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The Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiments (SAGE) I and II measure Mie, Rayleigh, and gaseous extinction profiles using the solar occultation technique. These global measurements yield ozone profiles with a vertical resolution of 1 km which have been routinely obtained for the periods from February 1979 to November 1981 (SAGE I) and October 1984 to the present (SAGE II). The long-term periodic behavior of the measured ozone is presented as well as case studies of the observed short-term spatial and temporal variability.

A linear regression shows annual, semi-annual, and quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) features at various altitudes and latitudes which, in general, agree with past work. Also, ozone, aerosol, and water vapor data are described for the Antarctic springtime showing large variation relative to the vortex. Cross-sections in latitude and altitude and polar plots at various altitudes clearly delineate the ozone hole vertically and areally. Comparisons of vertical profiles are made from 1979 to 1988.

Although there is a three-year gap between the SAGE I and II measurements, the two data sets have been used to determine long-term changes in ozone. The intercomparison generally shows decreases in the upper stratosphere (25–50 km) of 4% or less from 1980 to 1986.  相似文献   

It is shown that the dynamics of the plasmapause, the plasmasphere plasma tails, the plasma sheet and the magnetosheath boundaries of the geomagnetosphere may be investigated by means of the geostationary version of the differential phase method, by which a signal transmitted from a sounding station (a geostationary satellite) and received by a response station on the Earth may be transformed, allowing the sign of the frequency shift and of the phase lag to be changed. Information on the location, the motion of the magnetospheric plasma discontinuities and the concentration drop at their boundaries may be obtained from measurements carried out on board the geostationary satellite of the phase difference of the sounding and response signals ΔΦ, the time of its increase Δt and the phase difference change rate (fast beating frequency Δƒ = ΔΦ/2π Δt). The establishment of communication between appropriately spaced ground stations and a satellite with a quasi-polar orbit allows the midlatitude plasmapause dynamics, and those of the ionosphere trough, polar cusp boundaries and of polar cap inhomogeneities to be studied. Equipment with a stability of 10−11–10−12 is needed for the most dynamical events (for ΔΦ= 10−4 tens of rad. and for Δƒ= 10−5 tens of Hz) occurring in the radio path during storms.  相似文献   

To study the climatological role of ozone in the Precambrian atmosphere and the consequences of its reduction for the ultraviolet environment of the early biosphere, a coupled one-dimensional radiative-convective and photochemical model has been developed. Oxygen levels between 10−5 and 1 time the present atmospheric level (PAL) are considered. It is shown that when the ice-albedo feedback is taken into account, relatively important temperature decreases are associated with the ozone changes linked to the progressive decrease of the oxygen level from 1 PAL to smaller values.

A similar study is performed for enhanced atmospheric CO2 pressures (Pco2). In these conditions, the ozone column is increased at low O2 concentrations with respect to the Pco2 = 1 PAL case. Consequently, the larger CO2 concentration in the ancient atmosphere could have contributed to strengthen the ultraviolet screening of ozone. The surface temperature response to the ozone decrease, as well as the thermal profiles are also analyzed in these CO2-rich models. A possible evolutionary scenario of atmospheric O2 and CO2 is discussed.

The consequences of these calculations for the ultraviolet environment of the primitive biosphere is discussed with a quantitative model calculating bacterial surviving rates. According to this model, the minimum ozone column being tolerable by unprotected bacteria would fall between 1 × 1018 and 4 × 1018 cm−2, depending on the bacterial species considered and corresponding to an O2 level somewhat lower than 10−2 PAL. For the coccoid blue-green alga Agmenellum quadruplicatum, this minimum ozone column would be of 4.5 × 1018, a value which is only slightly less than the presently observed column in the spring time ozone hole of Antarctica.  相似文献   

