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通过计算机图像测定系统测定、计算获得海冰细菌的大小、面积和碳含量,研究了北极巴伦支海和拉普捷夫海的浮冰中细菌大小、丰度和生物量的垂直分布及其与海冰微藻生物量的关系.细菌在冰心中是非均匀分布的,至少有两种不同分布类型:第一类有单一的丰度峰值,在冰心底部或在冰心中部;第二类有两个丰度峰值.海冰中细菌的丰度为0.4×105~36.7×105个/cm3.不同类型海冰中的细菌大小变化极大,在多年冰中,最大的细菌与叶绿素a最大值出现在同一层,而在一年冰中,细菌大小几乎没有垂直变化.整柱冰心的细菌生物量变化为19.2~79.2mg/cm2,细菌与海冰微藻生物量之比为0.43~10.00.对固定冰比较和研究的结果发现,海冰冰心中细菌大小、丰度和生物量的垂直分布差别极大.据此,分析了对目前海冰研究采样方法的局限性,并提出了规范采样方法的设想.  相似文献   

The South China Sea formed by magma-poor, or intermediate volcanic rifting in the Paleogene. We investigate the structure of the continent-ocean transition (COT) at its southern margin, off NW Palawan between the continental blocks of Reed Bank and the islands of Palawan and Calamian. Several surveys, recorded by the BGR from 1979 to 2008, established a comprehensive database of regional seismic lines, accompanied with magnetic and gravity profiles.We interpret two major rifted basins, extending in the NE direction across the shelf and slope, separated by a structural high of non volcanic origin.The continent-ocean transition is interpreted at the seaward limit of the continental crust, when magnetic spreading anomalies terminate some 80-100 km farther north. The area in between displays extensive volcanism - as manifest by extrusions that occasionally reach and cut the seafloor, by dykes, and by presumed basaltic lava flows - occurring after break-up.The COT is highly variable along the NW Palawan slope: One type shows a distinct outer ridge at the COT with a steep modern seafloor relief. The other type is characterised by rotated fault blocks, bounded by listric normal faults ramping down to a common detachment surface. Half-grabens developed above a strongly eroded pre-rift basement. The seafloor relief is smooth across this other type of COT.We suggest the pre-rift lithospheric configuration had major influence on the formation of the COT, besides transfer zones. Volcanic domains, confined to the north of competent crustal blocks correlate with the style of the COT.Gravity modelling revealed an extremely thinned crust across the shelf. We propose a depth-dependent extension model with crust being decoupled from mantle lithosphere, explaining the discrepancy of subsidence observed across the South China Sea region.  相似文献   

Seismic images of a collision zone offshore NW Sabah/Borneo   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Multichannel reflection seismic data from the southern South China Sea, refraction and gravity modelling were used to investigate the compressional sedimentary structures of the collision-prone continental margin off NW Borneo. An elongated imbricate deepwater fan, the toe Thrust Zone bounds the Northwest Borneo Trough to the southeast. The faults separating the individual imbricates cut through post-Early Miocene sediments and curve down to a carbonate platform at the top of the subsiding continental Dangerous Grounds platform that forms the major detachment surface. The age of deformation migrates outward toward the front of the wedge. We propose crustal shortening mechanisms as the main reason for the formation of the imbricate fan. At the location of the in the past defined Lower Tertiary Thrust Sheet tectonostratigraphic province a high velocity body was found but with a much smaller extend than the previously defined structure. The high velocity structure may be interpreted either as carbonates that limit the transfer of seismic energy into the sedimentary layers beneath or as Paleogene Crocker sediments dissected by remnants of a proto-South China Sea oceanic crust that were overthrust onto a southward migrating attenuated continental block of the Dangerous Grounds during plate convergence.  相似文献   

