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Eijiro Hiei 《Solar physics》1982,80(1):113-127
White-light continuum was observed at the Norikura Solar Observatory in a 2B flare of 10 September 1974 in the spectral region between 3600 Å and 4000 Å. The duration of continuum emission was 8–12 min. The continuum shows a Balmer free-bound component, but the main contribution to the continuum between 3646 Å and 4000 Å is H emission. The white-light continuum, therefore, is thought to be of photospheric origin. The energy loss in the continuum is 1027 erg s–1.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the Doppler shifts of the metallic lines for a 3B white-light flare on September 19, 1979. The results show that there is no systematic shift at the line center, while there may appear some asymmetry at the line wing. A possible heating process of this flare is proposed to interpret the observed spectral features.  相似文献   

Recent gamma-ray observations of solar flares have provided a better means for estimating the heating of the solar atmosphere by energetic protons. Such heating has been suggested as the explanation of the continuum emission of the white-light flare. We have analyzed the effects on the photosphere of high-energy particles capable of producing the intense gamma-ray emission observed in the 1978 July 11 flare. Using a simple energy-balance argument and taking into account hydrogen ionization, we have obtained the following conclusions:
  1. Heating near τ5000 = 1 in the input HSRA model atmosphere is negligible, even for very high fluxes of energetic particles.
  2. Energy deposition increases with height for the inferred proton spectra, and does not depend strongly upon the assumed angle of incidence. The computed energy inputs fall in the range 10–100 ergs (cm3 s)?1 at the top of the photosphere.
  3. H? continuum dominates for column densities as small as 1022 cm?3, but at greater heights hydrogen ionizes sufficiently for the higher continua to dominate the energy balance.
  4. The total energy deposited in the ‘photospheric’ region of H? dominance could be within a factor of 3 of the necessary energy deposition, by comparison with the white-light flare of 1972 August 7, but the emergent spectrum is quite red so that the intensity excess in the visible band is insufficient to explain the observations.
In summary, it remains energetically possible, within observational limits, that high-energy protons could cause sufficient heating of the upper photosphere to produce detectable excess continuum, but emission from the vicinity of τ = 1 is not significant.  相似文献   

Z. B. Korobova 《Solar physics》1992,139(1):205-207
A white-light-flare (WLF) was recorded on March 27, 1991 at Tashkent. The WLF occurred at the penumbra of a large, complex sunspot group. The energy released by the WLF per unit time was 2.4 × 1028 erg s-1.  相似文献   

We analyzed the monochromatic Hα and spectral (within a range of 6549–6579 Å) observational data for the 2B/X6.9 flare of August 9, 2011, that produced emission in the optical continuum. The morphology and evolution of the Hα flare and the position, time evolution, spectrum, and energetics of the white-light flare (WLF) kernels were studied. The following results were obtained: the flare erupted in the region of collision of a new and rapidly growing and propagating magnetic flux and a preexisting one. This collision led to a merger of two active bipolar regions. The white-light flare had a complex structure: no less than five kernels of continuum emission were detected prior to and in the course of the impulsive flare phase. Preimpulsive and impulsive white-light emission kernels belonged to different types (types II and I, respectively) of white-light flares. A close temporal agreement between the white-light emission maxima and the microwave emission peak was observed for the impulsive white-light emission kernels. The maximum flux, luminosity, and total energy emitted by the brightest impulsive WLF kernel equaled 1.4 × 1010 ergs cm?2 s?1, 1.5 × 1027 ergs/s, and 5 × 1029 ergs, respectively. The Hα profiles within the impulsive WLF kernels had broad wings (with a total extent of up to 26 Å and a half-width of up to 9 Å) and self-reversed cores. The profiles were symmetrical, but were shifted towards the red side of the spectrum. This is indicative of a downward motion of the entire emitting volume with a radial velocity of several tens of km/s. The intensity pattern in the wings did not correspond to the Stark one. The profiles were broadened by nonthermal turbulent motions with velocities of 150–300 km/s. The observed Hα profiles were analyzed and compared in their features to the profiles calculated for an intense heating of the chromosphere by nonthermal electrons accompanied by the development of a chromospheric condensation propagating downward. We came to the conclusion that the analyzed flare exhibited spectral features that may not be readily explained within the framework of chromosphere heating by a beam of nonthermal electrons.  相似文献   

