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In order to study the factors controlling the phytoplankton distribution across the Antarctic Polar Frontal Region (PFR), surface pigment samples were collected during austral summer (January/February 1998) near 170°W. Both the Polar Front (PF) and the Southern Antarctic Circumpolar Current Front (SACCF) were regions of enhanced accumulation of phytoplankton pigments. The mesoscale survey across the PF revealed two distinct phytoplankton assemblages on either side of the front. The phytoplankton community was dominated by diatoms south of the PF and by nanoflagellates (primarily by prymnesiophytes) to the north. Surprisingly, chlorophyll a concentrations did not correlate with mixed-layer depths. However, an increase of the dominance of diatoms over prymnesiophytes was observed with decreasing mixed-layer depths. Despite this relationship, we conclude that the average light availability in the mixed layer was not an important factor influencing the shift in phytoplankton composition across the PF. Although no correlation was found between the surface distribution of the major phytoplankton taxa and dissolved iron or silicic acid concentrations, the location of the strongest vertical gradient in silicic acid and iron concentration coincides with the maximum abundance of diatoms. We conclude that the difference in taxonomic composition is a result of increased silicic acid and iron flux to the upper mixed layer as a result of the increased vertical gradient of these key nutrients south of the front.  相似文献   

Upper-ocean fluxes of particulate organic carbon (POC) and biogenic silica (bSi) are calculated from four US JGOFS cruises along 170°W using a thorium-234 based approach. Both POC and bSi fluxes exhibit large variability vs. latitude during the seasonal progression of diatom dominated blooms. POC fluxes at 100 m of up to 50 mmol C m−2 d−1 are found late in the bloom, and farthest south near the Ross Sea Gyre. Biogenic Si fluxes also peak late in the bloom as high as 15 mmol Si m−2 d−1, but this flux peak occurs at a different latitude, just south of the Antarctic Polar Front (APF), which is centered around 60°S along this cruise track. The ratios of both POC and bSi export relative to their production rates are large, suggesting an efficient biological pump at these latitudes. The highest relative bSi/POC flux ratios at 100 m are found just south of the APF, coincident with a bSi/POC flux peak seen in 1000 m traps during this same program by Deep-Sea Research II (Honjo et al., Deep-Sea Research II 47, 3521–3548). These data suggest that efficient export at these latitudes can support the high accumulation rates of bSi found in the sediments under and south of the APF, despite the generally low biomass and productivity levels in this region.  相似文献   