随着全球变暖的加剧,北极陆架边缘海碳的源汇过程对全球碳循环的影响及其气候环境效应日益显著。拉普捷夫海作为北冰洋典型的陆架边缘海,在大河、海冰、海洋初级生产力及海岸侵蚀的影响下,该区沉积有机碳的来源、输运和埋藏等过程独具特色。本文基于2018年中俄第二次北极联合科考获得的悬浮颗粒物样品和水文资料,研究了夏末秋初拉普捷夫海颗粒有机碳的分布特征、来源及其影响因素。结果表明,颗粒有机碳(POC)的浓度位于35.27~1 185.58 μg/L之间,平均为172.65 μg/L。受河流输入、海岸侵蚀和海洋初级生产力的影响,表层POC浓度分布呈现近岸高、远岸低趋势;底层POC浓度分布主要受控于沉积再悬浮作用,高浓度POC出现在勒拿河三角洲的东部区域。总悬浮颗粒物浓度与POC浓度总体呈显著正相关,显示出其对POC空间分布的直接影响,且两者在底层中的相关性要高于表层,表明不同层位的POC可能存在来源差异。研究区POC的δ13C值处于−31.03‰~−25.79‰之间,表层δ13C值较底层明显偏负,且部分站位的δ13C值甚至低于周边陆源有机碳的端元,这反映了可能除陆源输入的贡献外,近海浮游植物直接利用大量陆源有机质降解产生的溶解无机碳的过程也对该区域POC的供应和来源解析具有重要的影响。  相似文献   

黄海三大盆地的构造演化   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
李乃胜 《海洋与湖沼》1995,26(4):355-362
70年代末到80年代中期,中国地质矿产部和中国科学院所属单位对黄海进行了大量地球物理调查和钻探,根据多道反射地震资料,浅地层剖面,重磁资料和钻探结果对黄海三大构造盆地进行地质构造学分析研究,结果表明,黄海地区三大盆地自北往南形成时代逐渐变新,构造活动性逐渐增强。  相似文献   

TAIGER project deep-penetration seismic reflection profiles acquired in the northeastern South China Sea (SCS) provide a detailed view of the crustal structure of a very wide rifted continental margin. These profiles document a failed rift zone proximal to the shelf, a zone of thicker crust 150 km from the shelf, and gradually thinning crust toward the COB, spanning a total distance of 250–300 km. Such an expanse of extended continental crust is not unique but it is uncommon for continental margins. We use the high-quality images from this data set to identify the styles of upper and lower crustal structure and how they have thinned in response to extension and, in turn, what rheological variations are predicted that allow for protracted crustal extension. Upper crustal thinning is greatest at the failed rift (βuc ≈ 7.5) but is limited farther seaward (βuc ≈ 1–2). We interpret that the lower crust has discordantly thinned from an original 15–17 km to possibly less than 2–3 km thick beneath the central thick crust zone and more distal areas. This extreme lower crustal thinning indicates that it acted as a weak layer allowing decoupling between the upper crust and the mantle lithosphere. The observed upper crustal thickness variations and implied rheology (lower crustal flow) are consistent with large-scale boudinage of continental crust during protracted extension.  相似文献   

This work is based upon results of interpretation of about 8872 km-long regional seismic lines acquired in 2011 within the international project Geology Without Limits in the Black Sea. The seismic lines cover nearly the entire Black Sea Basins, including Russia, Turkey, Ukraine, Romania and Bulgaria sectors. A new map of acoustic basement relief and a new tectonic structure scheme are constructed for the Black Sea Basins. The basement of the Black Sea includes areas with oceanic crust and areas with highly rifted continental crust. A chain of buried seamounts, which were interpreted as submarine volcanoes of Late Cretaceous (Santonian to Campanian) age, has been identified to the north of the Turkish coast. On the Shatsky Ridge, probable volcanoes of Albian age have also been recognized. Synorogenic turbidite sequences of Paleocene, Eocene and Oligocene ages have been mapped. In the Cenozoic, numerous compressional and transpressional structures were formed in different parts of the Black Sea Basin. During the Pleistocene–Quaternary, turbidites, mass-transport deposits and leveed channels were formed in the distal part of the Danube Delta.  相似文献   

This article concerns an interrelation between the sea levels and the western boundary flow near a tectonic boundary in a local zone in the Northwestern Pacific. In this zone, sea level variations at stations located on the coast facing the Pacific are studied to find the interrelation between variations of the Kurosio flow as an index of the distance of the flow axis off a specific coast. The result is discussed after data processing of the monthly means of the sea levels, and a notice is taken of variations caused by active crustal upheavals during a seismic event, a local earthquake.  相似文献   