Examination of thermal plasma data obtained by low-altitude satellite measurements indicates that the intersection of the cusp in the dayside magnetosphere with the topside ionosphere creates a distinct plasma geometry at low altitudes. This region consists of one or two plasma discontinuities with steep boundaries. As a result of the plasma structuring in the cusp which commonly takes place in the winter hemisphere, the propagation of compressional surface MHD waves is supported. This point is illustrated by an analysis of the polarization state of compressional surface MHD waves propagating along a plasma layer with thickness a and ambient magnetic field B0 parallel to the interfaces. The results obtained are applicable to the case of a single interface, which is derived in the limit a → ∞. In the general case the polarization of the compressional surface MHD waves in the plane transverse to the magnetic field B0 is elliptical. This feature of the polarization state of the compressional surface modes does not follow from the former analysis by Edwin and Roberts (1982, Solar Phys. 76, 239) for a magnetic slab, because the disturbance components parallel to the interfaces and perpendicular to the magnetic field B0 have not been examined. Although the absence of these components does not prove to be essential for deriving the exact dispersion equation for arbitrary wave directions of the surface modes, they must be included when considering polarization states. The surface mode polarization in the plasma layer changes its sense three times: at interfaces X = 0 and X = a and in the middle plane X = a/2. For the symmetrical (sausage) mode the wave disturbance component bn transverse (normal) to the interfaces becomes zero in the middle plane; for the asymmetrical (kink) mode, the component bt parallel to the interfaces and transverse to the ambient magnetic field is zeroed in the same plane. For a moving observer such as a satellite the polarization patterns which might be recorded change, depending on the velocity of the observer and the angles at which the layered cusp is traversed. An essential feature in the polarization of the compressional surface MHD modes is the presence of jumps in the magnetic disturbance component bt at the interfaces. These jumps disappear only for propagation along the ambient magnetic field. In this particular case the component bt vanishes and then the surface modes are undistinguishable from the body modes.  相似文献   

Simultaneous measurements of hot boundary layer plasma from PROGNOZ-7 and particle precipitation from the TIROS/NOAA satellite in nearly magnetically conjugate regions have been used to study the dynamo process responsible for the formation of high latitude, early afternoon, auroral arcs.

Characteristic for the PROGNOZ-7 observations in the dayside boundary layer at high latitudes is the frequent occurrence of regions with injected magnetosheath plasma embedded in a “halo” of antisunward flowing magnetosphere plasma. The injected magnetosheath plasma have several features which indicate that it also acts as a local source of EMF in the boundary layer. The process resembles that of a local MHD dynamo driven by the excess drift velocity of the injected magnetosheath plasma relative to the background magnetospheric plasma.

The dynamo region is capable of driving field-aligned currents that couple to the ionosphere, where the upward current is associated with the high latitude auroral arcs.

We demonstrate that the large-scale morphology as well as the detailed data intercomparison between PROGNOZ-7 and TIROS-N both agree well with a local injection of magnetosheath plasma into the dayside boundary layer as the main dynamo process powering the high-latitude, early afternoon auroral arcs.  相似文献   

It is shown in this paper that a satellite which revolves round a primary in a circular orbit in tied revolution and which spirals within Roche's limit must form by its disintegration a ring of ellipse-like cross-section which is more than 11 times larger than the original spherical diameter of the disintegrating body. The individual particles have elliptic orbits with small eccentricities and revolve in different planes at small inclinations to each other. By inelastic collisions of particles in differently inclined orbits the original considerable thickness of the ring is very greatly reduced.

Applied to the system of Saturn it is assumed that the Rings A and B are formed by disintegration of two different satellites. It can be shown that the satellite A had an original diameter of 1721 km and a density of 0.95 g/cm3, the satellite B a diameter of 2463 km and a density of 1.95.

Thus the hypothesis of G. P. Kuiper, that the rings of Saturn are composed of H2O-snow contaminated by silicate dust (as Jupiter III), seems to fit very well.  相似文献   

