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MPS方法数值模拟液舱晃荡问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于无网格粒子法MPS方法(moving particle semi-implicit method)研究了液舱晃荡问题。针对二维矩形液舱晃荡问题进行了数值验证,结果表明MPS方法能够很好地计算晃荡产生的拍击压力。同时将MPS方法应用到带隔板的液舱晃荡问题计算中,分析了二维和三维带隔板液舱晃荡问题。计算结果表明:隔板的存在很大程度地限制了流体的水平运动,隔板附近出现了自由面的翻卷、破碎和融合现象,MPS方法能够很好地模拟这些流动现象。计算得到的波高与实验测得的波高吻合较好,表明MPS方法模拟带隔板的晃荡问题具有一定的可靠性。  相似文献   

李绍武  于志安  熊赞 《海洋学报》2007,29(2):137-142
在MPS无网格方法中,引进预定候选粒子集概念用以生成邻接粒子集矩阵,使该部分的机时耗费缩短为引进前的1/11;采用Bi-CGSTAB方法求解压力泊松方程,显著地提高了求解速度.模拟了孤立波在数值波浪水槽中的传播及其与直墙作用时的爬升、回落过程,结果表明模拟波面结果与解析值及实测结果基本相符,针对不同波高的孤立波计算得到的墙前最大爬升值与实测结果也是一致的.  相似文献   

柱体绕流问题是流体力学领域一个非常经典的问题。当流体流经柱体时,由于黏性的存在,会发生许多复杂的流动现象,如流动分离、涡旋周期性生成与脱落等,经常被作为标准验证算例。同时,柱体绕流广泛存在于实际工程中,并在一定工况下可能对工程产生巨大危害,因此对柱体绕流进行深入研究具有重要意义。研究中,拟将一种无网格类方法——半隐式移动粒子方法(moving particle semi-implicit method,简称MPS)引入到柱体绕流问题的数值研究中,并对不同雷诺数下二维方柱绕流问题进行数值模拟。首先,使用基于MPS方法自主开发的MLParticle-SJTU求解器,结合入口边界条件和出口边界条件,模拟了雷诺数Re分别为40、200和1 000时均匀来流条件下的方柱绕流。随后,将模拟的绕流结果与文献中试验和数值计算结果进行了对比,结果吻合较好,并且在雷诺数为200和1 000时,可以清晰地捕捉到方柱尾流中的卡门涡街现象,验证了MPS方法在柱体绕流问题模拟上的有效性和适用性。  相似文献   

浮筒被广泛应用在海洋工程中,研究浮筒的涡激运动对于减少其对海洋平台构件的疲劳损坏具有指导意义。传统的动网格方法在处理浮筒转动运动时会因网格变形过大导致计算不收敛,采用了重叠网格方法以解决这一问题。数值试验采用了基于开源工具包Open FOAM自主开发的naoe-FOAM-SJTU求解器。分别进行了自由衰减数值试验和涡激运动数值试验。研究表明,随着折合速度的增加,浮筒的顺流向、横流向、垂荡和艏摇运动频率增加,且顺流向与垂荡频率相近,横流向与艏摇频率相近;其次,根据涡量场分布,表明浮筒前一时刻的泻涡会影响到浮筒之后时刻的周向涡量分布;最后,研究发现自由端对于浮筒尾流场泻涡有着显著影响,为将来探究减少浮筒涡激运动的方法提供指导。  相似文献   

以多波束水深数据作为源数据,分析了网格水深建模中的数据内插,介绍了网格水深建模所用的常用内插方法,并从水深建模的精度和效率出发,计算分析了网格水深建模过程中内插方法的应用效果。实验结果表明:在当前网格水深建模常用的内插方法中,加权平均法是较适合多波束水深源数据内插网格水深模型点的方法,双线性曲面法是较适合网格水深模型点推估模型表面任意点水深的方法。  相似文献   

孔帅  季顺迎 《海洋工程》2020,38(3):102-112
冰载荷是影响船舶结构安全的主要环境载荷,因而确定破冰船的冰载荷特征可用于船体结构设计及船舶安全预警分析。海冰作为典型的脆性材料,可采用单元间具有黏结失效效应的离散元方法模拟其破碎行为。为有效地模拟海冰破碎的渐进过程,采用由局部黏结点组成黏结单元的广义接触模型。为分析该模型中直接决定黏结单元失效的强度参数的影响,采用海冰单轴压缩和三点弯曲试验数值模拟进行分析。通过模型试验确定了失效模型中法向黏结强度、切向黏结强度和Mohr-Coulomb准则中的接触摩擦系数的影响。将该数值模型应用于极地科学考察船"雪龙号"的平整冰区冰载荷分析中,并与船舶整体冰阻力经验公式进行了对比验证。  相似文献   

