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湿地边界确定研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文分析了目前湿地边界确定存在的困难及各种湿地边界指标及其标准在湿地边界确 定过程中存在的问题, 将系统论的基本原理与自然地理学相结合, 分析了湿地系统与陆地系统和 水体系统之间本质特征的区别, 认为: 由于湿地边界存在的客观性, 湿地边界确定的困难并不能 说明其边界就不能确定; 用人为"规定"的标准来确定湿地的边界是不科学的, 任何自然综合体的 边界只能认识而不是人为规定的; 由于湿地多样性, 从湿地本身特征无法确定湿地边界的情况 下, 由于湿地是位于水陆交错带的一个自然综合体, 只要抓住了湿地隐域性的本质, 确定了水体 系统与陆地系统的边界也就确定湿地系统的边界。通过对湿地边界各种指标的合理性和可重复 性分析, 提出地带性土壤诊断层尖灭点作为湿地边界指标, 分析了其科学性和可行性, 并提出了 湿地边界确定的方法。  相似文献   

Meteorological records show a rise in temperature and decrease in precipitation in most parts of the farming-pastoral ecotone of Northern China over the last 50 years. During the last quarter of the 20th Century, the agrarian sector went through a series of reforms and changes in government policies on land use that have led to extensive changes in land cover. The objective of this study was to redefine the location and analyze the boundary variations under the effects of climate and land use changes in the farming-pastoral ecotone of Northern China. The results showed that the location of study area has been redefined as both a climatic ecotone from the perspective of suitability of precipitation and temperature for agricultural crops and vegetation growth, and also a land use ecotone based on the impacts of farmland restructuring by government policies on land use. In recent decades, the climatic boundary has moved southeast while the land use boundary has moved northwest, showing opposing directions of change. The extent of boundary changes in the northeast and northern sections are far greater than in the northwestern section of the farming-pastoral ecotone of Northern China.  相似文献   

不同绿洲分布对局地气候影响的数值模拟   总被引:34,自引:13,他引:21  
高艳红  吕世华 《中国沙漠》2001,21(2):108-115
使用非静力平衡中尺度模式MMSV3,通过数值模拟,研究了不同绿洲分布对局地气候的影响,分析了不同绿洲、林带分布状况下的地表能量平衡,以及对边界层特征的影响,为荒漠化治理提供一定的理论依据。研究结果表明:沙漠化后感热增大,潜热减小,地表温度升高,5d内可升高0.7℃,土壤温度也有类似的变化,只是变化幅度小,并存在滞后效应,摩擦速度减小,5d内可减小5cm·s-1,长期下去,将形成风沙肆虐,沙尘暴频繁的气候,为人类敲响了警钟;而绿化可使潜热增大,对城市影响更为明显,潜热将增大两倍,地表温度降低,湿度增大,摩擦速度明显增大,可以有效地阻止沙尘暴的发生,对半干旱地区环境治理大有好处。  相似文献   

居民跨界行为的边界研究:以珠澳边界意义重构为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究探讨了边界的物理形态及其空间意义,并讨论由跨界行为催生的地方感与地方意象及其对边界空间意义的重构。以珠澳边界(拱北口岸)为案例地,本文主要采用追踪和访谈的研究方法,研究发现:跨越珠澳边界的行为(尤其是由珠海往澳门方向的跨界行为)以个人消费为主,主要包括购物、娱乐和餐饮等,而与之联结的消费地点也大同小异,但也存在不同时代和社会阶层因素对于跨界活动目的的影响,且流动性往往与特定的地方联结,使原有的固定行政边界及其所规定的空间管制逐渐被打破。出于满足生活的需求、社会互动的情感联系,抑或是出于追求地方价值的体验和情感表达,跨界主体成为塑造边界两边地理想象的重要因素,地理想象与现实生活空间的差异形成了想象的边界并间接地作用于珠澳边界空间意义的重构。  相似文献   

