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Apparent resistivity is a useful concept for initial quickscan interpretation and quality checks in the field, because it represents the resistivity properties of the subsurface better than the raw data. For frequency‐domain soundings several apparent‐resistivity definitions exist. One definition uses an asymptote for the field of a magnetic dipole in a homogeneous half‐space and is useful only for low induction numbers. Another definition uses only the amplitude information of the total magnetic field, although this results in a non‐unique apparent resistivity. To overcome this non‐uniqueness, a complex derivation using two different source–receiver configurations and several magnetic field values for different frequencies or different offsets is derived in another definition. Using the latter theory, in practice, this means that a wide range of measurements have to be carried out, while commercial systems are not able to measure this wide range. In this paper, an apparent‐resistivity concept is applied beyond the low‐induction zone, for which the use of different source–receiver configurations is not needed. This apparent‐resistivity concept was formerly used to interpret the electromagnetic transients that are associated with the turn‐off of the transmitter current. The concept uses both amplitude and phase information and can be applied for a wide range of frequencies and offsets, resulting in a unique apparent resistivity for each individual (offset, frequency) combination. It is based on the projection of the electromagnetic field data on to the curve of the field of a magnetic dipole on a homogeneous half‐space and implemented using a non‐linear optimization scheme. This results in a fast and efficient estimation of apparent resistivity versus frequency or offset for electromagnetic sounding, and also gives a new perspective on electromagnetic profiling. Numerical results and two case studies are presented. In each case study the results are found to be comparable with those from other existing exploration systems, such as EM31 and EM34. They are obtained with a slight increase of effort in the field but contain more information, especially about the vertical resistivity distribution of the subsurface.  相似文献   

Very low frequency (VLF) military communications systems provide a primary field that can be used for shallow geophysical surveys to locate ground water contamination and vertical geologic contacts. Useful properties that can be easily obtained from the interaction of the earth and the primary field are the magnitude of the vertical secondary magnetic field, the surface impedence, and the phase angle between the electrical and magnetic horizontal components. The variations in the secondary magnetic field can be related to vertical geologic contacts, such as the edges of landfill trenches. The surface impedence yields an apparent terrain conductivity, which can be used to locate low-resistivity anomalies often associated with contaminated ground water. The phase angle gives information on vertical variations in resistivity, phase angles less than 45° indicating increasing resistivity with depth. The depth of penetration of the VLF field is about one skin depth. For a frequency of 20 kHz, the skin depth in meters is approximately equal to 3.67 where p is terrain resistivity in ohmmeters.  相似文献   

A horizontal transmitter loop (vertical magnetic dipole) is used for frequency electromagnetic (FEM) soundings. The frequency ranges from approximately 6 Hz to about 4000 Hz. The vertical and radial magnetic field components are measured for 20 frequencies per decade several hundred meters from the transmitter loop. A very small bandwidth is selected for amplification using a reference signal. An Apple computer is used for data acquisition. A computer program for Marquardt inversion optimizes the parameters for the n-layer case: the resistivities and thicknesses of individual beds and a correction factor for the primary magnetic field. Interpretation of each component individually yields practically the same parameters. Examples from the field are given with interpretation; comparison with dc resistivity measurements is provided. The ratio of vertical/radial magnetic field components vs. frequency can be transformed simply into apparent resistivity vs. apparent depth. This can be done in the field to obtain an estimation of the depth of the layer boundaries. FEM results are compared with Schlumberger d.c. sounding obtained at the same site.  相似文献   

