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The paper presents the results from a reconnaissance investigation of carbonatites in a newly discovered alkaline complex in the Kola peninsula, Russia. The Kandaguba complex differs from other carbonatite plutons of the Kola alkaline province by (a) the absence of ultrabasic rocks, (b) widespread occurrence of nepheline-, cancrinite- and nepheline–cancrinite syenites and carbonatites and (c) presence of apatite–calcite ijolites and feldspar ijolites as separate intrusive phase. The Kandaguba carbonatites are notable for the predominance of late ferromagnesian varieties together with quartz and numerous accessory mineral species. The association of phosphates (monazite, gorseixite, goyazite, apatite), sulphides and tellurides (pyrite, sphalerite, galena, hessite), ilmenorutile, barite with quartz and ankerite is a remarkable feature of these carbonatites. The Kandaguba carbonatites are inferred to have been generated as the products of liquid immiscibility followed by differentiation of the carbonatite melt.  相似文献   

Igneous rocks of the Devonian Kola Alkaline Carbonatite Province (KACP) in NW Russia and eastern Finland can be classified into four groups: (a) primitive mantle-derived silica-undersaturated silicate magmas; (b) evolved alkaline and nepheline syenites; (c) cumulate rocks; (d) carbonatites and phoscorites, some of which may also be cumulates. There is no obvious age difference between these various groups, so all of the magma-types were formed at the same time in a relatively restricted area and must therefore be petrogenetically related. Both sodic and potassic varieties of primitive silicate magmas are present. On major element variation diagrams, the cumulate rocks plot as simple mixtures of their constituent minerals (olivine, clinopyroxene, calcite, etc). There are complete compositional trends between carbonatites, phoscorites and silicate cumulates, which suggests that many carbonatites and phoscorites are also cumulates. CaO / Al2O3 ratios for ultramafic and mafic silicate rocks in dykes and pipes range up to 5, indicating a very small degree of melting of a carbonated mantle at depth. Damkjernites appear to be transitional to carbonatites. Trace element modelling indicates that all the mafic silicate magmas are related to small degrees of melting of a metasomatised garnet peridotite source. Similarities of the REE patterns and initial Sr and Nd isotope compositions for ultramafic alkaline silicate rocks and carbonatites indicate that there is a strong relationship between the two magma-types. There is also a strong petrogenetic link between carbonatites, kimberlites and alkaline ultramafic lamprophyres. Fractional crystallisation of olivine, diopside, melilite and nepheline gave rise to the evolved nepheline syenites, and formed the ultramafic cumulates. All magmas in the KACP appear to have originated in a single event, possibly triggered by the arrival of hot material (mantle plume?) beneath the Archaean/Proterozoic lithosphere of the northern Baltic Shield that had been recently metasomatised. Melting of the carbonated garnet peridotite mantle formed a spectrum of magmas including carbonatite, damkjernite, melilitite, melanephelinite and ultramafic lamprophyre. Pockets of phlogopite metasomatised lithospheric mantle also melted to form potassic magmas including kimberlite. Depth of melting, degree of melting and presence of metasomatic phases are probably the major factors controlling the precise composition of the primary melts formed.  相似文献   

This paper presents new data on chromium mineralization in a fenitized xenolith in Mt. Kaskasnyunchorr in the Khibiny alkaline massif (Kola Peninsula, Russia) and summarizes data on Cr mineralogy in the Khibiny Mountains. Protolith silicates that contained Cr3+ admixture are believed to be the source of this element in the fenite. Cr-bearing (maximum Cr2O3 concentrations, wt %, are in parentheses) aegirine (5.8), crichtonite-group minerals (2.1), muscovite (1.3), zirconolite (1.1), titanite (1.0), fluorine-magnesioarfvedsonite (0.8), biotite (0.8), ilmenite (0.6), and aenigmatite (0.6) occur in the fenite. The late-stage spinellides of the FeTi-chromite-CrTi-magnetite series, which are very poor in Mg and Al and which formed after Crrich aegirine and ilmenite, are the richest in Cr (up to 42% Ct2O3). Cr concentrations grew with time during the fenitization process. Unlike minerals in the Khibiny ultramafic rocks where Cr is associated with Mg, Al (it is isomorphic with Cr), and with Ca, chromium in the fenites is associated with Fe, Ti, and V (with which Cr3+ is isomorphic) and with Na in silicate minerals. Cr3+ Mobility of Cr3+ and the unique character of chromium mineralization in the examined fenites were caused by high alkalinity of the fluid.  相似文献   

