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Tiomin Resources Inc. (“Tiomin”), the proponent of the Kwale Mineral Sands Project in Kenya, presents a response to the article authored by J. O. Z. Abuodha and P. O. Hayombe, entitled “Protracted Environmental Issues on a Proposed Titanium Minerals Development in Kenya's South Coast”, published in Volume 24, Number 2, April–June 2006. This article contains a series of inaccuracies, some grossly misleading and many statements relate to outdated information. Tiomin is greatly concerned at the publication of such a misleading report and is obliged to state the facts correctly. This response seeks to identify the misrepresentation of statements and/or facts in the article and present a correct and accurate perspective on the environmental issues of the project.  相似文献   

Soundings on nautical charts provide information about the shape of the ocean bottom between chart depth curves. A single chart may have thousands of soundings posted on it. This article describes a system for automatic cartographic sounding selection. In this system, a new algorithm for automated selecting soundings is developed. The algorithm is employed in such a way that it can guarantee (a) fast and accurate selecting sounding, (b) processing the circular depth curves, (c) solving the overplotting problems between depth curves and soundings, and (d) keeping selected soundings “prettier.” The system was intensively tested using real data sets, and its superiority has been revealed by the testing results.  相似文献   

This article introduces the most advanced form of electronic chart display and information systems (ECDIS) which complies with the performance standards for ECDIS established by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and International Hydrographic Organization (IHO). It also describes the key features and the important functions of ECDIS, which we developed. This system is different from the productions developed by C-map, Seven-cs, offshore, and others. It is more suitable for China Marine Safety Administration Bureau to manage the navigation marks real-time. Using this system charts were located and accessed rapidly, and displayed smoothly. This article also discusses in ECDIS application system how to dynamically access and desert charts data in a limited memory (limited computer memory and resource). We constructed a tridimensional structure to manage a large amount of charts data. Vertically, according to the scale range, all charts were divided into eight levels, and a data structure called as “Multiple Scale Quad-tree” was constructed. And horizontally, a grid (every unit has a fixed size) was given to a certain scale level. We call this data structure a “Regular Page.” We explore the implementation of such a structure on the worldwide charts management utilizing quad-trees. Then we discuss the future development of ECDIS and its application system in marine agencies in China.  相似文献   

Sequence stratigraphy analysis of high resolution seismic profiles (Geopulse, Uniboom and 3.5 kHz) of late Pleistocene-Holocene sediments has been carried out on five sectors of the Spanish continental margin. Four types of depositional settings are distinguished in these sectors: (1) low subsident ramps (Alborán Margin-Cádiz Gulf); (2) high subsident (2m/kyr) ramps (Alicante-Valencia); (3) “Ria”-type morphology on the Atlantic passive margin (Ria de Muros); and (4) fault-scarp morphology systems with subsidence (Balearic Margin). A Type 1 sequence is interpreted in all these sectors, being composed of lowstand systems tract, transgressive systems tract and highstand systems tract. This conforms to the basic concepts of sequence stratigraphy and each systems tract correlates with a particular part of the last eustatic hemicycle. Characteristic shelf features such as terraces, terraces with beach deposits and progradational sediment wedges evidence a complex stacking of lesser sub-sequences in all the systems tracts, which must be related to very-short period sea-level stillstands and fall. We propose a very high resolution sequence stratigraphy model in which the last sea-level hemicycle is punctuated by: “P” cycles (4500 years), which give rise to the neo-glacial events; “h” cycles (2200-950 years), and “c” cycles (500-50 years). These cycles interact with each other, thus establishing the placing of the high and low sea levels.

