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Based on the γ-ray data of 51 γ-ray-loud blazars in the third EGRET catalog and VLBI radio data at 2.29 GHz in high state. we studied the correlations between the VLBI and γ-rayluminosities and the fluxes using the partial correlation analysis method. The results show that there is a strong correlation between γ-ray and VLBI radio fluxes and a significant correlation between γ-ray and VLBI radio luminosities. These results are likely to provide a possible support for self-Compton model of the γ-ray emission in blazars. It also shows that the γ-ray radiation may come from the region within the order of 1 pc which is consistent with the results given by luminosity variation. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The Fermi LAT provides a continuous and uniform monitoring of the Universe in the gamma-ray band. During the first year many gamma-ray blazar flares, some unidentified transients and emission by the Sun while in a quiet state were promptly detected. This is mainly due to the design of the mission, featuring a detector, the LAT with a wide field of view, and to the operation of the spacecraft itself, that can cover every region of the sky every 3 hours. Nevertheless, the scientific exploitation of this monitoring is more fruitful when early information about transients reaches a broader community. In this respect, the indefatigable activity of flare advocates, who worked on weekly shifts to validate the results and quickly broadcast information about flares and new detections, was the key to most scientific results.  相似文献   

As the highest-energy photons, gamma rays have an inherent interest to astrophysicists and particle physicists studying high-energy, nonthermal processes. Gamma-ray telescopes complement those at other wavelengths, especially radio, optical, and X-ray, providing the broad, mutiwavelength coverage that has become such a powerful aspect of modern astrophysics. Multiwavelength techniques of various types have been developed to help identify and explore unidentified gamma-ray sources. This overview summarizes the ideas behind several of these methods.  相似文献   

We investigate a stationary pair production cascade in the outer magnetosphere of an isolated, spinning neutron star. The charge depletion due to global flows of charged particles, causes a large electric field along the magnetic field lines. Migratory electrons and/or positrons are accelerated by this field to radiate gamma-rays via curvature and inverse-Compton processes. Some of such gamma-rays collide with the X-rays to materialize as pairs in the gap. The replenished charges partially screen the electric field, which is self-consistently solved together with the energy distribution of particles and gamma-rays at each point along the field lines. By solving the set of Maxwell and Boltzmann equations, we demonstrate that an external injection of charged particles at nearly Goldreich-Julian rate does not quench the gap but shifts its position and that the particle energy distribution cannot be described by a power-law. The injected particles are accelerated in the gap and escape from it with large Lorentz factors. We show that such escaping particles migrating outside of the gap contribute significantly to the gamma-ray luminosity for young pulsars and that the soft gamma-ray spectrum between 100 MeV and 3 GeV observed for the Vela pulsar can be explained by this component. We also discuss that the luminosity of the gamma-rays emitted by the escaping particles is naturally proportional to the square root of the spin-down luminosity.  相似文献   

考虑了观测到的Blazars多波段辐射的两分量特征,提出该观测特征可由频率相并的聚束效应和内禀谱一起来解释.多普勒因子与频率之间的关系由分析观测数据获得.假定内禀谱由非均匀喷流中同步-自康普顿机制产生,应用该模型解释了3C279的辐射.  相似文献   

We are leading a comprehensive multi-waveband monitoring program of 34 γ-ray bright blazars designed to locate the emission regions of blazars from radio to γ-ray frequencies. The ‘maps’ are anchored by sequences of images in both total and polarized intensity obtained with the VLBA at an angular resolution of ~0.1 milliarcseconds. The time-variable linear polarization at radio to optical wavelengths and radio to γ-ray light curves allow us to specify the locations of flares relative to bright stationary features seen in the images and to infer the geometry of the magnetic field in different regions of the jet. Our data reveal that some flares occur simultaneously at different wavebands and others are only seen at some of the frequencies. The flares are often triggered by a superluminal knot passing through the stationary ‘core’ on the VLBA images. Other flares occur upstream or even parsecs downstream of the core.  相似文献   

收集了47个Blazar天体的短时标光变资料,估算了中心天体质量和不同波段辐射区域,并对估算结果作了统计分析,发现Blazar天体中心黑洞质量在10~7M_☉到10~(10)M_☉之间,BL Lac天体与平谱射电类星体中心黑洞质量有很大差异,平谱射电类星体中心黑洞质量大于BL Lac天体中心黑洞质量;红外波段和γ射线波段辐射区域大小相似.同时,利用收集到Blazar天体的热光度分析了Blazar天体热光度与短时标光变之间的关系,证实了射电选BL Lac(RBL)天体和平谱射电类星体(FSRQs)的辐射是强成束的,但相对论聚柬效应对X射线选BL Lac(XBL)天体的辐射影响较小.  相似文献   

