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The theory of sublattice solid solution model and optimization methods have been described for modelling the geochemically important multicomponentmultisite silicate solid solution systems. Some new X-ray Mg-Fe2+ site occupancy data along with some selection from the existing data on heated orthopyroxene in the temperature range 600 to 1000° C have been used in thermodynamic modelling of the orthopyroxene (Mg, Fe)2Si2O6 solid solution using the sublattice solution model. The optimized interaction energy solution parameters are:

Cu-bearing pyroxene, Mg(Cu.56,Mg.44)Si2O6, has been synthesized by a flux method and crystal structure refinement has been performed by single crystal X-ray diffraction. It is found that the crystal structure is orthorhombic (space group Pbca) with unit cell dimensions of a=18.221(4), b=8.890(1), c=5.2260(7)Å and the cell volume of 846.5( )3Å3. In the M2-site one of the M-O bonds(M-O3B) is extremely expanded from 2.444(2) in enstatite to 2.732(2), thus the coordination polyhedron around M2-site is regarded as square pyramidal rather than square planar or octahedral. It is also found that the M1-site in the pyroxene structure is occupied almost exclusively by Mg, while the M2-site is almost evenly occupied by Mg and Cu. The observed extreme site preference shown by Cu2+ is unusual among the divalent cations with similar ionic sizes.  相似文献   

Enthalpies of solution in eutectic (Li, Na)2B2O4 melts at 1023 K were measured for five synthetic orthopyroxenes on the join MgSiO3-FeSiO3. The pyroxenes were synthesized at 1120°C and 20 kbar and thus were presumed to be highly disordered. The measurements indicate a small positive enthalpy of mixing, with WH = 950 cal/MSiO3.Enthalpy of solution measurements were made on a natural, well-ordered orthopyroxene near the composition En52.5Fs47.5 and on this material after heat-treatment at 1150°C and 20 kbar. Irreversible expansion of the unit-cell constants of the natural pyroxene after heat-treatment at various temperatures was used to characterize the degree of M-site disorder. The observed enthalpy of solution decrement of 0.85 kcal/MSiO3 between the natural En52.5 and the same material heated at 1150° corresponds to about half of the maximum possible disordering, or ΔXFeM1? 0.25, which leads to a ΔH of 7.5 kcal/M2Si2O6, for the exchange reaction: Fe(M2) + Mg(Ml) = Fe(Ml) + Mg(M2) if M-site interaction energy terms are ignored. This ΔH is larger than inferred from any of the analyses of site-occupancy data except that of Besancon (1981), who gave a very similar value. The measured ΔH of disorder and the WH of mixing together indicate a large ΔH as great as 3.2 kcal for the reciprocal reaction: Fe2Si2O6 + Mg2Si2O6 = Fe(M2)Mg(M1)Si2O6 + Fe(M1)Mg(M2)Si2O6 as anticipated by Sack (1980).As a consequence of the inferred magnitudes of ΔHof the exchange and reciprocal reactions, departures from ideality of Gibbs energy of mixing of orthopyroxene are very small at 700°–1000°C. Activities of MgSiO3 and FeSiO3 may be replaced by their mol fractions at all temperatures in most petrologic calculations.  相似文献   

