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Flow-through flumes were used to quantify net areal fluxes of nutrients in the fringe mangrove zone of lower Taylor River in the southern Everglades National Park. We also quantified net areal fluxes along the open water portion of the channel to determine the relative importance of either zone (vegetated vs. unvegetated) in the regulation of nutrient exchange in this system. Taylor River's hydrology is driven mainly by precipitation and wind, as there is little influence of tide. Therefore, quarterly samplings of the vegetated and unvegetated flumes were slated to include typical wet season and dry season periods, as well as between seasons, over a duration of two years. Concentrations of dissolved and total organic carbon (DOC and TOC) were highest during the wet season and similar to one another throughout the study, reflecting the low particulate loads in this creek. Dissolved inorganic nitrogen (nitrate+nitrite+ammonium) was 10–15% of the total nitrogen (TN) content, with NO−x and NH+4 showing similar concentration ranges over the 2-year study. Soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) was usually <0·05μM, while total phosphorus (TP) was typically an order of magnitude higher. Net areal fluxes were calculated from nutrient concentration change over the length of the flumes. Most flux occurred in the vegetated zone. Dissolved inorganic nitrogen and DOC were usually taken up from the water column; however, we saw no seasonal pattern for any constituent over the course of this study. Total nutrients (TOC, TN, and TP) showed little net exchange and, like SRP, had fluxes that shifted irregularly throughout the study. Despite the lack of a clear seasonal pattern, there was a great deal of consistency between vegetated flumes, especially for NO−x and NH+4, and fluxes in the vegetated flumes were generally in the same direction (import, export, or no net flux) during a given sampling. These findings suggest that the fringe mangrove zone is of considerable importance in regulating nutrient dynamics in lower Taylor River. Furthermore, the influence of this zone may at times extend into northeast Florida Bay, as the bay is the primary recipient of water and nutrients during the wet season.  相似文献   

湄洲湾海域甲藻孢囊的时空分布初步调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了解湄洲湾海域表层沉积物中甲藻孢囊的时空分布特征,于2018年5月(春)、8月(夏)、11月(秋)和2019年2月(冬)采集湄洲湾海域7个站位表层沉积物样品,进行甲藻孢囊分析,共鉴定出甲藻孢囊6大类42种和2种未知种。异养型甲藻孢囊种类数和丰度均高于自养型甲藻孢囊,其中又以原多甲藻类孢囊的种类和丰度最高。季节间差异不明显:种类数介于34~38种之间,丰度则在397.8~569.5 cysts/g之间变化,全年平均丰度448.0 cysts/g。工业区附近的站位种类数和丰度均低于养殖区附近的站位和对照点。优势种高达16种,原多甲藻类占绝对优势,但全部优势种优势度均不大。多样性指数、丰富度指数和均匀度指数均较高,全年的平均值分别为3.45、1.55和0.92。与历史资料对比,新发现19种孢囊,但丰度相差不大。另需注意的是,在湄洲湾海域共发现6种有毒甲藻孢囊,虽然全年丰度均不高,但仍有暴发有毒赤潮的危险,需引起重视。  相似文献   

In coastal marine ecosystems, spatial patterns of larval fish assemblages (LFAs) tend to exhibit geographic stability because of relatively stable spawning site selection and predictable oceanographic phenomena such as eddies. To evaluate the relationship between spatial heterogeneity and temporal variability of LFAs, we conducted a high spatiotemporal resolution ichthyoplankton survey from April to July in 2013 in the shallow waters (<20 m) of Haizhou Bay, China. Our analysis indicated three distinct assemblages, which were stable geographically but exhibited a gradual and directional change of species composition and abundance over our study period. Sea surface temperature was the most important environmental co‐variate for determining temporal variability of LFAs, likely owing to temperature effects of species composition and spawning period selection of adult fish, along with known temperature‐dependent survival rates of larval fish. Study of LFA spatiotemporal dynamics is essential for improved understanding of adult fish spawning behavior, and has potential to inform design and implementation of conservation and management measures (e.g. marine protected areas) in coastal systems.  相似文献   

