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Astronomy Letters - The propagation and conditions for the escape of microwave radio emission from the local source of quasi-harmonic bursts that is a current sheet filled with an...  相似文献   

A Large Glitch in the Crab Pulsar   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1 INTRODUCTIONA pulsar glitch is a phenomenon in which the pulse frequency has a sudden increase, typicallywith a fractional ~litude an/u in the range of 10--8 -- 10--6. Glitches are Unpredictable butoccur at intervals of a few y6ars in many young pulsars. Coincident with the glitch, there is oftenan increajse in the magnitude of the frequency derivative followed by thlee types of recovery:almost no recoveryt partial recovery and total recovery on timescales from days to years. It isbelie…  相似文献   

Between 1997 August and October, the radio pulses from the Crab pulsar were followed by discrete moving echoes, which appear to be reflections from part of an ionized shell in the outer part of the Crab Nebula, crossing the line of sight to pulsar. Similar events have now been recognized in recordings from the past 30 yr, and it seems that the Nebula must contain a large number of ionized shell-like surfaces on a much finer scale than recognized hitherto.  相似文献   

The Crab Pulsar was observed at 1540 MHz with the 25m radio telescope at Urumqi with a filterbank de-dispersion backend. A total of 2436 giant pulses with pulse energies larger than 4300 Jy μs were detected in two observing sets. All of these giant pulses are located in the main pulse (MP) and inter pulse (IP) windows of the average profile of the Crab Pulsar. The ratio of the numbers of giant pulses detected in the IP and MP windows is about 0.05. Our results show that, at 1540 MHz, the emission in the IP is contributed by giant and normal pulses, while that in the MP is almost dominated by giant pulses. The distribution of energy of the 2436 giant pulses at 1540 MHz can be described by a power-law with index α=3.13±0.09. The intrinsic threshold of giant pulse energy in the MP window is about 1400 Jy μs at 1540 MHz.  相似文献   

HAPI-1是我国第一个用于空间高能天文观测的硬X射线望远镜系统,由面积145cm~2厚0.5cm的CsI(T1)主探测晶体及其下部厚5cm的NaI(T1)反符合晶体构成复合晶体探测器,采用脉冲形状甄别技术区分两种晶体的输出信号,多种物质构成的夹层式屏蔽筒和准直器使望远镜具有约4°视场角(HWHM),电子学、姿态控制和数据获取系统使望远镜具有对20—200keV能区高能光子到达时刻和能量进行空间定向观测的能力。本文介绍HAPI-1的构成和主要性能,以及1984年5月利用该望远镜在我国高空科学气球上对蟹状星云脉冲星的观测结果。  相似文献   

We propose that gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are produced by a shower of heavy blobs running into circumstellar material at highly relativistic speeds. The gamma-ray emission is produced in the shocks these bullets drive into the surrounding medium. The short-term variability seen in GRBs is set by the slowing-down time of the bullets, while the overall duration of the burst is set by the lifetime of the central engine. A requirement of this model is that the ambient medium be dense, consistent with a strong stellar wind. The efficiency of the burst can be relatively high.  相似文献   

Plasma mechanism for the generation of toroidal magnetic field in the magnetosphere of Crab pulsar is presented. The mechanism is based on the development of parametric type instability in the relativistic electron-positron plasma of the pulsar magnetosphere. As a result of plasma corotation with pulsar and its magnetic field, the effect of plasma radial braking takes place and the time dependence of plasma particle radial velocity is harmonic. This triggers the development of parametric type instability in the relativistic plasma of the pulsar magnetosphere. The energy for this process is drawn from the slowing down of pulsar rotation.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of the youngest pulsars, with a characteristic age of less than 12,000 years, is considered. All the pulsars except for the pulsar in the Crab Nebula lie in groups of young OB stars. It is suggested that the precursor of the Crab pulsar was a rapidly rotating, massive OB star. The group of young massive stars from which the fast-moving star was ejected is indicated. Estimates of the age of the precursor of the Crab pulsar and of the age of the group of young stars from which it was ejected favor this hypothesis. It is concluded that the fast-moving star must have acquired a high velocity due to the dynamical evolution of the young stellar group.  相似文献   

