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The problem of the origin of the irregular satellites is solved readily in the context of a hypothesis involving explosion of the massive ice envelopes of the Galilean satellites saturated by electrolysis products. The thrown-off unexploded (primary) ice fragments of the outermost cold layers of the envelopes are also saturated by electrolysis products. In the course of explosive ejection their internal energy increases due to shock wave heating, as a result of which they will be able to detonate in subsequent sufficiently energetic collisions. The secondary fragments from new explosions may acquire additional velocity up to a few km s–1 without breakup into small pieces.Gravitational perturbations by the parent satellites can eject the primary fragments moving near their orbits into the periphery of or beyond Jupiter's sphere of action. If such a fragment explodes in the outer zone of the sphere, then secondary fragments may become irregular satellites resulting in the so-called internal capture (the possibilities of capture considered earlier involved only bodies entering the sphere of action from outside).The mass of the primary fragment responsible for the inner (direct) group of Jupiter's irregular satellites is estimated as 1019 kg, and the additional velocity acquired by secondary fragments as 1.3 km s–1; evaluation of the mass of the fragment responsible for the outer (retrograde) group yields 1018 kg, and that of the additional velocity of secondary fragments, 2 km s–1.The ice envelopes of the Galilean and similar moonlike satellites should contain impurities corresponding to the composition of type C1 carbonaceous chondrites; therefore after sublimation of water ice the irregular satellites (just as type C asteroids, the Trojans and comets) exhibit spectro-photometric properties similar to those of C-type objects.  相似文献   

Explosions of the electrolyzed ice envelopes of the Galilean satellites resulted in the appearance of a large number of ice fragments deep inside Jupiter's sphere of action. Gravitational perturbations by the Galilean satellites transferred these fragments from satellite orbits into the periphery of the sphere of action and beyond it. The fragments move initially in the direction of a satellite's motion tangentially to its orbit.The fragments have a small angular momentum since they come from deep inside Jupiter's sphere of action. On reaching the periphery of the sphere, the fragments can acquire retrograde motion (even in the sidereal frame) because of the Sun's action.If ejected from the zone of the Galilean satellites with a sufficient velocity, the fragments can leave Jupiter's sphere of action going both inside and outside its orbit, which leads to a substantial difference in the pattern of their subsequent motion in the vicinity of Jupiter's orbit.The results obtained may be used to shed light on the origin of the irregular satellites (Paper 1) and Trojans (Paper 2).  相似文献   

Consideration of the thermal sublimation of ice on the Galilean satellites suggests that dirty-ice surfaces are susceptible to a process of cold-trapping of water in local bright patches and its preferential removal from dark areas. The result may be very rapid (decade time scale) segregation on the surface into bright icy regions and regions covered by dark ice-free lag deposits. Ion sputtering and micrometeorite bombardment are probably insufficient to prevent this process at low latitudes on Ganymede and Callisto. Sputtering on Europa may prevent segregation, especially on the trailing side. Segregated regions must be mostly smaller than the kilometer resolution of the Voyager images, but larger than centimeter size.  相似文献   

The hypothesis considering the Jupiter-Sun system as a limiting case of a close binary star implies the initial relative ice abundances in all the Galilean satellites to be essentially equal. The satellites move in the Jovian magnetosphere; thus the unipolar current flowing through their bodies subjected their ices to volumetric electrolysis. Explosions of the electrolysis products resulted in a loss of ices. While Callisto did not explode at all, Ganymede exploded once, Europa twice, and Io two or three times. An analysis of the magnetic field changes needed to create the modern ice abundances in the satellite shows:
  1. the initial field of Jupiter was ~102 times stronger when compared with the present-day field, and
  2. the field had to decrease exponentially with τ2| ≈ (0.6?1), which means its relic nature.