An array of five bottom-tethered moorings with 19 PARFLUX time-series sediment trap at three depths (1 and 2 km below the surface, and 0.7 km above the sea-floor) was deployed in the western Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean, along 170°W. The five stations were selected to sample settling particles in the main hydrological zones of the Southern Ocean. The sampling period spanned 425 days (November 28, 1996–January 23, 1998) and was divided into 13 or 21 synchronized time intervals. A total of 174 sequential samples were recovered and analyzed to estimate fluxes of total mass (TMF), organic carbon, carbonate, biogenic silica, and lithogenic particles. The fluxes of biogenic material were higher than anticipated, challenging the notion that the Southern Ocean is a low-productivity region. Organic carbon fluxes at 1 km depth within the Polar Frontal Zone and the Antarctic Zone were relatively uniform (1.7–2.3 g m−2 yr−1), and about twice the estimated ocean-wide average (ca. 1 g m−2 yr−1). Carbonate fluxes were also high and uniform between the Subantarctic Front and ca. 64°S (11–13 g m−2 yr−1). A large fraction of the carbonate flux in the Antarctic Zone was due to the presence of pteropod shells. Coccoliths were found only to the north of the Polar Front, and calcium carbonate became the dominant phase in the Subantarctic Zone. In contrast, carbonate particles were nearly absent near 64°S. Latitudinal variations in biogenic silica fluxes were substantial. The large opal flux (57 g m−2 yr−1) measured in the Antarctic Zone suggests that opal productivity in this region has been previously underestimated and helps to explain the high sedimentary opal accumulation often found south of the Polar Front. Unlike biogenic material, fluxes of lithogenic particles were among the lowest measured in the open-ocean (0.12–0.05 g m−2 yr−1), reflecting a very low dust input.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the seasonal evolution of the hydrographic and biogeochemical properties in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) during the US Joint Global Ocean Flux (JGOFS) Antarctic Environment and Southern Ocean Process Study (AESOPS) in 1997–1998. The location of the study region south of New Zealand along 170°W was selected based on the zonal orientation and meridional separation of the physical and chemical fronts found in that region. Here we endeavor to describe the seasonal changes of the macronutrients, fluorescence chlorophyll, particulate organic carbon (POC), and carbon dioxide (CO2) in the upper 400 m of the ACC during the evolution of the seasonal phytoplankton bloom found in this area. While the ACC has extreme variability in the meridional sense (due to fronts, etc.), it appears to be actually quite uniform in the zonal sense. This is reflected by the fact that a good deal of the seasonal zonal changes in nutrients distributions at 170°W follow a pattern that reflects what would be expected if the changes are associated with seasonal biological productivity. Also at 170°W, the productivity of the upper waters does not appear to be limited by availability of phosphate or nitrate. While there is a significant decrease (or uptake) of inorganic nitrogen, phosphate and silicate associated with the seasonal phytoplankton bloom, none of the nutrients, except perhaps silicate (north of the silicate front) are actually depleted within the euphotic zone. At the end of the growing season, nutrient concentrations rapidly approached their pre-bloom levels. Inspection of the ratios of apparent nutrient drawdown near 64°S suggests N/P apparent drawdowns to have a ratio of 10 and N/Si apparent drawdowns to have a ratio of >4. These ratios suggest a bloom that was dominated by Fe limited diatoms. In addition, the surface water in the Polar Front (PF) and the Antarctic Zone (AZ) just to the south of the PF take up atmospheric CO2 at a rate 2–3 times as fast as the mean global ocean rate during the summer season but nearly zero during the rest of year. This represents an important process for the transport of atmospheric CO2 into the deep ocean interior. Finally, the net CO2 utilization or the net community production during the 2.5 growing months between the initiation of phytoplankton blooms and mid-January increase southward from 1.5 mol C m−2 at 55°S to 2.2 mol C m−2 to 65°S across the Polar Frontal Zone (PFZ) into the AZ.  相似文献   

In September 1993 (M26) and June/July 1996 (M36), a total of 239 surface samples (7 m depth) were collected on two transects across the open Atlantic Ocean (224 samples) and northwest European shelf edge area. We present an overview of the horizontal variability of dissolved Cd, Co, Zn, and Pb in between the northwest and northeast Atlantic Ocean in relation to salinity and the nutrients. Our data show a preferential incorporation of Cd relative to P in the particulate material of the surface ocean when related to previously published parallel measurements on suspended particulate matter from the same cruise. There is a good agreement with results recently estimated from a model by Elderfield and Rickaby (Nature 405 (2000) 305), who predict for the North Atlantic Ocean a best fit for αCd/P=[Cd/P]POM/[Cd/P]SW of 2.5, whereas the approach of our transect shows a αCd/P value of 2.6. The Co concentrations of our transects varied from <5 to 131 pmol kg−1, with the lowest values in the subtropical gyre. There were pronounced elevations in the low-salinity ranges of the northwest Atlantic and towards the European shelf. The Co data are decoupled from the Mn distribution and support the hypothesis of marginal inputs as the dominant source. Zinc varied from a minimum of <0.07 nmol kg−1 to a maximum of 1.2 and 4.8 nmol kg−1 in regions influenced by Labrador shelf or European coastal waters, respectively. In subtropical and northeast Atlantic waters, the average Zn concentration was 0.16 nmol kg−1. Zinc concentrations at nearly three quarters of the stations between 40°N and 60°N were <0.1 nmol kg−1. This suggests that biological factors control Zn concentrations in large areas of the North Atlantic surface waters. The Pb data indicated that significant differences in concentration between the northwest and northeast Atlantic surface waters presently (1996) do not exist for this metal. The transects in 1993 and 1996 exhibited Pb concentrations in the northeast Atlantic surface waters of 30 to 40 pmol kg−1, about a fifth to a quarter of the concentrations observed in 1981. This decline is supported by our particle flux measurements in deep waters of the same region.  相似文献   

