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生态系统服务功能是指生态系统与生态过程所形成及所维持的人类赖以生存的自然环境条件与效用,主要包括生态系统产品提供功能、调节功能、支持功能与文化功能。对生态调节功能的认识与评价是区域生态环境保护与资源开发的基础。本文以海南岛为例,探讨了基于生态系统结构与过程的生态调节功能评价方法。在研究中,将海南生态系统类型划分为沟谷雨林、山地雨林、热带李雨林、山顶矮林、山地常绿阔叶林、热性针叶林、灌丛、热作园、用材林、防护林、红树林、热带草原、耕地等13类,分析与评价了海南岛各类生态系统在水源涵养、土壤保持、营养物质循环、固碳、防风减灾等方面的调节功能及其经济价值。研究表明,2002年海南岛生态系统所提供的生态调节功能的价值为2035.88×10^8-215339×10^8元,而生态系统产品价值仅为254.06×10^8元,生态调节功能价值是其产品价值的8倍多.  相似文献   

The western coast of Hainan Island exhibits a savanna landscape. Many types of sand dunes, including transverse dune ridges, longitudinal dune ridges, elliptical dunes, coppice dunes, and climbing dunes, are widely distributed in the coastal zone. In winter, high-frequency and high-energy NE winds (dominant winds) are prevalent, with a resultant drift direction (RDD) of S35.6°W. In spring, low-frequency and low-energy SW secondary winds prevail, with a RDD of N25.1°E. Wind tunnel simulations revealed that the airflow over the dune surface is the main factor controlling the erosion and deposition patterns of dune surfaces and the morphological development of dunes. In the region's bidirectional wind en-vironment, with two seasonally distinct energy levels, the airflow over the surface of elliptical dunes, barchan dunes, and transverse dune ridges will exhibit a transverse pattern, whereas the airflow over longitudinal dunes ridges exhibits a lateral pattern and that over climbing dunes exhibits a climbing-circumfluent pattern. These patterns represent different dynamic processes. The coastal dunes on the western coast of Hainan Island are influenced by factors such as onshore winds, sand sources, coastal slopes, rivers, and forest shelter belts. The source of the sand that supplements these dunes particularly influences the development pattern: when there is more sand, the pattern shows positive equilibrium deposition between dune ridges and dunes; otherwise, it shows negative equilibrium deposition. The presence or absence of forest shelter belts also influences deposition and dune development patterns and transformation of dune forms. Coastal dunes and inland desert dunes experience similar dynamic processes, but the former have more diversified shapes and more complex forma-tion mechanisms.  相似文献   

海南岛西海岸沙丘形成动力过程的风洞模拟试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The western coast of Hainan Island exhibits a savanna landscape. Many types of sand dunes, including transverse dune ridges, longitudinal dune ridges, elliptical dunes, coppice dunes, and climbing dunes, are widely distributed in the coastal zone. In winter, high-frequency and high-energy NE winds (dominant winds) are prevalent, with a resultant drift direction (RDD) of S35.6°W. In spring, low-frequency and low-energy SW secondary winds prevail, with a RDD of N25.1°E. Wind tunnel simulations revealed that the airflow over the dune surface is the main factor controlling the erosion and deposition patterns of dune surfaces and the morphological development of dunes. In the region’s bidirectional wind en- vironment, with two seasonally distinct energy levels, the airflow over the surface of elliptical dunes, barchan dunes, and transverse dune ridges will exhibit a transverse pattern, whereas the airflow over longitudinal dunes ridges exhibits a lateral pattern and that over climbing dunes exhibits a climbing-circumfluent pattern. These patterns represent different dynamic processes. The coastal dunes on the western coast of Hainan Island are influenced by factors such as onshore winds, sand sources, coastal slopes, rivers, and forest shelter belts. The source of the sand that supplements these dunes particularly influences the development pattern: when there is more sand, the pattern shows positive equilibrium deposition between dune ridges and dunes; otherwise, it shows negative equilibrium deposition. The presence or absence of forest shelter belts also influences deposition and dune development patterns and transformation of dune forms. Coastal dunes and inland desert dunes experience similar dynamic processes, but the former have more diversified shapes and more complex formation mechanisms.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionThe objectives of this paper are to analyze the principal characteristics of the W anquan Riverdelta that has developed in a narrow , shallow lagoon, and to determ ine the effect that theever-increasing hum an activities of the area m ay hav…  相似文献   

