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We have carried out an investigation of the environments of low redshift H  ii galaxies by cross-correlating their positions on the sky with those of faint field galaxies in the Automatic Plate Measuring Machine (APM) catalogues. We address the question of whether violent star formation in H  ii galaxies is induced by low-mass companions by statistically estimating the mean space density of galaxies around them. We argue that even if low-mass companions were mainly intergalactic H  i clouds, their optical counterparts should be detectable at faint limits of the APM scans.
A significantly positive signal is detected for the H  ii galaxy–APM galaxy angular cross-correlation function, but the amplitude is poorly determined. The projected cross-correlation function has a higher signal-to-noise ratio, and suggests that the amplitude is slightly lower than for normal field galaxies. This implies that these bursting dwarf galaxies inhabit slightly lower density environments than those of normal field galaxies, consistent with other studies of emission-line galaxies. This suggests that in these dwarf starburst galaxies, star formation is not always triggered by tidal interactions, and a significant fraction must have a different origin.  相似文献   

We study the chemical and spectrophotometric evolution of galactic discs with detailed models calibrated on the Milky Way and using simple scaling relations, based on currently popular semi-analytic models of galaxy formation. We compare our results with a large body of observational data on present-day galactic discs, including disc sizes and central surface brightness, Tully–Fisher relations in various wavelength bands, colour–colour and colour–magnitude relations, gas fractions versus magnitudes and colours and abundances versus local and integrated properties, as well as spectra for different galactic rotational velocities. Despite the extremely simple nature of our models, we find satisfactory agreement with all those observables, provided that the time-scale for star formation in low-mass discs is longer than for more massive ones. This assumption is apparently in contradiction with the standard picture of hierarchical cosmology. We find, however, that it is extremely successful in reproducing major features of present-day discs, like the change in the slope of the Tully–Fisher relation with wavelength, the fact that more massive galaxies are on average 'redder' than low-mass ones (a generic problem of standard hierarchical models) and the metallicity–luminosity relation for spirals. It is concluded that, on a purely empirical basis, this new picture is at least as successful as the standard one. Observations at high redshifts could help to distinguish between the two possibilities.  相似文献   

We present here the first study of the X-ray properties of an evolutionary sample of merging galaxies. Both ROSAT PSPC and HRI data are presented for a sample of eight interacting galaxy systems, each believed to involve a similar encounter between two spiral discs of approximately equal size. The mergers span a large range in age, from completely detached to fully merged systems.
A great deal of interesting X-ray structure is seen, and the X-ray properties of each individual system are discussed in detail. Along the merging sequence, several trends are evident: in the case of several of the infrared bright systems, the diffuse emission is very extended, and appears to arise from material ejected from the galaxies. The onset of this process seems to occur very soon after the galaxies first encounter one another, and these ejections soon evolve into distorted flows. More massive extensions (perhaps involving up to 1010 M⊙ of hot gas) are seen at the 'ultraluminous' peak of the interaction, as the galactic nuclei coalesce.
The amplitude of the evolution of the X-ray emission through a merger is markedly different from that of the infrared and radio emission, however. Although the X-ray luminosity rises and falls along the sequence, the factor by which the X-ray luminosity increases, relative to the optical, appears to be only about a tenth of that seen in the far-infrared. This, we believe, may well be linked with the large extensions of hot gas observed.
The late, relaxed remnants appear relatively devoid of gas, and possess an X-ray halo very different from that of typical ellipticals, a problem for the 'merger hypothesis', whereby the merger of two disc galaxies results in an elliptical galaxy. However, these systems are still relatively young in terms of total merger lifetime, and they may still have a few Gyr of evolution to go through before they resemble typical elliptical galaxies.  相似文献   

We have used a large sample of low-inclination spiral galaxies with radially resolved optical and near-infrared photometry to investigate trends in star formation history with radius as a function of galaxy structural parameters. A maximum-likelihood method was used to match all the available photometry of our sample to the colours predicted by stellar population synthesis models. The use of simplistic star formation histories, uncertainties in the stellar population models and considering the importance of dust all compromise the absolute ages and metallicities derived in this work; however, our conclusions are robust in a relative sense. We find that most spiral galaxies have stellar population gradients, in the sense that their inner regions are older and more metal rich than their outer regions. Our main conclusion is that the surface density of a galaxy drives its star formation history, perhaps through a local density dependence in the star formation law. The mass of a galaxy is a less important parameter; the age of a galaxy is relatively unaffected by its mass; however, the metallicity of galaxies depends on both surface density and mass. This suggests that galaxy‐mass-dependent feedback is an important process in the chemical evolution of galaxies. In addition, there is significant cosmic scatter suggesting that mass and density may not be the only parameters affecting the star formation history of a galaxy.  相似文献   

