacity data measured by relaxation calorimetry, is 899.0 ± 10.8 J mol−1 K−1. The calculated standard Gibbs free energy of formation is −5396.3 ± 9.3 kJ mol−1. The log Ksp value, calculated for the reaction Fe6(AsO3)4(SO4)(OH)4·4H2O + 16H+ = 6Fe3+ + 4H3AsO3 + SO42− + 8H2O, is −17.25 ± 1.80. Tooeleite has stability field only at very high activities of aqueous sulfate and arsenate. As such, it does not appear to be a good candidate for arsenic immobilization at polluted sites. An inspection of speciation diagrams shows that the predominance field of Fe3+ and As3+ overlap only at strongly basic conditions. The formation of tooeleite, therefore, requires strictly selective oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ and, at the same time, firm conservation of the trivalent oxidation state of arsenic. Such conditions can be realized only by biological systems (microorganisms) which can selectively oxidize one redox-active element but leave the other ones untouched. Hence, tooeleite is the first example of an “obligatory” biomineral under the conditions prevailing at or near the Earth's surface because its formation under these conditions necessitates the action of microorganisms.  相似文献   

Calorimetric and experimental data on AlF-bearing titanite are presented that yield thermodynamic properties of CaAlFSiO4, as well as activity-composition relations of binary titanite CaTiOSiO4-CaAlFSiO4. The heat capacity of synthetic CaAlFSiO4 was measured with differential scanning calorimetry between 170 and 850 K: CP=689.96-0.38647T+2911300T-2-8356.1T-0.5+0.00016179T2 Based on low-temperature heat capacity calculations with lattice vibrational theory (Debye model), the calorimetric entropy of CaAlFSiO4 can be expected to lie between 104.7 and 118.1 J mol-1 K-1. The temperature of the P21/a to A2/a phase change was determined calorimetrically for a titanite with XAl=0.09 (Ttransition=390 K). The decrease of the transition temperature at a rate of about 11 K per mol% CaAlFSiO4 is in good agreement with previous TEM investigations. The displacement of the reaction anorthite + fluorite = CaAlFSiO4 in the presence of CaTiOSiO4 was studied with high P-T experiments. Titanite behaves as a non-ideal, symmetrical solid-solution. The thermodynamic properties of CaAlFSiO4 consistent with a multi-site mixing model are: % MathType!MTEF!2!1!+- % feaaeaart1ev0aaatCvAUfKttLearuavTnhis1MBaeXatLxBI9gBam % XvP5wqSXMqHnxAJn0BKvguHDwzZbqegm0B1jxALjhiov2Daebbnrfi % fHhDYfgasaacH8srps0lbbf9q8WrFfeuY-Hhbbf9v8qqaqFr0xc9pk % 0xbba9q8WqFfea0-yr0RYxir-Jbba9q8aq0-yq-He9q8qqQ8frFve9 % Fve9Ff0dmeaabaqaciaacaGaaeqabaWaaeaaeaaakeaafaqaaiWaca % aabaGaeeyrauKaeeOBa4MaeeiDaqNaeeiAaGMaeeyyaeMaeeiBaWMa % eeiCaaNaeeyEaKNaeeiiaaIaee4Ba8MaeeOzayMaeeiiaaIaeeOzay % Maee4Ba8MaeeOCaiNaeeyBa0MaeeyyaeMaeeiDaqNaeeyAaKMaee4B % a8MaeeOBa4MaeeiiaaIaeeikaGIaeeyzauMaeeiBaWMaeeyzauMaee % yBa0MaeeyzauMaeeOBa4MaeeiDaqNaee4CamNaeeykaKIaeeiiaaIa % emizaq2aaSbaaSqaaiabdAgaMbqabaGccqWGibasdaahaaWcbeqaai % abicdaWaaaaOqaaiabg2da9iabgkHiTiabikdaYiabiEda3iabisda % 0iabicdaWiabc6caUiabiIda4iabgglaXkabiodaZiabc6caUiabic % daWiabbccaGiabbUgaRjabbQeakjabb2gaTjabb+gaVjabbYgaSnaa % CaaaleqabaGaeyOeI0IaeGymaedaaaGcbaGaee4uamLaeeiDaqNaee % yyaeMaeeOBa4MaeeizaqMaeeyyaeMaeeOCaiNaeeizaqMaeeiiaaIa % ee4CamNaeeiDaqNaeeyyaeMaeeiDaqNaeeyzauMaeeiiaaIaeeyzau % MaeeOBa4MaeeiDaqNaeeOCaiNaee4Ba8MaeeiCaaNaeeyEaKNaeeii % aaIaee4uam1aaWbaaSqabeaacqqGWaamaaaakeaacqqG9aqpcqqGXa % qmcqqGWaamcqqG0aancqqGUaGlcqqG5aqocqGHXcqScqqGXaqmcqqG % UaGlcqqGXaqmcqqGGaaicqqGkbGscqqGTbqBcqqGVbWBcqqGSbaBda % ahaaWcbeqaaiabgkHiTiabigdaXaaakiabbUealnaaCaaaleqabaGa % eyOeI0IaeGymaedaaaGcbaGaeeyta0KaeeyyaeMaeeOCaiNaee4zaC % MaeeyDauNaeeiBaWMaeeyzauMaee4CamNaeeiiaaIaeeiCaaNaeeyy % aeMaeeOCaiNaeeyyaeMaeeyBa0MaeeyzauMaeeiDaqNaeeyzauMaee % OCaiNaeeiiaaYaamWaaeaacqWGxbWvdaWgaaWcbaGaemisaG0aaWba % aWqabeaacqGHsislaaaaleqaaOGaeeivaqLaem4vaC1aaSbaaSqaai % abdohaZbqabaaakiaawUfacaGLDbaaaeaacqGH9aqpcqaIXaqmcqaI % ZaWmcqGGUaGlcqaI2aGncqGHXcqScqaIWaamcqGGUaGlcqaI0aanca % aMe8UaeeOsaOKaeeyBa0Maee4Ba8MaeeiBaW2aaWbaaSqabeaacqGH % sislcqaIXaqmaaaaaaaa!E403!
Enthalpy of formation (elements) df H0
amp; = - 2740.8 ±3.0kJmol - 1
Standard state entropy S0
amp; = 104.9 ±1.1 Jmol - 1 K - 1
WV) was determined from the excess volume of mixing based on XRD measurements (214ᆦ J mol-1 kbar-1), as well as refined from the piston-cylinder experimental results (198뀺 J mol-1 kbar-1), demonstrating consistency between crystal structure data and thermodynamic properties. The stability of AlF-bearing titanite Ca(Ti,Al)(O,F)SiO4 was investigated by thermodynamic modelling in the system Ca-Al-Si-Ti-O-F-H-C and subsystems. The petrogenetic grids are in good agreement with natural mineral assemblages, in that very Al-rich titanite (XAl>0.65ǂ.15) is generally absent because it is either unstable with respect to other phases, or its stability field lies outside the P-T conditions realised on Earth. The grids explain both the predominant occurrence of natural Al-rich titanite at high metamorphic grade such as eclogite facies conditions, as well as its scarcity in blueschist facies rocks. Wide spacing of the Al-isopleths for titanite of many high-grade assemblages prevents their use as geobarometers or thermometers. The instability of end-member CaAlFSiO4 with respect to other phases in most assemblages modelled here is consistent with the hypothesis that the presence of structural stresses in the crystal lattice of CaAlFSiO4 influences its thermodynamic stability. The titanite structure is not well suited to accommodate Al and F instead of Ti and O, causing the relatively high Gibbs free energy of CaAlFSiO4, manifested in its standard state properties. Thus, the increasing amount of CaAlFSiO4 along the binary join is the reason why titanite with XAl>0.65ǂ.15 becomes unstable in most petrogenetic grids presented here. The compositional limit of natural titanite (XAlƸ.54) probably reflects the point beyond which the less stable end member begins to dominate the solid-solution, affecting both crystal structure and thermodynamic stability.  相似文献   

