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1 INTRODUCTIONSustainability as present understand comes fromword protection strategy commission, which firstly putforward some wide excepted environmental sustainability principles and three important identifications forlife support system: soil, air and water. Then, in thereport of Our Common Future (WCED, 1987), theconcept of sustainable development is put to an outstanding level. Sustainable groundwater resources development is then a great issue in the recent years andthe future (…  相似文献   

The research on the present situation of soil and water development and utilization in Shiyang River Basin shows that water resources and eco-environment situation in this area are near the edge of collapse. Since the water crises occurred in the 1970s, problems caused by continuous decrease of water resources have been becoming serious year by year and eco-environment crisis occurred as a consequence. Up to now, 10 380ha of irrigated lands have been abandoned due to sand coverage and water shortage in the basin. Ground water was over exploded in Wuwei and Minqin because of water shortage. Ground water table in many places dropped under 5m (which is the ecology water table level), thus about 3000ha of Elaeagnus angustifolia forest come to dead and another 5800ha become feeble, and wind-drift sand near the oasis become alive. According to the current situation, if water utilization scope was not enlarged, a water transfer volume of 600×106m3/a from other areas will be suitable to keep water resources and eco-environment safety in the basin, and also 70×106m3/a will be left as spare water. Under this condition the water resources and eco-environment of the basin can reach the critical safety line of 2.032×109m3/a; or if 180×106m3 of water can be transferred from other areas, the water resources can reach the safety warning line of 1.732×109m3/a. Foundation item: Under the auspices of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 40235053) and Lanzhou Jiaotong University "Qinglan" Foundation Biography: ZHANG Ji-shi (1963-), male, a native of Tongwei of Gansu Province, senior engineer, specialized in water resources and climate change in Northwest China. E-mail: zjs1963@yahoo.com.cn; hangjs@mail.lzjtu.cn  相似文献   

North China, whose total area is 420,000 km2, covers 2 provinces and 2 cities (Shanxi and Hebei provinces, Beijing and Tianjin) and the territories of Henan and Shandong provinces to the north of the Huanghe (Yellow) River, and part of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and Liaoning Province. Most of this region, which is situated in the semi-humid, semi-arid continental climate temperate zone, gets an annual precipitation of 500-600 mm, whereas, the perennial average amount of total water resource is 50.99 billion m3, including 33.82 billion m3 of surface water, 32.94 billion m3 of ground water and 15.77 billion m3 of their duplication. Due to the intensive exploitation of water resource caused by the deficiency of water resource in North China, key elements of water balance was changed, runoff volume reduced, evaporation increased, vertical movement of moisture strengthened, water circulation pattern transformed from open system into regionally closed system; meanwhile, due to the incompetent water  相似文献   

The processes of water resources exploitation and utilization can be divided into three stages by water resources transformation, and the history, present situation and future trend of water resources development in piedmont areas around high mountains of arid northwestern China. The three stages are: the stage of surface water development (the first stage), the stage of comprehensive development of surface and ground water (the second stage) and the stage of economical development of water resources (the third stage). The three stages link each other and show the law and processes of water resources exploitation and utilization associated with social and technological progress. The economical water policy should run through the three stages. On this point, however, the third stage differs from the others, particularly, refering to irrigated agriculture. The third stage has more progressive significance because it breaks the traditional ideas on water resources development. According to our investigation and calculation, under present conditions of water resources development, the net used water is about 160 × 108 m3, accounting for 18% of the total water resources of northwestern China. The water resources have not been fully developed. If the first stage is finished, the exploitable water can be increased by 91%. After the second stage, furthermore, it can be increased by 216%. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   

In the modern times ,the population growth,development of industrial and agricultural production and the petroleum exploitation,brought about the unceasing expansion of artificial oasis and abrupt increase of water demand .The artificial hydraulic irrigation engineering took the place of the natural river systerm,the reservoirs took the placeof natural lakds,which in turn enhanced the space-time redistribution of surface water based on the natural evolution,and so did groundwater.The groundwater recharge reduced 26.2% in 46 years from 1950 to 1995 in the southern piedmont fold plain of Tarim Basin due to mean yearly population increase rate of 27.7‰ and associated with the water use rate increasing from 24.6% to 58.4%.At the same time the artificial water system seepage give primary play to groundwater recharge,which is up to 57.6% whilst that of the natural system reduce to 33.7%.As a result,groundwater level drop 3-5m widespread except some irrigation area and surrounding of plain reservoir.Sping water discharge also reduce about 37.6% and discharge some continuously move away to the north with the value of 0.5-1.2km in the past 40 years.  相似文献   