We present the K -band Hubble diagrams ( K – z relations) of submillimetre-selected galaxies and hyperluminous galaxies (HLIRGs). We report the discovery of a remarkably tight K – z relation of HLIRGs, indistinguishable from that of the most luminous radio galaxies. Like radio galaxies, the HLIRG K – z relation at   z ≲ 3  is consistent with a passively evolving ∼3 L * instantaneous starburst starting from a redshift of   z ∼ 10  . In contrast, many submillimetre-selected galaxies are ≳2 mag fainter, and the population has a much larger dispersion. We argue that dust obscuration and/or a larger mass range may be responsible for this scatter. The galaxies so far proved to be hyperluminous may have been biased towards higher AGN bolometric contributions than submillimetre-selected galaxies due to the 60-μm selection of some, so the location on the K – z relation may be related to the presence of the most massive active galactic nucleus. Alternatively, a particular host galaxy mass range may be responsible for both extreme star formation and the most massive active nuclei.  相似文献   

Using semi-analytic models of galaxy formation set within the cold dark matter (CDM) merging hierarchy, we investigate several scenarios for the nature of the high-redshift     ) Lyman-break galaxies (LBGs). We consider a 'collisional starburst' model in which bursts of star formation are triggered by galaxy–galaxy mergers, and find that a significant fraction of LBGs are predicted to be starbursts. This model reproduces the observed comoving number density of bright LBGs as a function of redshift and the observed luminosity function at     and     with a reasonable amount of dust extinction. Model galaxies at     have star formation rates, half-light radii,     colours and internal velocity dispersions that are in good agreement with the data. Global quantities such as the star formation rate density and cold gas and metal content of the Universe as a function of redshift also agree well. Two 'quiescent' models without starbursts are also investigated. In one, the star formation efficiency in galaxies remains constant with redshift, while in the other, it scales inversely with disc dynamical time, and thus increases rapidly with redshift. The first quiescent model is strongly ruled out, as it does not produce enough high-redshift galaxies once realistic dust extinction is accounted for. The second quiescent model fits marginally, but underproduces cold gas and very bright galaxies at high redshift. A general conclusion is that star formation at high redshift must be more efficient than locally. The collisional starburst model appears to accomplish this naturally without violating other observational constraints.  相似文献   

We investigate the evolution of the star formation rate in cluster galaxies. We complement data from the Canadian Network for Observational Cosmology 1 (CNOC1) cluster survey  (0.15 < z < 0.6)  with measurements from galaxy clusters in the Two-degree Field (2dF) galaxy redshift survey  (0.05 < z < 0.1)  and measurements from recently published work on higher-redshift clusters, up to almost   z = 1  . We focus our attention on galaxies in the cluster core, i.e. galaxies with   r < 0.7  h −170 Mpc  . Averaging over clusters in redshift bins, we find that the fraction of galaxies with strong [O  ii ] emission is ≲20 per cent in cluster cores, and the fraction evolves little with redshift. In contrast, field galaxies from the survey show a very strong increase over the same redshift range. It thus appears that the environment in the cores of rich clusters is hostile to star formation at all the redshifts studied. We compare this result with the evolution of the colours of galaxies in cluster cores, first reported by Butcher and Oemler. Using the same galaxies for our analysis of the [O  ii ] emission, we confirm that the fraction of blue galaxies, which are defined as galaxies 0.2 mag bluer in the rest-frame B – V than the red sequence of each cluster, increases strongly with redshift. Because the colours of galaxies retain a memory of their recent star formation history, while emission from the [O  ii ] line does not, we suggest that these two results can best be reconciled if the rate at which the clusters are being assembled is higher in the past, and the galaxies from which it is being assembled are typically bluer.  相似文献   

We consider the luminosity and environmental dependence of structural parameters of lenticular galaxies in the near-infrared K band. Using a 2D galaxy image decomposition technique, we extract bulge and disc structural parameters for a sample of 36 lenticular galaxies observed by us in the K band. By combining data from the literature for field and cluster lenticulars with our data, we study correlations between parameters that characterize the bulge and the disc as a function of luminosity and environment. We find that scaling relations such as the Kormendy relation, photometric plane and other correlations involving bulge and disc parameters show a luminosity dependence. This dependence can be explained in terms of galaxy formation models in which faint lenticulars  ( M T > −24.5)  formed via secular formation processes that likely formed the pseudo-bulges of late-type disc galaxies, while brighter lenticulars  ( M T < −24.5)  formed through a different formation mechanism most likely involving major mergers. On probing variations in lenticular properties as a function of environment, we find that faint cluster lenticulars show systematic differences with respect to faint field lenticulars. These differences support the idea that the bulge and disc components fade after the galaxy falls into a cluster, while simultaneously undergoing a transformation from spiral to lenticular morphologies.  相似文献   

