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Using a new version of the QUASAR domestic multifunction software package, we have simultaneously processed all of the available VLBI observations performed on global networks of stations over the period 1979–2009. New improved and extended versions of the international reference systems of coordinates of extragalactic radio sources and ground-based VLBI stations and a new independent series of Earth orientation parameters have been obtained. Analysis of the accuracy of these results shows that they are at the level of the best determinations at national and international VLBI data analysis centers.  相似文献   

We present the results of processing the VLBI observations performed at the Svetloe Observatory of the Institute of Applied Astronomy (IAA), Russian Academy of Sciences, in the period 2003–2005 within the framework of geodynamical programs of the International VLBI Service (IVS) for geodesy and astrometry. We analyzed the observations at the Svetloe Observatory, together with the observations at other stations of the global IVS network, at the IAA using a modified OCCAM package. The package uses new reduction models that decrease the systematic errors of the results. The motion of the stations, primarily of the Svetloe Observatory, is investigated to study the global geotectonic processes. Highly accurate estimates of the coordinate and baseline length variations have been obtained for the first time in Russia from observations at a Russian VLBI station. We determined the coordinates and velocity of the Svetloe VLBI station with errors of ~2 mm and 3 mm yr?1, respectively, and the baseline lengths between the stations with a sufficiently long observational history with an accuracy of 1–3 mm. The results are shown to be in good agreement with currently available models for the motion of tectonic plates.  相似文献   

中国计划于2025年左右建立月球轨道VLBI (Very Long Baseline Interferometer)测站,将会搭载被动型星载氢钟作为时间频率标准.由于是首次在VLBI观测中使用星载氢钟,需要研究和验证其可行性.因此,利用星载氢钟作为频率基准开展了VLBI观测.实验时,分别使用主动型地面氢钟和被动型星载氢钟作为频率基准,利用上海天文台佘山25 m射电望远镜和其他测站对我国火星探测器天问一号进行了交替VLBI观测.数据处理分析结果表明,基于地面氢钟与星载氢钟的VLBI残余群时延标准差均在0.5 ns以内,表明星载氢钟可满足深空探测VLBI测定轨的精度要求,验证了其作为月球VLBI测站频率基准的可行性.  相似文献   

China plans to establish a lunar orbital VLBI (Very Long Baseline Interferometer) station around 2025, which will carry a space passive hydrogen maser as the time and frequency reference. Since it is the first time to use a space passive hydrogen maser for VLBI observation, its feasibility needs to be studied and verified. Therefore, we carried out VLBI observations using the space passive hydrogen maser as the frequency reference. In the experiment, the active hydrogen atomic clock and space passive hydrogen maser were used as the frequency standard, and the alternate VLBI observations of China’s Mars probe TW1 (Tianwen 1) were carried out using the 25 m radio telescope at Sheshan, Shanghai, and other VLBI stations. The results of data processing and analysis show that the standard deviation of VLBI residual group delay based on both active hydrogen atomic clock and space passive hydrogen maser are within 0.5 ns, which indicates that the space passive hydrogen maser can meet the accuracy requirements of VLBI measurement for deep space exploration, and verify its feasibility as the frequency standard of lunar orbital VLBI stations.  相似文献   

The distribution of systematic errors in the coordinates of 1217 extragalactic radio sources included in the latest version of the ICRF2 (International Celestial Reference Frame) reference catalog has been mapped for the first time by processing VLBI observations from international astrometric and geodetic programs spanning the period 1980–2012. These errors are shown to reach ±1.0 mas (milliarcseconds). However, for a sample of 752 sources observed more than 100 times, these errors do not exceed ±0.2 mas, suggesting that ICRF2 is inhomogeneous. In addition, the individual stability of dozens of extragalactic radio sources and ground-based stations included in the latest version of the International Terrestrial Reference Frame, ITRF2005, has been investigated. Significant linear trends and anomalous shifts reaching ±20 µas (microarcseconds) have been detected for many of the sources. Significant systematic shifts have also been found for some of the reference stations. The results obtained stimulate a search for new methods of analyzing VLBI observations and ways of their global adjustment that would provide greater homogeneity and stability of the ICRF and ITRF. This is needed both to increase the accuracy of determining the astrometric, geodetic, and geodynamic parameters derived from these observations and to facilitate their physical interpretation. The work has been performed with the QUASAR multifunction software package developed at the Institute of Applied Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   