An auroral arc system excited by soft electrons was studied with a combination of in situ rocket measurements and optical tomographic techniques, using data from a photometer on a horizontal, spinning rocket and a line of three meridian scanning photometers. The ground-based scanner data at 4709, 5577, 8446 and 6300 Å were successfully inverted to provide a set of volume emission rate distributions in the plane of the rocket trajectory, with a basic time resolution of 24 s. Volume emission rate profiles, derived from these distributions peaked at about 150 km for 5577 and 4709 Å, while the 8446 Å emission peaked at about 170 km with a more extended height distribution. The rocket photometer gave comparable volume emission rate distributions for the 3914 Å emission as reported in a separate paper by McDade et al. (1991, Planet. Space Sci. 39, 895). Instruments on the rocket measured the primary electron flux during the flight and, in particular, the flux precipitating into the auroral arc overflown at apogee (McEwen et al., 1991; in preparation). The local electron density and temperature were measured by probes on the rocket (Margot and McNamara (1991; Can. J. Phys. 69, 950). The electron density measurements on the downleg were modelled using ion production rate data derived from the optical results. Model calculations of the emission height profile based on the measured electron flux agree with the observed profiles. The height distribution of the N2+ emission in the equatorward band, through which the rocket passed during the descent, was measured by both the rocket and the ground-based tomographic techniques and the results are in good agreement. Comparison of these profiles with model profiles indicates that the exciting primary spectrum may be represented by an accelerated Maxwellian or a Gaussian distribution centered at about 3 keV. This distribution is close to what would be obtained if the electron flux exciting the poleward form were accelerated by a 1–2 kV upward potential drop. The relative height profiles for the volume emission rate of the 5577 Å OI emission and the 4709 Å N2+ emission were almost indistinguishable from each other for both the forms measured, with ratios in the range 38–50; this is equivalent to I(5577)/I(4278) ratios of 8–10. The auroral intensities and intensity ratios measured in the magnetic zenith from the ground during the period before and during the rocket flight are consistent with the primary electron fluxes and height distributions measured from the rocket. Values of I(5577)/I(4278) in the range 8–10 were also measured directly by the zenith ground photometers over which the arc system passed. These values are slightly higher than those reported by Gattinger and Vallance-Jones (1972) and this may possibly indicate an enhancement of the atomic oxygen concentration at the time of the flight. Such an enhancement would be consistent with our result, that the observed values of I(5577) and I(8446) are also significantly higher than those modelled on the basis of the electron flux spectrum measured at apogee.  相似文献   

Data taken with ten Cosmic Ray Tracking (CRT) detectors and the HEGRA air-shower array on La Palma, Canary Islands, have been analysed to investigate changes of the cosmic ay mass composition at the ‘knee’ of the cosmic-ray flux spectrum near 1015 eV energy. The analysis is based on the angular distributions of particles in air showers. HEGRA data provided the shower size, direction, and core position and CRT data the particle track information. It is shown that the angular distribution of muons in air showers is sensitive to the composition over a wide range of shower sizes and, thus, primary cosmic-ray energies with little systematic uncertainties. Results can be easily expressed in terms of ln A of primary cosmic rays. In the lower part of the energy range covered, we have considerable overlap with direct composition measurements by the JACEE collaboration and find compatible results in the observed rise of ln A. Above about 1015 eV energy we find no or at most a slow further rise of ln A. Simple cosmic-ray composition models are presented which are fully consistent with our results as well as the JACEE flux and composition measurements and the flux measurements of the Tibet ASγ collaboration. Minimal three-parameter composition models defined by the same power-law slope of all elements below the knee and a common change in slope at a fixed rigidity are inconsistent with these data.  相似文献   

The nearby (d=5.0 pc) brown dwarf LP 944-20 was observed with the XMM-Newton satellite on 07 January 2001. The target was detected with the Optical Monitor (V=16.736±0.081), but it was not detected during the ≈48 ks observation with the X-ray telescopes. We determine a 3σ upper limit for the X-ray emission from this object of LX<3.1×1023 ergs·s−1, equivalent to a luminosity ratio upper limit of log(LX/Lbol)≤−6.28. This measurement improves by a factor of three the previous Chandra limit on the quiescent X-ray flux. This is the most sensitive limit ever obtained on the quiescent X-ray emission of a brown dwarf. Combining the XMM-Newton data with previous ROSAT and Chandra data, we derive flare duty cycles as a function of their luminosities. We find that very strong flares [Log(LX/Lbol)>−2.5] are very rare (less than 0.7% of the time). Flares like the one detected by Chandra [Log(LX/Lbol)=−4.1] have a duty cycle of about 6%, which is lower than the radio flare duty cycle (13%). When compared with other M dwarfs, LP 944-20 appears to be rather inactive in X-rays despite of its relative youth, fast rotation and its moderately strong activity at radio wavelengths.  相似文献   