采用多顶砧高压实验装置研究了Mg2SiO4-MgAl2O4体系在压力为22 GPa,温度为1550~1750℃条件下的相变,并考查了Al2O3在γ相中的固溶度.结果表明,随着体系中MgAl2O4组分含量的增加,相组合发生了变化,依次为γ相+镁铝硅酸盐固溶体+方镁石→镁铝硅酸盐固溶体+方镁石→镁铝硅酸盐固溶体+方镁石+刚玉固溶体;镁铝硅酸盐固溶体具有石榴子石结构,其化学成分随着体系中共存相的改变而有所变化;Al2O3在γ相中的固溶度很低(其重量百分比<0.8%),因此,在Mg2SiO4-MgAl2O4体系中Al2O3可能对γ相超尖晶石分解转变的压力不会有很大的影响.  相似文献   

20001575 Fang Lianyu(No.3 Hydrogeologyand Engineering Geologieal Team,Hebei Bu-reau of Geologieal Exploration,Hengshui,Hebei);Kang Qingpu The Primary Diseus-sion on the ProsPeets of Geothermal Ex-Ploitation in the Eastern Plain of XingtaiCity,Hebei Provinee(Aeta Geoseientia Sini-ea,ISSN 1006一3021,CN 11一3840/P,21(2),2000,p.155一59,一illus·,4 tables) On rhe basis of summarizing the distribu-t ion eharaeteristies of geologieal strueture,strata,georhermo一geologieal models,geother…  相似文献   