1984~2012年海州湾海岸线时空演变研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
以Landsat影像为数据源, 通过改进归一化水体指数、二值化、潮位校正模型提取海岸线, 使用数字海岸线分析系统(Digital Shoreline Analysis System, DSAS), 对1984~2012年海州湾海岸线的时空演变进行了研究。结果表明, 1984~2012年间海州湾海岸线整体以4.29 m/a向海洋推进, 其中, 48%的海岸出现侵蚀, 侵蚀速率为22.83 m/a, 侵蚀现象主要出现在大堤修建前的部分粉砂淤泥质海岸。52%的海岸出现淤积, 淤积速率为25.90 m/a, 淤积现象主要出现在人工海岸、河口海岸和受大堤影响的粉砂淤泥质海岸。海岸线时空演变研究有利于科学地规划、开发和管理海洋及其沿岸空间资源, 并保证其环境及经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   

本文收集了1913年以来的历史地形图、海图和遥感影像,利用地理信息技术和空间分析技术,获取10期三门湾海岸线数据,进而对三门湾近百年来海岸线时空演变特征进行分析.结果表明:(1)海岸线变化主要发生在内海湾,以港汊围堵、连岛并陆为主的围填海活动导致海岸线向海推进的围填海面积总计231.42 km2.(2)海岸线总长度持续...  相似文献   

以气相色谱-质谱法(GC-MS)分析并结合外标法,定量测定了2009年4月—2010年2月6个航次桑沟湾海域水体和沉积物中常见的8种有机磷农药,探讨了该海域有机磷农药组成以及时空分布特征.结果表明:桑沟湾水体中共检出有机磷农药6种,其中甲基对硫磷、马拉硫磷和对硫磷等3种有机磷农药在各航次均有检出.沉积物中有机磷农药含量的水平分布呈现由湾口向湾内海域逐渐降低的趋势.该海域水体中有机磷农药含量呈现10月份较高,4月、6月和8月份次之,12月和 2月份最低的月份分布特征.与国内外类似水体相比,桑沟湾海域中总有机磷农药含量处于轻度污染水平,甲基对硫磷、马拉硫磷等单组分含量也处于较低水平.  相似文献   

自2015年5月至2016年3月在深圳湾布设了3个站位,对该海域进行了每季至少1次共7个航次的浮游细菌生物量调查。结果表明:(1)深圳湾浮游细菌生物量季节均值的变化范围为(4.90~86.90)×10-2μg·mL-1,总均值为3.14×10-1μg·mL-1;(2)深圳湾浮游细菌生物量的季节变化模式为:冬季(5.98×10-1μg·mL-1)>秋季(3.02×10-1μg·mL-1)>夏季(2.79×10-1μg·mL-1)>春季(7.52×10-2μg·mL-1);(3)从空间分布来看,浮游细菌生物量湾中含量最高,湾口其次,湾顶最低;(4)深圳湾浮游细菌生物量与亚硝氮含量呈极显著的正相关(P<0.01),与氨氮含量呈显著正相关(P<0.05);(5)深圳湾水体中浮游细菌丰度季节均值变化范围为(2.45~43.50)×106个·mL-1,年均值达1.57×107个·mL-1;(6)从整体的细菌丰度及生物量来看,深圳湾海域呈现富营养化状态,湾中最严重,湾口次之,湾顶最轻。  相似文献   

