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陕南早寒武世宽川铺生物群中保存了大量磷酸盐化动物胚胎化石和小壳化石.在已报道的这些胚胎化石中, 主要是囊胚期之后不同发育阶段的胚胎化石标本, 缺少卵裂期胚胎化石材料.报道了从宽川铺生物群中新发现的多枚从4分细胞、64分细胞、128分细胞、512分细胞到千分级细胞的卵裂期胚胎化石, 以及大量囊胚期、原肠胚期和不同孵化幼体阶段的化石标本, 他们共同构成了从单个细胞(Olivooides)经卵裂到囊胚、原肠胚, 再到孵化的锥形幼体(Punctatus)的完整胚胎发育序列.从卵裂子细胞数量的变化、形态的变化、排列方式及囊胚腔形态等特征, 基本上可与贵州瓮安生物群(地质时代为伊迪卡拉纪Ediacaran)中卵裂细胞化石对比.同时也可与一些现生的低等动物卵裂胚胎对比.新化石材料的发现, 不仅填补了宽川铺生物群中卵裂期胚胎化石的空白, 而且对揭示Olivooides胚胎的卵裂过程和特点, 探讨其亲缘关系, 以及后生动物的早期演化都具有十分重要的科学意义.   相似文献   

早寒武世梅树村期小壳化石处于"寒武纪生命大爆发"的第一幕,对于揭示后生动物起源至关重要。对陕南宽川铺地区早寒武世早期宽川铺组第一个小壳化石组合带中发现的动物球状胚胎化石进行大量观察,发现了两枚Olivooides-like的新型动物胚胎化石。此类化石的胚胎表面并非Punctatus Emeiensis常见的密集分布的典型或非典型的尖刺状结构,而是呈基端具螺旋状环褶、末端较圆滑的锥状突起。新型动物卵的发现暗示了早寒武世梅树村期动物化石卵的多样性很可能发端于新元古代埃迪卡拉纪。  相似文献   

贵州瓮安陡山沱期矿化生物群的研究进展和意义   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
贵州瓮安陡山沱期矿化(磷酸盐化和硅化)生物群的研究近年来倍受关注,它为研究包括后生动物在内的多细胞生物早期演化提供了十分难得的机遇。最近,由于其中部分磷酸盐化球状化石保存了与某些后生动物胚胎早期发育阶段类似的卵裂特征,被认为是后生动物的休眠卵和胚胎化石。但是,由于至今未发现可靠的囊胚期到原肠胚期和幼体孵化的化石证据,此类化石的动、植物之争一直没有停止。作者近期对该套含磷地层进行了系统的分析研究,除已报道的大量休眠卵和胚胎化石外,还发现保存原肠发育特征的磷酸盐化实体化石、蓝藻细胞集合体、可疑海绵动物化石及类似瓶形的不明化石等。研究表明,陡山沱期矿化生物群具有多样性特征,包含了多种门类的不同类型,是迄今为止全球保存最完好的未元古纪磷质化石库。  相似文献   

陕南早寒武世宽川铺组生物群已经报道了大量磷酸盐化的小壳动物及其胚胎化石。其中胚胎化石的内部结构已经是古生物学家分类的重要依据,但是此类磷酸盐化的成岩作用研究相当薄弱。利用激光共振拉曼光谱分析和阴极发光实验,发现构成化石主体的磷灰石局部经受明显成岩作用改造。初步探讨了陕南早寒武世宽川铺组磷块岩成岩期次与化石保存的关系。  相似文献   

美国《科学美国人》月刊网站4月11日报道:在中国工作的古生物学家发掘出迄今为止最古老的恐龙胚胎化石标本。发掘出的标本包括不同发育阶段的许多单个恐龙胚胎的遗体,这为研究史前物种的胚胎发育情况提供了绝好机会。加拿大多伦多大学古生物学家罗伯特·赖斯及其同事在我国云南省禄丰县发现了蜥脚类恐龙化石,包括蛋壳和200多块不完整的骨头。这些化石的时代为侏罗纪早期,即1.97亿至1.90亿年前,  相似文献   

