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The large-scale tectonics in the last billion years (Ga) are predominated by the assembly and breakup of supercontinents Rodinia and Pangea. The mechanisms controlling the assembly of supercontinents are not clear. Here, we investigate the assembly of a supercontinent with 1) stochastic models of randomly-moving continental blocks and 2) 3-D spherical models of mantle convection with continental blocks. For the stochastic models, we determined the time required for all the blocks to assemble into a single supercontinent on a spherical surface. We found that the assembly time from our stochastic models is significantly longer than inferred for Pangea and Rodinia. However, our study also suggests that the assembly time from stochastic models is sensitive to the rules for randomly assigning continental motion in the models. In our dynamic models of mantle convection, continental blocks are modeled as deformable and compositionally distinct materials from the mantle. We found that mantle convective planform has significant effects on supercontinent assembly. For models with moderately strong lithosphere and the lower mantle relative to the upper mantle that lead to degree-1 mantle convection, continental blocks always assemble to a supercontinent in  250 million years (Ma) and this assembly time is consistent with inferred for Pangea and Rodinia. However, for models with intrinsically small-scale mantle flows, we found that even when continental blocks merge to form a supercontinent, the assembly times are too long and the convective structures outside of supercontinent regions are of too small wavelengths, compared with observed.  相似文献   

Venus is similar to the Earth in size, mass, composition and distance to the sun. However, Venus has neither plate tectonics nor dynamo that exists on the Earth. The lithosphere of Venus is very thick based on its topography and gravity. The admittance and correlation between Venusian geoid and topography are very high, suggesting that they are strongly influenced by the internal dynamical process of Venus. Analyses show that there may be 10 Hawaii-like mantle plumes in Venusian mantle. Data from Venus Express has shown evidence for recent active volcanism among several of these plumes. The distribution of impact craters on Venus shows that Venusian surface has a young age and the age is averaged about 500 Ma, suggesting that Venus may have experienced a global resurfacing event. However, whether this resurfacing is catastrophic or equilibrium is still under debate. It is also unclear whether Venus had plate tectonics in the past, is it always in stagnant lid regime, or might it have an entirely different mode?In general, the style of mantle convection on Venus is quite different from that of the Earth which is manifested by the plate tectonics. Here we reviewed the main observations including gravity, topography and surface tectonics which provide constrains on the interior structure and dynamics of Venus, and recent advance in the interior structure and dynamics of Venus. This review aims to provide new insights into the interior dynamics of Venus.  相似文献   

Cenozoic lamprophyre dykes occur widely along the Ailao-Shan-Red-River (ASRR) shear zone related to the Indian–Eurasian collision. Two generations of lamprophyres have been found at the Daping gold deposit in the southern part of the ASRR shear zone and have been investigated by using phlogopite 40Ar/39Ar dating and whole-rock major and trace element as well as Sr and Nd isotope geochemical analyses. The 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages of phlogopite from the two generations of lamprophyres bracket the emplacement of auriferous quartz veins in the Daping deposit between 36.8 ± 0.2 Ma and 29.6 ± 0.2 Ma, consistent with the timing of gold mineralization in other parts of the ASRR shear zone. Geochemical data suggest that these lamprophyres most likely originated from a subduction-modified mantle source consisting of phlogopite-bearing spinel lherzolite, which underwent partial melting with contributions from crust materials. In particular, the second generation lamprophyres are characterized by more primitive geochemical features than the first, suggesting that secular source evolution probably resulted from post-collisional slab break-off mantle convection and remelting from ascending asthenosphere after subducted lithosphere break-off. Widespread and episodic occurrences of lamprophyres and other potassic volcanism in the eastern Tibetan Plateau were probably related to the onset of transtensional tectonics along the ASRR shear zone during Oligocene. A genetic model involving transtensional tectonics has been proposed for lamprophyres and gold mineralization in the ASRR shear zone.  相似文献   

