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We present light curves of four binary subdwarf B stars (sdB), Ton 245, Feige 11, PG 1432+159 and PG 1017−086. We also present new spectroscopic data for PG 1017−086 from which we derive its orbital period,   P =0.073 d  , and the mass function,   f m=0.0010±0.0002 M.  This is the shortest period for an sdB binary measured to date. The values of P and f m for the other sdB binaries have been published elsewhere. We are able to exclude the possibility that the unseen companion stars to Ton 245, Feige 11 and PG 1432+159 are main-sequence stars or subgiant stars from the absence of a sinusoidal signal, which would be caused by the irradiation of such a companion star, i.e. they show no reflection effect. The unseen companion stars in these binaries are likely to be white dwarf stars. In contrast, the reflection effect in PG 1017−086 is clearly seen. The lack of eclipses in this binary combined with other data suggests that the companion is a low-mass M-dwarf or, perhaps, a brown dwarf.  相似文献   

In the last decade or so, there have been numerous searches for hot subdwarfs in close binaries. There has been little to no attention paid to wide binaries, however. The advantages of understanding these systems can be many. The stars can be assumed to be coeval, which means they have common properties. The distance and metallicity, for example, are both unknown for the subdwarf component, but may be determinable for the secondary, allowing other properties of the subdwarf to be estimated. With this in mind, we have started a search for common proper motion pairs containing a hot subdwarf component. We have uncovered several promising candidate systems, which are presented here.  相似文献   

Intermediate dispersion spectroscopy of a sample of 40 hot subdwarf B stars between 5500 and 9000Å has been obtained. The sample includes a large fraction of targets which have been studied photometrically. Seven targets show strong lines arising from the infrared Ca  ii triplet, the unequivocal signature of a cool companion. The positive Ca  ii identifications include known photometric binaries and new targets; all are associated with a photometric red excess. Assuming a canonical value for the subdwarf luminosity, all of the detected companions are overluminous compared with the main sequence. The detection procedure indicates an improved and more secure method for the measurement of the binary frequency of hot subdwarfs.  相似文献   

Apparent acceleration of proper motion is one of the observable manifestations of orbital motion in binary stars. Owing to the increasing accuracy of astrometric measurements, it may also be a method to detect binarity of stars. This paper presents some analytical expressions for the effects of binary motion on proper motions when the orbital period is at least several times the span of observations. We estimate orbit dimensions and distances at which low‐mass companions and planets may be detected around main‐sequence stars, using preliminary estimates of precision for the AMEX, GAIA and SIM space missions.  相似文献   

The separations between the components of nearby visual binaries are investigated. For Main-Sequence stars in the spectral range F0-M7 the distribution of the separations is independent from the spectral type of the primary component. A decrease of the limiting upper separation from the early to late-type systems found by Abt is probably due to selective constraints.  相似文献   

Crimean Astrophysical Observatory. Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 519–525, November–December, 1989.  相似文献   

A total 91 binary systems of systemic mass less than 6.5M have been studied. It is found that binary systems obey the relation: logH=C–1.8 logM whereC is constant having values –1.18, –2.12 and –2.27 respectively for detached, semi-detached and contact binary systems. It is inferred that during evolution, the systemic orbital angular momentum decreases.  相似文献   

Greaves (2006) proposed that three red, high proper motion stars within 10° of 51 Peg (NLTT 54007, 54064, and 55547) are co‐moving companions to this famous exoplanet host star. While the stars clearly have proper motions similar to 51 Peg, the inferred kinematic parallaxes for these stars produce extremely inconsistent color‐magnitude positions 2 to 4 magnitudes below the main sequence. All three stars are likely to be background stars unrelated to 51 Peg (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We analysed archival spectroscopic data of AM CVn taken with the William Herschel Telescope in 1996. In the literature two orbital periods for AM CVn are proposed. A clear S-wave in the He  i 4471, 4387 and 4143 Å lines is revealed when the spectra are folded on the 1029-s period. No signature of this S-wave is seen when folded on 1051 s. Doppler tomography of the line profiles shows a clear signature of the hotspot. Using this we can constrain the value of K 2 to lie between 210 and 280 km s−1. Our work confirms the binary nature of AM CVn beyond any doubt, establishes 1028.73 s as the true orbital period and supports the interpretation of AM CVn as a permanent superhump system.  相似文献   

