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An exact equation is derived for the error correlation function of model processes, governed by a barotropic vortex balance equation in a linear approximation. This equation can be effectively applied to assimilate data with small spatial-temporal discreteness when the assumption on error correlation function's stationarity (homogeneity, isotropicity) proves to be incorrect and leads to unsatisfactory results.Translated by Vladimir A. Puchkin.  相似文献   

Semidiurnal tides, and especially the lunar tide M2, are dominant dynamics in the Bay of Biscay. Strong tidal currents are associated with the presence of a significant continental slope. By combining Newton's gravitation laws and Euler's equations, Laplace's equations contain the astronomical forcing responsible for the observed semidiurnal tides. In shallow waters, this direct forcing is often neglected. We study here its influence on the tidal dynamics over the continental slope through the development of a simple model describing the barotropic semidiurnal dynamics on a transect perpendicular to the slope. This new model results from the combination of two different models, i.e. the one developed by Rosenfeld and Beardsley (1987), which takes into account the tide-generating force, and that of Battisti and Clarke (1982), which neglects it. A first model is developed by neglecting the direct astronomical forcing in equations: it consists in solving a second-order homogeneous propagation equation for the barotropic semidiurnal tide and needs only coastal conditions as well as the knowledge of the along-slope wave number of the solution. For a mean slope typical of the South Brittany area, this non-forced model provides results in accordance with those of Battisti and Clarke and Le Cann (1990): in particular, in the upper part of the slope, it shows a polarization inversion of tidal ellipses characteristic of the tidal dynamics observed in this area. Then, the direct astronomical forcing is kept in equations. The simple model developed without this forcing is fitted in order to solve the resulting forced propagation equation for the barotropic tide. The solution of this second model is the sum of a forced wave responding to the direct astronomical forcing and of a free wave generated at the coastal boundary. Under the same boundary conditions, the results obtained with the influence of the tide-generating force are then compared with those obtained without it. This comparison allows one to apprehend the importance of the direct astronomical forcing on tidal dynamics across the slope: in particular, the main difference appears in deep waters where this forcing induces a phase-lag between the plain and the shelf for the sea-surface slope.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments with a rotating tank confirm the bifurcation character of a barotropic flow driven by an inflow and an outflow described by Sakai (1986). The model, a circular basin with a topographic β-effect, simulates a mid-latitude oceanic feature. At a low Rossby number, stationary Rossby waves are observed which are symmetrical with a line connecting the inlet and the outlet. As the Rossby number increases, a bifurcation occurs and two kinds of vortex flows are observed. In the vortex, potential vorticity is almost uniform. In addition to the two vortex flows, a jet-like inertial flow can also be observed. In general, thre results of these experiments agree well with those of a low-order model and a numerical model.  相似文献   

A global spectral barotropic ocean model is introduced to describe the depth-averaged flow. The equations are based on vorticity and divergence (instead of horizontal momentum); continents exert a nearly infinite drag on the fluid. The coding follows that of spectral atmospheric general circulation models using triangular truncation and implicit time integration to provide a first step for seamless coupling to spectral atmospheric global circulation models and an efficient method for filtering of ocean wave dynamics. Five experiments demonstrate the model performance: (i) Bounded by an idealized basin geometry and driven by a zonally uniform wind stress, the ocean circulation shows close similarity with Munk’s analytical solution. (ii) With a real land–sea mask the model is capable of reproducing the spin-up, location and magnitudes of depth-averaged barotropic ocean currents. (iii) The ocean wave-dynamics of equatorial waves, excited by a height perturbation at the equator, shows wave dispersion and reflection at eastern and western coastal boundaries. (iv) The model reproduces propagation times of observed surface gravity waves in the Pacific with real bathymetry. (v) Advection of tracers can be simulated reasonably by the spectral method or a semi-Langrangian transport scheme. This spectral barotropic model may serve as a first step towards an intermediate complexity spectral atmosphere–ocean model for studying atmosphere–ocean interactions in idealized setups and long term climate variability beyond millennia.  相似文献   

