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The effect of pressure and composition on the viscosity of both anhydrous and hydrous andesitic melts was studied in the viscosity range of 108 to 1011.5 Pa · s using parallel plate viscometry. The pressure dependence of the viscosity of three synthetic, iron-free liquids (andesite analogs) containing 0.0, 1.06, and 1.96 wt.% H2O, respectively, was measured from 100 to 300 MPa using a high-P-T viscometer. These results, combined with those from Richet et al. (1996), indicate that viscosities of anhydrous andesitic melts are independent of pressure, whereas viscosities of hydrous melts slightly increase with increasing pressure. This trend is consistent with an increased degree of depolymerization in the hydrous melts. Compositional effects on the viscosity were studied by comparing iron-free and iron-bearing compositions with similar degrees of depolymerization. During experiments at atmospheric and at elevated pressures (100 to 300 MPa), the viscosity of iron-bearing anhydrous melts preequilibrated in air continuously increased, and the samples became paramagnetic. Analysis of these samples by transmission electron microscopy showed a homogeneous distribution of crystals (probably magnetite) with sizes in the range of 10 to 50 nm. No significant difference in the volume fractions of crystals was found in samples after annealing for 170 to 830 min at temperatures ranging from 970 to 1122 K. An iron-bearing andesite containing 1.88 wt.% H2O, which was synthesized at intrinsic fO2 conditions in an internally heated pressure vessel, showed a similar viscosity behavior as the anhydrous melts. The continuous increase in viscosity at a constant temperature is attributed to changes of the melt structure due to exsolution of iron-rich phases. By extrapolating the time evolution of viscosity down to the time at which the run temperature was reached, for both the anhydrous (at 1055 K) and the hydrous (at 860 K) iron-bearing andesite, the viscosity is 0.7 log units lower than predicted by the model of Richet et al. (1996). This may be explained by differences in structural properties of Fe2+ and Fe3+ and their substitutes Mg2+, Ca2+, and Al3+, which were used in the analogue composition.The effect of iron redox state on the viscosity of anhydrous, synthetic andesite melts was studied at ambient pressure using a dilatometer. Reduced iron-bearing samples were produced by annealing melts in graphite crucibles in an Ar/CO atmosphere for different run times. In contrast to the oxidized sample, no variation of viscosity with time and no exsolution of iron oxide phases was observed for the most reduced glasses. This indicates that trivalent iron promotes the exsolution of iron oxide in supercooled melts. With decreasing Fe3+/ΣFe ratio from 0.58 to 0.34, the viscosity decreases by ∼1.6 log units in the investigated temperature range between 964 and 1098 K. A more reduced glass with Fe3+/ΣFe = 0.21 showed no additional decrease in viscosity. Our conclusion from these results is that the viscosity of natural melts may be largely overestimated when using data obtained from samples synthesized in air.  相似文献   

Olivine/melt partitioning of ΣFe, Fe2+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Mn2+, Co2+, and Ni2+ has been determined in the systems CaO-MgO-FeO-Fe2O3-SiO2 (FD) and CaO-MgO-FeO-Fe2O3-Al2O3-SiO2 (FDA3) as a function of oxygen fugacity (fO2) at 0.1 MPa pressure. Total iron oxide content of the starting materials was ∼20 wt%. The fO2 was to used to control the Fe3+/ΣFe (ΣFe: total iron) of the melts. The Fe3+/ΣFe and structural roles of Fe2+ and Fe3+ were determined with 57Fe resonant absorption Mössbauer spectroscopy. Changes in melt polymerization, NBO/T, as a function of fO2 was estimated from the Mössbauer data and existing melt structure information. It varies by ∼100% in melts coexisting with olivine in the FDA3 system and by about 300% in the FD system in the Fe3+/ΣFe range of the experiments (0.805-0.092). The partition coefficients ( in olivine/wt% in melt) are systematic functions of fO2 and, therefore, NBO/T of the melt. There is a -minimum in the FDA3 system at NBO/T-values corresponding to intermediate Fe3+/ΣFe (0.34-0.44). In the Al-free system, FD, where the NBO/T values of melts range between ∼1 and ∼2.9, the partition coefficients are positively correlated with NBO/T (decreasing Fe3+/ΣFe). These relationships are explained by consideration of solution behavior in the melts governed by Qn-unit distribution and structural changes of the divalent cations in the melts (coordination number, complexing with Fe3+, and distortion of the polyhedra).  相似文献   