An analysis is made of two series of photographic observations of the Galilean satellites of Jupiter. In the comparison of theory with observation, the aim of this work is to solve for systematic errors in the observations as well as those in the theory. The observations are those made by D. Pascu with the McCormick refractor during the apparition of 1967–1968 and with the 26" refractor of the U.S. Naval Observatory in 1973. Neutral density filters were used for magnitude compensation between the planet and the satellites as well as between the satellites themselves. Preliminary positions were derived by the trail/scale method using a scale value derived from scale plates taken during the observational program. The mean error of these observations is expected to be about ±0".10. The computed positions are those supplied by the Bureau des Longitudes and are based on Sampson's theory. Both intersatellary and planet-satellite positions were used in the comparison of theory with observation. The least squares adjustment included as unknowns, corrections to the longitudes, inclinations and scale for both observation types, and an additional periodic term to account for residual phase defect for the planet-satellite coordinates. The validity of the results is discussed in terms of the unknowns introduced, the correlations between them and the reduction of the residuals.  相似文献   

A brief summary of the development of the theory of motion of the Galilean satellites is presented. Over 7700 eclipse observations have been collected and reduced using the Ephemeris E-2. They are of great potential in improving the ephemerides of the satellites and can yield important information on the evolution of the Galilean system.Proceedings of the Conference on Analytical Methods and Ephemerides: Theory and Observations of the Moon and Planets. Facultés universitaires Notre Dame de la Paix, Namur, Belgium, 28–31 July, 1980Presently a recipient of the Humboldt Award of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at the Astronomisches Rechen-Institut in Heidelberg and on leave from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory  相似文献   

Jupiter's Galilean satellites I–IV, Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto have been observed with the VLA at 2 and 6 cm. The Jovian system was about 4.46 AU from the Earth at the time the observations were taken. The flux densities for satellites I–IV at 2 cm are 15 ± 2, 5.6 ± 1.2, 22.3 ± 2.0, and 26.0 ± 2.5 mJy, respectively, which corresponds to disk brightness temperatures of 92 ± 13, 47 ± 10, 67 ± 6, and 92 ± 9°K, respectively. At 6 cm flux densities of 1.10 ± 0.2, 0.55 ± 0.12, 2.0 ± 0.2, and 3.15 ± 0.2 mJy were found, corresponding to temperatures of 65 ± 11, 44 ± 10, 55 ± 6, and 105 ± 7°K, respectively. The radio brightness temperatures are lower than the infrared, the latter generally being consistent with the temperature derived from equilibrium with absorbed insolation. The radio temperature are qualitatively consistent with the equilibrium temperature for fast rotating bodies considering the high radio reflectivity (low emissivity) as determined from radar measurements by S. J. Ostro (1982). In Satellites of Jupiter (D. Morrison, Ed.). Univ. of Arizona Press, Tucson).  相似文献   

Photometry obtained in 1973 on the uvby system yields high-precision rotational light curves for Io, Europa, and Ganymede at a mean phase angle of ~6°. By combining our observations with photometry obtained by others over a broader range of phase angle, we alsi derive improved values for the phase coefficients and opposition surges of the four Galilean satellites. The values of V(1, 0) obtained by linear extrapolation to zero phase are accurate to ±0.03 magnitudes. We also derive the colors of the sun of the uvby system and use these to obtain albedos of the satellites in four colors.  相似文献   

New models for the interiors of Io, Ganymede, and Callisto are proposed. The model of Io consists of a thin, high-rigidity outer layer separated from a solid interior by a thin, molten or partially molten shell. The modulus of rigidity of the outer layer must be at least 100 times larger than that of the underlying partially molten shell. These layers have thicknesses of order 100 km or less. The near-surface partially molten layer was most likely produced early in Io's history as a consequence of accretional heating; enhanced tidal heating in the outer rigid layer has kept the underlying region partially molten to the present day. The model of Ganymede consists of an ice outer layer, a shell of undifferentiated, primordial ice-silicate mixture, and a rock core. Accretional heating is responsible for melting the ice in the outer layers of Ganymede's initially homogeneous ice-silicate interior. Most of the rock in this outer layer accumulates in a shell on top of Ganymede's early cold and rigid central region; the water in the outer layer quickly refreezes. Heating of the undifferentiated region by the decay of radioactive elements in the silicate fraction would gradually warm it and reduce its viscosity. The rock layer would become gravitationally unstable and sink through the undifferentiated materials to form a rock core. Callisto's heavily cratered surface strongly suggests that relatively little, if any, ice-rock differentiation has occured in its interior.  相似文献   

