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We present eight sets of new light curves for binaries FG Sct, VZ Lib and VZ Psc, which are all contact eclipsing binaries with short orbital periods. We carried out our observations from 2016 to 2017 using the 60-cm telescope administered by National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Holcomb Observatory at Butler University and the SARA-CT telescope in Chile. We firstly determined the orbital parameters of FG Sct using the O-C method and obtained photometric solutions utilizing the updated W-D program. We also studied its period variation and discovered that its orbital period is decreasing at a rate of 6.39(±0.24) ×10~(-8) d yr~(-1), which was likely caused by mass transfer from the primary component to the secondary component or angular momentum interchange between the two components via magnetic interactions. For VZ Lib and VZ Psc, we simultaneously analyzed their BV RI light curves in conjunction with the published radial velocities. In order to obtain the orbital parameters of VZ Lib, we also analyzed its period variation and revised cyclic change, which could be attributed to either the light-time effect due to a tertiary companion or magnetic activity cycle mechanism. We derived the periods of the tertiary component of VZ Lib to be 48.7(±0.1) yr or magnetic cycle to be 46.9(±1.9) yr.Strong emission lines at Ca II H+K, Hα, Hβ, Hγ and Ca II IRT were detected in the LAMOST spectra of VZ Psc, which imply chromospheric activities in this binary system.  相似文献   

We performed a detailed photometric analysis of eight ultra-short period eclipsing binaries(USPEBs) using the Wilson-Devinney method. We present the modeled light curves and derived photometric solutions. The USPEBs with period(P)≤0.21 d considered in our study belong to W-subtype having shallow contact factor(f)~20%, high mass ratio(q)~0.7 and later spectral types. The absolute parameters for these short-period binaries were derived applying empirical relations. We discuss the evolutionary stage of these USPEBs using the mass-radius, color-density and period-color diagrams. The objects showed poor metallicities, and some objects were even found to be existing around fully convective limits. The period distribution of USPEBs exhibited a sharp cut-off at 0.22 d; however, we observed significant deficits for our objects in the literature. We examined the statistics of USPEBs studied to date(in terms of the distribution of period, mass ratio and component temperatures of USPEBs) and observed that a dominant distribution of component temperatures for these USPEBs was towards lower temperatures.  相似文献   

We present the first CCD sets of complete light curves for two W Ursae Majoris Systems, UCAC3 276-106147 and NSVS 7377756. These light curves are here analyzed and modelled using the latest version of the Wilson-Devinney Code. We found that UCAC3 276-106147 is a W-subtype shallow-contact eclipsing binary (fill-out factor 7.5%), with a mass ratio of q = 2.88 (1/q = 0.347), a small temperature difference between the components of about ΔT =200K. NSVS 7377756 is an H-subtype binary system with a high mass ratio of q = 1.09 (1/q = 0.947), a weak degree of contact factor f = 3.8% and a temperature difference between the components of ΔT = 398 K. The light curves of both the systems appear to be unspotted. By using our 4 and 7 times of minimum light and the 30 and 104 ToMs extract from the SWASP observations, respectively for UCAC3 276-106147 and NSVS 7377756, the orbital periods are here revised. The elements obtained from this analysis are used to compute the physical parameters of the systems combining our photometric solution with the 3-D correlation obtained for contact binaries by Gazeas (2009). Based on these estimated parameters the evolutionary state of the components of the systems is investigated and discussed.  相似文献   

Results of a photometric investigation of some photoelectrically neglected, southern eclipsing binaries, are presented for GW Car, X Car, and RS Sct. Light curve solutions obtained by the Wilson-Devinney and Wood synthetic light curve techniques are described.Paper presented at the Lembang-Bamberg IAU Colloquium No. 80 Double Stars: Physical Properties and Generic Relations, held at Bandung, Indonesia, 3–7 June, 1983.  相似文献   