Water mass variations in the northeastern Atlantic Ocean along 20°W are analyzed with pentadal resolution over the past 15 years using data from four repeat occupations of a meridional hydrographic section running south from Iceland. The section was sampled in 1988, 1993, 1998, and 2003. The results are interpreted in the context of changes in air–sea forcing, ocean circulation, and water properties associated with the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). The NAO index oscillated around zero from 1984 to 1988, was strongly positive from 1989 to 1995, after which it shifted to lower positive, and occasionally negative values from 1996 to 2003. Previously published studies suggest that after the 1995–1996 shift of the NAO, the subpolar gyre largely retreated to the northwest in the northeastern Atlantic Ocean, resulting in an increasingly southeastern character of local water masses with time. Water property changes extending from the SubPolar Mode Water (SPMW) just below the seasonal pycnocline through the density range shared by Mediterranean Outflow Water and SubArctic Intermediate Water (SAIW) along 20°W are consistent with changes in wind-driven ocean circulation and air–sea heat flux associated with shifts in the NAO, especially after accounting for ocean memory. After periods of lower NAO index the SPMW is warmer, saltier, and lighter. At these same times, large increases of apparent oxygen utilization (AOU) and potential vorticity are found at the SPMW base, consistent with SPMW ventilation to lighter densities during lower NAO index periods. Deeper and denser in the water column, the cold, fresh, and dense SAIW signature within the permanent pycnocline that was most strongly present in 1993, near the culmination of a period of high NAO index, is much reduced in 1988 and 1998. In 2003, after a prolonged period of lower NAO index, increasing influence of warmer, saltier subtropical waters is clear within the permanent pycnocline. The deep penetration of the changes implies that they are caused primarily by circulation changes resulting from NAO-associated wind shifts, but changes in air–sea heat flux could also have played a role.  相似文献   

On the basis of data collected in the summer of 2006 from 27 sampling stations in the Changjiang Estuary and its adjacent waters, the ecological characteristics of macrobenthos and the relationship between the macrobenthos and the environmental factors were studied using hierarchical cluster and non-metric multidimensional scaling (MDS).The biomass, abundance, Shannon-Wiener's and Margalef's indices of the macrobenthos were presented. The results showed that a total of 253 macrobenthic species were found in the research region, and most of them belong to mollusks and polychaetes. The dominant species were Cossurella dimorpha, Eocylichna cylindrella, Episiphon kiaochowwanense, Nassarius semiplicatus, Ocstergrenia variabilis and Sternaspis scutata. The average abundance of the macrobenthos was (313.15±233.4) ind./m2, and the average biomass was (15.2±11.2)g/m2.The distribution patterns of the abundance and biomass of the macrobenthos were similar. The abundance and biomass in the area close to the estuary were lower than those from the area more distant to the estuary; the central part of the research region had higher abundance and biomass than other parts of the research region. In accordance with the results, four macrobenthic communities with distinct spatial differences were identified. The low abundance and biomass in the area close to the estuary should be caused by the high sedimentation rate. The statistical analysis indicated that the depth is the most important factor affecting the distribution of macrobenthos.  相似文献   

于2012年11月18日至12月21日,在黄、东海沿从南向北(26~36°N)一个断面24个站采样调查了表层(4 m)砂壳纤毛虫群落。共发现砂壳纤毛虫17属,32种。各站砂壳纤毛虫种丰富度为2~15种,砂壳纤毛虫总丰度为2 478~88 550个/m3。整个断面优势种为筒状拟铃虫、白领细壳虫、小领细壳虫和钝囊坎虫。巴西拟铃虫仅出现在青岛近岸(24号站),但丰度很高(10 960个/m3)。砂壳纤毛虫种类多样性从南向北降低,从近岸向远岸增加,黏着壳的比例在近岸水浅处较多,在水深大于50 m的站位,透明壳所占比例大大增加。不同种类的砂壳纤毛虫有着不同的分布区域,根据分布区域的不同,可分为南方种,北方种和广布种等。聚类分析结果显示,调查区的砂壳纤毛虫可以分为3个群落。  相似文献   