Diopside twins mechanically on two planes, (100) and (001), and the associated macroscopic twinning strains are identical (Raleigh and Talbot, 1967). An analysis based on crystal structural arguments predicts that both twin mechanisms involve shearing of the (100) octahedral layers (containing Ca2+, Mg2+ and Fe2+ ions) by a magnitude of c/2. Small adjustments or shuffles occur in the adjacent layers containing the [SiO4]4? tetrahedral chains. While the (100) twins are conventional with shear parallel to the composition plane, this analysis predicts that (001) twins form by a mechanism closely related to kinking. A polycrystalline diopside specimen was compressed 8% at a temperature of 400° C, a pressure of 16 kilobars, and a compressive strain rate of about 10?4/s. Transmission electron microscopy on this specimen has revealed four basic lamellar features:
  1. (100) mechanical twin lamellae;
  2. (100) glide bands containing unit dislocations;
  3. (001) twin lamellae;
  4. (101) lamellar features, not as yet identified.
The (001) twins often contain remnant (100) lamellae of untwinned host. Twinning dislocations occur in these (100) lamellae and in the (001) twin boundaries with very high densities. Diffraction contrast experiments indicate that the twinning dislocations associated with both twin laws glide on (100) with Burgers vector b=X [001] where X is probably equal to 1/2 on the basis of the structural analysis. Parallels are drawn between mechanical twinning in clinopyroxenes and clinoamphiboles. The exclusive natural occurrence of basal twins in shock-loaded clinopyroxenes and of analogous ( \(\bar 1\) 01) twins in clinoamphiboles is given a simple explanation in terms of the relative difficulty of the “kinking” mechanism as compared to direct glide parallel to the composition plane.  相似文献   

A model is proposed for the production of clinopyroxene lamellae in orthopyroxene by a dislocation mechanism based on simple shear. Four possible shears are described. Two shears apply to each subcell of orthopyroxene, one with =13.3° in one sense, the other with =18.3° in the opposite sense.The senses of shears of the same magnitude in adjacent cells are also opposite. All shears produce the same structure, but in two discrete orientations which can be distinguished from electron diffraction patterns. However, the operative shear cannot be uniquely determined from the diffraction patterns alone. The characteristics of the diffraction contrast fringes and associated partial dislocations observed by transmission electron microscopy in a naturally deformed orthopyroxene are shown to be consistent with the proposed model.  相似文献   

The heat capacity of synthetic ferrosilite, Fe2Si2O6, was measured between 2 and 820 K. The physical properties measurement system (PPMS, Quantum Design®) was used in the low-temperature region between 2 and 303 K. In the temperature region between 340 and 820 K measurements were performed using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The C p data show two transitions, a sharp λ-type at 38.7 K and a small shoulder near 9 K. The λ-type transition can be related to collinear antiferromagnetic ordering of the Fe2+ spin moments and the shoulder at 10 K to a change from a collinear to a canted-spin structure or to a Schottky anomaly related to an electronic transition. The C p data in the temperature region between 145 and 830 K are described by the polynomial $C_{p} {\left[ {\hbox{J\,mol}^{{ - 1}}\,{\hbox{K}}^{{ - 1}} } \right]} = 371.75 - 3219.2T^{{ - 1/2}} - 15.199 \times 10^{5} T^{{ - 2}} + 2.070 \times 10^{7} T^{{ - 3}} $ The heat content [H 298H 0] and the standard molar entropy [S 298S 0] are 28.6 ± 0.1 kJ mol?1 and 186.5 ± 0.5 J mol?1 K?1, respectively. The vibrational part of the heat capacitiy was calculated using an elastic Debye temperature of 541 K. The results of the calculations are in good agreement with the maximum theoretical magnetic entropy of 26.8 J mol?1 K?1 as calculated from the relationship 2*Rln5.  相似文献   