瓮安生物群中海绵化石的新证据   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
曹芳  朱士兴 《地质学报》2001,75(3):289-291,T001,T002
近年来笔者依据现存的瓮安生物群中一些海绵及动物胚胎化石标本的研究,对那些可能的球形海绵体及有争议的海绵幼虫标本进行了简略的评述。本文提供的保存完好的具单轴骨针的球形海绵体化石及可能的海绵幼虫标本,对于陡山沱期出现海绵动物的推测提出了新的证据。  相似文献   

刺胞动物是华南寒武纪早期海洋生态系统的重要组成部分,针对这类化石的研究有助于深入了解寒武纪多幕式爆发事件。本文主要根据寒武纪早期扬子板块陕南宽川铺生物群、湖北岩家河生物群以及澄江生物群产出的刺胞动物,探讨刺胞动物在寒武纪早期的演化框架,取得了以下初步认识。截至目前,所发现的寒武纪早期刺胞动物绝大多数都属于水母超纲,珊瑚纲的化石记录在寒武系幸运阶、第二阶保存较为罕见。其中寒武系幸运阶刺胞动物的化石记录全部属于底栖类型,体型小,且具有多种类型的身体辐射对称形式,绝大多数类型可以确定属于直接发育。第二阶刺胞动物仍以底栖固着类型为主,体形增大,仅见两、四辐射对称形式;而寒武系第三阶刺胞动物仍有底栖固着类型,但游泳的水母开始出现,体型增大明显,代表水母冠群的出现,以及世代交替的复杂生命周期的正式建立。从幸运阶到第三阶刺胞动物体型明显增大,可能与海水氧气含量增加有关。在寒武纪大爆发的背景下,刺胞动物的分异度和丰度在寒武系幸运阶就已经达到顶峰,然后在第二阶、第三阶开始衰减,这种变化可能与两侧对称动物辐射演化有关。华南刺胞动物的化石记录表明,寒武纪大爆发并非纯粹的一幕式爆发,其中充斥着一系列生物群的替代甚至灭绝事件。  相似文献   

瓮安生物群中后生动物化石研究进展及问题讨论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
贵州瓮安埃迪卡拉(震旦)纪陡山沱期磷酸盐化生物群具有生物多样性特征,包含有蓝菌、多细胞藻类、疑源类、后生动物休眠卵及胚胎、可疑的海绵动物、管状后生动物和微小两侧对称的后生动物等化石类型,是迄今为止全球保存最为完好的晚前寒武纪磷质化石库。瓮安陡山沱组磷质岩提供了早期生命从简单到复杂进化过程中的重要化石记录,展示了埃迪卡拉生物群出现以前早期多细胞生物的生命景观,为研究晚前寒武纪生物圈面貌提供了一个重要的埋葬学窗口。近来,通过醋酸浸解法,在贵州瓮安陡山沱期含磷地层中发现了大量疑似后生动物的实体化石(包含了所有已经报道的类型或与之相似的化石类型)新材料,为了解这些化石的内部构造特征,将一些化石包埋后制作了定向薄片。基于上述化石新材料,结合定向薄片的研究和前人的研究成果,本文详细介绍了瓮安生物群中后生动物化石研究的新进展和存在的问题。  相似文献   

磷酸盐化球状化石是埃迪卡拉纪瓮安生物群中的主要化石类型。研究初期其生物属性被归于绿藻; 随后, 由于发现一些球状化石标本保存有类似后生动物卵裂的二分、四分、八分、十六分、三十二分等细胞分裂特征及分裂球规则有序的排列方式, 并且不同分裂阶段的球体大小基本保持一致等特征, 一些学者将其解释为动物的胚胎化石, 并由此引起了国内外众多学者的关注和热烈的讨论。近年来, 又有学者将其解释为巨大的氧化硫细菌。本文在系统介绍这些磷酸盐化球状化石研究现状的基础上, 报道了一些新的球状化 石材料, 包括一些具有出芽现象的球状化石以及Parapandorina和Megaclonophycus之间的过渡分子。新材料的发现显示, 尽管休眠卵和胚胎假说是迄今为止对瓮安生物群中磷酸盐化球状化石的最佳解释, 但仍 有无法解释的一些问题, 这些球状化石确切亲缘关系的确定还有待于新材料的不断发现和研究程度的不断深入。  相似文献   

