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Analysis on responding ability of well-aquifer system to precursors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Introduction Response of water level of borehole to micro-dynamic information such as seismic wave, solid tide and air pressure, etc, had been paid attention to long before and many researches had been carried out. It is concluded that abilities of micro-dynamic recording are different for differ-ent observation wells and even for the same well, responses to micro-dynamic information with different frequencies are different. Long-period events (precursors) before strong earthquakes are recorde…  相似文献   

onclusions 1) A set of period components corresponding well to those of Earth tides and barometric pressure can be separated from the hydro-spectra of deep well. The well-aquifer system responds to these components in some degree, which shows that groundwater regime is influenced by Earth tides and barometric pressure. However, in different frequency bands a well-aquifer system possesses different transfer ability for various inputs. 2) The transfer function quantitatively describes the response ability of well-aquifer system to Earth tides and barometric pressure. It is a characteristic parameter that the system itself possesses. According to the transfer function value of well-aquifer system to a certain input factor, we can objectively understand the influence of the input on the groundwater regime in a deep well. This is of important significance for revealing the formation of groundwater regime in a deep well and for evaluating the seismic supervising well. The work was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 49372149).  相似文献   

A high groundwater level is highly relevant to the slope instability. Drainage tunnel is an effective method for groundwater level control, but its effect on landslide hydrogeological characteristics is rarely discussed. This study analysed the changes of the landslide hydrogeological characteristics under the effect of a drainage tunnel by real-time monitoring of rainfall, groundwater level, and surface displacement. The trend and mutation of groundwater level are analysed by the Mann–Kendall test and the Mann–Kendall mutation test. The memory effect of groundwater in the landslide area was analysed using autocorrelation analysis. The response characteristics of groundwater level to rainfall were evaluated using cross-correlation analysis and mutual information theory. Variations of groundwater levels were further investigated based on hydrograph analysis. Results showed that the groundwater level had a downward trend from 2016 to 2017. The significant downward trend of groundwater levels began in August 2016. The memory effect of groundwater levels was longer under the effect of the drainage tunnel. Before the construction of the drainage tunnel, the response time of groundwater to rainfall was less than 3 hr and rainfall can generate dramatic groundwater level variations. After the drainage tunnel was completed, time lags can be observed in the groundwater response, and the variation of groundwater levels was smaller than before. A strong correlation was found between groundwater levels and the landslide movement. This study demonstrated that the drainage tunnel had effectively controlled the groundwater level in the landslide and ensured the stability of the landslide.  相似文献   

利用CWQL检测JOPENS5.2系统仪器参数正确性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以锡林浩特地震台为例,利用CWQL软件调取JOPENS5.2系统台站实时数据与对应台站参数,计算台基噪声水平,检测该系统仪器参数正确性。分析认为,CWQL软件可用于日常地震观测系统数据质量检测,实现实时自动运用概率密度函数方法处理地震观测数据,得到各地震台站各分向PSD概率密度函数分布及RMS值,从而判断JOPESN5.2系统仪器参数正确性。  相似文献   

利用维尼迪柯夫潮汐调和分析方法计算内蒙古大甸子井水位原始资料和剔除气压、降雨资料后的潮汐因子和相位。结果显示,两种情况下得到的潮汐因子和相位具有较好的一致性,说明采用维尼迪柯夫潮汐调和分析方法得到的结果基本不受降水、气压等因素的影响。这对于缺少气压和降水等辅助观测的水位观测资料,使用原始资料进行维尼迪科夫潮汐调和分析,可获取比较可靠的潮汐因子和相位参数。  相似文献   

为了研究场地条件和断层距对地震动参数及其与结构响应参数相关性的影响,本文基于NGA数据库中5 266条水平分量地震动记录,采用皮尔森相关系数,分析了不同场地条件和断层距下地震动参数之间的相关性及其与结构响应参数的关系。结果表明,场地条件和断层距对绝大部分地震动参数相关性会产生明显影响,但存在一些参数的相关性几乎不受场地条件和断层距的影响;以四层钢筋混凝土框架结构为例,发现在不同场地条件和断层距下,结构响应参数与地震动参数的相关性变化明显,这表明在研究结构响应与地震动参数相关性时需要考虑场地条件与断层距的影响。  相似文献   

