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本文从磁流体动力学方程组出发,用微扰法得出等温有磁薄吸积盘径向脉动不稳定性的色散方程,详细讨论了磁场、径向粘滞力和因果性修正的α型粘滞对吸积盘不稳定性的影响.我们的结论是:磁场是一种在全盘区域起作用的非稳因素,它能影响粘滞模式的不稳定性和两种声波模式(O-mode和Ⅰ-mode)的增长率.径向粘滞力是一种在全盘区域起作用的致稳因素,它主要影响两种声波模式的不稳定性.α型粘滞的因果性修正主要在盘内区起作用,它对吸积盘的不稳定性影响较为复杂:对粘滞模式和无磁盘的Ⅰ-mode,它表现为致稳因素,而对O-mode和有磁盘的两种声波模式,则表现为非稳因素.  相似文献   

磁化吸积盘的不稳定性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从磁流体动力学方程组出发,用微扰法得到的色散方程中含有环向磁场.利用全新的反常粘滞和反常阻抗,对吸积盘进行数值计算,结果表明,只有竖直方向的弱磁场才可以引发一种单调不稳定性.磁场对粘性吸积盘表现为非稳定性因素,增长率随磁场的增强而增大,且最大增长率大于理想情况下的值.垂向磁场足够强时,单调不稳定性不会出现.  相似文献   

本文在Thorne工作的基础上讨论了吸积盘中黑洞的有关参量的演化,以及由Schwarzschild黑洞吸积盘向Kerr黑洞吸积盘演化过程中对吸积盘辐射通量的影响,最后针对几个典型的辐射过程,分别讨论了黑洞吸积盘在牛顿框架中的温度分布方程与广义相对论的温度分布方程的热不稳定性,并给出此类问题的热不稳定性的判据。  相似文献   

In this review I consider modern theoretical models of coupled star–disk magnetospheres. I discuss a number of models, both stationary and time-dependent, and examine what physical conditions govern the selection of a preferred model.  相似文献   

Many models of gamma-ray bursts suggest a common central engine:a black hole of several solar masses accreting matter from a disk at an accretion rate from 0.01 to 10 M_⊙s~(-1),the inner region of the disk is cooled by neutrino emission and large amounts of its binding energy are liberated,which could trigger the fireball.We improve the neutrino- dominated accreting flows by including the effects of magnetic fields.We find that more than half of the liberated energy can be extracted directly by the large-scale magnetic fields in the disk,and it turns out that the temperature of the disk is a bit lower than the neutrino-dominated accreting flows without magnetic field.Therefore,the outflows are magnetically-dominated rather than neutrino dominated.In our model,the neutrino mechanism can fuel some GRBs (not the brightest ones),but cannot fuel X-ray flares.The magnetic processes(both BZ and electromagnetic luminosity from a disk)are viable mechanisms for most of GRBs and their following X-ray flares.  相似文献   

本文采用微扰方法导出色散方程,并在四种情况下详细讨论了薄吸积盘的不稳定性。结果表明:在纯粘滞和纯磁场盘中都存在脉动不稳定性。而且在吸积盘内同时考虑粘滞和磁场时,存在两种不稳定性,一种是脉动不稳定性,另一种是单调不稳定性。同时数值计算还表明,脉动不稳定性更可能存在于盘的内区,而单调不稳定性则只在盘的外区,对短波扰动才有意义。这些结果为解释BLLac天体、Seyfert星系及类星体等活动星系核的光变现象进一步提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

This work derives the linearized equations of motion, the Lagrangian density, the Hamiltonian density, and the canonical angular momentum density for general perturbations [∝ exp (imφ) with m = 0, ± 1, ...] of a geometrically thin self-gravitating, homentropic fluid disk including the pressure. The theory is applied to “eccentric,” m = ± 1 perturbations of a geometrically thin Keplerian disk. We find m = 1 modes at low frequencies relative to the Keplerian frequency. Further, it is shown that these modes can have negative energy and negative angular momentum. The radial propagation of these low-frequency m = 1 modes can transport angular momentum away from the inner region of a disk and thus increase the rate of mass accretion. Depending on the radial boundary conditions there can be discrete low-frequency, negative-energy, m = 1 modes.  相似文献   

假设位于黑洞赤道面上做圆形轨道运动的吸积盘是几何薄、光学厚的.利用光子追踪法计算在Kerr度规下的光子运动轨迹,通过数值计算研究薄吸积盘的相对论谱线轮廓及成像.在大角度观测时,吸积盘下表面的光子对谱线轮廓及成像的影响是显著的.  相似文献   