The radial velocities of the Ap star 53 Cam = HD 65339 show a longtime variation corresponding to a binary motion. For the elements of the binary system the following values were derived: K = 8km/s, γ = -2.2 km/s, P = 2380 days. e = 0.56, ω = 10°, and a · sin i = 22 · 107 km. A second period of about 1850 days is indicated but this value seems to be a spurious period. Investigations of ZEEMAN spectrograms made by several authors gave a magnetic period of a bout 8 days. This period, interpreted as rotational period of the star, obviously differs a little for various observational times depending on the position in the binary orbit; so that the period is smaller at the time of the apastron passage. At present it is not possible to decide wheter this behaviour – if real – preponderantly reflects changes of the velocity of rotation or of the magnetic field. Furthermore the radial velocities show a dependence on the state of ionization of the elements in such a way that evidently lines from neutral elements have larger radial velocities (absolute values) than those of the ionized elements. These differences also depend on the position in the binary orbit as mentioned for the magnetic periods.  相似文献   

New photometric and spectroscopic observations yield further evidence for the binary nature of the early-type star HR 3084. Shape and small amplitude of the visual and IR light curves indicate that the light variations are essentially due to ellipsoidal effects rather than to Cep variability.Based on observations collected at the European Southern Observatory, La Silla, Chile.  相似文献   

The recent results on CNO in dwarfs and subdwarfs are discussed. The value of [O/Fe] ≃ 0.0 at solar abundances but gradually increases with decreasing [Fe/H]. The value of [C/Fe] is constant at ≃ 0.0 −2 +1 as [Fe/H] declines from + 0.5 to −2.0; for [Fe/H] < − 2.0, [C/Fe] increases somewhat reaching a mean value near + 0.2 or + 0.3 dex. All the investigations agree that N has a strong primary component.  相似文献   

The peculiar nova-like star PU Vul was observed spectroscopically from 1981 Sept 12 to 1983 Dec 11 at Yunnan Observatory and Beijing Observatory. In 1981 Sept, the star showed an absorption spectrum of the Balmer lines, the H,K and D lines, and some FeII, SrII and TiII lines. H was seen in emission in 1982 Oct and Hβ, in 1983 Sept. Both emissions were enhanced in 1983 Oct. and then dimmed since 1983 Nov. On 1983 Dec 11, Hβ might be absent, but the H was still visible. The spectral type was similar to that of an F giant during this period. This object may be an exceptionally slow nova and a binary consisting of an M giant and a hot companion.  相似文献   

The expressions of the tidal velocity in not very close binaries (double stars, the Sun and a planet, a planet and a satellite) are derived and applied in particular to white dwarfs and the giant planets of the solar system. The magnitude of the velocity on the surface of Jupiter is estimated to be about 0.5 cm s?1. In white dwarfs the velocities of the order of tens m s?1 may be encountered, and they can influence their evolution. The symmetry of the tidal flows is noted to be suitable for the magnetic field generation.  相似文献   

The evolutionary process of semi-detached binary systems is examined on the basis of non-conservation of orbital angular momentum. We conclude that the semi-detached binary systems follow Type B evolution.  相似文献   

The correlations angular momentaL to massesM are studied for different types of spectroscopic binaries. The functionsL=AM b have the coefficientb with the values expected from a Keplerian mechanics, but the valuesA(q, T), A(q, a), A(q, v), associated tob=5/3, 3/2, and 2, respectively, are given (statistically speaking) by multiples or submultiples of discrete values of: the mass ratiosq, the semi-major axesa, periodsT, and velocitiesv of the reduced mass. This indicates the existence of a discrete unit of actionL=(1/2)×potential energy xperiod. Postulates about equivalent states of angular momenta for different orbital parameters are introduced, being this coherent with the analysis of the up-to-date data. Among other examples of the application of such equivalence postulates, we haveL(M) (W-type of the WUMa systems)L(M) (main group of the Algol binaries). The quantum units of action seen here are equivalent to those seen in the solar system in one of our previous works. From comparisons with galaxies and single stars, it is evidence that there is not an unique universal functionL=AM b, when the fine structure of the relation is analysed: each type of object has its own coefficients,A, b. It sems to be that there are an upper and a lower limit for all the possible functions. The upper limit isL=A gM5/3, withA g1 associated to periodsT Hubble time, and the lower limit isL=GM 2/c, with 1. The existence of the upper limit can be investigated with studies of pairs of galaxies, and the lower limit can be tested with analysis of single G, K, M stars. The quantical hypothesis introduced here can be checked definitely, when available larger samples of data with low errors, with similar quality as the selected list of almost 80 eclipsing binaries (mainly detached systems) analysed here.  相似文献   

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