The spectroscopic red shifts of seven optical objects whose coordinates coincide with those of radio sources in the IVS (International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry) program list are determined from observations with the 6-m BTA telescope at the Special Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) of the Russian Academy of Sciences. A comparison of these spectra and red shifts with data in the radio frequency range shows that four of the objects discussed here are correctly identified, while the other three require further study. The distances to the radio sources derived from our measurements yield more accurate estimates of the cosmological model parameters than those based on the proper motions of these objects derived from geodesic VLBI observations.  相似文献   

利用国内VLBI网跟踪大椭圆轨道卫星   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2004年7月,昆明VLBI站经过改造,由上海、乌鲁木齐和昆明站组成的中国VLBI网(CVN)采用统一的MARK4格式编制器和CVN硬盘记录系统,对大椭圆轨道卫星“探测1号”的2圈轨道的共同可视弧段进行了跟踪观测.软件相关处理程序已成功地用于检测卫星遥测信号的干涉条纹和数据相关处理.采用基于条纹幅度的加权最小二乘条纹拟合方法,获得了卫星VLBI观测量及其精度估计,完成了卫星VLBI观测量的3基线闭合误差检验.应用河外射电源校准方法和多频点相位校正信号提取方法,进行了台站钟差和仪器延迟等系统误差改正.经系统差改正后的卫星VLBI观测量序列已用于“探测1号”卫星的轨道确定.  相似文献   

The vertical deformation rates (VDRs) and horizontal deformation rates (HDRs) of Shanghai VLBI station in China and Kashima and Kashima34 VLBI stations in Japan were re-analysed using the baseline length change rates from Shanghai to 13 global VLBI stations, and from Kashima to 27 stations and from Kashima34 to 12 stations, based on the NASA VLBI global solution glb1123 (Ma, 1999). The velocity vectors of the global VLBI stations were referred to the ITRF97 reference frame, and the Eulerian vectors of different models of plate motion were used for comparative solutions. The VDR of Shanghai station is estimated to be −1.91±0.56 mm/yr, and those of Kashima and Kashima34 stations, −3.72±0.74mm/yr and −8.81±0.84mm/yr, respectively. The difference between the last two was verified by further analysis. Similar estimates were also made for the Kokee, Kauai and MK_VLBA VLBI stations in mid-Pacific.  相似文献   

Using the annual GPS observational tropospheric zenith delay data and meteorological data obtained at 36 globally distributed IGS stations in 2003, we have estimated the accuracy and range of application of two often-used models of tropospheric delay correction (the Hopfield and Saastamoinen models), and of a more recent model (the EGNOS model). We point out some defects in the Hopfield model and show that the EGNOS model can be used as the correction model of the tropospheric zenith delay for the GNSS real-time positioning and navigation.  相似文献   

CVN硬盘系统和软件相关处理在e-VLBI试验中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了中国VLBI网(CVN)的e-VLBI技术研究进展.CVN包括上海佘山、乌鲁木齐南山2个固定观测站和云南昆明的流动站,以及上海天文台的2台站硬件相关处理机。2003年上海天文台自行研制了基于PC技术的VLBI数据记录、回放系统,命名为CVN硬盘系统,并成功将其安置于CVN观测站和处理机系统。硬件处理机经过改造后,已能处理来自硬盘和原有磁带系统的数据.从2003年至今,中国VLBI网采用该硬盘系统进行了多次VLBI观测和e-VLBI试验。在CVN硬盘系统基础上,软件相关处理技术的研究也得以开展。软件相关处理原型程序已经被用于台站条纹检测、卫星条纹搜索和数据处理中。该软件获得的计算结果被成功用于国内第一个3台站卫星VLBI的延迟和延迟率闭合试验,以及国内首次利用VLBI数据进行的卫星定轨试验。除此之外,该软件还用作硬件处理机的条纹引导器。为适应未来“嫦娥”月球探测工程,CVN将扩展成含有4个观测站和2个相关处理机(硬件、软件)的实时VLBI网。今后,e-VLBI将被应用于月球卫星导航以及测地和天体物理的VLBI观测。  相似文献   

