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韩冬  陈海山  许蓓  齐铎  吴波 《气象科学》2014,34(3):237-242
利用1979—2007年全球月平均的积雪水当量资料,定义了春季积雪水当量增量指数,该指数可以较为直观地反映春季融雪的情况。通过这一纽带,分析了欧亚大陆春季融雪与长江流域夏季降水之间的联系。研究表明:欧亚大陆春季融雪与中国长江流域夏季降水是负相关关系,这与高原积雪的影响是不一致的。春季融雪量的减少,使得欧亚大陆北部夏季剩余积雪偏多,夏季融雪增多。融雪的局地效应使得土壤湿度增加,加大了欧亚大陆南北热力差异。从而,夏季中纬度的纬向风切变增大,对流层上层的副热带西风急流增强,副热带高压增强西伸,但是北抬受到抑制。长江流域位于异常西南暖湿气流与冷空气的辐合带上,上升运动活跃,有利于降水偏多。  相似文献   

The water vapor transport around the Tibetan Plateau(TP) and its effect on the rainfall in the Yangtze River valley(YRV) in summer are investigated by decomposing the moisture transport into rotational and divergent components.Based on the ERA-Interim and PREC/L(Precipitation Reconstruction over Land) data from 1985 to 2014,the vertically integrated features of the two components are examined.The results show that the divergent part dominates the western TP while the rotational part dominates the rest of the TP,implying that moisture may be mostly locally gathered in the western TP but could be advected to/from elsewhere over the rest of the TP.The divergent and rotational moisture fluxes exhibit great temporal variability along the southern periphery of the TP,showing sensitivity of water vapor to the steep topography there.Correlation analysis reveals that it is over the southeastern corner of the TP and to its south that a significant correlation between rotational zonal moisture transport and summer rainfall in the YRV appears,suggesting that the southeastern corner of the TP may serve as a moisture transport bridge between the South Asian(Indian) monsoon and the East Asian monsoon.Further composite analysis indicates that anomalous eastward(westward) zonal water vapor transport from the South Asian monsoon via the southeastern corner of the TP favors more(less) precipitation in the YRV in summer.  相似文献   

本文利用NCEP/NCAR全球再分析逐日资料、地面观测资料和自动站降水资料,在分析了2015年浙江省梅汛期强降水特征、水汽输送和局地环流的基础上,从西南季风进退、副热带高压、南亚高压及西风带波动等方面对2015年形成梅汛期暴雨的控制环流进行了分析。结果表明:2015年整个浙江省梅汛期降水量较常年显著偏多,浙江中部地区降水量比历史同期偏多接近一倍。丰沛的水汽从孟加拉湾经中南半岛向东输送,与西太平洋副热带高压西侧的西南气流相合并,在梅雨锋南侧形成异常辐合,为强降水提供了水汽条件。这次持续强降水由三次强降水过程构成并由西风辐合型锋生引起。第二次强降水过程中大气强对流性不稳定利于梅雨锋上中尺度对流系统发展,导致强降水呈现明显的局地性。而第一次和第三次过程中梅雨带附近大气基本处于对流稳定或中性,以斜压性降水为主。在对流层低层,副高较常年偏东偏南,其西北侧西南暖湿气流与北侧冷空气交汇于浙江省,利于梅汛期强降水集中期的出现。在对流层上层的南亚高压较常年位置偏东,其北侧的西风急流强度偏强,东亚急流核入口区右侧的强辐散利于造成强烈的上升运动。在对流层中层,贝加尔湖阻高的东侧有明显的波动能量向东向南传播并在长江中下游积聚,利于浙江地区扰动的维持,形成持续稳定的梅雨锋和中低空切变线,造成梅雨强降水过程的持续。2015年春夏季热带中东太平洋海温正异常分布有利于梅汛期降水偏多的异常环流的形成。  相似文献   

甘晶晶  高坤 《气象学报》2013,71(2):250-260
利用50余年的NCAR/NCEP再分析资料,对江淮流域持续性暴雨过程前期的环流特征进行了相关与合成分析。发现在过程前2—1周的对流层中高层西风带上,中西亚、中国东部沿海和白令海南侧相继有低压槽发展,呈现显著的罗斯贝波列信号特征。分析表明,正是该欧亚波列的东传和消失伴随的环流调整,导致了有利于持续性暴雨产生的稳定环流的形成。进一步采用区域数值模式检验了该波列特征对后期持续性暴雨的作用和影响过程,以1991年一次典型的江淮流域持续性暴雨过程为例,根据欧亚波列信号特征设计一组初始流场扰动,进行初值集合模拟试验。结果表明,过程强雨带及其环流背景的模拟对于初始场上欧亚波列信号区的扰动特征是相当敏感的,该初始扰动对模拟环流的后继影响,与持续性暴雨期间稳定环流特征的建立和维持确有密切关系。  相似文献   