We have constructed a one-dimensional model of the nightside ionosphere of Venus in which it is assumed that the ionization is maintained by day-to-night transport of atomic ions. Downward fluxes of O+, C+ and N+ in the ratios measured on the dayside at high altitudes are imposed at the upper boundary of the model (about 235 km). We discuss the resulting sources and sinks of the molecular ions NO+,CO+,N2+,CO2+ and O2+. As the O+ flux is increased, the peak density of O+ increases proportionally and the altitude of the peak decreases. The O2+ peak density is approximately proportional to the square root of the O+ flux and the peak rises as the O+ flux increases. NO+ densities near the peak are relatively unaffected by changes in the O+ flux. If the ionosphere is maintained mostly by transport, the ratio of the peak densities of O+ and O2+ indicates the downward flux ofO+, independent of the absolute magnitudes of the densities. The densities of mass-28 ions are, however, still considered to be the most sensitive indicator of the importance of electron precipitation. We examine here the inbound and outbound portions of six early nightside orbits with low periapsis and use data from the Pioneer Venus orbiter ion mass spectrometer, the retarding potential analyzer and the electron temperature probe to determine the relative importance of ion transport and electron precipitation. For most of the orbits, precipitation is inferred to be of low to moderate importance. Only for orbit 65, which was the first nightside orbit published by Taylor et al. [J. geophys. Res. 85, 7765 (1980)] and for the inbound portion of orbit 73 does the ionization structure appear to be greatly affected by electron precipitation.  相似文献   

Current knowledge of the chemistry of the stratosphere is reviewed using measurements from the Atmospheric Trace Molecule Spectroscopy (ATMOS) experiment to test the accuracy of our treatment of processes at mid-latitudes, and results from the Airborne Antarctic Ozone Experiment (AAOE) to examine our understanding of processes for the polar environment. It is shown that, except for some difficulties with N2O5 and possibly ClNO3, gas phase models for nitrogen and chlorine species at 30°N in spring are in excellent agreement with the data from ATMOS. Heterogeneous processes may have an influence on the concentrations of NO2, N2O5, HNO3, and ClNO3 for the lower stratosphere at 48°S in fall. Comparison of model and observed concentrations of O3 indicate good agreement at 30°N, with less satisfactory results at 48°S. The discrepancy between the loss rate of O3 observed over the course of the AAOE mission in 1987 and loss rates calculated using measured concentrations of ClO and BrO is found to be even larger than that reported by Anderson et al. (1989, J. geophys. Res. 94, 11480). There appear to be loss processes for removal of O3 additional to the HOC1 mechanism proposed by Solomon et al. (1986, Nature 321, 755), the ClO-BrO scheme favored by McElroy et al. (1986, Nature 321, 759), and the ClO dimer mechanism introduced by Molina and Molina (1987, J. phys. Chem. 91, 433). There is little doubt that industrial halocarbons have a significant impact on stratospheric O3. Controls on emissions more stringent than those defined by the Montreal Protocol will be required if the Antarctic Ozone Hole is not to persist as a permanent feature of the stratosphere.  相似文献   

It is shown that the phase difference between the horizontal components of the wind velocity induced by the first diurnal propagating tidal mode between 90 and 100 km altitude is modified by turbulent diffusion. Experimental data are compared with calculations made by two different methods. The calculated results agree well with the data for a coefficient of eddy diffusion K = 5 × 106 cm2 s−1 which is a realistic one at this altitude. Incidentally, it is shown that some measurements which have been interpreted as a presence of evanescent modes are probably due to an increase in vertical wavelength of the first propagating diurnal mode due to turbulent diffusion.  相似文献   