We present the results of our study of the eclipsing binary systems CSS J112237.1+395219,LINEAR 1286561 and LINEAR 2602707 based on new CCD B, V, Rcand Iccomplete light curves. The ultra-short period nature of these stars, as reported by Drake et al., is confirmed and the system's periods are revised. The light curves were modeled using the 2003 version of the Wilson-Devinney code. When necessary, cool spots on the surface of the primary component were introduced to account for asymmetries in the light curves. As a result, we found that CSS J112237.1+395219 is a W UMa type contact binary system belonging to W subclass with a mass ratio of q = 1.61 and a shallow degree of contact of 14.8%where the primary component is hotter than the secondary one by 500 K. LINEAR 1286561 and LINEAR2602707 are detached binary systems with mass ratios q = 3.467 and q = 0.987 respectively. These detached systems are low-mass M-type eclipsing binaries with similar temperatures. The marginal contact,fill-out factor and temperature difference between components of CSS J112237.1+395219 suggest that this system may be at a key evolutionary state predicted by thermal relaxation oscillation(TRO) theory. From the estimated absolute parameters, we conclude that our systems share common properties with other ultrashort period binaries.  相似文献   

We present photometric analysis of 8 short-period eclipsing binaries discovered and observed at Astronomical Observatory at Kolonica Saddle between 2007 and 2010 with different instruments. We determined their orbital periods and performed photometric analysis of their light curves. We found that 3 systems are detached binaries, 4 systems are over-contact binaries of W UMa type and one system is semi-detached with the secondary component filling its Roche lobe. Light curves of 2 systems exhibit asymmetries, explained by spot(s) on the surface of the components.  相似文献   

A quantitative analysis of the ellipticity effect in close binary systems of the W Ursae Maioris type with spectroscopically known mass-ratios discloses that the photometric ellipticities of these variables are, in general, more than twice as large as the dynamical ellipticities (due to the geometrical distortion alone) computed for contact models of centrally condensed stars. If, moreover, this excess of the photometric over dynamical ellipticity is attributed to the phenomenon of gravity-darkening over distorted surfaces of the constituent components, this darkening must be present to a considerablylarger degree than that predicted by the theory of radiative transfer — a result difficult to reconcile with the existence of extensive sub-surface convection zones in late-type Main-Sequence stars. If, on the other hand, gravity-darkening is present in W UMa-type systems in the amount predicted by the theory (let alone in the presence of sub-surface convection), the only effective way of reconciling the theory with the observations would be to assume that the mean fractional radii of their constituent components are appreciablylarger than those appropriate for contact models in which the two components just fill the largestclosed Roche equipotentials capable of containing their mass. In other words, it would appear that the W UMa-type stars considered in this paper may constitute a single dumb-bell figure rather than two distinct components; and that the observed variations of light, colour or radial velocity are invoked by the axial rotation (and consequent variable cross-section) or this dumb-bell figure rather than to the contribution of individual stars.  相似文献   

New photoelectric UBV observations were obtained for the eclipsing binary TT Her at the Ankara University Observatory (AUO) and three new times of minima were calculated from these observations. The (OC) diagram constructed for all available times of minima of TT Her exhibits a cyclic character superimposed on a quadratic variation. The quadratic character yields an orbital period decrease with a rate of dP /dt = –8.83 × 10–8 day yr–1 which can be attributed to the mass exchange/loss mechanism in the system. By assuming the presence of a gravitationally bound third body in the system, the analysis of the cyclic nature in the (OC) diagram revealed a third body with a mass of 0.21M orbiting around the eclipsing pair. The possibility of magnetic activity cycle effect as a cause for the observed cyclic variation in the (OC) diagram was also discussed. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We discuss the observed orbital period modulations in close binaries, and focus on the mechanism proposed by Applegate relating the changes of the stellar internal rotation associated with a magnetic activity cycle with the variation of the gravitational quadrupole moment of the active component; the variation of this quadrupole moment in turn forces the orbital motion of the binary stars to follow the activity level of the active star. We generalize this approach by considering the details of this interaction, and develop some illustrative examples in which the problem can be easily solved in analytical form. Starting from such results, we consider the interplay between rotation and magnetic field generation in the framework of different types of dynamo models, which have been proposed to explain solar and stellar activity. We show how the observed orbital period modulation in active binaries may provide new constraints for discriminating between such models. In particular, we study the case of the prototype active binary RS Canum Venaticorum, and suggest that torsional oscillations — driven by a stellar magnetic dynamo — may account for the observed behaviour of this star. Further possible applications of the relationship between magnetic activity and orbital period modulation, related to the recent discovery of binary systems containing a radio pulsar and a convecting upper main-sequence or a late-type low-mass companion, are discussed.  相似文献   