基于2009年6–9月,2014年5月,2014年7–8月在乳山湾外邻近海域的综合调查资料,分析了该开放海域水体与沉积物中氮、磷营养盐的组成和分布,并在潮汐潮流数值模式计算水通量的基础上分析了近岸开放区域无机氮(DIN)和无机磷(DIP)的循环与收支的主要过程,量化了潮汐潮流、初级生产的消耗与转化、底界面过程与内部循环等过程对氮和磷营养盐循环与收支的影响。结果表明,夏季乳山湾外邻近海域水体DIN和DIP的浓度与分布受陆源输入和潮汐潮流的共同影响,高值均出现在湾口区域;沉积物-水界面存在DIN和DIP从沉积物向上覆水释放的现象,使得底层水体的氮、磷营养盐浓度高于表层水体。氮的收支表明,研究海域水体内部循环过程是初级生产所需DIN的主要来源,占初级生产总消耗量的86%,其次是水交换作用(11%),底界面扩散对初级生产的贡献相对较小(3%);水体DIN的移出主要是通过埋藏、向外海的输送和水体反硝化作用,其比例分别为80%、16%和4%。磷的收支显示,研究海域水体内部循环过程贡献了初级生产所需DIP的91%,其次是水交换作用(9%),底界面扩散对初级生产的贡献小于1%;水体DIP支出主要是通过沉积埋藏和向外海的输送,其比例分别为67%和33%。研究结果表明内部循环过程是近海水体氮和磷获得补充的主要途径,不过外部来源的氮、磷营养盐结构与系统内部具有显著的差异,且系统内磷的埋藏效率要高于氮,其必将对乳山湾外邻近海域营养盐结构和初级生产产生长远的影响。  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of determination of inorganic and organic forms of phosphorus in bottom sediments of Pomeranian Bay. The sediments were collected in March and July of 1996. The following characteristics of the sediments were determined: organic matter content, forms of inorganic phosphorus: loosely adsorbed phosphorus and phosphorus bound to aluminium, calcium and iron, as well as total inorganic phosphorus. Pomeranian Bay is a shallow basin, with depth averaging between 12 and 15 m and sandy sediments prevailing. Smaller silt fractions occur only in the vicinity of the wina River estuary and in deeper northern regions of the Bay. Calcium-bound phosphorus is the dominant form of inorganic phosphorus in the Pomeranian Bay. Iron-bound phosphorus is the second most prevailing form, and aluminium-bound phosphorus the third. Loosely bound phosphorus was present in the lowest amounts. Total inorganic phosphorus in the Bay consisted of the four forms listed above, except in estuarine regions where an additional form of phosphorus occurred, most probably occluded phosphorus. High organic phosphorus concentrations were found at the wina River estuary and in the northern part of the Bay (Saßnitz Deep) corresponding to the higher organic matter content of these sediments. Sediments of Pomeranian Bay contained less phosphorus than those from the Gulf of Gda sk or Puck Bay and other parts of the Baltic Sea, suggesting that the amount of phosphorus in the sediments was determined by a number of inter-related factors, such as sediment type, amount of organic matter, the chemical composition of the sediment and oxygen content of near-bottom water.  相似文献   

近岸海域水体和沉积物是营养盐迁移转化的重要场所。2016年8月对渤海湾水体和沉积物进行采样监测,分析了渤海湾水体和沉积物中不同形态氮、磷的含量,并研究了营养盐在水体和沉积物中的分布特征及其相互关系。结果表明:渤海湾水体中的营养盐在西部近岸地区含量较高,而在离海岸线较远的开阔海域含量较低,表现出一个明显的质量浓度梯度。说明人类活动对近岸海域水体中营养盐含量的贡献较为明显。水体中营养盐主要是以无机态为主,无机氮和无机磷分别占到总氮和总磷的76.65%和76.46%。沉积物中氮、磷营养盐表现出和水体中营养盐含量类似的空间分布特征,但形态主要以有机氮为主,无机磷的含量也仅占到30.42%。这说明夏季渤海湾水体中氮、磷营养盐主要由水中有机体通过同化作用将无机态营养盐合成为有机态营养盐进入沉积物,渤海湾西北海域的富营养化过程是水体中营养盐向沉积物迁移的一个主要驱动力。  相似文献   