This attention to detail: (1) explains sedimentary evolution on both the shelf and upper slope during late Pleistocene-Holocene time; (2) illustrates some departures from the classical sequence stratigraphy model; and (3) also demonstrates that the late Pleistocene-Holocene eustatic curve is not one simple transgression but is modulated by three differing-period cycle groups below the Milankovitch band. Our model is delimited by fluctuating sea level during Pleistocene-Holocene times. Such features should be identifiable on any continental margin. However, localized features occur due to subsidence and continental shelf morphology which determ ine the location and depth of sedimentary bodies generated in each eustatic cycle.  相似文献   

Giorgio Anfuso   《Marine Geology》2005,220(1-4):101-112
This paper analyzes methods and terminologies used in literature for the determination and characterization of vertical distribution of sediment-activation depth, which is bottom sediment layer affected by hydrodynamic processes. Studies on this topic include assessments carried out during short time spans, from minutes to few hours or longer periods, from a tidal cycle to several days. In the first case, activation is generally named “mixing depth” and is calculated by evaluating vertical distribution of fluorescent tracers. In the second case, it is referred to as “disturbance depth” and is generally evaluated using plugs of marked sand and rods, or rods with a loose-fitting washer. Vertical cross and longshore distribution of mixing and disturbance depth values, recorded in different works with different techniques, were also analyzed highlighting the conceptual differences between used methods and obtained results. In a further step, a data set from literature on this topic was gathered to obtain new formulations between disturbance depth and beach and wave characteristics as well as morphodynamic beach state, expressed throughout the surf scaling parameter and the surf similarity index. Good linear regressions were observed between these variables, obtaining expressions that can be easily used in a wide range of beach states, from dissipative and intermediate to reflective ones.  相似文献   

Coastal-morphological, geophysical (ground-penetrating radar [GPR]), and sedimentological data document extreme storm events along the sandy barriers of Maine's south–central (Hunnewell and Flat Point barriers) and southwestern (Saco Bay barriers) coastal compartments. The Hunnewell barrier contains four equally spaced buried storm scarps behind the exposed scarp of the Blizzard of 1978, a 100-year storm that eroded more than 100 m of shoreline, causing extensive property loss. These scarps dip 3–5° steeper than the normal beachface slope and consist of sands with more than 50% heavy minerals. The heavy minerals produce distinct subsurface reflections that facilitate the location of buried supratidal parts of storm scarps and the mapping of ancient poststorm shoreline positions. The imaged scarps likely formed within the past 1.5–2.0 ka BP. The Flat Point barrier consists of a prograded sequence overlain by a laterally extensive, seaward-thinning layer of freshwater peat and capped by aeolian sands. This stratigraphy suggests that the bog varied in size through time, contracting during overwash events and aeolian deposition and expanding across washover sheets during extended periods of barrier stability. The main overwash event accompanied by barrier planation and wetland expansion may be linked to the first historical storm in New England, the “Great Colonial Hurricane” of 1635.

Evidence of near-modern and mid-Holocene storm events along Saco Bay includes washover units and marsh ridges. Washovers interfinger with saltmarsh peat that ranges in age from 4.5 ka BP to modern. The presence of isolated sandy ridges behind existing and former tidal inlets reflects overtopping of marshes and high intertidal mudflats during major storms. Radiocarbon ages indicate that this process took place at different locations along the Saco Bay barrier complex from 3 to 1 ka BP.  相似文献   

George Anastasakis   《Marine Geology》2007,240(1-4):113-135
Santorini volcano has been the largest source of volcaniclastic sediment in the Eastern Mediterranean during the late Quaternary. A dozen cores from the Cretan Basin, south of Santorini, have sampled two megabeds that consist of gravity emplaced volcaniclastic sequences. The uppermost megabed U consists of a succession of five (U5–U1) base cut out turbiditic units. Lower megabed A is a single turbiditic event. Only the uppermost U2 and U1 turbidites are separated from the underlying beds by hemipelagic marls. The texture and composition of the U and A megabeds closely match the texture and composition of the fine, vitric ash of the “Minoan” deposits on Santorini islands, dating from about 3500 yr BP. These megabeds are therefore attributed to rapid accumulation of separate gravity flows fed by the “Minoan” eruption, except for the upper U2 and U1 turbidites deposited from subsequent gravity flows transporting eroded volcaniclastic sediments. With the exception of the margin south of Santorini, dozens of cores retrieved around the margins of the Cretan Basin have a continuous late Quaternary succession that shows no evidence for massive sediment remobilization into the deeper basin, including the passage of the “Minoan” tsunami.

