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This study highlights lithofacies and biofacies characteristics of the open coast tidal flat near Daman on the eastern flank of Gulf of Khambhat. Sedimentological and biological observation record six facies within the tidal flat area including older beach, beach face, sand flat, mud flat/mixed flat, sand bar and beach rock. Distinct sedimentary structures, foraminiferal assemblage and bioturbation intensity characterize each facies. A wide variety of wave and current generated sedimentary features characterize the sand flat facies. Semiconsolidated sands of older beach running parallel the coastline at a level higher than the present beach face possibly records the latest sea level highstand. The beach rock reflects early cementation of sands in tropical environments. Foraminifera are widely distributed in sand flats, mixed flats and mud flats and grouped into two biofacies — Ammonia-Elphidium-Quinqueloculina biofacies (sand flat and mixed flat) and Trochammina-Miliammina biofacies (mud flats). The beach face and sand bar facies contain forminifera reworked from sand flat and mud/mixed flat. Seasonal variation in depositional style is marked by deposition of fresh mud deposited over large areas of the intertidal flat during monsoon time, most of which is washed away by waves and current actions well before the onset of the next monsoon.  相似文献   

High concentrations of arsenic and humic substances in groundwater from the southwestern coastal plain of Taiwan were well known for their probable relationships with black-foot disease. In order to realize the relationships between the concentrations of humic substances and arsenic in this area, 24 well water samples were analyzed. After filtered through 0.45 μm glass fiber membrane in the field, samples were kept in the dark at 4℃ and then separated into six fractions with varying range of molecular weight (〈0.5, 0.5-1, 1-5, 5-10, 10-50 and 〉50 k Da) by ultrafiltration apparatus (Molecular/Por Stirred Cell system) in the lab. Concentrations of humic substances were measured by fluorescence spectrometer (HITACHI F-2000, ex=370, em=445) and arsenic by FIAS-AA (Perkin Elmer AAnalyst 100, FIAS-400). On average, only 6.2% of the total arsenic in water existed in the fraction of 〉0.5 k Da. and the others were complexed with humic substances (including humic acid and fulvic acid). The results demonstrated a distinct positive correlation between the concentrations of humic substances and arsenic.  相似文献   

The Mullipallam creek in Muthupet mangroves region is the only E-W trending coastal strip in the SE coast of India and is very important, as the mangrove acts as a barrier to natural diasters. Natural, anthropogenic signals and accumulation of elements were made by collecting sediment samples at various depths in a core. All sediments were analyzed for carbonates (CaCO3), organic carbon (OC), major (Si, Al, Fe, Na, K, Ca, Mg, P), and trace (Mn, Cr, Cu, Ni, Co, Pb, Zn). Normalization with Al values has been done for all the major and trace elements and enrichment factors have been calculated. The calculated enrichment factors and comparison indicate that the trace metals (especially Pb) are enriched mainly due to the external (anthropogenic) activities in the land as well as in the coastal zone (Palk Strait).  相似文献   

Based on field documentation, we produce a comparative analysis of soft sediment deformation and other sedimentary signatures indicative of paleotsunami at two beach sites on the west coast of India. Trench profiles from these sites depict major differences in morphology of the structures as a result of greater overpressure from terrigenous backwash deposition at Dive Agar compared to Guhagarh, where the backwash flow escaped through an estuarine outlet. The occurrence of sporadic boulders, wedge-shaped heavy mineral sand layers and capping of the deposit by a pedogenic surface at Guhagarh depicts an older tsunami of larger magnitude compared to Dive Agar. The collective orientation of the characteristic signatures suggests two different sources of tsunami at Dive Agar (from Sunda arc in the SE) and Guhagarh (from Makran in the NW) that are further modeled to suggest the probable paleo-oceanographic conditions. The style of paleotsunami signatures are thus indicative of the coastal response to the arriving tsunami which is further controlled by the direction of source and the morphology of the coast. The study of paleotsunami records therefore provides useful information on the local coastal response to an arriving tsunami which is essential for vulnerability studies and better preparedness.  相似文献   

