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The high quality of the asteroseismic data provided by space missions such as CoRoT (Michel et al. in The CoRoT Mission, ESA Spec. Publ. vol. 1306, p. 39, 2006) or expected from new operating missions such as Kepler (Christensen-Dalsgaard et al. in Commun. Asteroseismol. 150:350, 2007) requires the capacity of stellar evolution codes to provide accurate models whose numerical precision is better than the expected observational errors (i.e. below 0.1 μHz on the frequencies in the case of CoRoT). We present a review of some thorough comparisons of stellar models produced by different evolution codes, involved in the CoRoT/ESTA activities (Monteiro in Evolution and Seismic Tools for Stellar Astrophysics, 2009). We examine the numerical aspects of the computations as well as the effects of different implementations of the same physics on the global quantities, physical structure and oscillations properties of the stellar models. We also discuss a few aspects of the input physics.  相似文献   

We apply the turbulent convection model (TCM) to investigate properties of tur-bulence in the solar convective envelope, especially in overshooting regions. The results show TCM gives negative turbulent heat flux uγ′T′in overshooting regions, which is sim-ilar to other nonlocal turbulent convection theories. The turbulent temperature fluctuation T′T′shows peaks in overshooting regions. Most important, we find that the downward overshooting region below the base of the solar convection zone is a thin cellular layer filled with roll-shaped convective cells. The overshooting length for the temperature gradi-ent is much shorter than that for element mixing because turbulent heat flux of downward and upward moving convective cells counteract each other in this cellular overshooting region. Comparing the models' sound speed with observations, we find that raking the convective overshooting into account helps to improve the sound speed profile of our nonlocal solar models. Comparing the p-mode oscillation frequencies with observations,we validated that increasing the diffusion parameters and decreasing the dissipation pa-rameters of TCM make the p-mode oscillation frequencies of the solar model be in betteragreement with observations.  相似文献   

Subdwarf B stars (sdBs) can significantly change the ultraviolet spectra of populations at age t~1 Gyr, and have been even included in the evolutionary population synthesis (EPS) models by Han et al. (Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 380:1098, 2007). In this study we present the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of binary stellar populations (BSPs) by combining the EPS models of Han et al. (Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 380:1098, 2007) and those of the Yunnan group (Zhang et al. in Astron. Astrophys. 415:117, 2004; Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 357:1088, 2005), which have included various binary interactions (except sdBs) in EPS models. This set of SEDs is available upon request from the authors. Using this set of SEDs of BSPs we build the spectra of Burst, E, S0–Sd and Irr types of galaxies by using the package of Bruzual and Charlot (Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 344:1000, 2003). Combined with the photometric data (filters and magnitudes), we obtain the photometric redshifts and morphologies of 1502 galaxies by using the Hyperz code of Bolzonella et al. (Astron. Astrophys. 363:476, 2000). This sample of galaxies is obtained by removing those objects, mismatched with the SDSS/DR7 and GALEX/DR4, from the catalogue of Fukugita et al. (Astron. J. 134:579, 2007). By comparison the results with the SDSS spectroscopic redshifts and the morphological index of Fukugita et al. (Astron. J. 134:579, 2007), we find that the photo-z fluctuate with the SDSS spectroscopic redshifts, while the Sa–Sc galaxies in the catalogue of Fukugita et al. (Astron. J. 134:579, 2007) are classified earlier as Burst-E galaxies.  相似文献   

We compare stellar models produced by different stellar evolution codes for the CoRoT/ESTA project, comparing their global quantities, their physical structure, and their oscillation properties. We discuss the differences between models and identify the underlying reasons for these differences. The stellar models are representative of potential CoRoT targets. Overall we find very good agreement between the five different codes, but with some significant deviations. We find noticeable discrepancies (though still at the per cent level) that result from the handling of the equation of state, of the opacities and of the convective boundaries. The results of our work will be helpful in interpreting future asteroseismology results from CoRoT.  相似文献   

The height distribution of the kinetic temperature of solar H spicules is determined using the widths of optically thin hydrogen and metallic lines obtained at the total solar eclipse of 1966: the temperature was found to be 8600 K at the height of 2200 km measured from the radial optical depth of unity at 5000 Å, and to decrease to a minimum of 5000 K ± 180 K at 3200 km, and to increase again to 8200 K at 6000 km.The height distribution of the non-thermal turbulent velocity is also determined and is shown to be consistent with the neutral helium line widths emitted at the kinetic temperature of 5000–8000 K.  相似文献   

