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黄土高原植被破坏前后土壤团粒结构分形特征   总被引:45,自引:1,他引:45  
丁文峰  丁登山 《地理研究》2002,21(6):700-706
应用分形理论的相关模型对黄土高原子午岭地区林地及不同开垦年限的农地土壤团粒结构分形特征进行了研究。结果表明 :林地和不同开垦年限的农地土壤团粒结构分形维在 2 .32~ 2 .91之间 ,表现为 >0 .2 5mm的团聚体含量越低 ,其结构的分形维越高。分形维与水稳性团聚体含量之间呈显著线性关系。林地和不同开垦年限农地表层土壤的物理性质随土壤团聚体的分形维变化而变化 ,即分形维越小 ,>0 .2 5mm的团粒含量越高 ,土壤容重也越小 ,土壤疏松 ,土壤通气度大 ,土壤涵蓄水分与供应作物生长所需水分的能力越好 ;分形维越大 ,>0 .2 5mm的团粒含量低 ,土壤容重也越大 ,土壤紧实 ,土壤通气度小 ,则土壤涵蓄水分与供应作物所需水分的能力越差。上述结果在一定程度上表明 ,植被遭到破坏、不合理的人为开垦 ,是土壤退化和生态环境恶化的主要原因 ;恢复和重建植被 ,增加地面覆盖 ,应为加速黄土高原综合治理的基本内容。  相似文献   

Serious soil erosion is one of the major issues threatening sustainable land use in semiarid areas, especially in the Loess Plateau of China. Understanding the effects of land use on soil and water loss is important for sustainable land use strategy. Two sub-catchments: catchment A (CA) and catchment B (CB) with distinct land uses were selected to measure soil moisture, runoff and soil nutrient loss in Da Nangou catchment of the Loess Plateau of China. The effects of land use patterns on runoff and nutrient losses were analyzed based on soil moisture pattern by kriging and soil nutrients using multiple regression model. The results indicated that there were significant differences in runoff yield and soil nutrient losses between the two sub-catchments. With similar land uses, the CA produced an average sediment yield of 49 kg ha-1 and 22.27 kg ha-1 during two storm events.Meanwhile, there was almost no runoff in the CB with dissimilar land uses during the same events.Buffer zones should be established to re-absorb runoff and to trap sediments in catchment with similar land use structure such as the CA. Moreover, land use management strategy aiming to increase the infiltration threshold of hydrological response units could decrease the frequency of runoff occurrence on a slope and catchment scale.  相似文献   

Serious soil erosion is one of the major issues threatening sustainable land use in semiarid areas, especially in the Loess Plateau of China. Understanding the effects of land use on soil and water loss is important for sustainable land use strategy. Two sub-catchments: catchment A (CA) and catchment B (CB) with distinct land uses were selected to measure soil moisture, runoff and soil nutrient loss in Da Nangou catchment of the Loess Plateau of China. The effects of land use patterns on runoff and nutrient losses were analyzed based on soil moisture pattern by kriging and soil nutrients using multiple regression model. The results indicated that there were significant differences in runoff yield and soil nutrient losses between the two sub-catchments. With similar land uses, the CA produced an average sediment yield of 49 kg ha-1 and 22.27 kg ha-1 during two storm events. Meanwhile, there was almost no runoff in the CB with dissimilar land uses during the same events. Buffer zones should be established to re-absorb runoff and to trap sediments in catchment with similar land use structure such as the CA. Moreover, land use management strategy aiming to increase the infiltration threshold of hydrological response units could decrease the frequency of runoff occurrence on a slope and catchment scale.  相似文献   

以新疆准噶尔盆地未开垦盐碱土为研究对象,测量土壤含盐量、pH、电导率、八大离子等指标,采用多元统计、主成分分析法(PCA)对采样区盐碱土分布特征与盐生植被多样性进行研究.结果表明:(1)研究区以硫酸盐-氯化物盐土、硫酸盐盐土为主.中、重度硫酸盐-氯化物盐土、硫酸盐盐土以链状或条带状集中分布在昌吉回族自治州、博尔塔拉蒙古...  相似文献   

