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Detailed geological mapping, core logging and petrographic analysis are supplemented with geochemical data to evaluate the petrogenesis of the Upper Group (UG1, UG2) stratiform chromitite seams in the Dwars River area, Bushveld Complex. Seven important and widespread features of UG1 and UG2 chromitite are addressed: (1) chromitite seams are dissociated from specific silicate successions and enclosed in Cr-rich silicates with a common genetic origin, (2) chromitite seams cut structures and textures in host silicates, have vein-like structures and host xenoliths, (3) chromitite seams are braided, (4) chromite grain distributions suggest flow segregation, (5) silicates in chromitite seams have modal proportions, forms and compositions different from those in binding silicate rocks, (6) PGE distributions in UG2 chromitite suggest flow segregation, and (7) chromitite seams are bound by coarse-grained silicates possibly formed through contact heating and/or de-volatization. These features are integrated into a model whereby UG chromitite seams developed from the intrusion of chromite crystal slurries. This model proposes that chromite grains first accumulated within structural traps of the Bushveld conduits, and that these accumulations were then re-mobilized with silicate melt (± sulfides and/or fluids?) to spread laterally as chromite crystal slurries within the layered ultramafic-mafic cumulates of the Bushveld Complex.  相似文献   

The Rum Layered Suite (NW Scotland) is generally regarded as one of a handful of classic examples of open‐system layered mafic‐ultramafic intrusions, or ‘fossilized’ basaltic magma chambers, world‐wide. The eastern portion of the Rum intrusion is constructed of sixteen repeated, coupled, peridotite–troctolite units. Each major cyclic unit has been linked to a major magma replenishment event, with repeated settling out of ‘crops’ of olivine and plagioclase crystals to form the cumulate rocks. However, there are variations in the lithological succession that complicate this oversimplified model, including the presence of chromitite (>60 vol. percent Cr‐spinel) seams. The ~2 mm thick chromitite seams host significant platinum‐group element (PGE) enrichment (e.g. ~2 ppm Pt) and likely formed in situ, i.e. at the crystal mush–magma interface. Given that the bulk of the world's exploited PGE come from a layered intrusion that bears remarkable structural and lithological similarities to Rum, the Bushveld Complex (South Africa), comparisons between these intrusions raise intriguing implications for precious metal mineralization in layered intrusions.  相似文献   

One of the most puzzling features of the UG1 chromitite layers in the famous exposures at Dwars River, Eastern Bushveld Complex, is the bifurcation, i.e. convergence and divergence of layers along strike that isolate lenses of anorthosite. The bifurcations have been variously interpreted as resulting from: (1) the intermittent accumulation of plagioclase on the chamber floor as lenses, terminated by crystallization of continuous chromitite layers (the depositional model); (2) late-stage injections of chromite mush or chromite-saturated melt along anastomosing fractures that dismembered semi-consolidated plagioclase cumulates (the intrusive model); (3) post-depositional deformation of alternating plagioclase and chromite cumulates, resulting in local amalgamation of chromitite layers and anorthosite lenses that wedge out laterally (the deformational model). None of these hypotheses account satisfactorily for the following field observations: (a) wavy and scalloped contacts between anorthosite and chromitite layers; (b) abrupt lateral terminations of thin anorthosite layers within chromitite; (c) in situ anorthosite inclusions with highly irregular contacts and delicate wispy tails within chromitite; many of these inclusions are contiguous with footwall and hanging wall cumulates; (d) transported anorthosite fragments enclosed by chromitite; (e) disrupted anorthosite and chromitite layers overlain by planar chromitite; (f) protrusions of chromitite into underlying anorthosite; (g) merging of chromitite layers around anorthosite domes. We propose a novel hypothesis that envisages basal flows of new dense and superheated magma that resulted in intense thermo-chemical erosion of the temporary floor of the chamber. The melting and dissolution of anorthosite was patchy and commonly inhibited by chromitite layers, resulting in lens-like remnants of anorthosite resting on continuous layers of chromitite. On cooling, the magma crystallized chromite on the irregular chamber floor, draping the remnants of anorthosite and merging with pre-existing chromitite layers excavated by erosion. With further cooling, the magma crystallized chromite-bearing anorthosite. Emplacement of multiple pulses of magma led to repetition of this sequence of events, resulting in a complex package of anorthosite lenses and bifurcating chromitite layers. This hypothesis is the most satisfactory explanation for most of the features of this enigmatic igneous layering in the Bushveld Complex.  相似文献   

