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分形论、界壳论与山地研究理论及地理学创新和发展   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
在概述分形论、界壳论基本概念的基础上,首先探讨了二者对系统自组织理论的完善以及对深化山地研究和地理学研究的方法论意义;其次,总结了分形论、界壳论在山地理论和地理学中的已有应用,最后针对应用现状,对山地理论和地理学中理论的应用创新和发展提出了若干对策。  相似文献   

基于批判地缘政治学视角解读经典地缘政治理论   总被引:26,自引:7,他引:19  
大国间的争霸与兴衰更替,无不受地缘法则的支配。地理学者应紧跟时代的步伐,准确把握国家利益之所在,抓住机遇为民族伟大复兴做出贡献。但是,缺乏对地缘政治学的历史和哲学的批判将不能准确理解和有效实践地缘政治理论。本文简要介绍了批判地缘政治学的发展,总结了批判地缘政治学的3个特点,据此对4个经典地缘政治理论进行了解读。为了简化解读过程,首先提出了一个解读4个经典地缘政治理论的分析框架;其次根据这个分析框架重点解读了麦金德的"历史的地理枢纽";最后对4个经典地缘政治理论进行了批判性总结。通过批判性解读,得出经典地缘政治理论既有科学性一面,也有假说性和理念性的一面。经典地缘政治理论构建是基于国际地缘格局、国家利益空间分布、国家间空间冲突而构建的,并展现了理论建构者的身份,体现了地缘政治理论的历史性、社会性、情境性和地理知识—权力结构。  相似文献   

Struggling for supremacy between great powers and the rise or fall and regime change of great powers are all subject to the Geopolitical Law. Geographers should keep in step with the times, accurately grasp the national interests, and seize the opportunity to contribute to the great rejuvenation of our nation. However, due to lack of criticism on the history and philosophy of geopolitics, we can neither accurately understand the geopolitical theory, nor effectively put the geopolitical theory into practice. This paper introduces the development of critical geopolitics, summarizes the three characteristics of critical geopolitics, and interprets the four classical geopolitical theories accordingly. In order to simplify the interpretation process, this paper firstly presents an analytical framework for interpretation of four classical geopolitical theories; secondly, focuses on interpretation of “The Geographical Pivot of History” put forward by Mackinder according to the analytical framework; finally, critically summarizes the four classical geopolitical theories. Through the critical interpretation, this paper draws a conclusion that there are the scientific, hypothetical and conceptual classical geopolitical theories. The construction of classical geopolitical theories is based on the international geopolitical structure, spatial distribution of national interests and inter-state spatial conflict, in order to show the identity of theoretical constructor, so as to reflect the historicality, sociality, situationality and geographical knowledge–power structure of geopolitical theories.  相似文献   

区域产业布局优化及理论依据分析   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
目前关于产业布局的理论多强调其经济效益,在一定程度上忽视了环境效益和社会效益。从经济、社会与环境协调发展的角度对产业布局优化的内涵进行阐释,并论述实现区域产业布局优化的经济学、环境学及生态学理论依据。  相似文献   

A Systems Perspective on World-Systems Theory   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
《The Journal of geography》2012,111(2):119-126

This article presents a conceptual framework that embeds ideas from world-systems theory within the larger systemic context known as the theory of dissipative structures. This article creates a theoretical perspective on global capitalism, both geographic and historical, that offers a sufficiently general and flexible model for this particular complex system in human geography. The goal is to provide a perspective that reflects the interconnectedness of individual and separate places into a larger global system that is a single functioning spatial entity. In this view, the modern world-system becomes a culmination of its past and a prologue to its future.  相似文献   

创意产业区发展具明显内生增长特征,知识、人力资本和技术外溢等新增长因素成为发展主要动力。相比其他以新经济为主体的产业区,创意产业区发展具一定特殊性,本文认为主要有创意资本对人力资本拓展作用、文化成为知识积累主要方式、政府具确定内生增长路径功能、空间创造“经济再生”神话和网络构成新社会模式等,这些特殊性拓展了新增长理论。  相似文献   

