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This paper addresses temporal variability in bottom hypoxia in broad shallow areas of Mobile Bay, Alabama. Time-series data collected in the summer of 2004 from one station (mean depth of 4 m) exhibit bottom dissolved oxygen (DO) variations associated with various time scales of hours to days. Despite a large velocity shear, stratification was strong enough to suppress vertical mixing most of the time. Bottom DO was closely related to the vertical salinity gradient (ΔS). Hypoxia seldom occurred when ΔS (over 2.5 m) was <2 psu and occurred almost all the time when ΔS was >8 psu in the absence of extreme events like hurricanes. Oxygen balance between vertical mixing and total oxygen demand was considered for bottom water from which oxygen demand and diffusive oxygen flux were estimated. The estimated decay rates at 20°C ranging between 0.175–0.322 d−1 and the corresponding oxygen consumption as large as 7.4 g O2 m−2 d−1 fall at the upper limit of previously reported ranges. The diffusive oxygen flux and the corresponding vertical diffusivity estimated for well mixed conditions range between 8.6–9.5 g O2 m−2 d−1 and 2.6–2.9 m2 d−1, respectively. Mobile Bay hypoxia is likely to be associated with a large oxygen demand, supported by both water column and sediment oxygen demands, so that oxygen supply from surface water during destratification events would be quickly exhausted to return to hypoxic conditions within a few hours to days after destratification events are terminated.  相似文献   

The size-fractionated phytoplankton biomass and primary production were investigated in four contrasting areas of Hong Kong waters in 2006. Phytoplankton biomass and production varied seasonally in response to the influence of the Pearl River discharge. In the dry season, the phytoplankton biomass and production were low (<42 mg chl m−2 and <1.8 g C m−2 day−1) in all four areas, due to low temperatures and dilution and reduced light availability due to strong vertical mixing. In contrast, in the wet season, in the river-impacted western areas, the phytoplankton biomass and production increased greater than five-fold compared to the dry season, especially in summer. In summer, algal biomass was 15-fold higher than in winter, and the mean integrated primary productivity (IPP) was 9 g C m−2 day−1 in southern waters due to strong stratification, high temperatures, light availability, and nutrient input from the Pearl River estuary. However, in the highly flushed western waters, chl a and IPP were lower (<30 mg m−2 and 4 g C m−2 day−1, respectively) due to dilution. The maximal algal biomass and primary production occurred in southern waters with strong stratification and less flushing. Spring blooms (>10 μg chl a L−1) rarely occurred despite the high chl-specific photosynthetic rate (mostly >10 μg C μg chl a −1 day−1) as the accumulation of algal biomass was restricted by active physical processes (e.g., strong vertical mixing and freshwater dilution). Phytoplankton biomass and production were mostly dominated by the >5-μm size fraction all year except in eastern waters during spring and mostly composed of fast-growing chain-forming diatoms. In the stratified southern waters in summer, the largest algal blooms occurred in part due to high nutrient inputs from the Pearl River estuary.  相似文献   

The northern Gulf of Mexico (NGOMEX) was surveyed to examine the broad-scale spatial patterns and inter-relationships between hypoxia (<2?mg?L?1 dissolved oxygen) and zooplankton biovolume. We used an undulating towed body equipped with sensors for conductivity, temperature, depth, oxygen, fluorescence, and an optical plankton counter to sample water column structure, oxygen, and zooplankton at high spatial resolution (1?m??vertical; 0.25?C1?km??horizontal). We contrast the distribution of zooplankton during summer surveys with different freshwater input, stratification, and horizontal and vertical extent of bottom-water hypoxia. Bottom-water hypoxia did not appear to influence the total amount of zooplankton biomass present in the water column or the areal integration of zooplankton standing stock in the NGOMEX region surveyed. However, where there were hypoxic bottom waters, zooplankton shifted their vertical distribution to the upper water column during the day where they normally would reside in deeper and darker waters. When bottom waters were normoxic (>2?mg?L?1 dissolved oxygen), the daytime median depth of the water column zooplankton was on average 7?m deeper than the median depth of zooplankton in water columns with hypoxic bottom waters. A reduction in larger zooplankton when there were hypoxic bottom waters suggests that if zooplankton cannot migrate to deeper, darker water under hypoxic conditions, they may be more susceptible to size-selective predation by visual predators. Thus, habitat compression in the northern Gulf of Mexico due to hypoxic bottom water may have implications for trophic transfer by increasing the contact between predators and prey.  相似文献   