 Phase A, Mg7Si2O8(OH)6, is a dense hydrous magnesium silicate whose importance as a host of H2O in the Earth’s mantle is a subject of debate. We have investigated the low-pressure stability of phase A in experiments on the reaction phase A=brucite+forsterite. Experiments were conducted in piston-cylinder and multi-anvil apparatus, using mixtures of synthetic phase A, brucite and forsterite. The reaction was bracketed between 2.60 and 2.75 GPa at 500° C, between 3.25 and 3.48 GPa at 600° C and between 3.75 and 3.95 GPa at 650° C. These pressures are much lower than observed in the synthesis experiments of Yamamoto and Akimoto (1977). At 750° C the stability field of brucite + chondrodite was entered. The enthalpy of formation and entropy of phase A at 1 bar (105 Pa), 298 K, were derived from the experimental brackets on the reaction phase A=brucite+forsterite using a modified version of the thermodynamic dataset THERMOCALC of Holland and Powell (1990), which includes a new equation of state of H2O derived from the molecular dynamics simulations of Brodholt and Wood (1993). The data for phase A are: ΔH o f =−7126±8 kJ mol-1, S o=351 J K-1 mol-1. Incorporating these data into THERMOCALC allows the positions of other reactions involving phase A to be calculated, for example the reaction phase A + enstatite=forsterite+vapour, which limits the stability of phase A in equilibrium with enstatite. The calculated position of this reaction (753° C at 7 GPa to 937° C at 10 GPa) is in excellent agreement with the experimental brackets of Luth (1995) between 7 and 10 GPa, supporting the choice of equation of state of H2O used in THERMOCALC. Comparison of our results with calculated P-T paths of subducting slabs (Peacock et al. 1994) suggests that, in the system MgO–SiO2–H2O, phase A could crystallise in compositions with Mg/Si>2 at pressures as low as 3 GPa. In less Mg rich compositions phase A could crystallise at pressures above approximately 6 GPa. Received: 3 July 1995/Accepted: 14 December 1995  相似文献   