The West Farrington pluton in the North Carolina Piedmont isconcentrically zoned from gabbro-diorite near the chilled marginsto leucogranodiorite in the center. A crystallization modelfor the West Farrington pluton has been derived utilizing chemical,petrographic, field, and experimental data. The model involvessimple in situ fractional crystallization from the margins inward,with minimal contamination, crystal settling and floating, ormetasomatism. Rocks of the pluton can be considered as mixturesof early crystallizing minerals (liquidus or near-liquidus phases)and crystallized interstitial liquids. Relative percentage ofentrapped pore liquid increased with increasing degree of crystallization. The original tonalite magma began crystallizing Fe-Ti spinels,plagioclase, and hornblende within a short temperature interval.Crystallization of these minerals controlled fractionation trends.The initial water content in the magma was probably 2–3per cent; under such conditions water saturation would havebeen reached after about 60 per cent of the magma crystallized,assuming crystallization in the lower epizone at about 2000bars total pressure.  相似文献   

The current debate on the origin of platinum-group element (PGE) reefs in layered intrusions centres mostly on gravity settling of sulphide liquid from overlying magma versus its introduction with interstitial melt/fluids migrating upward from the underlying cumulate pile. Here, we show that PGE-rich chromitite seams of the Rum Eastern Layered Intrusion provide evidence for an alternative origin of such deposits in layered intrusions. These laterally extensive 2-mm-thick chromitite seams occur at the bases of several cyclic mafic–ultramafic units and show lithological and textural relationships suggesting in situ growth directly at a crystal–liquid interface. This follows from chromitite development along the edges of steeply inclined culminations and depressions at unit boundaries, even where these are vertically oriented or overhanging. High concentrations of PGE (up to 2–3 ppm Pd + Pt) are controlled by fine-grained base-metal sulphides, which are closely associated with chromitite seams. The following sequence of events explains the origin of the PGE-rich chromitite seams: (a) emplacement of picritic magma that caused thermal and mechanical erosion of underlying cumulate, followed by in situ growth of chromite against the base, (b) precipitation of sulphide droplets on chromite grains acting as favourable substrate or catalyst for sulphide nucleation, (c) the scavenging of PGE by sulphide droplets from fresh magma continuously brought towards the base by convection. Since the rate of magma convection is 105–107 times higher than that of the solidification (km/year to km/day versus 0.5–1.0 cm/year), the in situ formed sulphide droplets can equilibrate with picritic magma of thousands to million times their own volume. As a result, the sulphide-bearing rocks are able to reach economic concentrations of PGE (several ppm). We tentatively suggest that the basic principles of our model may be used to explain the origin of PGE-rich chromitites and classical PGE reefs in other layered mafic–ultramafic intrusions.  相似文献   

Origin of the UG2 chromitite layer, Bushveld Complex   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Chromitite layers are common in large mafic layered intrusions.A widely accepted hypothesis holds that the chromitites formedas a consequence of injection and mixing of a chemically relativelyprimitive magma into a chamber occupied by more evolved magma.This forces supersaturation of the mixture in chromite, whichupon crystallization accumulates on the magma chamber floorto form a nearly monomineralic layer. To evaluate this and othergenetic hypotheses to explain the chromitite layers of the BushveldComplex, we have conducted a detailed study of the silicate-richlayers immediately above and below the UG2 chromitite and anotherchromitite layer lower in the stratigraphic section, at thetop of the Lower Critical Zone. The UG2 chromitite is well knownbecause it is enriched in the platinum-group elements and extendsfor nearly the entire 400 km strike length of the eastern andwestern limbs of the Bushveld Complex. Where we have studiedthe sequence in the central sector of the eastern Bushveld,the UG2 chromitite is embedded in a massive, 25 m thick plagioclasepyroxenite consisting of 60–70 vol. % granular (cumulus)orthopyroxene with interstitial plagioclase, clinopyroxene,and accessory phases. Throughout the entire pyroxenite layerorthopyroxene exhibits no stratigraphic variations in majoror minor elements (Mg-number = 79·3–81·1).However, the 6 m of pyroxenite below the chromitite (footwallpyroxenite) is petrographically distinct from the 17 m of hangingwall pyroxenite. Among the differences are (1) phlogopite, K-feldspar,and quartz are ubiquitous and locally abundant in the footwallpyroxenite but generally absent in the hanging wall pyroxenite,and (2) plagioclase in the footwall pyroxenite is distinctlymore sodic and potassic than that in the hanging wall pyroxenite(An45–60 vs An70–75). The Lower Critical Zone chromititeis also hosted by orthopyroxenite, but in this case the rocksabove and below the chromitite are texturally and compositionallyidentical. For the UG2, we interpret the interstitial assemblageof the footwall pyroxenite to represent either interstitialmelt that formed in situ by fractional crystallization or chemicallyevolved melt that infiltrated from below. In either case, themelt was trapped in the footwall pyroxenite because the overlyingUG2 chromitite was less permeable. If this interpretation iscorrect, the footwall and hanging wall pyroxenites were essentiallyidentical when they initially formed. However, all the modelsof chromitite formation that call on mixing of magmas of differentcompositions or on other processes that result in changes inthe chemical or physical conditions attendant on the magma predictthat the rocks immediately above and below the chromitite layersshould be different. This leads us to propose that the Bushveldchromitites formed by injection of new batches of magma witha composition similar to the resident magma but carrying a suspendedload of chromite crystals. The model is supported by the commonobservation of phenocrysts, including those of chromite, inlavas and hypabyssal rocks, and by chromite abundances in lavasand peridotite sills associated with the Bushveld Complex indicatingthat geologically reasonable amounts of magma can account foreven the massive, 70 cm thick UG2 chromitite. The model requiressome crystallization to have occurred in a deeper chamber, forwhich there is ample geochemical evidence. KEY WORDS: Bushveld complex; chromite; crystal-laden magma; crustal contamination; magma mixing; UG2 chromitite  相似文献   