采用一个简单的激波模型来讨论了珈玛射线爆光变曲线的轮廓。根据激波理论,爆炸产生压力脉冲并以压力波的形式传播,既有压缩波也有膨胀波。压缩波的合并产生激波,它的强度被随后并入的压缩波或膨胀波分别增强或减弱。该模型能自然地描述珈玛爆光变曲线和光变曲线具有的"快速上升指数下降"的轮廓特征。我们认为这一特征是压缩波和膨胀波的传播特性导致的。  相似文献   

We investigate the forming of gamma-ray burst pulses with a simple one-dimensional relativistic shock model. The mechanism is that a "central engine" drives forward the nearby plasma inside the fireball to generate a series of pressure waves. We give a relativistic geometric recurrence formula that connects the time when the pressure waves are produced and the time when the corresponding shocks occurred. This relation enables us to relate the pulse magnitude with the observation time. Our analysis shows that the evolution of the pressure waves leads to a fast rise and an exponential decay pulses. In determining the width of the pulses, the acceleration time is more important than that of the deceleration.  相似文献   

为解释太阳运动Ⅳ型射电爆发的相干辐射机制提出一个理论模型.从耀斑中产生的高能电子,可以被扩展上升的太阳磁流管俘获.在磁流管顶部,这些高能电子的速度分布形成为类束流速度分布,激发柬流等离子体的不稳定性,并且主要直接放大O模电磁波.不稳定性增长率敏锐地依赖了日冕等离子体参数fpe/fce和射束温度Tb,这能定性解释在太阳运动Ⅳ型射电爆发中观测到的高亮温度和高偏振度,以及宽频谱的特性.  相似文献   

Many models of gamma-ray bursts suggest a common central engine:a black hole of several solar masses accreting matter from a disk at an accretion rate from 0.01 to 10 M_⊙s~(-1),the inner region of the disk is cooled by neutrino emission and large amounts of its binding energy are liberated,which could trigger the fireball.We improve the neutrino- dominated accreting flows by including the effects of magnetic fields.We find that more than half of the liberated energy can be extracted directly by the large-scale magnetic fields in the disk,and it turns out that the temperature of the disk is a bit lower than the neutrino-dominated accreting flows without magnetic field.Therefore,the outflows are magnetically-dominated rather than neutrino dominated.In our model,the neutrino mechanism can fuel some GRBs (not the brightest ones),but cannot fuel X-ray flares.The magnetic processes(both BZ and electromagnetic luminosity from a disk)are viable mechanisms for most of GRBs and their following X-ray flares.  相似文献   

本文讨论了脉冲星的磁层运动和能量状态。对于满足一定条件的脉冲星系统,证明了在极轴处的等离子体的角速度和电荷密度趋于零。提出了一个磁层与星体非共转的简单模型以及边界条件。利用变分原理,求得参数值,从而,得出了与参数相关的各个物理量,例如:等离子体的漂移速度v_D,等离子体与星体的相对滑动速度v_s,脉冲星的输出功率等。结果表明:功率值比较接近观测值,非共转的模型相对通常采用的共转模型而言是比较合理的。  相似文献   

对表征频率稳定度的σy(τ)和σz(τ)方法进行了分析比较。以PSRB1 855 0 9计时观测得到的脉冲星时为例 ,用两种方法估计了其频率稳定度。计算结果和分析表明σz(τ)方法更适合于估计脉冲星时间的频率稳定度  相似文献   

1LHAASO J1929+1846 is one of the ultra-high-energy(UHE, E > 0.1 PeV) sources in the first catalog of γ-ray sources detected by the Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory. It has been detected fluxes at 3 TeV for2.48 ± 0.11 × 10-13TeV-1cm-2s-1with the Water Cherenkov Detector Array and at 50 TeV for0.64 ± 0.06 × 10-16TeV-1cm-2s-1with the Kilometer Squared Array, but the origin of its UHE emission remain...  相似文献   