为了解决低渗透油田不规则面积注水井网中油井见水时间的计算及其影响因素的定量表征问题,将面积注采井网单元细分为一源一汇三角形最小计算单元,运用非达西渗流流管微元法得到不同面积注采井网类型条件下的生产井见水时间计算通式.以鄂尔多斯盆地X油田为例,研究井网类型、储层非均质性和裂缝发育程度对低渗透油田油井见水时间的影响,并通过统计回归得到沿裂缝方向、裂缝半长与油井见水时间之间的经验公式.结果表明:储层非均质性和裂缝规模对油井见水时间的影响最大,井网类型对其影响程度最小;不规则井网或油井所在最小三角形井网单元差异较大时,油井见水存在一个阶梯上升规律;油井见水时间与裂缝半长呈幂指数减小关系.  相似文献   

According to practical measurement and related data, the writer discusses the main features of rivers in the Sanjiang Plain and the change of water balance with time and space, and then estimates water resources of five types, namely, runoff, ground water, soil water, and water supplied by three rivers and lakes (or reservoirs).The total volume of the above-mentioned water resources can be up to 31.5 billion m3. But they are rather unevenly distributed and the annual change is considerable, too. Up to now, only 8.3% of water resources have been utilized. According to a programme, 17.5 billion m3 will be utilized in the future in the district. Rationally exploiting water resources in the district should be combined with protection and management, and the sole criterion for judging rationality of utilization is that whether it is beneficial to economic, ecologic and social aspects.  相似文献   

According to the theory of sustainable development, the current situation and existent problemsoftheexploita-tion of water resources were analyzed in this paper. The results show that the contradiction between supply and demandof water resources is continually aggravating, water pollution is increasingly serious, water environment is worse, theover-extraction area of the underground water is expanding and water crisis stands out gradually, so it is imperative underthe situation to actualize the sustainable exploitation strategies of water resources. It is necessary for sustainable utilizingwater resources to introduce the model of sustainable utilization of water resources the model of wealth transferring be-tween the generations of water resources, establish water-saving society system and water market, form technology sys-tems, management systems and evaluation systems for many sorts of water resources, improve the utilization ratio of waterresources, transform waste water into resources and maintain and restore the water space of water environment.  相似文献   


This paper discusses the constraining factors to sustainable utilization of water resources in China,and the countermeasures to realize sustainable water utilization.The result of comprehensive analysis shows that constraining factors to sustainable utilization of water resources in China are complicated, including physical geographi cal factors and socio-economic factors, such as uneven distribution of water resources at temporal and spatial scales,inappropriate institutional arrangement and non-water-saving and non-water-conservation production and life mode.The countermeasures against constraining factors to water resources sustainable development are put forward as follows: l) using wetlands and forests, and through spatial conversion to realize temporally sustainable supply of water resources; 2) transferring water between basins and areas and developing various water resources in water shortagearea; 3) establishing water-saving society; 4) strengthening water pollution control and water resources protection;and 5) establishing unified water resources management mechanism.  相似文献   

邹平市北部平原区孔隙水分布广泛且南北差异较大,摸清邹平市地下水资源储量,进行开采潜力分析,提出解决水资源供需矛盾和合理开发利用地下水资源的现实措施,对邹平市合理高效开发利用地下水资源具有重要意义。为推动邹平市地下水合理高效开发利用,本文利用地下水均衡原理,对区内浅层及深层孔隙水进行资源量计算,并对浅层地下水开发利用潜力进行分区。分析表明,邹平市地下水分布较为不均,存在"南超北余"不均匀分布的现状。调整开采布局的原则是以环境地质问题为约束条件,并最大限度地发挥地下水资源潜力。遵循以调控浅层地下水合理水位为中心的资源开发利用总方针,依据浅层地下水开采资源潜力和开采现状等,主要分为强化开采、稳定开采、控制开采、补源开采和半咸水改造利用5个大区。  相似文献   

系统分析评价研究了2004年四川水土资源开发利用现状特征及其存在的主要问题,针对四川人地矛盾日趋尖锐、水土流失严重、水资源利用率低、水资源污染仍较严重尤其饮用水源地水质堪忧等制约全省经济社会可持续发展的重要因素,提出了实现四川水土资源可持续利用的对策和措施。  相似文献   

Shuangtaizi estuary wetland, the largest natural conservation district in China, and one of the best preserved, largest ecological lands with the most complete vegetation types in the world, is located in Panjin city, Liaoning Province. In recent years, the degradation of Shuangtaizi estuary wetland is very serious. In order to rescue lives in the wetland and protect valuable natural resources, the information system of Shuangtaizi estuary wetland was built with ‘3S’ technology, and the minimum, optimum, and maximum eco-environmental water requirements were calculated respectively. Furthermore, for restoring the ecological functions of wetland and preventing wetland degradation, the balance between supply and demand of water resource was analyzed, and an optimal allocation scheme of water resources was proposed based on three kinds of equilibrium.  相似文献   