The investigated chromitite dike is located at the top of an upwelling mantle structure of the Oman ophiolite (Maqsad diapir), in undeformed dunites displaying evidence for magma impregnation and circulation, just below the paleo-ridge axis. The chromitite dike is undeformed, its shape is that of an upward widening tube. It exhibits an internal layering which is roughly perpendicular to the cavity axis and comprises a vertical succession of four main layers showing a graded-bedding. Chromitite magmatic structures are beautifully preserved and result from a progressive crystallization from small euhedral crystals to wide octahedron-shaped nodules; dissolution textures provide evidence for late magmatic desequilibrium; sedimentation structures include flattening of the largest nodules. The silicate matrix comprises poikilitic forsterite and a locally abundant association of primary pargasite and plagioclase and alteration minerals (vesuvianite-chlorite-dolomite); pargasite inclusions are very abundant in the chromite. Chromite composition changes from one layer to the other and from core to rim in the chromite nodules (chromium decreases and titanium increases); Ti contents are generally high (0.4 to 0.8 wt.% TiO2) with respect to podiform chromites. Platinum-group elements are not abundant but they show a strong fractionation at the scale of the orebody and of the main graded-bedded layers (Pd/Ir ratio varies from 0.5 to 11.5). REE patterns of chromitite parallel to those of gabbros and furthermore display a sea water related hydrothermal alteration (Ce negative anomaly).

The chromitite dike of Maqsad provides evidence for the crystallization of chromitite bodies in subvertical magma conduits below oceanic ridges; it corroborates the model of Cassard et al. (1981) and Lago et al. (1982) concerning the formation of chromitite pods in ophiolites which were later deformed and transposed into the horizontal plane due to the plastic flow prevailing away from the paleo-axial zone. Layering and chromite compositional variations are ascribed to a multicellular convective system segregating various stocks of chromite particles either in the upwelling flow of fresh magma or in the convective cells of fractionated residual magma in the confined part of the cavity. The estimated life-time for the magma influx is very short (<2 months). The parent-magma was probably of MORB-type and already fractionated (Ti-rich and PGE-poor), which is consistent with the strong evidence of magma-peridotite interactions in the core of the Maqsad diapir. Hydrous fluids were present during chromite crystallization (pargasite inclusions) suggesting that fluid-rich melts occur in the upper mantle.  相似文献   

Magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE sulfide mineralization occurs within olivine clinopyroxenite, hornblende-bearing clinopyroxenite, and magnetite-hornblende-rich rocks in the Ural-Alaskan-Type Duke Island Complex in Southeast Alaska. The addition of large amounts of sulfur from country rocks occurred during fractional crystallization of the parental magma when clinopyroxene was becoming a liquidus mineral. Textural interfaces between sulfide and silicate minerals are strongly interlobate, and differ significantly from net-textures that are developed in many Ni-Cu-PGE deposits. Sulfide-free olivine clinopyroxenite is an adcumulate; residual liquid was efficiently expelled from the accumulating crystal pile. A significant interstitial liquid component is observable only in the form of interstitial sulfide in the S-rich rocks. Rounded sulfide inclusions and blebby to vermicular sulfide-silicate intergrowths indicate that silicate crystallization occurred under conditions of sulfide saturation. The presence of dense sulfide liquid inhibited the growth of silicate minerals and led to the development of interlobate grain boundaries. Strong, localized wetting of sulfide liquids on crystallizing silicates, and downward percolation of sulfide liquid through a crystallizing mush may have contributed to the evolution of these textures. Residual silicate liquid was removed from the system due to a combination of buoyant advection and compaction, but dense sulfide liquid remained.  相似文献   