Development of seasonal hypoxia was studied weekly in the western narrows of Long Island Sound (WLIS) during the summers of 1992 and 1993 by measuring hydrographic properties, biological oxygen demand (BOD), biomass, production, and mortality of phytoplankton and bacterioplankton in the water column. Dissolved oxygen in bottom waters was low and variable during stratified periods (19–51% saturation), oscillating in and out of hypoxic conditions (defined as <3 mg O2 l−1 or 94 μM O2). Hypoxia was more prevalent in 1993 than in 1992, corresponding to greater water column stratification in 1993. Microbial BOD in bottom waters appeared to be fueled by delivery of autochthonous carbon from phytoplankton blooms rather than allochthonous carbon input. Phytoplankton production responded to elevated NH4 + concentrations, especially when the mixed layer was shallow. NH4 + concentrations generally varied as a function of the preceding week's rainfall (r2=0.765). Bacterial production did not covary with phytoplankton production, yet was closely correlated with particulate organic carbon, which was chlorophyll-rich. Results indicate that the timing and severity of hypoxia development are strongly coupled to allochthonous input of NH4 + after heavy precipitation. Observations illustrate for the first time that bottom waters in this system oscillate in and out of hypoxia on an almost weekly basis rather than sustain them over the entire stratified period. The frequency of these oscillations depends upon variations in nutrients, planktonic production and export, and bottom water ventilation.  相似文献   

We described seasonal fish-assemblages in an estuarine marsh fringing Matagorda Bay, Gulf of Mexico. Habitat zones were identified by patterns of fish species abundance and indicator species optima along gradients in salinity, dissolved oxygen (DO), and depth in our samples. Indicators of the lower brackish zone (lower lake and tidal bayou closest to the bay) were gulf menhaden (Brevoortia patronus), bay anchovy (Anchoa mitchilli), silver perch (Bairdiella chrysoura), and spotted seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus) at salinity >15‰, DO 7–10 mg l−1, and depth <0.5 m. Indicators of the upper brackish zone (lake and fringing salt marsh) were pinfish (Lagodon rhomboides) and spot (Leiostomus xanthurus) at salinity 10–20‰, DO >10 mg l−1, and depth <0.5 m. In the freshwater wetland zone (diked wetland, ephemeral pool, and perennial scour pool), indicators were sheepshed minnow (Cyprinod on variegatus), rainwater killifish (Lucania parva), mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis), and sailfin molly (Poecilia latipinna) at salinity <5‰, DO <5 mg l−1, and depth ≥1 m. In the freshwater channelized zone (slough and irrigation canal), indicators were three sunfish species (Lepomis), white crappie (Pomoxis annularis), and gizzard shad (Dorosoma cepedianum) at salinity <5‰, DO <5 mg l−1, and depth >1.5 m. In brackish zones, seasonal variation in species diversity among sites was positively correlated with temperature, but assemblage structure also was influenced by depth and DO. In the freshwater zones, seasonal variation in species diversity among sites was positively correlated with depth, DO, and salinity, but assemblage structure was weakly associated with temperature. Species diversity and assemblage structure were strongly affected by the connectivity between freshwater wetland and brackish zones. Uncommon species in diked wetlands, such as tarpon (Megalops atlanticus) and fat sleeper (Dormitator maculatus), indicated movement of fishes from the brackish zone as the water level rose during natural flooding and scheduled (July) releases from the diked wetland. From September to July, diversity in the freshwater wetland zone decreased as receding waters left small isolated pools, and fish movement became blocked by a water-control structure. Subsequently, diversity was reduced to a few species with opportunistic life histories and tolerance to anoxic conditions that developed as flooded vegetation decayed.  相似文献   