夏群科  刘佳  张宝华  李佩  顾笑龑  陈欢 《岩石学报》2022,38(12):3631-3646



New mid Miocene to present plate tectonic reconstructions of the southern Central American Volcanic Arc (CAVA) reveal that the inception of Cocos Ridge subduction began no earlier than 3 Ma, and possibly as late as 2 Ma. The Cocos Ridge has been displaced from the Malpelo Ridge to the southeast since 9 Ma along the Panama Fracture Zone (PFZ) system. Ambiguous PFZ and Coiba Fracture Zone (CFZ) interaction since 9 Ma precludes conclusively establishing the age of initial Cocos Ridge subduction. Detailed reconstructions based on magnetic anomalies offshore reveal several other variations in subduction parameters beneath southern Central America that preceded subduction of the Cocos Ridge, including southeastward migration of the Nazca–Cocos–Caribbean triple junction along the Middle America Trench (MAT) from 12 Ma to present, and subduction of ≤2 km high scarps both parallel and perpendicular to the trench from 6 to 1 Ma.The timing of changes in subduction processes has commonly been determined by (and correlated with) geologic changes in the upper plate. However, reliable 40Ar/39Ar dating of these events has become available only recently [Abstr. Programs-Geol. Soc. Am. (2002)]. These new dates better constrain the magmatic and structural history of southern Costa Rica. Observations from this data set include: a gap in the volcanic record from 11 to 6 Ma, which coincides temporally with emplacement of most plutons in southern Costa Rica, normal arc volcanism ceased after 3.5 Ma in southern Costa Rica, and Pliocene (mostly 1.5 Ma) adakite volcanism was widely distributed from central Panama to southern Costa Rica (though volumetrically insignificant).This new data reveals that many geologic phenomena, commonly attributed to subduction and underplating of the buoyant Cocos Ridge, in fact precede inception of Cocos Ridge subduction and seem to correlate more favorably in time with earlier tectonic events. Adakite volcanic activity corresponds in space and time with the subduction of a large scarp associated with a tectonic boundary off southern Panama. Regional unconformities and an 11–6 Ma gap in arc volcanism match temporally with oblique subduction of the Nazca plate beneath central and southern Costa Rica. Cessation of volcanic activity, low-temperature cooling of plutons in the Cordillera de Talamanca (CT), and rapid increases in sedimentation in the fore-arc and back-arc basins coincide with passage of the Nazca–Cocos–Caribbean triple junction and initiation of subduction of “rough” crust associated with Cocos–Nazca rifting 3.5 Ma, closely followed by initial subduction of the Cocos Ridge 2–3 Ma. None of the aforementioned geologic events occurred at a time that would allow for underplating by the Cocos Ridge. Rather they are probably related to complex interactions with subduction of complicated plates offshore. All of the aforementioned events indicate that the southern Central American subduction system has been in flux since at least 12 Ma.  相似文献   

A combined geochemical (whole-rock elements and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes, zircon trace elements and Hf isotopes) and geochronological (zircon U–Pb ages) study was carried out on the relatively low-grade meta-basites and meta-granitoids from Longjingguan within the central Dabie ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic zone, east-central China. Zircon investigations indicate that the meta-basites were formed at ∼772 Ma and subsequently experienced granulite-facies metamorphism at ∼768 Ma and a later thermal overprint at ∼746 Ma, while the meta-granitoids recorded three groups of zircon ages at ca. 819 Ma, 784 Ma and 746 Ma. The meta-granitoids can be subdivided into low-Si and high-Si types, and they were derived from mid-Neoproterozoic partial melting of the Neoarchean and Paleoproterozoic metamorphic basement rocks of the South China Block, respectively. These Neoproterozoic zircon ages are consistent with the protolith ages of the Dabie Triassic UHP meta-igneous rocks. In addition, the low-grade rocks have bulk-rock Pb isotope compositions overlapping with the UHP meta-igneous rocks. Therefore, the low-grade meta-basites and meta-granitoids could be interpreted as counterparts of the UHP meta-igneous rocks in this area, suggesting the same petrogenesis for their protoliths in the Neoproterozoic.Trace element patterns indicate that the low-grade rocks have better preserved their protolith compositions than their equivalent UHP rocks, and thus they are more suitable for elucidating the Neoproterozoic evolution of the northern margin of the South China Block. Zircon ages combined with geochemical features strongly suggest that the protoliths of the meta-granitoids and meta-basites were formed in a magmatic arc and a continental rifting setting, respectively. More specifically, the granitoids derived from partial melting of Neoarchean and Paleoproterozoic basement materials at ∼819 Ma in a magmatic arc setting, whereas the precursors of the meta-basites are products of a continental rifting event at about 784 to 772 Ma. The obtained results provide new geochronological and geochemical constraints for the Neoproterozoic evolution of the northern margin of the South China Block, which can further contribute to the understanding of the breakup of the supercontinent Rodinia.  相似文献   

