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The recent discovery of gravitational-wave burst GW150914 marks the coming of a new era of gravitational-wave astronomy, which provides a new window to study the physics of strong gravitational field, extremely massive stars, extremely high energy processes, and extremely early universe. In this article, we introduce the basic characters of gravitational waves in the Einstein's general relativity, their observational effects and main generation mechanisms, including the rotation of neutron stars, evolution of binary systems, and spontaneous generation in the inflation universe. Different sources produce the gravitational waves at quite different frequencies, which can be detected by different methods. In the lowest frequency range (f < 10?15 Hz), the detection is mainly dependent of the observation of B-mode polarization of cosmic microwave background radiation. In the middle frequency range (10?9 < f < 10?6 Hz), the gravitational waves are detected by analyzing the timing residuals of millisecond pulsars. And in the high frequency range (10 ? 4 < f < 104 Hz), they can be detected by the space-based and ground-based laser interferometers. In particular, we focus on the main features, detection methods, detection status, and the future prospects for several important sources, including the continuous sources (e.g., the spinning neutron stars, and stable binary systems), the burst sources (e.g., the supernovae, and the merge of binary system), and the stochastic backgrounds generated by the astrophysical and cosmological process. In addition, we forecast the potential breakthroughs in gravitational-wave astronomy in the near future, and the Chinese projects which might involve in these discoveries.  相似文献   

In this paper, we report a rare reflection effect eclipsing sdB+dM binary, 2M?1533+3759. It is the seventh eclipsing sdB+dM binary that has been discovered to date. This system has an orbital period of 0.16177042 day and a velocity semi-amplitude of 71.1 km?s?1. Using a grid of zero-metallicity NLTE model atmospheres, we derived T eff=29250 K, log?g=5.58 and [He/H]=?2.37 from spectra taken near the reflection effection minimum. Lightcurve modeling resulted in a system mass ratio of 0.301 and an orbital inclination angle of 86.6°. The derived primary mass for 2M?1533+3759, 0.376±0.055 M , is significantly lower than the canonical mass (0.48 M ) found for most previously investigated sdB stars. This implies an initial progenitor mass >1.8 M , at least a main sequence A star and perhaps even one massive enough to undergo non-degenerate helium ignition.  相似文献   

We study the abundances of the elements He through Pb in Fe-rich impulsive solar energetic-particle (SEP) events with measurable abundances of ions with atomic number Z>2 observed on the Wind spacecraft, and their relationship with coronal mass ejections (CMEs) observed by the Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO) onboard the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). On an average the element abundances in these events are similar to coronal abundances at low Z but, for heavier elements, enhancements rise as a power law in the mass-to-charge ratio A/Q of the ions (at coronal temperatures of 2.5?–?3 MK) to a factor of 3 at Ne, 9 at Fe, and 900 for 76≤Z≤82. Energy dependences of abundances are minimal in the 2?–?15 MeV amu?1 range. The 111 of these Fe-rich impulsive SEP events we found, between November 1994 and August 2013 using the Wind spacecraft, have a 69 % association rate with CMEs. The CMEs are narrow with a median width of 75°, are characteristically from western longitudes on the Sun, and have a median speed of ≈?600 km?s?1. Nearly all SEP onsets occur within 1.5?–?5 h of the CME onset. The faster (>?700 km?s?1), wider CMEs in our sample are related to SEPs with coronal abundances indicating hot coronal plasma with fully ionized He, C, N and O and moderate enhancements of heavier elements, relative to He, but slower (<?700 km?s?1), narrower CMEs emerge from cooler plasma where higher SEP mass-to-charge ratios, A/Q, yield much greater abundance enhancements, even for C/He and O/He. Apparently, the open magnetic-reconnection region where the impulsive SEPs are accelerated also provides the energy to drive out CME plasma, accounting for a strong, probably universal, impulsive SEP-CME association.  相似文献   