于2008年2月(冬季)、5月(春季)、8月(夏季)和11月(秋季)对流沙湾进行了4次采样调查,研究分析了流沙湾海水中总有机碳的空间分布和季节变化特征,并探讨了TOC与温度、盐度、pH、叶绿素a和底泥TOC之间的相关关系.结果发现,在2008年度流沙湾海水TOC的浓度为0.992 ~ 5.437 mg/L,平均值为2.414 mg/L,呈现春季>夏季>秋季>冬季的变化趋势,整个流沙湾海域海水TOC的平面分布相对比较均匀,表层稍大于底层.在内外湾分布上,冬、夏季节内湾TOC大于外湾,而春、秋季节外湾大于内湾;在垂直分布上,冬、夏和秋季表层大于底层,而春季底层大于表层;在地域分布上,冬、夏季节从流沙镇一侧海域到西联镇一侧海域逐渐减小,秋季变化趋势相反,春季时,两侧无明显变化.相关关系的分析结果表明,流沙湾海水TOC与温度、pH呈现出正相关关系,与温度的相关关系较为显著,与盐度则呈现不显著的负相关关系;与叶绿素a存在一定的相关关系,在叶绿素a浓度小于2.6μg/L,两者呈现正相关关系,而在叶绿素a浓度大于2.6 μg/L,两者呈现负相关关系;与底泥TOC呈现出了一定的正相关关系.  相似文献   

根据2012年9月对莱州湾西南部海域及其毗邻10条河流的调查结果,以及近30年来关于莱州湾海域表层水营养盐的调查资料,报道了各条河流和近海海域的营养盐状况及该海域营养盐的长期变化趋势,结果表明:(1)10条主要调查河流的总溶解态氮(TDN)平均含量在1.82~10.66mg/L之间,其中有8条河流超过河流总氮劣五类水质标准,6条河流硝态氮(NO3-N)含量高于氨氮(NH4-N)。(2)所调查的5个近海断面中小清河口近海断面、虞河口近海断面及溢洪河口近海断面的DIN平均含量超过海水无机氮第四类水质标准;除小清河口近海断面外其余近海断面活性磷(PO4-P)含量均属一类海水水质。(3)部分断面营养盐含量在河口混合区淡水端升高,可能与咸淡水混合动力作用相关;莱州湾西部区域营养盐含量高于南部区域,南部的堤河氮、磷含量极高;原油开采活动可能是影响附近水体中营养盐含量及形态的重要因素。(4)从20世纪80年代初至90年代中期,莱州湾表层水无机氮平均含量经历了由低到高的变化,到90年代后期已属劣四类海水水质;无机磷平均含量在该时段呈降低趋势,但到90年代后期也保持在较高水平,随后又波动下降。(5)所调查的莱州湾近海区域整体处于磷限制潜在富营养状态;氮磷摩尔比(N∶P)在所考察的大部分时段内高于Redfield阈值(16),净营养盐收支呈磷减少而氮增加的总体变化趋势,近年来磷限制程度有所减缓。  相似文献   

2009年湛江湾叶绿素a分布及其与主要环境因子的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2009-02—2009-11分4个季度调查了湛江湾叶绿素a的时空分布,并分析了其与主要环境因子的关系。结果表明,湛江湾海域叶绿素a变化范围为0.35~21.52mg/m3,年平均值4.47mg/m3;全海域叶绿素a呈现夏季(6.50mg/m3)>冬季(4.75mg/m3)>春季(3.58mg/m3)>秋季(3.01mg/m3)的季节变化模式;水平分布上,冬季的叶绿素a呈现由南三岛附近海域(即断面2和3)向外海和沿岸递减,春季、夏季和秋季呈现由外海向沿岸递减,年均值呈现由外海向沿岸递减的分布特征。主成分分析显示,湛江湾海域叶绿素a与pH、盐度呈极显著的正相关,与氨氮、硝氮、硅酸盐、磷酸盐和无机氮呈极显著负相关。以表征的叶绿素a为标准的水体营养状况评价结果显示湛江湾海域多为中营养或贫营养状态,与以营养盐和化学耗氧量为标准的评价结果不一,故湛江湾的水体营养状况评价需要综合多个因子考虑。  相似文献   