The Canavese Zone(CZ)in the Western Alps represents the remnant of the distal passive margin of the Adria microplate,which was stretched and thinned during the Jurassic opening of the Alpine Tethys.Through detailed geological mapping,stratigraphic and structural analyses,we document that the continental break-up of Pangea and tectonic dismemberment of the Adria distal margin,up to mantle rocks exhumation and oceanization,did not simply result from the syn-rift Jurassic extension but was strongly favored by older structu ral inheritances(the Proto-Canavese Shear Zone),which controlled earlier lithospheric weakness.Our findings allowed to redefine in detail(i)the tectono-stratigraphic setting of the Variscan metamorphic basement and the Late Carbonife rous to Early Cretaceous CZ succession,(ii)the role played by inherited Late Carboniferous to Early Triassic structures and(iii)the significance of the CZ in the geodynamic evolution of the Alpine Tethys.The large amount of extensional displacement and crustal thinning occurred during different pulses of Late Carbonife rous-Early Triassic strike-slip tectonics is wellconsistent with the role played by long-lived regional-scale wrench faults(e.g.,the East-Variscan Shear Zone),suggesting a re-discussion of models of mantle exhumation driven by low-angle detachment faults as unique efficient mechanism in stretching and thinning continental crust.  相似文献   

Incorporating upper mantle differentiation through decompression melting in a numerical mantle convection model, we demonstrate that a compositionally distinct root consisting of depleted peridotite can grow and remain stable during a long period of secular cooling. Our modeling results show that in a hot convecting mantle partial melting will produce a compositional layering in a relatively short time of about 50 Ma. Due to secular cooling mantle differentiation finally stops before 1 Ga. The resulting continental root remains stable on a billion year time scale due to the combined effects of its intrinsically lower density and temperature-dependent rheology. Two different parameterizations of the melting phase-diagram are used in the models. The results indicate that during the Archaean melting occurred on a significant scale in the deep regions of the upper mantle, at pressures in excess of 15 GPa. The compositional depths of continental roots extend to 400 km depending on the potential temperature and the type of phase-diagram parameterization used in the model. The results reveal a strong correlation between lateral variations of temperature and the thickness of the continental root. This shows that cold regions in cratons are stabilized by a thick depleted root.  相似文献   

At the transition from the Permian to the Triassic, Eurasia was the site of voluminous flood-basalt extrusion and rifting. Major flood-basalt provinces occur in the Tunguska, Taymyr, Kuznetsk, Verkhoyansk–Vilyuy and Pechora areas, as well as in the South Chinese Emeishen area. Contemporaneous rift systems developed in the West Siberian, South Kara Sea and Pyasina–Khatanga areas, on the Scythian platform and in the West European and Arctic–North Atlantic domain. At the Permo–Triassic transition, major extensional stresses affected apparently Eurasia, and possibly also Pangea, as evidenced by the development of new rift systems. Contemporaneous flood-basalt activity, inducing a global environmental crisis, is interpreted as related to the impingement of major mantle plumes on the base of the Eurasian lithosphere. Moreover, the Permo–Triassic transition coincided with a period of regional uplift and erosion and a low-stand in sea level. Permo–Triassic rifting and mantle plume activity occurred together with a major reorganization of plate boundaries and plate kinematics that marked the transition from the assembly of Pangea to its break-up. This plate reorganization was possibly associated with a reorganization of the global mantle convection system. On the base of the geological record, we recognize short-lived and long-lived plumes with a duration of magmatic activity of some 10–20 million years and 100–150 million years, respectively. The Permo–Triassic Siberian and Emeishan flood-basalt provinces are good examples of “short-lived” plumes, which contrast with such “long lived” plumes as those of Iceland and Hawaii. The global record indicates that mantle plume activity occurred episodically. Purely empirical considerations indicate that times of major mantle plume activity are associated with periods of global mantle convection reorganization during which thermally driven mantle convection is not fully able to facilitate the necessary heat transfer from the core of the Earth to its surface. In this respect, we distinguish between two geodynamically different scenarios for major plume activity. The major Permo–Triassic plume event followed the assembly Pangea and the detachment of deep-seated subduction slabs from the lithosphere. The Early–Middle Cretaceous major plume event, as well as the terminal–Cretaceous–Paleocene plume event, followed a sharp acceleration of global sea-floor spreading rates and the insertion of new subduction zone slabs deep into the mantle. We conclude that global plate kinematics, driven by mantle convection, have a bearing on the development of major mantle plumes and, to a degree, also on the pattern of related flood-basalt magmatism.  相似文献   