《Ocean Modelling》2010,31(4):310-322
A global spectral barotropic ocean model is introduced to describe the depth-averaged flow. The equations are based on vorticity and divergence (instead of horizontal momentum); continents exert a nearly infinite drag on the fluid. The coding follows that of spectral atmospheric general circulation models using triangular truncation and implicit time integration to provide a first step for seamless coupling to spectral atmospheric global circulation models and an efficient method for filtering of ocean wave dynamics. Five experiments demonstrate the model performance: (i) Bounded by an idealized basin geometry and driven by a zonally uniform wind stress, the ocean circulation shows close similarity with Munk’s analytical solution. (ii) With a real land–sea mask the model is capable of reproducing the spin-up, location and magnitudes of depth-averaged barotropic ocean currents. (iii) The ocean wave-dynamics of equatorial waves, excited by a height perturbation at the equator, shows wave dispersion and reflection at eastern and western coastal boundaries. (iv) The model reproduces propagation times of observed surface gravity waves in the Pacific with real bathymetry. (v) Advection of tracers can be simulated reasonably by the spectral method or a semi-Langrangian transport scheme. This spectral barotropic model may serve as a first step towards an intermediate complexity spectral atmosphere–ocean model for studying atmosphere–ocean interactions in idealized setups and long term climate variability beyond millennia.  相似文献   

Dynamics of western boundary currents in the subtropical and subpolar gyres are studied as a source-sink flow of barotropic fluid by means of numerical integration of the time-dependent non-linear vorticity equation. The bottom topography consists of a continental shelf of uniform slope (120 km wide) parallel to the straight western coast and a flat bottom of uniform depth. The steady solution in the case of low Reynolds number (Re≦100) shows the vorticity balance of the western boundary current between theβ-, diffusion-, and bottom relief terms. The cuspidated flow of the western boundary current in the subpolar gyre is observed as a compensating flow for the subtropical western boundary current separating from the western coast. In the case of Re=350, the zonal current separating from the coast meanders with the wave length of the stationary Rossby waves. It is shown that in the present model the separation of the boundary current is controlled by the planetary vorticity (f) of the fluid particle in the boundary flow, with which the same particle flows out the eastern wall at the corresponding latitude. The decrease of the efflux width increases the intensity of the non-linear overshooting of the boundary current separating from the western coast.  相似文献   

The flow relaxation scheme (FRS) is tested as an open boundary condition (OBC). This scheme was originally designed to relax external solutions (ES) from a large area model towards solutions in a limited area model with a fine mesh. When one uses the FRS as a pure OBC; i.e. the ES are unknown and set equal to zero, the FRS method degenerates to a sponge type OBC. Since a sponge type OBC does not work well in all cases, for instance in the case of an alongshore uniform wind; Chapman (1985) and Røed and Cooper (1987), we introduced local wind induced solutions as a part of the ES.When we also included the tide in the ES, the tests showed that the FRS method handled the tidal input problem very well. Even in the case where noise was added to the tide in the ES, the results were good.The major drawbacks for the FRS method are the required extention of the computer-space and -time.  相似文献   

This paper considers the results of numerical experiments involving POLYMODE data assimilation by a barotropic model for synoptic ocean dynamics. The model's response the data assimilation for various space-time discretenesses of assimilation is studied. Results derived from the application of optimal interpolation algorithms and modified optimal filtration algorithms are compared. Qualitative similarity to the calculations carried out through the simulation modelling technique is noted. Optimal assimilation algorithms are determined, depending on the space-time discreteness used. An optimal sampling discreteness for the POLYMODE conditions is suggested.Translated by Vladimir A. Puchkin.  相似文献   