The influence of oxygen fugacity (fO2) and temperature on the valence and structural state of iron was experimentally studied in glasses quenched from natural aluminosilicate melts of granite and pantellerite compositions exposed to various T-fO2 conditions (1100–1420°C and 10?12–10?0.68 bar) at a total pressure of 1 atm. The quenched glasses were investigated by Mössbauer spectroscopy. It was shown that the effect of oxygen fugacity on the redox state of iron at 1320–1420°C can be described by the equation log(Fe3+/Fe2+) = k log(fO2) + q, where k and q are constants depending on melt composition and temperature. The Fe3+/Fe2+ ratio decreases with decreasing fO2 (T = const) and increasing temperature (fO2 = const). The structural state of Fe3+ depends on the degree of iron oxidation. With increasing Fe3+/Fe2+ ≥ 1, the dominant coordination of Fe3+ changes from octahedral to tetrahedral. Ferrous iron ions occur in octahedral (and/or five-coordinated) sites independent of Fe3+/Fe2+.  相似文献   

Partitioning of Mg and Fe2+ between olivine and mafic melts has been determined experimentally for eight different synthetic compositions in the temperature range between 1335 and 1425°C at 0.1 MPa pressure and at fo2 ∼1 log unit below the quartz-fayalite-magnetite buffer. The partition coefficient [KD = (Fe2+/Mg)ol/(Fe2+/Mg)melt] increases from 0.25 to 0.34 with increasing depolymerization of melt (NBO/T of melt from 0.25-1.2), and then decreases with further depolymerization of melt (NBO/T from 1.2-2.8). These variations are similar to those observed in natural basalt-peridotite systems. In particular, the variation in NBO/T ranges for basaltic-picritic melts (0.4-1.5) is nearly identical to that obtained in the present experiments. Because the present experiments were carried out at constant pressure (0.1 MPa) and in a relatively small temperature range (90°C), the observed variations of Mg and Fe2+ partitioning between olivine and melt must depend primarily on the composition or structure of melt. Such variations of KD may depend on the relative proportions of four-, five-, and six-coordinated Mg2+ and Fe2+ in melt as a function of degree of NBO/T.  相似文献   

Iron-57 resonant absorption Mössbauer spectroscopy was used to describe the redox relations and structural roles of Fe3+ and Fe2+ in meta-aluminosilicate glasses. Melts were formed at 1500 °C in equilibrium with air and quenched to glass in liquid H2O with quenching rates exceeding 200 °C/s. The aluminosilicate compositions were NaAlSi2O6, Ca0.5AlSi2O6, and Mg0.5AlSi2O6. Iron oxide was added in the form of Fe2O3, NaFeO2, CaFe2O4, and MgFe2O4 with total iron oxide content in the range ∼0.9 to ∼5.6 mol% as Fe2O3. The Mössbauer spectra, which were deconvoluted by assuming Gaussian distributions of the hyperfine field, are consistent with one absorption doublet of Fe2+ and one of Fe3+. From the area ratios of the Fe2+ and Fe3+ absorption doublets, with corrections for differences in recoil-fractions of Fe3+ and Fe2+, the Fe3+/ΣFe is positively correlated with increasing total iron content and with decreasing ionization potential of the alkali and alkaline earth cation. There is a distribution of hyperfine parameters from the Mössbauer spectra of these glasses. The maximum in the isomer shift distribution function of Fe3+, δFe3+, ranges from about 0.25 to 0.49 mm/s (at 298 K relative to Fe metal) with the quadrupole splitting maximum, ΔFe3+, ranging from ∼1.2 to ∼1.6 mm/s. Both δFe3+ and δFe2+ are negatively correlated with total iron oxide content and Fe3+/ΣFe. The dominant oxygen coordination number Fe3+ changes from 4 to 6 with decreasing Fe3+/ΣFe. The distortion of the Fe3+-O polyhedra of the quenched melts (glasses) decreases as the Fe3+/ΣFe increases. These polyhedra do, however, coexist with lesser proportions of polyhedra with different oxygen coordination numbers. The δFe2+ and ΔFe2+ distribution maxima at 298 K range from ∼0.95 to 1.15 mm/s and 1.9 to 2.0 mm/s, respectively, and decrease with increasing Fe3+/ΣFe. We suggest that these hyperfine parameter values for the most part are more consistent with Fe2+ in a range of coordination states from 4- to 6-fold. The lower δFe2+-values for the most oxidized melts are consistent with a larger proportion of Fe2+ in 4-fold coordination compared with more reduced glasses and melts.  相似文献   