Rifting of continental margins is generally diachronous along the zones where continents break due to various factors including the boundary conditions which trigger the extensional forces, but also the internal physical boundaries which are inherent to the composition and thus the geological history of the continental margin. Being opened quite recently in the Tertiary in a scissor-shape manner, the South China Sea (SCS) offers an image of the rifting structures which varies along strike the basin margins. The SCS has a long history of extension, which dates back from the Late Cretaceous, and allows us to observe an early stretching on the northern margin onshore and offshore South China, with large low angle faults which detach the Mesozoic sediments either over Triassic to Early Cretaceous granites, or along the short limbs of broad folds affecting Palaeozoic to Early Cretaceous series. These early faults create narrow troughs filled with coarse polygenic conglomerate grading upward to coarse sandstone. Because these low-angle faults reactivate older trends, they vary in geometry according to the direction of the folds or the granite boundaries. A later set of faults, characterized by generally E–W low and high angle normal faults was dominant during the Eocene. Associated half-graben basement deepened as the basins were filling with continental or very shallow marine sediments. This subsequent direction is well expressed both in the north and the SW of the South China Sea and often reactivated earlier detachments. At places, the intersection of these two fault sets resulting in extreme stretching with crustal boudinage and mantle exhumation such as in the Phu Khanh Basin East of the Vietnam fault. A third direction of faults, which rarely reactivates the detachments is NE–SW and well developed near the oceanic crust in the southern and southwestern part of the basin. This direction which intersects the previous ones was active although sea floor spreading was largely developed in the northern part, and ended by the Late Miocene after the onset of the regional Mid Miocene unconformity known as MMU and dated around 15.5 Ma. Latest Miocene is marked by a regional basement drop and localized normal faults on the shelf closer to the coast. The SE margin of the South China Sea does not show the extensional features as well as the Northern margin. Detachments are common in the Dangerous Grounds and Reed Bank area and may occasionally lead to mantle exhumation. The sedimentary environment on the extended crust remained shallow all along the rifting and a large part of the spreading until the Late Miocene, when it suddenly deepened. This period also corresponds to the cessation of the shortening of the NW Borneo wedge in Palawan, Sabah, and Sarawak. We correlate the variation of margin structure and composition of the margin; mainly the occurrence of granitic batholiths and Mesozoic broad folds, with the location of the detachments and major normal faults which condition the style of rifting, the crustal boudinage and therefore the crustal thickness.  相似文献   

By applying a kinematic and flexural model for the extensional deformation of the lithosphere, and using a recently available EROS Data Center topography DEM of Africa in conjunction with new and previous gravity data from Lakes Albert, Edward and George, we have determined the distribution, amplitude, and style of deformation responsible for the formation of the Albertine rift system, East Africa. Further, we have been able to approximate the three-dimensional architecture of the Albertine rift basin by analyzing a series of profiles across and along the rift system for which we also estimate the flexural strength of the rifted continental lithosphere and its along-strike variation. Previous modeling studies of the Lake Albert basin either overestimated the flexural strength of the extended lithosphere and/or underestimated the crustal extension. The single most important factor that compromised the success of these modeling efforts was the assumption that crustal extension was limited to the present-day distribution of the rift lakes. The style of deformation appears to have changed with time, beginning with a regionally distributed brittle deformation across the region that lead progressively to the preferential growth and development of the major border faults and antithetic/synthetic faults within the collapsed hangingwall block. Minor fault reactivation within the footwall block appears to be related to the release of bending stresses associated by the flexural uplift of the rift flank topography. By simultaneously matching the observed and modeled topography and free-air gravity across the Albertine rift system, we have determined a cumulative extension ranging from 6 to 16 km with the maximum extension occurring in the central and northern segments of the basin. Crustal extension is not constrained to the lake proper, but extends significantly to the east within the hangingwall block. Effective elastic thickness, Te, varies between 24 and 30 km and is unrelated to either the amount of extension or the maximum sediment thickness. The variation of Te relates possibly to small changes in crustal thickness, heterogeneities in crustal composition, and/or variations in radiogenic crustal heat production. Maximum sediment thickness is predicted to be 4.6 km and occurs within the central region of Lake Albert. Low bulk sediment densities, correlating with the location of major lake deltas, may be indicative of present-day sediment overpressures. Our results show that basin geometry is strongly dependent on the cumulative (and distribution) of lithospheric extension and the flexural rigidity of the lithosphere. Thus, in order to determine the total amount of extension responsible for the formation of a basin system, it is necessary to independently constrain the flexural strength of the lithosphere both during and after extension. Conversely, in order to determine the rigidity of extended lithosphere using the stratigraphy and/or geometry of rift basins and passive margins, it is necessary to independently constrain the cumulative extension of the lithosphere.  相似文献   