The Merensky Reef of the Bushveld Complex consists of two chromitite layers separated by coarse-grained melanorite. Microstructural analysis of the chromitite layers using electron backscatter diffraction analysis (EBSD), high-resolution X-ray microtomography and crystal size distribution analyses distinguished two populations of chromite crystals: fine-grained idiomorphic and large silicate inclusion-bearing crystals. The lower chromitite layer contains both populations, whereas the upper contains only fine idiomorphic grains. Most of the inclusion-bearing chromites have characteristic amoeboidal shapes that have been previously explained as products of sintering of pre-existing smaller idiomorphic crystals. Two possible mechanisms have been proposed for sintering of chromite crystals: (1) amalgamation of a cluster of grains with the same original crystallographic orientation; and (2) sintering of randomly orientated crystals followed by annealing into a single grain. The EBSD data show no evidence for clusters of similarly oriented grains among the idiomorphic population, nor for earlier presence of idiomorphic subgrains spatially related to inclusions, and therefore are evidence against both of the proposed sintering mechanisms. Electron backscatter diffraction analysis maps show deformation-related misorientations and curved subgrain boundaries within the large, amoeboidal crystals, and absence of such features in the fine-grained population. Microstructures observed in the lower chromitite layer are interpreted as the result of deformation during compaction of the orthocumulate layers, and constitute evidence for the formation of the amoeboid morphologies at an early stage of consolidation. An alternative model is proposed whereby silicate inclusions are incorporated during maturation and recrystallisation of initially dendritic chromite crystals, formed as a result of supercooling during emplacement of the lower chromite layer against cooler anorthosite during the magma influx that formed the Merensky Reef. The upper chromite layer formed from a subsequent magma influx, and hence lacked a mechanism to form dendritic chromite. This accounts for the difference between the two layers.  相似文献   

Detailed field evidence indicates that the Kameruka Suite plutonsof the Bega Batholith, eastern Australia, grew by crystal accumulationon the floor of a magma chamber. Depositional features in theplutons, including mafic enclave channels, asymmetric enclavepillows and exotic rafts, load casts and flame structures, andgraded and trough cross-beds, indicate that the pluton builtprogressively upward. The general eastward dip of depositionalfeatures in the main pluton implies a lower western and uppereastern contact, consistent with a basal granite–migmatitecontact in the west and a sharp hornfelsic sidewall contactin the east. Mafic, felsic and composite dykes, most commonnear and below the basal western contact, are interpreted asconduits for magma chamber replenishment and imply open-systembehaviour during pluton construction. Textural relations arealso consistent with an open-system, cumulate origin. Typically,centimetre-scale grains of quartz, plagioclase and megacrysticalkali feldspar form a touching framework with interstices filledwith smaller biotite flakes and smaller intercumulus quartzand feldspar crystals. Alkali feldspar megacrysts vary fromeuhedral and unzoned, to mantled and partially replaced by plagioclase,to ovoid and completely pseudomorphed by quartz–albiteaggregates. The common occurrence of mantled and pseudomorphedalkali feldspar in mafic enclaves, and in hybrid tonalitic rocksforming the matrix to enclave swarms, suggests that replacementor resorption of granitic primocrysts was associated with maficreplenishments. The occurrence of all megacryst types at outcropscale implies extended alkali feldspar crystallization in differentparts of the chamber, thorough stirring during, or after, periodicreplenishment, and final settling in a cumulate mush. The bulkcomposition of the cumulate mush, represented by granodiorite,cannot represent the emplaced magma. Compositional variationcan be modelled by variable degrees of crystal accumulationfrom a parental, silica-rich melt represented by the silicicdykes. As dykes periodically fed the magma chamber, crystalsaccumulated on the floor, and more evolved melts probably eruptedfrom its roof. Thus, the average composition of the magma, andthe cumulus minerals, may have remained relatively constant,and the sublinear chemical trends that typify the Kameruka Suitesimply reflect differing proportions of melt and cumulate material.Sublinear chemical trends can also be explained by a restitemodel; however, the distinctive Ba, light rare earth elementand Zr spikes at high silica can be explained only by a cumulatemodel, which also explains why the low-silica granites of thesuite share the same chemical characteristics as the high-silicagranites. KEY WORDS: crystal accumulation; magma chamber; open system; granitoids; Kameruka; Australia  相似文献   