Particle fluxes to 3100 m depth at 45°50′N, 19°30′W were measured using time-series sediment traps during a 17 month period encompassing 1989 and 1990 JGOFS spring bloom process studies in the northeast Atlantic. There was a marked intra-annual variability in fluxes of mass, particulate inorganic carbon (PIC), particulate organic carbon (POC) and opal, appearing as two major flux events in each year. In 1989, the first flux event represented the settlement of spring bloom-type material, whereas the second, in autumn, was heavily enriched in mucopolysaccharides. In 1990, in contrast, the two flux events comprised spring bloom-type material and arrived at depth at different times relative to the 1989 events. The intra- and interannual variability evident for all three biogenic components was most notable for POC: (i) the autumn 1989 event supplied twice as much POC to 3100 m as the earlier spring bloom settlement—a quite unexpected observation—and (ii) the annual average POC flux in 1989 was 3–4 times more than in 1990. A synthesis of process study datasets with sediment trap data enables an evaluation of the coupling of deep fluxes with surface-water events. Spatial variability of the 1989 deep flux events is assessed by comparing the sediment trap data reported here with those from a second site 100 km away (Honjo and Manganini,Deep-Sea Research II,40, 587–607, 1993). The timing and magnitude of the 1989 spring bloom settlement was indistinguishable in the two datasets, indicating no spatial variability in flux between these sites. In contrast, the autumn 1989 flux event was barely recorded at the second site. Given the biogeochemical importance of this latter event to deep waters, most notable in terms of its contribution to POC flux, this observation of deep-water mesoscale flux variability indicates a significant problem in determining regional carbon budgets. Construction of basin-scale budgets is a central goal of JGOFS and for this to be achieved further studies of mesoscale variability of particle flux are essential.  相似文献   

Climatological variability of picophytoplankton populations that consisted of >64% of total chlorophyll a concentrations was investigated in the equatorial Pacific. Flow cytometric analysis was conducted along the equator between 145°E and 160°W during three cruises in November–December 1999, January 2001, and January–February 2002. Those cruises were covering the La Niña (1999, 2001) and the pre-El Niño (2002) periods. According to the sea surface temperature (SST) and nitrate concentrations in the surface water, three regions were distinguished spatially, viz., the warm-water region with >28 °C SST and nitrate depletion (<0.1 μmol kg−1), the upwelling region with <28 °C SST and high nitrate (>4 μmol kg−1) water, and the in-between frontal zone with low nitrate (0.1–4 μmol kg−1). Picophytoplankton identified as the groups of Prochlorococcus, Synechococcus and picoeukaryotes showed a distinct spatial heterogeneity in abundance corresponding to the watermass distribution. Prochlorococcus was most abundant in the warm-water region, especially in the nitrate-depleted water with >150×103 cells ml−1, Synechococcus in the frontal zone with >15×103 cells ml−1, and picoeukaryotes in the upwelling region with >8×103 cells ml−1. The warm-water region extended eastward with eastward shift of the frontal zone and the upwelling region during the pre-El Niño period. On the contrary, these regions distributed westward during the La Niña period. These climatological fluctuations of the watermass significantly influenced the distribution of picophytoplankton populations. The most abundant area of Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus extended eastward and picoeukaryotes developed westward during the pre-El Niño period. The spatial heterogeneity of each picophytoplankton group is discussed here in association with spatial variations in nitrate supply, ambient ammonium concentration, and light field.  相似文献   