The Gamow-Teller strength distribution function, B(GT), for the odd Z parent 51V, N?Z=5, up to 30 MeV of excitation energy in the daughter 51Ti is calculated in the domain of proton-neutron Quasiparticle Random Phase Approximation (pn-QRPA) theory. The pn-QRPA results are compared against other theoretical calculations, (n, p) and high resolution (d, 2He) reaction experiments. For the case of (d, 2He) reaction the calibration was performed for 0≤E j ≤5.0 MeV, where the authors stressed that within this excitation energy range the ΔL=0 transition strength can be extracted with high accuracy for 51V. Within this energy range the current pn-QRPA total B(GT) strength 0.79 is in good agreement with the (d, 2He) experiment’s total strength of 0.9±0.1. The pn-QRPA calculated Gamow-Teller centroid at 4.20 MeV in daughter 51Ti is also in good agreement with high resolution (d, 2He) experiment which placed the Gamow-Teller centroid at 4.1±0.4 MeV in daughter 51Ti. The low energy detailed Gamow-Teller structure and Gamow-Teller centroid play a sumptuous role in associated weak decay rates and consequently affect the stellar dynamics. The stellar weak rates are sensitive to the location and structure of these low-lying states in daughter 51Ti. The calculated electron capture rates on 51V in stellar matter are also in good agreement with the large scale shell model rates.  相似文献   

We study event-to-event variations in the abundance enhancements of the elements He through Pb for Fe-rich impulsive solar energetic-particle (SEP) events, and their relationship with properties of associated coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and solar flares. Using a least-squares procedure we fit the power-law enhancement of element abundances as a function of their mass-to-charge ratio A/Q to determine both the power and the coronal temperature (which determines Q) in each of 111 impulsive SEP events identified previously. Individual SEP events with the steepest element enhancements, e.g. ~?(A/Q)6, tend to be smaller, lower-fluence events with steeper energy spectra that are associated with B- and C-class X-ray flares, with cooler (~?2.5 MK) coronal plasma, and with narrow (°), slower (?1) CMEs. On the other hand, higher-fluence SEP events have flatter energy spectra, less-dramatic heavy-element enhancements, e.g. ~?(A/Q)3, and come from somewhat hotter coronal plasma (~?3.2 MK) associated with C-, M-, and even X-class X-ray flares and with wider CMEs. Enhancements in 3He/4He are uncorrelated with those in heavy elements. However, events with 3He/4He≥0.1 are even more strongly associated with narrow, slow CMEs, with cooler coronal plasma, and with B- and C-class X-ray flares than are other Fe-rich impulsive SEP events with smaller enhancements of 3He.  相似文献   

Hot WDs in binary systems with a less evolved star are particularly invaluable astrophysical probes, the unevolved companion enabling better derivation of distance and age than is usually possible for post-AGB objects, and therefore also of their radius and luminosity. But hot white dwarfs (WD) are elusive at all wavelengths except the UV (Bianchi et al. 2011a). From our GALEX UV source catalogs (Bianchi et al. 2011a,b, 2014, 2017) matched to SDSS, we identified thousands of candidate hot WDs including WDs in binary systems consisting of a hot WD and a companion of spectral type from A to M. The identification and preliminary characterization of the stellar parameters is based on the analysis of the photometric SED from far-UV to z-band.We have observed subsamples of the UV-selected WDs with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) to better characterize their stellar parameters. We obtained (1) UV spectroscopy with STIS and analyzed the UV spectra together with optical SDSS spectra, and (2) multi-band imaging with WFC3 (\(0.04^{\prime\prime}/\mbox{pixel}\)) to measure angular separation and individual SEDs of the pair’s components in binary systems. In our HST/WFC3 sample of 59 hot-WD binaries with late-type companions, we found that at least a dozen have possibly evolved without exchanging mass. The UV STIS spectroscopy led to the revision of previous results based on optical spectra only, because of the often undetectable or unquantifiable contribution of the hot component to the optical fluxes.  相似文献   