Experiments at high pressure and temperature indicate that excess Ca may be dissolved in diopside. If the (Ca, Mg)2Si2O6 clinopyroxene solution extends to more Ca-rich compositions than CaMgSi2O6, macroscopic regular solution models cannot strictly be applied to this system. A nonconvergent site-disorder model, such as that proposed by Thompson (1969, 1970), may be more appropriate. We have modified Thompson's model to include asymmetric excess parameters and have used a linear least-squares technique to fit the available experimental data for Ca-Mg orthopyroxene-clinopyroxene equilibria and Fe-free pigeonite stability to this model. The model expressions for equilibrium conditions \(\mu _{{\text{Mg}}_{\text{2}} {\text{Si}}_{\text{2}} {\text{O}}_{\text{6}} }^{{\text{opx}}} = \mu _{{\text{Mg}}_{\text{2}} {\text{Si}}_{\text{2}} {\text{O}}_{\text{6}} }^{{\text{cpx}}} \) (reaction A) and \(\mu _{{\text{Ca}}_{\text{2}} {\text{Si}}_{\text{2}} {\text{O}}_{\text{6}} }^{{\text{opx}}} = \mu _{{\text{Ca}}_{\text{2}} {\text{Si}}_{\text{2}} {\text{O}}_{\text{6}} }^{{\text{cpx}}} \) (reaction B) are given by: 1 $$\begin{gathered} \Delta \mu _{\text{A}}^{\text{O}} = {\text{RT 1n}}\left[ {\frac{{(X_{{\text{Mg}}}^{{\text{opx}}} )^2 }}{{X_{{\text{Mg}}}^{{\text{M1}}} \cdot X_{{\text{Mg}}}^{{\text{M2}}} }}} \right] - \frac{1}{2}\{ W_{21} [2(X_{{\text{Ca}}}^{{\text{M2}}} )^3 - (X_{{\text{Ca}}}^{{\text{M2}}} ] \hfill \\ {\text{ + 2W}}_{{\text{22}}} [X_{{\text{Ca}}}^{{\text{M2}}} )^2 - (X_{{\text{Ca}}}^{{\text{M2}}} )^3 + \Delta {\text{G}}_{\text{*}}^{\text{0}} (X_{{\text{Ca}}}^{{\text{M1}}} \cdot X_{{\text{Ca}}}^{{\text{M2}}} )\} \hfill \\ {\text{ + W}}^{{\text{opx}}} (X_{{\text{Wo}}}^{{\text{opx}}} )^2 \hfill \\ \Delta \mu _{\text{B}}^{\text{O}} = {\text{RT 1n}}\left[ {\frac{{(X_{{\text{Ca}}}^{{\text{opx}}} )^2 }}{{X_{{\text{Ca}}}^{{\text{M1}}} \cdot X_{{\text{Ca}}}^{{\text{M2}}} }}} \right] - \frac{1}{2}\{ 2W_{21} [2(X_{{\text{Mg}}}^{{\text{M2}}} )^2 - (X_{{\text{Mg}}}^{{\text{M2}}} )^3 ] \hfill \\ {\text{ + W}}_{{\text{22}}} [2(X_{{\text{Mg}}}^{{\text{M2}}} )^3 - (X_{{\text{Mg}}}^{{\text{M2}}} )^2 + \Delta {\text{G}}_{\text{*}}^{\text{0}} (X_{{\text{Mg}}}^{{\text{M1}}} \cdot X_{{\text{Mg}}}^{{\text{M2}}} )\} \hfill \\ {\text{ + W}}^{{\text{opx}}} (X_{{\text{En}}}^{{\text{opx}}} )^2 \hfill \\ \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $$ where 1 $$\begin{gathered} \Delta \mu _{\text{A}}^{\text{O}} = 2.953 + 0.0602{\text{P}} - 0.00179{\text{T}} \hfill \\ \Delta \mu _{\text{B}}^{\text{O}} = 24.64 + 0.958{\text{P}} - (0.0286){\text{T}} \hfill \\ {\text{W}}_{{\text{21}}} = 47.12 + 0.273{\text{P}} \hfill \\ {\text{W}}_{{\text{22}}} = 66.11 + ( - 0.249){\text{P}} \hfill \\ {\text{W}}^{{\text{opx}}} = 40 \hfill \\ \Delta {\text{G}}_*^0 = 155{\text{ (all values are in kJ/gfw)}}{\text{.}} \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $$ . Site occupancies in clinopyroxene were determined from the internal equilibrium condition 1 $$\begin{gathered} \Delta G_{\text{E}}^{\text{O}} = - {\text{RT 1n}}\left[ {\frac{{X_{{\text{Ca}}}^{{\text{M1}}} \cdot X_{{\text{Mg}}}^{{\text{M2}}} }}{{X_{{\text{Ca}}}^{{\text{M2}}} \cdot X_{{\text{Mg}}}^{{\text{M1}}} }}} \right] + \tfrac{1}{2}[(2{\text{W}}_{{\text{21}}} - {\text{W}}_{{\text{22}}} )(2{\text{X}}_{{\text{Ca}}}^{{\text{M2}}} - 1) \hfill \\ {\text{ + }}\Delta G_*^0 (X_{{\text{Ca}}}^{{\text{M1}}} - X_{{\text{Ca}}}^{{\text{M2}}} ) + \tfrac{3}{2}(2{\text{W}}_{{\text{21}}} - {\text{W}}_{{\text{22}}} ) \hfill \\ {\text{ (1}} - 2X_{{\text{Ca}}}^{{\text{M1}}} )(X_{{\text{Ca}}}^{{\text{M1}}} + \tfrac{1}{2})] \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $$ where δG E 0 =153+0.023T+1.2P. The predicted concentrations of Ca on the clinopyroxene Ml site are low enough to be compatible with crystallographic studies. Temperatures calculated from the model for coexisting ortho- and clinopyroxene pairs fit the experimental data to within 10° in most cases; the worst discrepancy is 30°. Phase relations for clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene and pigeonite are successfully described by this model at temperatures up to 1,600° C and pressures from 0.001 to 40 kbar. Predicted enthalpies of solution agree well with the calorimetric measurements of Newton et al. (1979). The nonconvergent site disorder model affords good approximations to both the free energy and enthalpy of clinopyroxenes, and, therefore, the configurational entropy as well. This approach may provide an example for Febearing pyroxenes in which cation site exchange has an even more profound effect on the thermodynamic properties.  相似文献   