The layered Bushveld Complex hosts a number of chromitite layers, which were found to contain significant amounts of zircon grains compared with adjacent silicate rocks. Cathodoluminescent-dark, partially metamict cores and transparent rims of composite zircon grains were analyzed for trace elements with SIMS and LA-ICPMS techniques. The cores are enriched in REE, Y, Th and U and are characterized by distinctly flatter REE patterns in contrast to those of the rims and transparent homogenous crystals. Zircon from the different stratigraphic units has specific Th/U ratios, the highest of which (1.5–4) occurs in a Merensky Reef zircon core. The Ti content of Bushveld zircon ranges from 12 to 52 ppm correlating to a crystallization temperature range of 760–930 °C. The geochemical characteristics of the first zircon generation are consistent with its high-temperature crystallization as the first major U, Th and REE acceptor from a highly-evolved residue of the high-Mg basalt magma, whereas the rims and coreless crystals have crystallized from percolating intercumulus liquid of new influx of the same magma. U-Pb SHRIMP dating of zircon cores and rims does not reveal a distinguishable difference between their ages indicating the absence of inherited zircon. Concordia ages of 2,051?±?9 Ma (2σ, MSWD?=?0.1) and 2,056?±?5 Ma (2σ, MSWD?=?0.05) for zircons from the Merensky Reef and the Upper Platreef located equally near the top of the Critical Zone are in agreement with published ages for the Merensky Reef. Zircon from the deeper-seated Lower Group, Middle Group and Lower Platreef chromitites yields younger concordia ages that may reflect prolonged late-stage volatile activity.  相似文献   

The Merensky Reef of the Bushveld Complex contains one of theworld’s largest concentrations of platinum-group elements(PGE). We have investigated ‘normal’ reef, its footwalland its hanging wall at Impala Platinum Mines. The Reef is 46cm thick and consists from bottom to top of leuconorite, anorthosite,chromitite and a very coarse-grained melanorite. The footwallis leuconorite and the hanging wall is melanorite. The onlyhydrous mineral present is biotite, which amounts to 1%, orless, of the rock. All of the rocks contain 0·1–5%interstitial sulphides (pyrrhotite, pentlandite and chalcopyrite),with the Reef rocks containing the most sulphides (1–5%).Lithophile inter-element ratios suggest that the magma fromwhich the rocks formed was a mixture of the two parental magmasof the Bushveld Complex (a high-Mg basaltic andesite and a tholeiiticbasalt). The Reef rocks have low incompatible element contentsindicating that they contain 10% or less melt fraction. Nickel,Cu, Se, Ag, Au and the PGE show good correlations with S inthe silicate rocks, suggesting control of the abundance of thesemetals by sulphides. The concentration of the chalcophile elementsand PGE in the silicate rocks may be modelled by assuming thatthe rocks contain sulphide liquid formed in equilibrium withthe evolving silicate magma. It is, however, difficult to modelthe Os, Ir, Ru, Rh and Pt concentrations in the chromititesby sulphide liquid collection alone, as the rocks contain 3–4times more Os, Ir, Ru, Rh and Pt than the sulphide-collectionmodel would predict. Two possible solutions to this are: (1)platinum-group minerals (PGM) crystallize from the sulphideliquid in the chromitites; (2) PGM crystallize directly fromthe silicate magma. To model the concentrations of Os, Ir, Ru,Rh and Pt in the chromitites it is necessary to postulate thatin addition to the 1% sulphides in the chromitites there isa small quantity (0·005%) of cumulus PGM (laurite, cooperiteand malanite) present. Sulphide liquids do crystallize PGM atlow fS2. Possibly the sulphide liquid that was trapped betweenthe chromite grains lost some Fe and S by reaction with thechromite and this provoked the crystallization of PGM from thesulphide liquid. Alternatively, the PGM could have crystallizeddirectly from the silicate magma when it became saturated inchromite. A weakness of this model is that at present the exactmechanism of how and why the magma becomes saturated in PGMand chromite synchronously is not understood. A third modelfor the concentration of PGE in the Reef is that the PGE arecollected from the underlying cumulus pile by Cl-rich hydrousfluids and concentrated in the Reef at a reaction front. Althoughthere is ample evidence of compaction and intercumulus meltmigration in the Impala rocks, we do not think that the PGEwere introduced into the Reef from below, because the rocksunderlying the Reef are not depleted in PGE, whereas those overlyingthe Reef are depleted. This distribution pattern is inconsistentwith a model that requires introduction of PGE by intercumulusfluid percolation from below. KEY WORDS: Merensky Reef; platinum-group elements; chalcophile elements; microstructures  相似文献   

