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A mathematical model for undamped, toroidal, small-amplitude Alfvén waves in a spherically-symmetric or equatorial stellar wind is developed in this paper. The equations are reduced to a very simple form by using real Fourier amplitudes and the ratio of the inward and outward propagating wave amplitudes, which is interpreted as a measure of the relative influence of wave reflection in the flow, on the solution at a given point. Asymptotic solutions at large distances are found to depend only on one parameter, = / P - the ratio of wave frequency and critical (or cutoff) frequency which is a flow characteristic; a = 1 divides solutions into two qualitatively different groups. When 1 the asymptotic (r-) ratio of the inward and outward propagating wave amplitudes does not depend on wave frequency and is equal to unity, while the phase shift between them changes; in this case the wave pattern is a standing wave. If > 1 the converse occurs with the ratio of the amplitudes decreasing rapidly as the frequency increases, and the phase shift equals to -1/2, corresponding to a propagating wave pattern. The result is also expressed in terms of velocity and magnetic field perturbations.Existence of a finite incoming wave amplitude solution at the Alfvén critical point indicates that this point is stable with respect to the perturbations which originate at the critical point and spend an infinite time in its vicinity.Special attention is paid to the applicability of the WKB approximation. It is argued that it can be used only in finite intervals which do not contain the Alfvén critical point, with inward propagating waves taken into account through the boundary conditions. It is shown that despite the presence of reflection, the outward propagating wave amplitude can be described reasonably well by the WKB formula, perhaps with different constants in different regions. In this context = 1 divides solutions which cannot be approximated by the WKB estimate at all at large distances (the first group), from those which can with any given accuracy.As an illustration of the analytical behaviour some numerical results are shown using a cool wind model. These are likely to express qualitatively the features of the Alfvén waves in any stellar wind, since the only assumptions about the flow used in the analytical study of the wave equations were that: the flow has small velocity at the base of the corona; it then passes through the critical point, and reaches its finite non-zero limit at infinity.  相似文献   

Nonlinear kinetic Alfvén waves where m e /m i , have been solved both with and without the Poisson equation correction. It is found that the ratio of the perpendicular electric field and magnetic field, and the ratio of parallel and perpendicular electric field increase with deepening of the depressive density soliton. The former ratio may be larger than the Alfvén velocity in the case of a large amplitude solitary kinetic Alfvén wave. The Poisson equation correction is important for the nonlinear kinetic Alfvén wave propagating along the magnetic field, which solves a puzzle of Sagdeev potential to approach infinity in the limit ofK x 0. This correction causes the solitary KAW possessing an electrostatic character along the direction of wave moving frame. These results have been compared with the observations from the Freja satellite in the low aurora.  相似文献   

The present paper extends the analysis by Sakurai, Goossens, and Hollweg (1991) on resonant Alfvén waves in nonuniform magnetic flux tubes. It proves that the fundamental conservation law for resonant Alfvén waves found in ideal MHD by Sakurai, Goossens, and Hollweg remains valid in dissipative MHD. This guarantees that the jump conditions of Sakurai, Goossens, and Hollweg, that connect the ideal MHD solutions for r , andP across the dissipative layer, are correct. In addition, the present paper replaces the complicated dissipative MHD solutions obtained by Sakurai, Goossens, and Hollweg for r , andP in terms of double integrals of Hankel functions of complex argument of order with compact analytical solutions that allow a straightforward mathematical and physical interpretation. Finally, it presents an analytical dissipative MHD solution for the component of the Lagrangian displacement in the magnetic surfaces perpendicular to the magnetic field lines which enables us to determine the dominant dynamics of resonant Alfvén waves in dissipative MHD.  相似文献   

The velocity shear of ion beams observed in the polar cusp region can drive the kinetic Alfvén modes unstable. A hot ion beam can excite both a resonant kinetic Alfvén wave instability and a nonresonant coupled Alfvén ion-acoustic wave instability. For the case of a cold ion beam only the latter instability is excited. For the altitude range of 5–7R e , velocity shearS0.04–1.0 is needed to excite the kinetic Alfvén wave instabilities. HereS=(dV B / cB dx), whereV b is the streaming velocity,and cB is the gyrofrequency of the bean ions. The excited modes have frequencies, in the satellite frame of reference, in the ULF frequency range. The noise generated by the velocity shear-driven Alfvén modes is electromagnetic in nature. These modes have a substantial component of parallel electric fields and, therefore, they can play an important role in the ionosphere-magnetosphere coupling process occurring in the polar cusp region.  相似文献   

