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Stellar velocity dispersion in narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Several authors have recently explored, for narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies (NLS1s), the relationship between black hole mass ( M BH) and stellar velocity dispersion (σ*). Their results are more or less in agreement and seem to indicate that NLS1s fill the region below the fit obtained by Tremaine et al., showing a range of σ* similar to that of Seyfert 1 galaxies, and a lower M BH. Until now, the [O  iii ] width has been used in place of the stellar velocity dispersion, but some indications have begun to arise against the effectiveness of the gaseous kinematics in representing the bulge potential, at least in NLS1s. Bian & Zhao have stressed the urgency of producing true σ* measurements. Here, we present new stellar velocity dispersions obtained through direct measurements of the Ca  ii absorption triplet (∼8550 Å) in the nuclei of eight NLS1 galaxies. The resulting σ* values and a comparison with σ[O III] confirm our suspicion that [O  iii ] typically overestimates the stellar velocity dispersion. We demonstrate that NLS1s follow the   M BH–σ*  relation as Seyfert 1, quasars and non-active galaxies.  相似文献   

In a former paper, we have presented spectra of 64 active, nine normal and five starburst galaxies in the region around the near-infrared calcium triplet (CaT) absorption lines and the [S  iii ]λ9069 line. In the present paper, we analyse the CaT strength ( W CaT) and kinematical products derived in that study, namely stellar  (σ)  and ionized gas (σgas) velocity dispersions. Our main results may be summarized as follows. (1) Type 2 Seyfert galaxies show no sign of dilution in W CaT with respect to the values spanned by normal galaxies, even when optical absorption lines such as the Ca  ii K band at 3933 Å are much weaker than in old, bulge-like stellar populations. (2) The location of type 2 Seyfert galaxies in the   W CaT– W CaK  plane is consistent with evolutionary synthesis models. The implication is that the source responsible for the dilution of optical lines in these active galactic nuclei (AGN) is a young stellar population, rather than an AGN featureless continuum, confirming the conclusion of the pioneer study of Terlevich, Díaz & Terlevich. (3) In type 1 Seyfert galaxies, both   W [S  iii ]  and W CaT tend to be diluted due to the presence of a non-stellar component, in agreement with the unification paradigm. (4) A comparison of  σ  with σgas (obtained from the core of the [S  iii ] emitting line) confirms the existence of a correlation between the typical velocities of stars and clouds of the narrow line region. The strength and scatter around this correlation are similar to those previously obtained from the [O  iii ]λ5007 linewidth.  相似文献   

We present the results of a long-slit spectroscopic study of 38 active and four normal galaxies. Stellar absorption features, continuum colours and their radial variations are analysed in an effort to characterize the stellar population in these galaxies and detect the presence of a featureless continuum underlying the starlight spectral component. Spatial variations of the equivalent widths of conspicuous absorption lines and continuum colours are detected in most galaxies. Star-forming rings, in particular, leave clear fingerprints in the equivalent widths and colour profiles. We find that the stellar populations in the inner regions of active galaxies present a variety of characteristics, and cannot be represented by a single starlight template. Dilution of the stellar lines by an underlying featureless continuum is detected in most broad-lined objects, but little or no dilution is found for most of the 20 type 2 Seyferts in the sample. Colour gradients are also ubiquitous. In particular, all but one of the observed Seyfert 2s are redder at the nucleus than in its immediate vicinity. Possible consequences of these findings are briefly outlined.  相似文献   

Recent observations supported by theoretical models have led to the view that giant and supergiant stars are overabundant, and/or a high-metallicity component may be present, in the stellar populations at the centres of active galaxies. Here we attempt to quantify these effects by observing the strengths of the stellar absorption lines of Mg b, Na  i and the Ca  ii triplet, as well as molecular bands such as CN and TiO. Using long-slit spectroscopic data we are able to separate the stellar populations in and around the nucleus, for a sample including normal, LINER, starburst and Seyfert galaxies.   In this paper we present the data, namely spectra of the nucleus and of a number of circumnuclear regions. Comparisons reveal gradients in both the reddening and the stellar population within the central regions of most galaxies. Detailed stellar population synthesis will be presented in a companion paper.  相似文献   

The line ratios from coronal gas in Seyferts can be successfully fitted with photoionized clouds of high densities and low volume filling factor. The ionization parameter implied is sufficiently high that models must consider the effect of radiation pressure from the active nucleus. In spite of the gravitational force of the nucleus, radiation pressure is sufficiently strong to compress and radially accelerate the internally stratified gas clouds provided that these contain small amounts of dust (≃ 10 per cent of the solar neighbourhood value). This radial acceleration could explain the blueshift of the coronal lines relative to the systemic velocity without the need to invoke an ambient 'pushing' wind. Embedded dust has the interesting effect of making the photoionized clouds marginally ionization-bounded instead of matter-bounded.  相似文献   