The Boao coastal system along the eastern coast of Hainan Island is a dynamic delta-tidal inlet-barrier formed during the late Holocene. The delta developed inside a shallow lagoon barred by a sandy barrier with a narrow, shallow tidal inlet opening. Two major distributary channels separated by small islands characterize the delta. The lagoon is silting up receiving and trapping sediments from both the river and, in minor measure during storms, through the tidal inlet opening and barrier washovers. The barrier at the tidal inlet is highly dynamic and changes its form, accreting (migrating spit) against the inlet during fair-weather conditions and being eroded during storms and river floods. The delta has almost completely filled the lagoon and major concerns exist on the effect that ongoing large development plans may have on the environment. These concerns include the effect on floods and rate of siltation once banks of the islands have been stabilized and floodwater and sediment load are impeded from spreading over the lowlands, and the effect of increasing pollutant loads from the new facilities on the ecosystems of the increasingly restricting lagoon water and on the seashores.  相似文献   

海南岛为海南省的主体,也是我国第二大岛,地理位置与地形独特,拥有丰富的海岸带滨海湿地类型与资源。近年来受到海平面上升、沿岸风暴潮灾害等自然因素以及旅游开发活动、港湾工程建设和围垦、养殖等人类活动共同作用,红树林、珊瑚礁以及砂质海岸等海岸带滨海湿地遭到大面积破坏,退化趋势明显。通过对海南岛海岸带滨海湿地类型、分布特征以及存在问题的深入分析,提出科学合理的保护对策。  相似文献   

虽然采用遥感图像提取的植被指数在空间上能较好的反映作物的状况,但其不能预测植被指数在空间上的变化范围,如果能从整体上了解不同市县在不同季节的平均植被指数值,就可以对该区域整体植被状态进行量化分析,也就可以从大范围内进行植被指数的预测分析.利用地理信息系统(GIS)和地统计学相结合的地理统计分析模块(ArcGIS Geostatistical Analyst),根据MODIS遥感数据提取的每季度不同市县平均NDVI植被指数,采用Kriging插值的方法分析了海南岛归一化植被指数(NDVI)季节性变化趋势,并  相似文献   

海南岛西部热带沙漠化土地特征与成因   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
李森  孙武  李凡  林培松  郑影华  聂磊 《地理学报》2005,60(3):433-444
海南岛西部沙漠化土地具有热带海岸沙地的地域特征、形态特征、旱生植被景观特征和土地利用快速演变特征。在大气环流、雨影区和海流的共同影响下, 岛西形成热带半干旱气候和热带稀树草原环境, 孕育并存在自然沙漠化发展的动力、空间和物质基础。岛西历史时期沙漠化受气候变化和毁林开荒等活动的影响, 但仍是自然沙漠化为主的沙漠化过程。20世纪以来现代沙漠化经历了发展、恢复、再发展、逆转、波动等5个阶段, 沙漠化既受数年或数十年尺度的气候变化的作用, 又受人为不合理经济活动的影响。用因子分析等诊断、分析后认为人为活动的贡献率远大于气候变化的贡献率, 现代沙漠化已演变为以人为沙漠化为主的沙漠化过程。  相似文献   

Evaluation of tourism resources is necessary for tourism regionalization and plan-ning and for the development of tourism destinations.Furthermore,the scientific evaluation of the status of existing tourism resources is important for optimally combining and rationally developing regional tourism resources.In this study,a conceptual model for estimating the ontological value of tourism resources was developed and an evaluation indicator system was designed for the ontological value.On the basis of the quantitative and spatial characteristics of regional tourism resources,six indicators were constructed:quantitative density,richness,dominance,combination,aggregation,and accessibility.Furthermore,spatial differentiation characteristics of the ontological value indicators of county-level tourism resources on Hainan Island were analyzed,and the ontological value of the tourism resources was comprehen-sively evaluated and ranked by using a fuzzy clustering evaluation method.Finally,the evaluation results were verified on the basis of the quantity,quality,and accessibility of re-gional tourism resources by using an expert scoring method.The results showed that the test results were consistent with the inferences drawn from the ontological value,indicating that the evaluation indicator system is scientific and reliable and that it is an effective alternative to existing evaluation indexes of regional tourism resources,which are inconsistent.The fuzzy clustering evaluation method overcomes the subjectivity in the evaluation process and is practical for the quantitative evaluation of regional tourism resources.The evaluation indicator system for regional tourism resources designed in this study can provide a reference for the evaluation of the tourism resource development value on a regional scale,and the evaluation results can facilitate informed policymaking for the rational development of regional tourism resources.  相似文献   