 Spatial variations in the density and velocity fields have been observed in the Gareloch (Scotland) during surveys in 1987–1988 and 1993–1994. The variation of the density field has been analyzed on a variety of time scales from semidiurnal to seasonal in order to quantify effects caused by the forcing factors of tidal mixing, freshwater input, and wind. Initial results indicate that water density in the loch is controlled (to a major degree) by the freshwater input from runoff from the local catchment area and from freshwater entering on the flood tide from the Clyde Estuary. It is estimated that during winter periods the high freshwater flows from the rivers Leven and Clyde into the Clyde Estuary account for up to 75% of the freshwater creating the density structure in the loch. Analysis of long-term dissolved oxygen data reveals that major bottom water renewals occurred between July and January in the years 1987–1994. Major bottom water dissolved oxygen renewals have a general trend but during the year sporadic renewals can take place due to abnormal dry spells increasing the density of the water entering from the Clyde, or consistently strong winds from the north reducing stratification in the loch and producing better mixed conditions. Velocities vary spatially, with the highest velocities of up to 0.6 m s–1 being associated with the velocity jet effect at the constriction at the sill of the loch. Observed near-surface mid-loch velocities increased as the vertical density gradients in the upper layers increased. This indicates for the observed conditions that increased stratification in the upper layers inhibits the entrainment rate and hence rate of gain of thickness of the wind-driven surface layer, resulting in increased surface velocities for a given wind speed and direction. The main flow is concentrated in the upper 10 m and velocities below 10 m are low. Observed mean spring tide surface velocities are on average 30% greater than mean neap tide surface velocities. Received: 22 May 1995 · Accepted: 23 August 1995  相似文献   

Hypoxia occurs during summer in the southeastern region of Corpus Christi Bay, Texas. The objectives of this study were to identify potential causes of recurrent hypoxic events, to determine hypoxic effects on benthic macroinfauna, and to develop models of benthic response. Long-term and short-term hydrographic surveys were performed, and macroinfaunal samples were collected from normoxic and hypoxic regions of the bay. Hypoxia occurred in seven of the nine summers sampled (1988 to 1996). In 1994, the hypoxic event persisted for approximately 3 wk. Hypoxic events were associated with water column stratification where the difference between bottom and surface salinity was as high as 7.2‰ and averaged 4.1‰ The salinity difference is surprising because water column stratification is not expected in shallow (< 4 m), windy (average 18.5 km h−1) bays. Stratification did occur—hypersaline bottom water in a relatively stagnant portion of the bay—in spite of mixing forces (i.e., high winds), giving rise to hypoxia. Benthic biomass decreased 12-fold, and abundance and diversity decreased 5-fold under hypoxic conditions. In addition, dominance patterns shifted as oxygen levels declined from 5 mg O2 1−1 to <1 mg O2 1−1. The polychaete Streblospio benedicti and oligochaetes tolerated low oxygen better than other infauna. Community response to hypoxic disturbance was fit to a nonparametric categorical model and a parametric logistic model. Biomass, abundance, and diversity exhibited a lag response at <3 mg l−1, and increased exponentially from 3 mg 1−1 to 6 mg 1−1. Based on both models, 3 mg 1−1 appears to define the breakpoint between normoxic and hypoxic benthic communities in Corpus Christi Bay. This value is higher than traditional definitions of hypoxia, <2 mg 1−1 or <2 ml 1−1 (ca. 2.8 mg 1−1). *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY085 00002  相似文献   

We examined high frequency fluctuations in water quality parameters in two tropical coastal plain estuaries in response to changing tidal flow conditions. The variability in total suspended sediments (TSS), volatile suspended solids (VSS), total organic carbon (TOC) concentrations, and indicators of water quality, including pH, temperature, salinity, and dissolved oxygen, over one spring tidal cycle during the early wet monsoon season was measured in two estuaries in eastern Sumatra. The relatively high rainfall experienced throughout the year, in combination with the recent extensive vegetation clearing and modification of the landscape, resulted in significant concentrations of TSS, VSS, and TOC being discharged to coastal waters. Maximum values are reached on the ebb tide (TSS > 1,013 mg l−1; VSS > 800 mg l−1; TOC >60 mg l−1). The influence of freshwater discharge and tidal flow on water properties of the lower estuaries is also marked by the variability in salinity, dissolved oxygen, and pH over the tidal cycle, with minimum values for each of these parameters following maximum current velocities and after the completion of the strong ebb tide. Estimation of seaward sediment fluxes, which are of significant interest in a region where rapid environmental change is occurring, would require further examination of sedimentary processes, such as resuspension and advection of sediment, as well as a consideration of neap-spring tidal variations and the effect of seasonality on estuarine circulation.  相似文献   