Extensive high-resolution 3.5 kHz records revealed the acoustic character, architecture and distribution of the U and A megabeds and four underlying late Quaternary volcanogenic megabeds in the Cretan Basin. The acoustic facies of megabeds are typical of megaturbidites and consist of an upper, transparent, lower velocity layer that corresponds to the fine-grained upper turbiditic silt and clay section and a lower, strongly reflective higher velocity section that corresponds to the lowest, coarser-grained base of the turbidite that is developed over a sharp erosional surface. Penetration of the high-resolution records reveals the existence of at least six megabeds. Correlation with core lithology and the physical properties of the various lithofacies, including down-core velocity profiles, has allowed us to determine the thickness and volumes of the upper four megabeds which are: U ≤ 9 m thick, volume 3.7 km3; A ≤ 25 m thick, volume 12.2 km3; B ≤ 22 m thick, volume 10.3 km3; C ≤ 15 m thick, volume 8 km3. These thick megabeds are the uppermost products of repeated explosive eruption of Santorini in the late Quaternary. Calculated sedimentation rates from and after the “Minoan” eruption are 9.4 m/1000 yr that rise to over 15.7 m/1000 yr if megabed B was also deposited during this eruption.  相似文献   

Christoph Vogt  Jochen Knies   《Marine Geology》2008,250(3-4):211-222
This study focuses on sedimentological investigations of sediment cores recovered during the international Arctic′91, expeditions with the German research ice breaker RV “Polarstern” to the European sector of the Arctic Ocean. Here, we deduce the last glacial/interglacial changes in transport mechanism and sedimentation from the clay mineral group smectite. We choose the smectites as an example of how sediment mineralogy can be linked with particular source regions (the Kara and Laptev seas), distinct transport mechanism (sea ice and surface currents) and sedimentation processes. Smectite contents in Arctic sediments discussed for two time slices, including the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), and the last deglaciation (Termination I), reveal the highest variability subsequent to the retreat of the Eurasian ice sheets. Our results show that smectite anomalies in the Eurasian Basin are associated with distinct meltwater pulses and occurred around 13.5–13.0 14C ka B.P. Compelling evidence is provided that these anomalies are deduced from sea-ice entrained sediments from the eastern Kara Sea that entered the Arctic Ocean after ice-sheet break-up and eventually flooding of the Kara Sea. We propose that smectite anomalies in sediments of the eastern Arctic Ocean can be utilized to identify deglacial events and to help decipher configurations of the Eurasian ice sheets. The identification of smectite maxima along the modern sea-ice edge in the Eurasian Basin further indicates biologically enhanced sedimentation from melting sea ice allowing the reconstruction of seasonally open water in the region. Hence, considering the poor preservation conditions of primary paleoceanographic proxies in the Arctic Ocean, the clay mineral contents, particularly the smectite group, may be one alternative tool for paleoclimatic reconstruction in the Eurasian Basin.  相似文献   

Variations in clay mineral composition of sediment cores from the margin and continental slope of the Sunda Shelf (southern South China Sea, SE Asia) covering the past 17,000 yr reflect changing influences of sediment sources together with clay mineral partitioning processes in shallow waters. We identify the deglacial sea level rise as the principal factor driving these changes. During the late glacial, high values of kaolinite are interpreted to reflect a higher contribution of clays from soils that have formed on the exposed Sunda Shelf and in the southern archipelagos of Indonesia. At this time core sites were located in close proximity to the mouths of the Sunda Shelf palaeo-drainage systems on the emerged shelf (“Sundaland”). The progressive landward displacement of the coastline and breakdown of these vast drainage systems during deglaciation led to a decrease in influence of the kaolinite-rich southern sources. When the coastline had retreated closely to its present-day position in mid-Holocene times, the former dominance of southern sources was replaced by a stronger influence of illite-rich sources (e.g. Borneo). The overriding control of sea level changes on the clay mineral distribution patterns precludes a definite climatic interpretation of clay mineral data in terms of climatic/monsoonal changes in such highly dynamic sedimentary environment.  相似文献   