A new mineral of the neptunite group, magnesioneptunite KNa2Li(Mg,Fe)2Ti2Si8O24, a Mg-dominant analogue of neptunite and manganoneptunite, has been found in the Upper Chegem caldera near Mount Lakargi, Kabardino-Balkaria, the North Caucasus, Russia in a xenolith of altered sandstone located between skarnified carbonate xenoliths and ignimbrite. Magnesioneptunite occurs as nearly isometric grains and aggregates up to 0.1 mm in size in the cores of some grains of a Mg-rich variety of neptunite with Mg/(Fe + Mn) = 0.7?1.0. The chemical composition of magnesioneptunite with a maximum Mg content is as follows, wt %: 3.63 K2O, 8.21 Na2O, 1.73 Li2O, 6.47 MgO, 0.04 MnO, 5.87 FeO, 0.07 Al2O3, 18.73 TiO2, 56.88 SiO2, 99.62 in total. The empirical formula is (K0.67Na0.32Ca0.01)Σ1.00Na2.06Li1.00 · (Mg1.39Fe 0.71 2+ )Σ2.10(Si7.90Al0.01)Σ7.91O24. Grains of magnesioneptunite are dark brown to red-brown, translucent, with vitreous luster. D calc = 3.15 g/cm3, and the Mohs hardness is 5–6. Cleavage parallel to the (110) is perfect. The new mineral is optically biaxial, positive, α = 1.697(2), β = 1.708 (3), γ = 1.725(3), 2V meas = 45(15)°. The mineral is associated with quartz, alkali feldspar, rutile, aegirine, and neptunite. Magnesioneptunite and the Mg-rich variety of neptunite were formed as products of ilmenite alteration. Magnesioneptunite is monoclinic, C2/c; unit-cell parameters: a = 16.327(7), b = 12.4788(4), c = 9.9666(4) Å, β = 115.6519(5)°, V = 1830.5(1) Å3, Z = 4. The type specimen is deposited at the Fersman Mineralogical Museum of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow.  相似文献   

In the system Na2CO3-MgO-SiO2-H2O a new sodium magnesium silicate was synthesized under hydrothermal conditions; 450–600 ° C and 300–1000 Kg/cm2. The structure of the specimen was determined by X-ray powder methods, and its properties were studied by chemical, infrared and TG analyses. The specimen has a triple chain structure (space group, C2/c) with the ideal chemical composition, 4 (Na2Mg4Si6O16(OH)2) and lattice parameters, a= 10.152(2), b=27.137(4), c=5.276(1) Å, and = 106.97(3) °.The essential feature of the structure is shown by the presence of SiO4 tetrahedra linked to form chains which have three times the width of those in pyroxene. These triple chains have a periodicity, 5.27 Å, along their lengths, and are bonded to each other laterally by the brucite layer made up by eight Mg cations and sandwiched between two inward pointing bands of tetrahedra. These units are linked back to back by cations (Mg or Na) in the Na(2) site and by a large cation (Na) at the Na(1) site.  相似文献   

Enstatites (Mg2Si2O6) are important rock forming silicates of the pyroxene group whose structures are characterised by double MgO6 octahedral bands and single silicate chains. Orthoenstatite transforms to protoenstatite above 1273 K with a doubling of the a axis and a rearrangement of the silicate chains with respect to the Mg2+ ions. Lattice dynamical calculations based on a rigid-ion model in the quasi-harmonic approximation provide theoretical estimates of elastic constants, long wavelength phonon modes, phonon dispersion relations, total and partial density of states and inelastic neutron scattering cross-sections of protoenstatite. The computed elastic constants are in good agreement with experimental data. The computed density of states of a chain silicate such as protoenstatite is distinct from that of olivines (forsterite, Mg2SiO4 and fayalite, Fe2-SiO4) with isolated silicate tetrahedra. The band gaps in the density of states in forsterite are largely due to the separation in the frequency ranges of the external and internal vibrations of the isolated silicate group, whereas in protoenstatite these gaps are filled by the vibrations of the bridging oxygens of the silicate chain. The computed density of states is used to calculate the specific heat, the mean square atomic displacements and temperature factors. Validity of these calculations are supported by Raman scattering measurements. Polarised and unpolarised Raman spectra are obtained from small single crystals of protoenstatite (Li,Sc)0.6Mg1.4Si2O6 stable at room temperature using the 488 nm or 514.5 nm lines of an Ar+ ion laser and a micro-Raman spectrometer with backscattering geometry. The Raman spectra were analysed and interpreted based on the lattice dynamical model. The experimental Raman frequencies and mode assignments (based on polarised single crystal spectra) are in good agreement with those obtained from lattice dynamical calculations.  相似文献   