Mantle convection is the method of heat elimination for silicate mantles in terrestrial bodies, provided they are not too small or too hot. Bodies that are small (~Moon or smaller, possibly even Mercury) may rely largely on conduction or melt migration, and bodies that are very hot (Io, very early Earth) may use massive melt migration (magma oceans) and heat pipes. In the standard, simple picture, we can use scaling laws to determine the secular cooling of a planet, likelihood and form of volcanism, and the possibility of a core dynamo. Contrary to popular belief, small planets do not cool faster than larger planets (provided they convect) but they do tend to have a slightly lower internal temperature at all times and thus may cease to be volcanically active at an earlier epoch. On the other hand, a larger volume fraction of a small planet may be involved in melt generation. However, our understanding of heat transfer by mantle convection is limited by three very important, largely unsolved problems: The complexities of rheology, the effects of compositional gradients, and the effects of phase transitions, especially melting. The most striking manifestation of the role of rheology lies in the difference between a mobile lid mode (plate tectonics for Earth) and a stagnant lid mode (other large terrestrial bodies). This difference may arise because of the role of water, but perhaps also because of melting, or size (gravity), or the vagaries of history. It has profound effects for the differences in history of Earth, Venus and Mars, including their surface geology, volatile reservoirs and magnetic fields. Since thermal convection is driven by small density differences, it can also be greatly altered or limited by compositional or phase effects. Melt migration introduces additional complications to the heat transport as well as being a source for the irreversible differentiation that might promote layering. Our limited understanding and ability to model these processes continues to limit the development of a predictive framework for the differences among the terrestrial planets.  相似文献   

The East Asian continental margin is underlain by stagnant slabs resulting from subduction of the Pacific plate from the east and the Philippine Sea plate from the south. We classify the upper mantle in this region into three major domains: (a) metasomatic–metamorphic factory (MMF), subduction zone magma factory (SZMF), and the ‘big mantle wedge’ (BMW). Whereas the convection pattern is anticlockwise in the MMF domain, it is predominantly clockwise in the SZMF and BMW, along a cross section from the south. Here we define the MMF as a small wedge corner which is driven by the subducting Pacific plate and dominated by H2O-rich fluids derived by dehydration reactions, and enriched in large ion lithophile elements (LILE) which cause the metasomatism. The SZMF is a zone intermediate between MMF and BMW domains and constitutes the main region of continental crust production by partial melting through wedge counter-corner flow. Large hydrous plume generated at about 200 km depth causes extensive reduction in viscosity and the smaller scale hydrous plumes between 60 km and 200 km also bring about an overall reduction in the viscosity of SZMF. More fertile and high temperature peridotites are supplied from the entrance to this domain. The domain extends obliquely to the volcanic front and then swings back to the deep mantle together with the subducting slab. The BMW occupies the major portion of upper mantle in the western Pacific and convects largely with a clockwise sense removing the eastern trench oceanward. Sporadic formation of hydrous plume at the depth of around 410 km and the curtain flow adjacent to the trench cause back arc spreading. We envisage that the heat source in BMW could be the accumulated TTG (tonalite–trondhjemite–granodiorite) crust on the bottom of the mantle transition zone. The ongoing process of transportation of granitic crust into the mantle transition zone is evident from the deep subduction of five intra-oceanic arcs on the subducting Philippine Sea plate from the south, in addition to the sediment trapped subduction by the Pacific plate and Philippine Sea plate. The dynamics of MMF, SZMF and BMW domains are controlled by the angle of subduction; a wide zone of MMF in SW Japan is caused by shallow angle subduction of the Philippine Sea plate and the markedly small MMF domain in the Mariana trench is due to the high angle subduction of Pacific plate. The domains in NE Japan and Kyushu region are intermediate between these two. During the Tertiary, a series of marginal basins were formed because of the nearly 2000 km northward shift of the subduction zone along the southern margin of Tethyan Asia, which may be related to the collision of India with Asia and the indentation. The volume of upper mantle under Asia was reduced extensively on the southern margin with a resultant oceanward trench retreat along the eastern margin of Asia, leading to the formation of a series of marginal basins. The western Pacific domain in general is characterized by double-sided subduction; from the east by the oldest Pacific plate and from the south by the oldest Indo-Australian plate. The old plates are hence hydrated extensively even in their central domains and therefore of low temperature. The cracks have allowed the transport of water into the deeper portions of the slab and these domains supply hydrous fluids even to the bottom of the upper mantle. Thus, a fluid dominated upper mantle in the western Pacific drives a number of microplates and promote the plate boundary processes.  相似文献   