Naresh Kumar   《Marine Geology》1979,30(3-4):175-191
In the equatorial Atlantic the Ceará and Sierra Leone rises lie on opposing sides of the mid-ocean ridge and are equidistant from its axis. The northern and southern boundaries respectively, of the two rises are formed by the same fracture zones. The area of shallowest acoustic basement under the Ceará Rise coincides with the presence of a 1–2 km thick seismic layer (velocity: 3.5 km/sec) lying over the oceanic layer 2. This 3.5 km/sec layer is interpreted as a sequence of volcanics which began erupting about 80 m.y. ago when the sites of the two rises lay at the ridge axis. As the “abnormal” volcanic activity ceased, the breakup of this volcanic pile into two pieces has formed the Ceará and Sierra Leone rises.

In the South Atlantic, the northern and southern boundaries of the Rio Grande Rise are also formed by fracture zones and an approximately 1 km thick layer with a velocity of 3.5 km/sec exists also under this rise. The same fracture zones appear to bound the Walvis Ridge. Drilling data suggests that both the Rio Grande Rise and Walvis Ridge have subsided continuously since their creation. The igneous rocks recovered from both rises consist of alkalic basaltic suites typical of oceanic volcanic islands. The existing data favor a model in which “excessive” volcanism along the same segment of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge created both the South Atlantic aseismic rises between 100 and 80 m.y. ago. In both the examples, the northern and southern boundaries of the rises are formed by the same fracture zones which originally bounded the abnormally active segment of the ridge axis.  相似文献   

The “separation formula”, a new method for computing the adiabatic inter-hemispheric meridional transport, is applied to the Pacific Ocean. The method involves an integration of the wind stress along a “horseshoe” path. It begins at the separation point of the East Australian Current, continues eastward across the ocean, progresses northward along the continental boundary, and then turns back westward across the ocean to the separation point of the Kuroshio. Since the Pacific is closed on the northern side, such an integration gives the wind-driven Indonesian throughflow.The analytical formulas show that, in order for the adiabatic wind-driven throughflow to exist, it is necessary that there be an asymmetry in the winds associated with the two zonal cross-sections connecting the (northern and southern) separation points in the west to the continents in the east. It turns out that these asymmetries in the Pacific are relatively small and, consequently, do not allow for a significant (i.e. more than one Sverdrup) Indonesian transport. Specifically, in the Pacific, this wind-driven transport is directed to the south, implying a very small net Indian-to-Pacific transport rather than a Pacific-to-Indian transport. The adiabatic model fails, therefore, to explain the observed Pacific-to-Indian throughflow of 5-6 Sv.When an upwelling is added to the model (to simulate diabatic processes), then one obtains the result that all the water upwelled in the Pacific must exit the Pacific via the Indonesian seas, i.e. the wind field is effectively blocking the oceanic region between Australia and South America, forcing the upwelled water into the Indian Ocean. This model suggests, therefore, that the observed Pacific-to-Indian throughflow is a measure of the upwelling in the Pacific.  相似文献   

A seabed 2-m-long cone penetrometer and coring system (Geotechnical Module) has been used at 17 stations in four transects on the Scotian Slope to characterise in situ shear strength and induced pore pressure on several different types of late Pleistocene and early Holocene failure. Study sites were selected using the SAR high-resolution deep-towed acoustic system equipped with a digital 160–190 kHz sidescan sonar and a 3.5 kHz subbottom profiler.