It is shown that a discrete Alfvén wave can explain the natural oscillations of solar loop prominences by considering the existence of a current flow. Discrete Alfvén waves are a new class of Alfvén waves which is described by the inclusion of the finite ion cyclotron frequency (/ cl 0) and/or the equilibrium plasma current. In this paper we consider only the effect of the current since in solar prominences (/ cl 0). We have modeled the solar prominences as a cylindrical plasma, surrounded by vacuum (corona), with L a where L and a are the plasma column, length, and radius, respectively. We have calculated the spectrum of the discrete Alfvén waves as function of the magnitude and shape of the plasma current.  相似文献   

It has been shown that Alfvén waves can drive non-inductive current in solar coronal loops via collisional or collisionless damping. Assuming that all the coronal-loop density of dissipated wave power (W= 10–3 erg cm–3 s–1), which is necessary to keep the plasma hot, is due to Alfvén wave electron heating, we have estimated the axial current density driven by Alfvén waves to be jz 103–105 statA cm–2. This current can indeed support the quasi-stationary equilibrium and stability of coronal loops and create the poloidal magnetic field up to B 1–5 G.  相似文献   

Low frequency or Alfvén waves in streaming plasmas can become unstable when the square of the Alfvén velocity is smaller than the mean square of the bulk motion in a co-moving reference frame, (u u )2, whereu stands for the bulk velocity of each species and u is the average bulk velocity of the plasma as a whole. For these new Alfvén instabilities the streaming effects can be enhanced by a suitable pressure anisotropy. Perpendicular pressure effects are stabilizing, parallel pressure effects are destabilizing, as in the usual firehose instability. The observed velocity differences between helium and the main (hydrogen) flow in the solar wind plasma are such that the Alfvén waves are getting close to marginal instability. These new Alfvén instabilities limit the velocity differences between helium and hydrogen and thus provide a possible mechanism for accelerating the helium particles up to the order of the main flow velocity.  相似文献   

The current-driven kinetic Alfvén instability is proposed as an anomalous transport mechanism for regions of concentrated, field-aligned currents in the solar corona. Anomalous magnetic diffusivity ( e f f 109cm2s–1), produced by kinetic Alfvén turbulence in the vicinity of the saturation level, provides fast magnetic energy release with a local inflow Alfvén Mach numberM in 0.1.  相似文献   

A. C. Riddle 《Solar physics》1970,13(2):448-457
The 80 MHz emission from a moving type IV source has been observed as the source moved from 2 to 51/4 R from the centre of the Sun. The emission came from a plasma cloud ejected in association with an extensive solar prominence. The cloud appeared to move with a speed ( 270 km/sec) approximating the local Alfvén velocity in the corona. At 2 R the emission was from a single unpolarized source, while at 5 R it was from two sources strongly circularly polarized in opposite senses. The physical conditions inside and outside the source and the emission mechanisms are discussed.  相似文献   

Andreev  V. E.  Efimov  A. I.  Samoznaev  L. N.  Chashei  I. V.  Bird  M. K. 《Solar physics》1997,176(2):387-402
A statistical study of Faraday rotation fluctuations (FRF) has been performed using polarization angle data of S-band (f = 2.3 GHz) radio spacecraft signals. The measurements were recorded during the recurring superior conjunctions of the Helios probes, during which the solar proximate point of the radio ray path reached heliocentric distances between 3 and 34 R. The most commonly found temporal FRF spectra are power laws with an average spectral index 1.5 over the frequency range from 1 mHz < v < 10 mHz. The FRF variance decreases with heliocentric distance, the falloff exponent being 8 for R < 6 R and 3 for distances 8 < R < 6 R < 16 R. The results are interpreted under the assumption that the FRF are produced by Alfvén waves propagating in the coronal plasma. For the applicable range of heliocentric distances it is shown that Alfvén waves are in a regime of free propagation and probably transfer much of their energy to the kinetic energy of the solar wind. The spatial power spectrum of magnetic field fluctuations is inferred to be strongly anisotropic, the irregularities extending along the background magnetic field with axial ratios of the order of 10.  相似文献   

Previous global models of coronal magnetic fields have used a geometrical construction based on a spherical source surface because of requirements for computational speed. As a result they have had difficulty accounting for (a) the tendency of full magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) models to predict non-radial plasma flow out to r 10r and (b) the appreciable magnitude, 3, of B r , (the radial component of B) consistently observed at r 1 AU. We present a new modelling technique based on a non-spherical source surface, which is taken to be an isogauss of the underlying potential field generated by currents in or below the photosphere. This modification of the source surface significantly improves the agreement between the geometrical construction and the MHD solution while retaining most of the computational ease provided by a spherical source surface. A detailed comparison between the present source-surface model and the MHD solution is made for the internal dipole case. The resulting B field agrees well in magnitude and direction with the coronal B field derived from the full MHD equations. It shows evidence of the slightly equatorward meridional plasma flow that is characteristic of the MHD solution. Moreover, the B field obtained by using our non-spherical source surface agrees well with that observed by spacecraft in the vicinity of the Earth's orbit. Applied to a solar dipole field with a moment of 1 G-r 3 , the present model predicts that B r at r 1 AU lies in the range of 1–2 and is remarkably insensitive to heliomagnetic latitude. Our method should be applicable also to more general (i.e., more realistic) configurations of the solar magnetic field. Isogauss surfaces for two representative solar rotations, as calculated from expansions of observed photospheric magnetic-field data, are found to show large and significant deviations from sphericity.  相似文献   