汤燕冰  赵璐  高坤 《大气科学进展》2009,26(6):1169-1180
Based on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) daily satellite dataset of global outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) for the period of 1974--2004 and the NCEP-NCAR reanalysis for 1971--2004, the linkage between persistent heavy rainfall (PHR) events in the vicinity of the Yangtze River valley and global OLR leading up to those events (with 1- to 30-day lag) was investigated. The results reveal that there is a significant connection between the initiation of PHR events over the study area and anomalous convective activity over the tropical Indian Ocean, maritime continent, and tropical western Pacific Ocean. During the 30-day period prior to the onset of PHR events, the major significantly anomalous convective centers have an apparent dipole structure, always with enhanced convection in the west and suppressed convection in the east. This dipole structure continuously shifts eastward with time during the 30-day lead period. The influence of the anomalous convective activity over the tropical oceans on the initiation of PHR events over the study area is achieved via an interaction between tropical and extratropical latitudes. More specifically, anomalous convective activity weakens the Walker circulation cell over the tropical Indian Ocean first. This is followed by a weakening of the Indian summer monsoon background state and the excitation and dispersion of Rossby wave activity over Eurasia. Finally, a major modulation of the large scale background circulation occurs. As a result, the condition of a phase-lock among major large scale circulation features favoring PHR events is established over the study area.  相似文献   

本文利用站点观测数据以及ERA5再分析资料分析了2006—2020年14次长江中下游地区梅雨期持续性暴雨的基本特征以及过程中云—辐射—降水的关系。结果表明,在梅雨期持续性暴雨过程中,降水呈纬向分布;云量分布随高度向南倾斜,中云分布与降水分布对应良好,高云分布在降水区南侧;降水发生时,梅雨锋北侧中低云增加,南侧高云增加,北侧中低云辐射降温以及南侧高云温室效应和暖平流共同作用造成梅雨锋两侧温差增大,锋面加强使得持续性暴雨得以维持。  相似文献   

用TRMM资料研究1998年长江流域暴雨   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
热带测雨卫星TRMM资料于1998年6月起向公众用户开放。本文使用了1998年7月20日世界时21:40分的TRMM资料对长江流域暴雨作了初步研究。TRMM导出的降水产品亦与雨量计,地面雷达观测以及数值模拟结果进行了比较。由此得出,TRMM资料非常适合于暴雨监测研究。此外,它们还有其他广泛得用途。  相似文献   

RIEMS‘ ability to simulate extreme monsoon rainfall is examined using the 18-month (April 1997 September 1998) integrated results. Model-simulated heavy precipitation over the Yangtze River valley during 11-30 June 1998 is compared with the observation, and the relationships between this heavy rainfall process and the large-scale circulations, such as the westerly jet, low-level jet, and water vapor transport,are analyzed to further understand the mechanisms for simulating heavy monsoon rainfall. The analysis results show that (1) RIEMS can reproduce the pattern of heavy precipitation over the Yangtze River valley during 11-30 June 1998, but it is shifted northwestwards. (2) The simulated West Pacific Subtropical High (WPSH) that controls the East Asia Monsoon evolution is stronger than the observation and is extended westwards, which possibly leads to the north westward shift of the heavy rain belt. (3) The Westerly jet at 200 hPa and the Low-level jet at 850 hPa, both of which are related to the heavy monsoon rainfall,are reasonably reproduced by RIEMS during 11-30 June 1998~ although the intensities of the simulated Westerly/Low-level jets are strong and the location of the Westerly jet leans to the southeast,which may be the causes of RIEMS producing too much heavy rainfall in the north of the Yangtze River valley.  相似文献   

First,based on routine meteorological data,the synoptic characteristics of a heavy warm-sector rainfall that occurred on June 13,2008 in the Pearl River Delta were analyzed.Second,a mesoscale numerical model,Weather Research and Forecasting(WRFV2.2),was used to simulate the heavy rainfall. Diagnostic analyses were done of moist potential vorticity(MPV)for its horizontal components(MPV2) and vertical components(MPV1)based on the simulation results of WRFV2.2 to identify the mechanism of the rainfall development.The results showed that the heavy rainfall occurred when there were high MPV1 in the upper levels and low MPV1 and high MPV2 in the lower levels.Disturbances of high MPV1 in the upper levels came from the southwest or northwest,those of low MPV1 in the lower levels came from the southwest,and those of high MPV2 came from the south.Disturbances of low MPV1 at low levels were the direct cause of convective instability.Enhanced vertical shear of meridional wind led to increased MPV2 at lower levels,strengthened baroclinicity,and active warm and wet flows.These distributions of MPV helped to trigger the release of unstable energy and produce warm-sector heavy rainfall.As it integrates the evolution of dynamic and thermal fields,MPV is able to reveal the development of this heavy rainfall effectively.  相似文献   