开疆文化在海南的地域扩散与整合   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
朱竑  司徒尚纪 《地理学报》2001,56(1):99-106
在界定海南文化是一种开疆文化的基础上 ,对其地域扩散与整合进行了研究。指出 ,开疆文化在海南岛的传播扩散有别于大陆文化传播中占主流的沿江河、沿平原扩散的模式 ,而呈现出以移民和传染方式为主 ,先西后东 ,先北后南按海拔从沿海向腹部五指山 ,从低到高渐次推延的文化传播特点。此外 ,海南文化的形成 ,实际上是各种形式的开疆文化在海南地域上的一种文化长期作用的结果。即是在黎族文化本底的基础上 ,经历史时期汉、苗、回等民族文化 ,以及近代华侨文化、农垦文化等多种文化长期影响 ,并经相互碰撞、彼此融合等错综复杂的相互作用后 ,在海南这一地域环境下整合生成的一种海岛文化。  相似文献   

库布齐沙漠南缘抛物线形沙丘表面风沙流结构变异   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对库布齐沙漠南缘抛物线形沙丘表面气流和输沙率的野外观测和分析结果表明,沙丘表面约90%的风沙输移集中在距沙面0.10 m高度范围内,输沙率随高度递减的形式在沙丘各部位因风速、下垫面状况和坡面形态不同而发生变异。沙丘迎风坡坡脚因出露坚硬、含砾石地表,颗粒跃移高度大,风沙流上层相对输沙率大;迎风坡沙粒沿坡向上运动,颗粒跃移高度减小,风沙流中近地表相对输沙率大;沙丘背风坡沙粒沿坡向下运动,加之来自丘顶变型跃移物质的影响,风沙流上层相对输沙率较大;脊线受迎风坡各个断面地形差异的影响,各观测点间风沙流结构差异显著。风沙流结构在迎风坡和丘顶均遵循指数递减规律(Q=aexp(-z/b)),其中,指数函数拟合中系数a与输沙率具有良好的幂函数关系,随风速增加而增加,但二者关系较弱;b与二者无相关性。背风坡风沙流结构具有明显的分段现象,以0.10 m高度为界,下层符合指数函数,上层符合幂函数。  相似文献   

海南岛西部土地沙漠化时空模拟及虚拟政策实验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析海南岛西部土地沙漠化演变过程及其动力机制,构建沙漠化元胞自动机模型,预测2010年海南岛西部土地沙漠化状态,进行两种典型的虚拟政策实验。结果表明:1)基于元胞自动机技术建立土地沙漠化防治政策虚拟实验室,可对多方案政策主导下的土地沙漠化时空过程进行有效仿真、预测和可视化表达;2)未来5~10 a若仍维持目前的土地开发模式和政策状态,海南岛西部土地沙漠化将有较明显的扩展倾向,必须实施有利于沙漠化逆转的政策措施。  相似文献   

海南岛逐日太阳总辐射长期演变特征与关联因子   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解海南岛太阳辐射资源的时空变化规律及变化原因,以海口(1961―2013 年)和三亚(1993―2013年)2 个气象站点长时间序列逐日太阳总辐射、日照时数、气温等观测资料为基础,利用气候倾向率、Mann-Kendall突变检验方法分析了全年、雨季、旱季日均太阳总辐射的长期演变特征,利用多重线性回归分析了辐射变化的主要关联气象因素。结果表明:1961―2013 年期间海口全年、雨季、旱季日均太阳总辐射气候倾向率分别为0.021、0.004、0.038 MJ/m2,1993―2013 年三亚全年、雨季、旱季日均太阳总辐射气候倾向率分别为-0.68、-0.658、-0.714MJ/m2。海口日均太阳总辐射变化呈波动趋势,全年、雨季日均太阳总辐射显著的“变暗期”分别出现在1975―1992、1975―1990 年;海口旱季日均太阳总辐射呈先降后升的趋势,1967―2003 年为下降期,2003 年之后呈现上升趋势,显著的“变暗期”为1995、1988―1989 年。1993 年以来,三亚全年、雨季、旱季日均太阳总辐射变化都呈下降趋势,显著的“变暗期”分别出现在1999―2013(全年)、2000―2003 和2009―2011 年(雨季)、1996―2001 和2004―2013 年(旱季),突变年份分别为1997、1995、1995 年。三亚站点太阳辐射资源较海口站点丰富;日照时数与海口全年、雨季、旱季和三亚全年、雨季日均太阳总辐射变化关联度最强,而日平均气温则与三亚旱季日均总辐射变化关联度最强。  相似文献   