Very low frequency electromagnetic (EM) methods using VLF transmitters have found many applications in subsurface geophysical investigations. Surface measurements involving both the vertical component of the magnetic field (VLF-EM or VLF-Z) and of the apparent resistivity (VLF-R) are increasingly common. Although extensive VLF data sets have been successfully used for mapping purposes, modelling and interpretation techniques which asess the third (i.e. depth) dimension appear limited.Given a profile of VLF-R measurements the main purpose of the present study is to demonstrate an automatic method for the construction of a resistivity cross-section. The technique used is one of a new generation of regularised inversion methods. These techniques attempt to overcome the problem of equivalence/non-uniqueness in EM sounding data by constructing the resistivity distribution with the minimum amount of structure that fits the data.VLF data represent a special case of plane-wave EM sounding in that they conform, in practice, to a single-frequency technique. This fact imposes a limitation in the amount of vertical resolution that we can expect using such data. In the case of two-dimensional modelling and inversion, resolution through the cross-section is a resultant attribute from both vertical and lateral resistivity gradients within the subsurface. In order to provide insight into the practical application of regularised inversion techniques to VLF data, both synthetic and field examples are considered. Both sets of examples are primarily concerned with VLF data applied to near-surface fault mapping where the main aim is to assess the location, dip and depth extent of conductive subsurface features.  相似文献   

We report on strong coast effect distortions observed for broadband marine magnetotelluric (MT) data collected on the forearc offshore northeastern Japan. Eight days of horizontal electric and magnetic fields recorded at eight seafloor stations and the horizontal magnetic fields from a land remote station were processed with a robust multiple-station algorithm, yielding good MT responses and inter-station transfer functions at periods of 7–10,000 s. Transverse electric (TE) mode responses have cusps in apparent resistivity and negative phases at periods around 1000 s, while the transverse magnetic (TM) mode responses are galvanically depressed below the TE responses. An analysis of inter-station transfer functions confirms that the apparent resistivity cusps are a magnetic field, rather than electric field, phenomenon, consisting of an amplitude minimum and rapid phase change around a characteristic frequency. Poynting vectors for a TE coast effect model study illustrate that the anomalous phases are associated with energy diffusing back up to the seafloor from below, after being turned around from its usual downward propagating trajectory by inductive coupling between the conductive ocean and the resistive seafloor along the continental margin. We show that the characteristic frequency and position of the TE mode apparent resistivity cusps are determined by a relatively simple combination of the electrical resistivity of the seafloor, the depth of the ocean, and the distance from the coastline. By including coastlines and bathymetry in 2D inversion, we recover the seafloor conductivity structure along the forearc, demonstrating that broadband data can constrain the thickness of conductive forearc sediments and the underlying high resistivity associated with the mantle wedge and subducting oceanic lithosphere.  相似文献   

The induction problem for an inhomogeneous two-dimensional conductor presenting a vertical contact between two media of diverse conductivities is considered. The general solution of the Helmholtz equation in the atmosphere is constructed for a simple induction mechanism. It is found that in the E-polarization case the anomalous field behavior in the boundary region and beyond differs from the generally assumed one. The conclusion of this paper is that the boundary conditions widely utilized in numerical computations have to be modified.  相似文献   

Summary The electric and magnetic field variations over an arbitrarily sloping ocean floor are represented in series of Bessel functions forH-polarized uniform plane wave excitation. Calculation of the spatial variations of electric eurrents and apparent resistivity near a coastline will determine the usefulness of the magnetotelluric method in this application.The work presented herein was conducted at the Institute for Applied Mathematics of the University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway.  相似文献   

本文根据视电阻率定义的原则,以及用不同的场量定义的视电阻率效果不同这一事实,提出一种新的全波视电阻率定义.在全区同时用均匀大地上电磁场的三个分量来分区定义祝电阻率.在远区视电阻率由磁场的水平分量求出,在近区由磁场的垂直分量或其实分量定义,而在过渡区则由电场的水平分量确定.用这种方法定义的视电阻率为电磁响应的单值函数,它随频率变化的曲线显著改善,能直观地反映地层电阻率随深度的变化,数值比较接近地层的真电阻率值,假极值效应明显压低.在计算中用切比雪夫多项式分段拟合均匀大地电磁响应的反函数,并给出一套系数,由此算出的视电阻率误差小于1%.  相似文献   

