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A grid of binary evolution models are calculated for the study of a blue straggler(BS) population in intermediate age(log Age = 7.85 8.95) star clusters.The BS formation via mass transfer and merging is studied systematically using our models.Both Case A and B close binary evolutionary tracks are calculated for a large range of parameters.The results show that BSs formed via Case B are generally bluer and even more luminous than those produced by Case A.Furthermore,the larger range in orbital separations of...  相似文献   

An observational test of the binary hypothesis for the origin of the blue straggler (BS) stars has been performed y searching for radial velocity variables among 27 BS in five galactic clusters. The significance of the BS phenomenon for the interpretation of evolutionary synthesis models and the spectra of elliptical galaxies is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

We have observed the largest optical spectra sample of 97 blue compact galaxies. Stellar population properties of 74 star-forming BCGs of them were derived by comparing the equivalent widths of strong absorption features and continuum colors, using a method of empirical population synthesis based on star cluster sample. The results indicate that blue compact galaxies are typically age-composite stellar system, the continuum flux fractions at 5870Å due to old stellar components and young stellar components are both important for most of the galaxies. The stellar populations of blue compact galaxies present a variety of characteristics, and the contribution from different age and metallicity components is different. The star formation episodes are usually short, some galaxies maybe undergoing their first global episode of star formation, while for the most sample galaxies, older stars contribute to at most half the optical emission. Our results suggest that BCGs are old galaxies, in which star formation occurs in short intense burst separated by long quiescent phases.  相似文献   

One of the ways by which subdwarf B stars are thought to form is through binary star interactions. The metallicity of the sdB progenitor stars in such binary systems should not seem to be a major factor in the formation of sdB stars. However, given the different environments in which sdB stars are found, binary population synthesis simulations have been conducted in order to examine how metallicity might be a subtle factor in the formation of sdB stars in such environments. This is then applied to clusters of stars and to the UV Upturn phenomenon.  相似文献   

We present a state-of-the-art N -body code which includes a detailed treatment of stellar and binary evolution as well as the cluster dynamics. This code is ideal for investigating all aspects relating to the evolution of star clusters and their stellar populations. It is applicable to open and globular clusters of any age. We use the N -body code to model the blue straggler population of the old open cluster M67. Preliminary calculations with our binary population synthesis code show that binary evolution alone cannot explain the observed numbers or properties of the blue stragglers. On the other hand, our N -body model of M67 generates the required number of blue stragglers and provides formation paths for all the various types found in M67. This demonstrates the effectiveness of the cluster environment in modifying the nature of the stars it contains, and highlights the importance of combining dynamics with stellar evolution. We also perform a series of N =10 000 simulations in order to quantify the rate of escape of stars from a cluster subject to the Galactic tidal field.  相似文献   

The core-degenerate(CD) scenario has been suggested to be a possible progenitor model of type Ia supernovae(SNe Ia),in which a carbon-oxygen white dwarf merges with the hot CO core of a massive asymptotic giant branch star during their common-envelope phase.However,the SN Ia birthrates for this scenario are still uncertain.We conducted a detailed investigation into the CD scenario and then gave the birthrates for this scenario using a detailed Monte Carlo binary population synthesis approach.We found that the delay times of SNe Ia from this scenario are ~70 Myr-1400 Myr,which means that the CD scenario contributes to young SN la populations.The Galactic SN la birthrates for this scenario are in the range of~7.4×10~(-5) yr~(-1)- 3.7 × 10~(-4) yr~(-1),which roughly accounts for ~2%-10%of all SNe Ia.This indicates that,under the assumptions made here,the CD scenario only contributes a small portion of all SNe Ia,which is not consistent with the results of Ilkov Soker.  相似文献   

Binary population synthesis shows that mass transfer from a giant star to a main-sequence (MS) companion may account for some observed long-orbital-period blue stragglers. However, little attention is paid to this blue straggler formation scenario as dynamical instability often happens when the mass donor is a giant star. In this paper, we have studied the critical mass ratio, q c, for dynamically stable mass transfer from a giant star to a MS companion using detailed evolution calculations. The results show that a more evolved star is generally less stable for Roche lobe overflow. Meanwhile,   q c  almost linearly increases with the amount of the mass and angular momentum lost during mass transfer, but has little dependance on stellar wind. To conveniently use the result, we give a fit of q c as a function of the stellar radius at the onset of Roche lobe overflow and of the mass-transfer efficiency during the Roche lobe overflow.
To examine the formation of blue stragglers from mass transfer between giants and MS stars, we have performed Monte Carlo simulations with various q c. The simulations show that some binaries with the mass donor on the first giant branch may contribute to blue stragglers with q c obtained in this paper but will not from previous q c. Meanwhile, from our q c, blue stragglers from the mass transfer between an asymptotic giant branch star and a MS companion may be more numerous and have a wider range of orbital periods than those from the other q c.  相似文献   

In the single degenerate(SD) scenario for type Ia supernovae(SNe Ia) ,a mass-accreting white dwarf is expected to experience a supersoft X-ray source(SSS) phase. However,some recent observations showed that the expected number of massaccreting WDs is much lower than that predicted from theory,regardless of whether they are in spiral or elliptical galaxies. In this paper,we performed a binary population synthesis study on the relative duration of the SSS phase to their whole massincreasing phase of WDs leadi...  相似文献   