基于城市空间网络结构和规模特征两个方面,运用修正引力模型、社会网络分析、标准差椭圆分析、中心职能模型、泰尔指数模型等,综合刻画2000—2017年新疆城镇体系区域经济的空间发展规律及变化差异。结果表明:(1)从城市空间网络结构来看,新疆城镇体系城市网络的范围持续扩张,等级分层较为突出,空间上表现为以乌昌石城镇群为核心逐级递减的单核圈层结构。联系网络的密度有所下降,但变化较小,各子城镇群的区域联系有待加强。新疆城镇体系的内部凝聚力远大于外向辐射力,整体上形成资源不断涌向核心区域的现象,正处于发展严重不协调阶段。(2)从城市规模特征来看,新疆城镇体系的区域格局主导方向为“东北-西南”,空间结构长期稳定,核心区域集中在天山中部,总体呈现“一级超强,分散组团”的发展格局,乌昌石城镇群与其他区域差距悬殊且极化现象愈加突出,各子区域间表现出明显的等级差异。同时,各地区的差距不断增大,发展也相对割裂,没有形成良好的互动,城镇职能配置不断转移,呈现显著的“虹吸”效应。总体来看,研究区的“中心-外围”特征显著,区域经济格局虽然存在一定弊端,但等级严序的分层结构,次级城镇群间差异较小等特征为优化经济格局框架创造了可能。  相似文献   

Ecological patterns and processes in dune ecosystems have been a research focus in recent years, however information on how dune stabilization influences vegetation and soil at different spatial scales...  相似文献   

基于甘肃省清水县汤峪河径流小区2015—2017年的观测数据,研究不同植被恢复模式条件下坡面次降雨入渗、产流产沙特征。结果表明:不同植被恢复模式条件下的土壤入渗量与降雨强度呈二次函数关系,存在入渗量达到最大值的临界降雨强度。入渗速率与降雨历时可以用幂函数关系表达,符合考斯恰可夫入渗模型。不同植被恢复模式条件下的产流率在0.003 3~0.003 6 mm·min-1之间,相对裸地的减流率为54%~58%。产流率与降雨强度之间呈二次函数关系(R2>0.88),产流率的主要影响因素是降雨强度。径流含沙量平均值乔灌混合区(3.13 g·L-1)>灌木林(2.95 g·L-1)>乔木林(2.79 g·L-1)>草地(2.58 g·L-1),径流含沙量与降雨强度呈线性递增函数关系。裸地的产沙量显著高于各植被小区(P<0.05),是各植被小区的43~57倍,各植被小区的减沙率在93%~94%之间,减沙效益高于其减流效益。各植被坡面土壤流失量与降雨侵蚀力呈线性递增函数关系;产流率与侵蚀产沙率之间呈极显著正相关关系(P<0.01),二者间可采用二次函数关系表达。本研...  相似文献   

程占红  赵蒙 《干旱区地理》2012,35(4):578-586
 物种多样性是衡量景区生态环境质量的重要指标之一。通过计算物种的多样性指数、科属、区系、生活型和生态型特征,利用除趋势对应分析方法对五台山旅游干扰下植物多样性的格局进行了研究,结果表明:在不同地理因子和物种多样性的作用下,各类植被景观区表现出一定的格局规律。在排序图上,以灌木层和草本层植物为主的Ⅲ区、Ⅳ区和Ⅶ区位于左侧,以乔木层、灌木层和草本层植物为主的Ⅰ区、Ⅱ区、Ⅵ区和Ⅴ区位于中间,仅有乔木层的Ⅸ区位于右侧。坡位、海拔和旅游影响系数与DCA第一轴和第二轴的相关性均较大,说明这3个因子对植物多样性的格局有重要影响。研究结果有益于五台山景区的生态管理。  相似文献   

In the semiarid Horqin Sandy Land of northern China, land desertification is the main causation in vegetation degradation and formation of moving dunes. A study was conducted from 1996 to 2005 to monitor the changes of vegetation characteristics and soil properties after moving dunes were fenced. The changes were compared between moving sand dunes with exclosure and without exclosure to evaluate the effectiveness of vegetation and soil restoration after exclosure establishment. The results show that exlosure establishment facilitated the colonization and development of plant species by ameliorating stressful environmental conditions. Species diversity, average coverage, and plant density significantly increased after exclosure of moving sand dunes along sequence compared with sand dunes without exclosure. Vegetation recovery on moving sand dunes accelerated by exclosure resulted in significant changes in soil properties including increased silt and clay contents, organic C and total N and decreased sand content, especially at the 0-5 cm depth. The results implied that moving sand dunes can be rapidly fixed by construction of exclosure.  相似文献   