全球区位论、非场所理论与襄樊都市区建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
依据全球区位论和非场所理论,运用定性定量相结合的方法,深入分析了襄樊都市区建设的背景、意义和现状条件,并在襄樊都市区中心城市建设,城市化进程和都市区的基本框架构筑,人流、物流和信息流快速通道建设,产业结构调整和企业竞争力培育,都市区内各县市协作以及经济社会环境持续发展等方面提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

Ananya Roy 《Urban geography》2016,37(6):810-823
This essay takes as its provocation a question posed by the feminist philosopher Nancy Fraser: “What’s Critical about Critical Theory?” In urban studies, this question has been usefully reframed by Neil Brenner to consider what is critical about critical urban theory. This essay discusses how the “urban” is currently being conceptualized in various worlds of urban studies and what this might mean for the urban question of the current historical conjuncture. Launched from places on the map that are forms of urban government but that have distinctive agrarian histories and rural presents, the essay foregrounds the undecidability of the urban, be it geographies of urbanization or urban politics. What is at stake is a critical urban theory attentive to historical difference as a fundamental constituting process of global political economy and deconstruction as a methodology of generalization and theorization.  相似文献   

该文阐述旅游规划理论体系的结构,旨在解决众多理论之间的“接口”问题。  相似文献   

纵观历史,任何一个国家的崛起都会给全球稳定和地缘格局带来影响。到目前为止,地缘政治学发展了4个经典的地缘政治理论,即国家有机体论、海权论、陆权论和边缘地带论。每一个理论的提出都是研究者根据自身所处国家现实、地缘格局和地理冲突而提出的。面对中国崛起、海外贸易激增、周边矛盾冲突不断,为了实现国家和平崛起,中国需要相应的地缘理论指导。通过对4个经典地缘政治理论文本的解读,文章首先归纳了经典地缘政治理论的2个视角,即空间视角和权力视角。其次结合英国、美国不同时间段地理冲突和国家实力的变化,从空间冲突和实力变迁2个方面对以上2个视角作历史佐证,并据此进一步以英国、美国和日本为例分析了经典地缘政治理论的缺陷,即理论上的合理性和实践上的不可行性。此外,经典地缘政治理论还存在现实和理论2个方面困境,现实困境是指任何理论都是特定历史背景产物,不能满足现实发展需求;理论困境是指经典地缘政治理论过于强调物质因素,忽视非物质因素。最后指出对发展中国新地缘政治理论的3点启示,并结合西方政治地理学新发展讨论中国政治地理学发展方向问题。  相似文献   

战略性区位理论及其发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从构成上来说,区位理论包括非战略性区位理论和战略性区域理论两大体系。与非战略性区位理论不同,战略性区位理论将其分析置于区位主体的战略互动行为的基础之上。战略性区位理论的发展源于霍特林对策模型。多年以来,围绕霍特林模型的各种讨论和对该模型的诸多修正,促使战略性区位理论逐步发展成为一个较为完备的理论体系。对于城市经济现象,战略性区位分析可以得到更有说服力的理论解释。  相似文献   

生态位理论与方法在城市研究中的应用   总被引:33,自引:2,他引:33  
引入生态学重要基础理论生态位理论,认为其在城市研究中有重要作用。表现在:生态位态势变化及生态位大小能够反映城市一般发展规律和城市特征,生态位适宜度可为城市经济发展方式的选择提供依据,生态势理论有助于城市发展动力机制的解释,生态位扩充则是城市空间结构发展和演化的生态学解释,而生态位重叠和分离理论对城市产业布局及其调整有很好的指导作用。  相似文献   

Feminism and Social Theory in Geography: An Introduction*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This essay introduces a collection of articles based on papers developed for a Fall 2004 speaker series at the University of Minnesota. The articles address the continued relevance of feminist geography and the unique contributions of feminist perspectives in various areas of geographic research. They also point out directions for needed future research. This introduction briefly reviews the successes of and remaining challenges to feminist geography, including material inequities yet unresolved in two other (nonresearch) “places” of academic life: teaching and the workplace. We discuss the ongoing underrepresentation of women and people of color on our faculties and in the front of classrooms.  相似文献   

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