绿洲和沙漠下垫面状态对大气边界层特征影响的数值模拟   总被引:41,自引:10,他引:31  
吕世华  陈玉春 《中国沙漠》1995,15(2):116-123
采用两维高分辩率边界层数值模式,并与一个包括植被和土壤层的生物一大气能量传输模式(BATS)耦合,模拟研究绿洲和沙漠下垫面状态对大气边界层特征的影响。结果表明,沙漠中的绿洲对大气产生"冷湿效应",使之上空形成冷湿气柱;绿洲之间的沙漠对大气呈"暖干效应",使上空形成热干气柱。在水平平流的作用下,在绿洲下游的沙漠边缘形成降水峰值,有利于降水,但沙漠区下游的绿洲则相对于整个绿洲区降水偏少,不利于形成降水。  相似文献   

再论青藏高原范围   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张镱锂  李炳元  刘林山  郑度 《地理研究》2021,40(6):1543-1553
伴随青藏高原研究的深入,高原内外多学科研究程度和认识的提高,及地理大数据、地球观测科学和技术的进步,对青藏高原范围提出了新的要求.本研究系统论述了确定青藏高原范围的原则、依据和方法,分析探讨了高原地貌宏观结构(高原面、高原内低盆地与高原边缘河谷低地等)和周围边界各自然地段构成的基本特征.采用ArcMap软件,通过遥感影...  相似文献   

我国入境旅游的特点和发展趋势分析   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
入境旅游人数以及旅游(外汇)收入是衡量一个国家旅游实力和开放程度的重要指标。本文在回顾中国入境旅游发展历史的基础上,通过对我国20多年入境旅游方面有关指标的分析总结了我国入境旅游具有增长的持续性、波动性和阶段性,入境旅游发展的脆弱性和集中性等特点。针对入境旅游未来的发展趋势提出加快我国入境旅游发展的建议。  相似文献   

山地绿洲边界层特征的数值模拟   总被引:11,自引:7,他引:4  
吕世华 《中国沙漠》2004,24(1):41-46
使用美国NCAR新版MM5V35非静力平衡模式, 采用三重嵌套的降尺度方法, 通过设计理想的地形和山地绿洲, 模拟研究了山地绿洲环流及边界层特征。山地绿洲的地面感热通量和潜热通量与周围沙漠差异较大, 对形成沙漠绿洲环流有明显贡献。在无山地绿洲的情况下, 地形仅对感热通量有影响, 对潜热通量影响不大。山地绿洲可以使绿洲上空的干冷气流通过下沉气流向下层输送, 在山地绿洲上空形成下沉干冷气流的边界层特征, 它可以抑制由地形形成的向上输送的暖湿气流, 改变地形形成的边界层特征。地形引起的环流是低层复合, 高空辐散。绿洲引起的环流是低空辐散, 高空复合。两种环流呈完全相反的情况。山地绿洲的气候效应可以抑制山地地形的气候效应。  相似文献   

论青藏高原范围与面积   总被引:80,自引:4,他引:80  
长期以来 ,种种因素导致学者们对青藏高原确切范围的认识和理解存在差异。根据青藏高原相关领域研究的新成果和多年野外实践 ,从地理学角度 ,充分讨论了确定青藏高原范围和界线的原则与涉及的问题 ,结合信息技术方法对青藏高原范围与界线位置进行了精确的定位和定量分析。得出 :青藏高原在中国境内部分西起帕米尔高原 ,东至横断山脉 ,横跨 31个经度 ,东西长约 2 94 5km ;南自喜马拉雅山脉南缘 ,北迄昆仑山 -祁连山北侧 ,纵贯约 13个纬度 ,南北宽达 15 32km ;范围为 2 6°0 0′12″N~ 39°4 6′5 0″N ,73°18′5 2″E~ 10 4°4 6′5 9″E ,面积为 2 5 72 4× 10 3km2 ,占我国陆地总面积的 2 6 8%。  相似文献   