湖泊富营养化是当前全球范围内最为典型且严重的水环境问题之一,但过去偏重营养盐向湖泊的点源和面源输入评价,常常忽视地表水-地下水相互作用在湖泊水质形成与演化中的作用。总结了地下水-湖水相互作用模式,重点评述了地下水排泄过程对湖泊水文与水质影响的研究进展,对比了渗流仪测量、水量平衡、氡质量平衡、温度示踪、数值模拟等量化方法的优劣性与适用性,探讨了地下水向湖泊排泄的时空变异性、地下水-湖水界面氮磷的迁移转化等难点问题的研究现状,提出该领域未来研究方向主要包括:综合运用多种技术方法,表征湖底地下水排泄的时空变异性;揭示界面水文生物地球化学过程,量化地下水向湖泊排泄氮磷负荷;评估强烈人类活动改造对地下水-湖水相互作用的影响。  相似文献   

Hexi region is located in the northwest arid zone in China, being both the base of industry and agriculture, and the prop of developing northwestern China on a large scale in the next century. On the basis of the study on exploitation and utilization process of water and land resources in past 40 years, and present productivity, this paper approaches the utilization trend and development potential of water and land resources; analyses the characteristics, problems and directions of resource utilization in the future; and proposes the countermeasures of rational development of water and land resources.  相似文献   

由地下水补给、径流和排泄过程构成的地下水循环运动,是水文循环的重要组成部分,也是水文地质学的基本研究对象。地下水循环在空间上表现为不同结构单元的组合,存在以含水层特性为依据的介质结构和以渗流场为依据的动力结构2种划分方法。地下水流系统是动力结构意义上的地下水循环单元。近10年来,区域地下水流系统理论取得了显著进展,更加全面深入地揭示了地下水循环结构的动力学特性。通过对河间地块地下水流系统的研究,发现潜水面最高点并非地下水分水岭的准确位置。在盆地尺度上,系统研究了沟谷地貌、降水入渗强度、渗透性随埋深变化和盆地厚度等因素对潜水面波形与地下水循环动力结构的影响,初步发现了动力结构的周期性或趋势性演化特征。通过大规模流线路径的精细识别或驻留时间的统计分析,提出了三维地下水循环单元的划分方法。在水文地质效应方面,发现地下水循环的动力结构对地下水年龄的分布有重要影响。地下水循环的动力结构反映了不同补给区和排泄区之间的水力联系,在盆地尺度地球化学过程、流域尺度生态水文过程中发挥着关键作用,未来的研究重点是三维地下水循环的动力特性和演变规律。  相似文献   

在深入分析区域水资源可持续利用评价系统的基础上,建立了区域水资源可持续利用能力评价指标体系,并将基于禁忌搜索优化的投影寻踪技术(TSPP)应用于水资源可持续利用评价。通过对淮河片区水资源可持续利用能力的初步研究,表明了此模型能完整而系统地反映区域水资源可持续利用能力,并且直观、简便,在各种实际系统评价中具有应用价值。  相似文献   

大连地下水开发模式探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为探讨提高大连地区水资源利用率的方法,通过分析总结大连地区滨海水文地质条件,剖析了地下含水系统的独立流域特征、开发价值特征、流动系统特征和环境水文地质的脆弱性特征。在此基础上,提出了大连水资源开发应以流域开发为指导思想、以地下水库为技术方法的加大开发地下水水资源利用模式,并进一步得出岩溶含水系统与河谷砂砾石堆积具有较大开发潜力而基岩裂隙含水系统开发难度较大的结论。  相似文献   

I.INTRODUCTIONThearidlandinNorthwestChina,richinlight,heat,landandmineralresources,isoneofthebiggestpotentialregionsforeconomicdevelopmentinthefuture.Itischaracterizedbydroughtclimate,scarceprecipitationandthereisnoagriculturewitholltirrigation(Liu,1980).Waterisnotonlythemostvaluablenaturalresources,butalsoveryimportantenvironmentalfactorinthisarea.Theoasesandwaterresourcesforhumansurvivalanddevelopmentaredistributedmainlyintheinlandriverbasins.Atpresentexploitationandutilizationofwater…  相似文献   

In the coastal catchments of Shandong Province the water scarcity is aggravated due to saltwater intrusion, reducing the usability of water resources available. Such a situation calls for sustainable integrated water resources management (IWRM). The idea for the objectives and implementation of the IWRM are explained in this paper. The general objective of the planned project disscussed in the present study is to bring together German traditional expertise in water resources management and newer developments in the context of the European Water Framework Directive; the research efforts aim to relieve the desperate water scarcity situation in the costal area of Shandong Province.  相似文献   

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