宁芜盆地陶村铁矿床磷灰石的LA-ICP-MS研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
张乐骏  周涛发  范裕  袁峰  钱兵  马良 《地质学报》2011,85(5):834-848
宁芜盆地是长江中下游成矿带中的重要矿集区,磷灰石是该区各矿床中的标志性矿物.本文以宁芜玢岩铁矿典型代表的陶村铁矿床为研究对象,利用激光剥蚀电感耦合等离子体质谱(LA-ICP-MS)微区分析新技术和电子探针分析对该矿床中辉石闪长玢岩中的磷灰石(Ap-I)、浸染状磁铁矿矿石中的磷灰石(Ap-D)和脉状磁铁矿矿石中的磷灰石(...  相似文献   

A sediment core from Chuna Lake (Kola Peninsula, northwest Russia) was studied for pollen, diatoms and sediment chemistry in order to infer post‐glacial environmental changes and to investigate responses of the lake ecosystem to these changes. The past pH and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) of the lake were inferred using diatom‐based transfer functions. Between 9000 and 4200 cal. yr BP, slow natural acidification and major changes in the diatom flora occurred in Chuna Lake. These correlated with changes in regional pollen, the arrival of trees in the catchment, changes in erosion, sediment organic content and DOC. During the past 4200 yr diatom‐based proxies showed no clear response to changes in vegetation and erosion, as autochthonous ecological processes became more important than external climate influences during the late Holocene. The pollen stratigraphy reflects the major climate patterns of the central Kola Peninsula during the Holocene, i.e. a climate optimum between 9000 and 5400/5000 cal. yr BP when climate was warm and dry, and gradual climate cooling and an increase in moisture during the past 5400/5000 yr. This agrees with the occurrence of the north–south humidity gradient in Fennoscandia during the Holocene. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The authors have studied the geology, geochemistry, petrology and mineralogy of the rare earth elements (REE) occurring in the Western Keivy peralkaline granite massif (Kola Peninsula, NW Russia) aged 2674 ± 6 Ma. The massif hosts Zr- and REE-rich areas with economic potential (e.g. the Yumperuaiv and Large Pedestal Zr-REE deposits), where 25% of ΣREE are represented by heavy REE (HREE). The main REE minerals are: chevkinite-(Ce), britholite-(Y) and products of their metamict decay, bastnäsite-(Ce), allanite-(Ce), fergusonite-(Y), monazite-(Ce), and others. The areas contain also significant quantities of zircon reaching potentially economic levels. We have discovered that behavior of REE and Zr is controlled by alkalinity of melt/solution, which, in turn, is controlled by crystallization of alkaline pyroxenes (predominantly aegirine) and amphiboles (predominantly arfvedsonite) at a late magmatic stage. Crystallization of mafic minerals leads to a sharp increase of K2O content and decrease of SiO2 content that cause a decrease of melt viscosity and REE and Zr solubility in the liquid. Therefore, REE and zirconium immediately precipitate as zircon and REE-minerals. There are numerous pod- and lens-like granitic pegmatites within the massif. Pegmatites in the REE-rich areas are also enriched in REE, but HREE prevails over light REE (LREE), about 88% of REE sum.  相似文献   

Eight catchments, an area of 15 to 35 km2, have been studied within an ecogeochemical mapping programme in the western Kola Peninsula and contiguous parts of Finland and Norway. Three catchments, one northeast of Zapolyarniy (1) and two, 5 and 25 km south of Monchegorsk (2 and 4) show high levels of deposition of heavy metals, especially nickel (Ni) and copper (Cu), related to the metallurgical industry in these cities. Twenty-five topsoil samples, from sites evenly distributed over catchment 2, have mean contents of Ni and Cu 1 to 2 orders of magnitude higher than both C-horizon samples from the same sites and topsoil samples from catchment 4, providing strong evidence for the anthropogenic origin of the heavy metals. The same samples show geometric mean total contents for the noble metals analysed of: 1.4 μg/kg rhodium (Rh), 49.6 μg/kg platinum (Pt), 187.6 μg/kg palladium (Pd) and 9.5 μg/kg gold (Au). The pattern of concentration of the noble metals mirrors that found in published averages for ore from the Talnakh mineralizations in the Noril'sk province, though 1–2 orders of magnitude lower. This also clearly shows that the noble-metal contents of the topsoil are anthropogenic, and suggests that they emanate from the plants in Monchegorsk at an early stage in treatment of the ore, probably as a minor component of Ni-Cu rich particles. The noble-metal geochemistry of the topsoil in the other catchments also reflects the nature of the ore being processed at the plants nearby.  相似文献   

The Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic compositions for the Kovdor phoscorite–carbonatite complex (PCC), Kola Peninsula, NW Russia, have been determined to characterize the mantle sources involved and to evaluate the relative contributions of a plume and subcontinental lithospheric mantle in the formation of the complex. The Kovdor PCC is a part of the Kovdor ultramafic–alkaline–carbonatite massif, and consists of six intrusions. The initial isotopic ratios of the analyzed samples, calculated at 380 Ma, display limited variations: εNd, + 2.0 to + 4.7; 87Sr/86Sr, 0.70319 to 0.70361 (εSr, − 12.2 to − 6.2); 206Pb/204Pb, 18.38 to 18.74; 207Pb/204Pb, 15.45 to 15.50; 208Pb/204Pb, 37.98 to 39.28. The Nd and Sr isotope data of the Kovdor PCC generally fit the patterns of the other phoscorites and carbonatites from the Kola Alkaline Province (KAP), but some data are slightly shifted from the mixing line defined as the Kola Carbonatite Line, having more radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr ratios. However, the less radiogenic Nd isotopic compositions and negative Δ7/4 values of Pb isotopes of the analyzed samples exclude crustal contamination, but imply the involvement of a metasomatized lithospheric mantle source. Isotopic variations indicate mixing of at least three distinct mantle components: FOZO-like primitive plume component, EMI-like enriched component and DMM-like depleted component. The isotopic nature of the EMI- and DMM-like mantle component observed in the Kovdor samples is considered to be inherited from metasomatized subcontinental lithospheric mantle. This supports the previous models invoking plume–lithosphere interaction to explain the origin of the Devonian alkaline carbonatite magmatism in the KAP.  相似文献   

The Khibiny Complex hosts a wide variety of carbon-bearing species that include both oxidized and reduced varieties. Oxidised varieties include carbonate minerals, especially in the carbonatite complex at the eastern end of the pluton, and Na-carbonate phases. Reduced varieties include abiogenic hydrocarbon gases, particularly methane and ethane, dispersed bitumens, solid organic substances and graphite. The majority of the carbon in the Khibiny Complex is hosted in either the carbonatite complex or within the so-called “Central Arch”. The Central Arch is a ring-shaped structure which separates khibinites (coarse-grained eudialite-bearing nepheline-syenites) in the outer part of the complex from lyavochorrites (medium-grained nepheline-syenites) and foyaites in the inner part. The Central Arch is petrologically diverse and hosts the major REE-enriched apatite–nepheline deposits for which the complex is best known. It also hosts zones with elevated hydrocarbon (dominantly methane) gas content and zones of hydrothermally deposited Na-carbonate mineralisation. The hydrocarbon gases are most likely the product of a series of post-magmatic abiogenic reactions. It is likely that the concentration of apatite-nepheline deposits, hydrocarbon gases and Na-carbonate mineralisation, is a function of long lived fluid percolation through the Central Arch. Fluid migration was facilitated by stress release during cooling and uplift of the Khibiny Complex. As a result, carbon with a mantle signature was concentrated into a narrow ring-shaped zone.  相似文献   