The probable connection between cosmic rays and the electromagnetic state of the interplanetary medium was recognized by Hannes Alfvén as early as 1949 (Alfvén, 1949, 1950); he pointed out that the properties of cosmic rays necessitate a mechanism, external to Earth but within the solar system, capable of accelerating particles to extremely high energies. In advocating the view of local origin for part of the cosmic-ray spectrum, Alfvén and his colleagues developed a very general type of acceleration mechanism called magnetic pumping. The unique data set of the two Voyagers extends over an entire decade (1977–1987) and is most suitable to explore the problem of acceleration of charged particles in the heliosphere. The energy coverage of the Low Energy Charged Particle (LECP) experiment covers the range 30 keV to several hundred MeV for ions and 22 keV to several MeV for electrons. Selected observations of interplanetary acceleration events from 1 to 25 AU are presented and reviewed. These show frequent acceleration of ions to several tens of MeV in association with shocks; highest energies (220 MeV oxygen) were measured in the near-perpendicular ( Bn 87.5°) shock of January 5, 1978 at 1.9 AU, where electron acceleration was also observed. Examples of ion acceleration in association with corotating interaction regions are presented and discussed. It is shown that shock structures have profound effects on high-energy (70 MeV) cosmic rays, especially during solar minimum, when a negative latitudinal gradient was observed after early 1985 at all energies from 70 MeV down to 30 keV. By early 1987, most shock acceleration activity in the outer heliosphere (25 to 30 AU) had ceased both in the ecliptic (Voyager-2) and at higher (30°) ecliptic latitudes (Voyager-1). The totality of observations demonstrate that local acceleration to a few hundred MeV, and as high as a few GeV is continually present throughout the heliosphere. It should be noted that in 1954 when Alfvén suggested local acceleration and containment of cosmic rays within the solar system, no one treated his suggestion seriously, at any energy. The observations reviewed in this paper illustrate once more Alfvén's remarkable prescience and demonstrate how unwise it is to dismiss his ideas.Paper dedicated to Professor Hannes Alfvén on the occasion of his 80th birthday, 30 May 1988.  相似文献   

Theoretical electron-temperature-sensitive Mgix emission line ratios are presented forR I =I(443.96 )/I(368.06 ),R 2 =I(439.17 )/I(368.06 ),R 3 =I(443.37 )/I(368.06 ),R 4 =I(441.22 )/I(368.06 ), andR 5 =I(448.28 )/I(368.06 ). A comparison of these with observational data for a solar active region, obtained during a rocket flight by the Solar EUV Rocket Telescope and Spectrograph (SERTS), reveals excellent agreement between theory and observation forR 1 throughR 4, with discrepancies that average only 9%. This provides experimental support for the accuracy of the atomic data adopted in the line ratio calculations, and also resolves discrepancies found previously when the theoretical results were compared with solar data from the S082A instrument on boardSkylab. However in the case ofR 5, the theoretical and observed ratios differ by almost a factor of 2. This may be due to the measured intensity of the 448.28 line being seriously affected by instrumental effects, as it lies very close to the long wavelength edge of the SERTS spectral coverage (235.46–448.76 ).  相似文献   

The dispersion equation for hydromagnetic surface waves along a plasma-plasma interface has been solved as a function of the compressibility factor c 1/v A1, where c 1 and v A1 are the acoustic and Alfvén wave speed in one of the medium, for general wave propagation direction. Both slow and fast magnetosonic surface waves can exist. The nature and existence of these waves depends on the values of c 1/v A1 and , the angle of wave propagation. For low- plasmas only fast mode exists. The slow mode does not propagate below a critical value of c 1. When c 1 the phase velocity of the slow wave tend to the Alfvén surface wave velocity in the incompressible media and for large the phase velocity of the fast wave approaches this value. The phase velocity of the slow wave increases whereas for the fast wave it decreases with increase in the angle .  相似文献   