The rotating current EM method has been applied to the delineation of two conductive orebodies, Elura near Cobar, NSW, and Thalanga near Charter's Towers, Queensland. The field data were collected in the form of observations of the vertical magnetic field strength ratio and phase difference using a Turam-style receiver with twin vertical coils. By reconstituting this data back to the ring source field and phase, i.e. the observed Hz, phasor, it is possible to present contoured maps of the EM field. Anomaly phasors are obtained by subtracting theoretical phasors from the observed phasors in the complex plane of the Hz phasor. The theoretical phasors for the finite source are based on horizontally layered, half-space earth models, computed at each point of the survey grids, then normalized to selected points of the observed fields. Use is made of the intrinsic circular symmetry of the method in X–Y plots of field versus source-receiver distance to ascertain geoelectric parameters for the earth models. A steel picket fence at Thalanga is modelled by a line source grounded at each end and its Hz, phasor is removed by the same process. A considerable improvement in anomaly delineation is gained over previous Turam-style anomalies and the two survey examples illustrate the limitations of the method in the presence of a conductive overburden (Elura) and its abilities in the absence of a conductive overburden (Thalanga).  相似文献   

Abstract Distinctive fault ruptures, the Nojima Fault and Ogura Fault, appeared along the northwestern coast of Awaji Island at the time of the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake (Kobe earthquake). In order to delineate the shallow resistivity structures around the faults just after they formed, Very Low Frequency Magnetotelluric (VLF-MT) surveys were made at five sites along the Nojima Fault and at one site along the Ogura Fault. Fourteen transects were made at the one site on the Ogura Fault, and another transect covers the area between the two faults. Changes in apparent resistivity or phase, or both, commonly occur when crossing the surface location of one of the faults, except for the northern transects at OGR-0 on the Ogura Fault. Apparent resistivity values of less than 100 Ωm were observed for Tertiary and Quaternary sediments and values larger than 200 Ωm for granitic rocks. The resistivity structures are related to the morphological characteristics of the fault ruptures. Remarkably conductive zones (less than 10 Ωm in apparent resistivity and 30–40 m in width) were found where the surface displacement is distinct and prominent along a single fault plane. If remarkably conductive zones were formed at the time of the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake, the results provide a good constraint on the dimensions of a conductive zone near the surface that was made by one earthquake. Alternatively, if characteristic resistivity structures existed prior to the earthquake, the conductive zone was probably formed by some tens of earthquakes in relatively modern times. In this case, this phenomenon is inferred to be a concentration of fracturing in a narrow zone and is associated with the formation of clay minerals, which enhance rock conductivity.  相似文献   

Laboratory analogue model magnetic measurements are carried out for a model of the region including Tasmania, Bass Strait with its highly conductive deep sedimentary basins, and the south coast of mainland Australia. The model source frequencies used simulate naturally occurring geomagnetic variations of periods 5–120 min. In-phase and quadrature magnetic Hx, Hy and Hz field measurements for the modelled region are presented for an approximately uniform overhead horizontal source field for E-polarization (electric field of the source in the N-S direction) and for H-polarization (electric field of the source in the E-W direction). Large anomalous in-phase and quadrature model magnetic fields are observed over Bass Strait and the coastal regions at short periods for both E- and H-polarization, but with increasing period, the field anomalies decrease more rapidly for E-polarization, than for H-polarization. The difference in response with polarization for the Bass Strait region is attributed to current induced in the deep ocean, for all periods, being channelled through Bass Strait for H-polarization but not for E-polarization. The persistent large coastal field anomalies elsewhere, for H-polarization, can be accounted for by the coastal current concentrations due to currents induced in the deep ocean for all periods deflected to the south and to the north by the shelving sea-floor and channelled through Bass Strait and around the southern coast of Tasmania. The phenomena of current deflection and channelling for H-polarization for the geometry of the southern Australia coastline and associated ocean bathymetry is particularly effective in producing field anomalies for a large period range.The coastal horizontal Hx and Hy field anomalies, present for E-polarization at short periods and for H-polarization at all periods, do not extend far inland, and thus, for inland station sites somewhat removed from the coast, should not present serious problems for magnetic soundings in field work. The sharp vertical field (Hz) gradient over Tasmania at short periods, which is predominantly in the E-W direction for E-polarization and the N-S direction for H-polarization, is strongly frequency dependent, becoming almost undetectable at 60 min. The behaviour of the Hz field gradients, however, are very similar from traverse to traverse over inland Tasmania, and thus, the effects of the ocean should not present too serious a problem in the interpretation of field station studies. The discrepancies between model and field station results should be useful in mapping geological boundaries in the region.  相似文献   