The U-Pb geochronology of perovskite is a powerful tool in constraining the emplacement age of silica-undersaturated rocks. The trace-element and U-Pb isotopic compositions of perovskite from clinopyroxenite and silicocarbonatite from the Afrikanda plutonic complex (Kola, Russia) were determined by laser-ablation inductively-coupled mass-spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). In addition, the Sr isotopic composition of perovskite was measured by isotope-dilution mass-spectrometry to better constrain the relations between its host rocks. Perovskite from the two rock types shows a different degree of enrichment in Na, Mg, Mn, Pb, Fe, Al, V, rare-earth elements, Zr, Hf, Th, U and Ta. The perovskite 87Sr/86Sr values are within analytical uncertainty of one another and fall within the range of mantle values. The 206Pb/238U ages (corrected for common lead using 207Pb-method) of perovskite from silicocarbonatite statistically yield a single population with a weighted mean of 371?±?8 Ma (2σ; MSWD?=?0.071). This age is indistinguishable, within uncertainty, to the clinopyroxenite weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of 374?±?10 Ma (2σ; MSWD?=?0.18). Our data are in good agreement with the previous geochronological study of the Afrikanda complex. The observed variations in trace-element composition of perovskite from silicocarbonatite and clinopyroxenite indicate that these rocks are not related by crystal fractionation. The Sr isotopic ratios and the fact that the two rocks are coeval suggest that they were either produced from a single parental melt by liquid immiscibility, or from two separate magmas derived at different degrees of partial melting from an isotopically equilibrated, but modally complex mantle source.  相似文献   

A suite of spinel lherzolite and wehrlite xenoliths from a Devonian kimberlite dyke near Kandalaksha, Kola Peninsula, Russia, has been studied to determine the nature of the lithospheric mantle beneath the northern Baltic Shield. Olivine modal estimates and Fo content in the spinel lherzolite xenoliths reveal that the lithosphere beneath the Archaean–Proterozoic crust has some similarities to Phanerozoic lithospheric mantle elsewhere. Modal metasomatism is indicated by the presence of Ti-rich and Ti-poor phlogopite, pargasite, apatite and picroilmenite in the xenoliths. Wehrlite xenoliths are considered to represent localised high-pressure cumulates from mafic–ultramafic melts trapped within the mantle as veins or lenses. Equilibration temperatures range from 775 to 969 °C for the spinel lherzolite xenoliths and from 817 to 904 °C for the wehrlites.

Laser ablation ICP-MS data for incompatible trace elements in primary clinopyroxenes and metasomatic amphiboles from the spinel lherzolites show moderate levels of LREE enrichment. Replacement clinopyroxenes in the wehrlites are less enriched in LREE but richer in TiO2. Fractional melt modelling for Y and Yb concentrations in clinopyroxenes from the spinel lherzolites indicates 7–8% partial melting of a primitive source. Such a volume of partial melt could be related to the 2.4–2.5 Ga intrusion of basaltic magmas (now metamorphosed to garnet granulites) in the lower crust of the northern Baltic Shield. The lithosphere beneath the Kola Peninsula has undergone several episodes of metasomatism. Both the spinel lherzolites and wehrlites were subjected to an incomplete carbonatitic metasomatic event, probably related to an early carbonatitic phase associated with the 360–380 Ma Devonian alkaline magmatism. This resulted in crystallisation of secondary clinopyroxene rims at the expense of primary orthopyroxenes, with development of secondary forsteritic olivine and apatite. Two separate metasomatic events resulted in the crystallisation of the Ti–Fe-rich amphibole, phlogopite and ilmenite in the wehrlites and the low Ti–Fe amphibole and phlogopite in the spinel lherzolites. Alternatively, a single metasomatic event with a chemically evolving melt may have produced the significant compositional differences seen in the amphibole and phlogopite between the spinel lherzolites and wehrlites. The calculated REE pattern of a melt in equilibrium with clinopyroxenes from a cpx-rich pocket is identical to that of the kimberlite host, indicating a close petrological relationship.  相似文献   