Hydraulic properties of the crystalline basement   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Hydraulic tests in boreholes, up to 4.5 km deep, drilled into continental crystalline basement revealed hydraulic conductivity (K) values that range over nine log-units from 10−13−10−4 m s−1. However, K values for fractured basement to about 1 km depth are typically restricted to the range from 10−8 to 10−6 m s−1. New data from an extended injection test at the KTB research site (part of the Continental Deep Drilling Program in Germany) at 4 km depth provide K=5 10−8 m s−1. The summarized K-data show a very strong dependence on lithology and on the local deformation history of a particular area. In highly fractured regions, granite tends to be more pervious than gneiss. The fracture porosity is generally saturated with Na–Cl or Ca–Na–Cl type waters with salinities ranging from <1 to >100 g L−1. The basement permeability is well within the conditions for advective fluid and heat transport. Consequently, fluid pressure is hydrostatic and a Darcy flow mechanism is possible to a great depth. Topography-related hydraulic gradients in moderately conductive basement may result in characteristic advective flow rates of up to 100 L a−1 m−2 and lead to significant advective heat and solute transfer in the upper brittle crust. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Crystalline basement can contain notable quantities of thermal/mineral waters. Knowledge about their movement and it characteristics (fluxes, velocities, trajectories) is of great relevance for subjects like waste disposal or geothermal resources. Geothermal methods enable to quantify these flow characteristics. The use and potential of several methods is demonstrated at three sites, all from Hercynian basement in Western Europe. The results show rather uniform characteristics: Darcy flow velocities on the order of 10−11–10−10 m s−1; the domain of flow ranges down to 5–7 km depth.  相似文献   

This study examined freshwater discharge of dissolved organic matter (DOM) to the shallow Lavaca–Matagorda (LM) Bay estuarine system along the central Texas coast and investigated whether chromophoric DOM (CDOM) photochemical reactions have the potential to stimulate microbial activity within LM estuarine waters. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations ranged from 3 to 10 mg C l−1 and CDOM levels (reported as a 305) ranged from 8 to 77 m−1 during April and July, 2007, when the LM system was experiencing very high freshwater inputs. DOC and CDOM levels were well-correlated with salinities > 3, but exhibited considerable variability at salinities < 3. CDOM photobleaching rates (i.e., decrease in a 305 resulting from exposure to solar radiation) for estuarine samples ranged from 0.014 to 0.021 h−1, corresponding to photobleaching half-lives of 33–50 h. Our data indicate when Matagorda Bay waters photobleach; dissolved organic carbon utilization is enhanced perhaps due to enhanced microbial respiration of biologically labile photoproducts (BLPs). Net ecosystem metabolism calculations indicate that most of the LM system was net heterotrophic during our study. We estimate that BLP formation could support up to 20% of the daily microbial respiratory C demand in LM surface waters and combined with direct photochemical oxygen consumption could have an important influence on O2 cycles in the LM system.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate the quality and usage possibility of groundwater in the Çavuşçayı basin and suggest the best water structure for the groundwater use. Results from hydrochemical analyses reveal that groundwater is mostly affected by salty (Na+–Cl) waters of the Incik Formation and brackish (Ca2+, Mg2+–SO 4 2− ) waters of the Bayındır Formation. The Alibaba saltpan discharged (2 l/s) from the Incik Formation is used for salt production. In the basin, salinity risk increases with depth and along the groundwater flow direction. Therefore, shallow water and trenches opened in the alluvium aquifer at the east of the basin were determined to yield suitable water with no Na+ and Cl contamination. Following the heavy rainy period, waters of less salinity and conductivity are possibly used for agriculture.  相似文献   