Stability and dynamics of the continental tectosphere   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Continental cratons overlie thick, high-viscosity, thermal and chemical boundary layers, where the chemical boundary layers are less dense than they would be due to thermal effects alone, perhaps because they are depleted in basaltic constituents. If the continental tectosphere is the same age as the overlying Archaean crust, then the continental tectosphere must be able to survive for several billion years without undergoing a convective instability, despite being both cold and thick. Since platforms and shields correlate only weakly with Earth's gravity and geoid anomalies, acceptable models of the continental tectosphere must also satisfy this gravity constraint. We investigate the long-term stability of the continental tectosphere by carrying out a number of numerical convection experiments within a two-dimensional Cartesian domain. We initiate our experiments with a tectosphere (thermal and chemical boundary layers) immersed in a region of uniform composition, temperature, and viscosity, and consider the effects on the stability of the tectosphere of (1) activation energy (used to define the temperature dependence of viscosity), (2) compositional buoyancy, and (3) linear or non-linear rheology. The large lateral thermal gradients required to match oceanic and tectosphere structures initiate the dominant instability, a “drip” which develops at the side of the tectosphere and moves to beneath its center. High activation energies and high background viscosities restrict the amount and rate of entrainment. Compositional buoyancy does not significantly change the flow pattern. Rather, compositional buoyancy slows the destruction process somewhat and reduces the stress within the tectosphere. With a non-Newtonian rheology, this reduction in stress helps to stiffen the tectosphere. In these experiments, dynamical systems that adequately model the present ocean-continent structures have activation energy E*≥180 kJ mole−1 — a value about one third the estimate of activation energy for olivine, E*≈520 kJ mole−1. Although for E*≈520 kJ mole−1, compositional buoyancy is not required for the tectosphere to survive, the joint application of longevity and gravity constraints allows us to reject all models not containing compositional buoyancy, and to predict that the ratio of compositional to thermal buoyancy within the continental tectosphere is approximately unity.  相似文献   

A re-compilation of magnetic data in the Weddell Sea is presented and compared with the gravity field recently derived from retracked satellite altimetry. The previously informally named ‘Anomaly-T,’ an east–west trending linear positive magnetic and gravity anomaly lying at about 69°S, forms the southern boundary of the well-known Weddell Sea gravity herringbone. North of Anomaly-T, three major E–W linear magnetic lows are shown, and identified with anomalies c12r, c21–29(r) and c33r. On the basis of these, and following work by recent investigators, isochrons c13, c18, c20, c21, c30, c33 and c34 are identified and extended into the western Weddell Sea. Similarly, a linear magnetic low lying along the spine of the herringbone is shown and provisionally dated at 93–96 Ma. Anomaly-T is tentatively dated to be M5n, in agreement with recent tectonic models.Although current tectonic models are generally in good agreement to the north of T, to the south interpretations differ. Some plate tectonic models have only proposed essentially north–south spreading in the region, whilst others have suggested that a period of predominantly east–west motion (relative to present Antarctic geographic coordinates) occurred during the mid-Mesozoic spreading between East and West Gondwana. We identify an area immediately to the south of T which appears to be the southerly extent of N–S spreading in the herringbone. Following recent work, the extreme southerly extent of the N–S directed spreading of the herringbone is provisionally dated M9r/M10. In the oldest Weddell Sea, immediately to the north and east of the Antarctic shelf, we see subtle features in both the magnetic and gravity data that are consistent with predominantly N–S spreading in the Weddell Sea during the earliest opening of East and West Gondwana. In between, however, in a small region extending approximately from about 50 km south of T to about 70°S and from approximately 40° to 53°W, the magnetic and gravity data appear to suggest well-correlated linear marine magnetic anomalies (possible isochrons) perpendicular to T, bounded and offset by less well-defined steps and linear lows in the gravity (possible fracture zones). These magnetic and gravity data southwest of T suggest that the crust here may record an E–W spreading episode between the two-plate system of East and West Gondwana prior to the initiation of the three-plate spreading system of South America, Africa and Antarctica. The E–W spreading record to the east of about 35°W would then appear to have been cut off at about M10 time during the establishment of N–S three-plate spreading along the South American–Antarctic Ridge and then subducted under the Scotia Ridge.  相似文献   

