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In 2005, six major eruptions of four Kamchatka volcanoes (Bezymyannyi, Klyuchevskoy, Shiveluch, and Karymskii) occurred and the Avachinskii, Mutnovskii, and Gorelyi Kamchatka volcanoes and the Ebeko and Chikurachki volcanoes in northern Kurils were in a state of increased activity. Owing to a close collaboration between the KVERT project, Elizovo airport meteorological center, and volcanic ash advisory centers in Tokyo, Anchorage, and Washington (Tokyo, Anchorage, and Washington VAACs), all necessary measures for safe airplane flights near Kamchatka were taken and fatal accidents related to volcanic activity did not occur.  相似文献   

In recent years the gas hydrothermal activity of Ebeko Volcano has been characterized by a constant heat flow and a constant chemical composition of water and fumarole gases. The volcano’s activity suddenly increased on January 27, 2005. Two high-output steam-gas jets 5 m across formed in the Active Funnel of the North Crater. A new high-output, high-temperature, fumarole field originated in the funnel in July 2005. Changes have been recorded in the chemical composition of fumarole gases. Ratios between individual components of the gas were calculated, with the ratios being geochemical precursors of eruptions for the volcano under study. Based on these results and on the very fact of increased fumarole activity on Ebeko, an intermediate-term forecast of explosive eruptions has been developed. Atmospheric contamination by a toxic gas (hydrogen sulfide) is described. It was previously thought that toxic gases pose a short-lived threat only to the population of the town of Severo-Kuril’sk because of frequent strong winds prevailing there. It is shown that the presence of a snow cover during increased activity on Ebeko sharply enhances the hazard of contamination by toxic gases, the hazard being constant both on the volcano itself and in the Severo-Kuril’sk area.  相似文献   

P- and S-wave travel times from local volcanic earthquakes recorded in the North group of volcanoes area during the 2005–2009 period were treated by the “reverse wave” method to calculate the V P velocity field and the TAU parameter, which is an analogue of the P- to S-wave velocity ratio. We constructed 3D velocity distributions along the line traversing the volcanic group along the direction from Ploskii Tolbachik Volcano in the southwest toward Shiveluch Volcano in the northeast. Dynamic changes in the velocity field were identified, both over time and depth. We examine the relationships of these dynamic changes to the evolution of volcanic activity during the period indicated.  相似文献   

 Volcanic gas and condensate samples were collected in 1993–1994 from fumaroles of Koryaksky and Avachinsky, basaltic andesite volcanoes on the Kamchatka Peninsula near Petropavlovsk–Kamchatsky. The highest-temperature fumarolic discharges, 220  °C at Koryaksky and 473  °C at Avachinsky, are water-rich (940–985 mmol/mol of H2O) and have chemical and isotopic characteristics typical of Kamchatka–Kurile, high- and medium-temperature volcanic gases. The temperature and chemical and water isotopic compositions of the Koryaksky gases have not changed during the past 11 years. They represent an approximate 2 : 1 mixture of magmatic and meteoric end members. Low-temperature, near-boiling-point discharges of Avachinsky Volcano are water poor (≈880 mmol/mol); Their compositions have not changed since the 1991 eruption, and are suggested to be derived from partially condensed magmatic gases at shallow depth. Based on a simple model involving mixing and single-step steam separation, low water and high CO2 contents, as well as the observed Cl concentration and water isotopic composition in low-temperature discharges, are the result of near-surface boiling of a brine composed of the almost pure condensed magmatic gas. High methane content in low-temperature Avachinsky gases and the 220  °C Koryaksky fumarole, low C isotopic ratio in CO2 at Koryaksky (–11.8‰), and water isotope data suggest that the "meteoric" end member contains considerable amounts of the regional methane-rich thermal water discovered in the vicinity of both volcanoes. Received: 2 May 1996 / Accepted: 5 November 1996  相似文献   

Earthquake data from Δ<2° and of indermediate depth of focus in the upper mantle near the Kliuchevskaya volcanic region show a screening effect of longitudinal and transverse waves. The indicated anomalous zones are identified with the region of magma localization. The anomalous zones are at 35–110 km depths.  相似文献   