J. Shaji 《Natural Hazards》2014,73(3):1369-1392
The densely populated coastline of Thiruvananthapuram district of Kerala, along the southwest coast of India, is sensitive to sea surge and severe coastal erosion. The December 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami had inundated several parts of this coastal zone, indicating nature of sensitivity. The present study is an attempt to develop a coastal sensitivity index (CSI) for Thiruvananthapuram coast within the framework of coastal sediment cells. Seven variables, namely (a) coastal slope, (b) geomorphology, (c) shoreline change, (d) mean sea-level rise, (e) nearshore slope, (f) significant wave height and (g) mean tide range, were adopted in calculation of CSI (the square root of the product of the ranked variables divided by the number of variables). Remote sensing data, topographic maps supported by field work and data from numerical models are used in geographic information system environment to generate CS index for each kilometer segment of this 76-km coastline. This study reveals that 72 % of the Thiruvananthapuram coastline falls in the high sensitive category. This exercise, first of its kind for Kerala coast will be useful for disaster mitigation and management.  相似文献   

A linear, continuously stratified ocean model is used to investigate vertical propagation of remotely forced, baroclinic Kelvin waves along the Indian west coast. The extent of vertical propagation over the length of the coast is found to be an increasing function of the forcing frequency. Simulations show that, over the length of the Indian west coast, vertical propagation is limited at annual and semi-annual periods, but significant at periods shorter than about 120 days. This has two major consequences. First, the depth of subsurface currents associated with these frequencies varies substantially along the coast. Second, baroclinic Kelvin waves generated in the Bay of Bengal at periods shorter than about 120 days have negligible influence on surface currents along the north Indian west coast.  相似文献   

The distributions of hydrocarbons in sediment cores dated by 210Pb (1845–1977) from San Pedro and San Nicolas Basins in the Southern California Bight have been determined by gas Chromatographic and combined gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric analysis. The chromatograms of the hydrocarbons contain peaks of resolved alkanes and cycloalkanes, as well as an unresolved complex mixture which decrease in content with increasing depth in both of the cores. The concentrations of o,p' andp,p'-DDE are highest in the top 50 mm of the San Pedro core section. The 45–50 mm segment of this core was deposited in the 1945–1950 period when DDT (the precursor of DDE compounds) came into common use. The relatively high content of hydrocarbons and DDE in this core is attributable to the proximity of the site to the San Pedro Harbor which receives petroleum residues from shipping, sewage outfalls and industrial effluents. The presence of only traces of DDE throughout the San Nicolas core, and the low hydrocarbon content are explainable by the greater distance of this basin from anthropogenic inputs and probably a greater rate of degradation of deposited organic matter during bioturbation. δ13C, δ15N and electron-spin resonance analyses of kerogens and humic substances in these cores, indicate that most of this organic matter in these sediments is of a marine origin.  相似文献   

This article reports on the concentration of selected trace elements (Mn, Zn, Cr, Cu, Ba, As, B, V, and Hg) and major elements (Fe and Al) from the intertidal sediment cores from Sundarban wetland, India. This is a typical meso-macrotidal estuarine area affected by domestic and industrial activities located upstream. The overall concentrations range is low to moderate, indicating the environmental conditions in the outfall zone (grain size, hydrodynamic regime, and confinement), which favors the in situ accumulation of pollutants. The extent of contamination from trace elements in Sundarban core sediments is evaluated through a two-pronged approach: (i) by determining the metal enrichment in the sediments through the calculation of Pollution Load Index (PLI), Enrichment Factor (EF) and Index of Geoaccumulation (I geo), and (ii) by defining a potential level of biological risk by the use of quality criteria such as Threshold Effect Level (TEL) and Effects Range-Low (ERL) benchmarks. On the basis of the calculated indices, sediments are particularly enriched with Cr, Cu, B, V, and As. Those enrichments seem to be due to the fine granulometry of the regions with Fe and Mn oxi-hydroxides being the main metal carriers. Trace Elements input to the Sundarban wetland need to be kept under strict control in future specially with reference to As since, according to TEL and ERL benchmarks, it already appears to be associated with a potential biological risk.  相似文献   