Two of the more difficult and obscure problems in modern day astronomy are those relating to the formation of the blue straggler class of stars, and the possible existence of extraterrestrial civilisations. While these two issues have, at first glance, no obvious connection it is argued here that through a process of astroengineering some advanced extraterrestrial civilisations may have striven to prolong the lifetime of their parent planets by altering the normal evolutionary course of their parent suns. This engineering process may lead to the production of a star that we, as Earth-based observers, would call a blue straggler. The engineering process, while no doubt being a formidable one, may follow from the action of induced stellar mass loss and chemical homogenisation. Several mechanisms by which this may be achieved are suggested and discussed.  相似文献   

The multiplicities of stars, and some other properties, were collected recently by Eggleton & Tokovinin, for the set of 4559 stars with Hipparcos magnitude brighter than 6.0 (4558 excluding the Sun). In this paper I give a numerical recipe for constructing, by a Monte Carlo technique, a theoretical ensemble of multiple stars that resembles the observed sample. Only multiplicities up to eight are allowed; the observed set contains only multiplicities up to seven. In addition, recipes are suggested for dealing with the selection effects and observational uncertainties that attend the determination of multiplicity. These recipes imply, for example, that to achieve the observed average multiplicity of 1.53, it would be necessary to suppose that the real population has an average multiplicity slightly over 2.0.
This numerical model may be useful for (i) comparison with the results of star and star cluster formation theory, (ii) population synthesis that does not ignore multiplicity above 2 and (iii) initial conditions for dynamical cluster simulations.  相似文献   

We present a library of 1654 high-resolution stellar spectra, with a sampling of 0.3 Å and covering the wavelength range from 3000 to 7000 Å. The library was computed with the latest improvements in stellar atmospheres, incorporating non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (non-LTE) line-blanketed models for hot, massive  ( T eff≥ 27 500 K)  and line-blanketed models for cool  (3000 ≤ T eff≤ 4500 K)  stars. The total coverage of the grid is  3000 K ≤ T eff≤ 55 000 K  and  −0.5 ≤ log g ≤ 5.5  , for four chemical abundance values: twice solar, solar, half solar and 1/10 solar. Evolutionary synthesis models using this library are presented in a companion paper. We tested the general behaviour of the library by calculating and comparing equivalent widths of numerous H and He  i lines, and some of the commonly used metallic indices. We also compared the library with the empirical libraries STELIB and Indo-US. The full set of the synthetic stellar spectra is available from our websites ( http://www.iaa.csic.es/~rosa and http://www.astro.iag.usp.br/~lucimara/library.htm ).  相似文献   

The dwarf population of starburst galaxies is analyzed by the method of evolving population synthesis. The results show that the existence of an additional population can give a good fit to the available number counts and redshift surveys. These dwarf galaxies readily evolve into low surface brightness objects and become undetectable in our local neighbourhood.  相似文献   

The stellar population of the blue compact dwarf galaxy SBS 1415+437 is investigated using the archive database of the Hubble space telescope. The color index-magnitude diagram for stars reaches a magnitude of 29 m in the V and I bands. It comprises young main-sequence stars, blue and red supergiants, and the old population of red giant branch and asymptotic giant branch. The tip of the red giant branch αTRGB) was used to calculate the distance modulus, which turned out to be m ? M = 30.65 ± 0.08 m . The corresponding distance to the galaxy is D = 13.5 ± 1.0 Mpc. The youngest stars are distributed irregularly near the bright H II region in the southwest part of SBS 1415+437. The old population occupies a larger area, it is distributed more evenly and forms the galactic halo. The spatial distribution of young stars shows that the star formation in the galaxy spread in the direction from northeast to southwest over the last 5 × 107 yr with an average rate of 60 km/s. The TRGB of SBS 1415+437 was found to be appreciably shifted to the blue range: (V ? I) TRGB ≈ 1.30. The galaxy age turns out to be not smaller than the age of Galactic globular clusters (about 1010 yr), provided that the galaxy originally had a very low metallicity (our photometric estimate is [Fe/H] = ?2.4). If the metallicity of SBS 1415+437 changed almost not at all in the course of evolution and was equal to [Fe/H] = ?1.3 (as estimated from the emission lines of ionized gas), the galaxy age is no more than 2 × 109 yr.  相似文献   

Most of the analysis of absorption lines in galaxies is done in the Lick system, defined in the 1970's and 1980's by Faber, Burstein and collaborators. Working in this system is difficult, since it is based on low resolution spectra taken with a non-linear detector without flux-calibration. Due to intrinsic errors in the published indices the Lick system limits the accuracy with which one can analyse galaxy spectra. In the last 2 years we have observed a new stellar library to replace the Lick system. It consists of 1100 stars, covering a wide range in metallicity, abundance ratio, temperature and gravity, observed at a resolution of 2.0Å (9 for Lick) from 3500–7500Å, and calibrated in flux. With this library galaxy spectra can be analysed much more accurately than before, and in much more detail. Most important, the library now makes it possible to study absorption lines of galaxies at intermediate and high redshift, something which was impossible with the Lick system. With this library it will be possible for the first time to synthesise full Spectral energy distributions of galaxies in the optical based fully on observational spectra.  相似文献   

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