Employing Eggleton’s stellar evolution code with the optically thick wind assumption, we have systematically studied the WD + He star channel of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia), in which a carbon–oxygen WD accretes material from a He main-sequence star or a He subgiant to increase its mass to the Chandrasekhar mass. We mapped out the parameter spaces for producing SNe Ia. According to a detailed binary population synthesis approach, we find that the Galactic SN Ia birthrate from this channel is ~0.3×10?3 yr?1, and that this channel can produce SNe Ia with short delay times (~45–140 Myr). We also find that the surviving companion stars in this channel have a high spatial velocity (>400 km/s) after the SN explosion, which could be an alternative origin for hypervelocity stars (HVSs), especially for HVSs such as US 708.  相似文献   

Two-deuteron radiative capture reaction is one of the deuterium-burning processes that the cross section is not well known at very low-energies. We develop the formalism based on pionless Effective Field Theory (EFT) for deuteron–deuteron (dd) scattering to derive the cross section of two-deuteron radiative capture. Within this formalism the two- and three-body forces, should also be included in the capture cross section calculations. The aim of the present work is to calculate the observables of the low-energy dd photonuclear reactions. The cross section and the astrophysical S-factor for the 2H(d,γ)4He reaction have been calculated. The 4He is studied as four-body bound states in the pionless EFT. The theoretical uncertainties for observables are estimated based on the variation of the cutoffs. The astrophysical S-factor is accurately determined to be 6.9×10?6 keV?b (6.1×10?6 keV?b) for two-body (two- and three-body) at zero energy. A satisfactory agreement between theory and experiment for dd radiative capture observables up to order of calculation has been found by insertion of three-body force.  相似文献   

We report on ab initio coupled-cluster calculations of the interaction potential energy surface for the HCNH+–He complex. The aug-cc-pVTZ Gaussian basis, to which is added a set of bond functions placed at mid-distance between HCNH+ center of mass and He atom is used. The HCNH+ bonds length are set to their values at the equilibrium geometry, i.e., r e [HC]=1.0780 Å, r e [CN]=1.1339 Å and r e [NH]=1.0126 Å. The interaction energy presents a global minimum located $266.9~\mathrm{cm^{-1}}$ below the HCNH+–He dissociation limit. Using the interaction potential obtained, we have computed rotational excitation cross sections in the close-coupling approach and downward rate coefficients at low temperature (T≤120 K). It is expected that the data worked out in this study may be beneficial for further astrophysical investigations as well as laboratory experiments.  相似文献   

We analyze the observations of a quiescent prominence acquired by the Téléscope Heliographique pour l’Étude du Magnetisme et des Instabilités Solaires (THEMIS) in the He?i 5876 Å (He?i D3) multiplet aiming to measure the spectral characteristics of the He?i D3 profiles and to find for them an adequate fitting model. The component characteristics of the He?i D3 Stokes I profiles are measured by the fitting system by approximating them with a double Gaussian. This model yields an He?i D3 component peak intensity ratio of \(5.5\pm0.4\), which differs from the value of 8 expected in the optically thin limit. Most of the measured Doppler velocities lie in the interval ±?5 km?s?1, with a standard deviation of ±?1.7 km?s?1 around the peak value of 0.4 km?s?1. The wide distribution of the full-width at half maximum has two maxima at 0.25 Å and 0.30 Å for the He?i D3 blue component and two maxima at 0.22 Å and 0.31 Å for the red component. The width ratio of the components is \(1.04\pm0.18\). We show that the double-Gaussian model systematically underestimates the blue wing intensities. To solve this problem, we invoke a two-temperature multi-Gaussian model, consisting of two double-Gaussians, which provides a better representation of He?i D3 that is free of the wing intensity deficit. This model suggests temperatures of 11.5 kK and 91 kK, respectively, for the cool and the hot component of the target prominence. The cool and hot components of a typical He?i D3 profile have component peak intensity ratios of 6.6 and 8, implying a prominence geometrical width of 17 Mm and an optical thickness of 0.3 for the cool component, while the optical thickness of the hot component is negligible. These prominence parameters seem to be realistic, suggesting the physical adequacy of the multi-Gaussian model with important implications for interpreting He?i D3 spectropolarimetry by current inversion codes.  相似文献   