On October 24, 1991, a white-light flare was observed both from space and from the ground. A multi-waveband spectral analysis shows that the peak time of the continuum emission coincides well with that of a radio burst at 2840 MHz and with the hard X-ray emission. Three semi-empirical models, corresponding to the pre-flare condition and to the peak time of continuum emission both with and without non-thermal excitation and ionization of hydrogen by an electron beam, have been obtained. The results indicate that there is fast heating both in the chromosphere and the photosphere. Some evidence is given that this WLF is very likely a result of bombardment by an electron beam. By taking into account non-thermal effects, the chromospheric temperature of the semi-empirical model is significantly reduced.  相似文献   

Solar flares with a broadband emission in the white-light range of the electromagnetic spectrum belong to most enigmatic phenomena on the Sun. The origin of the white-light emission is not entirely understood. We aim to systematically study the visible-light emission connected to solar flares in SDO/HMI observations. We developed a code for automatic detection of kernels of flares with HMI intensity brightenings and study properties of detected candidates. The code was tuned and tested and with a little effort, it could be applied to any suitable data set. By studying a few flare examples, we found indication that HMI intensity brightening might be an artefact of the simplified procedure used to compute HMI observables.  相似文献   

It was found that in the spectrum of the white-light flare on 11 October, 1974, at the time of continuum maximum, the intensity of K1 in the Caii K line increased very significantly and reached nearly half of the continuum intensity. The duration of this unusual increase is less than 4 min. It seems that existing semi-empirical models can reproduce neither this characteristic nor the chromospheric condensation.  相似文献   

We use H line profiles as a diagnostic of mass motion and nonthermal electron precipitation in the white-light flare (WLF) of 1991 June 9 01:34 UT. We find only weak downflow velocities (10 km s–1) at the site of white-light emission, and comparable velocities elsewhere.We also find that electron precipitation is strongest at the WLF site. We conclude that continuum emission in this flare was probably caused by nonthermal electrons and not by dynamical energy transport via a chromospheric condensation.  相似文献   

We present spectral data for three white-light flares (WLFs) showing Balmer continuum at wavelengths 3700 Å. These flares also have a weaker continuum extending toward longer wavelengths, from which, in one flare where this continuum is sufficiently bright, we are able to identify a Paschen jump near 8500 Å. The presence of the latter suggests that the Paschen continuum may be a substantial contributor to the WLF continuum at visible wavelengths. We note the possibility, therefore, that the entire continuum of this particular flare may be dominated by H fb emission.In all three flares the head of the Balmer continuum, as well as the head of the Paschen continuum in the flare where it was identified, is advanced toward longer wavelengths as a result of the blending of the hydrogen emission lines of the respective series. The principal quantum number of the last resolvable line of the Balmer or Paschen series is approximately 16. The electron density, as measured from the halfwidths of the high Balmer lines in two of the flares, is approximately 5 × 1013 cm–3. Due to possible misplacements of the spectrograph slit, however, the electron density in the brightest kernels of the WLFs may not have been obtained.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. under contract AST 78-17292 with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

The temporal histories of three intense and impulsive gamma-ray flares, for which also white-light emission had been observed, are analyzed in order to test the role of high-energy particles- electrons and protons - in powering the optical continuum. By comparing the light curves at optical wavelengths and at X-ray and gamma-ray energies, we find a good correlation of the main peaks of emission, which confirms previous findings that the continuum emission is most likely associated with the energy loss of energetic particles. The power carried by the greater-than-50 keV nonthermal electrons may be sufficient to balance the optical emission. The power residing in protons or ions with energies greater than 1 MeV depends largely on the spectral shape of the particle distribution. Only if this is similar to a power law, may the energy carried by these high-energy particles be sufficient to balance the white-light flare emission.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation. Partial support for the National Solar Observatory is provided by the USAF under a Memorandum of Understanding with the NSF.  相似文献   

Recent atomic data have been used to analyze a solar flare spectrum obtained with the Goddard Space Flight Center's grating spectrometer on the OSO-5 satellite. There exist in the wavelength region 90–200 Å strong lines from each of the ions Fe xviii-Fe xxiv. The Fe xxi lines can be used as an electron density diagnostic for the 107 K plasma. From our analysis of a particular flare, we find a steep positive slope in the emission measure between 106.5 and 107.2 K and an electron density of 4 × 1011 cm–3 at 107 K. We emphasise the need for high spectral and spatial resolution observations of solar flares in this wavelength region, which has to date been largely neglected.  相似文献   