The speciation of CO2 in dacite, phonolite, basaltic andesite, and alkali silicate melt was studied by synchrotron infrared spectroscopy in diamond anvil cells to 1,000 °C and more than 200 kbar. Upon compression to 110 kbar at room temperature, a conversion of molecular CO2 into a metastable carbonate species was observed for dacite and phonolite glass. Upon heating under high pressure, molecular CO2 re-appeared. Infrared extinction coefficients of both carbonate and molecular CO2 decrease with temperature. This effect can be quantitatively modeled as the result of a reduced occupancy of the vibrational ground state. In alkali silicate (NBO/t = 0.98) and basaltic andesite (NBO/t = 0.42) melt, only carbonate was detected up to the highest temperatures studied. For dacite (NBO/t = 0.09) and phonolite melts (NBO/t = 0.14), the equilibrium CO2 + O2? = CO3 2? in the melt shifts toward CO2 with increasing temperature, with ln K = ?4.57 (±1.68) + 5.05 (±1.44) 103 T ?1 for dacite melt (ΔH = ?42 kJ mol?1) and ln K = ?6.13 (±2.41) + 7.82 (±2.41) 103 T ?1 for phonolite melt (ΔH = ?65 kJ mol?1), where K is the molar ratio of carbonate over molecular CO2 and T is temperature in Kelvin. Together with published data from annealing experiments, these results suggest that ΔS and ΔH are linear functions of NBO/t. Based on this relationship, a general model for CO2 speciation in silicate melts is developed, with ln K = a + b/T, where T is temperature in Kelvin and a = ?2.69 ? 21.38 (NBO/t), b = 1,480 + 38,810 (NBO/t). The model shows that at temperatures around 1,500 °C, even depolymerized melts such as basalt contain appreciable amounts of molecular CO2, and therefore, the diffusion coefficient of CO2 is only slightly dependent on composition at such high temperatures. However, at temperatures close to 1,000 °C, the model predicts a much stronger dependence of CO2 solubility and speciation on melt composition, in accordance with available solubility data.  相似文献   

Solubility mechanisms of water in depolymerized silicate melts quenched from high temperature (1000°-1300°C) at high pressure (0.8-2.0 GPa) have been examined in peralkaline melts in the system Na2O-SiO2-H2O with Raman and NMR spectroscopy. The Na/Si ratio of the melts ranged from 0.25 to 1. Water contents were varied from ∼3 mol% and ∼40 mol% (based on O = 1). Solution of water results in melt depolymerization where the rate of depolymerization with water content, ∂(NBO/Si)/∂XH2O, decreases with increasing total water content. At low water contents, the influence of H2O on the melt structure resembles that of adding alkali oxide. In water-rich melts, alkali oxides are more efficient melt depolymerizers than water. In highly polymerized melts, Si-OH bonds are formed by water reacting with bridging oxygen in Q4-species to form Q3 and Q2 species. In less polymerized melts, Si-OH bonds are formed when bridging oxygen in Q3-species react with water to form Q2-species. In addition, the presence of Na-OH complexes is inferred. Their importance appears to increase with Na/Si. This apparent increase in importance of Na-OH complexes with increasing Na/Si (which causes increasing degree of depolymerization of the anhydrous silicate melt) suggests that water is a less efficient depolymerizer of silicate melts, the more depolymerized the melt. This conclusion is consistent with recently published 1H and 29Si MAS NMR and 1H-29Si cross polarization NMR data.  相似文献   

Partitioning of Ca, Mn, Mg, and Fe2+ between olivine and melt has been used to examine the influence of energetically nonequivalent nonbridging oxygen in silicate melts. Partitioning experiments were conducted at ambient pressure in air and 1400°C with melts in equilibrium with forsterite-rich olivine (Fo >95 mol%). The main compositional variables of the melts were NBO/T and Na/(Na+Ca). In all melts, the main structural units were of Q4, Q3, and Q2 type with nonbridging oxygen, therefore, in the Q3 and Q2 units.For melts with high Q3/Q2-abundance ratio (corresponding to NBO/T near 1), increasing Na/(Na+Ca) [and Na/(Na+Ca+Mn+Mg+Fe2+)] results in a systematic decrease of the partition coefficients, KCaol/melt, KMnol/melt, KMgol/melt, and KFe2+ol/melt, because of ordering of the network-modifying Ca, Mn, Mg, and Fe2+ among nonbridging oxygen in Q3 and Q2 structural units. This decrease is more pronounced the smaller the ionic radius of the cation. With decreasing Q3/Q2 abundance ratio (less-polymerized melts) this effect becomes less pronounced.Activity-composition relations among network-modifying cations in silicate melts are, therefore, governed by availability of energetically nonequivalent nonbridging oxygen in individual Qn-species in the melt. As a result, any composition change that enhances abundance of highly depolymerized Qn-species will cause partition coefficients to decrease.  相似文献   