内编队系统通过构造内卫星纯引力轨道完成高精度重力场测量,实现了不依赖于加速度计的重力卫星实施新途径.针对内编队系统轨道参数和载荷指标设计任务,从定性的角度分析了轨道高度、轨道倾角、偏心率等轨道参数的选择原则,以及外卫星定轨精度、内外卫星相对状态测量精度、内卫星非引力干扰抑制精度、系统采样率等载荷指标对内编队重力场测量性能的影响,并建立了这些参数之间的匹配关系.为获取内编队系统轨道参数和载荷指标的定量设计结果,给出了内编队重力场测量数据模拟和反演计算方法.结合轨道参数和载荷指标对重力场测量性能的影响及其匹配关系,提出了由解析推导和数值计算相结合的方法,获取重力场最高反演阶数、大地水准面精度、重力异常精度等重力场测量性能与轨道参数、载荷指标之间的解析关系,并给出了该解析关系的具体数学形式.与解析法、半解析法相比,该公式由解析推导和大量数值计算得到,因而考虑的影响因素更加全面,计算结果更加合理,可用于快速准确设计内编队系统轨道参数和载荷指标.  相似文献   

利用“十五”数字化后山西地震台网记录的612次 ML ≥2.0地震,使用中国地震局地震预测研究所推广的中小地震新参数计算软件,计算其中148次事件的震源新参数,对地震矩、矩震级、震源破裂尺度、应力降、拐角频率等参数间的定标关系做初步研究,得出 ML 震级与地震矩、矩震级间存在较好的线性正相关;震级与震源尺度间存在多项式关系;与应力降的对数呈显著正相关,当大于 ML 4.0后,随着震级的增大,释放的应力降略有变缓;与拐角频率的对数呈负相关。  相似文献   

分析了河北省怀来县后郝窑热田区的构造特征和怀来4井井孔成孔条件,研究了怀来4井水汞异常与地震的关系,分析该井的映震灵敏性,认为有以下几个方面的原因:①该井处于热田区活动断裂上;②含水层母岩为糜棱岩化片麻岩及泥质物塑状体,怀来4井水汞映震异常与其所处独特的地质构造、成孔条件及汞的物理化学性质的有机结合密不可分,因而有较好的映震效果。  相似文献   

Impulse response functions derived from different types of flood wave equations (simplified shallow water equations) are continuously developed to conduct the linear channel routing (LCR), which is based on the linearized Saint Venant equation and has been widely applied to avoid any possibility of numerical instability. The impulse response function proposed by Dooge, Napiórkowski, and Strupczewski (1987) and derived from the dynamic wave equation with complete force terms has been acknowledged as a classic work to establish a good physical interpretation for the LCR model; however, the flexibility of altering the shape of impulse response still needs to be improved. Based on the concept of this work, this study intends to introduce the time-varying parameters in the model, so the values of parameters can be adjusted according to the inflow condition, flood stage, and the cross-sectional shape. Moreover, an integrated routing procedure is proposed to formulate the impulse response function for lateral-flow inputs and then to connect multiple inputs from subwatersheds or alongside the main channel with the impulse response function of each channel segment to reflect the spatial variation of hydraulic characteristics among different segments. In the discussion of this article, the impulse response function is analysed to show its sensitivity to hydraulic variables with spatial and temporary variations. Flood-event simulations of a studied watershed are also provided to verify the applicability of the proposed channel routing system.  相似文献   

李艳娥  陈学忠 《地震》2007,27(4):59-67
根据Andrews谱积分的方法, 采用近震源Brune圆盘模型, 测定了1999年11月29日辽宁岫岩MS5.4地震序列的震源参数。 结果表明, 得到辐射能量与震级的关系, 与古登堡-里克特给出的关系基本一致; 地震矩与震级的关系中斜率和截距都小于陈培善等给出的全球结果; 视应力与震级呈半对数线性关系; 在双对数坐标下视应力随地震矩的增加而增加; 地震矩随拐角频率的7次方衰减, 在地震序列的不同阶段各参数的拟合关系斜率也不完全相同。  相似文献   