About 30% of the chromite grains of variable sizes in a chromitite seam at the base of the Merensky Reef of the Bushveld Complex on the farm Vlakfontein contain abundant composite mineral inclusions. The inclusions are polygonal to circular with radial cracks that protrude into the enclosing chromite. They vary from a few microns to several millimeters in diameter and are concentrated in the cores and mantles of chromite crystals. Electron backscattered patterns indicate that the host chromites are single crystals and not amalgamations of multiple grains. Na-phlogopite and orthopyroxene are most abundant in the inclusions. Edenitic hornblende, K-phlogopite, oligoclase and quartz are less abundant. Cl-rich apatite, rutile, zircon and chalcopyrite are present at trace levels. Na-phlogopite is unique to the inclusions; it has not been found elsewhere in the Bushveld Complex. Other minerals in the inclusions are also present in the matrix of the chromitite seam, but their compositions are different. The Mg/(Mg+Fe2+) ratios of orthopyroxene in the inclusions are slightly higher than those of orthopyroxene in the matrix. K-phlogopite in the inclusions contains more Na than in the matrix. The average compositions of the inclusions are characterized by high MgO (26 wt%), Na2O (2.4 wt%) and H2O (2.6 wt%), and low CaO (1.1 wt%) and FeO (4.4 wt%). The δ18O value of the trapped melt, estimated by analysis of inclusion-rich and inclusion-poor chromites, is ∼7‰. This value is consistent with the previous estimates for the Bushveld magma and with the δ18O values of silicate minerals throughout the reef. The textural features and peculiar chemical compositions are consistent with entrapment of orthopyroxene with variable amounts of volatile-rich melts during chromite crystallization. The volatile-rich melts are thought to have resulted from variable degrees of mixing between the magma on the floor of the chamber and Na-K-rich fluids expelled from the underlying crystal pile. The addition of fluid to the magma is thought to have caused dissolution of orthpyroxene, leaving the system saturated only in chromite. Both oxygen and hydrogen isotopic values are consistent with the involvement of a magmatic fluid in the process of fluid addition and orthopyroxene dissolution. Most of the Cr and Al in the inclusions was contributed through wall dissolution of the host chromite. Dissolution of minor rutile trapped along with orthopyroxene provided most of the Ti in the inclusions. The Na- and K-rich hydrous silicate minerals in the inclusions were formed during cooling by reaction between pyroxene and the trapped volatile-rich melts.  相似文献   

The Jacurici Complex, located in the NE part of the São Francisco Craton, hosts the largest chromite deposit in Brazil. The mineralized intrusion is considered to be a single N-S elongated layered body, disrupted into many segments by subsequent deformation. The ore is hosted in a thick, massive layer. Two segments, Ipueira and Medrado, have been previously studied. We provide new geological information, and chromite composition results from the Monte Alegre Sul and Várzea do Macaco segments located farther north, and integrate these with previous results. The aim of this study is to determine and discuss the magma chamber process that could explain the formation of the thick chromitite layer. All segments exhibit similar stratigraphic successions with an ultramafic zone (250 m thick) hosting a 5–8 m thick main chromitite layer (MCL), and a mafic zone (40 m thick). The chromite composition of the MCL, Mg-numbers (0.48–0.72) and Cr-numbers (0.59–0.68), is similar to chromites from layered intrusions and other thick chromitites. Previous work concluded that the parental magma of the mineralized intrusion was very primitive based on olivine composition (up to Fo93) and orthopyroxene composition (up to En94) from harzburgite samples, and that it originated from an old subcontinental lithospheric mantle. We estimate that the melt from which the massive chromitite layer crystallized was similar to a boninite, or low siliceous high-Mg basalt, with a higher Fe/Mg ratio. The petrologic evidence from the mafic-ultramafic rocks suggests that a high volume of magma flowed through the sill, which acted as a dynamic conduit. Crustal contamination has previously been considered as the trigger for the chromite crystallization, based on isotope studies, as the more radiogenic signatures correlate with an increase in the volumetric percentage of amphibole (up to 20%). The abundant inclusions of hydrous silicate phases in the chromites from the massive ore suggest that the magma was hydrated during chromite crystallization. Fluids may have played an important role in the chromite formation and/or accumulation. However, the trigger for chromite crystallization remains debatable. The anomalous thickness of the chromitite is a difficult feature to explain. We suggest a combined model where chromite crystallized along the margins of the magma conduit, producing a semi-consolidated chromite slurry that slumped through the conduit forming a thick chromitite layer in the magma chamber where layered ultramafic rocks were previously formed. Subsequently, the conduit was obstructed and the resident magma fractionated to produce a more evolved composition.  相似文献   