This paper presents actuality of investigation and study of the crustal structure characters of East China Sea at home and abroad. Based on lots of investigation and study achievements and the difference of the crustal velocity structure from west to east, the East China Sea is divided into three parts - East China Sea shelf zone, Okinawa Trough zone and Ryukyu arc-trench zone. The East China Sea shelf zone mostly has three velocity layers, i.e., the sediment blanket layer (the velocity is 5.8-5.9 km/s), the basement layer (the velocity is 6.0-6.3 km/s), and the lower crustal layer (the velocity is 6.8-7.6 km/s). So the East China Sea shelf zone belongs to the typical continental crust. The Okinawa Trough zone is located at the transitional belt between the continental crust and the oceanic crust. It still has the structural characters of the continental crust, and no formation of the oceanic crust, but the crust of the central trough has become to thinning down. The Ryukyu arc-trench zone belongs to the transitional type crust as a whole, but the ocean side of the trench already belongs to the oceanic crust. And the northwest Philippine Basin to the east of the Ryukyu Trench absolutely belongs to the typical oceanic crust.  相似文献   

The East Sea (Japan Sea) is a semi-enclosed back-arc basin that is thought to preserve a significant record of tectonic evolution and paleo-climatic changes of Eastern Asia during the Neogene. We use here 2-D regional multi-channel seismic reflection profiles and borehole data from Expedition 346 of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) to provide new constraints on the geological history of the Eastern South Korea Plateau (ESKP). The ESKP represents a structurally-complex basement high in the southwestern East Sea which formed during rifting of the back-arc basin. Our new observations show that the ESKP is composed of numerous horsts and grabens controlled by NE-trending normal faults. The acoustic basement is blanketed by Oligocene to recent sediments that have preferentially accumulated in topographic lows (up to 1.5 km thick) and have been cored during Expedition 346 at Site U1430 close to the southern margin of the ESKP. Seismic profiles in the ESKP reveal three units separated by regional unconformities. These seismic units closely correspond to IODP lithostratigraphic units defined at Site U1430, where biostratigraphic data can be used to constrain the timing of three main evolutionary stages of the ESKP. Stage 1 was related to rifting in the late Oligocene and middle Miocene, terminated by a regional uplift leading to an erosional phase in the middle Miocene. Stage 2 was associated with subsidence in the middle and late Miocene and uplift and accompanying erosion or non-deposition in the latest late Miocene. Stage 3 (Pliocene to present) recorded overall uniform hemipelagic-pelagic subsidence of the ESKP with short-lived tectonically-induced uplifts in the late middle Miocene and latest Miocene-early Pliocene. The three stages of evolution of the ESKP closely correlate to sedimentary changes since the Oligocene and suggest a direct control of regional/local tectonics on sedimentation patterns in the southwestern East Sea, with secondary influence of regional climatic and paleo-oceanographic processes.  相似文献   

东海的地壳结构特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了国内外有关东海地壳结构特征的调查研究状况,并利用前人大量的调查研究成果,根据自西向东地壳速度结构的差异,将东海海区划分为东海陆架区、冲绳海槽区、琉球岛弧-海沟区三部分。东海陆架区主要由沉积盖层(速度为5.8~5.9km/s)、基底层(速度为6.0~6.3km/s)和下地壳层(速度为6.8~7.6km/s)三个速度层组成,属于典型的大陆型地壳。冲绳海槽则位于大陆地壳和大洋地壳的过渡地带,它仍然具有大陆地壳的结构特征,并无洋壳的形成,但在海槽的轴部地壳已经减薄。琉球岛弧-海沟区的地壳结构总的来说属于过渡型地壳,但在海沟靠洋一侧已属于大洋型地壳,而从琉球海沟往东的西北菲律宾海盆,就完全属于典型的大洋地壳。  相似文献   