Mössbauer spectra of glasses of NaFeSi3O8 and 3NaAlSi2O6 · NaFeSiO4 starting compositions consist of a dominant Fe3+ and subordinate Fe2+ quadrupole-split doublet, in agreement with previous work. Fe3+ is assigned to tetrahedral coordination. Pressure-induced coordination changes are not observed in the pressure range 1 bar to 30 kbar. A gradual increase in isomer shift of the Fe3+ doublet with increase in pressure is attributed to steric effects. Raman spectra of GeO2, NaGaSi3O8 and NaGaSiO4 glasses are dominated by network structure vibrations. There is no detectable change in the nearest-neighbor coordination of Ge4+ in GeO2 from 1 bar to 14 kbar, of Ga3+ in NaGaSi3O8 from 1 bar to 28 kbar and of Ga3+ in NaGaSiO4 from 1 bar to 25 kbar. However, some structural reorganization outside of the first coordination sphere occurs in the high pressure glasses.XANES and EXAFS spectra on powdered samples of 1 bar and 25 kbar NaGaSiO4 glasses and crystalline NaGaSiO4 were obtained from K edge absorption spectra at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory using a double crystal monochromator equipped with Si(220) crystals. The XANES spectra indicate that Ga3+ has a similar extended coordination geometry in both glasses. The EXAFS spectra reveal that Ga3+ is four-coordinated with oxygen in all three samples with a Ga3+-O distance of about 1.83 Å. The radial distribution functions of the two glasses are virtually identical. However, both XANES and EXAFS spectra indicate significant structural differences between crystalline NaGaSiO4 (nepheline-type structure) and vitreous NaGaSiO4 beyond the first coordination shell of Ga3+. Thus, X-ray absorption spectroscopy independently confirms the Raman results on the unchanged coordination of Ga3+ in NaGaSiO4 glasses with pressures up to 25 kbar.Glass compositions were selected in anticipation that larger and/or lower charged cations would exhibit pressure-induced coordination changes at lower pressures than Al3+ and Si4+. The present null result suggests that the stabilizing features of open network structures in the liquid state (large entropy and minimized cation-cation repulsion) more than compensate for large molar volume in the pressure range accessible to experimentation. It appears that network structures in natural magmas should remain stable throughout the upper mantle. Consequently, the densities of magmas at high pressures which are calculated from compressibility data and the appropriate equation of state will be only slightly underestimated, due to the effect of minor structural changes beyond the first coordination sphere.  相似文献   

Mössbauer spectroscopy has been used widely to characterize the ferric (Fe3+) and ferrous (Fe2+) proportions and coordination of solid materials. To obtain these accurately, the recoilless fraction is indispensible. The recoilless fractions (f) of iron-bearing minerals, including oxides, oxyhydroxides, silicates, carbonates, phosphates and dichalcogenides, and silicate glasses were evaluated from the temperature dependence of their center shifts or absorption area with the Debye model approximation. Generally, the resolved Debye temperature (θD) of ferric iron in minerals, except dichalcogenides, through their center shifts ranging from 400 to 550 K, is significantly larger than ferrous iron ranging from 300 to 400 K, which is consistent with the conclusion from previous work. The resolved f (Fe3+)RT with the center shift model (CSM) ranges from 0.825 to 0.925, which is larger than that obtained for f(Fe2+)RT, which ranges from 0.675 to 0.750. Meanwhile, the θD and f resolved from temperature-dependence of absorption are generally lower than from center shifts, especially for ferric iron. The significant difference between f(Fe3+) and f(Fe2+) indicates the necessity of recoilless fraction correction on the Fe3+/(Fe3++Fe2+) resolved from Mössbauer spectra.  相似文献   