The Weishan REE deposit is located at the eastern part of North China Craton (NCC), western Shandong Province. The REE-bearing carbonatite occur as veins associated with aegirine syenite. LA-ICP-MS bastnaesite Th-Pb ages (129 Ma) of the Weishan carbonatite show that the carbonatite formed contemporary with the aegirine syenite. Based on the petrographic and geochemical characteristics of calcite, the REE-bearing carbonatite mainly consists of Generation-1 igneous calcite (G-1 calcite) with a small amount of Generation-2 hydrothermal calcite (G-2 calcite). Furthermore, the Weishan apatite is characterized by high Sr, LREE and low Y contents, and the carbonatite is rich in Sr, Ba and LREE contents. The δ13CV-PDB (−6.5‰ to −7.9‰) and δ13OV-SMOW (8.48‰–9.67‰) values are similar to those of primary, mantle-derived carbonatites. The above research supports that the carbonatite of the Weishan REE deposit is igneous carbonatite. Besides, the high Sr/Y, Th/U, Sr and Ba of the apatite indicate that the magma source of the Weishan REE deposit was enriched lithospheric mantle, which have suffered the fluid metasomatism. Taken together with the Mesozoic tectono-magmatic activities, the NW and NWW subduction of Izanagi plate along with lithosphere delamination and thinning of the North China plate support the formation of the Weishan REE deposit. Accordingly, the mineralization model of the Weishan REE deposit was concluded: The spatial-temporal relationships coupled with rare and trace element characteristics for both carbonatite and syenite suggest that the carbonatite melt was separated from the CO2-rich silicate melt by liquid immiscibility. The G-1 calcites were crystallized from the carbonatite melt, which made the residual melt rich in rare earth elements. Due to the common origin of G-1 and G-2 calcites, the REE-rich magmatic hydrothermal was subsequently separated from the melt. After that, large numbers of rare earth minerals were produced from the magmatic hydrothermal stage.  相似文献   

We report here on cirque infills mapped in the Khibiny Mountains, Kola Peninsula, Russia. Cirque infills are morainic deposits located near the headwalls of valleys and cirques. Their location and shape, often with concave margins towards the valley side, indicate that they were deposited by ice flowing up‐valley, into the mountains, rather than by local glaciers. We suggest that they formed during the last deglaciation, when Khibiny was a nunatak and Fennoscandian ice sheet lobes extended into valleys and cirques of the massif. The formation of cirque infills is probably more related to ice sheet dynamic factors, occurring when the ice margin retreated from the cirques, than to climate‐driven interruption in the ice‐marginal retreat. Glacial conditions similar to those prevalent when the Khibiny cirque infills were formed, occur today in Antarctica where the ice sheets engulf nunatak ranges. In Heimefrontfjella, Antarctica, the formation of supraglacial moraines at the head of cirques are linked to blue‐ice conditions, indicating locally low accumulation rates, a dry continental climate and sublimation dominated ablation. We suggest that these Antarctic moraines are modern analogues of cirque infills on the Kola Peninsula, and possibly, that the cirque infills may be used as palaeoenvironmental indicators. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Pollen and peat botanical investigations of the Lutnermayok peat bog, Kola Peninsula, northwestern Russia, were carried out, and 21 surface pollen samples were studied. Combined with previous studies our data form the basis for the vegetation history over the last 7000 yr of the Khibiny Mountains. Pinus sylvestris was the dominant species between 7000 and 5000 yr BP and Picea obovata penetrated to the Khibiny Mountains ca. 5500/5300 yr BP. Since 4500 yr BP, Picea replaced Pinus in major parts of the area and dominated the forest cover. Picea immigrated to the Kola Peninsula after 7000 yr BP. There were two paths of spruce migration: from the southeast and the southwest. Grey alder, Alnusincana, immigrated to the Kola Peninsula from the southwest and northwest about ca. 8000 yr BP. Grey alder has been restricted to its modern range since 4000 yr BP. The range of vertical movement of the treeline in Khibiny Mountains during the last 700 yr was 240–260 m, which corresponds to an amplitude of summer temperature change of 2°C. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Uralides, a linear N–S trending Palaeozoic fold belt, reveals an intact, well-preserved orogen with a deep crustal root within a stable continental interior. In the western fold-and-thrust belt of the southern Uralides, Devonian to Carboniferous siliciclastic and carbonate rocks overlay Mesoproterozoic to Neoproterozoic sedimentary rocks. Deformation in the Devonian, Carboniferous and Permian caused thick-skinned tectonic features in the western and central parts of the western fold-and-thrust belt. A stack of several nappes characterizes the deformation in the eastern part. Along the E–W transect AC-TS'96 that crosses the western fold-and-thrust belt, apatite fission track data record various stages of the geodynamic evolution of the Uralide orogeny such as basin evolution during the Palaeozoic, synorogenic movements along major thrusts, synorogenic to postorogenic exhumation and a change in the regional stress field during the Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous. The Palaeozoic sedimentary cover and the Neoproterozoic basement of the Ala-Tau anticlinorium never exceed the upper limit of the PAZ since the Devonian. A temperature gradient similar to the recent one (20 °C/km) would account for the FT data. Reactivation of the Neoproterozoic Zilmerdak thrust was time equivalent to the onset of the Devonian and Carboniferous collision-related deformation in the east. West-directed movement along the Tashli thrust occurred in the Lower Permian. The Devonian and Carboniferous exhumation path of the Neoproterozoic siliciclastic units of the Tirlyan synclinorium mirrors the onset of the Uralian orogeny, the emplacement of the Tirlyan nappe and the continuous west-directed compression. The five main tectonic segments Inzer Synclinorium, Beloretzk Terrane, Ala-Tau anticlinorium, Yamantau anticlinorium and Zilair synclinorium were exhumed one after another to a stable position in the crust between 290 and 230 Ma. Each segment has its own t–T path but the exhumation rate was nearly the same. Final denudation of the western fold-and-thrust belt and exhumation to the present surface probably began in Late Tertiary. In Jurassic and Cretaceous, south-directed movements along W–E trending normal faults indicate a change in the tectonic regime in the southern Uralides.  相似文献   