The distribution of dissolved (D) and acid-dissolvable (AD) Fe, Ni, Cu and Pb in the upper water column (0–300 m depth) was determined in the Australian sector of the Southern Ocean (140°E meridian) during three cruises conducted between November 2001 and March 2002. For Ni and Cu, there was no significant difference in concentration between dissolved and acid-dissolvable species. DNi and DCu showed significant (P = 0.01) positive correlations with silicate, phosphate and nitrate, reflecting their strong nutrient-type behaviour. For Fe and Pb, the acid-dissolvable concentration mostly exceeded the dissolved concentration, reflecting the importance of labile particulate species for these elements. DPb decreased between January and February in the Polar Frontal Zone and in Antarctic continental shelf water. ADPb maxima occurred in the Antarctic Zone, resulting in a maximum AD/D ratio of 7. The mean DFe concentration in the surface mixed layer was 0.3 nM in the sub-Antarctic zone, 0.4 nM in the Polar Frontal Zone, 0.5 nM in the Antarctic Zone and increased southward beyond the Antarctic Divergence and towards the continent. DFe did not show a clear temporal change in its horizontal distribution, which was in contrast to the other nutrients and trace metals. ADFe substantially increased in Antarctic continental shelf water where the AD/D ratio reached 11. The following conclusions can be drawn from these data. (1) Ni and Cu exist exclusively as dissolved species and their distributions are mainly controlled by their biogeochemical cycling, similar to those of the major nutrients. (2) Pb is dominated by particulate species. The distribution of DPb is temporally and spatially variable due to a sporadic source and strong scavenging. (3) DFe is rather a minor fraction of total Fe in Antarctic continental shelf water where shelf sediments and Antarctic sea-ice appear to be strong sources for Fe. There is substantial temporal variation in the supply of Fe to the upper water column. DFe in the mixed layer of the open Southern Ocean is maintained at low concentrations throughout summer due to uptake by phytoplankton and scavenging.  相似文献   

Chlorophyll a(Chl a),particulate organic carbon(POC)and biogenic silica(BSi)were determined in coastal waters adjacent to the Zhujiang(Pearl)River Estuary(ZRE)during summer,in order to examine the C:Chl a ratio of phytoplankton and phytoplankton carbon in the plume-impacted coastal waters during summer,as well as to assess the relative contribution of diatoms to the phytoplankton biomass,by the regression between Chl a,POC and BSi.Our results showed that the C:Chl a ratio(g/g)of phytoplankton was high(up to 142),likely due to high light intensity and nutrient limitation.The river plume input stimulated phytoplankton growth,especially diatoms,resulting in higher relative contribution of phytoplankton carbon(55%)and diatoms(34%)to POC in the plume-impacted region than those(33%and 13%)in high salinity area,respectively.Phytoplankton carbon(up to 538μg/L)in the plume-impacted region was much higher than that(<166μg/L)in high salinity area.Our findings were helpful to improve the biogeochemical model in coastal waters adjacent to the ZRE.  相似文献   