Underway current velocity profiles were combined with temperature and salinity profiles at fixed stations to describe tidal and subtidal flow patterns in the middle of the northernmost Chilean fjord, Estuario Reloncaví. This is the first study involving current velocity measurements in this fjord. Reloncaví fjord is 55 km long, 2 km wide, and on average is 170 m deep. Measurements concentrated around a marked bend of the coastline, where an 8-km along-fjord transect was sampled during a semidiurnal tidal cycle in March 2002 and a 2-km cross-fjord transect was occupied, also during a semidiurnal cycle, in May 2004. The fjord hydrography showed a relatively thin (<5 m deep), continuously stratified, buoyant layer with stratification values >4 kg m−3 per meter of depth. Below this thin layer, the water was relatively homogeneous. Semidiurnal tidal currents had low amplitudes (<10 cm s−1) that allowed the persistence of a surface front throughout the tidal cycle. The front oscillated with a period of ca. 2.5 h and showed excursions of 2 km. The front oscillations could have been produced by a lateral seiche that corresponds to the natural period of oscillation across the fjord. This front could have also caused large (2 h) phase lags in the semidiurnal tidal currents, from one end of the transect to the other, within the buoyant layer. Tidal phases were relatively uniform underneath this buoyant layer. Subtidal flows showed a 3-layer pattern consisting of a surface layer (8 m thick, of 5 cm s−1 surface outflow), an intermediate layer (70 m thick, of 3 cm s−1 net inflow), and a bottom layer (below 80 m depth, of 3 cm s−1 net outflow). The surface outflow and, to a certain extent, the inflow layer were related to the buoyant water interacting with the ambient oceanic water. The inflowing layer and the bottom outflow were attributed to nonlinear effects associated with a tidal wave that reflects at the fjord's head. The weak subtidal currents followed the morphology of the bend and caused downwelling on the inside and upwelling on the outside part of the bend.  相似文献   

Oxygen exchange experiments have been performed between single crystals of sanidine feldspar and oxygen gas enriched in 18O, at temperatures in the range 869–1053 °C, total pressure 1 atmosphere, for times up to 28 days. Oxygen isotope diffusion profiles in a direction perpendicular to (001) were determined with an ion microprobe. The experimental data obey a single Arrhenius relationship of the form D = 8.4 × 10−11 exp. (−245 ± 15 kJ mol−1/RT) m2s−1. The results indicate that oxygen diffusion in anhydrous sanidine feldspar is marginally slower than oxygen diffusion in anhydrous anorthite. Comparison with published atomistic simulation studies suggests that oxygen transport in feldspar is by an interstitial mechanism. Received: 17 October 1997 / Accepted: 6 July 1998  相似文献   

SeaWiFS ocean color measurements were used to investigate interannual, monthly, and weekly variations in chlorophylla (chla) on the Louisiana shelf and to assess relationships with river discharge, nitrate load, and hypoxia. During the study period (2000–2003), interannual changes in shelf-wide chla concentrations averaged over January–July ranged from +57% to −33% of the 4-yr average, in accord with freshwater discharge changes of +20% to −29% and nitrate load changes of +20% to −35% from the Mississippi and Atchafalaya Rivers. Chla variations were largest on the shelf between the Mississippi and Atchafalaya Deltas. Within this region, which corresponds spatially to the area of most frequent hypoxia, lowest January–July mean chla concentrations (5.5 mg m−3 over 7,000 km2) occurred during 2000, the year of lowest freshwater discharge (16,136 m3 s−1) and nitrate load (55,738 MT N d−1) onto the shelf. Highest January–July mean chla concentrations (13 mg m−3 over 7,000 km2) were measured in 2002, when freshwater discharge (27,440 m3s−1) and nitrate load (101,761 MT N d−1) were highest and second highest, respectively. Positive correlations (R2=0.4–0.5) were found between chla and both fresh water and nitrate loads with 0 to 1 month lags, with the strongest relationships just west of the Mississippi Delta. In 2001, unusually clear skies allowed the identification of distinct spring and summer chla blooms west of the Mississippi Delta 4–5 wk after peaks in river discharge. East of the delta, the chla concentrations peaked in June and July, following the seasonal reversal in the coastal current. A clear linkage was not detected between satellite-measured chla and hypoxia during the 4-yr period, based on a time series of bottom oxygen concentrations at one station within the area of most frequent hypoxia. Clear relationships are confounded by the interaction of physical processes (wind stress effects) with the seasonal cycle of nutrient-enhanced productivity and are influenced by the prior year's nitrate load and carbon accumulation at the seabed.  相似文献   