就某大型商城中增设的一个中型4D影院设计中需要考虑借鉴的有关内容加以综合阐述,并就设计、改造中涉及的一些影院特殊位置等工艺要求,以及空调通风提出见解及建议,供参考和交流.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - Using X-ray analysis, the crystal structure of yegorovite Na4[Si4O8(OH)4] · 7H2O, a newly-discovered mineral from the Lovozero alkaline complex (Kola Peninsula,...  相似文献   

岩相古地理学及沉积中国早寒武世岩相古地理冯增昭 彭勇民 金振奎 鲍志东 4(1 ) :1~ 1 2 ……………………………………………塔里木盆地晚泥盆世及石炭纪岩相古地理朱如凯 罗 平 罗 忠 4(1 ) :1 3~ 2 4 ……………………………………中国西北地区石炭纪岩相古地理郭宏莉 朱如凯 邵龙义 何东博 罗 忠 4(1 ) :2 5~ 3 5 …………………………南秦岭镇安盆地泥盆纪沉积体系与古地理演化屈红军 梅志超 崔智林 孟庆任 4(1 ) :3 6~ 42 ……………………新疆库鲁克塔格地区奥陶纪岩相古地理纪友亮 彭传圣 张立强 4(1 ) :4…  相似文献   

9621 19 Wang Feiyu(Perroleum Universlry,Beijing,102200);卜{e Ping CONTRIBUTIONOF ALGAE AND BACTERIA TO THE HU-MIC COAL FORMATION OF TAIYUANFORMATION IN NORTH CHINA(ES.ISSN 1000一2383,CN42一1233/P,20(6),1 995,p.719一722,2 graphs,2 tables,7 ref,w irh English abstraet)962120 Yin Shax一ehun(Departn、ent of Geo-logieal Survey,Minisrry of Geology andM ineral Resourees)THE EVOLUTION OFPEAT BOGS AND IT‘5 MECHANISM(CGE,ISSN 1001一1986,CN61一1…  相似文献   

1 宝石矿物性质 本期刊出硅钙铀钍矿,蓝柱石,顽火辉石,磷铝锰石—磷铝铁石等4种矿物的物理性质(表1)  相似文献   

稻田CH4的传输   总被引:28,自引:1,他引:28  
通过对稻田CH_4排放、土壤CH_4产生率以及植物体CH_4传输、气泡、液相扩散这三种排放路径的同时测量后发现:CH_4氧化作用在下午CH_4排放路径通畅时较小;阴雨天气造成CH_4排放率降低会增加CH_4在土壤中的氧化量。早稻CH_4传输效率在6月上、中旬较高,晚稻则在水稻生长初期的7月下旬最高,这主要是两季水稻的生长季节中气候因子的差异造成的。只有在较短的时间尺度内,当水稻植物体、气候因素维持相对恒定时,CH_4产生率和稻田甲烷排放才显出正相关性。 水稻植物体内有明显的CH_4浓度梯度。水稻的切割控制实验发现,通过植物体排放CH_4的比例随季节而变化,在进行单株植物体排放测量时发现了同样结果,早稻和晚稻CH_4通过水稻植物体的传输平均分别占CH_4总体排放的73.18%(43.07—97.88%〕及54.98%(11—99.95%);植物体对CH_4排放的作用在早稻大于晚稻;水稻植物体排放CH_4的能力的季节变化对早、晚稻类似,随着水稻的生长而不断增强,到水稻抽穗中期达到最大,以后则随水稻的成熟而变小;水稻植物体排放CH_4的能力与水稻植物体的高度存在极大的线性正相关。土壤中CH_4的浓度远远大于大气中的CH_4含量(10—10~4倍),根部区域土壤CH_4浓度小于水稻行间土壤中的;在垂直方向,CH_4浓度在14cm深的土壤中最大,与土壤浅层有  相似文献   

971344 Dai Shifeng(Beijing GraduateSehool,CUMT,Beijing);Ren Deyi Fluetua-tion of Sea一Level and Division of Cyeles inYanzhou Coalfield,Shandong Provinee(JCUMT,ISSN 1000一1964,CN 32一1 152/TD,26(l),1997,p.43一47,2graphs,1,able,6 ref) Based on the analyses of eyelieity andtextura!fearure of the eoal measure inYanzhou eoalfield,Shandong Provinee,rhispaPer discusses the eharaeteristies of sea一Iev-el ehange and its eontrolling in the eoal一forming proeess,elueidaresthe asymmetriealfe…  相似文献   

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