The analysis of available data on the Fe3+/Fe2+ ratio of impact-produced glasses showed that tektites and some other types of impact glasses are reduced compared with the precursor target material. Possible reasons for the change in the degree of iron oxidation in the impact process are still debatable. Based on the analysis of redox reactions in relatively simple systems with iron in different oxidation states (Fe-O and SiO2-FeO-Fe2O3) and the available data on the influence of temperature, oxygen partial pressure (pO2), and total pressure (P tot) on the Fe3+/Fe2+ ratio of silicate melts, a model was proposed suggesting that the lower Fe3+/Fe2+ values of tektites formed in the impact process compared with the initial target material could be related to the characteristics of oxygen regime during the decompression stage following shock compression. One of the main prerequisites for the occurrence of reduction reactions involving iron and other elements is the attainment of high temperatures (>1800–2000°C) at a certain stage of decompression, providing the complete melting and partial evaporation of the material. When the vapor pressure in the system becomes equal to the total pressure during adiabatic decompression, a further decrease in P tot will be inevitably accompanied by a decrease in pO2 and, correspondingly, partial reduction of Fe3+ to Fe2+ in the melt. The reactions of decompression reduction occur under closed-system conditions and do not require oxygen removal from the system. The higher the temperature and Fe3+/Fe2+ ratio of the melt, the more extensive iron reduction can be observed during the final stages of decompression. If the temperatures attained during decompression after an impact event are sufficient (>2500–3000°C) for the complete evaporation of the material, the melt produced during subsequent condensation must be significantly more reduced than the initial material. The final stage of the impact process is characterized by a catastrophic expansion of the explosion cloud, condensation, and rapid cooling. During this stage, the system is already not closed. The quenched glasses of this stage record the redox state of earlier melts. In addition, they can contain microinclusions of the products of nonequilibrium vapor condensation with iron compounds of different oxidation states, including metallic iron and iron oxides (wüstite, magnetite, and hematite).  相似文献   

The effect of TiO2 and P2O5 on the ferric/ferrous ratio in silicate melts was investigated in model silicate melts at air conditions in the temperature range 1,400–1,550 °C at 1-atm total pressure. The base composition of the anorthite–diopside eutectic composition was modified with 10 wt % Fe2O3 and variable amounts of TiO2 (up to 30 wt %) or P2O5 (up to 20 wt %). Some compositions also contained higher SiO2 concentrations to compare the role of SiO2, TiO2, and P2O5 on the Fe3+/Fe2+ ratio. The ferric/ferrous ratio in experimental glasses was analyzed using a wet chemical technique with colorimetric detection of ferrous iron. It is shown that at constant temperature, an increase in SiO2, TiO2, and P2O5 content results in a decrease in the ferric/ferrous ratio. The effects of TiO2 and SiO2 on the Fe3+/Fe2+ ratio was found to be almost identical. In contrast, adding P2O5 was found to decrease ferric/ferrous ratio much more effectively than adding silica. The results were compared with the predictions from the published empirical equations forecasting Fe3+/Fe2+ ratio. It was demonstrated that the effects of TiO2 are minor but that the effects of P2O5 should be included in models to better describe ferric/ferrous ratio in phosphorus-bearing silicate melts. Based on our observations, the determination of the prevailing fO2 in magmas from the Fe3+/Fe2+ ratio in natural glasses using empirical equations published so far is discussed critically.  相似文献   

The chemical interaction between fluorine and highly polymerized sodium aluminosilicate melts [Al/(Al+Si)= 0.125–0.250 on the join NaAlO2-SiO2] has been studied with Raman spectroscopy. Fluorine is dissolved to form F ions that are electrically neutralized with Na+ or Al3+. There is no evidence for association of fluorine with either Si4+ or Al3+ in four-fold coordination and no evidence of fluorine in six-fold coordination with Si4+ in these melt compositions. Upon solution of fluorine nonbridging oxygens are formed and are a part of structural units with nonbridging oxygen per tetrahedral cations (NBO/T) about 2 and 1. The proportions of these two depolymerized units in the melts increase systematically with increasing F/(F+O) at constant Al/(Al+Si) and with decreasing Al/(Al+Si) at constant F/(F+O). Depolymerization (increasing NBO/T) of silicate melts results from a fraction of aluminum and alkalies (in the present study; Na+) reacting to form fluoride complexes. In this process an equivalent amount of Na+ (orginally required for Al-3+charge-balance) or Al3+ (originally required Na+ to exist in tetrahedral coordination) become network-modifiers.The structural data have been used to develop a method for calculating the viscosity of fluorine-bearing sodium aluminosilicate melts at 1 atm. Where experimental viscosity data are available, the calculated and measured values are within 5% of each other.A method is also suggested by which the liquidus phase equilibria of fluorine-bearing aluminosilicate melts may be predicted. In accord with published experimental data it is suggested, for example, that — on the basis of the determined solubility mechanism of fluorine in aluminosilicate melts — with increasing fluorine content of feldspar-quartz systems, the liquidus boundaries between aluminosilicate minerals (e.g., feldspars) and quartz shift away from silica.  相似文献   