为揭示干旱风沙区植被重建对土壤微生物群落结构的影响,以乌海至玛沁高速公路腾格里沙漠段生态防护体系的植被重建区土壤为研究对象,以流动沙丘为对照,运用高通量测序技术研究植被重建区土壤微生物群落结构随植被恢复重建的变化特征。结果表明:植被重建区与流沙区土壤微生物群落组成相似,均以放线菌门(58.53%~67.85%)、变形细菌门(16.53%~19.68%)等为优势类群;优势菌属包括诺卡氏菌属、甲基柔膜菌属、微红微球菌属和微枝型杆菌属。与流沙区对照相比,植被重建区显著增加了土壤大部分菌门相对丰度和多样性。植被恢复重建后土壤pH、电导率及盐分含量降低;土壤微生物量磷(MBP)、土壤微生物量碳(MBC)与土壤微生物量碳氮比(MBC:MBN)在植被重建区浅层土壤(0~5 cm、5~10 cm和10~20 cm)显著高于流沙区。因此,对于沙漠公路生态防护体系而言,植被重建能显著改善其浅层土壤养分状况、微生物相对丰度和多样性水平,是改善沙漠生态环境的重要措施。  相似文献   

April lightning production in Richmond County, Georgia, from 1995 to 2003 is considered with regard to the associated risk to golfers and spectators at the Master's Golf Tournament and courses throughout the county. An examination of the April lightning climatology of Georgia, focusing on Richmond County, reveals a minimum in lightning activity during the time of the tournament (the first full week of April). A discriminant analysis of Richmond County lightning production utilizes several meteorological variables in order to discern between three categories of April lightning days: little or no lightning activity, minimal lightning activity, and high lightning activity. The analysis distinguishes relatively well between the categories with only 13.5% of the events misclassified. A composite regional analysis of the three lightning categories illustrates the environmental differences between these events. Although the little or no lightning and high lightning categories are somewhat similar environmentally, the intensity of features separates these events and allows for interpretation. The statistical and synoptic analyses together emphasize the importance of low-level instability and frontal proximity and intensity in enhancing lightning production in thunderstorms during April in and surrounding Richmond County. A multitude of meteorological conditions can lead to thunderstorm development. Localized studies of these environments, especially during times of major outdoor sporting events, are needed to help mitigate the risk associated with lightning.  相似文献   

詹瑾  韩丹  杨红玲  李玉霖 《中国沙漠》2022,42(2):194-206
流动沙丘、固定沙丘和沙质草地均是科尔沁沙地土地沙化的产物,植被恢复重建则是该区域流沙治理的主要措施,理解植被恢复过程中群落组成及植物多样性演变特征有利于沙地植被恢复和生态重建.本研究基于连续15年对科尔沁沙地流动沙丘、固定沙丘和沙质草地长期植物群落结构调查数据,分析了 3种沙地类型植物群落年际变化特征及不同生活型植物年...  相似文献   

The colonization and development of biological soil crusts (BSCs) are rarely discussed when investigating vegetation restoration with difference arrangement and structure of anthropogenically damaged areas in semi-arid regions. The present study analyzes the relationships among coverage, height and density of woody vegetation and coverage and thickness of BSCs on the surface mine dumpsite in Heidaigou, China. Results showed that PR (Prunus sibirica L.), PT (Pinus tabulaeformis Carr.) and PPr (P. tabulaeformis Carr., P. sibirica L.) types had the highest coverage of total BSCs, which were 76.8%, 75.9% and 78.9%, respectively and PR showed the thickest BSCs of 4.41 mm. There was a significant correlation between coverage and thickness of BSCs and coverage and height of woody vegetation as a unimodal curve. Our findings suggest that a single woody plant species and low level coverage and height (no more than 30% and 300 cm, respectively) of woody plants may be able to create suitable conditions for facilitating BSCs restoration on the surface of mine dumpsites. The effects of vegetation arrangement and structure on BSCs colonization and development should be considered in reconstructing and managing woody vegetation in disturbed environments, such as surface mine dumpsites in semi-arid areas.  相似文献   