A model which includes the relativistic effect is derived that can be applied to space very long baseline interferometry(SVLBI) while taking observations of sources at infinite distance. In SVLBI,where one station is on a spacecraft,the length of the baseline and the orbiting station's maximum speed in an elliptical orbit around the Earth is much larger than the ground-based VLBI,which leads to a larger delay and higher delay rate. The delay models inside VLBI correlators are usually expressed as fifth-order polynomials during a limited time interval,which are evaluated by firmware in the correlator and track delays in the interferometer over the limited time interval. The higher SVLBI delay rate requires more accurate polynomial fitting and evaluation,as well as more frequent model updates.  相似文献   

Dynamics of horizontal and vertical motions of East European GNSS stations has been studied at the GNSS Data Analysis Center, Main Astronomical Observatory, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (MAO NASU). The GNSS station coordinates have been estimated from regional processing and reprocessing performed with the Bernese GNSS Software ver. 5.2 at the GNSS Data Analysis Center, MAO NASU. The velocity values have been computed for 42 GNSS stations, 15 of them located in Ukraine. Global and local offsets of the horizontal and vertical motions of the GNSS stations have been determined.  相似文献   

The dominant source of error in VLBI phase-referencing is the troposphere at observing frequencies above 5 GHz. We compare the tropospheric zenith delays derived from VLBI and GPS data at VLBA stations collocated with GPS antennas. The systematic biases and standard deviations both are at the level of sub-centimeter. Based on this agreement, we suggest a new method of tropospheric correction in phase-referencing using combined VLBI and GPS data.  相似文献   

The dominant source of error in VLBI phase-referencing is the troposphere at observing frequencies above 5 GHz. We compare the tropospheric zenith delays derived from VLBI and GPS data at VLBA stations collocated with GPS antennas. The systematic biases and standard deviations both are at the level of sub-centimeter. Based on this agreement, we suggest a new method of tropospheric correction in phase-referencing using combined VLBI and GPS data.  相似文献   

抽样选取了 2 7次上海天文台佘山站参与的天测与测地VLBI实验 ,分别进行了单次解算。通过分析解算参数随剩余钟行为和剩余大气效应分段拟合长度的变化 ,得到以下初步结论 :(1)选取不同分段拟合长度时 ,站坐标解算结果和时延残差加权均方根存在差异 ,最大分别至厘米级和数十皮秒 ,因而分段拟合长度不能随意选取。 (2 )分段拟合时段长度存在某一合理取值范围 ,它不宜过长 ,否则钟和大气的剩余效应短周期变化不能很好地模型化。为了保证待估参数解算时有足够的自由度 ,拟合时段不宜过短 ,否则将导致法方程近于或出现奇异 ,达不到较好控制噪声的效果。 (3)由于各次实验、同一次实验中的不同台站相应的钟和大气条件存在差异 ,有必要对每次实验以及每次实验中的各观测台站分别分析 ,寻找合适的分段拟合长度。这在实际操作中显然相当烦琐。 (4)一般而言 ,在剩余钟行为拟合长度缺省值 6 0min情况下 ,剩余大气效应分段拟合长度以介于 10min至 4 0min为宜 ;在剩余大气效应分段拟合长度缺省值 2 0min情况下 ,剩余钟行为分段拟合长度以介于 2 0min至 10 0min为宜  相似文献   