In the paper, the mathematical tools, used for the modelling of the electromagnetic field of the harmonic plane wave in the two-dimensional inhomogeneous medium (the case ofE-polarization), are presented. Further, the resolving power of some parameters, that are measured in the VLF and VLF-R methods, is compared in the case of two vertical conductive dykes. To this aim, all the usual parameters of the VLF method and the most important parameter of the VLF-R method () have been chosen. Two groups of models that differ in resistivities have been considered. In each of the groups the distance of the dykes is variable. The parameters |H y|, which has shown most promising in this respect, is examined also from the point of view of the sensibility to geological noise. The results of the modelling are illustrated by two examples of the results of field measurements.  相似文献   

An oscillating vertical line current source was used in the laboratory to simulate the naturally occurring 8 Hz Schumann Resonance field due to lightning strokes. Vertical to horizontal magnetic field ratios (coast effect), and magnetotelluric ratios, for traverses over a laboratory model of the Assistance Bay region of Cornwallis Island (N.W.T. Canada) for the vertical line current source field are compared with those for an overhead uniform source field. The E- and H-polarizations of the source fields used are defined as the cases of the horizontal magnetic field of the source roughly perpendicular and parallel to the general coastline, respectively.The magnetic field ratios are essentially identical for the two field sources for E-polarization, but differ by a factor of approximately two for H-polarization, with the ratios greater for the overhead source than for the vertical line current source. The magnetotelluric ratios are found to be identical for the two field sources of each of the E- and H-polarizations.  相似文献   

Summary The paper presents comprehensive theory based on the boundary integral method for calculations of the electric potential, electric field and corresponding magnetic field due to a pair of D.C. source electrodes near a vertical resistivity contact in the halfspace, indlucing a 3-D disturbing body in the vicinity of the contact. Special attention is paid to the case when the disturbing body touches the vertical contact. Results of numerical calculations are presented in the form of sounding curves and a set of isoline graphs for potential, components of the electric and magnetic field (total and anomalous) on the surface of the Earth. It is shown that the presence of the disturbing body at the contact is most pronounced in the electrical characteristics. Anomalies in the magnetic field are small in comparison to the field due to the electric current in the electrode cable and primary currents flowing from the electrodes.  相似文献   

The reliability of inversion of apparent resistivity pseudosection data to determine accurately the true resistivity distribution over 2D structures has been investigated, using a common inversion scheme based on a smoothness‐constrained non‐linear least‐squares optimization, for the Wenner array. This involved calculation of synthetic apparent resistivity pseudosection data, which were then inverted and the model estimated from the inversion was compared with the original 2D model. The models examined include (i) horizontal layering, (ii) a vertical fault, (iii) a low‐resistivity fill within a high‐resistivity basement, and (iv) an upfaulted basement block beneath a conductive overburden. Over vertical structures, the resistivity models obtained from inversion are usually much sharper than the measured data. However, the inverted resistivities can be smaller than the lowest, or greater than the highest, true model resistivity. The substantial reduction generally recorded in the data misfit during the least‐squares inversion of 2D apparent resistivity data is not always accompanied by any noticeable reduction in the model misfit. Conversely, the model misfit may, for all practical purposes, remain invariant for successive iterations. It can also increase with the iteration number, especially where the resistivity contrast at the bedrock interface exceeds a factor of about 10; in such instances, the optimum model estimated from inversion is attained at a very low iteration number. The largest model misfit is encountered in the zone adjacent to a contact where there is a large change in the resistivity contrast. It is concluded that smooth inversion can provide only an approximate guide to the true geometry and true formation resistivity.  相似文献   