脉冲星周期跃变是一种罕见的现象,是研究其内部结构的探针。针对2019年2月~12月国家授时中心昊平观测站40 m射电望远镜在脉冲星计时观测中监测Crab脉冲星的数据,采用脉冲星计时方法,用TEMPO2拟合程序进行分析。结果表明,Crab脉冲星在2019年7月23日(MJD 58687)附近发生了一次周期跃变现象,该跃变自转增量为Δvg=5.33(4)×10-7Hz,自转变化量为Δvg/v=17.9(1)×10-9,并伴随着恢复系数Q~0.88的指数恢复过程。此次Crab脉冲星周期跃变的监测及处理,证实了40 m射电望远镜对脉冲星的监测性能,同时为研究周期跃变的产生机理积累了样本。  相似文献   

利用中国科学院新疆天文台南山观测站26m射电望远镜, 在中心频率1556MHz, 对Crab脉冲星(PSR B0531+21)进行了长达12.6h的连续观测, 观测带宽为512MHz, 时间分辨率为32μs, 研究了巨脉冲辐射的等待时间分布特征. 观测共探测到2097个信噪比大于10的巨脉冲, 对应的流量密度大于100Jy. 巨脉冲的爆发率表现为高度的间歇性, 在较短的时间内具有较高的爆发率, 在相对长的宁静期内巨脉冲的爆发率较低, 尤其是中间脉冲相位内的巨脉冲爆发. 相邻两个巨脉冲的等待时间分布表现为幂律分布特征, 可以用一个非稳态的泊松过程进行模拟, 这表明巨脉冲的爆发是一种独立的随机事件. 此外, 主脉冲和中间脉冲相位上的巨脉冲具有不同的等待时间分布特征, 这意味着脉冲星不同磁极的巨脉冲辐射机制可能是不同的. 这些观测结果对于理解脉冲星的射电辐射机制具有重要意义.  相似文献   

本文假定γ暴来自相对论性Beaming,其方向满足随机分布,γ暴在自己的静止参考系中满足标准烛光和幂律谱假设.假设暴的发生率密度在Ω=1,A=0的Friedmann宇宙模型下,共动坐标系中是常数,模型对于Beaming的速度非常敏感,当络仑兹因子г值小于10幂律谱指数小于1时,计算的统计分布与弱暴的BATSE数据及强暴的PVO数据分布一致.  相似文献   

The cycle-stationary Poison model for the photon arrival of X-ray pulsars and the estimation of the pulse's time of arrival (TOA) are discussed. Based on this model, the maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) of the TOA, as well as the Cramer-Rao boundary (CRB), are presented, especially the approximate formulation of the likelihood function and the Cramer-Rao boundary are derived for the low-RSN (signal-to-noise ratio) cases. By using the analytical pulse profile, we have made the Monte-Carlo simulation on the TOA estimation of PSR B1821-24, discussed the estimate error for different observation times and signal-to-noise ratios, and presented the corresponding RSN-thresholds. The results show that this method of data analysis can estimate effectively the timing accuracy of X-ray pulsar pulses and help to evaluate the corresponding performances in other applications.  相似文献   

The pulsar is a high-speed rotationing neutron star with a stable rotational period, being not disturbed and destroyed artificially, and can be taken as the reference quantity of the absolute time. In this article a kind of pulsar time service method based on the Kalman filtering algorithm is proposed, and the simulation analysis of the clock error control based on the Kalman filtering and of the effect of the pulsar catalogue error and the measuring accuracy of the pulsar time of arrival (TOA) on the accuracy of time service is made by taking a certain solar synchronous orbit as an example. The result shows that by utilizing this method the clock error of the satellite-borne clock can be effectively eliminated and its time-dependent increase is restrained, thereby solving the problem that the accuracy of the spacecraft-borne low cost clock can not meet the needs.  相似文献   

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