The evolution of large bodies of silicic magma is an importantaspect of planetary differentiation. Melt and mineral inclusionsin phenocrysts and zoned phenocrysts can help reveal the processesof differentiation such as magma mixing and crystal settling,because they record a history of changing environmental conditions.Similar major element compositions and unusually low concentrationsof compatible elements (e.g. 0·45–4·6 ppmBa) in early-erupted melt inclusions, matrix glasses and bulkpumice from the Bishop Tuff, California, USA, suggest eutectoidfractional crystallization. On the other hand, late-eruptedsanidine phenocrysts have rims rich in Ba, and late-eruptedquartz phenocrysts have CO2-rich melt inclusions closest tocrystal rims. Both features are the reverse of in situ crystallizationdifferentiation, and they might be explained by magma mixingor crystal sinking. Log(Ba/Rb) correlates linearly with log(Sr/Rb)in melt inclusions, and this is inconsistent with magma mixing.Melt inclusion gas-saturation pressure increases with CO2 fromphenocryst core to rim and suggests crystal sinking. Some inclusionsof magnetite in late-erupted quartz are similar to early-eruptedmagnetite phenocrysts, and this too is consistent with crystalsinking. We argue that some large phenocrysts of late-eruptedquartz and sanidine continued to crystallize as they sank severalkilometers through progressively less differentiated melts.Probable diffusive modification of Sr in sanidine phenocrystsand the duration of crystal sinking are consistent with an evolutionaryinterval of some 100 ky or more. Crystal sinking enhanced thedegree of differentiation of the early-erupted magma and pointsto the importance of H2O (to diminish viscosity and enhancethe rate of crystal sinking) in the evolution of silicic magmas. KEY WORDS: crystal settling; differentiation; melt inclusions; rhyolite; trace elements  相似文献   

The late Archean, Luanga mafic-ultramafic complex intrudes an Archean greenstone belt, that is mainly composed of ultramafic and mafic metavolcanics. The Luanga intrusion consists of dunite, peridotite, gabbro and norite; chromitite seams and layers are present in the ultramafic rocks.A metamorphic overprint transformed the primary paragenesis into a serpentine-talc-chlorite-tremolite and magnetite association. The magnetite is commonly altered to Fe-hydroxides. Unaltered chromite commonly displays atoll-like textures and a chemical composition typical of stratiform chromites (Cr2O3 below 45 wt%).Base-metal sulfides, base-metal alloys, platimum-group minerals and platinum group element bearing phases are present in the form of inclusions in the silicate assemblages and in or on the edges of chromite grains. The main minerals detected are pentlandite, pyrrhotite, millerite, chalcopyrite and mackinawite, Fe---Ni alloy, braggite, sperrylite and platinum group elements (PGE) bearing sulfo-arsenides. Braggite is associated with the chromite, whereas sperrylite lies on the edges of or is included in silicates. The PGE content of the massive and disseminated chromities is dominated by Pt (up to 8900 ppb) and the chondrite-normalized PGE profile shows a cuspidal shape with a Pt peak.The main hypothesis for the source of the PGE-rich magma, which fractionated the chromitite-bearing ultramafic magma, consists of a relatively primitive mantle that partially melted in the late Archean.  相似文献   

This paper explores the hypothesis that chromite seams in theStillwater Complex formed in response to periodic increasesin total pressure in the chamber. Total pressure increased becauseof the positive V of nucleation of CO2 bubbles in the melt andtheir subsequent rise through the magma chamber, during whichthe bubbles increased in volume by a factor of 4–6. Byanalogy with the pressure changes in the summit chambers ofKilauea and Krafla volcanoes, the maximum variation was 0•2–0•25kbar, or 5–10% of the total pressure in the Stillwaterchamber. An evaluation of the likelihood of fountaining andmixing of a new, primitive liquid that entered the chamber withthe somewhat more evolved liquid already in the chamber is basedupon calculations using observed and inferred velocities andflow rates of basaltic magmas moving through volcanic fissures.The calculations indicate that hot, dense magma would have oozed,rather than fountained into the chamber, and early mixing ofthe new and residual magmas that could have resulted in chromitecrystallizing alone did not take place. Mixing was an important process in the Stillwater magma chamber,however. After the new magma in the chamber underwent {smalltilde}5% fractional crystallization, its composition, temperature,and density approached those of the overlying liquid in thechamber and the liquids then mixed. If this process occurredmany times over the course of the development of the Ultramaficseries, a thick column of magma with orthopyroxene on its liquiduswould have been the result. Thus, the sequence of multiple injections,fractionation, and mixing with previously fractionated magmacould have been the mechanism that produced the thick bronzitecumulate layer (the Bronzitite zone) above the cyclic units.  相似文献   