This study is concerned with structural and mineralogic transformations and changes in the physical and mechanical properties of volcanogenic sedimentary rocks in the North Paramushir hydrothermal magmatic system as a result of the interaction with thermal waters of various compositions and origins. We identified the following hydrothermal metasomatic facies that developed in tuffites and tuffs: opalites (monoopalite, opal–clay, and opal–alunite), as well as low- and moderate-temperature propylites. We show the position of each new facies in the structure of the hydrothermal magmatic system. We obtained correlative relationships of the physical and mechanical properties of the rock to the intensity and character of secondary alteration. It is pointed out that all of these rocks obey a common trend in the interrelationships between their properties, which may provide evidence of a common origin and progressive direction of hydrothermal processes in the interior of the North Paramushir system.  相似文献   

This work presents the first exhaustive study of the entire surface of the Reunion Island volcanic system. The focus is on the submarine part, for which a compilation of all multibeam data collected during the last 20 years has been made. Different types of submarine features have been identified: a coastal shelf, debris avalanches and sedimentary deposits, erosion canyons, volcanic constructions near the coast, and seamounts offshore. Criteria have been defined to differentiate the types of surfaces and to establish their relative chronology where possible. Debris avalanche deposits are by far the most extensive and voluminous formations in the submarine domain. They have built four huge Submarine Bulges to the east, north, west, and south of the island. They form fans 20–30 km wide at the coastline and 100–150 km wide at their ends, 70–80 km offshore. They were built gradually by the superimposition and/or juxtaposition of products moved during landslide episodes, involving up to several hundred cubic kilometers of material. About 50 individual events deposits can be recognized at the surface. The landslides have recurrently dismantled Piton des Neiges, Les Alizés, and Piton de La Fournaise volcanoes since 2 Ma. About one third are interpreted as secondary landslides, affecting previously emplaced debris avalanche deposits. On land, landslide deposits are observed in the extensively eroded central area of Piton des Neiges and in its coastal areas. Analysis of the present-day topography and of geology allows us to identify presumed faults and scars of previous large landslides. The Submarine Bulges are dissected and bound by canyons up to 200 m deep and 40 km long, filled with coarse-grained sediments, and generally connected to streams onshore. A large zone of sedimentary accumulation exists to the north–east of the island. It covers a zone 20 km in width, extending up to 15 km offshore. Volcanic constructions are observed near the coast on both Piton des Neiges and Piton de la Fournaise volcanoes and are continuations of subaerial structures. Individual seamounts are present on the submarine flanks and the surrounding ocean floor. A few seem to be young volcanoes, but the majority are probably old, eroded seamounts. This study suggests a larger scale and frequency of mass-wasting events on Reunion Island compared to similar islands. The virtual absence of downward flexure of the lithosphere beneath the island probably contributes to this feature. The increased number of known flank–failure events has to be taken into consideration when assessing hazards from future landslides, in particular, the probability of landslide-generated tsunamis. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The paper discusses the results of geodetic investigations performed in the region of the large 1975–1976 Tolbachik fissure eruption in Kamchatka. Using data from repeated triangulation and trigonometric levelings, horizontal and vertical displacements have been detected in an area of 3,500 km2. Two zones have been recognized: the tension and uplift zone that is probably due to magma intrusion from depths to the surface along the line of new cones and the extensive compensative subsidence zone located at a distance of 20–50 km from the nearest newly-formed cones. Measurements made with small distance measuring device showed the dynamics of feeding basalt dykes intrusion and made it possible to determine their width (a little greater than 1 m) and magma and gas overpressure (50–250 bar). Data have been obtained on dimensions and growth of cones and on vertical ground deformation in the area of new cones during and after the eruption.  相似文献   