The ground-penetrating radar (GPR) was used to trace the subsurface details in the Palshet coastal zone (Maharashtra) as it exhibits an interesting array of geomorphological features. Furthermore, our main goal was to identify and locate features that might have formed during a reported extreme event and its effects on the flow of the nearby Sundri River. Two profiles (8 and 4 m depth) were collected across the beach and along the backshore, respectively. While the 8-m depth profile (west to east; across the beach) indicates a series of coastline regression in this area, the 4-m depth profile along the coastline (north to south) in the backshore zone reveals two significant incidents viz., (1) stages of development of the paleo-channels that indicate the migration of the Sundri River towards south and (2) huge sediment deposits up to 2.5-m thick in the backshore area. The erosional relict surface (~2.5 m depth) was traced along with various spells of sediments that perhaps occurred due to an extreme event. Sand samples were collected from two trial pits along the GPR profiles to understand the sedimentology and mineralogy in the backshore area. These data together with beach profiles and geomorphological maps suggest that the sands were deposited by an extreme event perhaps during the 1854 cyclonic storm. The sands were trapped in suitable geomorphological sites along the Palshet coast and these sand deposits of about 2.5 m thickness forced the River Sundri to shift its course towards the south. This new revelation facilitates a further study that could focus on the nearby coastal areas to document such extreme event deposits and their influence on the geomorphic set-up.  相似文献   

The wave-induced nearshore circulation model suggested by Noda has been modified and applied for three small segments along the coast of Goa. The present model incorporates the prevailing bottom topography and considers its variation along with the radiation stress as the driving force for the circulation. We find that the flow pattern is strongly dependent on bottom topography. While normal incidence of waves results in a cellular pattern of flow, meandering flows prevail for oblique incidence along the coast. The shoreward flows are always located over shoals while the rip currents prevail over channels. The onshore/offshore flows show magnitudes as high as 3·1 m/s, while those alongshore reach a maximum of 1·1 m/s. When compared with field observations these values are slightly higher.  相似文献   

Tides in the Mandovi and Zuari estuaries, Goa, west coast of India   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mandovi and Zuari are two estuaries located in Goa, west coast of India. Variation of water level in the estuaries was monitored for a month at 13 locations using tide-poles during March–April 2003. Analysis of this data has provided for the first time, characteristics of how tidal constituents vary in the narrow and shallow estuaries, typical of those found along the west coast of India. At a distance of 45 km from the mouth the tidal range increased in both estuaries by approximately 20%. The tidal range at the upstream end of the two channels at the stations dropped sharply because of the increase in elevation of the channels.  相似文献   

C.G.A. Harrison 《Earth》1974,10(1):1-36
The paleomagnetic record of deep-sea sediment cores is compared with that which would be expected from our knowledge of the Earth's magnetic field. It is found that some of the scatter in directions of magnetization obtained from deep-sea cores is removed in cores with very low sedimentation rate, the cause being that the secular variation of the Earth's magnetic field is more completely averaged out over the finite size of each sample, when these samples comprise a longer time span of sedimentation. Corrections have been applied to the results from a series of cores in order to obtain the inclination of the average direction of magnetization from the average inclination and the scatter of inclination. These corrected inclination values confirm the hypothesis that the average Earth's field over the past few million years has been similar to an axial dipole displaced towards the North Pole. The amount of displacement obtained was 168 km. The record of short-period polarity intervals within the Brunhes, the Matuyama and the Gauss epochs was studied. It was shown that these intervals are very scattered in position. It is thought that some hitherto undiscovered short-period polarity intervals may be responsible for part of the scatter, but it is also highly likely that many samples give spurious reversals (i.e., ones not caused by the Earth's magnetic field).The possible correlation between climatic changes and the Earth's magnetic field is examined. It is concluded that the cores which show correlations between direction and/or intensity of magnetization and climatic indicators, thus suggesting the possible correlation between climate and the Earth's magnetic field, are not accurately recording the relevant parameters of the Earth's magnetic field. The correlation must be caused by climatic effects which have a direct influence on the magnetization of the sediments.Very little is known about the mechanisms of magnetization in deep-sea sediment cores, and there are several unexplained phenomena, such as the fact that many cores have maximum susceptibilities which are vertical, and the fact that cores differ widely in their ability to record accurately the Earth's magnetic field.  相似文献   

Impact of sea breeze on wind-seas off Goa, west coast of India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
After withdrawal of the Indian Summer Monsoon and until onset of the next monsoon, i.e., roughly during November–May, winds in the coastal regions of India are dominated by sea breeze. It has an impact on the daily cycle of the sea state near the coast. The impact is quite significant when large scale winds are weak. During one such event, 1–15 April 1997, a Datawell directional waverider buoy was deployed in 23 m water depth off Goa, west coast of India. Twenty-minute averaged spectra, collected once every three hours, show that the spectrum of sea-breeze-related ‘wind-seas’ peaked at 0.23 ±0.05 Hz. These wind-seas were well separated from swells of frequencies less than 0.15 Hz. The TMA spectrum (Bouwset al 1985) matched the observed seas spectra very well when the sea-breeze was active and the fetch corresponding to equilibrium spectrum was found to be 77±43 km during such occasions. We emphasize on the diurnal cycle of sea-breeze-related sea off the coast of Goa and write an equation for the energy of the seas as a function of the local wind  相似文献   