Several distinctive types of “geotechnical signature” were recognised from plots of cone resistance and induced pore pressure with depth in the sediment. Normally consolidated sediments show a progressive increase in cone resistance with depth (to about 75 kPa at 2 m subbottom). Holocene surficial muds show spectacular apparent overconsolidation, reaching a peak of 250 kPa at about 50 cm subbottom and then decreasing down to 1.5 m. This overconsolidation is associated with Zoophycos burrows. Late Pleistocene sediments exhumed by bedding plane slides show strong true overconsolidation consistent with the original depth of burial inferred from high-resolution seismic stratigraphy. Debris flows show only a slight shear stress gradient with depth (40–45 kPa over 0.5–1 m subbottom) with under-consolidation due to remoulding of sediment.  相似文献   

A brief history of recognition of the Kuroshio   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Dynamic responses of structures due to earthquake excitation are the important problems in engineering, thus, the information concerned is plenty. However, most of the literature is relating to the discrete methods, particularly to the finite element method (FEM), and the one relating to the method combining both the “continuous” and “discrete” models is rare. The objective of this paper is to provide some information in this respect. First, the analytical solution for the natural frequencies and normal mode shapes of a “continuous” tower, without contacting water (or “dry” tower), carrying an eccentric tip mass possessing rotary inertia is determined. Next, the partial differential equation of motion for the forced vibration of the tower, contacting water (or “wet” tower), subjected to support excitation is transformed into a matrix equation by using the last natural frequencies and normal modes shape of the freely vibrating dry tower. Finally, the numerical integration method is used to solve the matrix equation to yield the seismic response of the wet tower. In theory, the mode superposition method is correct only if the total number of modes considered approaches infinity, however, numerical results of this paper reveal that superposition of only the lowest six modes will yield excellent results to be very close to the corresponding ones obtained from the conventional FEM. For this reason, the CPU time required by the presented approach is less than 5% of that required by the conventional FEM.  相似文献   

Alternative placement technique for antifer blocks used on breakwaters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
O. Yagci  S. Kapdasli 《Ocean Engineering》2003,30(11):1433-1451
In this study, a placement technique named as “alternative placement technique” was developed for antifer blocks and the results of its application to a breakwater model were presented. This placement technique was compared with the existing techniques such as the “regular placement technique”, the “irregular placement technique” and the “sloped wall placement technique” by experiments. The comparison was carried out considering armor layer stability, prototype placement, clarity of the placement technique’s definition, armor layer cost, and wave runup. As a result of this investigation the “alternative placement technique” was found to be superior to the other existing placement techniques.  相似文献   

In this paper the “total (practical) stability” concept is introduced to nonlinear forced rolling motion of a ship. This is achieved by employing “boundedness” and “Lyapunov's function” approach. In this respect two new theorems are proved and conditions and domain of Practical Stability are evaluated. The Paper also contains a critical review of the present status of international intact ship stability regulations. A qualitative discussion of oscillatory rolling motion and the capsizing phenomena is presented.  相似文献   

Seafloor geomorphology and surficial stratigraphy of the New Jersey middle continental shelf provide a detailed record of sea-level change during the last advance and retreat of the Laurentide ice sheet (120 kyr B.P. to Present). A NW–SE-oriented corridor on the middle shelf between water depths of 40 m (the mid-shelf “paleo-shore”) and 100 m (the Franklin “paleo-shore”) encompasses 500 line-km of 2D Huntec boomer profiles (500–3500 Hz), an embedded 4.6 km2 3D volume, and a 490 km2 swath bathymetry map. We use these data to develop a relative stratigraphy. Core samples from published studies also provide some chronological and sedimentological constraints on the upper <5 m of the stratigraphic succession.The following stratigraphic units and surfaces occur (from bottom to top): (1) “R”, a high-amplitude reflection that separates sediment >46.5 kyr old (by AMS 14C dating) from overlying sediment wedges; (2) the outer shelf wedge, a marine unit up to 50 m thick that onlaps “R”; (3) “Channels”, a reflection sub-parallel to the seafloor that incises “R”, and appears as a dendritic system of channels in map view; (4) “Channels” fill, the upper portion of which is sampled and known to represent deepening-upward marine sediments 12.3 kyr in age; (5) the “T” horizon, a seismically discontinuous surface that caps “Channels” fill; (6) oblique ridge deposits, coarse-grained shelly units comprised of km-scale, shallow shelf bedforms; and (7) ribbon-floored swales, bathymetric depressions parallel to modern shelf currents that truncate the oblique ridges and cut into surficial deposits.We interpret this succession of features in light of a global eustatic sea-level curve and the consequent migration of the coastline across the middle shelf during the last 120 kyr. The morphology of the New Jersey middle shelf shows a discrete sequence of stratigraphic elements, and reflects the pulsed episodicity of the last sea-level cycle. “R” is a complicated marine/non-marine erosional surface formed during the last regression, while the outer shelf wedge represents a shelf wedge emplaced during a minor glacial retreat before maximum Wisconsin lowstand (i.e., marine oxygen isotope stage 3.1). “Channels” is a widespread fluvial subarial erosion surface formed at the late Wisconsin glacial maximum 22 kyr B.P. The shoreline migrated back across the mid-shelf corridor non-uniformly during the period represented by “Channels” fill. Oblique ridges are relict features on the New Jersey middle shelf, while the ribbon-floored swales represent modern shelf erosion. There is no systematic relationship between modern seafloor morphology and the very shallowly buried stratigraphic succession.  相似文献   