Severe erosion, initiated by climatic changes during the Late Pleistocene-Early Holocene period and resultant declines in dust deposition, causes the formation of waterfalls during the winter floods in many wadi systems in the central Negev desert of Israel. In some areas, erosion of the original loess substrate has been complete, so that the underlying rock has been exposed. We examined the effects of this erosion in four wadis in the central Negev desert on soil nutrients, plant community structure and plant quality. We predicted that erosion has caused reductions in soil nutrients. Reductions in soil nutrients should result in reductions in plant cover. Furthermore, reduced soil nutrient availability should cause reductions in the nutrient status and quality of the plants growing there. In addition to the loss of biodiversity that may result, this erosion may result in economic hardship for the Bedouin peoples whose herds depend on these resources. In this study, there were significant negative effects of erosion on soil organic carbon, nitrate nitrogen and water-holding capacity, but not on soil phosphorus, conductivity or pH. Furthermore, there was a negative effect of soil erosion on an overall measure of soil quality derived from a principal components analysis in three of the four wadis we studied. Erosion resulted in an increase in plant species richness and significantly altered plant community structure in eroded areas of wadis. Increased plant species richness in eroded sites is consistent with the intermediate disturbance hypothesis of plant community structure. Plants growing in eroded areas did not differ in two quality indices (nitrogen content and digestibility), although plants typical of eroded areas had significantly lower levels of common digestion inhibitors (total polyphenols) and toxins (alkaloids) than plants from undisturbed sites. These last-mentioned results are contrary to our prediction and are consistent with the notion that plants growing in disturbed (e.g. eroded) sites maximize growth at the expense of investments in defense.  相似文献   

基于土壤侵蚀控制度的黄土高原水土流失治理潜力研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
以整个黄土高原为研究对象,首先将水土保持措施容量定义为某一区域能容纳的最大适宜水土保持措施量。根据梯田、林地和草地的适宜布设区域,在地理信息系统(GIS)软件的支持下,确定了黄土高原的水土保持措施容量。使用修正通用土壤流失方程(RUSLE),计算了最小可能土壤侵蚀模数和2010年现状土壤侵蚀模数,并将水土保持措施容量下的最小可能土壤侵蚀模数与现状土壤侵蚀模数之比定义为土壤侵蚀控制度。随后使用土壤侵蚀控制度,对黄土高原水土流失治理潜力进行了研究。结果显示:黄土高原2010年现状土壤侵蚀模数为3355 t·km-2·a-1,最小可能土壤侵蚀模数为1921 t·km-2·a-1,土壤侵蚀控制度为0.57,属于中等水平。相比于现状条件,在水土保持措施容量条件下,微度侵蚀区比例从50.48%提高至57.71%,林草覆盖率从56.74%增加至69.15%,梯田所占比例由4.36%增加到19.03%,人均粮食产量可从418 kg·a-1提高至459 kg·a-1。研究成果对于黄土高原生态文明建设具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

气候变化对径流的影响是全球变化研究领域的重点问题。论文采用BCC-CSM1-1模拟的过去千年(850—2012年)气候与水文变化数据,基于Budyko假设与傅抱璞公式开展了中世纪气候异常期(MCA)、小冰期(LIA)和现代暖期(MWP)黄河中、上游径流变化及其归因分析。结果表明:(1)在3个气候特征期之间,上游地区径流与气候冷暖变化位相相同,MWP时期径流最高,LIA时期径流最低;中游地区径流则与气候冷暖变化位相相反,LIA径流最高,MCA径流最低。(2)径流对各因子的敏感性不仅存在地理差异,而且受特征期之间气候冷暖转变的影响。中游地区径流对降水和潜在蒸发的弹性系数(绝对值)大于上游,且在冷转暖过程中的弹性系数(绝对值)略大于暖转冷过程。同时,持续偏暖过程中、上游地表变化的弹性系数(绝对值)均明显大于暖转冷与冷转暖过程。(3) 3个特征期之间径流差异主要由降水主导,地表变化影响甚微,但潜在蒸发的作用存在地域差异,上游地区潜在蒸发部分抵消了降水变化的贡献而中游地区潜在蒸发则加强了降水导致的径流变化。研究量化了黄河流域各因子对过去千年百年尺度径流变化的贡献,明确了不同气候转变期各因子贡献的...  相似文献   