Dislocations in olivine decorated by oxidation in air were observed with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) using a backscattered electron image (BEI). The decorated dislocations (and grain boundaries) were found to give clear bright images in this mode, indicating an increase of mean atomic number near the dislocation cores (and grain boundaries). This method of dislocation observation has a resolution of ca. 0.1 μm, about an order of magnitude better than optical microscopic observation, and is particularly useful in the study of the overall dislocation distribution of naturally and experimentally deformed olivines with relatively high dislocation densities.  相似文献   

The partitioning of Fe and Mg between garnet and aluminous orthopyroxene has been experimentally investigated in the pressure-temperature range 5–30 kbar and 800–1,200° C in the FeO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 (FMAS) and CaO-FeO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 (CFMAS) systems. Within the errors of the experimental data, orthopyroxene can be regarded as macroscopically ideal. The effects of Calcium on Fe-Mg partitioning between garnet and orthopyroxene can be attributed to non-ideal Ca-Mg interactions in the garnet, described by the interaction term:W CaMg ga -W CaFe ga =1,400±500 cal/mol site. Reduction of the experimental data, combined with molar volume data for the end-member phases, permits the calibration of a geothermometer which is applicable to garnet peridotites and granulites: $$T(^\circ C) = \left\{ {\frac{{3,740 + 1,400X_{gr}^{ga} + 22.86P(kb)}}{{R\ln K_D + 1.96}}} \right\} - 273$$ with $$K_D = {{\left\{ {\frac{{Fe}}{{Mg}}} \right\}^{ga} } \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{\left\{ {\frac{{Fe}}{{Mg}}} \right\}^{ga} } {\left\{ {\frac{{Fe}}{{Mg}}} \right\}}}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {\left\{ {\frac{{Fe}}{{Mg}}} \right\}}}$$ and $$X_{gr}^{ga} = (Ca/Ca + Mg + Fe)^{ga} .$$ The accuracy and precision of this geothermometer are limited by largerelative errors in the experimental and natural-rock data and by the modest absolute variation inK D with temperature. Nevertheless, the geothermometer is shown to yield reasonable temperature estimates for a variety of natural samples.  相似文献   

The distribution of Fe3+ and Ga3+ between the two tetrahedral sites in three synthetic melilites has been studied by using 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy. In the melilite, (Ca2Ga2SiO7)50 (Ca2Fe3+GaSiO7)50 (mol %), the distribution of Fe3+ and Ga3+ in T1 and T2 sites is apparently random, which can be explained in terms of the electrostatic valence rule. However in the melilites, (Ca2MgSi2O7)52 (Ca2Fe3+GaSiO7)42 (Ca2Ga2SiO7)6 and (Ca2MgSi2O7)62 (Ca2Fe3+GaSiO7)36 (Ca2Ga2SiO7)2 (mol %), Fe3+ shows preference for the more ionic T1 site and Ga3+ for the more covalent T2 site. If the electronegativity of Ga3+ is assumed to be larger than that of Fe3+, the mode of distribution of Fe3+ and Ga3+ can be explained in terms of our previous hypothesis that a large electronegativity induces a stronger preference for the more covalent T2 site.  相似文献   