The enthalpies of solution of La2O3, TiO2, HfO2, NiO and CuO were measured in sodium silicate melts at high temperature. When the heat of fusion was available, we derived the corresponding liquid-liquid enthalpies of mixing. These data, combined with previously published work, provide insight into the speciation reactions in sodium silicate melts. The heat of solution of La2O3 in these silicate solvents is strongly exothermic and varies little with La2O3 concentration. The variation of heat of solution with composition of the liquid reflects the ability of La(III) to perturb the transient silicate framework and compete with other cations for oxygen. The enthalpy of solution of TiO2 is temperature-dependent and indicates that the formation of Na-O-Si species is favored over Na-O-Ti at low temperature. The speciation reactions can be interpreted in terms of recent spectroscopic studies of titanium-bearing melts which identify a dual role of Ti4+ as both a network-former end network-modifier. The heats of solution of oxides of transition elements (Ni and Cu) are endothermic, concentration-dependent and reach a maximum with concentration. These indicate a charge balanced substitution which diminishes the network modifying role of Na+ by addition of Ni2+ or Cu2+. The transition metal is believed to be in tetrahedral coordination, charge balanced by the sodium cation in the melts.  相似文献   

The compositional dependence of the redox ratio (FeO/FeO1.5) has been experimentally determined in K2O-Al2O3-SiO2-Fe2O3-FeO (KASFF) and K2O-CaO-Al2O3-SiO2-Fe2O3-FeO (KCASFF) silicate melts. Compositions were equilibrated at 1,450° C in air, with 78 mol % SiO2. KASFF melts have from 1 to 5 mol % Fe2O3 and include both peraluminous (K2O2O3) and peralkaline (K2O>Al2O3) compositions. KCASFF melts have 1 mol % Fe2O3 encompassing peraluminous, metaluminous (CaO+K2O>Al2O3) and peralkaline compositions. Peralkaline KASFF melts with 1 mol % Fe2O3 have low and constant values for the redox ratio, whereas in peraluminous melts the redox ratio increases with increasing (K2O/Al2O3). Increasing total iron concentration increases the redox ratio in peraluminous melts and slightly decreases the redox ratio in peralkaline melts. Substituting CaO for K2O at fixed total iron (1 mol %) increases the redox ratio in both peraluminous and metaluminous KCASFF melts; however, the redox ratio in peralkaline KCASFF melts is not affected by this exchange. These data indicate that Fe3+ is in four-fold coordination, with K+ or Ca2+ providing local charge balance. The tetrahedral ferric species is most stable in peralkaline melts and least stable in peraluminous melts, due to the competition between Al3+ and Fe3+ for charge balancing cations in the latter melt. Tetrahedral Fe3+ is also less stable when Ca2+ provides local charge balance. The data are consistent with a network modifying role for Fe2+ in the melt.The data are interpreted to reflect the effects of melt composition on the partitioning of K+ and Ca2+ and Fe3+ and Al3+ between various species in the melt. These relationships are discussed in terms of homogeneous equilibria between various iron-bearing and iron-free melt species. The results also reflect the effect of liquid composition on the exchange potentials Fe3+ Al–1 and Ca0.5K–1. The exchange potentials are relatively constant in peralkaline melts, but decrease in metaluminous and peraluminous melts as both (CaO+K2O)/(CaO+K2O+Al2O3) and K2O/CaO decrease. These qualitative observations imply that minerals exhibiting these exchanges will also be similarly affected as liquid composition changes. Present address: Department of Geological Sciences, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061, USA  相似文献   