I present the search for V, R, I rapid optical variability of three gamma-ray loud blazars, 3C 454.3, 1ES 1959+650, 1ES 2344+514, performed at the Loiano telescope. The source 3C 454.3 was observed during the decline of the May 2005 outburst. 3C 454.3 and 1ES 2344$+$514 showed rapid variability in one band at least. The data in this work and archival data support the correlation between the occurrence of rapid variability and the flux variation suggested by Howard et~al., AJ 127, 17 (2004). PACS 98.54.Cm, 95.75.De  相似文献   

Be/X-ray binaries are systems formed by a massive Be star and a magnetized neutron star, usually in an eccentric orbit. The Be star has strong equatorial winds occasionally forming a circumstellar disk. When the neutron star intersects the disk the accretion rate dramatically increases and a transient accretion disk can be formed around the compact object. This disk can last longer than a single orbit in the case of major outbursts. If the disk rotates faster than the neutron star, the Cheng-Ruderman mechanism can produce a current of relativistic protons that would impact onto the disk surface, producing gamma-rays from neutral pion decays and initiating electromagnetic cascades inside the disk. In this paper we present calculations of the evolution of the disk parameters during both major and minor X-ray events, and we discuss the generation of gamma-ray emission at different energies within a variety of models that include both screened and unscreened disks.  相似文献   

A total of eight gamma-ray sources are identified with pulsars and these include some of the strongest gamma-ray sources in the sky. About 20 of the unidentified gamma-ray sources are very likely to be associated with currently known pulsars and there is little doubt that many of the others, at least those at low Galactic latitudes, will ultimately be identified with pulsars. How many of these and future gamma-ray detections will be detectable at radio wavelengths depends on the details of the radio and gamma-ray beaming. There is good evidence that the radio beams in young and millisecond pulsars are very wide, implying that most gamma-ray pulsars will be detectable in the radio band.  相似文献   

The recent detection of very-high-energy (GeV – TeV) γ-ray emission from the Galactic black-hole candidate and microquasar LS 5039 has sparked renewed interest in jet models for the high-energy emission in those objects. In this work, we have focused on models in which the high-energy emission results from synchrotron and Compton emission by relativistic electrons in the jet (leptonic jet models). Particular attention has been paid to a possible orbital modulation of the high-energy emission due to azimuthal asymmetries caused by the presence of the companion star. Both orbital-phase dependentγγ absorption and Compton scattering of optical/UV photons from the companion star may lead to an orbital modulation of the gamma-ray emission. We make specific predictions which should be testable with refined data from HESS and the upcoming GLAST mission.  相似文献   

王建民 《天文学进展》2001,19(2):231-231
连续谱辐射是研究活动星系核结构主要手段之一,谱型,光变,偏振是表征连续谱性质的最主要内容,活动星系是的最主要特征是几乎覆盖了整个电磁波波段,且有着大幅度和快速时标的光变,主要评述了活动星系核从射电到γ射线的全波段性质,观测对活动星系结构核的物理限制及现存的物理模型和解释,并指出了将来的课题。  相似文献   

We have collected short-timescale variability data of 47 blazars, estimated the masses of their central black holes and the sizes of their radiation regions at different wavebands, and made a statistical analysis on the calculated results. It is found that the central black hole mass of blazars falls in the range 107M to 1010M, and that the BL Lac objects and the flat-spectrum radio quasars have very different central black hole masses (the latter being generally greater), while they have very similar sizes of radiation regions in the infrared and γ-ray wavebands. Also, using the collected bolometric luminosity data, we have analyzed the relationship between the bolometric luminosity of blazars and their short-timescale variability, and it is concluded that the radiations from the radio-selected BL Lac objects (RBLs) and flat-spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs) are strongly beam-confined, while the effect of relativistic beaming is relatively small for the X-ray-selected BL Lac objects (XBLs).  相似文献   

一般认为超新星遗迹是银河系内高能宇宙线粒子的主要源,粒子(轻子和强子)在超新星遗迹中通过扩散激波加速机制被加速到极相对论性能量.近年来,越来越多的观测特别是X射线和γ射线波段的观测支持了这一观点.阐述了超新星遗迹多波段非热辐射的含时模型的研究情况,并将模型应用于4颗超新星遗迹G347.3-0.5,G266.2-1.2,G8.7-0.1和G23.3-0.3,结果显示模型可以很好地解释这4颗SNRs的多波段观测.  相似文献   