2008年河南黄淮地区暴雨过程个例分析   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
利用常规气象资料和NCEP资料对2008年7月22日河南黄淮地区的暴雨过程进行了分析.结果表明:这次过程是在500 hPa槽前西南气流引导下,高低空急流耦合区内西南涡沿切变线移出,弱冷空气侵入暖倒槽触发不稳定能量释放造成的.垂直螺旋度计算结果显示:中低层正垂直螺旋度中心与降水落区有很好的对应关系,大暴雨中心位于正垂直螺旋度中心附近.湿位涡演变分析发现,这次过程有"干侵入"发生,暴雨区中低层对流不稳定和对称不稳定共存,有利于降水增幅.水汽条件分析表明:这次过程的水汽源地在孟加拉湾和南海,主要是低层和近地层的水汽辐合.  相似文献   

以LAPS局地分析资料为主,综合利用卫星云图、地面自动站资料和NCEP提供的全球分析资料,对2011年6月9—10日湖南一次特大暴雨过程进行了分析,结果表明:降水主要发生在对流云团中亮温TBB-70℃的区域的偏西一侧,在TBB-80℃的区域内降水最强;锋前暖区中的对流云团,在中低层是以条件不稳定机制为主的垂直上升运动,而在中高层,是以条件对称不稳定机制为主的垂直上升运动。中尺度对流系统在不断东移南压的过程中,受高层的辐散性流场的抽吸作用和低层的对流不稳定而发展加强。强气旋性切变和正涡度平流触发中尺度气旋发生、发展,β中尺度涡旋是此次特大暴雨过程的直接影响系统。对整层的高度场和流场进行滤波分析发现,此次暴雨过程中的中尺度气旋活跃,强降水雨团与中尺度低层辐合、高层辐散中心基本重合。利用高(低)层中尺度辐散(合)中心位置确定暴雨中心有一定的预报指导作用。  相似文献   

Summary This study analyzes the mechanisms of the development of a heavy rainfall event (17 June 1987) over the lee side of the Central Mountain Range (CMR) in northeastern Taiwan during the southwesterly monsoon. This heavy rainfall event was examined using gridded data from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, surface rainfall data and numerical model results, employing a non-hydrostatic fifth-generation mesoscale model (MM5) developed by the National Center for Atmospheric Research and Pennsylvania State University. A tropical depression was simulated over the northern South China Sea on 16 June. Convergence, resulting from the southeasterly winds associated with the circulation from the tropical depression, and northeasterly winds over the Taiwan Strait, occurred over the northern Bashi Channel at 850 hPa. The convergence amplified planetary vorticity and the vorticity associated with the intensifying tropical depression. Consequently, a mesovortex with low pressure over the northeastern edge of the tropical depression near southern Taiwan was produced. Additional convergence over the ocean adjacent to southern Taiwan caused by the interaction between the northeasterly flow, which was deflected over the southeastern slope of the CMR, and the southeasterly flow of the tropical depression, also affected the intensity of the mesovortex. When the mesovortex moved northward and reached southern Taiwan, the southeasterly flow associated with it interacted with an east-southeasterly flow, which was related to the tropical depression, to form a mesoscale convective system (MCS) over the ocean adjacent to southeastern Taiwan. As the mesovortex moved northward, the MCS, which was embedded in the southeasterly flow, also drifted inland toward northeastern Taiwan. The orographic lifting and the ascending motion associated with the deceleration of the easterly flow near the CMR enhanced the MCS over northeastern Taiwan and produced heavy rainfall. To examine the role of Taiwan’s orography on the modelled rainfall, two simulations were conducted; one which included Taiwan’s orography and one which excluded it. In both simulations, the mesovortex in the northern Bashi Channel and the MCS near southeastern Taiwan were reproduced. However, in the simulation excluding the orography, the mesovortex was slightly less intense. In addition, without the extra orographic lifting and the ascending motion caused by flow deceleration, rainfall over northeastern Taiwan was weaker than in the simulation with the orography.  相似文献   