Recent results have shown that a substantial fraction of high-redshift Lyman α (Lyα) galaxies contain considerable amounts of dust. This implies that Lyα galaxies are not primordial, as has been thought in the past. However, this dust has not been directly detected in emission; rather it has been inferred based on extinction estimates from rest-frame ultraviolet (UV) and optical observations. This can be tricky, as both dust and old stars redden galactic spectra at the wavelengths used to infer dust. Measuring dust emission directly from these galaxies is thus a more accurate way to estimate the total dust mass, giving us real physical information on the stellar populations and interstellar medium enrichment. New generation instruments, such as the Atacama Large Millimeter Array and Sub-Millimeter Array, should be able to detect dust emission from some of these galaxies in the submillimeter. Using measurements of the UV spectral slopes, we derive far-infrared flux predictions for of a sample of  23 z ≥ 4  Lyα galaxies. We find that in only a few hours, we can detect dust emission from 39 ± 22 per cent of our Lyα galaxies. Comparing these results to those found from a sample of 21 Lyman break galaxies (LBGs), we find that LBGs are on average 60 per cent more likely to be detected than Lyα galaxies, implying that they are more dusty, and thus indicating an evolutionary difference between these objects. These observations will provide better constraints on dust in these galaxies than those derived from their UV and optical fluxes alone. Undeniable proof of dust in these galaxies could explain the larger than expected Lyα equivalent widths seen in many Lyα galaxies today.  相似文献   

We have observed a sample of 149 Seyfert galaxies and radio-quiet quasars at 13 cm with both a 275-km radio interferometer and the 6-km compact array of the Australia Telescope. The high-resolution observations searched for the presence of compact, high-brightness-temperature radio emission from the active nucleus. The low-resolution observations measured the total radio emission from the galaxy disc and Seyfert core and lobes. From these we draw the following conclusions. (i) Seyfert galaxies that lack compact radio cores display a correlation between radio and far-infrared (FIR) emission similar to the correlation displayed by normal spirals, albeit with greater scatter. The correlation is found to be intrinsic and is not an artefact of the richness effect. (ii) A very different radio–FIR correlation is displayed by those Seyferts that harbour compact radio cores. These tend to be more radio-loud than either normal spirals or the Seyferts that lack compact cores. The compact core emission thus seems to be responsible for the generally poor radio–FIR correlation displayed by Seyfert galaxies. (iii) The radio–FIR correlation is not significantly improved by subtracting off the 0.1-arcsec (20- to 200-pc) compact radio emission from the total radio emission. This suggests that the emission from the active galactic nucleus has significant structure on scales larger than 0.1 arcsec. Perhaps these structures are the 'linear' radio features that have been seen previously in Seyfert nuclei.  相似文献   

The effects of late gas accretion episodes and subsequent merger-induced starbursts on the photochemical evolution of elliptical galaxies are studied and compared to the picture of galaxy formation occurring at high redshift with a unique and intense starburst modulated by a very short infall, as suggested by Pipino and Matteucci in Paper I. By means of the comparison with the colour–magnitude relations (CMRs) and the  [〈Mg/Fe〉 V ]–σ  relation observed in ellipticals, we conclude that either bursts involving a gas mass comparable to the mass already transformed into stars during the first episode of star formation (SF) and occurring at any redshift, or bursts occurring at low redshift (i.e. z ≤ 0.2) and with a large range of accreted mass, are ruled out. These models fail in matching the above relations even if the initial infalling hypothesis is relaxed, and the galaxies form either by means of more complicated SF histories or by means of the classical monolithic model. On the other hand, galaxies accreting a small amount of gas at high redshift (i.e. z ≥ 3) produce a spread in the model results, with respect to the best model of Paper I, which is consistent with the observational scatter of the CMRs, although there is only marginal agreement with the  [〈Mg/Fe〉 V ]–σ  relation. Therefore, only small perturbations to the standard scenario seem to be allowed. We stress that the strongest constraints to galaxy-formation mechanisms are represented by the chemical abundances, whereas the colours can be reproduced under several different hypotheses.  相似文献   

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