由中、美两国古生物学家袁训来、肖书海、尹磊明、安德鲁·诺尔 (美国科学院院士 )、周传明和穆西南共同撰写的《陡山沱期生物群——早期动物辐射前夕的生命》一书最近由中国科技大学出版社出版、发行。该书分为三章 ,用一百八十余幅彩色图片配以文字系统地介绍了湖北三峡庙河、皖南蓝田与贵州瓮安三地的“庙河生物群”、“蓝田植物群”和“瓮安生物群”的地质背景与生物群面貌 ,其中包括发现时轰动全球的生物胚胎化石。陡山沱期生物群发生在“雪球事件”之后、埃迪卡拉生物群和寒武纪大爆发出现之前 ,目前国外尚未发现与之同期的多细胞生物…  相似文献   

The Cambrian explosion is marked by the apparent sudden appearance of diverse metazoan skeletal fossils and an increase in the complexity of both body and trace fossils. Among them, fossil eggs and embryos from the Lower Cambrian Kuanchuanpu Member of the Dengying Formation at Ningqiang in southern China provide a unique window for investigating the ontogeny of metazoans. Gastrulation is the cell migration stage after cleavage, and can be viewed as the embryonic analog of the transition from protozoan to metazoan grades of complexity. As an example, the embryonic developmental sequences of Punctatus emeiensis is well-documented because of the stellate spines covering the body surface, that are shared with embryonic stages represented by Olivooides and their growth stages represented by P. emeiensis. Although Olivooides was considered to be a taxonomic mixture, consideration of its variation was neglected. A specific type of embryo with zigzag blastopore lips that differs from typical candidate embryos for P. emeiensis is identified; its gastrulation process is reconstructed and is comparable to the epibolic gastrulation of extant metazoans. Both the embryos and adults of this ‘type’ display radial symmetry, that suggests an affinity distinct from that of echinoderms. Moreover, the body plan of penta-radial symmetry seen widely in Early Cambrian ‘Small Shelly Fossils’ (SSF's) was probably deep rooted in the Ediacaran.  相似文献   

The early Cambrian pentamerous microfossil Olivooides/Punctatus in South China, which is characterized by a diagnostic stellate tubular apex, has been well-known for its almost complete development sequence that can be confidently traced from embryos and hatched juveniles, to conical adults. However, its zoological affinity remains highly controversial. Here we describe the internal microanatomic structures of the soft-body inside the peridermal theca of Olivooides multisulcatus Qian, 1977, including interradial pairs of tentacles, adradial and perradial frenula, perradial oral marginal lappets and twins of perradial gastric saccule-like humps as well as a circular velarium with striated coronal muscles. Particularly, one specimen shows bifurcated velarial canals along the bell aperture. Both the components of the soft-body and the external theca (or cyst) are arranged in perfect pentaradial symmetry. These characteristics are more compatible with those of living cubomedusans and co-occurring Cambrian athecate embryonic cubozoans. Concerning the presence of peridermal theca, Olivooides most likely represents an extinct thecate stem-group cubomedusae but devoid of both perradial eyes and specialized pedalia. The well-grown soft body inside the peridermal tube displays a set of mixed features of both polyp and medusa.  相似文献   