辽东大、小窑湾营养盐和铅、锌的时空变化新探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对大、小窑湾湾内外海域的营养盐和铅、锌的分布规律与季节变化进行了调查,并以海水水质、营养结构和营养水平方面评价了两个海域的环境质量状况。结果表明:冬春季节N,P,Si三种营养盐的水平分布均有从湾项向湾口海域降低、再向湾外上升的趋势;夏季三种营养盐的湾顶含量大大增加,水平分布趋势则表现为由湾里向湾口方向减少。冬季Pb含量较低,且分布均匀;春季小窑湾沿岸已受到Pb的污染。大窑湾北部沿岸冬季Zn污染严重,春季两湾内外海域Zn分布较均匀。夏季Pb,zn的污染严重,水平分布为从北部沿岸向湾口方向下降。两个湾内环境质量劣于湾外;调查年度中,夏季两湾水质除总无机氮不超标外,其他三项指标均超标,达到轻度或重度污染状态;冬春两季只有锌污染指数大于1,其他皆低于清洁指数,水质处于较清洁状态。大、小窑湾海域的海水营养水平指数小于或接近一级的阈值,处于贫营养状态。  相似文献   

本文利用第三代海浪模式(WAVEWATCH III)分析了2002-2011年太平洋风速和海浪场的时空变化特征。首先,使用浮标观测数据对模式模拟的有效波高结果进行验证。结果表明模式可以有效地后报太平洋的有效波高。模式偏差较大的区域为中低纬度地区。随后将太平洋分为多个子区域,分别讨论了其风速和有效波高的时空变化特征。多年平均太平洋风速和有效波高存在类似的纬向分布特征,各子区域之间风速和有效波高的季节变化存在差别。模式刻画的太平洋有效波高年际变化最大的区域为南半球中高纬区域。进一步,我们研究了波浪能量的输入与耗散。相应的源函数项的各区域平均值显示了量化的表面波的变化。最后,对日平均的风速与有效波高值进行功率谱分析寻找序列的显著周期。结果表明有效波高时间变化对应的频谱和风速谱具有一定的差异。  相似文献   

根据 1 959- 1 996年 4- 6月水温资料 ,按 30′× 30′方区统计计算了南黄海 ( 34°~ 37°30′N ,1 2 2°~ 1 2 4°30′E)中层冷水的 8个示性特征值 ,并绘制了平面分布图。分析结果表明 ,南黄海西部中层冷水于 4月形成 ,5月达到盛期 ,6月开始消衰 ,生消规律具有明显的季节性 ;出现的海区为 34°~ 37°30′N ,1 2 4°0 0′E以西 (即黄海暖流向西北伸展路径 )海域 ,具有明显的地域性。同时 ,示性特征的时 -空分布变化还反映出 :在形成期其下方黄海暖流对它的重要影响。这将对于探讨海洋热、动力因子对研究海区中层冷水生消机制奠定了实验基础。  相似文献   

为了进一步了解海岛岬湾海岸表层沉积物粒度的时空分布特征和形成机制,作者以福建东山岛乌礁湾为典型研究区,通过秋、春、夏3个不同季节海滩表层沉积物的采集和点位测量,综合应用激光法和筛析法进行粒度测定。结果表明,东山乌礁湾海滩表层沉积物以0.16~0.50 mm之间的中、细砂为主,并含有少量的粗砂和细砾,这与区域砂质沉积背景有关;湾内从南到北剖面沉积物粒径由粗砂到细砂逐渐变细,主要受剖面地形、局地物源、季节性风浪作用和近岸往复水动力的影响。时间变化上,各取样站位表现出沉积物粒径粗、细不同程度的多种变化趋势,以秋季为参考,整体上表现为由南到北粒级的变小、增大和稳定,这与东北、南南西季风影响下的浪、潮作用以及沿岸流系格局变化下的水动力环境有关。  相似文献   