夏季辽东湾西部海域大型底栖动物群落结构与多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解夏季辽东湾西部海域大型底栖动物群落结构与多样性,作者于2009年8月对六股河口外海域15个站位进行了大型底栖动物调查。整个研究海域共采到大型底栖动物124种,其总平均丰度为(2824±1537)个/m2,总平均生物量为(22.01±38.58)g/m2。利用相对重要性指数和优势度指数所确定的前三位优势种一致,分别为二齿半尖额涟虫(Hemileucon bidentatus)、深钩毛虫(Sigambra bassi)和独指虫(Aricidea fragilis),其余优势种存在细微差异。各站位香农-维纳多样性指数、Pielou均匀度指数和Margalef丰富度指数均呈现河口和中部海域低,近岸和外围海域高的分布规律。在50%相似度水平上,可将研究海域划分为4个群落。研究结果表明:研究海域底栖环境整体清洁,底层水环境因子对大型底栖动物群落的影响较弱。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate microbial structures and diversities in five active hydrothermal fields’ sediments along the Eastern Lau Spreading Centre (ELSC) in the Lau Basin (southwest Pacific). Microbial communities were surveyed by denatured gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and clone library analysis of 16S rRNA genes. The differences in microbial community structures among sediment samples from the five deep-sea hydrothermal sites were revealed by DGGE profiles. Cluster analysis of DGGE profiles separated the five hydrothermal samples into two groups. Four different 16S rRNA gene clone libraries, representing two selected hydrothermal samples (19-4TVG8 and 19-4TVG11), were constructed. Twenty-three and 32 phylotypes were identified from 166 and 160 bacterial clones respectively, including Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, Nitrospirae and Planctomycetes. The phylum Proteobacteria is dominant in both bacterial libraries with a predominance of Gamma-Proteobacteria. A total of 31 and 25 phylotypes were obtained from 160 and 130 archaeal clones respectively, including Miscellaneous Crenarchaeotic Group, Marine Group Ⅰ and Ⅲ, Marine Benthic Group E, Terrestrial Hot Spring Crenarchaeota and Deep-sea Hydrothermal Vent Euryarchaeota. These results show a variety of clones related to those involved in sulfur cycling, suggesting that the cycling and utilization of sulfur compounds may extensively occur in the Lau Basin deep-sea hydrothermal ecosystem.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal distribution of cadmium (Cd) and phosphate in the Southern Ocean are related to biology and hydrography. During a period of 18 days between transects 5/6 and 11, a phytoplankton spring bloom developed in the Polar Frontal region. Upper water Cd concentrations were not depleted and ranged from 0.2 to 0.8 nM at about 10 m depth. These relatively high Cd concentrations are attributed to upwelling of Upper Circumpolar Deep Water (0.5–1.2 nM in the core) in combination with low biological productivity (0.2 to 0.3 mg m−3 chlorophyll-a, 0.3 g C m−2 d−1). Total particulate Cd concentrations at 40 m depth were between 0.02 and 0.14 nM with the maximum in concentration in the Polar Frontal region. Most of the particulate Cd at this depth (85–94%) was detected in the first phase of a sequential chemical leaching treatment which includes adsorbed Cd as well as Cd incorporated in algae. The Polar Frontal region was characterized by minima in Cd concentration and Cd/phosphate ratio of seawater at both transects; values were the lowest at transect 11 after development of the spring bloom which was dominated by diatoms. This decreasing Cd/phosphate ratio in seawater during spring bloom development was attributed to preferential Cd gross uptake which more than compensated the process of preferential Cd recycling. Within the Upper Circumpolar Deep Water, Cd showed a maximum in concentration similar to that of the major nutrients. Both the Cd concentration and the Cd/phosphate ratio of the deeper water increased in southern direction, from 0.4 to 0.7 nM and from 0.2 to 0.3 nM/μM, respectively. Antarctic Intermediate Water has a Cd concentration of 0.21 nM with a Cd/phosphate ratio of 0.10 nM/μM. In Antarctic Bottom Water, Cd concentrations ranged from 0.60 to 0.82 nM.  相似文献   