During the last few years, a remarkable anomaly between 238U and 234U activities has been observed in the top layers of the coastal sediments along the western region of the Indian sub-continent. Sediment samples from Bombay (19°N, 73°E) to Kottilppad (8°N, 77°E) were leached with saturated ammonium carbonate solution to extract uranium isotopes from the surface layers of the sediment particles without attacking the mineral cores. The 234U/238U activity ratios in these leachates are in the range of 1.12–1.14 while 235U/238U activity ratio is 0.046 which is the same as for other natural uranium.

The surface organic matter from the sediment particles was removed by treatment with hydrogen peroxide in presence of 0.05 M hydrochloric acid. 234U/238U and 235u/238U activity ratios in the extract and the residues were determined.

It is observed that disequilibrium between 238U and 234U exists only on the surface of sediment particles. 234U/238U on the surface of the sediment particles is the same as in the ambient water and as the surface organic matter is removed from the particle surface, the cores show equilibrium activities.  相似文献   

In this study, we utilized environmental magnetic in combination with sedimentological and hydrodynamic data to investigate the formative processes of mudbanks along southwest coast of India. We document the linkages between enrichment of silt-sized magnetic particles and formation processes of mudbanks along Alappuzha coast. A trend of increasing magnetite concentration and coarsening in magnetic grain size is observed at mudbank stations M2 and M3, while the mud-deficient station (M1) showed an opposite trend. A strong relationship between magnetic and physical grain size for all samples implies that the magnetic particle size and clastic grain size are largely adjunct. Analysis of rock magnetic and grain size data of surficial and suspended sediments from non-mudbank (M1) and two mudbank stations (M2, M3) reflect the differential sediment partitioning and transport regimes which controlled the formation of mudbanks along Alappuzha coast. Two plausible mechanisms responsible for the formation of mudbanks are identified: grain size-selective entrainment is the dominant process during pre-monsoon; weaker hydrodynamics (waves and bottom currents) favors accumulation of silt-sized (fine and coarse) magnetic and non-magnetic fractions resulting in the formation of magnetically low-enriched sediment bed of mixed grain sizes. At the onset of monsoon, wave-induced energetic bottom currents enhance the suspension of entire sediment bedload at stations M2, M3 to form fluid mud. Concurrently, mineral-density-based selective fractionation allows the settling of coarse silt-sized magnetic particles, while the fine magnetic silt-size particles accumulate forming thick fluid mud as a suspension load resulting in the formation of mudbanks. An observed increase in magnetic susceptibility and coarsening in magnetic grain size of surficial sediments at mudbank stations (M2, M3) during monsoon period supports the interpretation. Our findings are summarized in a conceptual model which can be very well applied to investigate sediment dynamics associated with mudbank formation in coastal and shelf sedimentary systems.  相似文献   

We describe here a sequence of soft sediment deformation (SSD) structures at Dive Agar beach near Srivardhan in the west coast of India. The ~120-cm-thick sediment package is represented by a basal undeformed sand (layer A) sharply cut by ~30-cm-thick intermixed beach sand and terrigenous sand (layer B1) followed by complex load structures and convolutions (8?C15?cm) within a coarse sandy layer (B2). The layer B2 is scoured by terrigenous sand (layer C1) which is capped with a silty mud layer (C2). The entire sequence (B2?CC1?CC2) is intruded by sand dykes originating from the lower layer B1. This sediment package is further overlain by a heavy mineral reach marine sand (layer D) with liquefactions long axes inclined southward as a result of forceful long-shore drift. The profile ends up with coarse-grained, poorly sorted sand including angular clasts of terrigenous outwash deposits indicating return of distal inundations. Intense deformation (liquefaction) is restricted to the heavy mineral-rich marine and the intermixed sands (layers B2 and D), whereas the terrigenous sand layers show scoured bases with oscillatory and pebbly tops. The presence of complex load structures injecting into the underlying layers, the top-truncated sand dykes, macro-thrust faults, scouring, and inclusion of coral fragments can explain it as a record of tsunami in the west coast. Occurrence of un-decayed consumer plastic material within the deformed layers suggests it as one of the most recent tsunami events (i.e., 2004 IOT), the only reported event after 1945 in the west coast. Alternative marine and terrigenous sands are characteristic of tsunami run-up and backwash deposits, while the dimensions of SSDs may be related to the <2?m magnitude (height) of the 2004 IOT at Dive Agar.  相似文献   