We discuss on the modelling of blazar jets as emitters of multiwavelength radiation with the implementation of a lepto-hadronic treatment. Assuming that injection of non-thermal electrons and protons can take place at the base of the jet, the stationary particle distributions can be found using an inhomogeneous one-dimensional transport equation with cooling and convection. The goal of this approach is to replace the widely used one-zone purely leptonic approximation by a more realistic model. We argue that the rapid variability observed in emission from blazars can be obtained as a result of interaction of the jet with obstacles, i.e., molecular clouds and stars. Long term variability is likely related to changes in the injection and physical conditions in the acceleration region.  相似文献   

Electron-dominated episodes or events during solar flares are characterized by a flattening of the electron bremsstrahlung continuum above about 1 MeV. This flattening leads to a dominance of the continuum at MeV energies over nuclear emissions. We analyzed events recorded by the gamma-ray spectrometer on SMM with the aim to determine the nuclear contribution in the energy range between 4 and 8 MeV. We find that for comparable continuum fluences it is less by about an order of magnitude than for other flares. The spectral index of the best-fit power law of the > 1 MeV continuum with a median at –1.84 turns out to be independent of the heliocentric angle of the events, implying that the degree of anisotropy of the radiating particles was low. It is of interest to note that a value of –1.5 seems to be a limit. The spectral index of the continuum between 0.3 and 1 MeV does not differ significantly from that of other flares. Only measurements with detectors sensitive up to at least 10 MeV can, therefore, sort out electron dominated episodes during solar flares.  相似文献   

The extragalactic sources of ultra-high-energy (E > 4 × 1019 eV) cosmic rays that make a small contribution to the flux of particles recorded by ground-based arrays are discussed. We show that cosmic rays from such sources can produce a noticeable diffuse gamma-ray flux in intergalactic space compared to the the data obtained with Fermi LAT (onboard the Fermi space observatory). A possible type of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) in which cosmi-ray protons can be accelerated to energies 1021 eV is considered as an illustration of such sources. We conclude that ultra-high-energy cosmic rays from the AGNs being discussed can contribute significantly to the extragalactic diffuse gamma-ray emission. In addition, a constraint on the fraction of the AGNs under consideration relative to the BL Lac objects and radio galaxies has been obtained from a comparison with the Fermi LAT data.  相似文献   

Variability is one of the characteristics of blazars. The rapid variability is superposed on the long term variation. In this work, the variability on different time scales, such as intra-day (IDV), short-term (STV) and long-term (LTV) variations are presented for some sources. We also presented our own observations of some selected objects, for which the historical data were compiled for periodicity analysis using several methods. The parameters of the binary black hole system OJ 287 are determined.  相似文献   

Optically violent variable quasars and BL Lac objects, which form a subclass of active galactic nuclei are termed as Blazars. Blazars show high degree variation in their flux and polarization in a relatively shorter period of time. They are strong radio sources with a non-stellar continuum. Most of the BL Lac objects do not show any emission lines though in some cases very weak lines are observed. They harbour in elliptical galaxies. Some BL Lacs show superluminal motion indicating the flow of matter at relativistic speeds close to the line of sight. It is likely that the enormous energy produced by these objects may be due to a massive black hole with an accretion disc system. Some Blazars have been observed to detect short time variations in their flux and polarization in the visual band. These studies are aimed at understanding the physical processes taking place in the central engine. Detecting shorter period variations assumes significance as they impose restrictions on the total volume from where the huge amount of energy is comming out. To date the recorded shortest period variation in visual band is 6.3 min in OJ 287, a BL Lac object. Attempts are being made to detect shorter period variations, which pose observational challenges. It is generally accepted that the central engine of AGN harbours a massive blackhole with an accretion disc surrounding it. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We recalculate the diffuse flux of high-energy neutrinos produced by gamma-ray bursts in the relativistic fireball model. Although we confirm that the average single burst produces only approximately 10-2 high-energy neutrino events in a detector with a 1 km2 effective area, i.e., about 10 events yr-1, we show that the observed rate is dominated by burst-to-burst fluctuations that are very large. We find event rates that are expected to be larger by 1 order of magnitude, likely more, which are dominated by a few very bright bursts. This greatly simplifies their detection.  相似文献   

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