生态地理区域界线划分的指标体系   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:17  
生态地理区域界线由一系列反映生态地理区域特征的指标为依据 ,通过其空间差异落实到具体的空间位置上。客观地认识和划定生态地理区域界线是揭示生态环境时空有序性的重要途径 ,是地域系统研究的基础。生态地理区域界线是两个相邻的、彼此不同的生态地理区质上转变的线或带 ,反映同一等级内划分出来的内部相对一致性与外部的差异性。界线代表有一定宽度的带 ,而且可能随着时间而迁移变化 ,等级越低界线越明显 ,等级越高界线越宽。在生态地理区域划分中 ,先选择人力不能大规模改变的几个主要因素 :温度指标 ,主要指标是日平均气温≥ 1 0℃的天数和积温 ,最冷月平均气温 ,最暖月平均气温等 ;水分指标 ,干湿指数 ,目前比较普遍采用的是年干燥度 ,它可以近似地表征某一地方的干湿程度 ;年降水量的资料通常比较可靠 ,但潜在蒸发的计算需要改进和提高。生态地理区域较高级单位的划分依据侧重考虑生物气候的差异 ,先注意水平地带性 ,由于气候台站的有限性 ,所划分出的界线往往用植被界线去修正 ;而垂直地带性则将潜在植被与气候联系起来 ,按照降水量、潜在蒸发率和生物温度来进行划分。如何处理级别与依据和指标之间的关系是另一个重要问题 ,在这个问题的处理上 ,国内外很不统一。  相似文献   

可移动式环境风洞气动特性测试与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所新建的可移动式环境风洞进行了流场测试,分析评价该风洞气动特性,期望对今后的风洞实验开展有所指导。本实验在室内进行,在空洞条件下,用皮托管测量不同风速下(7 m·s-1,12 m·s-1,16 m·s-1)实验段截面风速分布沿流向的变化,测试内容包括风洞实验段的气流稳定性、横向均匀性、紊流度、边界层厚度的分布规律,并与其他环境风洞相比较。结果显示,该风洞气流稳定性系数小于1%,横向不均匀度小于2.5%,紊流度在1%左右,底板边界层和侧壁边界层分别为15 cm和10 cm,表明该风洞使用效果良好,设计合理。  相似文献   

Summary. Results from several recent studies suggest that there are lateral heterogeneities of up to a few per cent in the lowermost 150–200 km of the mantle (Bullen's D " region). Inferred anomaly sizes span the range from less than 50 km to greater than 1000 km.
In this study differences in the velocity structure among regions at the base of the mantle were inferred from an analysis of amplitude ratios of PKPAB and PKPDF for given earthquake-station pairs at distances greater than 155° (Sacks, Snoke & Beach). We distinguish two kinds of regions: A (anomalous) regions in which the mean, median and spread in AB/DF amplitude ratios are significantly higher (> 50 per cent) than for a reference radial earth model and N (normal) regions in which the distribution of the amplitude ratios is as expected.
The AB branch has near-grazing incidence to the core and therefore maximum sensitivity to velocity structure compared to the near-normal incident DF phases. Using an iterative, forward-modelling approach, we have determined general characteristics of the velocity structure for regions at the base of the mantle which can produce amplitude-ratio distributions similar to those for an A region. Agreement between model and data is obtained over the period range from 0.5 s to greater than 10 s using a laterally heterogeneous model for the D " region. the model consists of cells which are 200 km in lateral extent with velocity variations of up to ±1 per cent. This structure is modulated by a region-wide (1000km) perturbation which increases smoothly from zero at the edges of the region to a negative 1 per cent at the centre. Small cells (∼40 km) cannot produce anomalously large amplitude, long-period AB arrivals, and larger cells (∼1000km) cannot match the observed scatter. the ∼200 km scale anomalies could be small-scale convection cells confined to the D " region.  相似文献   