We investigated the composition, recycling, and mass accumulation rates of sediments along a transect in the Southern Ocean located from 66°S to 57°S at 170°W. This transect also corresponds to the location of a sediment trap mooring line. The sediments at the seven sites studied range from largely terrigenous material to nearly pure (>90%) biogenic silica. CaCO3 is a minor but persistent component at most sites. Mass accumulation rates have been determined on the basis of excess 230Th in the sediments, i.e., 230Th-normalized accumulation rates. The influence of redistribution of sediments on the sea floor has been estimated from 14C analyses. The recycling of material delivered to the sediments has been characterized on the basis of pore water studies that make extensive use of both in situ sampling and shipboard extractions. The influence of the highly variable rates of input of particulate matter that characterize much of the Southern Ocean upon pore water gradients and fluxes across the sediment water interface has been considered.We find only poor correspondence between BSiO2 burial fraction (=burial/particulate flux), a quantifiable measure of preservation efficiency, and BSiO2 particulate rain along the transect. However, preservation does appear to be closely linked to a combination of sedimentation rate and particulate rain.The burial fraction of BSiO2 is small relative to benthic rain (5–19%). Despite the small fraction buried, burial flux normalized to (sedimentation rate)1/2 appears to provide a very consistent means of predicting benthic particulate rain over a large range of rain rates, including data from a number of different studies and environments. At sites with BSiO2 rain 250 mmol m−2 yr−1 the average difference between predicted and observed rain is 25–30%. Such rain rates occur in many marine areas, particularly the Southern Ocean, with the result that this relationship potentially provides a means of estimating BSiO2 benthic rain over prolonged periods in the past on the basis of readily measured sediment parameters.At the southern-most deep ocean station, the particulate flux was characterized by an extremely high Corg/CaCO3 ratio (>10), but this high ratio does not appear to have a substantial influence on CaCO3 burial. CaCO3 is preserved in the sediments at this site despite a particulate flux with a 10-fold excess of Corg above that required for complete dissolution in the sediments. The unexpectedly high preservation of CaCO3 is due largely to the very steep Corg oxidation rate profile at this site. As a result, a large fraction of the organic matter oxidized in the sediments does so in close proximity to the sediment–water interface where most of the metabolic CO2 is neutralized by CO32− from the overlying water, rather than by the dissolution of sedimentary CaCO3.Diagenetic modeling indicates that at several of the stations, the remineralization fluxes of carbonate species across the sediment–water interface may not have been at steady state as a result of the highly pulsed nature of particulate rain in this environment. We estimate that at the time of our sampling it is possible that near-interface fluxes could have been a factor of 1.6–2 times the annual average.At every site on the transect, the burial fluxes of detrital material are substantially greater than the detrital particulate rain measured in the sediment traps, by as much as a factor of 40. Detrital burial is bimodal, being greatest at the southern and northern extremes of the transect. We postulate that the excess of burial over particulate rain in the south reflects the contribution of ice rafted debris at these high latitudes. Increases in the supply at the northern stations must have a different source. We believe that the excess at these stations is material eroded from the sea floor to the west, possibly on the Campbell Plateau, and advected by currents to the northern portion of the transect at depths below the shallow traps.  相似文献   

2019年夏季对沿黄、东海至西太平洋跨越黑潮一个断面(122°E~145°E)的表层砂壳纤毛虫群落进行调查,研究了黑潮中砂壳纤毛虫与相邻水体的差异.根据水文环境及各站位所处的空间位置,我们将研究区域划分为大洋边缘区域、黑潮区域和大洋区域.各站位砂壳纤毛虫的丰度范围为3.95~31.94 ind·L–1,种丰富度范围为6...  相似文献   

Vypeen, an island of Cochin estuarine system, acts as the spawning site of several marine and estuarine fishes. We assumed that, physical process(upwelling) make changes in hydrography and the production of chlorophyll a in coastal waters off Vypeen. These alterations can influence the zooplankton abundance and copepod community structure in that area. For justifying this hypothesis, samples were collected from Vypeen at 10 m and 30 m locations during January(pre-southwest monsoon), August(late-southwest monsoon) and November(postsouthwest monsoon) 2014. During August, subsurface water column was cool, nutrient rich and less oxygenated(signatures of upwelling) than in November and January. Maximum concentrations of nitrate and chlorophyll a were recorded during August. In the present study, 15 zooplankton groups were recorded; of which copepods were the most predominant group(73%–90%). Copepod density in the present study ranged between 527.2 ind./m~3 and 5 139.2 ind./m~3. Totally, 37 copepods species were reported in present study and copepod species richness was higher during January. The abundance of zooplankton and copepods was high in August during late-southwest monsoon. These variations were closely associated with the coastal upwelling in August and weakening of moderate upwelling in November. In SIMPER analysis, it was found that the copepods species distribution was similar within season and dissimilar between the three seasons. Moreover, the higher abundance of upwelling indicator species Temora turbinata was recorded in August, which confirms the signs of seasonal upwelling in Vypeen. The present study emphasized on the influence of hydrographical parameters associated with physical process, in governing the copepod community organization of the Vypeen Island.  相似文献   

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