The appearance of coelenterates marks the real beginning of metazoan evolution. It therefore has a prominent position in the origin and evolutionary history of organisms, and is also a pivotal question of evolutionary biology. Punctatus is an extinct, ancient marine animal from the early stage of the Cambrian explosion, occurring at the lowermost Cambrian of both Kuanchuanpu (Ningqiang, Shaanxi) and Maidiping (Emei, Sichuan) areas. Punctatus has been studied for many years since the discovery of its fragments. Systematic and phylogenetic analysis has long been limited because of the rarity of complete specimens. In order to improve research into Punctatus, more than ten thousand globular fossils were recovered by means of “Chemistry Retting”. On the basis of the study of these globular fossils, a series of Punctatus fossils with cone parts and finely preserved soft-tissue mouthparts and fossilized metazoan embryo were recovered. Through research on characteristics such as shape, modality and structure of these fossils symbiotic with Punctatus emeiensis, the author found many possible embryo fossils including the evidence of gastrula-stage animal fossils. The sequence of fetation might have appeared on the corolliform oral region of Punctatus emeiensis. A study of the soft tissues, functional morphology and the sequence of embryo fossils shows evidence that Punctatus resembles coelenterate polyps in systematic classification. Perhaps it also represents an ancestor of the coelenterate with an original tentacle. A comparison with the real “tentacle animal” found in the Chengjiang Fauna, shows that the original tentacle is very tiny and its function range is limited. This reveals the primitive nature of the animal. Although the original tentacle is so small, it does exist, representing the first big step towards the real flexible tentacle with a strong function from the early evolving tentacle. Translated from Journal of Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 2006, 45(2): 182–194 [译自: 古生物学报]  相似文献   

微体化石研究中应注意的问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
王成源 《地质论评》1993,39(6):515-521
多数微体化石仅是生物体的一部分,我国微体古生物学家对生物整体或器官的研究不够,相当多的作者仍在命名大量的形态属种,落后于世界古生物学的发展现状。微体化石是重要的,但微体古生物学家不能过份强调微体化石的重要而忽视与大化石和岩相研究的结合。在化石处理和鉴定过程中,由于微体古生物研究者对混杂问题注意和警惕不够,以至混入现代生物,误作化石。我国小壳化石的新属中,至少有5个属都是现代植物的种子或颖果,有的属  相似文献   

The metazoan Quadrapyrgites consists, from proximal to distal ends, of an oral area, a cone, a collar, and an apex from the Early Cambrian Fortunian Stage in Xixiang Zhangjiagou section, southern Shaanxi Province, South China. Three morphological types of the apex, the most characteristic feature of the taxon, are identified from hundreds of Quadrapyrgites specimens. The Quadrapyrgites growth zone is situated at the oral end, where 12 terminal lobes are generated, uplifted, enlarged, and evaginated to form a crest; A one-by-one of crest number from 2 to 13 has been recognized. The unique growth pattern and ontogenetic sequence refute a cubozoan or cycloneuralian affinity for Olivooides and Quadrapyrgites, and instead defend a coronate scyphozoan hypothesis. An embryonic development and ontogenetic sequence with embryo and crest is constructed.  相似文献   

陈孟莪 《地质科学》1999,34(4):525-527
岳昭与本格森(1997,1998)的论文发表后,寒武纪早期的古胚胎化石(作为生命暴炸式迅速演化辐射的证据之一)引起了广泛的注意,笔者最近对宁强与峨嵋的标本重新观察与研究,得到同样结论:1.代表囊胚的球体外层构造或装饰有多种。  相似文献   

Developmental biology has become a major issue for understanding the evolution of Arthropoda. While usually only the ontogenies of extant species are studied, developmental information of fossil arthropods may exhibit developmental patterns not present in living ones. Crustacea possess, basically, a more gradual development than, for example, pterygote insects and would, therefore, be appropriate candidates for the study of fossil ontogenies. Remarkably, famous fossil deposits like the Devonian Rhynie Chert or the Early Palaeozoic ‘Orsten’-type deposits do not comprise the generally macroscopic malacostracan Crustacea (although most probably adult malacostracan fossils have already been found in the Cambrian). By contrast, the Late Jurassic Solnhofen Lithographic Limestones of southern Germany provide thousands of specimens (although only few morphotypes) that can be identified as malacostracan larvae, together with juvenile specimens differing in certain morphological aspects from their conspecific adults. More recent investigations with up-to-date imaging methodology on additional malacostracan crustacean larvae yielded also reconstructible developmental sequences of species from the Solnhofen deposits. The very similar fossil deposits of the Cretaceous lithographic limestones of Lebanon have also yielded malacostracan larvae and juvenile specimens. We present a summary of the occurrences of crustacean fossils providing developmental information and a demonstration of the potential of the lithographic limestones in this context. The importance of developmental data for understanding crustacean evolution is also highlighted.  相似文献   

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