南海北部陆坡稳定性定量分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着海洋工程的发展,海底滑坡作为一种潜在的地质灾害逐渐成为人们关注的热点.本文采用二维极限平衡法计算并分析了海底斜坡稳定性问题.通过对斜坡模型在各种条件下安全系数的计算,定量分析了斜坡内在因素(如斜坡角度、主要土力学参数)和主要触发机制(地震、快速堆积等)对安全系数的影响.理论计算表明,静态条件下,均质斜坡角度小于20°时,均处于稳定状态;对于含软弱层的斜坡,快速堆积等引起的不排水状态下斜坡安全系数明显降低,斜坡角度大于14°时就会发生失稳.拟静态条件下,当地震动峰值加速度(PGA)小于0.15g时,对于角度小于20°的均质斜坡处于稳定状态,但PGA大于0.25g时,角度大于13°的斜坡即处于失稳状态;对于含软弱层斜坡,PGA为0.1g时,角度大于10°的斜坡即处于不稳定状态;当PGA大于0.3g时,3°以上的海底斜坡即处于失稳状态,发生海底滑坡.结合南海北部陆坡海底地形、地貌特征,在静态条件下,均处于稳定状态;但在地震加载的拟静态下,根据南海北部地震动峰值加速度分布,台湾浅滩段则处于不稳定状态.这解释了该区域大陆坡折带处海底滑坡广泛发育的原因,也表明了地震是引发南海北部滑坡最主要的触发机制之一.  相似文献   

The five MTMD models, with natural frequencies being uniformly distributed around their mean frequency, have been recently presented by the first author. They are shown to have the near‐zero optimum average damping ratio (more precisely, for a given mass ratio there is an upper limit on the total number, beyond which the near‐zero optimum average damping ratio occurs). In this paper, the eight new MTMD models (i.e. the UM‐MTMD1~UM‐MTMD3, US‐MTMD1~US‐MTMD3, UD‐MTMD1 and UD‐MTMD2), with the system parameters (mass, stiffness and damping coefficient) being, respectively, uniformly distributed around their average values, have been, for the first time here, proposed to seek for the MTMD models without the near‐zero optimum average damping ratio. The structure is represented by the mode‐generalized system corresponding to the specific vibration mode that needs to be controlled. Through minimization of the minimum values of the maximum dynamic magnification factors (DMF) of the structure with the eight MTMD models (i.e. through the implementation of Min.Min.Max.DMF), the optimum parameters and values of Min.Min.Max.DMF for these eight MTMD models are investigated to evaluate and compare their control performance. The optimum parameters include the optimum mass spacing, stiffness spacing, damping coefficient spacing, frequency spacing, average damping ratio and tuning frequency ratio. The six MTMD models without the near‐zero optimum average damping ratio (i.e. the UM‐MTMD1~UM‐MTMD3, US‐MTMD1, US‐MTMD2 and UD‐MTMD2) are found through extensive numerical analyses. Likewise, the optimum UM‐MTMD3 offers the higher effectiveness and robustness and requires the smaller damping with respect to the rest of the MTMD models in reducing the responses of structures subjected to earthquakes. Additionally, it is interesting to note, by comparing the optimum UM‐MTMD3 with the optimum MTMD‐1 recently investigated by the first author, that the effectiveness and robustness for the optimum UM‐MTMD3 is almost identical to that for the optimum MTMD‐1 (without inclusion of the optimum MTMD‐1 with the near‐zero optimum average damping ratio). Recognizing these performance benefits, it is preferable to employ the optimum UM‐MTMD3 or the optimum MTMD‐1 without the near‐zero optimum average damping ratio, when installing the MTMD for the suppression of undesirable oscillations of structures under earthquakes. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