Concentration profiles of O2, NH4 +, NO3 , and PO4 3− were measured at high spatial resolution in a 12-cm thick benthic mat of the filamentous macroalga Chaetomorpha linum. Oxygen and nutrient concentration profiles varied depending on algal activity and water turbulence. High surface irradiance stimulated O2 production in the surface layers and introduced O2 to deeper parts of the mat while the bottom layers of the mat and the underlying sediment were anoxic. Nutrient concentrations were highest in the bottom layers of the mat directly above the sediment nutrient source and decreased towards the surface layers due to algal assimilation and enhanced mixing with the overlying water column. Increased turbulence during windy periods resulted in more homogeneous oxygen and nutrient concentration profiles and shifted the oxic-anoxic interface downward. Denitrification within the mat, as measured by the isotope pairing technique on addition of 15NO3 , was found to take place directly below the oxic-anoxic interface. Denitrification activity was always due to coupled nitrification-denitrification, whereby nitrifiers in the mat utilize NH4 + diffusing from below and O2 diffusing from above. The denitrification rate in the mat ranged from 22 μmol m−2 h−1 to 28 μmol m−2 h−1, approximately equivalent to that measured in the surrounding nonvegetated sediment. Although sediment denitrification is suppressed when the sediment surface is covered by a dense macroalgal mat, the denitrification zone may migrate up into the mat. In eutrophic estuaries with a large area of macroalgal cover, the physical structure and growth stage of algal mats may thus play an important role in the regulation of nitrogen removal by denitrification.  相似文献   

The applicability of the natural abundance of nitrogen gas isotope ratios was used to indicate the spatial distribution of nitrogen transformations in the water column and sediment pore waters of Lake Ngapouri, a small (area 0.19 km2), monomictic, eutrophic lake in the Taupo Volcanic Zone, North Island, New Zealand. Samples were collected from the epilimnion, hypolimnion, benthic boundary layer and at 5-cm intervals from the sediment pore waters at monthly intervals for 1 year. Values of δ15N [N2] ranged from −1 to 0.28‰ in the epilimnion, −1.5 to 1.25‰ in the hypolimnion, −1.8 to 12.2‰ in the benthic boundary layer and −0.7 to 3.5‰ in sediment pore waters. Values of δ15N [N2] showed a strong seasonal pattern that was related to the loss of dissolved oxygen in the hypolimnion during seasonal stratification. Increases in 15N-enriched dinitrogen take place in the benthic boundary layer during the periods of anoxia (taken to be dissolved oxygen concentrations <6.3 μM) and may be related to abundant ammonium substrate (up to 275 μM) to support denitrification. Nitrate concentrations increased up to 36 μM with increasing duration of anoxia. We hypothesise that an alternative electron acceptor besides oxygen is required to support the nitrification needed for the production of nitrate. Iron and manganese hydroxides and oxides from material sedimenting out of the water column may have induced chemo-nitrification sufficient to oxidise ammonium in the anoxic benthic boundary layer. The nitrate formed would mostly be rapidly denitrified so that the δ15N [N2] would continue to become enriched during the presence of anoxia, as observed in hypolimnion and benthic boundary layer of Lake Ngapouri. The changes in δ15N [N2] values indicate the potential use of isotope ratios to identify and quantify potential chemo-nitrification/denitrification in the water column and sediment pore waters of lakes.  相似文献   