On 14 July 1974 the Atmosphere Explorer-C satellite flew through an aurora at F-region altitudes just after local midnight. The effects of the particle influx are clearly evident in the ion densities, the 6300 Å airglow, and the electron and ion temperatures. This event provided an opportunity to study the agreement between the observed ion densities and those calculated from photochemical theory using in situ measurements of such atmospheric parameters as the neutral densities and the differential electron energy spectra obtained along the satellite track. Good agreement is obtained for the ions O2+, NO+ and N2+ using photochemical theory and measured rate constants and electron impact cross sections. Atomic nitrogen densities are calculated from the observed [NO+]/[O2+] ratio. In the region of most intense electron fluxes (20 erg cm−2 sec−1) at 280 km, the N density is found to be between 2 and 7 × 107 cm−3. The resulting N densities are found to account for approx. 60% of the production of N+ through electron impact on N and the resonant charge exchange of O+(2P) with N(4S). This reaction also provides a significant source of O(1S) in the aurora at F-region altitudes. In the region of intense fast electron influx, the reaction with atomic nitrogen is found to be the main loss of O+(2P).  相似文献   

A detailed analysis of the D-region ion composition measurements performed by Zbinden et al. (1975), during a winter day of high ionospheric absorption, has been carried out. The study examines the interactive mesosphere-D-region processes which occur in such anomalous conditions and their implication for water cluster ion chemistry. Two clustering regimes for NO+ have been observed in the data. Association with N2 is identified as the dominant process below 76 km. Between 76 and 78 km altitude the effective loss rate of NO+ drops by two orders of magnitude. Above 77 km, the three-body reaction NO+ + CO2+M→NO+CO2+M seems to be the main NO+ loss. A mesospheric temperature profile could be derived from the ion composition data. This indicates the presence of a strong inversion above 76 km altitude. The wavelike structure obtained, is shown to be consistent with in situ winter temperature measurements. The sharp suppression of the N2 association reaction could, thus, be explained by an increase in the collisional break-up of the NO+N2 ion because of the enhanced temperature. In conclusion, our study indicates that, besides the increase in the production of NO+ and O2+, due to an enhancement in the minor ionizable constituents, an additional thermal mesosphere-D-region interaction seems necessary to explain this winter anomalous ion composition data.  相似文献   

Numerous fluorescent emissions from the Herzberg bands of molecular oxygen lie in the spectral region 242–300 nm. This coincides with the wavelength range used by orbiting spectrometers which observe the Rayleigh backscattered spectrum of the earth for the purpose of monitoring the vertical distribution of stratospheric ozone. Model calculations indicate that Herzberg band emissions in the dayglow could provide significant contamination of the ozone measurements if the quenching rate of O2(A3Σ) is sufficiently small. This is especially true near 255 nm, where the most intense fluorescent emissions relative to the Rayleigh scattered signal are located and where past satellite measurements show a persistent excess radiance above that expected for a pure ozone absorbing and molecular scattering atmosphere. However, very small quenching rates are adequate to reduce the dayglow emission to negligible levels. Available laboratory data have not definitely established the quenching on the rate of O2(A3Σ) as a function of vibrational level, and such information is required before the Herzberg band contributions can be evaluated with confidence.  相似文献   

Ozone profiles on a global scale can be derived from GOME satellite data by minimizing the difference between the measured and the corresponding simulated spectra as a function of the vertical distribution of 03. For this purpose the FUll Retrieval Method (FURM) was developed, which is based on the optimal estimation approach and contains the radiative transfer code GOMETRAN as an essential component. The quality of the GOME ozone profiles is assessed by comparing them with 197 coincident ozonesonde measurements at five selected European stations. The comparison results show that the seasonal ozone variations are very well reproduced by the GOME profiles. The agreement between the GOME and the sonde measurements is best above 18 km altitude where the mean relative difference is below 10% and the root mean square of the relative differences is of the order of 10%. Larger differences occur in the tropopause region and lowermost stratosphere where the natural ozone variability is largest.  相似文献   

The neutral gas temperature and circulation of the thermosphere are calculated for December solstice conditions near solar cycle maximum using NCAR's thermospheric general circulation model (TGCM). High-latitude heat and momentum sources significantly alter the basic solar-driven circulation during solstice. At F-region heights, the increased ion density in the summer hemisphere results in a larger ion drag momentum source for the neutral gas than in the winter hemisphere. As a result there are larger wind velocities and a greater tendency for the neutral gas to follow the magnetospheric convection pattern in the summer hemisphere than in the winter hemisphere. There is about three times more Joule heating in the summer than the winter hemisphere for moderate levels of geomagnetic activity due to the greater electrical conductivity in the summer E-region ionosphere.