Despite a large number of studies of iron spin state in silicate perovskite at high pressure and high temperature, there is still disagreement regarding the type and PT conditions of the transition, and whether Fe2+ or Fe3+ or both iron cations are involved. Recently, our group published results of a Mössbauer spectroscopy study of the iron behaviour in (Mg,Fe)(Si,Al)O3 perovskite at pressures up to 110 GPa (McCammon et al. 2008), where we suggested stabilization of the intermediate spin state for 8- to 12-fold coordinated ferrous iron ([8–12]Fe2+) in silicate perovskite above 30 GPa. In order to explore the behaviour in related systems, we performed a comparative Mössbauer spectroscopic study of silicate perovskite (Fe0.12Mg0.88SiO3) and majorite (with two compositions—Fe0.18Mg0.82SiO3 and Fe0.11Mg0.88SiO3) at pressures up to 81 GPa in the temperature range 296–800 K, which was mainly motivated by the fact that the oxygen environment of ferrous iron in majorite is quite similar to that in silicate perovskite. The [8–12]Fe2+ component, dominating the Mössbauer spectra of majorites, shows high quadrupole splitting (QS) values, about 3.6 mm s?1, in the entire studied PT region (pressures to 58 GPa and 296–800 K). Decrease of the QS of this component with temperature at constant pressure can be described by the Huggins model with the energy splitting between low-energy e g levels of [8–12]Fe2+ equal to 1,500 (50) cm?1 for Fe0.18Mg0.82SiO3 and to 1,680 (70) cm?1 for Fe0.11Mg0.88SiO3. In contrast, for the silicate perovskite dominating Mössbauer component associated with [8–12]Fe2+ suggests the gradual change of the electronic properties. Namely, an additional spectral component with central shift close to that for high-spin [8–12]Fe2+ and QS about 3.7 mm s?1 appeared at ~35 (2) GPa, and the amount of the component increases with both pressure and temperature. The temperature dependence of QS of the component cannot be described in the framework of the Huggins model. Observed differences in the high-pressure high-temperature behaviour of [8–12]Fe2+ in the silicate perovskite and majorite phases provide additional arguments in favour of the gradual high-spin—intermediate-spin crossover in lower mantle perovskite, previously reported by McCammon et al. (2008) and Lin et al. (2008).  相似文献   

The critical role of iron on crystal-silicate liquid relationships and melt differentiation is mainly controlled by the redox conditions prevailing in magmas, but the presently available database merely constrains the thermodynamic properties of iron-bearing components in strongly reduced and anhydrous molten silicate where iron is in the ferrous form. This paper provides new standard states for pure ferrous (FeOliq) and ferric (Fe2O3liq) molten iron oxides and extends the experimental database towards oxidizing and water-bearing domains. Iron-iridium, iron-platinum alloys, magnetite or hematite were equilibrated with synthetic silicic liquids at high temperature and high pressure under controlled oxygen fugacity (fO2) to determine activity-composition relationships for FeOliq and Fe2O3liq. Between 1000 and 1300°C, the fO2 ranges from that in air to 3-log units below that of the nickel-nickel oxide buffer (NNO). Experiments were performed on both anhydrous and hydrous melts containing up to 6-wt.% water. Incorporation of water under reducing conditions increases the activity coefficient of FeOliq but has an opposite effect on Fe2O3liq. As calcium is added to system, the effect of water becomes weaker and is inverted for Fe2O3liq. Under oxidizing conditions, water has a negligible effect on both activities of FeOliq and Fe2O3liq. In contrast, changes in redox conditions dominate the activity coefficients of both FeOliq and Fe2O3liq, which increase significantly with increasing fO2. The present results combined with the previous work provide a specific database on the energetics of iron in silicate melts that cover most of the condition prevailing in natural magmas.  相似文献   

Experimental investigations have been performed at T = 1200°C, P = 200 MPa and fH2 corresponding to H2O-MnO-Mn3O4 and H2O-QFM redox buffers to study the effect of H2O activity on the oxidation and structural state of Fe in an iron-rich basaltic melt. The analysis of Mössbauer and Fe K-edge X-ray absorption nearedge structure (XANES) spectra of the quenched hydrous ferrobasaltic glasses shows that the Fe3+/ΣFe ratio of the glass is directly related to aH2O in a H2-buffered system and, consequently, to the prevailing oxygen fugacity (through the reaction of water dissociation H2O ↔ H2 + 1/2 O2). However, water as a chemical component of the silicate melt has an indistinguishable effect on the redox state of iron at studied conditions. The experimentally obtained relationship between fO2 and Fe3+/Fe2+ in the hydrous ferrobasaltic melt can be adequately predicted in the investigated range by the existing empiric and thermodynamic models. The ratio of ferric and ferrous Fe is proportional to the oxygen fugacity to the power of ∼0.25 which agrees with the theoretical value from the stoichiometry of the Fe redox reaction (FeO + ¼ O2 = FeO1.5). The mean centre shifts for Fe2+ and Fe3+ absorption doublets in Mössbauer spectra show little change with increasing Fe3+/ΣFe, suggesting no significant change in the type of iron coordination. Similarly, XANES preedge spectra indicate a mixed (C3h, Td, and Oh, i.e., 5-, 4-, and sixfold) coordination of Fe in hydrous basaltic glasses.  相似文献   