Geochemical mixing models were used to decipher the dominant source of freshwater (rainfall, canal discharge, or groundwater discharge) to Biscayne Bay, an estuary in south Florida. Discrete samples of precipitation, canal water, groundwater, and bay surface water were collected monthly for 2 years and analyzed for salinity, stable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen, and Sr2+/Ca2+ concentrations. These geochemical tracers were used in three separate mixing models and then combined to trace the magnitude and timing of the freshwater inputs to the estuary. Fresh groundwater had an isotopic signature (δ 18O = −2.66‰, δD −7.60‰) similar to rainfall (δ 18O = −2.86‰, δD = −4.78‰). Canal water had a heavy isotopic signature (δ 18O = −0.46‰, δD = −2.48‰) due to evaporation. This made it possible to use stable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen to separate canal water from precipitation and groundwater as a source of freshwater into the bay. A second model using Sr2+/Ca2+ ratios was developed to discern fresh groundwater inputs from precipitation inputs. Groundwater had a Sr2+/Ca2+ ratio of 0.07, while precipitation had a dissimilar ratio of 0.89. When combined, these models showed a freshwater input ratio of canal/precipitation/groundwater of 37%:53%:10% in the wet season and 40%:55%:5% in the dry season with an error of ±25%. For a bay-wide water budget that includes saltwater and freshwater mixing, fresh groundwater accounts for 1–2% of the total fresh and saline water input.  相似文献   

The Izmit Bay is an elongated semi-enclosed bay in the Marmara Sea. It is being increasingly polluted by both domestic and industrial waste discharge since 1970’s. A monitoring program was conducted between 1999-2000 to document the state of pollution in the bay. This includes the effect of Marmara (Izmit) earthquake (magnitude 7.4) that occurred in August 1999. A stable two-layer ecosystem exists in the bay throughout the year due to continuous inflows of the saltier Mediterranean and brackish Black Sea waters to the Marmara basin. Therefore, the principal biochemical characteristics of the bay are governed by the two-layer flow system over the basin. Dissolved oxygen (DO) is generally at a saturated levels in the surface layer which is 10 to 15 m thick, but it is depleted to 60–70 μM in the lower layer, exhibiting a steep gradient in the sharp halocline. When the earthquake occurred, great loads of industrial wastes were released into the bay surface waters, which enhanced primary production in the upper layer and thus large export of particulate organic matter to lower layer and eventually to the bottom. Accordingly, DO was consumed and anoxic condition was established even in the upper layer/halocline interface, the halocline and bottom waters of the eastern and central bay. In this period, concurrent increases were observed in phosphate and ammonia contents at the halocline and in deep waters whilst the nitrate was almost consumed via denitrification processes in the anoxic water. Recently, the industrial C, N and P loads increased by as much as 8 fold within five years (1995–2000) whilst domestic inputs increased by 50%. Total organic matter discharged to the bay increased more than double within the last 15 years. Besides, most factories in the region release toxic wastes into the bay after only partial treatment.  相似文献   

A diel biogeochemical study was performed to assess the influence that periods of elevated biological activity have on the biogeochemical cycling of macronutrients and redox-sensitive elements in a natural estuarine environment. High-resolution data (15 min sampling) illustrates periodic extreme variations in dissolved oxygen (DO) in the shallow waters of Azevedo Pond, Elkhom Slough, California. During periods of low tidal flushing, DO values can range from highly oxic (>560 μM O2: >250% saturation) during sunny days to suboxic conditions (<5 μM) at night. Nutrient cycling and redox-sensitive trace element biogeochemistry were evaluated in response to the extreme daily DO fluctuations. A diel sampling study was conducted over a 26-h period, where O2 concentrations ranged from 346 μM to sustained non-detectable levels in the night hours. In concert with the DO fluctuations, diel phosphate cycling was on the order of 4 μM in response to tidal flushing events and biological assimilation and regeneration. The IO3 /I redox couple quickly responded to suboxic conditions in the water column by a marked increase in I concentrations and corresponding depletion of IO3 . The extreme fluctuations of the p∈ in the water column resulted in diel dissolved Mn2+ variations of nearly 5 μM, with observed dissolved Mn removal rates on the order of 1 μM h−1. The elevated biogeochemical cycling of oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, iodine, manganese, and iron found in this shallow estuarine environment suggest that tidal restrictions and anthropogenic nutrient enrichments can amplify diel variations and potentially hinder the functional and ecological stability of these systems. These data suggest that accurate chemical monitoring of the health of an estuarine ecosystem must account for the diel variability inherent in these highly productive environments.  相似文献   

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