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Substructure hybrid simulation has been actively investigated and applied to evaluate the seismic performance of structural systems in recent years. The method allows simulation of structures by representing critical components with physically tested specimens and the rest of the structure with numerical models. However, the number of physical specimens is limited by available experimental equipment. Hence, the benefit of the hybrid simulation diminishes when only a few components in a large system can be realistically represented. The objective of the paper is to overcome the limitation through a novel model updating method. The model updating is carried out by applying calibrated weighting factors at each time step to the alternative numerical models, which encompasses the possible variation in the experimental specimen properties. The concept is proposed and implemented in the hybrid simulation framework, UI‐SimCor. Numerical verification is carried out using two‐DOF systems. The method is also applied to an experimental testing, which proves the concept of the proposed model updating method. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hybrid simulation combines numerical and experimental methods for cost‐effective, large‐scale testing of structures under simulated earthquake loading. Structural system level response can be obtained by expressing the equation of motion for the combined experimental and numerical substructures, and solved using time‐stepping integration similar to pure numerical simulations. It is often assumed that a reliable model exists for the numerical substructures while the experimental substructures correspond to parts of the structure that are difficult to model. A wealth of data becomes available during the simulation from the measured experiment response that can be used to improve upon the numerical models, particularly if a component with similar structural configuration and material properties is being tested and subjected to a comparable load pattern. To take advantage of experimental measurements, a new hybrid test framework is proposed with an updating scheme to update the initial modeling parameters of the numerical model based on the instantaneously‐measured response of the experimental substructures as the test progresses. Numerical simulations are first conducted to evaluate key algorithms for the selection and calibration of modeling parameters that can be updated. The framework is then expanded to conduct actual hybrid simulations of a structural frame model including a physical substructure in the laboratory and a numerical substructure that is updated during the tests. The effectiveness of the proposed framework is demonstrated for a simple frame structure but is extendable to more complex structural behavior and models. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hybrid simulations that combine numerical computations and physical experiment represent an effective method of evaluating the dynamic response of structures. However, it is sometimes impossible to take all the uncertain or nonlinear parts of the structure as the physical substructure. Thus, the modeling errors of the numerical part can raise concerns. One method of solving this problem is to update the numerical model by estimating its parameters from experimental data online. In this paper, an online model updating method for the hybrid simulation of frame structures is proposed to reduce the errors of nonlinear modeling of numerical substructures. To obtain acceptable accuracy with acceptable extra computation efforts as a result of model parameter estimation, the sectional constitutive model is adopted, therein considering axial‐force and bending‐moment coupling; moreover, the unscented Kalman filter is used for parameter estimation of the sectional model. The effectiveness of the sectional model updating with the unscented Kalman filter is validated via numerical analyses and actual hybrid tests on a full‐scale steel frame structure, with one column as the experimental substructure loaded by three actuators to guarantee the consistency of the boundary conditions. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study, we formulate an improved finite element model‐updating method to address the numerical difficulties associated with ill conditioning and rank deficiency. These complications are frequently encountered model‐updating problems, and occur when the identification of a larger number of physical parameters is attempted than that warranted by the information content of the experimental data. Based on the standard bounded variables least‐squares (BVLS) method, which incorporates the usual upper/lower‐bound constraints, the proposed method (henceforth referred to as BVLSrc) is equipped with novel sensitivity‐based relative constraints. The relative constraints are automatically constructed using the correlation coefficients between the sensitivity vectors of updating parameters. The veracity and effectiveness of BVLSrc is investigated through the simulated, yet realistic, forced‐vibration testing of a simple framed structure using its frequency response function as input data. By comparing the results of BVLSrc with those obtained via (the competing) pure BVLS and regularization methods, we show that BVLSrc and regularization methods yield approximate solutions with similar and sufficiently high accuracy, while pure BVLS method yields physically inadmissible solutions. We further demonstrate that BVLSrc is computationally more efficient, because, unlike regularization methods, it does not require the laborious a priori calculations to determine an optimal penalty parameter, and its results are far less sensitive to the initial estimates of the updating parameters. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study, we determine an updated finite element model of a reinforced concrete building—which was damaged from shaking during 1994 Northridge earthquake—using forced‐vibration test data and a novel model‐updating technique. Developed and verified in the companion paper (viz. BVLSrc, Earthquake Eng. Struct. Dyn. 2006; this issue), this iterative technique incorporates novel sensitivity‐based relative constraints to avoid ill conditioning that results from spatial incompleteness of measured data. We used frequency response functions and natural frequencies as input for the model‐updating problem. These data were extracted from measurements obtained during a white‐noise excitation applied at the roof of the building using a linear inertial shaker. Flexural stiffness values of properly grouped structural members, modal damping ratios, and translational and rotational mass values were chosen as the updating parameters, so that the converged results had direct physical interpretations, and thus, comparisons with common parameters used in seismic design and evaluation of buildings could be made. We investigated the veracity of the updated finite element model by comparing the predicted and measured dynamic responses under a second, and different type of forced (sine‐sweep) vibration, test. These results indicate that the updated model replicates the dynamic behaviour of the building reasonably well. Furthermore, the updated stiffness factors appear to be well correlated with the observed building damage patterns (i.e. their location and severity). Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

模型更新混合试验在传统混合试验方法的基础上更新与试验构件具有相同恢复力特性的构件,扩展了混合试验方法的应用范围。本文旨在提高模型更新混合试验的精度,降低试验的成本并简化模型更新混合试验方法的流程。自适应UKF(AUKF)算法在传统UKF的基础上加入方差自适应模块,能够减轻初始参数设定对参数识别结果的影响,本文基于AUKF提出一种模型更新混合试验方法。对以Bouc-Wen为恢复力模型的防屈曲约束支撑(BRB)进行低周反复加载虚拟试验,通过Matlab编制AUKF算法程序进行参数识别,验证了AUKF算法的高效准确性。对一榀8层4跨带BRB的钢框架进行混合试验数值仿真,结果表明离线模型更新试验结果较在线模型更新更接近真实结果,且简化了试验流程。  相似文献   

A series of hybrid and cyclic loading tests were conducted on a three‐story single‐bay full‐scale buckling‐restrained braced frame (BRBF) at the Taiwan National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering in 2010. Six buckling‐restrained braces (BRBs) including two thin BRBs and four end‐slotted BRBs, all using welded end connection details, were installed in the frame specimen. The BRBF was designed to sustain a design basis earthquake in Los Angeles. In the first hybrid test, the maximum inter‐story drift reached nearly 0.030 rad in the second story and one of the thin BRBs in the first story locally bulged and fractured subsequently before the test ended. After replacing the BRBs in the first story with a new pair, a second hybrid test with the same but reversed direction ground motion was applied. The maximum inter‐story drifts reached more than 0.030 rad and some cracks were found on the gusset welds in the second story. The frame responses were satisfactorily predicted by both OpenSees and PISA3D analytical models. The cyclic loading test with triangular lateral force distribution was conducted right after the second hybrid test. The maximum inter‐story drift reached 0.032, 0.031, and 0.008 rad for the first to the third story, respectively. This paper then presents the findings on the local bulging failure of the steel casing by using cyclic test results of two thin BRB specimens. It is found that the steel casing bulging resistance can be computed from an equivalent beam model constructed from the steel core plate width and restraining concrete thickness. This paper concludes with the recommendations on the seismic design of thin BRB steel casings against local bulging failure. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A two‐story buckling‐restrained brace (BRB) frame was tested under bidirectional in‐plane and out‐of‐plane loading to evaluate the BRB stability and gusset plate design. The test comprised pseudo‐dynamic loadings using the 1999 Chi‐Chi earthquake scaled to the 50%, 10%, and 2% probability of exceedance in 50 years and a cyclic regime of increasing amplitudes of up to 3.0% story drift ratio (SDR). The specimen had a unique configuration where the beams were connected to the columns through shear tabs welded to the column flanges and bolted to the beam webs. Stable hysteretic behavior with only minor cracking at the gusset‐to‐column welds was observed under the pseudo‐dynamic tests, with maximum in‐plane and out‐of‐plane SDRs of 2.24% and 1.47% respectively. Stable behavior continued into the cyclic test where fracture of the gusset‐to‐column welds occurred in the first cycle to simultaneous bidirectional SDR of 3.0%. The observed BRB stability is consistent with a methodology developed for BRB frames under simultaneous in‐plane and out‐of‐plane drifts. The specimen behavior was studied using a finite element model. It was shown that gusset plates are subjected to a combination of BRB force and frame action demands, with the latter increasing the gusset‐to‐beam and gusset‐to‐column interface demands by an average of 69% and 83% respectively. Consistent with the test results, failure at the gusset‐to‐column interfaces is computed when frame action demands are included, thus confirming that not considering frame action demands may results in unconservative gusset plate designs. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The problem of updating a structural model and its associated uncertainties by utilizing structural response data is addressed. In an identifiable case, the posterior probability density function (PDF) of the uncertain model parameters for given measured data can be approximated by a weighted sum of Gaussian distributions centered at a number of discrete optimal values of the parameters at which some positive measure‐of‐fit function is minimized. The present paper focuses on the problem of model updating in the general unidentifiable case for which certain simplifying assumptions available for identifiable cases are not valid. In this case, the PDF is distributed in the neighbourhood of an extended and usually highly complex manifold of the parameter space that cannot be calculated explicitly. The computational difficulties associated with calculating the highly complex posterior PDF are discussed and a new adaptive algorithm, referred to as the tangential‐projection (TP) algorithm, allowing for an efficient approximate representation of the above manifold and the posterior PDF is presented. Using this approximation, expressions for calculating the uncertain predictive response are established. A numerical example involving noisy data is presented to demonstrate the proposed method. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The implementation of buckling‐restrained braces (BRBs) for new reinforced concrete frame (RCF) constructions is limited. This study investigates the seismic forces and stability in the BRBs and gussets of a 2‐story full‐scale RCF specimen by using Abaqus models and a newly proposed stability evaluation method. The hybrid and cyclic loading test results are accurately predicted by the Abaqus analyses. Existing methods for computing the gusset interface forces for steel buildings from both the brace and the frame actions are compared with the Abaqus results. The applicability of these methods for the BRB‐RCF design is critically evaluated. It is confirmed that the Parallel‐2 method is suitable for estimating the BRB force demand imposed on the corner gusset and the generalized uniform force method is good for the corner gusset at the base. In addition, existing stability evaluation methods for BRBs and gussets are applied to investigate the out‐of‐plane (OOP) buckling of the first‐story BRB observed at the end of tests. The proposed stability model incorporates the BRB restrainer's flexural effects and 4 rotational springs in assessing the BRB's buckling. This model confirms that the BRB and the gusset's OOP buckling limit states could be coupled and must be evaluated together. By incorporating the flexural effects of the steel casing and the infilled grout, the proposed model satisfactorily predicts the OOP buckling of the first‐story BRB and gussets. These research results can be used for the implementation of BRBs in new RC frame constructions.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a novel implementation of buckling‐restrained braces (BRB) in new reinforced concrete (RC) frame construction. Seismic design and analysis methods for using a proposed steel cast‐in anchor bracket (CAB) to transfer normal and shear forces between the BRB and RC members are investigated. A full‐scale two‐story RC frame with BRBs (BRB‐RCF) is tested using hybrid and cyclic loading test procedures. The BRBs were arranged in a zigzag configuration and designed to resist 70% of the story shear. The gusset design incorporates the BRB axial and RCF actions, while the beam and column members comply with ACI 318‐14 seismic design provisions. Test results confirm that the BRBs enhanced the RCF stiffness, strength, and ductility. The hysteresis energy dissipation ratios in the four hybrid tests range from 60% to 94% in the two stories, indicating that BRBs can effectively dissipate seismic input energy. When the inter‐story drift ratio for both stories reached 3.5% in the cyclic loading test, the overall lateral force versus deformation response was still very stable. No failure of the proposed steel CABs and RC discontinuity regions was observed. This study demonstrates that the proposed design and construction methods for the CABs are effective and practical for real applications. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The authors developed a buckling‐restrained brace that enables increased design freedom at both ends of the core plate and strict quality control while providing stable hysteresis characteristics even under high strains. The buckling‐restrained brace can be formed by welding a core plate covered with unbonded material to a pair of mortar‐filled channel steels (steel mortar planks) as a restraining part. The use of this approach enables visual confirmation of the status of the mortar filling and also facilitates standardizing structural members and member‐by‐member quality control. Specimens of a buckling‐restrained brace with different steel mortar plank heights are fabricated to adjust the restraining force, along with specimens with different core plate width‐to‐thickness ratios. The tests were conducted to reveal the hysteretic characteristics of the braces, as well as their cumulative plastic strain energy, elastoplastic properties, and stiffening properties. A performance evaluation formula as well as a buckling‐restrained brace design method using the test results is proposed. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a method for evaluating the residual structural capacity of earthquake‐affected steel structures. The method first quantifies the damage severity of a beam by computing the dynamic‐strain‐based damage index. Next, the model used to analyze the structure is updated based on the damage index, to reflect the observed damage conditions. The residual structural capacity is then estimated in terms of changes in stiffness and strength, which can be applied by structural engineers, via a nonlinear static analysis of the updated model. The main contributions of this paper are in performance evaluation of the dynamic‐strain‐based damage index for seismically induced damage using a newly developed substructure testing environment, consideration of various damage patterns in composite beams, and extension of a local damage evaluation technique to a residual capacity estimation procedure by incorporating the model‐updating technique. In laboratory testing, the specimens were damaged quasi‐statically, and vibration tests were conducted as the damage proceeded. First, a bare steel beam–column connection was tested, and then a similar one with a floor slab was used for a more realistic case. The estimated residual structural capacities for these specimens were compared with the static test results. The results verified that the proposed method can provide fine estimates of the stiffness and strength deteriorations within 10% for the specimen without the floor slab and within 30% for that with the floor slab. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