The propagation and interference of Alfvén waves in magnetic regions is studied. A multilayer approximation of the standard models of the solar atmosphere is used. In each layer, there is a linear law of temperature variation and a power law of Alfvén velocity variation. The analytical solutions of a wave equation are stitched at the layer boundaries. The low-frequency Alfvén waves (P > 1 s) are able to transfer the energy from sunspots into the corona by tunneling only. The chromosphere is not a resonance filter for the Alfvén waves. The interference and resonance of Alfvén waves are found to be important to wave propagation through the magnetic coronal arches. The transmission coefficient of Alfvén waves into the corona increases sharply on the resonance frequences. To take into account the wave absorption in the corona, a method of equivalent schemes is developed. The heating of a coronal arch by Alfvén waves is discussed.  相似文献   

Shear flow instability is studied in the planar magnetopause boundary layer region by treating the plasma as compressible. A necessary criterion for instability near the cusp resonance is obtained analytically. The criterion depends on plasma, Alfvén Mach numberM A and the ratio of the scale lengths of the gradients in the flow and Alfvén velocities. The instability at the cusp resonance layer can be excited rather easily for the low plasma and for shear flow scale length smaller than the typical scale length over which Alfvén velocity varies. The growth rate for instability is obtained for any from a cubic equation. The unstable modes may contribute to the ULF wave activity at the magnetopause.  相似文献   

When solar wind plasma in the trailing (eastern) edge of a high-speed stream is mapped back to its estimated source in the high corona using the constant radial velocity (EQRH) approximation, a large range of velocities appears to come from a restricted range in longitude, often only a few degrees. This actually constitutes a sharp eastern coronal boundary for the solar wind stream source, and demands that the boundary have a three-dimensional structure. Using interplanetary data, we infer a systematic variation in source altitude (identified approximately with the Alfvén point), with faster solar wind attaining its interplanetary characteristics at lower altitudes. This also affects the accuracy of the source longitude estimates, so that we infer a width in the high corona of 4–6° for the source of the trailing edges of streams which appear to originate from a single longitude. We demonstrate that the possible systematic interplanetary effects (in at least some cases) are not large ( 2° in heliocentric longitude). The relatively sharp boundaries imply that high-speed streams are well-defined structures all the way down to their low coronal sources, and that the magnetic field structure controls the propagation of the plasma through the corona out to the vicinity of the Alfvén point ( 20 R ).  相似文献   

We discuss the longitudinal component of the magnetic field, B , based on data from about 135 quiescent prominences observed at Climax during the period 1968–1969. The measurements are obtained with the magnetograph which records the Zeeman effect on hydrogen, helium and metal lines. Use of the following lines, H; Hei, D3, Hei, 4471 Å; Nai, Di and D2, leads to the same value for the observed magnetic field component in these prominences. For more than half of the prominences their mean field, B , satisfy the inequalities 3 G B 8 G, and the overall mean value for all the prominences is 7.3 G. As a rule, the magnetic field enters the prominence on one side and exits on the other, but in traversing the prominence material, the field tends to run along the long axis of the prominence.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Nonlinear Alfvén waves, which in the infinitely conducting plasma are noncompressive and have a constant magnetic field strength (B 2=const), propagate in a turbulent plasma. The latter is characterized by a big (but finite) electrical conductivity eff due to micro-instabilities. The Alfvén wave in such a medium is governed by the diffusion equation. It is shown that an initial periodic perturbation (withB 2=const) while still being incompressive, decays due to dissipation.  相似文献   

Voitenko  Yuriy  Goossens  Marcel 《Solar physics》2002,206(2):285-313
We study a kinetic excitation mechanism for high-frequency dispersive Alfvén waves in the solar corona by magnetic reconnection events. The ion-cyclotron and Cerenkov kinetic effects are important for these waves which we call the ion-cyclotron kinetic Alfvén waves (IC KAWs). The plasma outflowing from the reconnection site sets up a neutralized proton beam in the surrounding plasma, providing free energy for the excitation of waves. The dependence of the phase velocity of the IC KAW on the parallel wavenumber is different from that on the perpendicular wavenumber. The phase velocity is an increasing function of the perpendicular wavenumber and overtakes the Alfvén velocity for sufficiently large values of k . However, the phase velocity is a decreasing function of k , and sufficiently large values of k result in a phase velocity below the Alfvén velocity. As a result, the IC KAWs can undergo the Cerenkov resonance with both super- and sub-Alfvénic particles, and for the waves to be excited the outflow velocity does not need to be super-Alfvénic, as for KAWs, but the beam/Alfvén velocity ratio can span a wide range of values. High growth rates of the order of 104 s–1 are found for the values of the plasma parameters typical for the low solar corona. The waves excited by (sub-)Alfvénic beams are damped mainly due to kinetic wave-particle interactions with ions at the cyclotron resonance (ion-cyclotron damping), and with ions and electrons at the Cerenkov resonance (Landau damping). Therefore, IC KAWs can heat the plasma species of the corona in both the parallel and perpendicular direction, giving rise to an anisotropic heating of the ions. The observational consequences of the processes under study are discussed.  相似文献   

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