Seventeen post-Miocene strato volcanoes have been identified on Bougainville, the largest island of the Solomon Group. From north-west to south-east, these are the Tore, Balbi, Numa Numa, Billy Mitchell, Bagana, Reini, and Bakanovi volcanoes and the Takuan and Toroka groups of volcanoes: the Taroka group includes Loloru volcano. In addition there are several other post-Miocene volcanoes in northern Bougainville which have not been accurately delineated. Only three of the volcanoes are active or potentially active; these are Bagana, the most active volcano in the Territory of New Guinea, and the dormant Balbi and Loloru volcanoes. The volcanoes are built up of lavas and pyroclastic deposits mostly of andesitic composition, although some dacitic rocks are also present. Modal and chemical analyses show that these rocks belong to the calc-alkaline suite characteristic of orogesic regions.  相似文献   

This study is concerned with the Ushishir volcanic massif, which is an ideal place for routine observations of the interaction between products of gas-charged hydrothermal activities and seawater. The Kraternaya Bay was studied by performing a detailed echo sounding and continuous seismoacoustic profiling, while the environs of Ushishir Island were echo-sounded and studied by continuous seismoacoustic profiling and hydromagnetic surveying. We provide results from an interpretation of these surveys. The Ushishir massif structure is described. The hypothesis is proposed that an ancient caldera exists in the area of Yankich Island that is up to 5 km across. The evolution of the Ushishir volcanic massif is inferred.  相似文献   

The ages of most of calderas, large explosive craters and active volcanoes in the Kuril-Kamchatka region have been determined by extensive geological, geomorphological, tephrochronological and isotopic geochronological studies, including more than 600 14C dates. Eight Krakatoa-type and three Hawaiian-type calderas and no less than three large explosive craters formed here during the Holocene. Most of the Late Pleistocene Krakatoa-type calderas were established around 30 000–40 000 years ago. The active volcanoes are geologically very young, with maximum ages of about 40 000–50 000 years. The overwhelming majority of recently active volcanic cones originated at the very end of the Late Pleistocene or in the Holocene. These studies show that all Holocene stratovolcanoes in Kamchatka were emplaced in the Holocene only in the Eastern volcanic belt. Periods of synchronous, intensified Holocene volcanic activity occurred within the time intervals of 7500–7800 and 1300–1800 14C years BP.  相似文献   

In order to provide a basis for short-term decision-making in the forecasting and monitoring of volcanic activity, we developed an entirely automated system of data acquisition and reduction for magnetic data. The system (Mag-Net) is designed to provide monitoring and analysis of magnetic data on Etna volcano at large distances from the central observatory. The Mag-Net system uses data from an array of continuously recording remote stations spread over the volcanic area and linked by mobile phone to the control center at the local observatory. At this location a computer receives the data and performs data sorting and reduction as well as limited evaluation to detect abnormal behavior or breakdown of remote sensors. Communication software, called MagTalk, is also designed to provide data to distant users. With a view to using continuous magnetic observations in advanced analysis techniques for volcano monitoring, the Mag-Net system also delivers two graphical user interface based applications to provide an interpretation capability. The former, called MADAP, speeds up all the data reduction processes in order to evaluate the reliability of magnetic signals. The latter, called VMM, is a procedure for modeling magnetic fields associated with tectonic and volcanic activity to facilitate the identification and interpretation of the sources of a wide spectrum of magnetic signals.  相似文献   

Jeju Island, the largest Quaternary volcanic island in Korea, has formed mostly since the early Pleistocene, but its latest chronology of volcanism and sedimentation is still poorly constrained. Here we report optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) ages for two hydromagmatic volcanoes on the southwestern coast of Jeju Island, i.e., the Songaksan and Suwolbong tuff rings. The basaltic tuffs of these volcanoes contain abundant quartz sands from underlying marine sedimentary sequences. Two samples collected from the middle part of the Songaksan Tuff yielded highly reproducible quartz single-aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) OSL ages of 7.0±0.3 ka, providing the first direct age estimate of Holocene volcanism in Jeju Island. The quartz OSL age estimate of 5.1±0.3 ka for the younger reworked basaltic tuff (the Hamori Formation) is comparable with previous radiocarbon and U-series disequilibrium dating of fossil mollusk shells. Two samples from the Suwolbong Tuff show quartz OSL age estimates of 18.3±0.7 and 18.6±0.9 ka, which are identical within error ranges and younger than the quartz OSL age estimate of 23.2±1.0 ka for the underlying Gosan Formation. This study confirms that volcanism and attendant sedimentation were active in Jeju Island until very recently.  相似文献   