Morphodynamics of a bar-trough surf zone   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A field study was made of the distinguishing morphodynamic processes operating in a surf zone which perennially exhibits accentuated bar-trough topography (the “longshore-bar-trough” and “rhytmic-bar-and-beach” states as described by Wright and Short, 1984). Characteristic features of the morphology include a shallow bar with a steep shoreward face, a deep trough, and a steep beach face. This morphology, which is favored by moderate breaker heights and small tidal ranges, strongly controls the coupled suite of hydrodynamic processes. In contrast to fully dissipative surf zones, the bar-trough surf zone is not at all saturated and oscillations at incident wave frequency remain dominant from the break point to the subaerial beach. The degree of incident wave groupiness does not change appreciably across the surf zone. Infragravity standing waves which, in dissipative surf zones, dominate the inshore energy, remain energetically secondary and occur at higher frequencies in the bar trough surf zone. Analyses of the field data combined with numerical simulations of leaky mode and edge wave nodal—antinodal positions over observed surf-zone profiles, indicate that the frequencies which prevail are favored by the resonant condition of antinodes over the bar and nodes in the trough. Standing waves which would have nodes over the bar are suppressed. Sediment resuspension in the surf zone appears to be largely attributable to the incident waves which are the main source of bed shear stress. In addition, the extra near-bottom eddy viscosity provided by the reformed, non-breaking waves traversing the trough significantly affects the vertical velocity profile of the longshore current. Whereas the bar is highly mobile in terms of onshore—offshore migration rates, the beach face and inner regions of the trough are remarkably stable over time.  相似文献   

From the results of a parameter optimization process based on a “minimum feasible volume” criterion, it is shown that the optimum shape for a transatlantic, deep-diving, autonomous submersible is a “low drag” hull shape with a displaced volume of 4.4 m3, a length of 5.97 m and a maximum diameter of 1.33 m. Calculations show that a vehicle of these dimensions, travelling in a minimum drag “cruise” configuration at a depth of 3000 m, say, and at a velocity of 2.5 m/sec could have a maximum range of 7000 km provided the “hotel” power consumption is kept low.  相似文献   

Most of the existing relevant materials have been obtained from experiments, in which evaluating the added mass at the resonant frequency corresponding to the peak of a frequency-response curve obtained from the “forced” vibration analysis is the most popular technique. In this paper, a simple experimental method was presented where the “free” vibration responses instead of the “forced” ones were used to determine the values of mah and Iap. The main part of the experimental system is composed of a floating body (model) and a spring–shaft shaker. The “free” vibration of this main part was induced by imposing on it an initial displacement (and/or an initial velocity), and from the time histories of displacements information such as the “damped” natural frequencies, damping ratios, sectional added mass coefficients (CV and CP) were obtained. Since the displacements of the spring–shaft shaker are “translational” and those of the floating body due to pitch motions are “angular”, a technique for the transformation between the associated parameters of the two components of the main part was presented.  相似文献   

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