Two typical mineral textures of the MG 1 chromitite of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa, were observed; one characterised by abundant orthopyroxene oikocrysts, and the other by coarse-grained granular chromitite with only minor amounts of interstitial material. Oikocrysts form elongate clusters of several crystals aligned parallel to the layering, and typically have subhedral, almost chromite-free, core zones containing remnants of olivine. The core zones are surrounded by poikilitic aureoles overgrowing euhedral to subhedral chromite chadacrysts. Chromite grains show no preferred crystal orientation, whereas orthopyroxene grains forming clusters commonly share the same crystallographic orientation. Oikocryst core zones have lower Mg# and higher concentrations of incompatible trace elements compared to their poikilitic aureoles. Core zones are relatively enriched in REE compared to a postulated parental magma (B1) and did not crystallise in equilibrium with the surrounding minerals, whereas the composition of the poikilitic orthopyroxene is consistent with growth from the B1 magma. These observations cannot be explained by the classic cumulus and post-cumulus models of oikocryst formation. Instead, we suggest that the oikocryst core zones in the MG1 chromitite layer formed by peritectic replacement of olivine primocrysts by reaction with an upwards-percolating melt enriched in incompatible trace elements. Poikilitic overgrowth on oikocryst core zones occurred in equilibrium with a basaltic melt of B1 composition near the magma-crystal mush interface. Finally, adcumulus crystallisation followed by grain growth resulted in the surrounding granular chromitite.  相似文献   

Crystallization and Layering of the Skaergaard Intrusion   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:12  
Solidification of large slowly cooled intrusions is a complexprocess entailing progressive changes of rheological propertiesas the crystallizing magma passes through successive stagesbetween a viscous Newtonian fluid and a brittle solid rock.Studies of this transition in the Skaergaard intrusion indicatethat most crystallization took place in an advancing front ofsolidification against the floor, walls, and roof where crystalsnucleated and grew in a static boundary layer, much in the mannerproposed by Jackson in 1961. The non-Newtonian properties ofthe crystallizing magma account for the fact that plagioclase,which was lighter than the liquid, is a major component of rockson the floor, while mafic minerals that were heavier than theliquid accumulated under the roof. Crystals that nucleated andgrew in these zones were trapped by an increasingly rigid zonethat advanced more rapidly than the crystals sank or floated.If any crystals escaped entrapment, they were those of the largestsize and density contrast. The rates of accumulation in different parts of the intrusionwere not governed by rates of gravitational accumulation somuch as by the nature of convection and heat transfer. Cumulatetextures, preferred orientations of crystals, and layering,all of which have been taken as evidence of sedimentation, canbe explained in terms of in situ crystallization. Layering cannothave been caused by density currents sweeping across the floor;it is well developed on the walls and under the roof, lacksthe size and density grading and mineralogical compositionsthat would be expected, and shows no evidence of having beenaffected by obstructions in the paths of the currents. We propose an alternative origin of layering that is based onprocesses governed by the relative rates of chemical and thermaldiffusion during cooling. Intermittent layering resulted fromgravitational stratification of the liquid, and cyclic layeringwas produced by an oscillatory process of nucleation and crystalgrowth. The effects of differentiation during in situ crystallizationare strongly dependent on relative rates of diffusion of individualcomponents, and some of the compositional variations in differentparts of the intrusion can be explained in terms of these differences.  相似文献   

ELSDON  R. 《Journal of Petrology》1971,12(3):499-521
Field studies of the Upper Layered Series of the Kap EdvardHolm Complex indicate that consolidation occurred by accumulationof primocrysts near the floor of the magma chamber; nucleationoccurred continuously near the roof of the chamber and intermittentlynear the base. Over an exposed thickness of 4000 m the plagioclaseshows no detectable cryptic variation, and a hypothesis of combinedliquid and crystal fractionation processes is invoked to explainthis feature. The crystallization history of mafic intrusivesis considered on the basis of available liquidus and soliduscurves for anhydrous and water–saturated magmas.  相似文献   

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