The northeastern part of the South China Sea is a special region in many aspects of its tectonics. Both recent drilling into the Mesozoic and new reflection seismic surveys in the area provide a huge amount of data, fostering new understanding of the continental margin basins and regional tectonic evolution. At least four half-grabens are developed within the Northern Depression of the Tainan Basin, and all are bounded on their southern edges by northwestward-dipping faults. One of the largest half-grabens is located immediately to the north of the Central Uplift and shows episodic uplift from the late Oligocene to late Miocene. Also during that period, the Central Uplift served in part as a material source to the Southern Depression of the Tainan Basin. The Southern Depression of the Tainan Basin is a trough structure with deep basement (up to 9 km below sealevel or 6 km beneath the sea bottom) and thick Cenozoic sedimentation (>6 km thick). Beneath the Southern Depression we identified a strong landward dipping reflector within the crustal layer that represents a significant crustal fault. This reflector coincides with a sharp boundary in crustal thicknesses and Moho depths. We show that the northeasternmost South China Sea basin, which may have undergone unique evolution since the late Mesozoic, is markedly different from the central South China Sea basin and the Huatung Basin, both geologically and geophysically. The Cenozoic evolution of the region was largely influenced by pre-existing weaknesses due to tectonic inheritance and transition. The South China Sea experienced multiple stages of Cenozoic extension.  相似文献   

Seismic reflection data imaging conjugate crustal sections at the South China Sea margins result in a conceptual model for rift-evolution at conjugate magma-poor margins in time and space.The wide Early Cenozoic South China Sea rift preserves the initial rift architecture at the distal margins. Most distinct are regular undulations in the crust–mantle boundary. Individual rift basins are bounded to crustal blocks by listric normal faults on either side. Moho uplifts are distinct beneath major rift basins, while the Moho is downbended beneath crustal blocks, with a wavelength of undulations in the crust–mantle boundary that approximately equals the thickness of the continental crust. Most of the basin-bounding faults sole out within the middle crust. At the distal margins, detachment faults are located at a mid-crustal level where a weak zone decouples crust and mantle lithosphere during rifting. The lower crust in contrast is interpreted as being strong. Only in the region within about 50 km from the Continent–Ocean Transition (COT) we suggest that normal faults reach the mantle, enabling potentially a coupling between the crust and the mantle. Here, at the proximal margins detachment fault dip either seaward or landward. This may indicate the presence of exhumed mantle bordering the continental margins.Post-rift shallow-water platform carbonates indicate a delay in subsidence during rifting in the South China Sea. We propose that this is an inherent process in highly extended continental margins and a common origin may be the influx of warm asthenospheric material into initially cool sub-lithospheric mantle.On a crustal-scale largely symmetric process predominate in the initial rifting stage. At the future COT either of the rift basin-bounding faults subsequently penetrates the entire crust, resulting in asymmetry at this location. However, asymmetric deformation which is controlled by large scale detachment faulting is confined to narrow areas and does not result in a margin-wide simple-shear model. Rather considerable along-margin variations are suggested resulting in alternating “upper and lower plate” margins.  相似文献   

Evolution of the western Barents Sea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Information from multichannel seismic reflection data complemented by seismic refraction, gravity and magnetics forms the basis for a regional structural and evolutionary model of the western Barents Sea during post-Caledonian times. The western Barents Sea contains a thick succession, locally > 10 km, of Upper Paleozoic to Cenozoic sedimentary rocks covering a basement of probably Caledonian origin. The area is divided into three regional geological provinces: (1) an east-west trending basinal province between 74°N and the coast of Norway; (2) an elevated platform area to the north towards Svalbard; and (3) the western continental margin. Several structural elements of different origin and age have been mapped within each of these provinces. The main stratigraphic sequence boundaries have been tentatively dated from available well information, correlation with the geology of adjacent areas, and correlation with the interregional unconformities caused by relative changes of sea level. The main structural elements were developed during three major post-Caledonian tectonic phases: the Svalbardian phase in Late Devonian to Early Carboniferous times, the Mid and Late Kimmerian phase in Mid Jurassic to Early Cretaceous times and Cenozoic tectonism related to the progressive northward opening of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea. The sediments are predicted to be of mainly clastic origin except for a thick sequence of Middle Carboniferous — Lower Permian carbonates and evaporites. Salt diapirs have developed in several sub-basins, especially in the Nordkapp Basin where they form continuous salt walls that have pierced through > 7 km of sediments.  相似文献   

