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The scarcity of strong ground motion records presents a challenge for making reliable performance assessments of tall buildings whose seismic design is controlled by large‐magnitude and close‐distance earthquakes. This challenge can be addressed using broadband ground‐motion simulation methods to generate records with site‐specific characteristics of large‐magnitude events. In this paper, simulated site‐specific earthquake seismograms, developed through a related project that was organized through the Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) Ground Motion Simulation Validation (GMSV) Technical Activity Group, are used for nonlinear response history analyses of two archetype tall buildings for sites in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San Bernardino. The SCEC GMSV team created the seismograms using the Broadband Platform (BBP) simulations for five site‐specific earthquake scenarios. The two buildings are evaluated using nonlinear dynamic analyses under comparable record suites selected from the simulated BBP catalog and recorded motions from the NGA‐West database. The collapse risks and structural response demands (maximum story drift ratio, peak floor acceleration, and maximum story shear) under the BBP and NGA suites are compared. In general, this study finds that use of the BBP simulations resolves concerns about estimation biases in structural response analysis which are caused by ground motion scaling, unrealistic spectral shapes, and overconservative spectral variations. While there are remaining concerns that strong coherence in some kinematic fault rupture models may lead to an overestimation of velocity pulse effects in the BBP simulations, the simulations are shown to generally yield realistic pulse‐like features of near‐fault ground motion records.  相似文献   

This short communication introduces a quantitative approach for the engineering validation of ground‐motion simulations based on information theory concepts and statistical hypothesis testing. Specifically, we use the Kullback‐Leibler divergence to measure the similarity of the probability distributions of recorded and simulated ground‐motion intensity measures (IMs). We demonstrate the application of the proposed validation approach to ground‐motion simulations computed by using a variety of methods, including Graves and Pitarka hybrid broadband, the deterministic composite source model, and a stochastic white noise finite‐fault model. Ground‐motion IMs, acting as proxies for the (nonlinear) seismic response of more complex engineered systems, are considered herein to validate the considered ground‐motion simulation methods. The list of considered IMs includes both spectral‐shape and duration‐related proxies, shown to be the optimal IMs in several probabilistic seismic demand models of different structural types, within the framework of performance‐based earthquake engineering. The proposed validation exercise (1) can highlight the similarities and differences between simulated and recorded ground motions for a given simulation method and/or (2) allow the ranking of the performance of alternative simulation methods. The similarities between records and simulations should provide confidence in using the simulation method for engineering applications, while the discrepancies should help in improving the tested method for the generation of synthetic records.  相似文献   

The calculated nonlinear structural responses of a building can vary greatly, even if recorded ground motions are scaled to the same spectral acceleration at a building's fundamental period. To reduce the variation in structural response at a particular ground‐motion intensity, this paper proposes an intensity measure (IMcomb) that accounts for the combined effects of spectral acceleration, ground‐motion duration, and response spectrum shape. The intensity measure includes a new measure of spectral shape that integrates the spectrum over a period range that depends on the structure's ductility. The new IM is efficient, sufficient, scalable, transparent, and versatile. These features make it suitable for evaluating the intensities of measured and simulated ground motions. The efficiency and sufficiency of the new IM is demonstrated for the following: (i) elastic‐perfectly plastic single‐degree‐of‐freedom (SDOF) oscillators with a variety of ductility demands and periods; (ii) ductile and brittle deteriorating SDOF systems with a variety of periods; and (iii) collapse analysis for 30 previously designed frames. The efficiency is attributable to the inclusion of duration and to the ductility dependence of the spectral shape measure. For each of these systems, the transparency of the intensity measure made it possible to identify the sensitivity of structural response to the various characteristics of the ground motion. Spectral shape affected all structures, but in particular, ductile structures. Duration only affected structures with cyclic deterioration. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The concept of intensity‐based assessment for risk‐based decision‐making is introduced. It is realized by means of the so‐called 3R method (response analysis, record selection and risk‐based decision‐making), which can be used to check the adequacy of design of a new building or of the strengthening of an existing building by performing conventional pushover analysis and dynamic analysis for only a few ground motions, which are termed characteristic ground motions. Because the objective of the method is not a precise assessment of the seismic risk, a simple decision model for risk acceptability can be introduced. The engineer can decide that the reliability of a no‐collapse requirement is sufficient when collapse is observed in the case of less than half of, for example, seven characteristic ground motions. From the theoretical point of view, it is shown that the accuracy of the method is acceptable if the non‐linear response history analyses are performed at a low percentile of limit‐state intensity, which is also proven by means of several examples of multi‐storey reinforced concrete frame buildings. The 3R method represents a compromise between the exclusive use of either pushover analysis or dynamic analysis and can be easily introduced into building codes provided that its applicability is further investigated (e.g. asymmetric structures and other performance objectives) and that the procedure for the selection of characteristic ground motions is automated and readily available to engineers (www.smartengineering.si).  相似文献   