以海南岛东寨港、清澜港与三亚河3个红树林自然保护区为研究区,综合比较了人工与天然红树林6种重金属(Cd、As、Cu、Cr、Pb和Zn)的地累积指数、潜在生态危害指数、生物富集系数与转运系数的差异。结果表明:1)研究区红树林沉积物中,Cd呈现强度—极强度污染,As为中度—强度污染,Cr属中度污染,Zn为轻度污染,Cu与Pb表现为无至轻度污染;从区域空间看,Cd污染表现为:东寨港(强度—极强度)>清澜港(强度)>三亚河(无污染),As污染表现为:清澜港(中度—强度)>东寨港(中度—强度)>三亚河(中度);Cr污染表现为:东寨港(中度)>清澜港(轻度)>三亚河(无污染)。2)东寨港人工无瓣海桑、天然白骨壤、人工与天然桐花树、人工与天然海莲,清澜港的天然桐花树Cd的值(单一重金属潜在生态危害系数)属较强潜在生态风险,东寨港与清澜港的天然正红树林、清澜港的人工无瓣海桑、天然杯萼海桑和天然海莲Cd的值属中等潜在生态风险,其余红树植物6种参评元素的值与RI值(多重金属总潜在生态风险指数)均属轻微级;综合而言,Cd、As、Pb和Cr似乎更易引发海莲、桐花树与无瓣海桑的健康风险问题。3)人工与天然红树植物各器官对6种参评重金属的富集系数大体表现为:根>枝>叶;红树植物植株平均富集系数总趋势为:三亚河人工红树林>三亚河天然红树林>清澜港天然红树林>东寨港天然红树林>清澜港人工红树林>东寨港人工红树林。4)人工与天然红树林的重金属转运系数都显示出:叶—枝>枝—根>叶—根;植株平均转运系数总趋势:三亚河人工红树林>三亚河天然红树林>东寨港天然红树林>东寨港人工红树林>清澜港天然红树林>清澜港人工红树林。5)红树植物与林下沉积物重金属含量之间具有强的正相关关系,这表明控制沉积物重金属含量和减少外源重金属污染是维护红树林湿地生态系统健康重要而有效的环节。6)同一地区同种红树植物在吸附重金属能力上人工林略强于天然林,这可能与人工红树林的营林环境、人为扰动存在一定关联。  相似文献   

旅游资源是旅游业发展的基础,也是区域旅游空间竞争的支撑。旅游业的发展取决于旅游资源的利用程度,研究其空间结构对其开发利用具有重要的指导意义。基于旅游资源的大样本数据,从旅游资源的多类型、多层次、多组合的特点出发,提出了旅游资源空间结构分析的框架和方法。以海南岛为例,运用点模式分析方法描述海南岛旅游资源的空间结构,识别旅游资源开发区,并提出旅游资源开发建议。研究结果如下:(1)海南岛旅游资源空间结构尺度规模为30.5 km,各类旅游资源分布差异显著。(2)基于旅游资源空间结构结果分析,确定旅游资源开发区,包括三级旅游中心热点区、“一横三纵”旅游带和四个旅游组合区。(3)通过分析海南岛旅游资源开发区的分布特征,发现旅游资源开发区跨界特征明显。为了充分发挥旅游资源的空间组合和叠加效应,建议从单一、孤立的开发转变为区域间的整合开发。在省域尺度上,基于大样本量点数据来描述旅游资源的空间结构特征相对准确。点模式分析方法不仅可以准确描述旅游资源的空间结构,还可以为其他面向空间规划的区域空间分析提供参考。研究结果为区域旅游资源空间规划提供了科学依据,对区域旅游发展具有现实意义。  相似文献   

Reunion Island is characterized by rapid landscape evolution resulting from its cyclonic tropical climate. However, local active surface processes are not well understood. The relationships between climatic events, large scale landslides and torrential transport of sediment by the rivers remain unclear. The Remparts River is an appropriate area for studying such geomorphological processes, as it deeply incises the active Piton de la Fournaise volcano. In this study, different approaches are used to analyze the morphological evolution of the river from the sediment production areas to the outlet over the last 40 years. Recurrent events of huge mass wasting occur at Mahavel Cliff, upstream of one of the river tributaries, the most recent producing around 50×106 m3 of sediment in 1965. Combined analyses of the sequence of cyclonic events, major mass wasting events and aerial photography interpretation over the last 40 years led to the proposal of a functional model of river system responses to these events. The river system can be divided into three compartments, each affected by three classes of geomorphological events. The sedimentary response (erosion and/or aggradation) of each compartment to a triggering event, such as cyclonic rainfall and/or seasonal rise of water discharge, is controlled both by the magnitude of the climatic event and by the state of the compartment resulting from previous evolution. A set of five aerial photographs and a satellite image showing the evolution of the studied area during the last 40 years are examined in detail in the light of the functional model. Observations confirm a rapid and complex evolution of the river bed (erosion and aggradation), and provide information about the dynamics of the sediment transfer from the production areas to the ocean. Analysis of two distinct topographic datasets bracketing the last major cyclone Dina in 2002 allows the estimation of the river sediment budget resulting from this event. The net volume of aggraded sediments in the river bed is estimated at around 8×106 m3.With no major collapse event recorded at Mahavel Cliff, sediment transfer due to the flood associated with the 3-day cyclone Dina event is responsible for this significant increase in river bed sediment volume. This quantification shows that several million cubic meters of sediment may take only a few years to spread over more than 5 km downstream. The river bed has now reached its highest elevation since the 1965 landslide, with potential consequences for natural hazards in the area of the outlet at the city of Saint-Joseph.  相似文献   