Summary Lovozero, the largest of the world’s layered peralkaline intrusions, includes gigantic deposits of Nb + REE-loparite ore. Loparite, (Na,Ce,Ca)2(Ti,Nb)2O6, became a cumulus phase after crystallisation of about 35% of the ‘Differentiated Complex’, and its compositional evolution has been investigated through a 2.35 km section of the intrusion. The composition of the cumulus loparite changes systematically upwards through the intrusion with an increase in Na, Sr, Nb and Th and decrease in REE and Ti. This main trend of loparite evolution records differentiation of the peralkaline magma through crystallisation of 1600 m of the intrusion. The formation of the loparite ores was the result of several factors including the chemical evolution of the highly alkaline magma and mechanical accumulation of loparite at the base of a convecting unit. At later stages of evolution, when concentrations of alkalis and volatiles reached very high levels, loparite reacted with the residual melt to form a variety of minerals including barytolamprophyllite, lomonosovite, steenstrupine-(Ce), vuonnemite, nordite, nenadkevichite, REE, Sr-rich apatite, vitusite-(Ce), mosandrite, monazite-(Ce), cerite and Ba, Si-rich belovite. The absence of loparite ore in the “Eudialyte complex” is likely to be a result of the wide crystallisation field of lamprophyllite, which here became a cumulus phase. Received November 6, 2000; revised version accepted January 18, 2001  相似文献   

The Lovozero alkaline massif (Kola Peninsula, Russia) is composed of three major units. The central unit (80% of the volume) comprises numerous well developed layers composed, from bottom to roof, of an urtite–juvite–foyaite–lujavrite continuous lithological sequence (ijolite–foid-bearing alkali feldspar syenite in IUGS nomenclature). The mode of emplacement of the massif and the mechanism of formation of the layering are still under debate. Petrological, mineralogical (two stages of crystallisation) and structural evidence from the detailed analysis of one of these layers (unit II-7) is interpreted in terms of both mechanical (magmatic to sub-solidus, non-coaxial deformation) and thermal differentiation operating on a crystal-laden (alkali feldspar, high T nepheline, aegirine-augite) material of foyaitic composition. Textural and mineralogical data suggest that a sheet of foiditic magma intruded into solidified earlier units of the Lovozero layered sequence and acquired a sill-like structure on cooling.  相似文献   