针对带转换层复杂高层建筑抗震性能较差的缺点,提出新型的分段隔震体系.本文从随机振动理论和能量平衡原理出发,建立了基于能量的分段隔震结构被动控制参数优化方法.通过MATLAB编程对算例进行多工况参数分析,获得了控制参数对隔震层与地震总输人能量的比值的影响规律:中间隔震层位于结构中部附近时,存在最优频率比和阻尼比使得隔震层...  相似文献   

该文编制了一个基于服务器数据库的地脉动参数自动处理系统, 它利用FTP协议每天自动从测震台网中心的服务器中获取地脉动波形, 自动计算各个地脉动参数, 并自动把参数添加到地脉动参数数据库中。 同时编制地脉动参数查询与图形显示系统, 用户可使用IE浏览器查看地脉动参数和绘制变化图形。 初步研究认为, 在海南及邻区显著地震前和地震活动活跃时地脉动参数有一定的异常变化。  相似文献   

We estimated the effects of hydrogeological and surface temperature warming on subsurface thermal regime from the temperature-depth profiles and hydrological data of groundwater quality both in the quaternary and tertiary systems in the Sendai Plain as a preliminary step toward reconstruction of climate changes.Annual mean air temperature in the plain has increased about 1.5 °C in the last 70 years and this surface warming resulted in low or negative thermal gradient. However, anomaly of thermal gradient was recognized in not all temperature-depth profiles. Groundwater chemical compositions and stable isotope data (δD and δ18O) show that the groundwater flow system has marked difference between those of tertiary and quaternary systems. Calculated results of three dimensional groundwater flow and heat transport model ensure the above hypothesis and shows that thermal gradient changes at close to basement of the quaternary system. The differences in groundwater flow systems are expressed as subsurface thermal gradient anomalies in the temperature-depth profiles in the Sendai Plain. Furthermore, one-dimensional numerical analyze including the effect of surface warming indicates that calculated profile has departure from steady state line at depths in 60-80 m agree well with observed one.  相似文献   

为研究罕遇地震下复合隔震村镇建筑的地震响应特征及设计参数,采用ABAQUS有限元软件建立了复合隔震结构、滑移隔震结构、砂垫层隔震结构以及传统的砌体结构四种模型,通过对比4种模型在不同滑移层摩擦系数及不同地震烈度下的加速度、位移及底部剪力等动力响应差异,得出复合隔震体系的地震响应特征及主要设计参数。结果表明:复合隔震体系具有最优的隔震效果,且滑移层摩擦系数越小,地震烈度越大,隔震效果越好。根据预设40%隔震率的要求,确定出不同抗震设防烈度区的滑移层摩擦系数取值范围。  相似文献   

Source parameters and characteristics of regional attenuation of Tangshan aftershocks are studied by using digital records of Tangshan aftershocks. An inversion method of P wave spectra to reduce influence on the ambiguity in the estimates of parameters by the usual spectrum analysis method is developed. By testing with digital simulation data and applying to actual data, it is confirmed that the method is usable. Source parameters of the Tangshan Luanxian area are obtained by using records of 35 earthquakes at 5 stations.Q values of P wave and high frequency decay rate γ of source spectrum at 5 stations are obtained. TheQ values range from 408 to 847, and the mean value is 520; whiley ranges from 1.54 to 3.22, and the mean value is 2.41. In the studies of spectra of the micro-earthquakes in the Luanxian area, that stress drop increases with increasing earthquake moment is found. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,13, 430–441, 1991.  相似文献   

就如何利用数据库,结合Java、XML等手段对震源参数管理进行了一些探索,并给出了一些在一个实际系统中实现了的例子。  相似文献   

提出基于阶跃响应在时域解析测定地震计参数的方法,并对合理确定响应的时间零点提供了一种方法。对JC-V100 3D型便携式短周期地震计及与其配套的EDAS-3M型16位地震数据采集记录仪组成的系统进行了测试。结果表明:对JC-V1003D短周期地震计的传递函数进行测试是可行的,对地震计的阻尼系数Dc和自振周期Tc的测试结果是令人满意的。  相似文献   

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