Ground‐motion simulations generated from physics‐based wave propagation models are gaining increasing interest in the engineering community for their potential to inform the performance‐based design and assessment of infrastructure residing in active seismic areas. A key prerequisite before the ground‐motion simulations can be used with confidence for application in engineering domains is their comprehensive and rigorous investigation and validation. This article provides a four‐step methodology and acceptance criteria to assess the reliability of simulated ground motions of not historical events, which includes (1) the selection of a population of real records consistent with the simulated scenarios, (2) the comparison of the distribution of Intensity Measures (IMs) from the simulated records, real records, and Ground‐Motion Prediction Equations (GMPEs), (3) the comparison of the distribution of simple proxies for building response, and (4) the comparison of the distribution of Engineering Demand Parameters (EDPs) for a realistic model of a structure. Specific focus is laid on near‐field ground motions (<10km) from large earthquakes (Mw7), for which the database of real records for potential use in engineering applications is severely limited. The methodology is demonstrated through comparison of (2490) near‐field synthetic records with 5 Hz resolution generated from the Pitarka et al (2019) kinematic rupture model with a population of (38) pulse‐like near‐field real records from multiple events and, when applicable, with NGA‐W2 GMPEs. The proposed procedure provides an effective method for informing and advancing the science needed to generate realistic ground‐motion simulations, and for building confidence in their use in engineering domains.  相似文献   

Two existing, contemporary ground motion selection and modification procedures – (i) exact conditional spectrum (CS‐exact) and (ii) generalized conditional intensity measure (GCIM) – are evaluated in their ability to accurately estimate seismic demand hazard curves (SDHCs) of a given structure at a specified site. The amount of effort involved in implementing these procedures to compute a single SDHC is studied, and a case study is chosen where rigorous benchmark SDHCs can be determined for evaluation purposes. By comparing estimates from ground motion selection and modification procedures with the benchmark, we conclude that estimates from CS‐exact are unbiased in many of the cases considered. The estimates from GCIM are even more accurate, as they are unbiased for most – but not all – of the cases where estimates from CS‐exact are biased. We find that it is possible to obtain biased SDHCs from GCIM, even after employing a very diverse collection of intensity measures to select ground motions and implementing its bias‐checking feature, because it is usually difficult to identify intensity measures that are truly ‘sufficient’ for the response of a complex, multi‐degree‐of‐freedom system. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The paper under discussion proposes a framework to evaluate ground motion selection and modification procedures and illustrates its application for two different procedures as applied to a non‐degrading bilinear inelastic single‐degree‐of‐freedom system. This discussion focuses on providing additional context that this writer feels is needed in relation to both the proposed framework and also its specific application in the paper, which are important for the conclusions made by the authors. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文从单个地震动样本的角度分析了超随机部分对地震动波形的影响,认为自相关函数噪声部分或功率谱的随机波动部分对地震动波形的影响不大,对地震动的波形起主要控制作用的是地震动的相位谱或相位差谱,而自相关函数的噪声部分(或功率谱的随机波动成分)只对地震动波形起一定程度的调整作用。文中基于平稳随机过程的理论,用蒙特卡罗方法分析了自相关函数噪声项对人工合成地震动振幅和反应谱的影响:由于自相关函数的随机噪声项对地震动总功率或平方和的贡献为零,因此随机噪声项对合成地震动幅值的影响不大,但是由于自相关函数随机噪声项明显改变了地震动功率谱的形状和分布特征,使其出现了明显的波动,也在一定程度上提高了平均反应谱的峰值,从而对平均反应谱也产生一些影响。考虑地震动自相关函数中的随机噪声部分有助于更真实地模拟和反映地震动的真实特性。  相似文献   

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