The results of several TGCM runs are used to show that at F-region heights it is possible to linearly combine the solar-driven and high-latitude driven solutions to obtain the total temperature structure and circulation to within 10–20%. In the lower thermosphere, however, non-linear terms cause significant departures and a linear superposition of fields is not valid.

The F-region winds at high latitudes calculated by the TGCM are also compared to the meridional wind derived from measurements by the Fabry-Perot Interferometer (FPI) and the zonal wind derived from measurements by the Wind and Temperature Spectrometer (WATS) instruments onboard the Dynamics Explorer (DE−2) satellite for a summer and a winter day. For both examples, the observed and modeled wind patterns are in qualitative agreement, indicating a dominant control of high latitude winds by ion drag. The magnitude of the calculated winds (400–500 m s−1) for the assumed 60 kV cross-tail potential, however, is smaller than that of the measured winds (500–800 m s−1). This suggests the need for an increased ion drag momentum source in the model calculations due to enhanced electron densities, higher ion drift velocities, or some combination that needs to be further denned from the DE−2 satellite measurements.  相似文献   

There is no universal method of data analysis. The scientist must first know what he intends to measure; then, it is possible to select the most suitable methods and give practical applications. We limit our investigation here to three domains.

In the first one, estimation of the parameters, the number of degrees of freedom is estimated, taking into account the a priori knowledge in magnetic pulsation models. The random and deterministic parts of the signal are evaluated and the meaning of the confidence interval of the measurements is discussed. The use and limitations of maximum entropy and autoregressive filters for analysing multicomponent signals are surveyed.

In the second one, we show that the filtering of a multicomponent signal consists of defining the sub-space containing the expected part of the signal and projecting the recorded data on this sub space. With such a representation just a few coefficients are sufficient to ensure a good determination of the physical parameters of pulsation signals.

In the last one, an example of detection in multichannel data is presented. The art of geophysics is to know what assumptions may be used to define the set of signals and to test this choice.  相似文献   

The method of identifying absorption line systems in QSO spectra (Cui et al. 1983; Chen et al. 1983) is further developed here. Certain limitations of the method and their improvements are discussed. Certain other problems requiring further study are pointed out. The improved method is applied to PKS 0528-250, and gives two new absorption line systems Za = 0.065 and 0.0345 in addition to the four systems Za = 2.8110, 2.8130, 2.5275, 2.1410, consistent with the systems A1A2, B, C of Norton et al. (1980). However, the systems D1, D2, E, F and G of Chen and Norton (1984) are not recovered. The reason for this discrepancy is discussed.  相似文献   

A 3-D Atmospheric Chemical Transport model has been developed and used to simulate the present-day ozone distributions in the troposphere and stratosphere. A 5-year-long steady-state model run using 1995 boundary conditions and circulation fields derived from the 24-layer University of Illinois at Urban a-Champaign (UIUC) Atmospheric General Circulation model has been carried out. The simulated distribution of ozone is compared with available observations made by the HALOE, CLAES and MLS instruments onboard the LIARS satellite. The comparison is carried out for the monthly zonal-mean climatology of the ozone distribution. The correlations between the monthly zonal-mean ozone derived from the simulated and measured data are calculated. The results of this comparison show reasonable agreement (within 30%) of the simulated and measured monthly zonal-mean ozone distributions, although the location of the simulated maximum in the ozone distribution is generally lower by about 2–3 km than shown by the satellite data. The model overestimates the ozone mixing ratio in the lower stratosphere and slightly underestimates it in the upper stratosphere. A better overall agreement was found between the simulated ozone and the ozone measured by HALOE than by CLAES and MLS.  相似文献   

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