The horizontal pattern of mesoscale (1–4 km) variability in salinity was a poor predictor of mesoscale patterns in chlorophyll a, suspended particulate matter, and daily primary productivity in the South San Francisco Bay estuary during spring 1987. The tidally-averaged salinity distribution varied over weekly time scales, reflecting inputs of freshwater as well as transport processes. Spatial distributions of the other quantities also varied weekly, but not in concert with the salt field. Spatial patterns of phytoplankton biomass (chlorophyll a) deviated from the salinity patterns, largely reflecting in situ production of phytoplankton biomass during the spring bloom. The tidally-averaged distribution of suspended particulate matter (SPM) was highly dynamic and responded to (1) the riverine input of suspended sediment during a freshet, (2) neap-spring variations in tidally-driven resuspension, and (3) resuspension in shallows following a period of wind mixing. Two-dimensional distributions of primary productivity P′, derived from maps of biomass and turbidity (SPM), also varied weekly, but the spatial variability of P′ was only about half that of SPM and chlorophyll. Since the magnitude and patterns of spatial variability differ among nonconservative quantities, at least in part because of local sources and sinks, we conclude that the spatial distributions of nonconservative quantities cannot be predicted from distributions of conservative tracers, such as salinity.  相似文献   

南海北部海域叶绿素a浓度时空特征遥感分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
利用2007-2010年MODIS的L2级叶绿素a浓度产品作为数据基础, 对叶绿素a浓度年平均和月平均数据进行分级分区处理, 研究南海北部海域叶绿素a浓度时空分布特征及其与海洋环境因素的关系。初步研究结果表明:2007-2010年在南海北部海域叶绿素a浓度的高值区(>5.0 mg/m3)主要分布在广东省沿岸河流的入海口, 分布范围在夏季最大, 在春秋次之, 在冬季最小;叶绿素a浓度的次高值区(1.0~5.0 mg/m3)主要分布在海岸线到50 m等深线之间的海域, 分布范围夏冬较大, 能扩展到50 m等深线附近, 而春秋较小, 会退缩到50 m等深线以内;叶绿素a浓度的中值区(0.3~1.0 mg/m3)主要分布在50 m到100 m等深线之间的海域, 时空变化复杂;叶绿素a浓度的低值区(<0.3 mg/m3)主要分布在100 m等深线以外的海域, 其区域平均值夏季最低, 春秋次之, 冬季最高, 同时该区域叶绿素a浓度在春夏秋三季空间分布较均匀, 而冬季受季风和黑潮入侵影响空间分布较为复杂。南海北部海域海表叶绿素a浓度的时空变化特征与季风、沿岸河流、海流、海表温度等海洋环境因素的变化有关。  相似文献   

A nitrogen and phosphorus dynamic model of mesocosm pelagic ecosystem was established according to the summary and synthesis of the models available, in which seven state variables (DIN, PO4-P, DON, DOP, phytoplankton, zooplankton and detritus) were included. Logically it had five modules--phytoplankton, zooplankton, dissolved inorganic nutrients, dissolved organic nutrients and detritus. The results showed that this model could simulate the variations of DIN, PO4-P, DON, DOP, POC and phytoplankton biomass in pelagic ecosystem in mesocosm properly, based on the site experiment data in the Jiaozhou Bay in the autumn of 1999 and the summer of 2000. Not only the logical structure but also the model parameters were feasible, and about 20 parameters were made to fit for the Jiaozhou Bay during the simulation. All of these are necessary to study the control mechanism of nutrients biogeochemical cycling in the Jiaozhou Bay and other China' s coastal waters.  相似文献   

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