J. J. Aly 《Solar physics》1992,138(1):133-162
Some useful properties of a finite energy, constant-α, force-free magnetic field B α occupying a half-space D are presented. In particular:
  1. Fourier and Green representations of B α are obtained and used to derive conditions for the existence and uniqueness of a B α having a given normal component B z on the boundary ?D.
  2. The asymptotic behaviour of B α at infinity as well as stability results against changes in the boundary condition on ?D and in the value of α are established.
  3. The energy of B α is shown to be smaller than the energy of the open field having the same B z on ?D, thus confirming an earlier conjecture (Aly, 1984).
  4. B α is proved to not be a Taylor-Heyvaerts-Priest state, in spite of the fact that its relative helicity H is finite and that it is the only solution of the Lagrange-Euler equation associated with the problem of minimizing the energy among all the fields having the same value of H and the same B z on ?D.

The oxygen density in the central zone of the ejecta of nine type IIP supernovae (SNe IIP) at the nebular phase has been determined from the [O I] 6300, 6364 Å doublet lines. In combination with the known estimates for two supernovae, the results of measurements show that the oxygen densities on day 300 are distributed in a narrow range, (2.3 ± 1) × 109 cm?3. This result does not depend on the distance, extinction, and model assumptions. Analysis of the density distribution found leads to the conclusion that the SN IIP explosion energy increases with stellar mass.  相似文献   

We re-formulate the 3+1 GRMHD equations for the Schwarzschild black hole in a Veselago medium. Linear perturbation in rotating (non-magnetized and magnetized) plasma is introduced and their Fourier analysis is considered. We discuss wave properties with the help of wave vector, refractive index and change in refractive index in the form of graphs. It is concluded that some waves move away from the event horizon in this unusual medium. We conclude that for the rotating non-magnetized plasma, our results confirm the presence of Veselago medium while the rotating magnetized plasma does not provide any evidence for this medium.  相似文献   

We have obtained and analyzed UBVRI CCD frames of the young, 4–10 Myr, open cluster NGC 3293 and the surrounding field in order to study its stellar content and determine the cluster’s IMF. We found significantly fewer lower mass stars, M≤2.5M , than expected. This is particularly so if a single age for the cluster of 4.6 Myr is adopted as derived from fitting evolutionary models to the upper main sequence. Some intermediate-mass stars near the main sequence in the HR diagram imply an age for the cluster of about 10 Myr. When compared with the Scalo (The stellar initial mass function. ASP conference series, vol. 24, p. 201, 1998) IMF scaled to the cluster IMF in the intermediate mass range, 2.5≤M/M ≤8.0 where there is good agreement, the high mass stars have a distinctly flatter IMF, indicating an over abundance of these stars, and there is a sharp turnover in the distribution at lower masses. The radial density distribution of cluster stars in the massive and intermediate mass regimes indicate that these stars are more concentrated to the cluster core whereas the lower-mass stars show little concentration. We suggest that this is evidence supporting the formation of massive stars through accretion and/or coagulation processes in denser cluster cores at the expense of the lower mass proto-stars. R.W. Slawson and E.P. Horch are guest investigators at the University of Toronto Southern Observatory, Las Campanas, Chile.  相似文献   

The nonequilibrium dynamical theory of thermonuclear reaction in the stars is used to analyse the stabilities of P-PI reactions in the solar core and 3 reactions of helium burning in the core of red giant stars. The constant stability of stars on the main sequence and the helium flash instability have been explained from a new point of view. Calculations show that the (g - T) term in the dynamical equation has a damaging effect on the stability of the thermonuclear reaction, but its intensity in the core of red giant stars is ~ 107 times that in the solar core. It may be intimately related to some instability of the stellar structure. The effect on the flash instability is especially analysed.  相似文献   