The Sun Watcher using Active Pixel system detector and Image Processing (SWAP) onboard the PRoject for OnBoard Autonomy-2 (PROBA2) spacecraft provides images of the solar corona in EUV channel centered at 174 Å. These data, together with the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) and the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) onboard Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), are used to study the dynamics of coronal bright points. The evolution of the magnetic polarities and associated changes in morphology are studied using magnetograms and multi-wavelength imaging. The morphology of the bright points seen in low-resolution SWAP images and high-resolution AIA images show different structures, whereas the intensity variations with time show similar trends in both SWAP 174 Å and AIA 171 Å channels. We observe that bright points are seen in EUV channels corresponding to a magnetic flux of the order of 1018 Mx. We find that there exists a good correlation between total emission from the bright point in several UV–EUV channels and total unsigned photospheric magnetic flux above certain thresholds. The bright points also show periodic brightenings, and we have attempted to find the oscillation periods in bright points and their connection to magnetic-flux changes. The observed periods are generally long (10?–?25 minutes) and there is an indication that the intensity oscillations may be generated by repeated magnetic reconnection.  相似文献   

Unique among neutron stars, 1E 1207.4-5209 is an X-ray pulsar with a spin period of 424 ms that contains at least two strong absorption features in its energy spectrum. This neutron star is positionally coincident with the supernova remnant PKS 1209-51/52 and has been identified as a member of the growing class of radio-quiet compact central objects in supernova remnants. From previous observations with Chandra and XMM-Newton, it has been found that the 1E 1207.4-5209 is not spinning down monotonically as is common for young, isolated pulsars. The spin frequency history requires either strong, frequent glitches, the presence of a fall-back disk, or a binary companion. Here, we report on a sequence of seven XMM-Newton observations of 1E 1207.4-5209 performed during a 40 day window between 2005 June 22 and July 31. Due to unanticipated variance in the phase measurements during the observation period that was beyond the statistical uncertainties, we could not identify a unique phase-coherent timing solution. The three most probable timing solutions give frequency time derivatives of +0.9, ?2.6, and +1.6×10?12 Hz s?1 (listed in descending order of significance). We conclude that the local frequency derivative during our XMM-Newton observing campaign differs from the long-term spin-down rate by more than an order of magnitude. This measurement effectively rules out glitch models for 1E 1207.4-5209. If the long-term spin frequency variations are caused by timing noise, the strength of the timing noise in 1E 1207.4-5209 is much stronger than in other pulsars with similar period derivatives. Therefore, it is highly unlikely that the spin variations are caused by the same physical process that causes timing noise in other isolated pulsars. The most plausible scenario for the observed spin irregularities is the presence of a binary companion to 1E 1207.4-5209. We identified a family of orbital solutions that are consistent with our phase-connected timing solution, archival frequency measurements, and constraints on the companions mass imposed by deep IR and optical observations.  相似文献   

I review various phenomena associated with mass‐accreting white dwarfs (WDs) in the view of supersoft X‐ray sources. When the mass‐accretion rate is low (acc < a few × 10–7 M⊙yr–1), hydrogen nuclear burning is unstable and nova outbursts occur. A nova is a transient supersoft X‐ray source (SSS) in its later phase which timescale depends strongly on the WD mass. The X‐ray turn on/off time is a good indicator of the WD mass. At an intermediate mass‐accretion rate an accreting WD becomes a persistent SSS with steady hydrogen burning. For a higher mass‐accretion rate, the WD undergoes “accretion wind evolution” in which the WD accretes matter from the equatorial plane and loses mass by optically thick winds from the other directions. Two SSS, namely RX J0513‐6951 and V Sge, are corresponding objects to this accretion wind evolution. We can specify mass increasing WDs from light‐curve analysis based on the optically thick wind theory using multiwavelength observational data including optical, IR, and supersoft X‐rays. Mass estimates of individual objects give important information for the binary evolution scenario of type Ia supernovae (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The first complete charge-coupled device (CCD) light curves in B and V bands of the short-period binary system, RV Psc, are presented. It is found that the light curves of RV Psc are symmetric and belong to the EW type rather than the EA type as described in the 4th edition of the GCVS. Photometric solutions were derived by using the 2003 version of the Wilson–Devinney (W-D) method. It is shown that RV Psc is a marginal contact system (f=5.8%±6.6%) with a mass ratio of q=0.5978±0.0096. The temperature difference between both components is only 17 K. Analysis of the O-C curve suggests that the period of RV Psc shows a long-term continuous decrease at a rate of dP/dt=?5.89×10?8 days/year. The long-time period decrease, the marginal-contact configuration, and the astrophysical parameters of the binary system, all suggest that it is a newly formed marginal contact binary from a case A mass transfer and will evolve into a normal overcontact binary.  相似文献   