The attenuated continental crust of the Dangerous Grounds is located in the southeastern part of the South China Sea. It was affected by unconformities as identified by several authors (Cullen et al., 2010, Hinz and Schlüter, 1985, Hutchison, 2010, Hutchison and Vijayan, 2010). In the northeastern Dangerous Grounds, a prominent reflector in seismic data is associated with the top of a widespread Oligocene to Early Miocene (18–20 Ma) carbonate platform. This reflector and the underlying carbonates can be used to constrain the timing of the unconformities and the rifting history of the Dangerous Grounds. By carefully interpreting seismic reflection lines we trace the platform carbonates based upon their appearance in the seismic image. This platform is continuous in the Palawan–Borneo trough and gets patchy toward the Dangerous Grounds. In the Dangerous Grounds the image of this key reflector changes and here it merely forms the top of a clastic layer. Carbonates remain abundant but mainly as isolated reefs that grew on top of tilted fault blocks. In the southwestern Dangerous Grounds the prominent unconformity sealing the tectonic activity is known as the Middle Miocene Unconformity. This in fact is an Early Miocene unconformity, which represents a sequence boundary in the Borneo–Palawan trough and in various parts of the Dangerous Grounds, while in other parts of the Dangerous Grounds, it represents a major angular unconformity.The unconformity characteristics supplemented with tentative ages indicate that Luconia and the southern Dangerous Grounds were sub-aerial during the Early Miocene, while the Reed Bank, the northern Dangerous Grounds and parts of the central Dangerous Grounds were mostly submerged except for some islands concentrated on the western edge of the Borneo–Palawan trough. This trough is interpreted as a foreland basin where the flexural forebulge provided shallow marine conditions that promoted reef growth. As the carbonate deposition migrated from the Borneo–Palawan trough toward the Dangerous Grounds we suggest that the flexural forebulge provided shallow water conditions for further reef growth on the eastern Dangerous Grounds.  相似文献   

This article concerns an interrelation between the sea levels and the western boundary flow near a tectonic boundary in a local zone in the Northwestern Pacific. In this zone, sea level variations at stations located on the coast facing the Pacific are studied to find the interrelation between variations of the Kurosio flow as an index of the distance of the flow axis off a specific coast. The result is discussed after data processing of the monthly means of the sea levels, and a notice is taken of variations caused by active crustal upheavals during a seismic event, a local earthquake.  相似文献   

黄渤海区捕捞结构的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据2010年对黄渤海沿海32个主要渔港、渔村和5家网具生产厂家的实地调查和现场测量资料,结合2009年度三省一市(河北、辽宁、山东、天津)的渔具渔法调查报告以及1983~2009年中国渔业年鉴中记载的捕捞产量分类统计资料,对黄渤海区捕捞结构进行了研究.研究结果表明,黄渤海区主要捕捞品种有30种之多,其中年渔获量超过万吨的有14种鱼类、5种甲壳类、4种头足类、2种海蜇和6种贝类.渔业资源品种的多样性决定了黄渤海区捕捞结构的多样化和多层次的特点,现有9大类19型23式130种网型或作业方式,同时受渔业资源变动的影响,捕捞网具也在变化,不断有旧的渔具消失和新的网具出现.其中,拖网是主要作业方式,贡献率为38.47%~51.79%,且近几年还有上升的趋势;其次为刺网,贡献率从1983年最低时的7.66%逐步上升到目前的30.14%;第三为张网,贡献率从1985年最高时的34.31%下降到目前的10.49%;围网和钓具的贡献率一直较低,均不足4%,其他渔具的贡献率为5.98%~13.30%.目前黄渤海区渔业结构的调整方向应当是减少拖网作业,控制刺网总量,限制张网、陷阱类渔具和地笼,鼓励发展钓渔业  相似文献   

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