In a previous paper, it was suggested that contamination of the nuclear luminosity by the host galaxy plays an important role in determining the parameters of the standard a disk of AGNs. Using the nuclear absolute B band magnitude instead of the total absolute B band magnitude, we have recalculated the central black hole masses, accretion rates and disk inclinations for 20 Seyfert 1 galaxies and 17 Palomar-Green (PG) quasars. It is found that a small value of a is needed for the Seyfert 1 galaxies than for the PG quasars. This difference in a possibly leads to the different properties of Seyfert 1 galaxies and quasars. Furthermore, we find most of the objects in this sample are not accreting at super-Eddington rates if we adopt the nuclear optical luminosity in our calculation.  相似文献   

This is the third paper of a series devoted to the study of the global properties of Joguet's sample of 79 nearby galaxies observable from the southern hemisphere, of which 65 are Seyfert 2 galaxies. We use the population synthesis models of Paper II to derive 'pure' emission-line spectra for the Seyfert 2 galaxies in the sample, and thus explore the statistical properties of the nuclear nebular components and their relation to the stellar populations. We find that the emission-line clouds suffer substantially more extinction than the starlight, and we confirm the correlations between stellar and nebular velocity dispersions and between emission-line luminosity and velocity dispersions, although with substantial scatter. Nuclear luminosities correlate with stellar velocity dispersions, but Seyferts with conspicuous star-forming activity deviate systematically towards higher luminosities. Removing the contribution of young stars to the optical continuum produces a tighter and steeper relation,   L ∝σ4  , consistent with the Faber–Jackson law.
Emission-line ratios indicative of the gas excitation such as [O  iii ]/Hβ and [O  iii ]/[O  ii ] are statistically smaller for Seyferts with significant star formation, implying that ionization by massive stars is responsible for a substantial and sometimes even a dominant fraction of the Hβ and [O  ii ] fluxes. We use our models to constrain the maximum fraction of the ionizing power that can be generated by a hidden active galactic nucleus (AGN). We correlate this fraction with classical indicators of AGN photoionization (i.e. X-ray luminosity and nebular excitation), but find no significant correlations. Thus, while there is a strong contribution of starbursts to the excitation of the nuclear nebular emission in low-luminosity Seyferts, the contribution of the hidden AGN remains elusive even in hard X-rays.  相似文献   

This paper estimates the relative frequency of different types of core-collapse supernovae, in terms of the ratio between the number of Type Ib–Ic and of Type II supernovae. We estimate independently for all normal and Seyfert galaxies whose radial velocity is ≤14 000 km s−1, and which had at least one supernova event recorded in the Asiago catalogue from 1986 January to 2000 August. We find that the ratio is  ≈0.23±0.05  in normal galaxies. This value is consistent with constant star formation rate and with a Salpeter initial mass function and an average binary rate ≈50 per cent. On the contrary, Seyfert galaxies exceed the ratio in normal galaxies by a factor ≈4 at a confidence level ≳2 σ . A caveat is that the numbers for Seyferts are still small (six of Type Ib–Ic and six of Type II supernovae discovered as yet). Assumed to be real, this excess of Type Ib/c supernovae may indicate a burst of low-age star formation  ( τ ≲20 Myr)  , a high incidence of binary systems in the inner regions  ( r ≲0.4 R 25)  of Seyfert galaxies, or a top-loaded mass function.  相似文献   

We present spectrophotometric results of the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 2273. The presence of high-order Balmer absorption lines (H8, H9, H10) and weak equivalent widths of Call K A3933, CN A4200, G-band A4300 and MgIb 5173 clearly indicate recent star-forming activity in the nuclear region. Using a simple stellar population synthesis model, we find that for the best fit, the contributions of a power-law featureless continuum, an intermediate-age (~ 108 yr) and an old (> 109yr) stellar population to the total light at the reference normalization wavelength are 10.0%, 33.4% and 56.6%, respectively. The existence of recent starburst activity is also consistent with its high far-infrared luminosity (log LFIR/L = 9.9), its infrared color indexes [a(25,60) = -1.81 and a(60,100) = -0.79, typical values for Seyfert galaxies with circumnuclear starburst], and its q-value (2.23, ratio of infrared to radio flux, very similar to that of normal spirals and starburst galaxies). Byrd et al. have suggested that NGC 2273 mig  相似文献   

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