We studied the relationship between the power-law exponent γ on the rigidity R of the spectrum of galactic cosmic-ray (GCR) intensity variation (δD(R)/D(R)∝R ?γ ) and the exponents ν y and ν z of the power spectral density (PSD) of the B y and B z components of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) turbulence (PSD~f ?ν , where f is the frequency). We used the data from neutron monitors and IMF for the period of 1968?–?2002. The exponents ν y and ν z were calculated in the frequency interval Δf=f 2?f 1=3×10?6 Hz of the resonant frequencies (f 1=1×10?6 Hz, f 2=4×10?6 Hz) that are responsible for the scattering of GCR particles with the rigidity range detected by neutron monitors. We found clear inverse correlations between γ and ν y or ν z when the time variations of the resonant frequencies were derived from in situ measurements of the solar wind velocity U sw and IMF strength B during 1968?–?2002. We argue that these inverse relations are a fundamental feature in the GCR modulation that is not restricted to the analyzed years of 1968?–?2002.  相似文献   

E. W. Cliver  A. G. Ling 《Solar physics》2011,274(1-2):285-301
Svalgaard and Cliver (Astrophys. J. Lett. 661, L203, 2007) proposed that the solar-wind magnetic-field strength [B] at Earth has a ??floor?? value of ??4.6 nT in yearly averages, which is approached but not broached at solar minima. They attributed the floor to a constant baseline solar open flux. In both 2008 and 2009, the notion of such a floor was undercut by annual B averages of ??4 nT. Here we present a revised view of both the level and the concept of the floor. Two independent correlations indicate that B has a floor of ??2.8 nT in yearly averages. These are i) a relationship between solar polar-field strength and yearly averages of B for the last four 11-year minima (B MIN), and ii) a precursor relationship between peak sunspot number for cycles 14??C?23 and B MIN at their preceding minima. These correlations suggest that at 11-year minima, B consists of i) a floor of ??2.8 nT, and ii) a component primarily due to the solar polar fields that varies from ??0 nT to ??3 nT. The solar polar fields provide the ??seed?? for the subsequent sunspot maximum. Removing the ??2.8 nT floor from B MIN brings the percentage decrease in B between the 1996 and 2009 minima into agreement with the corresponding decrease in solar polar-field strength. Based on a decomposition of the solar wind (from 1972??C?2009) into high-speed streams, coronal mass ejections, and slow solar wind, we suggest that the source of the floor in B is the slow solar wind. During 2009, Earth was in slow solar-wind flows ??70% of the time. We propose that the floor corresponds to a baseline (non-cyclic or ground state) open solar flux of ??8×1013 Wb, which originates in persistent small-scale (supergranular and granular) field.  相似文献   

Geomagnetic field variations during five major Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) events of solar cycle 23 have been investigated in the present study. The SEP events of 1 October 2001, 4 November 2001, 22 November 2001, 21 April 2002 and 14 May 2005 have been selected to study the geomagnetic field variations at two high-latitude stations, Thule (77.5° N, 69.2° W) and Resolute Bay (74.4° E, 94.5° W) of the northern polar cap. We have used the GOES proton flux in seven different energy channels (0.8–4 MeV, 4–9 MeV, 9–15 MeV, 15–40 MeV, 40–80 MeV, 80–165 MeV, 165–500 MeV). All the proton events were associated with geoeffective or Earth directed CMEs that caused intense geomagnetic storms in response to geospace. We have taken high-latitude indices, AE and PC, under consideration and found fairly good correlation of these with the ground magnetic field records during the five proton events. The departures of the H component during the events were calculated from the quietest day of the month for each event and have been represented as ΔH THL and ΔH RES for Thule and Resolute Bay, respectively. The correspondence of spectral index, inferred from event integrated spectra, with ground magnetic signatures ΔH THL and ΔH RES along with Dst and PC indices have been brought out. From the correlation analysis we found a very strong correlation to exist between the geomagnetic field variation (ΔHs) and high-latitude indices AE and PC. To find the association of geomagnetic storm intensity with proton flux characteristics we derived the correspondence between the spectral indices and geomagnetic field variations (ΔHs) along with the Dst and AE index. We found a strong correlation (0.88) to exist between the spectral indices and ΔHs and also between spectral indices and AE and PC.  相似文献   