陆面过程在气候变化中具有重要作用,其中土壤水文过程是陆面过程的重要内容,然而目前陆面模式中土壤水力学参数仅依赖于土壤质地,并未考虑植被类型对其影响,这与自然过程不符,从而导致对大规模植被恢复的水文、气候效应认识不充分.为揭示植被恢复对土壤物理参数的影响,改进陆面模式中土壤参数的精度,论文以黄土高原为研究对象,收集整理了...  相似文献   

为了明确土壤性质对坡面侵蚀方式作用机制的影响,本研究采用室内模拟降雨试验,选取黄土高原典型暴雨强度,在不同坡度条件下,对两种黄土的坡面侵蚀方式、形态特征、产流产沙过程及其相应径流流速的变化规律进行了研究。结果表明,绥德土径流量明显高于安塞土,10º、15º和20º时前者的平均径流量分别比后者高出51.1%、55.5%和63.0%,且前者更易形成细沟,使得其平均含沙量和平均产沙率分别是后者的1.14~3.59倍和2.50~8.48倍。在片蚀阶段,与绥德土相比,安塞土的含沙量较高,后者的平均含沙量是前者的1.24~1.73倍,但两种土壤的含沙量和产沙规律相同,均表现为先快速增加到最大值,然后逐渐降低到相对稳定状态,该现象证明片蚀的初期阶段主要受控于径流输沙能力,后期受径流的剥蚀能力控制。在细沟侵蚀阶段,绥德土细沟发育以沟头溯源侵蚀为主,崩塌作用频繁,该侵蚀形式不仅控制着细沟形态的总体特征,也导致含沙量和产沙率均急剧增加,该阶段平均含沙量是相应片蚀阶段的3.25~4.34倍。细沟沟口下方坡面存在明显的泥沙沉积带,表明细沟集中水流的搬运能力远高于坡面漫流,细沟侵蚀主要受径流输沙能力控制。两种土壤的径流流速均表现为坡面下部高于坡面上部,径流稳定后高于径流稳定前,总体来看,绥德土和安塞土上坡和径流稳定后的平均流速分别是下坡和径流稳定前的1.4倍、1.25倍和1.75倍、1.29倍,此外细沟侵蚀或侵蚀强度与微地貌形态之间的互馈作用对径流流速也有较大影响。  相似文献   

A comparison was made of plant cover, carrying capacity and diversity in areas of Monte vegetation at the Biosphere Reserve of Ñacuñán, Mendoza, Argentina, in 1982, 1984 and 1995. Treatments applied in 1981 were: control (untreated plots), selective hand-cutting, roller-chopping, and root-plowing. By 1995, woody cover was lower in root-plowed plots (27%) than in the others treatments (41–51%), and herbaceous cover was similar in treated (28–39%) and untreated areas (26%). Carrying capacity of treated areas (6–8 ha per Large Stock Unit (LSU)) was higher than in the control areas (12 ha LSU−1). Woody species diversity, quantified by the Shannon index, for both areas was similar in the study period (0·62), except in root-plowed sites in 1982 (0·0) and 1995 (1·3). Herbaceous species diversity was similar on treated (0·81) and untreated sites (1·2) in 1995. We could recommend less drastic treatments to improve carrying capacity.  相似文献   

硬化地面与黄土高原水土流失   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
姚文波 《地理研究》2007,26(6):1097-1108
在界定硬化地面概念的基础上,进一步将硬化地面分为道路、城镇街区、农家场院三大类。并利用黄土高原400~600mm集流能力试验公式,对甘肃省陇东黄土高原沟壑区不同硬化地面的集流能力、侵蚀量进行分类实例分析研究,发现硬化地面集流能力远大于自然地面,因此城镇、道路、村庄附近的土壤侵蚀尤其严重。在黄土高原地区,不仅与之相关的沟壑的形成和发育,而且相关沟谷和河流的溯源侵蚀之力度大小也要受其影响。随着人口的增加,硬化地面面积越来越大,受其影响水土流失更加严重,这是历史时期黄土高原水土流失日益加剧的重要原因之一。今后黄土高原的水土保持工作,须将防治水土流失与解决水资源紧缺有机结合起来。其最佳解决途径,就是用硬化地面所集中的雨水,作为工农业生产和生活用水,以解决黄土高原水资源之不足。  相似文献   

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