We present new CCD photometric observations of V1044 Her obtained on May 22, 23 and 24, 2015. From our data, we derived five new light curve minimum times. Combining our new results with previously available CCD light minimum times, we derived an updated ephemeris and discovered that the period of this binary system exhibits an oscillation. The cyclic variation may be caused by the light-time effect via the presence of a third body or magnetic activity cycle. We calculated the corresponding period of the third body to be 14.1 ± 1.4 years or magnetic cycle to be 12.2 ± 0.7 years. We analyzed our new asymmetric light curves to obtain photometric solutions and starspot parameters using the Wilson and Devinney program. The final results show that V1044 Her is a contact binary system with a degree of contact factor f = 3.220( ± 0.002)%.  相似文献   

We present the results of a radial-velocity study of eight Am stars (HD 341, 55822, 61250, 67317, 93991, 162950, 224890 and 225137) observed at Observatoire de Haute-Provence with the CORAVEL instrument. We find that these systems are single-line spectroscopic binaries whose orbital elements are determined for the first time.  相似文献   

An analysis of the photometric ellipticity effect in close binary systems consisting of early-type Main Sequence stars discloses that its excess over dynamical ellipticity is, on the whole, within limits explainable by linear laws of limb-and gravity-darkening over distorted stellar surfaces, with coefficients consistent with theoretical expectations based on the absence of convection in sub-surface layers. This contrasts with the situation encountered in our earlier investigation of W U Ma-type systems, and reveals that whereas the photometric properties of early-type Main Sequence systems appear to be normal in the light of the existing theories of their light changes, it is the W U Ma-type systems which confront us with unexplained phenomena in the form of anomalously large ellipticities; but their solution is as yet nowhere near in sight.  相似文献   

Synthetic light curve solutions of the short-period binary systems ST Aqr, DO Cas, and TX Cet are presented. Their evolutionary state is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The angular momentum-mass relationship for 1048 eclipsing binaries is presented.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy Reviews》2004,48(9):731-739
Extragalactic eclipsing binaries open a new perspective on the study of stellar structure and evolution. Stars in different galaxies have formed and evolved in environments with chemical histories that may differ from those of the solar neighborhood. For example, the LMC and SMC contain low-metallicity, young massive stars that are no longer found in our Galaxy. Eclipsing binaries, yielding accurate determinations of masses, radii and temperatures, allow for critical tests of, e.g., convective overshooting, mass loss, and internal structure. In addition, they provide an empirical calibration of the mass-luminosity relationship. In this paper, I present some results from ongoing programs on the determination of physical properties and distances to eclipsing binaries in the LMC, the SMC, and M31. In particular, I focus on aspects relevant to stellar astrophysics, and on the contributions of these eclipsing binaries to our understanding of the structure and chemical evolution of the host galaxies.  相似文献   

It is shown that during contact eclipsing binaries evolution under the influence of stellar wind, magnetic stellar wind and with matter transfer by gas flow, in binary stellar systems there may take place a process of star merger (low mass stars) within 105–107 yr and a fast increase of distance between stars of massive binaries. W UMa-type stars are a finite evolutionary stage of very close and low mass binary pairs. As for contact systems of early spectral types (CE-systems), they are more varied in evolution.  相似文献   

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