Minor magmatic intrusions of kimberlite, melilitite and cpx-melilitite occur in the southern part of the Kola Peninsula, Russia, on the Terskii Coast and near the town of Kandalaksha. They yield K-Ar ages of 382 ± 14 Ma and 365 ± 16 Ma, similar to the magmatic rocks from the Kola Alkaline Province. The Terskii Coast kimberlites have mineralogical and geochemical affinities with group 1 kimberlites, whereas the Kandalaksha monticellite kimberlite more closely resembles calcite kimberlites. The lower Al2O3 content in the Kola kimberlites indicates a strongly depleted harzburgitic source, while higher Al2O3 in the melilitites suggests a lherzolitic source. The Terskii Coast kimberlites are anomalously potassic and significantly enriched in P and Ba compared to other group 1 kimberlites. In contrast, the melilitites are sodic and are anomalously depleted in P compared to worldwide melilitites. Trace element patterns of the Kola kimberlites and melilitites indicate the presence of K- and P-rich phases in the mantle source. To account for the K-troughs shown by both magma types, a K-rich phase such as phlogopite is thought to be residual in their sources; however, the anomalous K-enrichment in the Terskii Coast kimberlites may indicate that an additional metasomatic K-rich phase (e.g. K-richterite and/or a complex K-Ba-phosphate) existed in the kimberlite source. The P-depletion in the melilitites may suggest that a phosphate phase such as apatite remained residual in the melilititic source. However, anomalous P-enrichment in the kimberlites cannot be explained by complete melting of the same phase because the kimberlites are a smaller degree melt; thus, it is most likely that another metasomatic phosphate mineral existed in the source of the kimberlites. The Kola kimberlites and melilitites are all strongly LREE-enriched but the kimberlites have a steeper REE pattern and are significantly more depleted in HREE, indicating a higher proportion of garnet in their source. Higher Nb/Y ratios and lower SiO2 values in the kimberlites indicate that they were a smaller degree partial melt than the melilitites. The presence of diamonds in the Terskii Coast kimberlites indicates a relatively deep origin, while the melilitites originated from shallower depth. The non-diamondiferous Kandalaksha monticellite kimberlite has lower abundances of all incompatible trace elements, suggesting a higher degree of partial melting and/or a less enriched and shallower source than the Terskii Coast kimberlites. The 87Sr/86Sri, 143Nd/144Ndi and Pb isotope compositions confirm that the Terskii Coast kimberlites have close affinities with group 1 kimberlites and were derived from an asthenospheric mantle source, while the Kandalaksha monticellite kimberlite and Terskii Coast melilitites were derived from lithospheric mantle. Impact of a Devonian asthenospheric mantle plume on the base of the Archaean-Proterozoic lithosphere of the Kola Peninsula caused widespread emplacement of kimberlites, melilitites, ultramafic lamprophyres and other more fractionated alkaline magmas. The nature of the mantle affected by metasomatism associated with the plume and, in particular, the depth of melting and the stability of the metasomatic phases, gave rise to the observed differences between kimberlites and the related melilitites and other magmas. Received: 3 March 1997 / Accepted: 7 October 1997  相似文献   

杨高学  李永军  司国辉  吴宏恩  金朝 《地质学报》2010,84(12):1759-1769
新疆东准噶尔卡拉麦里地区是一个重要的锡成矿带,分布有多种类型花岗岩。贝勒库都克岩体位于锡成矿带中部,由黑云母正长花岗岩和黑云母二长花岗岩组成。本文通过精确的LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年获得贝勒库都克含锡黑云母正长花岗岩年龄为283±2Ma,MSWD=0.14(95%置信度),时代属于早二叠世,这与东准噶尔后碰撞深成岩浆活动的范围(330~265Ma)相吻合。岩石地球化学研究表明,贝勒库都克岩体富硅(SiO2=75.25%~76.67%),低铝(Al2O3=11.91%~12.86%),贫镁(MgO=0.02%~0.18%)和钙(CaO=0.39%~0.89%),富碱(Na2O+K2O=8.08%~8.97%),K2O>Na2O,NK/A=0.86~0.95(平均0.92),A/NCK=0.97~1.02,富集Rb、K等大离子亲石元素及Zr、Hf等高场强元素,Ba,Nb,Sr强烈亏损,δEu=0.01~0.11,其FeOt/MgO(12.71~84.51,平均34.55)和10000Ga/A1(2.97~4.20)值大,HFSE元素(Zr+Nb+Ce+Y=191.8×10-6~353.3×10-6)含量高,明显不同于典型的I型和S型花岗岩,基本属于典型的铝质A型花岗岩。年代学和地球化学综合研究表明,贝勒库都克铝质A型花岗岩是壳幔混合成因,是准噶尔地区后碰撞幔源岩浆底侵作用导致大陆地壳垂向生长过程的记录者。贝勒库都克铝质A型花岗岩Sn的含量高(6.0×10-6~19.5×10-6,个别为80.0×10-6),铝质A型花岗岩是成矿热液的直接母体,而富Sn的流体相最终形成了贝勒库都克锡矿床,锡矿与铝质A型花岗岩是同期地质事件的产物。  相似文献   

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