We have studied the stability of location of various equilibrium points of a passive micron size particle in the field of radiating binary stellar system within the framework of circular restricted three body problem. Influence of radial radiation pressure and Poynting-Robertson drag (PR-drag) on the equilibrium points and their stability in the binary stellar systems RW-Monocerotis and Krüger-60 has been studied. It is shown that both collinear and off axis equilibrium points are linearly unstable for increasing value of β 1 (ratio of radiation to gravitational force of the massive component) in presence of PR-drag for the binary systems. Further we find that out of plane equilibrium points (L i , i=6,7) may exists for range of values of β 1>1 for these binary systems in the presence of PR-drag. Our linear stability analysis shows that the motion near the equilibrium points L 6,7 of the binary systems is unstable both in the absence and presence of PR-drag.  相似文献   

The north – south asymmetries (NSA) of three solar activity indices are derived and mutually compared over a period of more than five solar cycles (1945 – 2001). A catalogue of the hemispheric sunspot numbers, the data set of the coronal green line brightness developed by us, and the magnetic flux derived from the NSO/KP data (1975 – 2001) are treated separately within the discrete low- and mid-latitude zones (5° – 30°, 35° – 60°). The calculated autocorrelations, cross-correlations, and regressions between the long-term NSA data sets reveal regularities in the solar activity phenomenon. Namely, the appearance of a distinct quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) is evident in all selected activity indices. Nevertheless, a smooth behavior of QBO is derived only when sufficient temporal averaging is performed over solar cycles. The variation in the significance and periodicity of QBO allows us to conclude that the QBO is not persistent over the whole solar cycle. A similarity in the photospheric and coronal manifestations of the NSA implies that their mutual relation will also show the QBO. A roughly two-year periodicity is actually obtained, but again only after significant averaging over solar cycles. The derived cross-correlations are in fact variable in degree of correlation as well as in changing periodicity. A clear and significant temporal shift of 1 – 2 months in the coronal manifestation of the magnetic flux asymmetry relative to the photospheric manifestation is revealed as a main property of their mutual correlation. This shift can be explained by the delayed large-scale coronal manifestation in responding to the emergence of the magnetic flux in the photosphere. The reliability of the derived results was confirmed by numerical tests performed by selecting different numerical values of the used parameters.  相似文献   

We have presented the localization of kinetic Alfvén wave (KAW) in intermediate β plasma (m e /m i ?β?1) by developing a model based on pump kinetic Alfvén wave and finite amplitude magnetosonic fluctuations. When KAW is perturbed by these background magnetosonic fluctuations, filamentary structures of KAW magnetic field are formed. First, a semi analytical model based on paraxial approximation has been developed to understand this evolution process. Localized structures and magnetic fluctuation spectrum of KAW has also been studied numerically for finite frequency of KAW. The calculated magnetic fluctuation spectrum follows two types of scalings. Above the proton gyroradius scale lengths (in inertial range), spectrum follows Kolmogorovian scaling. Below this scale dispersion starts and the spectrum steepens to about \(k_{x}^{-2.5}\) . The result shows the steepening of power spectra which can be responsible for particle acceleration in solar wind due to the energy transfer from larger to smaller lengthscales. Obtained magnetic turbulent spectra are consistent with observations of Cluster spacecraft in solar wind.  相似文献   

In view of the usefulness and a great importance of the kinetic equation in certain astrophysical problems the authors develop a new and further generalized form of the fractional kinetic equation involving the G-function, a generalized function for the fractional calculus. This new generalization can be used for the computation of the change of chemical composition in stars like the Sun. The Mellin-Barnes contour integral representation of the G-function is also established. The manifold generality of the G-function is discussed in terms of the solution of the above fractional kinetic equation. A compact and easily computable solution is established. Special cases, involving the generalized Mittag-leffler function and the R-function, are considered. The obtained results imply more precisely the known results.  相似文献   

Using the 2D numerical simulation we have studied the nonlinear evolution of kinetic Alfvén wave (KAW) in intermediate β plasmas (β?m e /m i ?1). The coupled equations of kinetic Alfvén wave (KAW) and ion acoustic wave (IAW) have been studied with different initial conditions using (1) periodic perturbation, (2) Gaussian perturbation and (3) random perturbation. We have studied the effect of initial conditions on the filament formation and on the turbulent scaling laws. The scale size of the localized structures is also obtained under different conditions.  相似文献   