During the Heavy Rainfall Experiment in South China (HUAMEX) of 1998, a record heavy rainfall event occurred in the delta of the Pearl River during the 24 hours from 1200 UTC 8 June to 1200 UTC 9 June, 1998, and a 24-hour precipitation maximum of 574 mm was reported in Hong Kong. In this paper, some mesoscale characteristics of this heavy rainfall event are studied using data from satellites, Doppler radar, wind profilers, and automatic meteorological stations collected during HUAMEX. The following conclusions are drawn: (1) During this heavy rainfall event, there existed a favorable large-scale environment, that included a front with weak baroclinity in the heavy rain area and with an upward motion branch ahead of the front. (2) Unlike most extratropical or subtropical systems, the closed low in the geopotential height field does not exited. The obvious feature was that a southerly branch trough in the westerlies existed and Hong Kong was located ahead of the trough. (3) The rainfall areas were located in the warm sector ahead of the front, rather than in the frontal zone, which is one of the characteristics of heavy rainfalls during the pre-rainy season of South China. A southerly warm and moist current contributed to the heavy rainfall formation, including the transportation of rich water vapor and the creation of strong horizontal wind convergence. (4) The observations show that the heavy rainfall in Hong Kong was directly caused by a series of meso β systems rather than a mesoscale convective complex (MCC). These meso β systems moved with the steering current in the lower-mid troposphere, their life cycles were 3-6 hours, and their horizontal sizes were 10-100 km. (5) The disturbances in the lower and mid troposphere, especially that in the planetary boundary layer (PBL) were very shallow. However, they are a possible trigger mechanism for the occurrence and development of the mesoscale convective systems and related heavy rainfalls. Finally, a conceptual model of the heav  相似文献   

淮河流域持续性强降水过程的环流变化特征   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
利用淮河流域4省20:00-次日20:00逐日降水量资料,界定了1961-2006年淮河流域持续性强降水过程,并利用NCEP资料,应用合成分析方法对强降水过程和前期环流特征进行了研究。结果表明,从持续性强降水开始之前到强降水过程中乌拉尔山附近阻高减弱,贝加尔湖以北到鄂霍次克海附近的阻高偏强;西太平洋副热带高压在500hPa上表现为西伸北抬,但在850hPa上西伸明显,基本无北抬;南亚高压范围明显扩大,尤其是淮河流域以北地区200hPa高度明显增大,在中国东部到日本上空200hPa急流中心也有明显变化。850hPa西南急流的建立与西太平洋副热带高压的西伸有关,同时乌拉尔山附近高压减弱,冷空气南下,东西气压梯度增大也有利于西南急流的建立。  相似文献   

江淮夏季降水异常与西印度洋地区大气环流异常的关系   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
运用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和中国气候中心整编的160站月平均降水资料应用经验正交函数、线性相关分析等,分析了江淮地区夏季降水异常特征及其与西印度洋区域大气环流年际异常关系的变化及其可能的机理。结果表明:当500 hPa中纬度低槽活动偏多(少),西太平洋副热带高压偏强(弱),东亚夏季风偏强(弱)时,江淮地区降水偏多(少)。进一步分析还发现西印度洋上空的垂直环流与江淮夏季降水存在较好的关系,但这种年际异常之间的联系受到背景场的影响明显:1979—1993年西印度洋垂直上升运动与江淮夏季降水的变化趋势基本相反,两者线性相关系数为-0.43;1994—2010年两者的变化趋势基本一致,相关系数达0.71。即当西印度洋地区存在环流异常下沉(上升)时,西太平洋副热带高压通常异常减弱东退(增强西伸),副热带季风减弱(增强),有利于雨带偏南(北)。因此,在西太平洋副热带高压和副热带季风年代际偏强(弱)阶段,西印度洋环流与江淮夏季降水呈负(正)相关。  相似文献   

A case study is presented of the multiscale characteristics that produced the record-breaking persistent heavy rainfall event(PHRE) over Hainan Island,northern South China Sea(SCS),in autumn 2010.The study documents several key weather systems,from planetary scale to mesoscale,that contributed to the extreme rainfall during this event.The main findings of this study are as follows.First,the convectively active phase of the MJO was favorable for the establishment of a cyclonic circulation and the northward expansion of the Intertropical Convergence Zone(ITCZ).The active disturbances in the northward ITCZ helped direct abundant moisture from adjacent oceans towards Hainan Island continuously throughout the event,where it interacted with cold air from the midlatitudes and caused heavy rain.Second,the 8-daylong PHRE can be divided into three processes according to different synoptic systems:peripheral cloud clusters of a tropical depression-type disturbance over the central SCS in process 1;interactions between the abnormally far north ITCZ and the invading cold air in process 2;and the newly formed tropical depression near Hainan Island in process 3.In the relatively stable synoptic background of each process,meso-α and meso-β-scale cloud clusters repeatedly traveled along the same path to Hainan Island.Finally,based on these analyses,a conceptual model is proposed for this type of PHRE in autumn over the northern SCS,which demonstrates the influences of multiscale systems.  相似文献   