混凝土框架模型结构参数的识别   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
框架结构是常见的建筑结构形式,也是结构损伤诊断的主要研究对象之一。本文以钢筋混凝土框架结构模型的振动测试数据为基础,采用灵敏度分析方法,对结构的物理参数进行识别。有限元分析中,考虑框架结构的节点转动,采用静凝聚方法得到结构刚度矩阵。参数识别结果表明,对于不同的固有频率和振型的测试信息组合所识别的物理参数有所不同。根据已知的概率分布,利用MonteCarlo方法,将模态参数的不确定性传递给物理参数,得到了物理参数的不确定性。  相似文献   

A continuous Soil Conservation Service (SCS) curve number (CN) method that considers time‐varied SCS CN values was developed based on the original SCS CN method with a revised soil moisture accounting approach to estimate run‐off depth for long‐term discontinuous storm events. The method was applied to spatially distributed long‐term hydrologic simulation of rainfall‐run‐off flow with an underlying assumption for its spatial variability using a geographic information systems‐based spatially distributed Clark's unit hydrograph method (Distributed‐Clark; hybrid hydrologic model), which is a simple few parameter run‐off routing method for input of spatiotemporally varied run‐off depth, incorporating conditional unit hydrograph adoption for different run‐off precipitation depth‐based direct run‐off flow convolution. Case studies of spatially distributed long‐term (total of 6 years) hydrologic simulation for four river basins using daily NEXRAD quantitative precipitation estimations demonstrate overall performances of Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency (ENS) 0.62, coefficient of determination (R2) 0.64, and percent bias 0.33% in direct run‐off and ENS 0.71, R2 0.72, and percent bias 0.15% in total streamflow for model result comparison against observed streamflow. These results show better fit (improvement in ENS of 42.0% and R2 of 33.3% for total streamflow) than the same model using spatially averaged gauged rainfall. Incorporation of logic for conditional initial abstraction in a continuous SCS CN method, which can accommodate initial run‐off loss amounts based on previous rainfall, slightly enhances model simulation performance; both ENS and R2 increased by 1.4% for total streamflow in a 4‐year calibration period. A continuous SCS CN method‐based hybrid hydrologic model presented in this study is, therefore, potentially significant to improved implementation of long‐term hydrologic applications for spatially distributed rainfall‐run‐off generation and routing, as a relatively simple hydrologic modelling approach for the use of more reliable gridded types of quantitative precipitation estimations.  相似文献   

Hybrid simulation is a powerful and cost‐effective simulation technique to evaluate structural dynamic performance. However, it is sometimes rather difficult to guarantee all the boundaries on the physical substructures, especially when the boundary conditions are very complex, due to limited laboratory resources. Lacking of boundary conditions is bound to change the stress state of the structure and eventually result in an inaccurate evaluation of structural performance. A model updating‐based online numerical simulation method is proposed in this paper to tackle the problem of incomplete boundary conditions. In the proposed method, 2 sets of finite element models with the same constitutive model are set up for the overall analysis of the whole structure and the constitutive model parameter estimation of the physical substructure, respectively. The boundary conditions are naturally satisfied because the response is calculated from the overall structural model, and the accuracy is improved as the material constitutive parameters are updated. The effectiveness of the proposed method is validated via numerical simulations and actual hybrid tests on a RC frame structure, and the results show that the negative effect of incomplete boundary conditions is almost eliminated and the accuracy of hybrid simulation is very much improved.  相似文献   

Hybrid simulation (HS) is a novel technique to combine analytical and experimental sub‐assemblies to examine the dynamic responses of a structure during an earthquake shaking. Traditionally, HS uses displacement‐based control where the finite element program calculates trial displacements and applies them to both the analytical and experimental sub‐assemblies. Displacement‐based HS (DHS) has been proven to work well for most structural sub‐assemblies. However, for specimens with high stiffness, traditional DHS does not work because it is difficult to precisely control hydraulic actuators in small displacement. A small control error in displacement will result in large force response fluctuations for stiff specimens. This paper resolves this challenge by proposing a force‐based HS (FHS) algorithm that directly calculates trial forces instead of trial displacements. The proposed FHS is finite element based and applicable to both linear and nonlinear systems. For specimens with drastic changes in stiffness, such as yielding, a switch‐based HS (SHS) algorithm is proposed. A stiffness‐based switching criterion between the DHS and FHS algorithms is presented in this paper. All the developed algorithms are applied to a simple one‐story one‐bay concentrically braced moment frame. The result shows that SHS outperforms DHS and FHS. SHS is then utilized to validate the seismic performance of an innovative earthquake resilient fused structure. The result shows that SHS works in switching between the DHS and FHS modes for a highly nonlinear and highly indeterminate structural system. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper describes a series of hybrid tests performed on a steel panel damper (SPD) specimen by using a multi-axial testing system. The building under investigation adopted a three-dimensional six-story moment resisting frame with four SPDs installed at each story as the main seismic resisting system. The structural model was subjected to bi-directional ground excitations of three hazard levels. The finite element analysis program “Platform of Inelastic Structural Analysis for 3D Systems” (PISA3D) was used as the analysis kernel for hybrid tests. Relevant programming extensions in PISA3D were created to support geographically distributed hybrid testing in a general-purpose manner. An external displacement control (EDC) method was developed such that the actual boundary deformation of the specimen fixtures could be continuously measured and immediately compensated during tests. An online model updating (OMU) technique was developed and employed such that the material properties of the specimen could be identified directly from the specimen response during the test. The identified material properties were then immediately used to update those of the other relevant numerical elements to enhance the overall simulation fidelity. Superior flexibility of the underlying software architecture was well demonstrated in this series of hybrid tests since no hardcoding was used to support all the complex test settings. Test results confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed EDC method, as well as the capacity of the proposed OMU technique to satisfactorily and efficiently capture the hysteretic properties of the specimen.  相似文献   

A reliable computational model is necessary for evaluating the state and predicting the future performance of existing structures, especially after exposure to damaging effects such as an earthquake. A major problem with the existing iterative‐based model updating methods is that the search might be trapped in local optima. The genetic algorithms (GAs) offer a desirable alternative because of their ability in performing a robust search for the global optimal solution. This paper presents a GA‐based model updating approach using a real‐coding scheme for global model updating based on dynamic measurement data. An eigensensitivity method is employed to further fine‐tune the GA updated results in case the sensitivity problem arises due to restricted measurement information. The application on shear‐type frames reveals that with a limited amount of modal data, namely the lowest three natural frequencies and the first mode shape, it is possible to achieve satisfactory updating by the GA alone for cases involving a limited number of parameters (storey stiffness herein). With the incorporation of the eigensensitivity algorithm, the updating capability is extended to a sufficiently large number of parameters. In case the modal data contain errors, the GA is also shown to be able to update the model to a satisfactory accuracy, provided the required amount of modal data is available. An example is given in which a 6‐DOF stick model for an actual six‐storey RC frame is updated using the measured dynamic properties. The effectiveness of the updating is evaluated by comparing the measured and predicted seismic response using the updated model. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A gusset plate is subjected to forces induced from a buckling‐restrained brace (BRB) and frame action. In this study, a performance‐based design method of the gusset connections incorporating a BRB and frame actions is investigated. The force demands resulting from the BRB axial force are computed from the generalized uniform force method. The force demands induced from the frame action effects primarily result from beam shear. A conservative method, which considers the beam axial force effect and the thereafter reduced beam flexural capacity possibly developed at the gusset tips, is adopted in estimating the maximum beam shear. An improved equivalent strut model is used to represent the gusset plate subjected to the frame action effect. The total force demands of the gusset connection are combined from the BRB force and the frame actions. For design purposes, the stress distributions on the gusset interfaces are linearized. The maximum von Mises stress combining the normal and shear stresses is considered as the demand for the gusset plate design. In order to verify the effectiveness of the proposed design method, experiments on a two‐story full‐scale buckling‐restrained braced frame (BRBF) were performed. The chevron and single diagonal brace configurations were arranged in the second and the first stories, respectively. Two different corner gusset connection configurations including one single corner gusset and one coupled corner gusset connection, where two braces in adjacent stories joined at the same beam‐to‐column joint, were tested. The BRBF specimen was subjected to cyclically increasing lateral displacements with a maximum frame drift of 0.04 rad. The maximum story drifts reached 0.035 and 0.061 rad. in the first and the second stories, respectively. At the end of the tests, no fractures were observed on any of the gusset interfaces. Along the gusset interfaces, the normal and shear stress distributions computed from the proposed design procedures and the FEM analysis correlated well with the experimental results. This paper concludes with the procedure and recommendations for the performance‐based design of gusset connections. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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