New equilibrium experiments have been performed in the 20–27 kbar range to determine the upper thermal stability limit of endmember deerite, Fe 12 2+ Fe 6 3+ [Si12O40](OH)10. In this pressure range, the maximum thermal stability limit is represented by the oxygen-conserving reaction: deerite(De)=9 ferrosilite(Fs)+3 magnetite(Mag)+3 quartz(Qtz)+5 H2O(W) (1). Under the oxygen fugacities of the Ni-NiO buffer the breakdown-reduction reaction: De=12 Fs+2 Mag+5 W+1/2 O2 (10) takes place at lower temperatures (e.g. T=63° at 27 kbar). The experimental brackets can be fitted using thermodynamic data for ferrosilite, magnetite and quartz from Berman (1988) and the following 1 bar, 298 K data for deerite (per gfw): Vo=55.74 J.bar-1, So=1670 J.K-1, H f o =-18334 kJ, =2.5x10-5K-1, =-0.18x10-5 bar-1. Using these data in conjunction with literature data on coesite, grunerite, minnesotaite, and greenalite, the P-T stability field of endmember deerite has been calculated for P s=P H 2O. This field is limited by 6 univariant oxygenconserving dehydration curves, from which three have positive dP/dT slopes, the other three negative slopes. The lower pressure end of the stability field of endmember deerite is thus located at an invariant point at 250±70°C and 10+-1.5 kbar. Deerite rich in the endmember can thus appear only in environments with geothermal gradients lower than 10°C/km and at pressures higher than about 10 kbar, which is in agreement with 4 out of 5 independent P-T estimates for known occurrences. The presence of such deerite places good constraints on minimum pressure and maximum temperature conditions. From log f O 2-T diagrams constructed with the same data base at different pressures, it appears that endmember deerite is, at temperatures near those of its upper stability limit, stable only over a narrow range of oxygen fugacities within the magnetite field. With decreasing temperatures, deerite becomes stable towards slightly higher oxygen fugacities but reaches the hematite field only at temperatures more than 200°C lower than the upper stability limit. This practically precludes the coexistence deerite-hematite with near-endmember deerite in natural environments.  相似文献   

The local structure around Co, Zn and Sr atoms in incommensurately modulated, melilite-type X2T1 T 2 2 O7 (X=Ca and Sr, T1=Mg, Co and Zn, T2=Si) solid-solutions has been investigated by EXAFS analyses. The modulated structure was confirmed in Ca2-xSrxCoSi2O7 solid-solutions with X=0.0 to 0.6 and for both Ca2Mg1-YCoYSi2O7 and Ca2Mg1-YZnYSi2O7 solid-solutions over the whole compositional range at room temperature. The actual bond-distances determined by the EXAFS method for the T1 site (Co-, Zn-O) in the modulated structure are longer than the mean bond-distances obtained from the X-ray diffraction method. This is attributable to the libration of the T1 tetrahedra. In the Ca1-XSrXCoSi2O7 solid-solution both the Sr-O and Co-O distances by the EXAFS method for the X-site increase from Ca end-member to Sr end-member. These increases are respectively 0.8% and 0.6%. This means the local expansions of the tetrahedral sheets and of the XO polyhedra are well matched. In the modulated Ca2Co1-YMgYSi2O7 and Ca2Zn1-YMgYSi2O7 solid-solutions, the actual Co-O and Zn-O distances for the T1-sites are nearly constant in the whole compositional range. The compositional variations of the local structure around the cations in the solid-solution are different for the X and T1 sites. It is concluded that the local geometric restriction for the size of substituted cation in X site is larger than that in T1 site. The dimension of the tetrahedral sheet puts restriction on the size of the cations situated at the interlayer X sites. In other words, the different behavior of the local geometric restriction between the X and T1 sites is an important feature of the melilite structure and is also related to the modulated structure.  相似文献   

Geology of Ore Deposits - A new mineral was discovered in Cr–V-bearing marbles of the Sludyanka Complex from the Pereval marble quarry, Sludyanka district, southern Baikal region, Russia. It...  相似文献   

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