Under the assumption that the accretion disk around a Kerr (spinning) black hole is geometrically thin and optically thick, the trajectories of photons in Kerr metric are calculated by using the photon tracing method. And by numerical calculations, we have made a study on the relativistic iron line profiles and images of thin accretion disks. The result shows that viewing at large inclination angles, because of the contribution of the photons from the lower surface of the accretion disk, the line profile becomes double-peaked and the flux image is also significantly modified.  相似文献   

近十几年来,人们已经对吸积盘进行了深入的研究。前人很多工作都是解析工作。虽然解析工作能够简单明了地揭示盘的许多重要性质,但吸积盘的很多重要性质(例如:对流和外流)没有办法通过解析工作进行深入的研究。数值模拟是研究天体物理的重要手段。近十年来,随着计算机技术的迅速发展,数值模拟在天体物理研究中扮演了越来越重要的角色。本论文主要用数值模拟的手段研究吸积盘中一些重要的物理过程。  相似文献   

卢炬甫 《天文学进展》2001,19(3):365-374
在已知的四种黑洞吸积盘模型中,Shapiro-Lightman-Eardley(SLE)盘是不稳定的,细(Slim)盘研究得还不够,较为成功的是最早建立的Shakura-Sunyaev盘(SSD)和近年成为热点的径移主导吸积流(ADAF)。SSD和ADAF看来分别适用于吸积流中离黑洞较远和较近的区域,故二者的结合即ADAF+SSD模型有望对黑洞吸积流作出较为完整的描述,但这个结合模型也还有不少未解决的问题。  相似文献   

在考虑径向对流和不同光学厚度的基础上,我们采用一般的辐射致冷假设;在统一的框架内考察了吸积盘的整体结构.对α模型,我们发现在不同的盘区存在不同的整体结构.在吸积率较低时,存在三种类型解:光学厚的局部辐射致冷解;光学薄的局部致冷解;光学薄的对流致冷解.这些解在盘内较大范围内都存在且互不交叉.但在吸积率较高和粘滞系数较大时,两种局部致冷解会相互交叉,而对流为主的解在所有盘区都稳定存在.另一方面,在吸积率较高和粘滞系数较小时,两种光学薄解会相互交叉,而光学厚和局部致冷为主的解在所有盘区都存在.  相似文献   

本文详细讨论了在Blandford-Znajek过程中吸积盘中心黑洞的角动量和质量的总变化率与质量吸积率和能量提取率之比的关系,在此基础上讨论了BlandfordZnajek过程对黑洞吸积盘内边缘半径r_(ms)演化的影响,并证明在此过程中中心黑洞的熵总是增大的。  相似文献   

Astronomy Letters - Small perturbations of a protostellar disk with vertical and azimuthal magnetic field components are considered in terms of Hall magnetohydrodynamics. The dispersion equation...  相似文献   

We apply the disk-corona evaporation model (Meyer & Meyer-Hofmeister) originally derived for dwarf novae to black hole systems. This model describes the transition of a thin cool outer disk to a hot coronal flow. The mass accretion rate determines the location of this transition. For a number of well-studied black hole binaries, we take the mass flow rates derived from a fit of the advection-dominated accretion flow (ADAF) model to the observed spectra (for a review, see Narayan, Mahadevan, & Quataert) and determine where the transition of accretion via a cool disk to a coronal flow/ADAF would be located for these rates. We compare this with the observed location of the inner disk edge, as estimated from the maximum velocity of the Halpha emission line. We find that the transition caused by evaporation agrees with this determination in stellar disks. We also show that the ADAF and the "thin outer disk + corona" are compatible in terms of the physics in the transition region.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionTheeffectsoflarge scalemagneticfieldsontheexcitationandevolutionofmagnetoacousticwavesinspiralgalaxieshavebeenstudiedbymanyauthors (Lynden Bell 1 96 6 ;Nelson 1 988;BalbusandHawley 1 991 ;Battaner 1 993;Vallee 1 994) .Morerecently ,ShuandLi ( 1 997)de rivedamodifi…  相似文献   

邻近旋涡星系中观测到的磁场被理论学家解释为发电机作用的结果.而我们发现,在邻近的星系中,磁场的强度与中性氢的柱密度紧密相关.星系盘中的磁场处于磁重平衡状态.这一结果与发电机放大机制相悖,从而支持星系磁场是原初起源的假说.  相似文献   

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