张旗  王焰 《岩石学报》1999,15(4):576-583
扬子地块西南缘晚泥盆世至晚二叠世的基性岩浆岩具有大体类似的地球化学性质, 它们均富集Ti(TiO2> 2% )、LILE和LREE(La/Yb)N= 4.8~14.6),Ti/V(32~67)、Ti/Y(400~693)和Zr/Y(3.2~7.6)比值高,具洋岛玄武岩的特征,推测它们均与地幔柱岩浆的活动有关。该地幔柱岩浆活动的时期与古特提斯洋盆演化的时期大体吻合, 但地幔柱岩浆开始喷发的中心与古特提斯初始扩张的中心相距甚远,看来,金沙江-哀牢山洋盆的张开与地幔柱岩浆活动无关。从晚泥盆世至晚二叠世,地幔柱岩浆活动的规模和强度逐渐增加,玄武岩分布中心从广西的南宁-百色之间逐渐向北西310°方向迁移了约600 km ,推测这一迁移轨迹可能受金沙江-哀牢山洋盆扩张的影响。据此估计, 金沙江-哀牢山洋盆宽度可达约1 000 km 。据地幔柱岩浆轨迹与金沙江-哀牢山缝合带所夹的角度推测, 扬子地块可能经历了顺时针旋转, 与古地磁资料一致。  相似文献   

Opening of the Fram Strait gateway: A review of plate tectonic constraints   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have revised the regional crustal structure, oceanic age distribution, and conjugate margin segmentation in and around the Lena Trough, the oceanic part of the Fram Strait between the Norwegian–Greenland Sea and the Eurasia Basin (Arctic Ocean). The Lena Trough started to open after Eurasia–Greenland relative plate motions changed from right-lateral shear to oblique divergence at Chron 13 times (33.3 Ma; earliest Oligocene). A new Bouguer gravity map, supported by existing seismic data and aeromagnetic profiles, has been applied to interpret the continent–ocean transition and the influence of Eocene shear structures on the timing of breakup and initial seafloor spreading. Assuming that the onset of deep-water exchange depended on the formation of a narrow, oceanic corridor, the gateway formed during early Miocene times (20–15 Ma). However, if the initial Lena Trough was blocked by terrigenous sediments or was insufficiently subsided to allow for deep-water circulation, the gateway probably formed with the first well developed magnetic seafloor spreading anomaly around Chron 5 times (9.8 Ma; Late Miocene). Paleoceanographic changes at ODP Site 909 (northern Hovgård Ridge) are consistent with both hypotheses of gateway formation. We cannot rule out that a minor gateway formed across stretched continental crust prior to the onset of seafloor spreading in the Lena Trough. The gravity, seismic and magnetic observations question the prevailing hypotheses on the Yermak Plateau and the Morris Jesup Rise as Eocene oceanic plateaus and the Hovgård Ridge as a microcontinent.  相似文献   

张岗岚  刘勇胜  张拉 《岩石学报》2023,39(1):119-134



W.G. Ernst   《Gondwana Research》2009,15(3-4):243-253
Intense devolatilization and chemical-density differentiation attended late-stage accretion of the primitive Earth; it lessened after crystallization of a magma mush ocean during continued cooling. By 4.3Ga, shallow seas were present, so surface temperatures had fallen far below the 1300, 1120, and 950°C low-pressure solidi of peridotite, basalt, and granite, respectively. At temperatures less than about half their solidi, such materials existed as lithosphere in the near-surface Hadean realm. Stagnant-lid convection probably did not occur because massive heat transfer necessitated vigorous crust–mantle overturn in the early, hot Earth. Instead, bottom-up mantle convection, including voluminous plume ascent, efficiently rid the planet of heat, but lessened over time. Plate thickening and broadening is reflected in the post-Hadean rock record. Stages of geologic evolution included: (a) 4.5–4.4Ga, early, chaotic magma mush ocean overturn and ephemeral lithospheric platelets; (b) 4.4–2.7Ga, growth of oceanic and diminutive continental plates, obliterated by return mantle flow prior to 4.0Ga, but the latter enlarging and gradually accumulating as largely submarine, sutured, sialic crust-capped lithospheric collages; (c) 2.7–1.0Ga, progressive assembly of old shields and younger orogenic belts into supercratonal plates characterized by continental freeboard, sedimentary differentiation, and episodic glaciation during transpolar drift, as well as onset of regionally, temporally limited stagnant-lid convection beneath supercontinents; (d) 1.0Ga-present, modern, laminar-flowing asthenospheric cells capped by giant, stately moving plates. Restriction of komatiitic lavas to the Archean, and of multicycle sediments, most ophiolite complexes ± alkaline igneous rocks, and high-pressure and ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic belts to progressively younger Proterozoic–Phanerozoic orogens reflects increasingly negative buoyancy of the cooler oceanic lithosphere. Attending supercontinent assembly, density instabilities of thickening oceanic plates increasingly began to dominate overturn of the suboceanic mantle as cold, top-down convection. Scales and dynamics of hot asthenospheric upwelling versus lithospheric foundering and asthenospheric return flow (bottom-up versus top-down) changed gradually over geologic time in response to planetary thermal relaxation.  相似文献   