We have reported for the first time total seven strong events of drifting ELF/VLF discrete emissions observed on 28th–29th April, 1990 in the pre-midnight sector at Varanasi (Geomag. lat. 14°55′N, long. 154°E, L = 1.07). The events exhibit a regular increasing as well as decreasing frequency drifts and are mainly discrete periodic emissions of riser, faller and hook types observed during a geomagnetic storm period, with minimum Dst-index ?98 nT and K p -index ≥ 5. The frequency drift in ELF/VLF emissions at low latitudes seems to be a rare phenomenon. The repetition period and the frequency drift rate have been evaluated for all the recorded events. The frequency drifts have been interpreted in terms of a combined effect of L-shell drift of interacting energetic electrons and the change in convection electric fields during the storm developments. The computed maximum spectral power density $ \left\langle {B_{f}^{2} } \right\rangle_{\max } $ of the wave varies between 1.8 × 10?21 and 4.08 × 10?22 Gauss2/Hz, whereas frequency drift rates are in agreement with the observed values.  相似文献   

It is possible to reliably identify white dwarfs (WDs) without recourse to spectra, instead using photometric and astrometric measurements to distinguish them from main-sequence stars and quasars. WDs' colours can also be used to infer their intrinsic properties (effective temperature, surface gravity, etc.), but the results obtained must be interpreted with care. The difficulties stem from the existence of a solid angle degeneracy, as revealed by a full exploration of the likelihood, although this can be masked if a simple best-fitting approach is used. Conversely, this degeneracy can be broken if a Bayesian approach is adopted, as it is then possible to utilize the prior information on the surface gravities of WDs implied by spectroscopic fitting. The benefits of such an approach are particularly strong when applied to outliers, such as the candidate halo and ultracool WDs identified by Vidrih et al. A reanalysis of these samples confirms their results for the latter sample, but suggests that most of the halo candidates are thick-disc WDs in the tails of the photometric noise distribution.  相似文献   

We determine the optimal width and shape of the narrow-band filter centered on the He?i D3 line for prominence and coronal mass ejection (CME) observations with the ASPIICS (Association of Spacecraft for Polarimetric and Imaging Investigation of the Corona of the Sun) coronagraph onboard the PROBA-3 (Project for On-board Autonomy) satellite, to be launched in 2020. We analyze He?i D3 line intensities for three representative non-local thermal equilibrium prominence models at temperatures 8, 30, and 100 kK computed with a radiative transfer code and the prominence visible-light (VL) emission due to Thomson scattering on the prominence electrons. We compute various useful relations at prominence line-of-sight velocities of 0, 100, and 300 km?s?1 for 20 Å wide flat filter and three Gaussian filters with a full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) equal to 5, 10, and 20 Å to show the relative brightness contribution of the He?i D3 line and the prominence VL to the visibility in a given narrow-band filter. We also discuss possible signal contamination by Na?i D1 and D2 lines, which otherwise may be useful to detect comets. Our results mainly show that i) an optimal narrow-band filter should be flat or somewhere between flat and Gaussian with an FWHM of 20 Å in order to detect fast-moving prominence structures, ii) the maximum emission in the He?i D3 line is at 30 kK and the minimal at 100 kK, and iii) the ratio of emission in the He?i D3 line to the VL emission can provide a useful diagnostic for the temperature of prominence structures. This ratio is up to 10 for hot prominence structures, up to 100 for cool structures, and up to 1000 for warm structures.  相似文献   

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