The structure of H2O-saturated silicate melts and of silicate-saturated aqueous solutions, as well as that of supercritical silicate-rich aqueous liquids, has been characterized in-situ while the sample was at high temperature (to 800 °C) and pressure (up to 796 MPa). Structural information was obtained with confocal microRaman and with FTIR spectroscopy. Two Al-bearing glasses compositionally along the join Na2O•4SiO2-Na2O•4(NaAl)O2-H2O (5 and 10 mol% Al2O3, denoted NA5 and NA10) were used as starting materials. Fluids and melts were examined along pressure-temperature trajectories of isochores of H2O at nominal densities (from PVT properties of pure H2O) of 0.85 g/cm3 (NA10 experiments) and 0.86 g/cm3 (NA5 experiments) with the aluminosilicate + H2O sample contained in an externally-heated, Ir-gasketed hydrothermal diamond anvil cell.Molecular H2O (H2O°) and OH groups that form bonds with cations exist in all three phases. The OH/H2O° ratio is positively correlated with temperature and pressure (and, therefore, fugacity of H2O, fH2O) with (OH/H2O°)melt > (OH/H2O°)fluid at all pressures and temperatures. Structural units of Q3, Q2, Q1, and Q0 type occur together in fluids, in melts, and, when outside the two-phase melt + fluid boundary, in single-phase liquids. The abundance of Q0 and Q1 increases and Q2 and Q3 decrease with fH2O. Therefore, the NBO/T (nonbridging oxygen per tetrahedrally coordination cations), of melt is a positive function of fH2O. The NBO/T of silicate in coexisting aqueous fluid, although greater than in melt, is less sensitive to fH2O.The melt structural data are used to describe relationships between activity of H2O and melting phase relations of silicate systems at high pressure and temperature. The data were also combined with available partial molar configurational heat capacity of Qn-species in melts to illustrate how these quantities can be employed to estimate relationships between heat capacity of melts and their H2O content.  相似文献   

The thermodynamic, structural and transport properties of natural silicate melts under pressure are investigated by molecular dynamics simulation with the help of a force field recently introduced by us [Guillot B. and Sator N. (2007) A computer simulation study of natural silicate melts. Part I: low pressure properties. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta71, 1249-1265]. It is shown that the simulation reproduces accurately the bulk moduli of a large variety of silicate liquids as evaluated from ultrasonic studies. The equations of state (EOS) of the simulated melts are in good agreement with the density data on mid-ocean ridge basalt, komatiite, peridotite and fayalite as obtained either by sink/float experiments or by shock-wave compression. From the structural point of view it is shown that the population of [5]Al and [6]Al species increases rapidly upon initial compression (0-50 kbar) whereas for Si these highly coordinated species are found in a significant abundance (>5%) only above ∼50 kbar for [5]Si and ∼100-150 kbar for [6]Si. This increase of the coordination of network formers is not the only response of the melt structure to the densification: there is also a large redistribution of the T-O-T (T = Si, Al) bond angles with the pressure and noticeably upon initial compression in rhyolitic and basaltic liquids. Furthermore, a detailed analysis of the population of bridging oxygens (BO) and nonbridging oxygens (NBO) points out that the polymerization of the melt generally increases when the pressure increases, the magnitude of this polymerization enhancement being all the more important that the melt is depolymerized at low pressure. The role of triclusters (threefold coordinated oxygens to network former cations) is particularly emphasized in acidic and basaltic liquids. The pressure-induced redistribution of the oxygen atoms through the melt structure is also stressed. Finally, the simulation predicts a nonmonotonic behavior of the diffusivity of network former ions when the pressure increases, a feature with depends on the melt composition. This could have a counterpart in the electrical conductivity at sufficiently high temperature when the viscosity of the liquid is low.  相似文献   

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