Linear stability of a barotropic jet on a sloping bottom with and without a side boundary is examined. When a sloping bottom and a side boundary are absent, a symmetric jet generally has two unstable modes: a symmetric mode and an antisymmetric mode. In the presence of a sloping bottom or a side boundary, they are modified and lose their symmetry.The presence of a side boundary does not produce substantial change in the stability characteristics, except that it stabilizes the flow to some degree. In the presence of a sloping bottom, the following features are noted; 1) when the direction of the jet is opposite to the propagation direction of topographic Rossby waves, the change of a preferred mode occurs at a certain slope, 2) when the direction of the jet is opposite to 1), with a side boundary, the dispersion relations change from unstable mode type to shelf wave type at a certain slope, accompanied by kissing.  相似文献   

Barotropic flows in a circular ocean are studied. Flows are driven by an inflow and an outflow through openings at the circumference. A linear, steady state solution is interpreted in terms of dissipating planetary waves. A weakly nonlinear, steady state solution is obtained numerically. It differs remarkably from the linear solution; an intense anticyclonic polar gyre extending over the whole basin is formed. The nonlinear term is essential to the gyre and can not be neglected, although the Rossby number is small.  相似文献   

We consider a quasigeostrophic spectral model used for the prediction of synoptic currents in the barotropic ocean. The spectral method is based on the expansion of the current function in a double series in cosines. An algorithm of numerical evaluation of the nonlinear term in the equation of potential eddy is described in detail. __________ Translated from Morskoi Gidrofizicheskii Zhurnal, No. 4, pp. 62–69, July–August, 2006.  相似文献   

Within the framework of the linear theory of long waves, we study internal waves generated by a barotropic tide in a two-layer ocean of variable depth taking into account the influence of the Coriolis force. Barotropic waves run over an extended unevenness of the bottom at an arbitrary angle. This unevenness is regarded as a model of the continental slope and shelf. We establish the dependences of the amplitudes of generated internal waves on the angle of incidence of the barotropic tide, topography of the bottom, and stratification. Translated by Peter V. Malyshev and Dmitry V. Malyshev  相似文献   

The method for constructing limiting forms of steady states of vortex patches characterized by the presence of corners on the boundary is presented. The method is based on a continuation of the solution (the streamline which must coincide with the vortex boundary) when passing through the singular point to those part of the common vortex border whose tangent is continuous at the critical point. Limiting steady states of a pair of identical touching vortex patches are constructed for the cases of unlimited and circular barotropic oceans. It is found that, for the case of a circular ocean, the solution of maximum area is the domain bounded by two diameters intersecting at right angles. This conclusion is also valid for an unlimited ocean when the vortex pair of infinite area takes even/odd quadrants whose boundaries are formed by the asymptotes of solutions of finite area. The results add new members to the set of known exact analytical solutions of the problem of steady states of vortex patches.  相似文献   

Within the framework of the linear theory, by using numerical methods, we study the free and forced waves in a bounded basin whose geometric characteristics approximately correspond to Lake Donuzlav. The oscillatory motions of the liquid at the exit of the lake are regarded as a driving force. The dependences of the amplitudes of generated waves on the parameters of the driving force are analyzed. __________ Translated from Morskoi Gidrofizicheskii Zhurnal, No. 1, pp. 37–51, January–February, 2005.  相似文献   

Residual circulation patterns in a channel network that is tidally driven from entrances on opposite sides are controlled by the temporal phasing and spatial asymmetry of the two forcing tides. The Napa/Sonoma Marsh Complex in San Francisco Bay, CA, is such a system. A sill on the west entrance to the system prevents a complete tidal range at spring tides that results in tidal truncation of water levels. Tidal truncation does not occur on the east side but asymmetries develop due to friction and off-channel wetland storage. The east and west asymmetric tides meet in the middle to produce a barotropic convergence zone that controls the transport of water and sediment. During spring tides, tidally averaged water-surface elevations are higher on the truncated west side. This creates tidally averaged fluxes of water and sediment to the east. During neap tides, the water levels are not truncated and the propagation speed of the tides controls residual circulation, creating a tidally averaged flux in the opposite direction.  相似文献   

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