We consider a method of reconstructing the structure delay of extended radio sources without constructing their radio images. The residuals derived after the adjustment of geodetic VLBI observations are used for this purpose. We show that the simplest model of a radio source consisting of two point components can be represented by four parameters (the angular separation of the components, the mutual orientation relative to the poleward direction, the flux-density ratio, and the spectral index difference) that are determined for each baseline of a multi-baseline VLBI network. The efficiency of this approach is demonstrated by estimating the coordinates of the radio source 0014+813 observed during the two-week CONT14 program organized by the International VLBI Service (IVS) in May 2014. Large systematic deviations have been detected in the residuals of the observations for the radio source 0014+813. The averaged characteristics of the radio structure of 0014+813 at a frequency of 8.4 GHz can be calculated from these deviations. Our modeling using four parameters has confirmed that the source consists of two components at an angular separation of ~0.5 mas in the north–south direction. Using the structure delay when adjusting the CONT14 observations leads to a correction of the average declination estimate for the radio source 0014+813 by 0.070 mas.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy Reviews》1999,43(8-10):747-750
Preliminary results from two low frequency Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) observations (EA009 and INTAS1) at 327 MHz are described. Sixty one sources were observed. Twenty five sources are recommended for further detailed investigation. Only two sources (3C345 and 3C309.1) could be mapped. These experiments are part of a long term pre-launch RadioAstron survey at 327 MHz that has two objectives: (i) to establish a suitable list of candidates for low frequency Space VLBI (SVLBI) observations and (ii) to study the limitations on SVLBI due to scattering effects in the interstellar and interplanetary medium.  相似文献   

Time synchronization between satellite and station is the key technique of satellite navigation system and the foundation of realization of satellite navigation and positioning. Aiming at solving the problems of time synchronization, we have discussed a new method of radio two-way time comparison between satellite and station, deduced in detail the reduction model of up- and down-link pseudo ranges between satellite and station, and provided a practical calculation model of clock error between satellite and station. By calculating the differences between up- and down-link pseudo ranges, this method has eliminated the influences of common errors, such as the tropospheric delay, satellite ephemeris errors, ground station coordinates errors and so on. The ionospheric delay relevant to signal frequency is also weakened largely, thus this improves the accuracy of time comparison greatly. Finally, experimental analysis is conducted by using observational data, and the results show that the accuracy of radio two-way time comparison between satellite and station can attain about 0.34 ns, which validates the correctness of theoretical method and model.  相似文献   

We present the data and analysis of VLBI observations at 1.6, 5 and 15 GHz of a sample of faint gigahertz peaked spectrum (GPS) sources selected from the Westerbork Northern Sky Survey. The 5-GHz observations involved a global array of 16 stations and yielded data on the total sample of 47 sources. A subsample of 26 GPS sources with peak frequencies     and/or peak flux densities     was observed with the VLBA at 15 GHz. A second subsample of 29 sources, with     was observed at 1.6 GHz using a 14-station global VLBI array. In this way, 44 of the 47 sources (94 per cent) in the sample were observed above and at or below their spectral peak. Spectral decomposition allowed us to identify three, 11, seven and two objects as compact symmetric objects, compact doubles, core–jet and complex sources, respectively. However, many of the sources classified as compact double or core–jet sources show only two components making their classification rather tentative. This may explain why the strong morphological dichotomy of GPS quasars and galaxies found for radio-bright GPS sources is not as clear in this faint sample.  相似文献   

为解决常规射电望远镜归心测量工作耗时耗力的问题,引入GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System)同步监测技术实现了一种针对射电望远镜参考点的无人值守监测方法.设计了针对GNSS靶标点观测数据的归算方法,包括数据匹配、数据检核以及后续精度评估等步骤,并对2018年佘山25-m射电VLBI (Very Long Baseline Interferometry)望远镜的GNSS靶标点实测数据开展了数据预处理、解析与归心解算等,证明了该方法的可行性.结果表明基于该方法,采用单日内部分(5%)数据(约7600个靶标点),所测定的VLBI望远镜参考点的点位形式精度可达3 mm.总结了针对射电望远镜采用GNSS开展无人值守归心测量先行试验中的一些经验教训,明确了利用该方法测量过程中应该注意的问题,为今后更高精度射电望远镜参考点无人值守归心监测提供重要参考.  相似文献   

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