Cognitive regions are regions in the mind, reflecting informal ways individuals and cultural groups organize their understanding of earth landscapes. Cognitive region boundaries are typically substantially vague and their membership functions are substantially variable – the transition from outside to inside the region is imprecise or vague, and different places within the region are not equally strong or clear as exemplars of the region. Methods for assessing and cartographically depicting cognitive regions, as with other vague geographic regions, have traditionally implied an inappropriate level of boundary sharpness and membership uniformity, such as when boundaries are mapped as precise lines. Research in recent decades has explored methods for assessing and depicting boundary vagueness and membership variability, either within or across individuals, but has still assumed homogeneity and regularity in the vagueness and variability. In this article, we present two studies that assess the cognitive regions of ‘Northern’ and ‘Southern’ California, and, for comparison, ‘Northern’ and ‘Southern’ Alberta. The first study uses a standard boundary-drawing task; the second uses a novel task in which participants rate cells of a high-resolution grid laid over an outline map. This technique allows us to assess and depict vagueness and nonuniformity that is heterogeneous and irregular across different areas. Differences in the conceptualization of ‘Northern’ and ‘Southern’ regions in California, as compared to those in Alberta, point to thematic influences on cognitive regions in California but not in Alberta. As is often true with cognitive regions, Northern and Southern California are about attitude, not just latitude.  相似文献   

丁维贞  曹晋滨 《地理学报》2013,1(1):1505-1514
等离子体片离子向内磁层的渗透在亚暴和磁暴过程中都起到了重要作用.以往对于等离子体片离子向内磁层的渗透都是通过固定磁矩的磁层离子漂移轨道理论来进行的.本文将过去的(U,B)空间中固定磁矩的磁层离子漂移轨道理论扩展为固定能量的磁层离子漂移轨道理论,讨论了等离子体片质子在向地球输运过程中,不同能量的质子开放轨道和封闭轨道的分界线的特性,及其随Kp指数的变化.在高能端,随着能量的升高,等离子体片质子分界线地心距离逐渐增大,且分界线的晨侧地心距离远远大于昏侧的地心距离.在低能端,随着质子能量的降低,质子分界线地心距离逐渐增大,且其分界线的昏侧地心距离要大于晨侧的地心距离.模拟结果还显示随着Kp指数的增强,等离子体片中不同能量的质子分界线都向地球移动.但在低能端和高能端,质子分界线的行为是不一样的.在低能端,随着Kp指数的增大,质子内边界形状基本保持不变.但在高能端,随着Kp指数的增大,质子内边界形状也将发生变化.在E=20 keV,Kp=6和E=10 keV,Kp=3两种情况,质子分界线甚至出现了两个分离的区域,一个是环绕地球的封闭轨道区域,一个是晨侧孤立的锥型区域.等离子体片能量为E的质子的内边界就是具有不同磁矩的Alfven层上能量为E的点的连线.TC-1热离子谱仪对等离子体片离子内边界的观测显示模拟结果与观测结果符合得很好.  相似文献   

利用缓冲区边界曲线上各点距缓冲目标距离相等的性质,建立一种基于矢量追踪思想的缓冲区生成方法.提出并探讨了以下优化技术:进行缓冲目标弧段重采样;扩展弧段数据结构以提高点、弧距离计算的效率;闭合边界追踪过程中采用折半逼近的追踪策略并进行动态数据压缩;对缓冲目标集合进行自适应分组和运用分治算法等.结果表明.该算法在内存占用、计算精度等方面具有优势,其计算效率亦可满足一般的GIS应用需求;此外,该算法中边界追踪的思想可以推广应用于空间分析算法设计中.  相似文献   

The concept of a deformation of a simple, non-rotating, spherically symmetric earth model with a fluid outer core, although it is a highly artificial physical situation, provides a useful computational algorithm that allows one lo determine analytically modes of vibration without any Love-number theory. In particular, on these analytically determined modes, we impose regularity conditions at the centre and boundary conditions at the surface, as well as conditions of continuity at the inner-core-outer-core boundary and at the core-mantle boundary. They lead to an eigenvalue equation for the frequency of oscillation. The range of frequencies obtained in this way for different earth models gives an indication of the influence of compressibility and non-homogeneity on the spectrum of eigenfrequencies.  相似文献   

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