The intensity ratio of the components of the MgXII doublet was measured during a solar flare using one of the instruments on the Solar Maximum Mission spacecraft. The results are in good agreement with those reported previously and explained in terms of the effect of the trapping of resonance radiation.  相似文献   

The evolution of the energy distributions of fast flare electrons injected towards the chromosphere are computed by the Monte Carlo method for different depths. Using these distributions, power law bremsstrahlung spectra having spectral indices increasing with photon energies are obtained.  相似文献   

The H velocity field at 0516 UT during the eruption of the X1.5/3B flare in the active region E58 N11 (Boulder 3106) on 1981 May 13, obtained with the horizontal solar spectrograph of Yunnan Observatory is given in this paper. A comparative analysis of the velocity field with the magnetic field shows that the velocity field is related to the gradient and neutral line of the magnetic field and the brightness of the flare maximum changes in the velocity field of ±15 km/s occurs at the location of greatest magnetic field gradient.

The neutral line of the magnetic field (h = 0) basically matches the zero velocity line (v = 0) between the two bright ribbons. But they do not match between the two bright knots where the filament is twisted and ascends. The spectral lines show the sloping morphology, from which we deduced the dynamical parameters of the twist of the rising filament.  相似文献   

We study the spatial and spectral characteristics of the 3.5 to 30.0 keV emission in a solar flare of 9 May, 1980. We find that: (a) A classical thick target interpretation of the hard X-ray burst at energies E 10 keV implies that approximately all the electrons contained within the flare loop(s) have to be accelerated per second. (b) A thermal model interpretation does not fit the data, unless its characteristics are such that it does not represent an efficient alternative to the acceleration model. We thus conclude that: (c) Acceleration does take place during the early phase of the impulsive hard X-ray event, but substantial amount of the emission at low (<20 keV) energies is of thermal origin. (d) We show the evolution of the energy content in the flare volume, and find that the energy input requirements are such that 102 erg cm-3 s-1 have to be released within the flare structure(s), for a period of time comparable to that of the hard X-ray burst emission. We also point out that although the main flare component ( 90% of the soft X-ray emission) was confined to a compact magnetic kernel, there are evidences of interaction of this structure with a larger field structure connecting towards the leading portion of the active region, where secondary H brightenings were observed.  相似文献   

Scanning spectrometer measurements in the range 1310–270 Å, observed from the satellite OSO 3, are reported for the solar flare of 2114 UT March 27, 1967. This flare was a long lasting sequence of bursts with EUV spectra consisting of enhanced lines and recombination continua normally emitted from the chromosphere and chromosphere-corona transition region, with unusually small increases in lines normally emited from the corona. An EUV flare spectrum is presented and suggested as one example for interpreting broadband observations of EUV bursts. Any broadband continuum other than known recombination continua contributed less than 6 % of the meassured line and hydrogen recombination continua in the range 270–1310 Å. The ratio of photon flux of Ciii 1176 Å to that of Ciii 977 Å was 0.86, which suggests an ambient density in the region of emission greater than 1012 cm-3 at temperatures near 60000 K.  相似文献   

We present a report on the strong X5.3 solar flare which occurred on 25 August 2001, producing high-level γ-ray activity, nuclear lines and a dramatic long-duration white-light continuum. The bulk of millimeter radio fluxes reached a peak of ∼100 000 solar flux units at 89.4 GHz, and a few thousands of solar flux units were detected in the submillimeter range during the impulsive phase. In this paper we focus on and discuss (i) the implications inferred from high frequency radio observations during the impulsive phase; (ii) the dynamics of the low corona active region during the impulsive phase. In particular we found that 4–5 × 1036 accelerated (>20 keV) electrons s−1 radiating in a 1000–1100 G region, are needed to explain the millimeter to submillimeter-wave emissions. We present evidence that the magnetic field in the active region was very dynamic, and that strong non-thermal processes were triggered by the appearance of new, compact, low-lying (few thousand kilometers) loop systems, suggesting the acceleration site(s) were also located in the low solar atmosphere.  相似文献   

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