Dale W. Smith 《Icarus》1975,25(3):447-451
Brinkmann (1973) has suggested that the Galilean satellites might briefly manifest a brightening at mid-eclipse due to a concentration of light refracted into the geometric umbra of Jupiter by the atmosphere around the terminator. Results obtained using two different models of the Jovian atmosphere indicate that such a brightening is unlikely even for Callisto due to the probable aerosol concentration in the Jovian atmosphere at the relevant altitudes.  相似文献   


The resonance amongst three of the Galilean satellites is described in a way intended to demonstrate the similarities it has to the normal two-satellite resonance. The hypothesis that the resonance was formed by the action of tidal forces is discussed. The problem is too complicated to reach any firm conclusions, but the tidal hypothesis does not seem to be a satisfactory explanation.


The Galileo spacecraft arrived at Jupiter in December 1995 to start its two-year mission of exploring the Jovian system, The spacecraft will complete eleven orbits around Jupiter and have ten more close encounters with the outer three Galilean satellites, after the initial close approach to lo on December 7, 1995, Since the lo encounter occurred closer to lo than originally designed, the spacecraft energy change was greater than nominally planned and resulted in an initial spacecraft orbital period about 7 days less than that designed in the nominal tour, A 100-km change in the Io-encounter distance results in an 8-day change in initial period of the spacecraft. Hence the first Ganymede encounter was moved forward one week, and the aim points for the first two Ganymede encounters were altered, but all other encounters would occur on their nominal dates and at the nominal altitudes, This was accomplished without expending spacecraft fuel and resulted in the first Ganymede flyby occurring on June 27, 1996 rather than the nominally scheduled July 4.Earth- and spacecraft-based data were employed in developing ephemerides in support of the Galileo space mission. An analysis of CCD astrometric observations from 1992–1994, of photographic observations from 1967–1993, of mutual event astrometric data from 1973–1991, of Jovian eclipse timing data from 1652-1983, of Doppler data from 1987–1991, and of optical navigation data from the Voyager spacecraft encounter in 1979, produced the satellite ephemerides for the Galileo space mission.  相似文献   

R.L. Millis  D.T. Thompson 《Icarus》1975,26(4):408-419
UBV observations of the Galilean satellites made at Lowell Observatory and Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory during 1973 and 1974 are reported. The dependence of brightness on solar phase angle for various faces of each satellite is determined. Significant differences in this dependence are found between different faces of the same satellite, between satellites, and between the present results and those of previous investigators. Rotational light and color-index curves are presented for the satellites and compared with earlier work. An apparent secular brightening of all four satellites between 1973 and 1974 is discussed.  相似文献   

Narrowband spectrophotometry of satellite eclipses is presented for each of the Galilean satellites. Comparing the partially eclipsed full-phase satellite disk to the uneclopsed disk can reveal colorimetric inhomogeneities on the surface. The trailing half-disk of Ganymede is slightly blue compared to the leading half-disk. The trailing and leading half-disks of Callisto are similar to each other, as are the northern and southern half-disks. The northern half-disk shows evidence of blue and red portions. The trailing half-disk of Europa is redder than the leading half-disk.  相似文献   

Color variations of the four Galilean satellites have been monitored during the summer of 1971 with the McDonald Observatory area-scanning photometer. All were found to vary with orbital phase, with the exception of Europa in B-V. The curves suggest complex variations in surface make-up with some large features, possibly the result of interaction with the Jovian environment.  相似文献   