航空电磁系统校准是开展实际测量工作的基础,校准情况直接影响数据处理和解释.传统校准方法通常假设在自由空间中进行,忽略导电大地耦合影响.然而,实际工作中很难找到绝对高阻的校准场地,导电大地对系统校准和观测数据的影响无法忽视.本文以频率域航空电磁系统为例,对导电大地上航电系统校准技术和校准误差改正方法进行研究.我们首先推导了层状导电大地上水平共面和直立共轴线圈系统的校准公式,结果表明导电大地对航电系统校准尤其是水平共面装置的高频信号影响很大.针对校准过程中大地电导率已知的情况,本文采用非线性方程求解技术一次性确定校准线圈位置和Q值;在没有任何辅助信息情况下,也可直接利用实测数据计算校正因子进行迭代求解.测试结果表明该方法快速、准确、有效.考虑到系统相位和增益调整直接影响观测数据,本文提出了航空电磁数据校准误差的改正算法.实测数据误差改正结果表明,导电大地对高频信号影响严重,校准误差改正后的航空电磁数据与实际地质资料更好吻合.  相似文献   

A simple filter is developed which transforms VLF-EM real magnetic field transfer functions into apparent resistivities. It is based on the relationship between the horizontal derivative of the surface electric field and the vertical magnetic field at the surface of a two-dimensional earth model. The performance of this simple autoregressive filter is tested for modelled and real survey data. The technique yields profiles of apparent resistivity very similar, both in magnitude and in wavelength, to those which would have been obtained using VLF-EM resistivity measurements or d.c. resistivity profiling. This low-pass filter has the advantage of reducing high-wavenumber noise in the data; therefore only the major features of the VLF-EM profile are displayed.  相似文献   

局部畸变问题曾经困扰大地电磁资料反演解释几十年,大地电磁三维数值模拟技术的发展为剖析局部畸变特点和得到可靠的反演成像结果提供了技术基础。本文采用三维数值模拟成像方法对典型三维局部畸变模型进行模拟分析。三维数值模拟结果显示:电场分量垂直电性分界面的极化模式视电阻率曲线(对应二维情况下TM模式)在穿越低阻异常体界面时,曲线会先上移后下移,而在穿越高阻异常体界面时,曲线会先下移后上移,这与电性分界面处积累面电荷产生的二次电场有关。三维模型中XY模式、YX模式视电阻率和相位在三维异常体附近的水平变化是呈现近似垂向对称的,该现象与电场垂直跨越电性界面时视电阻率的变化规律是吻合的,当测线分别沿X方向和Y方向展布时,三维情况下的XY和YX模式分别对应二维情况下的TM模式。低阻小异常体对区域构造响应的畸变影响比高阻小异常体要严重。低阻小异常体对二维区域响应的两种极化模式视电阻率和相位都有非常明显的畸变影响,相比较而言对TE模式的畸变要大于TM模式,因此我们在做二维反演解释时,可优先考虑拟合TM模式数据。位于小异常体中心上方测点的三维畸变响应虽然与对应真实二维区域响应的差异比较大,但可以等效于某种二维模型响应,这种由局部畸变造成的假二维响应在实际野外数据的解释中是需要注意的。   相似文献   

The digital linear filter method is used to compute the normalized vertical magnetic field for a circular loop in CFS system. Three-layer earth models with resistive and conductive basement are considered. The corresponding field expressions are suitably written, and the multifrequency response is computed and presented in convenient forms. Analysis of theoretical data indicates that for highly resistive basement, the variation in layer conductivity and intermediate layer thickness is well reflected on three-layer amplitude response curves at low frequencies and at high conductivity contrasts between first and second layers. This, however, is not true in the case of conductive basement, where the resolution of the intermediate layer is observed to be comparatively poor. The resolution of an intermediate conductive layer in a three-layer sequence is found to be satisfactory.  相似文献   

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