The organic deposits derived from the mangrove swamps form reliable stratigraphic markers within the Late Quaternary sequence of Kerala–Konkan Basin. Three generations of such deposits have been identified. The older one is dated to around 43,000–40,000 14C yr B.P., with a few dates beyond the range of radiocarbon. The younger ones date from the Middle Holocene to latest Pleistocene (10,760–4540 14C yr B.P.) and the Late Holocene (<4000 14C yr B.P.). Pollen analyses confirm that the deposits are mostly derived from the mangrove vegetation. Peat accumulation during the period 40,000–28,000 14C yr B.P. can be correlated with the excess rainfall, 40–100% greater than modern values, of the Asian summer monsoon. The low occurrence of mangrove between 22,000 and 18,000 14C yr B.P. can be attributed to the prevailing aridity and/or reduced precipitation associated worldwide with Last Glacial Maximum, because exposure surfaces and ferruginous layers are commonly found in intervals representing this period. The high rainfall of 11,000–4000 14C yr B.P. is found to be the most significant as the mangrove reached an optimum growth around 11,000 14C yr B.P. but with periods of punctuated weaker monsoons. From the present and previous studies, it has been observed that after about 5000 or 4000 14C yr B.P., the monsoons became gradually reduced leading to drying up of many of the marginal marine mangrove ecosystems. A case study of Hadi profile provided an insight to the relevance of magnetic susceptibility (χ) to record the ecological shift in Late Holocene.  相似文献   

Systematic studies on the suspended particulate matter (SPM) measured on a seasonal cycle in the Mandovi Estuary, Goa indicate that the average concentrations of SPM at the regular station are ∼20mg/l, 5mg/l, 19mg/l and 5mg/l for June–September, October–January, February–April and May, respectively. SPM exhibits low-to-moderate correlation with rainfall indicating that SPM is also influenced by other processes. Transect stations reveal that the SPM at sea-end stations of the estuary are at least two orders of magnitude greater than those at the river-end during the monsoon. Estuarine turbidity maximum (ETM) of nearly similar magnitude occurs at the same location in two periods, interrupted by a period with very low SPM concentrations. The ETM occurring in June–September is associated with low salinities; its formation is attributed to the interactions between strong southwesterly winds (5.1–5.6ms−1) and wind-induced waves and tidal currents and, dominant easterly river flow at the mouth of the estuary. The ETM occurring in February–April is associated with high salinity and is conspicuous. The strong NW and SW winds (3.2–3.7ms−1) and wind-driven waves and currents seem to have acted effectively at the mouth of the estuary in developing turbidity maximum. The impact of sea breeze appears nearly same as that of trade winds and cannot be underestimated in sediment resuspension and deposition  相似文献   

The present study was carried out to investigate the impact of anthropogenic influences on Cuddalore coast, Southeast coast of India, with regard to physicochemical parameters and heavy metal concentration in the surface water and sediment samples of the study area. The samples were collected in different seasons of the year (January–December 2010) and analysed for physicochemical parameters (Temperature, pH, salinity, nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, phosphate and silicate) and heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn) using standard methods. Results showed that physicochemical characteristics and heavy metals concentration in the samples of the study area were varied seasonally and spatially. The concentrations of heavy metals in water and sediment samples of the study area were higher in the monsoon season compared with those of other seasons. The heavy metal concentration in collected samples was found to be above WHO standards. The order of heavy metals in water and sediment samples was Pb > Cu > Cd > Zn. The heavy metal data were analysed through widely using multivariate statistical methods including principle component analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis (CA). CA classified the sampling sites into three clusters based on contamination sources and season. The PCA revealed that the season has a huge impact on the levels, types and distribution of metals found in water and sediment samples. The study also shows the main basis of heavy metals pollution at Cuddalore coast is land based anthropogenic inputs as a result of discharging of waste from industries, municipal, agricultural activities and sewage into estuarine regions, which carries the wastes into coastal area during tidal action. Statistical analyses and experimental data revealed that the Cuddalore coast may cause health risk to the recreational users and fisher folk, ultimately warrants environmental quality management to control heavy metal contamination.  相似文献   

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