杨进辉  梅清风 《岩石学报》2022,38(12):3621-3630



We investigated phase relations, mineral chemistry, and density of lunar highland anorthosite at conditions up to 125 GPa and 2000 K. We used a multi-anvil apparatus and a laser-heated diamond-anvil cell for this purpose. In-situ X-ray diffraction measurements at high pressures and composition analysis of recovered samples using an analytical transmission electron microscope showed that anorthosite consists of garnet, CaAl4Si2O11-rich phase (CAS phase), and SiO2 phases in the upper mantle and the mantle transition zone. Under lower mantle conditions, these minerals transform to the assemblage of bridgmanite, Ca-perovskite, corundum, stishovite, and calcium ferrite-type aluminous phase through the decomposition of garnet and CAS phase at around 700 km depth. Anorthosite has a higher density than PREM and pyrolite in the upper mantle, while its density becomes comparable or lower under lower mantle conditions. Our results suggest that ancient anorthosite crust subducted down to the deep mantle was likely to have accumulated at 660–720 km in depth without coming back to the Earth's surface. Some portions of the anorthosite crust might have circulated continuously in the Earth's deep interior by mantle convection and potentially subducted to the bottom of the lower mantle when carried within layers of dense basaltic rocks.  相似文献   

The Zagros fold-and-thrust belt of SW-Iran is among the youngest continental collision zones on Earth. Collision is thought to have occurred in the late Oligocene–early Miocene, followed by continental shortening. The High Zagros Belt (HZB) presents a Neogene imbricate structure that has affected the thick sedimentary cover of the former Arabian continental passive margin. The HZB of interior Fars marks the innermost part of SE-Zagros, trending NW–SE, that is characterised by higher elevation, lack of seismicity, and no evident active crustal shortening with respect to the outer (SW) parts. This study examines the brittle structures that developed during the mountain building process to decipher the history of polyphase deformation and variations in compressive tectonic fields since the onset of collision. Analytic inversion techniques enabled us to determine and separate different brittle tectonic regimes in terms of stress tensors. Various strike–slip, compressional, and tensional stress regimes are thus identified with different stress fields. Brittle tectonic analyses were carried out to reconstruct possible geometrical relationships between different structures and to establish relative chronologies of corresponding stress fields, considering the folding process. Results indicate that in the studied area, the main fold and thrust structure developed in a general compressional stress regime with an average N032° direction of σ1 stress axis during the Miocene. Strike–slip structures were generated under three successive strike–slip stress regimes with different σ1 directions in the early Miocene (N053°), late Miocene–early Pliocene (N026°), and post-Pliocene (N002°), evolving from pre-fold to post-fold faulting. Tensional structures also developed as a function of the evolving stress regimes. Our reconstruction of stress fields suggests an anticlockwise reorientation of the horizontal σ1 axis since the onset of collision and a significant change in vertical stress from σ3 to σ2 since the late stage of folding and thrusting. A late right-lateral reactivation was also observed on some pre-existing belt-parallel brittle structures, especially along the reverse fault systems, consistent with the recent N–S plate convergence. However, this feature was not reflected by large structures in the HZB of interior Fars. The results should not be extrapolated to the entire Zagros belt, where the deformation front has propagated from inner to outer zones during the younger events.  相似文献   

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