The Boao coastal system along the eastern coast of Hainan Island is a dynamic delta-tidal inlet-barrier formed during the late Holocene. The delta developed inside a shallow lagoon barred by a sandy barrier with a narrow, shallow tidal inlet opening. Two major distributary channels separated by small islands characterize the delta. The lagoon is silting up receiving and trapping sediments from both the river and, in minor measure during storms, through the tidal inlet opening and barrier washovers. The barrier at the tidal inlet is highly dynamic and changes its form, accreting (migrating spit) against the inlet during fair-weather conditions and being eroded during storms and river floods.The delta has almost completely filled the lagoon and major concerns exist on the effect that ongoing large development plans may have on the environment. These concerns include the effect on floods and rate of siltation once banks of the islands have been stabilized and floodwater and sediment load are impeded from spreading over the lowlands, and the effect of increasing pollutant loads from the new facilities on the ecosystems of the increasingly restricting lagoon water and on the seashores.  相似文献   

基于Voronoi模型的海南岛旅游资源集合体空间边界提取   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
旅游资源是旅游业发展的物质条件,是开展各项旅游活动的载体和基础.旅游资源分类方法和评价理论研究已取得了较大的进展,但在旅游资源调查与规划实践中,以有研究通常将一个景区或大规模地理实体与小规模实体在同一个标准下衡量与对比,未考虑旅游资源的地理空间尺度特征.不同尺度的旅游地域空间,旅游资源评价、规划方法及其开发方向都不同....  相似文献   

通过调查取样,对比分析了海南岛中部山区天然林地及林地转变为橡胶林后的土壤物理和化学性质差异.结果表明:(1)不同林地对砂、粉粒和黏土粒度分布的影响显著,天然林地0~30 cm、30~60 cm和60~120 cm三个深度的土壤的物理性黏粒含量均高于人工林地.(2)天然林地和人工橡胶林三层的土壤容重和田间持水量均存在显著差异,天然林地0~30 cm和30~60 cm的土壤田间持水量大于人工橡胶林.(3)两种林地的上、中、下三层土壤的有机质、全氮、碱解氮均有很大差异.天然林地土壤上层( 0~30 cm)有机质  相似文献   

许莉佳  余克服  李淑 《热带地理》2016,36(6):915-922
在全球气候变暖和人类活动加剧导致珊瑚礁严重衰退的背景下,以抗逆性强的澄黄滨珊瑚(Porites lutea)为研究对象,于 2013 年 10 月―2014 年 8 月在海南岛文昌和三亚对其共生藻密度及光合效率开展了季节性调查研究。结果显示:1)澄黄滨珊瑚共生藻的密度及光合效率均存在显著的季节变化,共生藻密度在冬季最低、夏季较高,其光合效率在冬季较高,春夏季较低。2)澄黄滨珊瑚共生藻密度的空间差异远小于其季节变化的差异,但水深 1~2 m 澄黄滨珊瑚共生藻的密度普遍高于水深 4~6 m 的澄黄滨珊瑚,三亚澄黄滨珊瑚共生藻的光合效率明显高于文昌。3)进一步分析发现,在诸多环境因子中,海表温度 SST 和水体营养是驱动海南岛澄黄滨珊瑚共生藻密度及光合效率变化的主要环境因素,而光合效率的空间差异则可能是珊瑚对生存环境长期驯化的结果。由于文昌和三亚沿岸海水养殖和潜水旅游等人类活动频繁,礁区海水面临富营养化的风险,推测海南岛澄黄滨珊瑚面临 SST 上升和营养胁迫联合效应的严重威胁。  相似文献   

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