Two persistent heavy rainfall(PHR) events in the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River(MLYR)occurring in June 1982 and 1998 are studied in this paper.Though both events happened in the Meiyu season,their large-scale background and developing processes were quite different.During the PHR event in 1982,the Lake Baikal area was occupied by a strong westerly trough and the western Pacific subtropical high(WPSH) was stronger and more westward-extending than the normal years.Under such a condition,the cold dry air and warm moist air were continuously transported to the MLYR and favored the PHR there.For the event in 1998,the WPSH was similar to that in 1982,while the westerly trough in the Lake Baikal area was comparatively weak and a shortwave trough situating in East China contributed to advect cold dry air to the MLYR.It is found that the high-latitude trough was closely related to the 1030-day low-frequency oscillation while the anomaly of WPSH was linked with the combined effect of both30 60- and 10 30-day low-frequency oscillations in the PHR event in 1982.By contrast,the 60-day low-pass perturbation demonstrated positive impact on the westward extension of WPSH and development of the Baikal trough while the 30 60-day oscillation played a role in strengthening the shortwave trough in East China and the WPSH in the case of 1998.Though the low-latitude 30 60-day oscillations contributed to the intensification and westward extension of the WPSH in both PHR events,their evolution exhibited evident differences.In the 1982 case,the 30 60-day anomalies originated from the western Indian Ocean were much more like the Madden Julian Oscillation,while its counterpart in the 1998 case was much more similar to the first mode of the boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation.  相似文献   

夏季江淮气旋的结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
徐夏囡  焦佩金 《大气科学》1984,8(2):189-196
本文用1980年6月23—25日和8月23—25日的常规观测资料,分析两次江淮气旋的运动场和热力场的平均结构.分析中使用了活动坐标网格,对风、温度、湿度和降水等气象要素进行合成.研究指出,这类气旋的波长为2000—2500公里,水平闭合环流的尺度为100—1500公里,垂直伸展高度达7—8公里左右,气旋轴线随高度显著地向北倾斜.气旋性环流和气旋性涡度在对流层中层的700毫巴附近最强.锋区在对流层上部明显,在对流层低层反而较弱;在气旋中心附近及其北侧,在700毫巴附近及以下仅有一狭窄的冷带.强降雨区出现在低  相似文献   

江淮之间夏季雨滴谱特征分析   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
分析了2011—2013年夏季(6—8月)滁州地基雨滴谱观测资料,根据雨强及其随时间的变化将降水分成对流降水和层云降水,分析不同降水类型的雨滴谱特征。结果表明:滁州地区对流降水的质量加权直径Dm和标准化参数lgNw的平均值分别为1.67 mm和3.91 mm-1·m-3,层云降水Dm和lgNw的平均值分别为1.18 mm和3.57 mm-1·m-3,对流降水雨滴平均尺度更大。Nw相比Γ分布参数N0能更好地反映总数浓度Nt的大小。Γ分布3参数均随雨强的增大而减小,当雨强增长到一定程度时,μ(谱型)和Λ(斜率)趋于常数。研究了μ-Λ关系和Z(反射率因子)-R(雨强)关系。对流降水和层云降水的Z-R关系分别为Z=408R1.20Z=301R1.21。新的Z-R关系和经典Z-R关系(Z=300R1.40)反演的雨强相比实际观测值均偏小,但新的Z-R关系反演的雨强与实际观测值更接近。  相似文献   

This study examines the ability of the cloud-resolving weather research and forecasting (WRF) model to reproduce the convective cells associated with the flash-flooding heavy rainfall near Seoul, South Korea, on 12 July 2006. A triply nested WRF model with the highest resolution of 3-km horizontal grid spacing was integrated with conventional analysis data. The WRF model simulated the initiation of isolated thunderstorms, and the formation of a convective band, cloud cluster, and squall line at nearly the right time. The corresponding precipitation simulation was also reasonably reproduced in its distribution, although the amount was underestimated. A sensitivity experiment that excludes the orography over the peninsula revealed that orographic forcing over the peninsula is responsible for about 20% increase in precipitation over the heavy rainfall region. It was identified that in addition to the up-lifting local orographic forcing to the west of the mountain range in South Korea, anticyclonic circulation due to the presence of the Gaema Heights in North Korea contribute to the confinement of convective activities in the heavy rainfall region.  相似文献   

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