We present a statistical analysis of the relationship between the kinematics of the leading edge and the eruptive prominence in coronal mass ejections (CMEs). We study the acceleration phase of 18 CMEs in which kinematics was measured from the pre-eruption stage up to the post-acceleration phase. In all CMEs, the three part structure (the leading edge, the cavity, and the prominence) was clearly recognizable from early stages of the eruption. The data show a distinct correlation between the duration of the leading edge (LE) acceleration and eruptive prominence (EP) acceleration. In the majority of events (78%) the acceleration phase onset of the LE is very closely synchronized (within ± 20 min) with the acceleration of EP. However, in two events the LE acceleration started significantly earlier than the EP acceleration (> 50 min), and in two events the EP acceleration started earlier than the LE acceleration (> 40 min). The average peak acceleration of LEs (281 m s−2) is about two times larger than the average peak acceleration of EPs (136 m s−2). For the first time, our results quantitatively demonstrate the level of synchronization of the acceleration phase of LE and EP in a rather large sample of events, i.e., we quantify how often the eruption develops in a “self-similar” manner.  相似文献   

This paper deals with five-dimensional black hole solutions in (a) Einstein-Maxwell-Gauss-Bonnet theory with a cosmological constant and (b) Einstein-Yang-Mills-Gauss-Bonnet theory for spherically symmetric space time. In both the cases the possibility of phase transition is examined and it is analyzed whether the phase transition is a Hawking-Page type phase transition or not.  相似文献   

The paper contains a numerical simulation of the nonlinear coupling between the kinetic Alfvén wave and the ion acoustic wave for an intermediate β-plasma (m e/m i?β?1). For this study, we have introduced the nonlinear ponderomotive force (due to the finite frequency (ω 0<ω ci) kinetic Alfvén wave) in the derivation of the ion acoustic wave. The main aim of the present paper is to study the nonlinear effects associated with the different driving finite frequencies (ω 0<ω ci) of the pump kinetic Alfvén wave on the formation of localized structures and a turbulent spectrum applicable to the solar wind around 1 AU. As a result, we found that the different driving frequencies of the pump kinetic Alfvén wave affect the formation of the localized structures. We have also studied the turbulent scaling which follows (~k ?3.6) for ω 0/ω ci≈0.2, (~k ?3.4) for ω 0/ω ci≈0.3 and (~k ?3.2) for ω 0/ω ci≈0.4, at small scales. Further, we have also found that different finite driving frequencies of the pump kinetic Alfvén wave affect the turbulence scaling at small scales, which may affect the heating of the plasma particles in solar wind. The present study is correlated with the observation made by the Cluster spacecraft for the solar wind around 1 AU.  相似文献   

High dispersion CCD spectra are used to study the profiles of the Hα and Hβ lines of 48 stars in early spectral classes in the young diffuse binary cluster h/χ Per. In addition, moderate resolution spectra of 15 B and Be stars were taken over the interval 4400–4960 Å. One or, possibly, two new Be stars are discovered. The major parameters of the Hα line are measured for the observed B and Be stars. The spectra over 4400–4960 Å are used to estimate Teff, logg, and υsin i. No traces of emission are detected in the Hα line profiles for 28 of the stars and emission is observed in the Hα line for 20. During our observations an absorption profile of the Hα line was observed for some of the stars, such as Oo146, Oo566, Oo922, and Oo1268, although they have previously been identified as Be stars. A significant long-term variability of the Hα line is discovered for the Be stars Oo1161 and Oo2242. Oo2371 manifests a variability in its faint emission spectrum which is typical of close binary systems that include a Be star. __________ Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 51, No. 2, pp. 305–319 (May 2008).  相似文献   

The overall properties of the Herbig–Haro objects such as centerline velocity, transversal profile of velocity, flow of mass, and flow of energy are explained adopting two models for the turbulent jet. The complex shapes of the Herbig–Haro objects, such as the arc in HH34, can be explained by introducing the combination of different kinematic effects such as velocity behavior along the main direction of the jet and the velocity of the star in the interstellar medium. The behavior of the intensity or brightness of the line of emission is explored in three different cases: transversal one-dimensional (1D) cut, longitudinal 1D cut, and 2D map. An analytical explanation for the enhancement in intensity or brightness such as usually modeled by the bow shock is given by a careful analysis of the geometrical properties of the torus.  相似文献   

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