Chemical data are presented for the basic lavas of the two volcanic shields, Piton des Neiges and Piton de la Fournaise, which comprise Reunion Island. In addition, data for cumulate xenoliths have been used to predict mineral/melt distribution coefficient values for the Reunion magmas.The younger volcanic shield, Piton de la Fournaise, comprises two lava sequences, the >0.5−0.2-m.y. B.P. Primary Shield lavas, and the <0.2-m.y. B.P. Caldera Series lavas. Fractional crystallization models for these lavas indicate that olivine is the major fractionating phase during the evolution from the parental basalt composition to the average basaltic liquid. Only during the evolution of the older, Primary Shield lavas has the common fractionation of an ol + cpx + plag + mt assemblage resulted in the eruption of hawaiitic, ankaramitic and feldspar-phyric lavas. The restriction of the Caldera Series liquids predominantly to olivine fractionation and the extensive cotectic fractionation during the evolution of the Primary Shield sequences is interpreted in terms of the maturity of the volcanic center. The younger stages of evolution involve high magma input into a well-developed feeder and reservoir system, thus maintaining the liquids above a cotectic surface. Whereas, during the evolution of the Primary Shield lavas, lower magma input rates into a less well-developed feeder system increased the probability of the fractionating liquid attaining a cotectic surface. Fractional crystallization accounts for all the chemical variation observed for the Piton de la Fournaise basaltic magmas. The analytical data are closely comparable to the rare earth element (REE) and trace element fractionation curves predicted by least-squares calculations, this supports the use of such models in quantitative evaluation of fractional crystallization.A preliminary survey of Sr isotope values indicates that the oldest (>2 m.y. B.P.) lava sequences of Piton des Neiges may be derived from a source which was isotopically distinct from that of the <2 m.y. B.P. lavas of both volcanic shields. These latter sequences are remarkably consistent in both isotopic and trace element abundance implying a homogeneous source material and an invariable partial melting process. Partial melting calculations indicate that the basaltic lavas have been derived by 5–10% melting of a garnet-poor peridotite (cpx/gt 9). Systematic differences in the light- and heavy-REE patterns between similar basaltic provinces are interpreted to be a result of variation in the nature of the phases buffering the entry of light- and/or heavy-REE into the melt during partial fusion.  相似文献   

The gaseous products of new Tolbachik volcanoes were studied during 1975 to 1977 throughout all eruptive stages and during the post eruptive activity. In investigations the northern break-out gases emitted during the eruption from the moving and consolidated lava flows there have been detected H2O (the main component), H2, HF, HCl, SO2 and H2S, CO2, CO, NH3, CH4 and other hydrocarbons, NH4Cl predominated in compositions of condensates and subtimates on lava flows and the most characteristic microcomponents were Zn, Cu, Pb, Sn, Ag and others. Sampling of gases and condensates at the southern break-out was conducted immediately from the flowing melt. In gases there have been detected H2O (98 mol. %). HCl and H2 (0.9 mol. % each) as well as HF, SO2, H2S, CO2 and in small quantities O2 and N2, Gases reached the equilibrium state atT andP sampling and were characteristic of gas composition of the southern break-out magma. HCl, HF and H2SO4 were predominant during condensate and sublimate mineralization. The major raicrocomponents were represented by Pt, Sb, As, Zn, Cu, Pb, Ni, Co and others. Comparison of compositions of gases and of products of their reactions at the northern and at the southern break-outs allows us to assume the presence of the deeper magma source at the northern break-out and of shallow magma source at the southern break-out.  相似文献   

A seismological study of the upper mantle under the Kamchatka volcanoes using body waves from nearby earthquakes has shown local heterogencities consisting of materials with reduced elastic properties at depths from 30 to 90 km. The estimated value of the upper limit of viscosity,η, is about 6 × 1020 pois for the material of the mantle aseismic zone under the Kamchatka volcanoes at depths of ~ 70–150 km. It is suggested that the magmatic chambers are rooted in the mantle heterogeneities filled with substance of reduced elasticity and viscosity.  相似文献   

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