丁乐声  陈金龙  陈潇  郭豪  张聪 《海洋工程》2022,40(6):152-159
柔性管缆限弯器存在接触非线性导致剪弯刚度分析困难。为此先基于悬臂梁方程建立剪弯刚度理论模型;然后构建考虑接触边界的锁合结构数值模型,得到其扭转刚度曲线;最后结合理论分析和数值计算求得考虑接触非线性的限弯器剪弯刚度曲线,并同传统的整体数值方法相比较,验证该半数值分析方法的有效性。对比发现基于半数值方法的限弯器剪弯计算效率远高于传统数值方法,其结果误差也满足工程需求;并且限弯器锁合结构处受接触边界影响有明显的非线性;限弯器子梁这一短梁结构基于Timoshenko梁理论计算的结果精度更高也更保守。相较于传统数值方法,该半数值方法用方程直接表达部分参数与剪弯刚度关系,并可以高效地分析限弯器剪弯刚度,使设计工作更加高效。  相似文献   

This work documents a detailed series of experiments performed in a wave flume on a thin walled prismatic hull form. The model consists of a rectangular opening located on the side. The length of the model is slightly smaller than the flume breadth to achieve two-dimensional (2D) behavior in the experiments. Forced oscillatory heave tests in calm water have been carried out by varying the model-motion parameters and examining both intact and damaged conditions. Video recordings, measurements of the wave elevation inside the damaged compartment and of the force on the model were performed in all the experiments. The effect of damage opening in the model on hydrodynamic loads is examined by comparing with an intact section. A theoretical analysis is used to explain the behavior of added mass and damping coefficients in heave for a 2D damaged section. The presented results demonstrate occurrence of sloshing and piston mode resonances in the tests and their influence on the hydrodynamics loads of a damaged ship. Detailed physical investigations are presented at these resonance frequencies for the damaged section. Effect of filling level in the damage compartment, damage-opening length and air compressibility in the airtight compartment is examined. Nonlinear effects are documented and appear dominant, especially, for lowest filling level where we have shallow-water depth conditions in the damaged compartment. Resonance phenomena that can lead to significant local loads are identified for the shallow water condition. Air compressibility in the airtight compartment and floodwater act as a coupled system and influence inflow/outflow of floodwater in the compartment. It has a significant effect on local floodwater behavior in the damaged compartment.  相似文献   

When a vessel is damaged, seawater floods into the damaged compartments and subsequently influences the motion of the vessel. Furthermore, the vessel’s behaviour affects the floodwater motion. In this paper, a Navier-Stokes (NS) solver with a free surface capturing technique, i.e., the volume of fluid (VOF) method, was developed to numerically simulate water flooding into a damaged vessel. To verify the developed solver, a 2-D and a 3-D dam break problems were tested. The numerical results coincide well with the experimental results and with the published numerical results. Additionally, it was used to solve the problems of linear and non-linear liquid sloshing in a hexahedral tank. The numerical results are satisfactory in comparison with the experimental results and analytical solutions. Finally, the phenomenon of water flooding into a damaged compartment of a Ro-Ro ferry was simulated numerically. The computed results are in good agreement with the experimental data.  相似文献   

A modified Rankine source panel method is presented for solving a linearized free-surface flow problem with respect to the double-body potential. The method of solution is based on the distribution of Rankine sources on the hull as well as its image and on the free surface. An iterative algorithm is used for determining the free surface and wave resistance using upstream finite difference operator. A verification of numerical modeling is made using the Wigley hull and the validity of the computer program is examined by comparing the details of wave profiles and wave making resistance with Series 60 model.  相似文献   

In this paper, the radar cross section of flat plates on ocean surfaces is statistically investigated. A combining method of physical optics and geometric optics is applied to establish an effective backscattering analysis procedure. This method is a high-frequency analysis method originally derived from a simplified Stratton-Chu integral equation, assuming that the radar is far away from the target so that Kirchhoff approximation is valid. A Monte-Carlo simulation method is adopted to statistically analyze the effects of undulated ocean surfaces. The ocean surfaces are randomly generated by Pierson-Moskowitz ocean wave spectrum and a directional distribution function. Numerical investigations are carried out for flat plates, with the same height and width but with different inclined angles, on ocean surfaces of various significant wave heights.  相似文献   

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