We report 12.6-cm-wavelength radar observations of Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto made at the Arecibo Observatory in November 1977 and February 1979. When combined with previous observations, our results establish firmly the distinguishing radar properties of these satellites: (i) high geometric albedos, α; (ii) circular polarization ratios, μC, which anomalously exceed unity; (iii) linear polarization ratios, μL, which are approximately 0.5; and (iv) diffuse scattering which varies as cosnθ, where θ is angle of incidence and 1 ? n ? 2. We tabulate weighted-mean values of α, μC, μL, and n derived from observations between 1975 and 1979. The values of μC for Ganymede and Europa are nearly identical and significantly larger than that for Callisto. The values of n for Ganymede and Callisto are nearly identical and significantly smaller than that for Europa. Although significant albedo and/or polarization features are common in the radar spectra, the fractional rms fluctuation in disk-integrated properties is only ~10%. No time variation in the radar properties has been evident during 1976–1979.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to present a critical review of some problems concerning the dynamics of Jupiter's Galilean system of satellites. Theory, ephemeris and observation are considered.Two theories were proposed by Ferraz-Mello and by Sagnier. The main characteristics of these theories are that the frequencies are allowed to be kept fixed for all times from the earlier stages, and so to have a purely trigonometric solution.For a completely satisfactory work we need many more observations than actually exist. Two kinds of observations seem to be the best suitable: long-focus photographic plates and photometric records of mutual events.The most recent photographic observations are discussed in order to state guidelines for future work. The problem of the precision of Sampson's tables is discussed on the grounds of the recent observations.Paper presented at IAU Colloquium, No. 28, Ithaca, N.Y., August, 1974.  相似文献   

Several approaches have been used to estimate the ice shell thickness on Callisto, Ganymede, and Europa. Here we develop a method for placing a strict lower bound on the thickness of the strong part of the shell (lithosphere) using measurements of topography. The minimal assumptions are that the strength of faults in the brittle lithosphere is controlled by lithostatic pressure according to Byerlee's law and the shell has relatively uniform density and thickness. Under these conditions, the topography of the ice provides a direct measure of the bending moment in the lithosphere. This topographic bending moment must be less than the saturation bending moment of the yield strength envelope derived from Byerlee's law. The model predicts that the topographic amplitude spectrum decreases as the square of the topographic wavelength. This explains why Europa is rugged at shorter wavelengths (∼10 km) but extremely smooth, and perhaps conforming to an equipotential surface, at longer wavelengths (>100 km). Previously compiled data on impact crater depth and diameter [Schenk, P.M., 2002. Nature 417, 419-421] on Europa show good agreement with the spectral decrease predicted by the model and require a lithosphere thicker than 2.5 km. A more realistic model, including a ductile lower lithosphere, requires a thickness greater than 3.5 km. Future measurements of topography in the 10-100 km wavelength band will provide tight constraints on lithospheric strength.  相似文献   

Audouin Dollfus 《Icarus》1975,25(3):416-431
New measurements of the amount of polarization of the Galilean satellites are given and, within the context of other data, are interpreted as follows. The polarization of Europa is consistent with a water-frost surface. Io has a surface of partly absorbing crystals thought to result from evaporates released from the mantle and damaged by radiation. Ganymede has alternating water-frost areas and darker terrain, possibly of a silicaceous nature. Callisto is explained as having a mantle of ice containing embedded blocks of rocks, which occurred when recent evaporation left the blocks piled at the surface in a chaotic manner. This event occurred after the vicinity of Jupiter had been cleared of small orbiting objects able to impact Callisto. Meteorites which continue to enter within the sphere of influence of Jupiter can collide with Callisto only on its leading hemisphere, which is thereby comminuted by impacts. The surface of the trailing hemisphere is not regolithic.  相似文献   

Olav L. Hansen 《Icarus》1975,26(1):24-29
Infrared (1.5–5 μm) albedos and rotation curves of the Galilean satellites have been obtained. The data suggest that the rotational variation in the infrared is less than ±10% for all four satellites. While no conclusion about rotational variation could be reached for Io, the 1.57 μm data for the outer three satellites marginally suggest phase correlation with the visual variation. The geometric albedos obtained are in general agreement with earlier results. For Io, the absorption feature near 1.5 μm found by Pilcher et al. (1972) is confirmed, thus contradicting the flat spectrum measured by Fink et al. (1973). Io and Ganymede were observed in the 1.57 μm bandpass as they reappeared from eclipse. The curve for Io shows a slight (<10%) overshoot similar to those sometimes reported for visual measurements. This result is based on a single reappearance, and is extremely tentative.  相似文献   

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